Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Moments
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: May 14, 2019 08:59 PM · On: Chapter 24

good stories

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: April 19, 2019 02:50 PM · On: Chapter 24

Yay!  love it!

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 21, 2019 08:32 AM · On: Chapter 24

OMG I would have liked to have an end like that in the show. Thank you Cynthia and thank you for those wonderful moments.

Author's Response:

I'm happy you liked the ending :). Thank you for all the lovely comments! They mean so much! 

Reviewer: wellreadbunny (Signed) · Date: March 21, 2019 06:44 AM · On: Chapter 24

Great ending.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you think so. Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 20, 2019 09:58 PM · On: Chapter 24

Loved it!!   Great ending to a great story!!!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you have enjoyed these moments! Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: March 20, 2019 09:45 PM · On: Chapter 24

Yes!  I just love these moments you’ve written!

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 20, 2019 08:58 PM · On: Chapter 24

Yay, it's good to know that things will continue between Brian and Justin.  Cynthia just needed to have a little faith.

Author's Response:

Yes, I could never imagine it any other way. Maybe in some universe they take a break but in the end they will always end up together :). Thank you for the comment!

Reviewer: shf1210 (Signed) · Date: March 20, 2019 07:28 PM · On: Chapter 24


Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: March 20, 2019 03:43 PM · On: Chapter 24

Great chapter.  Love the ending.  Have been having some trouble with reviews, when I hit submit nothing happens, but have read every chapter and they are great.

Author's Response:

I'm happy you enjoyed the ending. Thank you for all the lovely comments! 

You should definitely contact one of the admins about theproblem with reviews. It is possible someone else might have the same problem which means there might be a problem with the site. 

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 19, 2019 08:22 AM · On: Chapter 23

I can imagine them so well in that moment !! i like that. Thank you.

Author's Response:

I'm glad to hear that :). And I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: March 19, 2019 02:11 AM · On: Chapter 23

Great chapter-  Cynthia was always a supporter of the two of them

Author's Response:

Yes she was :). I'm happy you liked this chapter. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 18, 2019 08:53 PM · On: Chapter 23

I love Cynthia!!!  And I can totally see this being her reaction to the wedding!!   

Author's Response:

Cynthia really is the best :). I'm glad to hear you find this totally plausable. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: March 18, 2019 08:24 PM · On: Chapter 23

Lol I can just see Brian doing this scene exactly like this

Author's Response:

Thank you! I like knowing when I've succeeded to keep Brian in character :). He's not easy to write about. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 18, 2019 07:02 PM · On: Chapter 23

She would make a really good best man or in this case person than Mikey.

Author's Response:

She definitely would! She would do all the kind of wedding traditions there are :D. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: March 16, 2019 12:42 PM · On: Chapter 22

Wow yeah it was a super precious moment for them alone. Great take on that scene thank you

Author's Response:

It was probably one of the most devastating and one of the greatest at the same time, which makes it so perfect. I'm happy you enjoyed it :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 16, 2019 11:40 AM · On: Chapter 22

That was a great episode!!    From start to finish, and at the end, Brian finally told Justin what he had never said to him before!!   Loved it!!  

Author's Response:

I think we all love this scene. It is one of the most greatest ones in it :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 16, 2019 11:36 AM · On: Chapter 21

Whew, well that comment sure stopped him cold!!!   Brian definitely wasn't expecting that one!!   

Author's Response:

Yep, that comment came as a huge surprise to Brian. Gladly he got over it in the show. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 16, 2019 08:24 AM · On: Chapter 22

I like the idea that Cynthia was able to share with them this privileged moment

Author's Response:

Yes, she of all people would perfectly understand what was going on. I think even more than the gang would have. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 15, 2019 09:21 PM · On: Chapter 22

I never knew that Cynthia had been there.  

Author's Response:

We coudln't see her in the Babylon in the show  and it seemed so weird that she wasn't there. So I just thought that maybe she wasn't with the gang since Brian wasn't there. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: March 15, 2019 05:52 PM · On: Chapter 22

Could see every written word in my head as I relived the scene.  It still makes me cry.  Your "Moments" are wonderful.

