Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: February 13, 2019 01:31 PM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
Awesome...loved it..banner is too good.
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2019 05:41 PM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
Loved the way this ended, but frankly it was a no win situation. No sex? No win.
Author's Response: Hi!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave such a supportive encouraging feedback as always. It means so much to me.
I'm thrilled to know you liked the way the story ended. I guess you can say it started as a 'no win' but ended as a ' 'win/win' :)
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 09, 2019 10:28 AM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
Beautiful story. They are happy and the successful challenge has had an effect that Justin did not expect. Thank you.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I'm thrilled to know you enjoyed this story. Your ongoing support and encouraging feedback mean a lot to me.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 09, 2019 03:19 AM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
Cute Stressfull for the boys
Author's Response: Stressful!B/J are the best when it comes to avoiding their favortie fun time :)
I'm so pleased to know you enjoyed this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment :)
Reviewer: BritinManor (Signed) · Date: January 08, 2019 09:35 PM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
Ahh... This was really sweet. What a way to decide on condom-free monogamy. I bet if Justin knew that would have been the outcome, he'd have suggested the competition/bet/challenge a LONG time ago. But if Justin really wanted to win, he shouldn't have agreed to separate beds.
Thanks for sharing this,
HUGS ~ Cathy
Author's Response: Hi Cathy.
So thrilled to see a comment from you here :)
I'm so pleased to know you enjoyed this one shot. Kim's request was a bit of angest with a happy ending and a good messure of jealousy on either B or J's part. In my B/J fangirl/fanfic writer's mind Justin had pbbly requested this kind of challenge before but Brian would go for it. This time they both knew quite well what they're getting into. I thought it would be interesting if Brian would actually be the one to award Justin with the ultimate prize of monogamy, out of his own free will and his love for his partner. This was really fun to write.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and encouraging insightful feedback.
Hugs back
Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: January 08, 2019 08:19 PM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
Wow, great story. Love when our boys are happy.
Author's Response: I love writing Happy! B/J just as well :)
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and encouraging feedback. It means a lot to me to know you enjoyed this story since it was written especially for Kim :)
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: January 08, 2019 07:18 PM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
This was great!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your encouraging supportive feedback. It means a lot to me you took the time to read and leave such a comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: January 08, 2019 04:18 PM · On: Betting on a Good Thing?
That was a sweet story, I enjoyed it very much thanks for sharing.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I truly appreciate your sweet supportive feedback. It's great to know you enjoyed this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it.