Reviewer: qafqueenbee (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2018 01:11 PM · On: Sneaking Around… Again
I just finish reading the story, it was good will there be a third part to the story?
Author's Response: Thank you for reading :). Unfortunately this is it for this story.
Reviewer: Leather Cuff (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2018 01:43 PM · On: Harsh Light of Day
I've read both accounts of this story now and enjoyed them in different ways .... I hope you continue exploring the teenage B&J universe! Thanks for writing xx
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed both stories. I love writing teenage Brian/Justin so if I get an inspiration and come up with a plot, I will definitely write another story. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 24, 2018 09:49 AM · On: Sneaking Around… Again
Love wins ! Happy endigs yeah. Thank you for Brian's POV.
Author's Response: Happy endings are the best :). Thank you for reading and commenting.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: January 23, 2018 10:01 PM · On: Sneaking Around… Again
So glad they are finally together and happy.... really enjoyed this story sorry to see it end
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: January 23, 2018 06:40 PM · On: Sneaking Around… Again
I loved it!!! Thank you for sharing with us.
Author's Response: You're welcome :). Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm glad you liked this story.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 23, 2018 03:57 PM · On: Sneaking Around… Again
Really enjoyed the story...thank for the entertaning and sweet story...superb work.
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: January 23, 2018 11:49 AM · On: The Plan
Wooohooo they are back together loving this story
Author's Response: Of course! I'm glad you're loving it :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 22, 2018 09:09 AM · On: The Plan
Yes he did it Thank you for the sweet chapter
Author's Response: I'm happy you liked this chapter :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 22, 2018 09:04 AM · On: A Smile
Trouble trouble!! And again i uve Janet
Author's Response: Janet really is one amazing boss, isn't she? Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: January 21, 2018 08:40 PM · On: The Plan
I loved to read the steps Brian needed before he goes to Justin.
Author's Response: I'm glad to hear that :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 21, 2018 07:52 PM · On: The Plan
I adore this story...the boys are so cute and young,
Author's Response: Thank you :). I'm so happy you're enjoying this story. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 21, 2018 05:08 PM · On: The Plan
Gosh...kill me...that was heartwarming...damn ...i soooooo loved it...squealing here with delight.
Thanks for the update.
Author's Response: Aww, thank you. You're so sweet. I'm glad you liked this chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Hedwigsowl (Signed) · Date: January 19, 2018 03:20 PM · On: A Smile
I love it! It's great seeing Brian's point of view of this lovely story, it's not what I imagined he would have been thinking, which is great. Nothing worse than a predictable story. Please, pretty please with cherries on top post the next chapter?....awesome chapter as usual xx
Author's Response: Thank you so much. I was afraid this would be boring to read since basically it is the same story as STB. Next chapter won't be up until Sunday since that is when I will be home the next time. I'm glad you've enjoyed this story so far. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2018 04:22 PM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Damn...he saw u brian...stupid...lols...dephne always to rescue...its coming to end..only 2 left if i am not wrong.
Thanks for the update.
Author's Response: I've noticed that for some reason, Daphne always ends up being the hero who saves our boys' relationship. I apparently can't help it :D. Maybe I'll try to come up with something else in my next story :D. Don't worry, this doesn't happen in About a Divorce! And yes, two chapters left :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2018 01:39 PM · On: Hurt
I am SOOO glad you are writing this story.
OK...I love this chapter and here's why. With just seeing Justin's POV you had soo many questions.And now getting Brian's POV you realize that (like in life) they are having communication issues and possess false assumptions of each other's feelings and intentions.
Author's Response: I'm so happy to hear that :). I admit I didn't handle STB the best way possible but I'm happy I did better job this time :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2018 02:06 PM · On: Hurt
Poor Brian! He is lost, I'm sad for him. He had to speak to Justin!
Author's Response: Tough times but they will turn better :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2018 08:45 AM · On: Hurt
Awww...dont feel that way brian. Talk to him atleast..both are scared shitless about their feelings.
Waiting for more.
Author's Response: Yep, both are so scared. More will probably come today :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2018 08:39 AM · On: A Closed Door
Lols...they both are the same.
Author's Response: So awkward :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2018 08:34 AM · On: Just A Fuck
Good one.
Author's Response: I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: January 16, 2018 11:24 PM · On: Hurt
Ah poor Brian :(
Author's Response: Yeah, it's sad isn't it :(. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: January 16, 2018 12:36 PM · On: Hurt
Poor Brian! At last, he admits to himself and others that he does care for Justin, only to have Justin shun him. Oh, how miscommunication can lead to sorrowful results!
I absolutely adore Alice and Janet - LOL! They make me laugh, but they are just what Brian needs - confidantes.
