Reviewer: aglaja5 (Signed) · Date: September 14, 2019 03:25 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
Hi again! I can’t stop smiling! This was an amazing double-date! The scene at the Theatre was unbelievable, so funny. Your Jack is such a lovable character, so cute... First dancing, then crying, playing Brian and then again dancing and singing with Justin. Great. And it’s good to see Brian and Justin so happy together! Thank both of you so very much for this story and I would love to have more dates to read! Warmest regards!
Reviewer: aglaja5 (Signed) · Date: September 14, 2019 01:52 PM · On: Burgers and Surprises
Hi again! Oh my Goodness, this is so hilarious, it’s perfect! Every moment. I was chuckling so many times. So many wonderful moments. How you describe Gus’ expectations regarding Brians behaviour towards his "date", the talk between Brian and Lilys parents, Lilys behaviour and this “I’m your daughter-in-law, the interaction between Brian and Justin, the talk where Lily explains that Gus had not only a girlfriend before but “a girlfriend for every schoolday” and this “You’re not this boy anymore” hahaha :-) Just amazing! Thanks and warmest regards!
Reviewer: aglaja5 (Signed) · Date: September 14, 2019 12:46 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Hi my friend! It's been a long time, nearly three years when I've fallen in love with your story "Entwined" and I still love it! I've just re-read it! It's amazing! And it's crazy, but I'm also still totally in love with Brian and Justin. I must admit, I'm addicted. And fortunately, there are so many amazing stories on mw or kinnetikdreams. But that's also the reason why I haven't read "The Date" until now. So, now, at last, you'll get a much earned review. Such a cute first chapter. You made me smile so often. It's so cute to see Brian and Gus interacting and there are so many awesome moments. While reading it - and I think I haven't mentioned it before in one of my reviews for "Entwined" - I just realized, Gus is the first person to whom Brian can openly admit that he loves Justin, isn't he. That's so amazing! And wow, this scene in the flower shop when Brian speaks about Justin "He is the most exquisite flower I have ever met" - haha, so funny. Great, I haven't enough words for it, how you pictured Brian and Gus and then also let us know what Brian thinks about the situation he founds himself in. Amazing! Thanks for making my day and warmest regards!
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: November 12, 2018 11:09 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
Just loved it
Author's Response: We’re very happy you enjoyed this story. Thank you for taking the time to review :) <3
~ alois & eureka1 ~
Reviewer: cricrijolie (Anonymous) · Date: April 02, 2017 05:13 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
Cute story that made me laughed out load! Good job, I had a great time reading it. Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: You're very welcome! We're thrilled you liked it :) Thank you for the review!!!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: March 12, 2017 12:59 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
I'm even more in love with this story now. Lol I loved Brian he reactions to everything was so funny he is protective and sweet and funny yet still very Brian. I dis not want this story to end. I hope you'll write more of truly amazing story.
incredible wok xx
Author's Response: And again, thank you Vicky. We don't exclude to write more in this universe and we definitely enjoyed writing this one :) Very glad you loved it!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: March 12, 2017 12:43 PM · On: Burgers and Surprises
That date was just so romantic and sweet and cute and OMG beautiful. Lilly really is a little madam isn't she and so cute with Gus. I'm so proud of how Brian is coping with it and acting for Gus but I think he is enjoying it and loving treating Justin to a good date. I'm glad Brian treated Jack nicely here it must be hard when a loved on suffers with head injury long term affects and he knows double after Justin's as well.
Fantastic work xx
Author's Response: Aww..thank you! Lily is a hoot, we had such a great time imagining a girlfriend for Gus and how she would behave. Brian and Justin are in a very good place in the end of Entwined, and Brian with his son and father and we just had to write a scene that reflected just how much they meant to each other.
Thank you again :D
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: March 12, 2017 12:23 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Omg I'm in love with this story, is that possible but I so am. I love how Brian is with Gus, he would do anything for that little boy and this proves it. Gus is just like his dad a huge heart and he is so into his dad as well and how he feels about Justin. You have melted my heart so much. I wonder what Brian would have said if Lindsey had asked to give Gus another brother or sister. This story is getting added to my favs.
Brilliant work xx
Author's Response: We're glad you're loving this! I knew this would be your kind of story :) Brian and Gus have such a wonderful relationship, right?
Thank you for giving this one a try!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: nickknack (Signed) · Date: March 10, 2017 11:41 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
Love the interactions between the fathers and sons. I really hope to see more stories from this universe:)
Author's Response: Thank you Nicky! We're so glad you enjoyed this story:) Thank you also for letting us know you appreciate this universe. Who knows? Maybe we will add to this universe one day.
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: February 25, 2017 03:09 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
Finally had time to get caught up!