Author's Response:

yes, that scene makes me cry too. Just imagine how hard it was to write it :'(. I'm glad to hear you have enjoyed these "moments" :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 13, 2019 09:14 AM · On: Chapter 21

It was so cute! Brian doing Cynthia's job so she can talk to Justin. And he announces he wants kids with Brian. She is really the first person to know a lot about them. I see Brian to throw up LOL

Author's Response:

haha, yeah, Justin pushing him to do things himself :D. Cynthia probabl liked seeing that! 

Concidering how badly Brian reacted in the show when Justin wanted a family I though throwing up wuldn't be far away. 

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: March 13, 2019 12:00 AM · On: Chapter 21

Have not mentioned before how much I enjoy these snippets from a different view point.   Thank you


Author's Response:

I'm glad you did now :). Means so much to know that. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 12, 2019 11:40 PM · On: Chapter 21

Wow!  Cynthia is the first to find out Justin wants children with Brian.  Brian didn't even know that!

Author's Response:

Hah, no, that totally surprised him :D. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: March 12, 2019 04:14 PM · On: Chapter 21

Very good and very funny.  Love these Moments.

Author's Response:

I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying them :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Slugger07 (Signed) · Date: March 10, 2019 12:12 AM · On: Chapter 7

I loved this chapter, and the ending scene of them in his office.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed this one :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Slugger07 (Signed) · Date: March 10, 2019 12:08 AM · On: Chapter 5

I always loved that Justin risked helping Brian with the Kip situation.

Author's Response:

Yes, he definitely did the right thing by heping him :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: March 09, 2019 06:03 PM · On: Chapter 20

Haha!  This was the best moment so far!

Author's Response:

Even though I'm the writer I'm gonna say mine too! I'm happy you liked it :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 09, 2019 01:00 PM · On: Chapter 20

LOL, never a dull day at Kinnetik!!   

Author's Response:

Definitely not! Cynthia as an entertaining job :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 09, 2019 09:27 AM · On: Chapter 20

It was funny! Cynthia does not back down, she enjoys the view !!

Author's Response:

When she has a task to do, she completes it no matter what :D. And I'm sure she enjoyed the view, she did leave the door open after all ;). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: March 09, 2019 04:03 AM · On: Chapter 20

Lol Cynthia is awesome and the only other person other than Justin who would have the ‘bare faced ‘ balls to do that lol

Author's Response:

Hah yes, I don't think anyone else would have the guts to something like that and Brian would have probably said something... Unpleasant. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 09, 2019 03:57 AM · On: Chapter 20

LOL.  Now that was funny.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 09, 2019 03:57 AM · On: Chapter 20

LOL.  Now that was funny.

Author's Response:

Hah, I'm glad you found it funny :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: March 08, 2019 08:09 PM · On: Chapter 20

LOL, love these moments so much.

Author's Response:

Heh, I'm happy you enjoy them :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: March 08, 2019 07:01 PM · On: Chapter 20

Fantastic.  I love these little stories.  They make my day.  Tried to review yesterday on previous one, but it wouldn't let me.  So this is for 2.

Author's Response:

I'm so happy my writing makes your day better :). Such a shame you didn't get to leave the review. Hopefully it was just a one time thing and not a malfunction on the website. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 08, 2019 02:08 AM · On: Chapter 19

Ugh, this was the calm before the storm!!   But I'm not surprised that Justin confided in Cynthia.    Those two shared a great friendship!!

Author's Response:

Yes it was :(. I always wished Justin would have talked to Cynthia in the show but he never did, or we didn't see it. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: March 08, 2019 02:04 AM · On: Chapter 18

Justin really was one of the only people who could get Brian to do things that he wouldn't normally do for anybody else.   He had a certain way about him. 

Author's Response:

Definitely. Not many could handle Brian's stubborness. Lucky for us, Brian obayed :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 06, 2019 07:44 PM · On: Chapter 19

If this is the cancer arc, talking about it with Cynthia is much perferable to talking to Mikey.

Author's Response:

Yes this is. And I agree, telling Mikey was not a smart move :(. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: March 06, 2019 12:59 PM · On: Chapter 19

So much better than telling Mikey.  Great idea.

Author's Response:

Thank you :). I'm glad you think so. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: March 06, 2019 12:31 PM · On: Chapter 19

Oh wow this would have been a awesome scene in the show

Author's Response:

Thank you :). I'm happy you think so. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 06, 2019 08:31 AM · On: Chapter 19

It's nice that Cynthia knows. Like Ted she will know how to help.