Always looking forward to your updates! Thank you, Heidi. :) ~Kim
Author's Response: Yeah, miscommunication can be a tricky thing. Happily Brian has Alice and Janet. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: January 16, 2018 01:16 AM · On: A Closed Door
OK.... See I am with Brian on this. Cause when I read this encounter from Justin's point of view, I couldn't understand WHY this was soooo awful.The act itself seemed to be enjoyed, so I assumed it was the awkwardness afterwards.
Author's Response: The way I see it, it was really awkward to Justin because at this point he really loves Brian and thinks that Brian doesn't love him and that he doesn't have a change with him. And you know when you're a teenager and hopelessly in love and then you go have sex with that someone. Feelings are messed up, especially in our boys case. But happy to see you're with Brian here :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 08:48 PM · On: A Closed Door
I feel so sorry for Brian.
Author's Response: Yeah, Brian is going through some rough times :(. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:46 PM · On: A Closed Door
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:46 PM · On: Just A Fuck
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:45 PM · On: Tighty Whities
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:45 PM · On: Kiss It Better
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:45 PM · On: Pain Management
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:45 PM · On: Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:44 PM · On: Hiding
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:44 PM · On: Alice Needs To Calm Down
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:44 PM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 07:44 PM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Chapter checks by tech support. :)
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 11:12 AM · On: A Closed Door
Brian in love so sweet!
Author's Response: Yes, our little Brian is finally starting to realize the truth. Thank you for the comment :).
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2018 01:51 AM · On: Just A Fuck
Better be good
Author's Response: We'll see ;). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 13, 2018 10:11 AM · On: Just A Fuck
Oh Brian is so cute here! And thanks Janet!
Author's Response: Hehe, I'm happy you think so :). Janet is an angel. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: January 13, 2018 05:32 AM · On: Just A Fuck
Janet’s a diamond covering Brian’s shift so he can fuck Justin.....
brians just so cute. Look forward to the next chapter
Author's Response: Janet might be the best boss in the world. Can you imagine your boss giving you a day off just so you can fuck :D. I'm glad to know you find Brian cute :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: January 11, 2018 11:27 AM · On: Tighty Whities
Brian is in love, but doesn’t want to admit it. Wonderful chapter again!!
Author's Response: Yeah, he is :). I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 04:39 PM · On: Tighty Whities
Just smilling ! Thanks!
Author's Response: Smiling's the best :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 04:33 PM · On: Kiss It Better
Love Brian here!
Author's Response: Aww thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 02:58 PM · On: Tighty Whities
My cheeks hurt...i might look like a idiot smiling like a fool..
Lols...lovely chapter.
Author's Response: Haha, smiling like a fool is only a good sign! I'm glad you liked this. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 04:23 AM · On: Tighty Whities
Waiting for next chapter eagerly
Author's Response: I will post it once I get home from work :). Which won't be for another four or five hours.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 03:32 AM · On: Pain Management
I love Brian in this story...he really doesn't have a clue how he really feels about Cutsie
Author's Response: Yep, he thinks everything is as before. No idea things have started changing. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 02:55 AM · On: Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree
I love how Brian calls Justin " Cutesie"
Author's Response: Hehe I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 02:39 AM · On: Hiding
Brian not aware he is hooked on Justin yet
Author's Response: Nope. He has no clue. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 01:06 AM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
Brian is such a dog, even as a teenager
Author's Response: I think Brian was born this way :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: JoJo (Signed) · Date: January 10, 2018 12:39 AM · On: Harsh Light of Day
I wonder who got who ?
Author's Response: That's a very good question :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: January 09, 2018 02:04 AM · On: Kiss It Better
I had to go back to Spin the Bottle to remember what Justin was so upset about...He saw Brian making out with someone else in a parked car in the school parking lot during lunch...which had been the cherry on top of an already crappy day for Justin.
I love how oblivious Brian was to it all. He just wanted/needed to make Justin feel better not knowing he was the main cause of Justin's tears. And then the fact that he can't seem to recognize his own intense feelings for Justin that of course Janet & Alice can see. And then Brian making the effort to be "gentle & loving", Priceless.. He's in love with cutie. He just hasn't figured it out yet...
Author's Response: Ding Ding Ding we have a winner! You interpreted this exactly as I did. Usually people interpret my stories slightly differently, which is great because I get think my stories from another perspective. I consider that I must have done something right when your thought are exact same as mine.
Gentle and loving mixed with Brian Kinney, I don't think we need to discuss this further. Everybody understands it :D.
Thank you for the lovely comment. I appreciate it<3.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 08, 2018 07:57 AM · On: Kiss It Better
I am wearing " that is soo adorable" Smile too...sweeet.