What a lovely story from start to finish! I do adore this childlike Jack and the way Brian responds to him. I know Jack isn't in the "father" role in this relationship, but I think it works for Brian and allows him to give into his usually hidden nurturing side.
Gus is adorable.... trying to be so grown up, yet just like every other kid, embarrassed by silly parents, LOL! Lily is a hoot and a half! She must certainly rule the roost around her house! And Justin is having way too much fun at Brian's expense!
Would love to see more Dates!
Author's Response: We're delighted you enjoyed this one! It's always a pleasure to write about Jack and Brian's relationship in this universe and of course, we had to create a wonderful girlfriend for Gus LOL. It was also great to write a light/fun story after Entwined, without any angst.
Thank you so much for your support and feedback! We appreciate that so much. Also, we don't exclude to write more in this verse in the future :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: February 24, 2017 09:33 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
Hi, Ladies! Such a sweet, cute story. My favorite parts were Gus's constant admonitions to his father to stop kissing Justin all the time, and Lily's 'grown-up' attitude, along with Jack's behavior. So happy you two decided to write us a side story to Entwined! Enjoyed this one very much. Thank you for posting it on here. ~Kim
Author's Response: Thank you Kim! We're glad you enjoyed this little story. We couldn't resist placing Brian in that position, as well as including Jack and creating an endearing girlfriend for Gus. And we had a great time writing this one. Maybe we will add some more later, too :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 24, 2017 03:02 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
This was a delightful story of first love, and what a loving father will do for his son. We all know none of this was easy for Brian. I doubt there is anything that Brian wouldn't do for Justin and Gus-even if its a blow to his dignity,guess that's why we love him so, please take us on some more dates.
Author's Response: We're thrilled you enjoyed this little story! We might write more at some point, we will see. Thank you immensely for your support!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 24, 2017 02:04 PM · On: Burgers and Surprises
When picking up Lilly who would have guessed she would call Brian her father-in-law? When they went to the burger place, Gus was adorable tasteing the juice,pulling out her chair,etc he and Lilly were so cute trying to act grown up in fact the only child at the table was Jack
Author's Response: Gus is trying hard to please Lily :) He is an amazing kid. And Lily is a sweetheart. As for Jack, he can't resist his son and grandson :)
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 24, 2017 01:06 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Gus is such a sweet child, and very smart like his daddy and Justin. Just knowing that chocolate is good for you, ans about the meaning of different flowers.Brian would do anything to make Gus happy, even if Justin teases him about the big day.
Author's Response: Gus is a very sweet kid, and Brian is very lucky to be given a reason to celebrate Valentine's day! LOL
Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2017 04:37 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
Awwwww, I LOVED it! You know I love this Jack and, while I am sure he is a handful and it is at times heartbreaking to see him with such innocence, he is definitely an improvement from canon Jack/pre-accident Jack. And Lily, she's so weird, I love her lololol. Although, I may be biased on that. Thank you for the great story, ladies! I would love to see more dates. ;)
Author's Response: Thank you Anne! We're thrilled you enjoyed this date. Maybe we will write more! And a special thanks for the idea of the Lion King!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2017 04:28 AM · On: Burgers and Surprises
Awwww, Jack is coming along too. Of course, he has proven to be more of a handful than Gus (although Lily seems like she may have some quirks as well LOL.) Lovely chapter! Can't wait to see how the date goes!
Author's Response: We just had to include Jack, knowing Brian would be so happy to deal with him at the movies ;)
Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2017 04:26 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
As always, I love this. Even though Brian probably isn't a fan of the grand romantic gestures Gus wants to make, I'm sure he is happy to have the father/son time. Also, it does give him a push to show a tiny bit of romance to Justin yet still gives him a logical reason as to why (Gus made him, duh.) Great chapter! <3
Author's Response: Of course it's all Gus's fault. Brian hates romantic shit, that's why he put up with buying ridiculous chocolates, the perfect flowers, eat more carbs we could ever eat and watch the Lion King. And he doesn't enjoy it one bit. Nope. * grin *
Thank you for the reviews!!!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: February 23, 2017 01:28 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
LOVE LOVE LOVE! I myself have never seen The Lion King (my tastes are more of the R-rated nature) but I thoroughly enjoyed reading about this particular "showing". And Brian's reaction to Gus' kiss later had me in stitches... "She raped my son?" Priceless!
Are you kidding about possible future stories?! I'll take more dates, drabbles, poems...heck whatever you decide to write as long as you continue to grace us with more from these characters. I ADORE them all sooo much.
How about a school dance that Brian gets suckered into chaperoning? Just an idea...
Author's Response: The Lion King is a great movie! I (Alois) have watched it like a thousand times (I was barely a teen when it was released) and I love it so much. It was so fun to write about Gus and Jack's reaction to it with Karynn. And of course, Brian freaking out over his son's first kiss was just too tempting LOL!