Author's Response:

Yes, she definitely knew in the show but I don't remember anyone telling her about it. I hope she found out about it from Justin. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: March 02, 2019 05:24 PM · On: Chapter 18

It's good that Justin won't let Brian stew and that Cynthia got to see it.

Author's Response:

Yes, sometimes Cynthia can't do anything else than to step back and let the boys go through things themselves. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 02, 2019 09:37 AM · On: Chapter 18

I think it's during cancer and Justin knows how to slow Brian down. It's a tender moment that Cynthia shared.

Author's Response:

Brian might have known at this point that he has cancer but this chapter is more about Vic's death. I think Brian took it harder than what he showed in the show. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: March 01, 2019 11:45 AM · On: Chapter 17

Hello, Heidi - LOL!  I can so imagine this scene in my mind. I would have loved a little more 'before and after' scenes from that episode on the show when Kinnetik opened, and this helps fill it in.  Loving these vignettes from Cynthia's perspective!  I always liked her character and Daphnes' a lot.  Thanks again for posting this.  ~Kim

Author's Response:

Yes, the scenes in the show were definitely not enough. I too would have liked to see more. I'm happy you're enjoying these short chapters. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: March 01, 2019 03:52 AM · On: Chapter 17

I'm really enjoying these short vignettes.  You're hitting the highlights and missing alot of the angst.  I do love the angst but am in the mood for fun, light and feel good.

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that. Tere are some angsty chapters in this story but I tried keeping a lot of them light. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 28, 2019 09:59 PM · On: Chapter 17

Very cute.   It's a shame the three of them didn't have more interactions like this one, as they are all get along so well together.

Author's Response:

Yes, they definitely should spent more time together like this. I could imagine a movie night or something. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2019 03:09 PM · On: Chapter 17

Oh this was funny.  Your thoughts are wonderful.  Great writing.

Author's Response:

Thank you :). I'm glad you had fun reading this chapter. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2019 08:21 AM · On: Chapter 17

Very funny!! She's almost worse than Brian!!

Author's Response:

Hah, she might have learned from the best :D. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 26, 2019 08:18 AM · On: Chapter 16

It's good that Cynthia has helped and in addition she saw a Brian she does not know, the one he is with Gus.

Author's Response:

Yes, she sure will help :) and she got a bonus peek! Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 26, 2019 04:51 AM · On: Chapter 16

How nice of Cynthia to help.  Plus she gets a peek of how Brian is with Gus.

Author's Response:

Yes, she probably doesn't really get to see Brian with Gus. And I'm sure Cynthia helps Brian whenever she can :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2019 11:24 PM · On: Chapter 16

Great update.  Love a happy Brian even when he lost his job.

Author's Response:

Hah, Brian was pretty miserable during this time. I thought Gus would bring him some happiness :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2019 10:56 PM · On: Chapter 16

That was very sweet of Cynthia to contribute to the Concerned Citizen's for the Truth fund, though it doesn't surprise me at all.   She would do anything for Brian or Justin for that matter!!      

Author's Response:

Yes, I thought she might have something to do with the fundraser. She will sure help Brian if she can. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: February 24, 2019 02:44 PM · On: Chapter 15

Hello, Heidi - I've been horrible about reviewing lately, but just wanted to leave you a note to tell you how much I'm enjoying this vignettes from Cynthia's viewpoint.  What a great idea this is!  Thank you for writing them. :)  ~Kim

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that. There definitely should be more Cynthia stories. There's never enough. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2019 02:26 PM · On: Chapter 15

Oh my, details the show never went into.  Interesting moments.

Author's Response:

Well, a least we know he didn't get to keep even a ball point pen :D. I love how the ball point pen became such huge joke. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2019 10:50 AM · On: Chapter 15

You go, Cynthia!   And she ended up with a much better job anyway - working with Brian!!   I never did like Vance anyway, and was thrilled when he got his comeuppance - Brian taking his biggest account!!   

Author's Response:

Yes, Cynthia rules! We were all happy when Brian showed Vance who's the boss :D. Vance never had any chance. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2019 08:41 AM · On: Chapter 15

Cynthia is really loyal to Brian. I'm waiting for his reaction for the creation of Kinnetik and the shit that will fall on Vance.