Author's Response: That smile suits you :). I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter too. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 08, 2018 07:53 AM · On: Pain Management
Sweetnessssss overload...i would die from
Author's Response: But I need you! You're my sweetest and most encouraging reviewer! Don't die. *hugs*
I'm happy you enjoyed this :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: January 07, 2018 02:40 PM · On: Kiss It Better
OMG, Heidi! I absolutely adored this chapter! So many things. Brian seeking Justin out, but only the girls at the diner really understanding his actions. Brian's perplexed look at them as they smiled knowingly. Your description of Justin so sad in the bathroom stall, and how Brian vaulted over the top to sit with him, even though he was wearing designer jeans.
And these lines had me laughing out loud: "I stretched my neck by tilting it from side to side and rolled my shoulders, waving my arms back and forth. Then I stopped because that seemed like I was preparing myself for running or something" HA!
I LOVED reading Brian's thoughts in this chapter, as well as the ending! More! Please keep writing! And readers, leave her some love for this wonderful story! ~Kim
Author's Response: First of all, thank you for the lovely comment. I really do appreaciate it <3.
About your favorite lines. Fun fact. I wrote that first sentence and was stuck after that, so I started actually doing those movements and it actually started to feel like I was preparing myself for sports of some kind :D.
I'm so happy you're enjoying this story. I will keep posting :). And I actually have my next multichaptered story ready for posting, but I will finish this one first.
Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 06, 2018 11:33 AM · On: Pain Management
That was a sad chapter poor Brian but then it's hot ! Loved this chapter!
Author's Response: I'm happy you loved this chapter :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: January 06, 2018 04:01 AM · On: Pain Management
OMG! I love this chapter...Brian fighting/rationalizing his feelings for Justin is so in character with the show. Keep the chapters coming! I can't seem to get enough...
Author's Response: Hehe, I'm happy you enjoy this story so much. Mean so much to me <3. Thank you for being such a supportive reader. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: January 05, 2018 06:35 AM · On: Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree
Alice is wonderful. She knows the real Brian.
Author's Response: Yes she does :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: January 05, 2018 02:14 AM · On: Pain Management
Poor Brian! This chapter was bittersweet. Sad in some spots, but sweet and hot in others. For a while, I thought Brian was going to stay permanently somehow with Justin, but you surprised me. :)
Love Brian's nickname for him, BTW! Really enjoying this, Heidi. Thank you. ~Kim
Author's Response: I'm glad you ejoyed this chapter. As for Brian's nickname for Justin. I'm happy you like it. I think it's kinda out of character for him but then there's a hint of the Brian we see in the show. I can so imagine him using cutesie sarcastically. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: January 04, 2018 10:17 PM · On: Pain Management
Ah hate that Brian’s dad hurt him. Another lovely chapter
Author's Response: Yeah, it's sad. I'm happy you still liked this chapter :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: January 03, 2018 11:31 AM · On: Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree
I love Alice!!!!
Author's Response: Hehe, she was hoot to write. I'm glad to hear that since not a lot of readers tend to like original characters :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: January 03, 2018 03:51 AM · On: Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree
I read this late last night so I am just getting around to reviewing...
Um what's wrong with Alice? She seems a little off. :P
Looking forward as always for the next installment...
Author's Response: She's a 16-year-old teenage girl, who's a hopeless romantic and a big B/J shipper. Don't you recognize the symptoms? Because I do :D. Even thoug I'm not a teenager. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 02, 2018 10:09 AM · On: Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree
Buahahahahaaaaa....u r bad...damn fluffy brian it.
Author's Response: Haha, I thought Brian would find that... Unpleasant :D Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: January 02, 2018 10:02 AM · On: Hiding
U r the chapter.
Author's Response: I'm happy to hear that. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: December 31, 2017 12:27 AM · On: Hiding
This is so cute, Heidi! Love the notes being passed back and forth, and the girls at the diner as they oohed and aahed over Justin. Favorite line: "I think his other cheeks are much more delicious." LOL! I also loved the banter between B and J over paying for the homework, as well as Justin's nickname.
Really enjoying this! Thank you for deciding to repost it. ~Kim
Author's Response: I love hearing what lines you like. I sometimes spend like an hour thinking only one line to get them perfect. You should have been there when I tried to get the last line of Seven Moments right. It was the first thing I wrote about that story and the last :D. Thank you for the wonderful comment :).
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: December 30, 2017 09:47 PM · On: Hiding
OH! I wasn't expecting an update so soon! Thank you for the pleasant surprise!
I love the interactions with Alice and Janet. I wonder if Wal-mart has a "Brian" in their stock? :)
Don't let the low read count discourage you. I personally had my house flood Christmas night and haven't been able to do anything since...