Karynn joins me to thank you for all your beautiful comments. It's such a joy to see how much you like this story! and if we ever decide to add to that universe, we will definitely have you to thank for that.
Now, Brian as a chaperon? That's definitely an interesting idea :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Marie-France TEJEDOR (Anonymous) · Date: February 22, 2017 03:06 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
Soooooo funny ! I love Brian and Gus ! Thank you girls !
Author's Response: Merci beaucoup Marie-France! C'est toujours un plaisir de lire tes messages :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Alana (Anonymous) · Date: February 22, 2017 09:56 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
I adored your entwind story, one of my favorite. And when i saw that you wrote a short sequel i was head over the moon. It was incredible, l lough so hard... So please continue, your Brian and Justin are my favourite version.
Author's Response: Alana, thank you so much for that wonderful feedback. It means a lot to know you enjoy this universe like you do. If we ever decide to write more about them, it will be thanks to reviewers like you :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: February 22, 2017 09:09 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
Oh I laughed so much through this story almost as much as Justin I think I really enjoyed it
Author's Response: We're glad we could make you laugh with this date! Thank you Chris :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: LauraB725 (Signed) · Date: February 22, 2017 02:02 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
Awwww that was sweet! Fun, heartwarming, and beautiful...oh and let's not forget hilarious! I laughed out loud picturing Brian trying to not only comfort his son but his father too during the movie. I actually laughed through most of the story...Seriously, really funny. Great work and I enjoyed it immensely!
Author's Response: Heartwarming, beautiful and hilarious... You have us blushing!
Thank you very much for your comment and support :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: rainbow (Anonymous) · Date: February 22, 2017 12:20 AM · On: Movies and Kisses
Awww so sweet, Gus and Lily and Brian and Justin, of course
Author's Response: Thank you ! We're glad you enjoyed it :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2017 09:54 PM · On: Movies and Kisses
I absolutely adored this story! Jack is so funny and it is hysterical when he plays Brian! Gus was adorable with Lily, and I loved the special Kinney romantic gestures Brian showed towards Justin.
i hope you keep writing in this series.
Author's Response: Thank you Lorma! Revisiting this universe was fun and putting Brian in that position was impossible to resist :)
Who knows, maybe we will write about them again. Thank you very much for your feedback :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2017 09:16 AM · On: Burgers and Surprises
Loved this chapter so much, Gus and Lily are really cute :D
Brian trying to make romantic gestures is hilarious, him holding the door for Justin was so sweet ^^
I'm so looking forward to the next chapter!
Author's Response: Hi Sarah!
Gus and Lily really are so cute, right? :D And Brian? We can tell you we had a good laugh writing that story LOL
We're so happy you're enjoyed this story so much. Thank you for letting us know, it's deeply appreciated :) The next chapter will be up very soon!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2017 02:12 AM · On: Burgers and Surprises
OMG! I laughed so hard throughout this entire chapter. That Lily is a trip... I know there is only supposed to be one more chapter, but man this story is just sooo wonderful that I hate to see it end.
Author's Response: Hi Carrie!
Aw, we're thrilled you laughed at Brian's predicament! ** happy dance ** And yes, Lily is a hoot, right?
One more chapter for now, but we could be convinced to write more dates in the future ;)
Thank you deeply for your wonderful enthusiasm :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: February 20, 2017 10:27 PM · On: Burgers and Surprises
This is great. I'm so glad that Jesse and Aaron are there too. Love the first story. Lily is a handful- but so is Gus. Justin is having fun playing his role - now the ultimate would be a nice sex scene after they drop off Gus and Lily- I do believe Brian would pretend to be annoyed at Justin and make him "pay' even if he did throughly enjoy the 'date'.
Author's Response: Hi Sandy!
We're very glad you're enjoying their date and the fact that all the 'family' is here! Both kids are so precious LOL And what an interesting idea about a nice sex scene! Well, chapter 3 is already written and almost ready to post, but the good thing about that kind of story, is that the readers can motivate us to write more in the future :)
As always, thank you for your wonderful support, we appreciate that so, so much ♥
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 20, 2017 01:01 AM · On: Burgers and Surprises
Great second chapter with a very interesting take on Jack Kinney. Lilly is a hoot. Can't wait for more. Bill
Author's Response: Hi Bill!
Thank you very much for your review :) We're thrilled you enjoy Jack Kinney here, who is a very interesting character in that universe. And Lily is so good for Gus, right? ;)
We should have the last chapter up very soon :) Thank you again!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 16, 2017 06:36 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Great Story. Brian will do anything for Gus! I smiled all through this story. Bill
Author's Response: Hi Bill!
Brian would do anything for Gus, you're absolutely right. Thankfully for us LOL
Thank you so much for your review :D We will post the next chapter very soon :)
~ eureka1 and Alois
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2017 09:52 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Omg that had me chuckling so often and at times lol, my husband kept frowning at me. Thank you so much I can see this being the only way it actually happening
Author's Response: Hi Chris!