Author's Response:

Yep, I always thought so. I think Cynthia would follow Brian to everywhere. Unfortunately we won't see Vance in this story but something of Kinnetik you will. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2019 01:09 AM · On: Chapter 14

Haha!!    Loved it!!   I love how Cynthia always rooted for them to be together, from the very beginning and even then.   

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear you had fun reading this chapter :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 22, 2019 05:51 PM · On: Chapter 14

Cynthia is probably the only one who could get away with knowing.  Hope she managed to get her purse.

Author's Response:

Yes, she's definitely is the only one! I'm sure she managed to get the purse. Cynthia will always find a way :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 22, 2019 08:59 AM · On: Chapter 14

OMG I love this chapter!! I would have liked to see that !! The office is not Babylon By the way
308 is my favorite too!

Author's Response:

Heh, I'm happy you had so much fun reading this :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2019 11:19 PM · On: Chapter 14

Just read all 14 chapters. Wonderful written. Love this so much. More please.

* hugs *

Author's Response:

Aww, you are so kind. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying this story. More will definitely come! Thank you for the comment.

*huge hug*

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2019 06:21 PM · On: Chapter 14

I love this story so much.  I always liked the Cynthia character.  I enjoy reading her insights into B/J.

Author's Response:

Aww, warms my heart to hear that :). Cynthia definitely is a wonderful character. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2019 04:41 PM · On: Chapter 14

Could just picture the entire scene.  So good.

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 19, 2019 08:59 AM · On: Chapter 13

I love this scene in the show and I like Cynthia's support for Justin.

Author's Response:

308 is my absolute favorite episode so I love it too :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 18, 2019 08:26 PM · On: Chapter 13

Now this moment makes sense.  Love how Cynthia is for them.

Author's Response:

I'm glad to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 18, 2019 04:47 PM · On: Chapter 13

I loved these scene from the show and reading it with Cynthia's input just made it even better.  Great idea.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 18, 2019 04:47 PM · On: Chapter 13

I loved these scene from the show and reading it with Cynthia's input just made it even better.  Great idea.

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 17, 2019 12:56 PM · On: Chapter 12

Ah, we're at the Ian stage, are we?   Thank goodness that didn't last too long!!  

Author's Response:

Yes we are. In the previous chapter Brian gave Justin a puppy eyes look which indicated that he knew Justin wasn't going to spend the evening with Daphne as he said but with Ethan. I'm happy too that this phase didn't last long. The boys came to their senses pretty quickly. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 17, 2019 09:09 AM · On: Chapter 12

They are sad together! Bad moment.

Author's Response:

Yes it is :(. But happily we know it won't last forever! Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 16, 2019 11:20 PM · On: Chapter 12

Now this is a sad moment.  Was this during the Ethan phase?  Knowing she is not alone makes it less horrible.

Author's Response:

Yes this was during the Ethan phase. In the chapter before this Brian gave Justin a puppy eyes look which indicated that he knew Justin wasn't going to spend the evening with Daphne as he said but with Ethan. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: February 16, 2019 10:59 PM · On: Chapter 12

Aw sweet thank you

Author's Response:

You're welcome. I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: augusta70 (Signed) · Date: February 16, 2019 08:21 PM · On: Chapter 12

I love this! Cynthia is one of my favorite characters, and I've always believed she and Brian have a special friendship beyond their working relationship. I think she gets him in a way some others don't, and you've shown that perfectly. I'd love to read more.

Author's Response:

I agree, I would have liked to see it more in the show but unfortunately they didn't so we have to fix that with fanfiction. More will come soon :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 16, 2019 04:43 PM · On: Chapter 12

Great writing.  I think in their own way, Brian and Cynthia loved each other.

Author's Response:

Yes, I agree, they had a very trusting bond. I'm happy you liked this chapter. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2019 05:18 PM · On: Chapter 11

Aha.  Brian can't fool Cynthia.  I'm pretty sure she's on the right track. 

Author's Response:

Nope he definitely can't! And she is. It just takes the boys a little longer to notice. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 14, 2019 09:11 AM · On: Chapter 11

I love Cynthia !! She knows Brian too well

Author's Response:

She definitely does! Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 13, 2019 07:02 PM · On: Chapter 11

Wise words from Cynthia.  Great update.  Happy almost Valentine's Day !!!

