Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Pretty
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 16, 2018 11:48 AM · On: Pretty


Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2018 01:26 PM · On: Pretty

Pretty is as pretty does and Brian pretty much will do anything to please his Sunshine.

Author's Response:

Yes he would! Definitely :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2018 09:05 AM · On: Pretty

Lol that was brilliant and funny. Excellent work xx

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm happy you liked this story :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2018 08:31 AM · On: Pretty

Sweet and cute !! Thank you.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I'm glad you liked this one. Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2018 03:51 AM · On: Pretty

Me ( Grinning like a fool) - That was super sweet...you never fail to make my day...thank u for that...have a great day.

Author's Response:

Aww, thank you. I'm glad I could brighten up your day :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: qafqueenbee (Signed) · Date: June 06, 2018 08:23 PM · On: Pretty


Author's Response:

I'm glad you think so :). Thank you for the comment. 

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: June 06, 2018 05:20 PM · On: Pretty

Great story.  Just love a happy Brian & Justin.  And, on a note, I am a person who sees images in the clouds such a Mickey Mouse, a cow, once a cruise ship so it touched me in a funny way even though I don't look for the images that they did in the stars. People with me would think I was weird until I would point out the image and once they were shown what it was they also saw what I saw.  LOL

Author's Response:

Thank you. Don't worry about that. I do it too! I even take photos of the best of them! :D. Thank you for the comment. 

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