Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2019 01:11 PM · On: Rites of Passage
Oh, Ladies, I loved this as I knew I would! I could read an entire series on the interactions between the two dads and a teenage Gus. And that last part about asking Lindsay about Guillame was inspired! I so enjoy your style of writing. And you make their interactions come alive and evoke such great emotion every time. I love this 'verse you have created! Thank you. :) ~Kim
Author's Response: Well, it looks like we're addicted, so we'll probably keep writing them so long as we can keep thinking of things to write! ;) The Guillaume thing grew out of something PTW said to me as a joke, and I added it into the story because I thought it was the perfect thing to send Gus home with. LOL Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments -- we hope to keep this verse coming! - TI
Reviewer: bktush (Signed) · Date: April 25, 2019 05:34 AM · On: Rites of Passage
enjoyed your story very much. It made sense Mei and Lindz really couldn't answer the questions Gus had, not even from his girlfriends point of view. Justins honesty, humor, and charm saved Brian and Gus.
Author's Response: Thank you! <3 We're really glad you enjoyed it and loved how everything played out. - TI
Reviewer: bktush (Signed) · Date: April 25, 2019 05:34 AM · On: Rites of Passage
enjoyed your story very much. It made sense Mei and Lindz really couldn't answer the questions Gus had, not even from his girlfriends point of view. Justins honesty, humor, and charm saved Brian and Gus.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2019 10:16 PM · On: Rites of Passage
Look out Linds
Author's Response: Linds just figured Gus would be more comfortable talking about this topic with his dad than with his mom. ;)
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2019 07:44 AM · On: Rites of Passage
I love your stories of Gus with his fathers so much and this one is once again great. Gus knows he can count on his fathers for the explanations that they will be honest with him even if they do not have answers to everything. Finally Lindsay's ambush went well !! You two really write beautiful stories. Thank you.
Author's Response: The relationship of Gus to Brian/Justin is a fun one to explore! And they pull no punches -- they don't need to lie to him. Thank you so much - we're really glad you're enjoying them! <3 - TI
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2019 03:12 AM · On: Rites of Passage
good one
Author's Response: Thank you! <3 - TI
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2019 03:10 AM · On: Rites of Passage
Great story, love the interactions with Gus and his Dads. Bill
Author's Response: Thank you! <3 We're glad you enjoy them! And I'm sure there'll be more where this came from... - TI
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2019 10:39 PM · On: Rites of Passage
Loved the story!!! It is just so typical of Mel and Linds to send Gus to Brian to handle the difficult situation. But I think he and Justin handled it perfectly. They were open and honest and everything they said made a great impression on Gus.
Author's Response: I don't know if it was necessarily the difficult situation, or just thinking Gus might be more comfortable discussing the topic with his dads than with his mother. ;) We're really glad you liked the story! - TI
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2019 08:31 PM · On: Rites of Passage
Oh that was awesome I really enjoyed it it felt so real
Author's Response: That's always a high compliment from a reader - thank you! <3 - TI
Reviewer: hikinggirl70 (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2019 06:27 PM · On: Rites of Passage
That was fantastic. I love how open and honest Brian and Justin were with Gus about their sex lives.
Looking forward to more stories from the both of you.
Author's Response: Thank you! <3 We are definitely addicted -- so there will be more!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2019 05:58 AM · On: Rites of Passage
Why the girls thought putting this off on the guys was the way to go is beyond me. Just makes them wimps. Will they send JR to Mikey when it's her turn?
Author's Response: Nah, I'm sure they'll take care of it with's much easier for a girl to talk to a woman about things like this, than for a boy to talk to his mother. ;) - TI