Author's Response: Wal-Mart better have a Brian :). I'm glad you like Alice and Janet. Not a lot of people are fan of original characters. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: December 30, 2017 09:25 AM · On: Hiding
I like when they play cat and mouse! They are so different in what is happening in their relationship. Thank you for the update
Author's Response: I'm happy you liked this :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: December 29, 2017 01:28 PM · On: Hiding
Ha ha poor Brian Justin turning up at his workplace..... love it
Author's Response: Glad you had fun reading :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (Signed) · Date: December 29, 2017 12:01 AM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
I love how different their POV's are
Author's Response: Glad to hear that. I was worried readers wouldn't like it. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: December 26, 2017 08:42 PM · On: Alice Needs To Calm Down
OMG!!! I loved the title of this chapter. Brian's whole online interaction with Justin while at the same time being grilled by his co-workers cracked me up!
Why on EARTH would you ever think there is something wrong with this story?! It's wonderful! Looking forward to the next chapter...
Author's Response: Hehe, glad you're having fun reading. Means so much to know you're enjoying this story.
As for the other thing, the read count sucks. I'm used to seeing the read count rising ups to 200-260 in the first 24 hours no matter what I write. Now it barely reaches 70. Also people didn't comment until I pointed it out.
Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: December 26, 2017 02:35 PM · On: Alice Needs To Calm Down
love to hear things from Brian’s POV.... eagerly waiting for the next update
Author's Response: I'm happy you think so. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: December 26, 2017 07:27 AM · On: Alice Needs To Calm Down
Alice is very curious about Justin. I like the way you wrote that. Feels like be there in the same room. I’m glad to know notting happened between Brian and Alex.
Author's Response: I'm happy to hear that. Means a lot to know. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: December 26, 2017 06:24 AM · On: Alice Needs To Calm Down
That was a fun update...thank u.
Author's Response: I'm glad you had fun reading. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Lori (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 02:28 PM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
I have enjoyed this story, can not wait untill you post the next chapter.
Author's Response: I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 07:21 AM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
I’m loving this.....I don’t usually read wip but you were so disheartened I thought I’d give it a go. Can’t wait to read more from Brian’s pov
Author's Response: Thank you. I appreciate it so much! I'm glad you liked this so far. Thank you for the comment
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 07:17 AM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
Brian makes the conversation as uncomfartable as possible for Justin. So funny to read. I hope you have more of this in the story. I read this with a big smile.
Author's Response: Honestly, I can't remember. It's been so long since I read my own story. I will read it as I post. Than you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 07:11 AM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
Ha! Torturous Brian is funny!
Author's Response: Glad you had fun reading this chapter :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 07:05 AM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Glad to see this back! I'm looking forward to reading Brian's thoughts during all of Britin's shenanigans
Author's Response: Than you for the kind and encouraging words. Also thank you for reading.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 07:02 AM · On: Harsh Light of Day
You know I always loved this idea! That being said, I like how unpredictable this is. Brian's job, his reasons for not doing homework, his thoughts and feelings during the deliverance of his proposal. I look forward to reading more!
Author's Response: I 'm glad you like that it might not have been what people expected. I wasn't sure about that. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 04:37 AM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
Brian's pov is soo much fun...enjoyed it very much.
Really good story .
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: December 23, 2017 04:04 AM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Wow...brian's pov...awesome thank u for posting...i always love ur stories...its been weeks since i had read any fic properly..RL is a
Love ur writting...looking forward to more.
Author's Response: Happy to hear that. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: December 21, 2017 05:18 PM · On: So Who’s the Bottom?
LOL! The stick figures, and Justin naming them, was hilarious! Loving this snarky Brian and fiesty Justin. So glad you decided to repost this. Really enjoying it. Thank you. ~Kim
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the second chapter. Unfortunately it seems you're the only one who would like to see more and that's not enough for me unfortunately. It would just ruin my Christmas more to continue when even the read count sucks. Thank you so much for trying to get people to comment. That means a lot to me.
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: December 19, 2017 08:03 AM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Great chapter!! I love to read this from Brians perspective. The soft side of him, he doesn’t want to show. Can’t wait for the rest of the story.
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: December 19, 2017 01:27 AM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Hello, Heidi - OMG, I remembered part of this from the first time, but I love Brian's inner thoughts here, and how 'modest' he is - ha! And Justin is a smart boy to take Brian up on his offer. ;) I loved how he almost turned him down, though, and Brian's reaction to that.
Even though they are younger in this story, I see so much of Brian in here, especially. And I like this more forceful Justin, too.
So glad you decided to repost this! Keep going! Would love to read more. ~Kim
Author's Response: Brian will always be Brian :). Second chapter will be up in a few. Let's see what happens this time. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Gingabread (Signed) · Date: December 18, 2017 11:05 PM · On: Harsh Light of Day
I'm so gladto see tours street back
Author's Response: We'll see if this time things go better.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: December 18, 2017 09:16 PM · On: Harsh Light of Day
Nice to see you back! Let's see how their story continues so thank you for the sequel!
Author's Response: You're welcome :).