We're so glad this story made you smile and laugh :D Thank you so much for this wonderful review which made us very happy. And all our apologies to your husband ;)
More to come very soon :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2017 08:59 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Brian never does anything he doesn't want to do so that means he really wanted to do this.
Author's Response: Hi there!
Yes, Brian can't do anything he doesn't want to do. And lucky for us, he can't resist his son :D
Thank you sincerely for your review! More to come very soon :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2017 04:10 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Haha! This is so great! Gus is very informed on the meaning of flowers! I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Author's Response: Hi Kristine!
Gus has done his homeworks as how to be the most prefect gentleman to his date. Of course he would know all the meanings regarding flowers, right? LOL
We're very glad you're enjoying this! Next chapter will be posted in the next couple of days :D
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: February 15, 2017 03:48 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
I rmember the original conversation and am glad that you decided to develop it into a full story. Can't wait to see how the "dates" go. Enjoying reading in this universe again
Author's Response: Hi Sandy!
We're so thrilled you are interested to read more about this universe. Thank you very much for your never-ending support on this story :D
The date will begin in the next chapter, which will be posted probably on Friday :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: boo (Anonymous) · Date: February 15, 2017 03:32 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Author's Response: Thank you! We're so glad you're enjoying this :D
More to come very soon!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: LauraB725 (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2017 02:09 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
This is so sweet! Entwined is one of my favorite story's and I love how you tied this into it. I'm so enamored with Gus ... he's way beyond his 8 years and he sure is teaching our beloved Brian a thing or two about romance. Although, I do believe Brian is a closet romantic...he just needs a little shove to show it and who better to shove him than Gus?! Kudos for another great story! I can't wait for the date!!
Author's Response: Hi Laura!
First of all, thank you for the praise about Entwined ** blushing ** We couldn't leave this verse without exploring the double date Gus mentioned in the last chapter. Of course, Gus just have to look at Brian with his 'You're the best dad ever' look for Brian to do exactly what his son wants him to do. And forcing Brian into romantic gestures is too hilarious for us to spare him ;)
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback Laura! The next chapter will be posted in the next couple of days :D
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: February 15, 2017 01:17 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
What a lovely surprise on this Valentine's Day! And it fits so perfectly where Entwined left off. I'm almost as anxious as Gus to go on this date!
Author's Response: Hi Trish!
Aw, we're so happy you're looking forward to read about the date :D We thought it to be appropriate to write a Valentine's day story in the Entwined verse. This story takes place after the last chapter of Entwined, but before the Epilogue and Brian's declaration to Justin. But Gus is doing a perfect job to turn his father into a hopeless romantic case LOL
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! More to come in the next couple of days :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2017 01:15 AM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
OMG!!!! What a treat! I loved the Entwined story so much so discovering this little gem made my day. I cannot wait for the next chapter....
Author's Response: Hi Carrie!
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! We're so thrilled you're enjoying this so much :D ** blushing and performing a happy 'à la Jack Kinney' dance **
Next chapter will be posted very soon! (in the next couple of days)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: soirsagrey (Signed) · Date: February 14, 2017 10:25 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
Oh yes Mr. Kinney you can protest as much as you can but this date is going to happen. Complete with flowers and chocolate.
Can't wait to see the look on Justin's face when he gets his box of chocolates and his golden gardenia's. I bet he will love his flowers.
Ladies, this chapter made me smile and giggle in some places. I thought it sweet, lovely and very entertaining. And believe me ladies that is big praise from the Scrooge of Valentine day, Valentine? Bah, humbug. ;)
Looking forward to the next chapter
Author's Response: Hi Meriam!
Brian can't refuse anything to his son, even when he has to become a complete romantic fool to please him. Justin is going to have a blast, we're sure LOL
And we feel you on the Valentine's day love. This story is mainly an excuse to have fun and we're thrilled you enjoy this!
Thank you very much for taking a chance on this story and for your feedback! Both are deeply appreciated :)
~ eureka1 and Alois ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: February 14, 2017 09:56 PM · On: Chocolates and Flowers
This was so cute, Ladies! Gus, counseling his father on what to do, and talking him into things he wd never be caught dead doing!
My favorite line was when Brian told his son that he was sure that Justin would 'love to come.' LOL!
What a sweet, sweet story! Thank you for posting this on here! I'm looking forward to the actual date. a86; ~Kim
Author's Response: Hi Kim!
We're very happy you enjoy Brian's predicament with his son ;) Who could resist Gus, anyway?
And LOL, of course Justin is always happy to come when Brian is involved...
We will post chapter 2 in the next couple of days :) Thank you as always, for your wonderful support!
~ eureka1 and Alois ~