Reviewer: LostCol (Signed) · Date: October 27, 2019 02:31 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
Hahaha oh my god I loved this so much. I love this side of Justin.
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 16, 2018 12:02 PM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
cute one
Reviewer: Calliesky (Signed) · Date: August 24, 2017 05:04 PM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
😊 really cute story.
Author's Response: I'm happy you think so :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2017 08:46 PM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
So cute, great idea. Love the interplay. Justin wrote the BK manual!
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed this :). I think we all could use a BK manual since he's supposedly the hardest person to cuddle with, you can always look for little tips from this one :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2017 03:06 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
You know what, I think Brian might have cottened to what he's up to. But I could be wrong.
Author's Response: Maybe he has :). Maybe Justin is not as sneaky as he thinks :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2017 02:49 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
Justin is manipulative- somehow I think Brian knows what he is doing
Author's Response: Probably Brian does know. He just pretends not to because he doesn't want to give it away that he loves it :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2017 02:47 AM · On: The big con
I lvoe the sneaky ways Justin arranges for him to cuddle with Brian
Author's Response: Hehe, I'm happy you had fun reading my story :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 11:24 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
Ha! I'm loving this sneaky Justin! I could see him doing this, especially when he was younger and still trying to develop a closer relationship with Brian. Really enjoying this sweet story! Thanks, Heidi. ~Kim
Author's Response: I did imagine Justin being younger in this story. When he's older he doesn't have to do this anymore. He just has to point at the sofa and command Brian to sit and snuggle :D. And Brian of course will obay :D. I'm glad you like my story. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 11:18 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
I love it! I want more cuddle !! Thnak you for this sweet story, moments like that missed in the show!!
Author's Response: The painful part in writing these are the fact that I have no one to cuddle with. I just have to seddle for my imagination and maybe blankets :D. We didn't see too much of cuddle moments in the show which is a shame but happily we can correct that with fanfiction :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 11:09 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
Omg Justin is definitely evil and omg so dam devious. However at some point the boy who cries wolf will get caught
Author's Response: Maybe Justin will get caught but hopefully at that time he doesn't have to work this hard for a hug :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: harperj (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 04:24 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm happy you liked this :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 04:14 AM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
Absolutely perfect ending...sunshine cuddle mission accomplished..excellent ideas.
I sooooo loved it...thanks u very much.
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked this little trilogy :). Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 04:03 AM · On: Make the subject think they’re in charge
HA! This was pefect.
Author's Response: Hehe, thank you :). I'm happy you liked it. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 06:06 PM · On: The big con
This 'guide book' is too cute! Love how cagey Justin is to get his way, although I suspect Brian doesn't really mind as long as it's not 'called' cuddling. Looking forward to learning more about this guide for snuggling. :) Thanks for the adorable story. ~Kim
Author's Response: I agree. Brian doesn't mind because it's not cuddling if they don't say it out loud :D. Thank you for the sweet comment.
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 05:51 PM · On: The big con
A lot of trouble for just a little cuddle. lol.
Author's Response: When you live with Brian Kinney I imagine you are forced to work for a hug :D. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 03:30 PM · On: The big con
Brian is a secret cuddler. In my world he pretends not to be, but when no one's paying attention he's cuddling. :)
He's just so affectionate on the show. So I can see him easily participating in the act, but fighting like hell to call it anything but cuddling. Ha!
So while Justin thinks he's being sneaky and clever, Brian is secretly loving every minute of it.
Author's Response: I agree. Brian loves to cuddle! He is just way to manly to admit :D. And yes, if Brian knows about Justin's plan to get some snuggle time he wouldn't say a thing. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 03:17 PM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
Brian has to know he's been played. If anyone is the light weight between the two of them, it would be Justin. Plus I can't imagine NO ONE else besides the bartender wouldn't know about the drink switch.
Author's Response: Justin is definitely the lightweight. That's why he driank water. I'm pretty sure other people and maybe the gang knew about Justin's little plan but they decided not to say anything :).
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 06:43 AM · On: The big con
Omg.. sneaky...Genius sunshine...i dont think brian is that much oblivious about sunshines tricks...too good chap..thanks.
Author's Response: Hehe, probably Brian knows more than our little Sunshine thinks :). I'm happy you liked this chapter. Thank you for the comment.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 01:00 PM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
Sneaky, blond -!!!
Waiting for the rest ! Thank you.
Author's Response: Justin is a sneaky little devil :). Next chapter is up already. Thanks for the comment.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 12:07 PM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
LOL! Oh, that Justin is a sneaky, little blond - ha! Loved hearing what was going on in his head. This reminds me particularly of the early seasons on the show, when he was so determined to win Brian over. :)
Looking forward to the rest of this, Heidi! Thank you. :)
Author's Response: I actually was thikning about season one when I wrote this. I didn't plan to place it in that time but it was still on my mind :). I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for the comment.
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 08:35 AM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
Lol devious little shit! I think that is illegal stalking moves!
Author's Response: It might be illegal but Justin is ready to do some illegal stalking to get some cuddles from his man :D. Thanks for the comment.
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 05:29 AM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
Sneaky little Sunshine..lols....brillant...loved it...thank u.
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter :). Sunshine is sneaky when he has to be. Thanks for the comment.
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 05:01 AM · On: Finding the perfect snuggle bunny
Sneaky. But whatever works.
Author's Response: Justin is prepared to do whatever works :). Thanks for the comment.