Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2020 03:54 PM · On: THE DESTRUCTION OF ZELDA...I MEAN ZEPHYR PART I

How funny that Justin deliberately doesn't name Zypher.  Haha.

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: August 26, 2017 03:55 PM · On: THE DESTRUCTION OF ZELDA...I MEAN ZEPHYR PART I

I'm very proud of Justin on how he handled that, that really wasn't easy for him. I don't I would have been as controlled as he was.


oooh so happy for Jenny as well that is awesome, she will kick ass at that. 

Reviewer: LEAM (Anonymous) · Date: April 21, 2017 11:37 PM · On: THE DESTRUCTION OF ZELDA...I MEAN ZEPHYR PART I

Just like the below post, I also have read all your stories twice all the way through. You have me hooked. I hope my previous post didn't sound mean. I'm just wondering if you plan to finish your stories.

Author's Response:

No you didn't sound mean, I'm touched by your concern and pleased you like them.  Happy reading.


Reviewer: sophiesmom (Signed) · Date: April 21, 2017 08:32 PM · On: THE DESTRUCTION OF ZELDA...I MEAN ZEPHYR PART I

Just want to let you know that I adore this story. All three parts actually. But, where did you disappear to? Will you continue all your stories? Just taking a well deserved break? Let us know.

Author's Response:

I'm back!  RL kicked ass and laid me out flat.  So have posted two, hope you enjoy.  


Reviewer: LEAM (Anonymous) · Date: April 19, 2017 03:39 AM · On: THE DESTRUCTION OF ZELDA...I MEAN ZEPHYR PART I

Update Update Update, PLEASE! Don't leave me hanging. I'm on the edge of my seat.

You usually update daily, but there has been nothing new for six days. Are you done, busy, not writing anymore, uninspired? I normally don't read WIP for this reason alone. Writers stop updating and don't say why and then stories end up unfinished.

Please update!

I want to see how this ends and what happens with Mrs. Peterson, Lindsey, Michael, Brian & Justin starting a family, and what happens with Bubble.

Author's Response:

Sorry but RL kicked my ass and I was out flat.  Have posted two now.  Hope you enjoy.


Reviewer: Proud Acadian (Signed) · Date: April 13, 2017 01:18 AM · On: THE DESTRUCTION OF ZELDA...I MEAN ZEPHYR PART I

I like how you wrote Justin's day in court.  It showed a level of maturity to look back over his 'history' that I think the character would have had by this point.

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