Author's Response:

Yes, something the boys learned a little slowly. Happy Valentine's Day a little late! Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 13, 2019 06:07 AM · On: Chapter 10

Good news is perfect.

Author's Response:

Yep, Cynthia likes to give them :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2019 03:53 AM · On: Chapter 3

I'm enjoying Cynthia's POV,  Brian was smitten the minute he had Justin in bed.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm happy you're enjoying this story. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 11, 2019 08:16 AM · On: Chapter 10

Cynthia knows Brian so well. I like the idea that Justin stays in touch with her.

Author's Response:

Yes he does. I always thought Justin and Cynthia would make kick ass friends, like he is with Daphne. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: harperj (Signed) · Date: February 10, 2019 07:53 PM · On: Chapter 10

These have all been so great.  Thanks!

Author's Response:

I'm happy you're enjoying them :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 10, 2019 05:47 PM · On: Chapter 10

Typical Brian.  Always loved the connection between him and Cynthia more than Lindsay.  Cynthia was his equal whether he admitted it or not.

Author's Response:

Yep, that's what I thought. Never telling the truth. I definitely too liked the connection more between Brian and Cynthia than Lindsay. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 07, 2019 03:28 PM · On: Chapter 8

So that's how he ended up with the computer.  Cynthia always comes through.

Author's Response:

Yeah, I've always been pretty sure Cynthia had something to do with it :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2019 09:05 AM · On: Chapter 8

Congratulations Cynthia !! Brian has a boyfriend !!!

Author's Response:

Hah yes, finally :D. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2019 02:50 AM · On: Chapter 8

Ha ha, loved it!!!   I always thought it was very sweet that Brian got that computer for Justin.   That ended up helping him out a lot!!

Author's Response:

Yep, that computer was probably a life saver. Brian definitely did the right thing by getting it. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2019 07:42 PM · On: Chapter 8

Very good.  Loved Cynthia and these moments are priceless.  Great ideas and writing.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2019 07:42 PM · On: Chapter 8

Very good.  Loved Cynthia and these moments are priceless.  Great ideas and writing.

Author's Response:

I'm happy you're enjoying these moments :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2019 12:53 AM · On: Chapter 7

I love these short "moments".  Great idea and writing.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2019 01:36 PM · On: Chapter 7

I like this version.  

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2019 11:59 AM · On: Chapter 7

Loved it.  All Brian needed to get back to being to being his usual self again was Justin, and vice versa.   And Cynthia knew it as well.

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Yep, all Brian needs is Justin, he just might not be avare of it all the time. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2019 09:34 AM · On: Chapter 7

Yes Cynthia understood that they are all one for the other before everyone else.

Author's Response:

Yes she did :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: February 03, 2019 03:53 AM · On: Chapter 6

This is a new  set of eyes on our boys...enjoying it. Please keep it up


Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear you're enjoying these moments. I will definitely post more. Next chapter will be up soon. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 02, 2019 03:12 PM · On: Chapter 5

At least Cynthia knows that Justin is the reason the charges were dropped.  But she'll never tell.

Author's Response:

Yep, in this universe she knows and she knows better than to tell Brian. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 02, 2019 02:23 PM · On: Chapter 6

Wow.  I'd never thought about how Cynthia found out. 

Author's Response:

Yeah, it isn't the first thing you would think of but I'm sure she was affected too because Brian is so close to her.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2019 09:44 PM · On: Chapter 6

This is one area the show glossed over - Cynthia.   She wasn't really featured during the time Justin was attacked or even during his recovery.   But if she was, I'm sure this is exactly how she would have reacted.    She liked Justin from day one.   

Author's Response:

Yes, I would have loved to see more of Cynthia during this time on the show. I'm sure it her affected a lot since she is close to Brian. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2019 09:29 PM · On: Chapter 6

That’s for sure.

Author's Response:

Yep! Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2019 11:41 AM · On: Chapter 6

Oh wow that was brilliant I actually felt the pain and shock again, well done

Author's Response:

Thank you. Happily this is now over and we can continue on to more happy moments. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2019 07:50 AM · On: Chapter 6

It's always so difficult to cross this sad moment even through Cynthia!

Author's Response:

Yes it is :(. It was horrible enough to see it on the show. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: January 30, 2019 09:15 PM · On: Chapter 5

I always wanted Brian to find out what Justin did for him, but it was never mentioned.     Brian would have been upset that Justin got involved, but I guarantee he would have been really impressed by what he did.    

