Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: May 11, 2019 02:07 PM · On: Father Figure
This was absolutely perfect and I loved it.
Author's Response: Thank you so much!
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: May 10, 2019 08:45 AM · On: Father Figure
Such a wonderful story and it was so nice to see them looking after their friends children even if it was for a sad reason. I’d love to see them as dads and I think they both would make wonderful ones with the way they looked after the girls. I loved every bit of this story and would love to see more of it. Truly fantastic work x
Author's Response: Thank you! It was fun for a few days, but, like them, I'm glad it's not their life...haha. I'm really glad you enjoyed the story - thanks for reading!
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: May 10, 2019 06:47 AM · On: Father Figure
I loved this story. I hope there will be a few more in the series. Brian and Justin have really assured and have been good substitute parents for Esme and Sophia. And between the cereals, the pajamas and the affiares feminine of Esme they did well and made me laugh. Thank you, the banner is fantastic and you are very good at writing humor too !!
Author's Response: Oh there's definitely going to be more to come in this verse! I don't know if there will be any more babysitting stories, but I'm not letting go of this version of Brian and his gang very easily. ;) I'm glad the story made you laugh and you enjoyed it! And Sandi did a great job on the banner, I agree! Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: May 09, 2019 08:40 PM · On: Father Figure
Hi, Kari! Was home today with strep, so I finally had a chance to read this delightful story (I will go to any lengths to get extra time to read one of your stories - ha!).
As I was sure it would be, this story was so indicative in word and action of the love both men have for each other, and some of the episodes with the girls were priceless! I loved Sophia's queenout over her cereal, for example, and Esme 'becoming a woman.' Brian would definitely NOT be comfortable in that situation. And having him go to the store to buy hygiene products for a teen girl was a hoot!
I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and really like this 'verse! Thank you for posting this. :) See you soon! ~Kim
Author's Response: Boy you sure did go to great lengths to read fic today! ;) Hope you feel better soon. <3 And I'm glad that this story delivered on everything you were anticipating! It felt like it took me forever to write it -- 3 weeks! But I was working on some other things at the time, too. So glad you like the verse! (And yes, I can't wait!)
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: May 09, 2019 08:38 PM · On: Father Figure
Love, love, loved this story!! Brian and Justin staying with the girls for a few days was definitely an experience they will never forget, but I'm glad they did it. They will do anything for Rob and Adam and vice versa, so the fact that they didn't bat an eye when asked was a given. Brian and Justin jumped right in with both feet and did an amazing job as surrogage parents. And between the milk, pajama's and period incidents, I think they handled everything perfectly. LOL
Author's Response: I just love the idea of Brian and Justin having "couple friends," and Rob and Adam are definitely it for me. ;) I'm glad they did it too -- and jumped right in. There was definitely some drama, but they got through it. I'm so happy that you loved the story! <3
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: May 09, 2019 01:57 PM · On: Father Figure
Great story, as usual Brian anticipating what Justin wants but not quite getting it right.
Author's Response: Thanks <3 He sure does try, though! ;) He's real good at getting himself worked up over nothing, too. Glad you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 09, 2019 02:59 AM · On: Father Figure
I do so enjoy this AU. I think that if Justin really wanted it Brian would do anything to give him a child of his own.
Author's Response: Thank you <3 It makes me really happy that other people are enjoying this verse as much as I do. Brian would do anything for Justin, you're right...but Brian got lucky. ;)