Author's Response:

Me too! I can't quite make up my mind what Brian would do in the show if he got to know. It could have gone in so many different ways. Your theory sounds very Brian and plausable.

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 30, 2019 09:53 AM · On: Chapter 5

Ah ah Cynthia knew !! It's too bad that nobody knew what had happened in the show.

Author's Response:

Yes she knew! I think too that someone should have found out. That would have been pretty interesting. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: BritinManor (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 11:27 PM · On: Chapter 5

So Cynthia knows the truth. Another arc in the show I hated. We should have been able to see Kip get repercussions for the bullshit, trumped-up charges, (instead of the smarmy, "I could drop them..."  before Brian told him to get out of his office.

Also, I think at some point, Brian should have been made aware of how Justin saved his job.  We certainly didn't see his best friend trying to come up with anything.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yep, I figured in one wayy or another she would. Kip was a real jerk. I didn't particularly enjoy it either. 

Mikey, saving Brian from all this? Now that tickles my ribs. Nope can't imagine it. 

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: BritinManor (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 11:17 PM · On: Chapter 4

Ah-ha!  The loft robbery! (I just wrote my first chapter for the title promp challenge we are doing, and that was in there!)  BTW, are you writing for it?

And yes, Brian took it too far kicking Justin out! I gotta wonder if Brian was upset at work about the loft, or having to go to New York. Probably, both.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Well, there's no point in explaining what I wrote for the prompt since you already read it :D. 

Yep, Brian should have stopped to think a little but at least we got some pretty awesome hotel sex out fom all this. 

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: BritinManor (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 11:10 PM · On: Chapter 3

Ahh, the whiny, nasally, jealous widdle Mikey is making his dislike for Justin known. At least Brian is standing up for Justin.

I LOVE Cynthia's inner dilogue musings.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian will always stand up to Justin! 

I'm glad to know you like Cynthia's thoughts :).

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: BritinManor (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 11:00 PM · On: Chapter 2

He was adorable. Just look at that baby face! Oh yeah, I wanted to take him home and rock him to sleep.  Gotta wonder what Brian would think of those thoughts!

Wonder what else they will have besides, food.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian would probably not be too happy about it. Maybe in the beginning he wouldn't have minded but with time he definitely would. 

Hmm, *rubs chin* what else? Can't come up with anything...

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: BritinManor (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 10:30 PM · On: Chapter 1

Oooh, I love the concept of this! I always thought Cynthia, like Daphne, was way underutilized in the show. Her perceptions of Brian Kinney should prove very entertaining.

Loved the vision of a Brian Kinney in a golden shirt and leather pants with $20 bills sticking out of the waistband. One can only magine how he got a bunch of twenty's in his pants!

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Me too! Those two women should have had more screen time! 

I would pay to see Brian in that outfit. It is so unBrian. I guess we never know how the money got into his pants. 

Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 08:54 PM · On: Chapter 5

Loved this one!

Author's Response:

I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2019 08:44 PM · On: Chapter 5

Loving these snippets thank you

Author's Response:

I'm glad to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: January 27, 2019 10:42 AM · On: Chapter 4

Ah, the infamous Justin taking Brian's credit card and going to New York to be a go go boy arc.   Loved it!!   If only Brian would have listened to Mysterious Marilyn....    

Author's Response:

Yep, the infamous road trip. Brian definitely should have listened to Mysterious Marilyn :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 26, 2019 11:45 PM · On: Chapter 4

Ah, but we know.  But does Cynthia ever find out?

Author's Response:

Yes we know! I'm sure she will find out at some point. I unfortunately didn't write that :(. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 26, 2019 12:43 PM · On: Chapter 4

I did not think Cynthia had that kind of relationship with Emmett or Michael, it's going to be interresting

Author's Response:

Emmett and Michael are kind of like her back up when Brian won't talk. They usually know what's going on in Brian's life and Cynthia uses that to her advantage. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 25, 2019 08:22 AM · On: Chapter 3

I knew that with Cynthia we would learn so much about their relationship. I love your story, it is complementary with the series and all these lost moments !!

Author's Response:

Yep, I wish we could have gotten more Cynthia in the story and seen her point of view. I think she saw a lot but kept her mouth shut. I think she has a lot of interesting stories to tell :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: January 24, 2019 09:19 PM · On: Chapter 3

Haha, loved Brian telling Michael to quit the bad mouthing over Justin.   His problem was that he was so jealous, and he couldn't do anything about it.   Brian liked Justin, and that was that.   There was no turnin back from that, no matter what anybody had to say about it.   And good for Brian turning Michael down and spending the night with Justin instead; he'd definitely have more fun with him, that's for sure.   And I loved how covert Cynthia was in listening to Brian's conversations and reading his emails.   

Author's Response:

Yep, Mikey was jealous and in addition to that he couldn't make things work with David. Which I think was a good thing. And yes, nobody could say anything and come between our boys. They were hooked from the first moment they saw each other. Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: January 24, 2019 04:58 PM · On: Chapter 3

Another good chapter.  Love these little Cynthia stories.  Fantastic idea and writing.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm happy to hear you think so :). Thank you for the comment.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 23, 2019 02:33 PM · On: Chapter 2

Cynthia meets Justin.  Does she get to see how Michael reacts to Brian and Justin?  Her POV would be interesting.

Author's Response:

Well, kind of yes, I'm not sure if what I wrote is what you wish for but there will be something. I will post that chapter in a few minutes :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 23, 2019 08:51 AM · On: Chapter 2

I really liked the presentation of Justin! I'm sure Cynthia will make us laugh. She knows Brian so much!!

Author's Response:

I'm happy you agree :). Cynthia will have her moments, I'm sure of it. Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: January 22, 2019 08:50 PM · On: Chapter 2

I loved Cynthia's description of Justin - a young blond boy.   And even way back in the beginning, Justin was getting Brian to do things he didn't really want to do.    I am so loving this story!!!   

Author's Response:

Heh, yeah, Justin was a cute young thing in the first season. I'm happy to hear you have enjoyed the beginning of this story :). More will come soon! Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: January 22, 2019 04:49 PM · On: Chapter 2

Oh another terrific chapter.  Just love this.  You have a wonderful sense of humor.

Author's Response:

Aww thank you! I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: lacrichan (Signed) · Date: January 21, 2019 09:24 PM · On: Chapter 1

I'm really enjoying this so far and I'm excited to see where you take this. It's always interesting to see their story from another point of view (: Especially Cynthia's since we didn't see that much of her in the series.



Author's Response:

Yes, Cynthia seems to be one of everyone's favorite character who didn't get enough screen time. She so deserved more. Happily we have fanfiction for that. I'm happy you liked the start. Next chapter is up so you can go read it already :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: January 21, 2019 09:55 AM · On: Chapter 1

Lol that was good I am going to enjoy a Cynthia POV

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you! You're the sweetest :). Next chapter is up already. Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 21, 2019 01:38 AM · On: Chapter 1

Loving this.  I hope there is more.

Author's Response:

There will be pleanty more! We have all 5 seasons to go through :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: January 20, 2019 06:24 PM · On: Chapter 1

HMMM wonder who he had that sex with?  I have a goood guess.  Good beginning, looking forward to more!!!   Bill

Author's Response:

Yeah, let's put on our thinking caps, who on earth could it have been :D. Next chapter is up so you can go read :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: January 20, 2019 01:02 PM · On: Chapter 1

Great chapter.  Always loved the way Cynthia and Brian got along.  She was his equal at work in so many ways and did put up with his nonsense.  Can't wait for update.

Author's Response:

Brian and Cynthia seemed to be the same in so many ways, especially when it came to work. And I also think she knew how to put up with Brian's nonsense :D. Next chapter is alread up so you can go read! Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: January 20, 2019 10:55 AM · On: Chapter 1

I have always liked the relationship between Brian and Cynthia.   Even though she was his assistant, he trusted her like nothing else, and she was a very good friend to him.    I love this idea, getting her take on the whole Brian and Justin saga!!  

Author's Response:

I agree :). Cynthia is amazing and Brian really trusted her and I think Cynthia also was very loyal to Brian. I'm happy you like the plot :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 20, 2019 09:23 AM · On: Chapter 1

I like this idea. Cynthia knows more than we saw in the series I think and knows Brian well. I can not wait to read more.

Author's Response:

I agree. I so wish Cynthia would have been more in the show and I think she and Brian know each other very well. They have been working closely for years after all :). Thank you for the comment. 

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