Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: November 28, 2018 11:52 PM · On: Chapter 1
good one
Reviewer: nickknack (Signed) · Date: March 10, 2017 11:55 AM · On: Chapter 1
Michael is just plain creepy and delusional, and Ben is way better off without him. Brian and Justin married! I hope there will be more to this story in the future., because you most definitely have my attention now:)
Author's Response: thank you for reading and leaving a review.
I agree about Michael and I always thought Ben would be better off without him.
I am writing the sequel now. chapter 1 has been posted, but I'm a slow writer if you want to wait til I finish it :)
Reviewer: arakiss (Signed) · Date: March 10, 2017 12:37 AM · On: Chapter 1
Beautifully written and very believable. Thank you!
Author's Response: thank you for reading and for leaving a review.
i've started the sequel and I hope you enjoy it :)
Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: February 15, 2017 09:45 PM · On: Chapter 1
Poor Mikey...He needs a reality check stat. Ben is the best thing that ever happened to him but he doesn't or can't see it. As for B & J, so happy to see that they got hitched. Nicely done!
Author's Response: thank you for reading and reviewing
Mikey is beyond delusional, never been his biggest fan
Reviewer: rainbow_roses (Signed) · Date: February 14, 2017 01:41 PM · On: Chapter 1
Loved it!
Author's Response: thank you for reading and for reviewing... I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 14, 2017 05:53 AM · On: Chapter 1
Darn if this doesn't sound just like Michael. Can't see past his delusion.
Author's Response: I agree... Michael will just never learn
thank you for reading and for reviewing :)
Reviewer: feet526@ (Anonymous) · Date: February 13, 2017 11:55 PM · On: Chapter 1
thought your storyline VERY clever; really enjoyed;short, sweet and right to the point! bless our Justin, more sense then all of them!!! (except the "Beauty Man")...of course. And thanks so much for all of your storiesxoxoxox
Author's Response: thank you.. .I'm glad you read my story and enjoyed it. thank you for commenting
Reviewer: April_Danielle (Signed) · Date: February 13, 2017 05:34 PM · On: Chapter 1
Seriously though why Michael has to ruin his good marriage for something he doesn't have a chance or the feeling that won't get return back??Now because of what he did he didn't just lost his husband but his friend as well..If i were Brian,I let Justin handle Michael bcoz seems J has the talent to get Michael see what he doesn't want to see...
I hope you're doing a sequel but it was brilliant already and well written..Thanks for sharing.😘..
Author's Response: yes, I have started my notes to work on a sequel. i don't have a lot of time to write, so i cannot promise how quickly this will happen, but I am working on it :)
thank you for reading and for commenting
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 13, 2017 03:36 AM · On: Chapter 1
I've really enjoyed your story, I just wish it had more chapters. In viewing qaf and reading a lot of fiction I can't understand mikey's reality! Just because you love someone-you can't make them return that love. The sad reality is mikey is so childlike and is needing a huge time out. Everyone has tried to let him know that Brian is a rich, sucessful business man with clients that can identify on an adult basis. I never could understand Ben finding anything in common with the brat child that mikey often acts like. I remember when mikey was with Davd- how embarressing it was with his friends meeting mikey he couldn't carry a conversation unless it was about super heros,commics, and social diseases, he acted so snobby to his old friends but was clueless about what a joke he was. Maybe later you'll pick up this thread and continue this story--I'd love to know what he does when he finds Brian and Justin married!
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Due to peer pressue, I will be doing a follow up (maybe more than one), so there will be more to come, I just don't know how quickly. :)
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: February 13, 2017 03:06 AM · On: Chapter 1
Enjoyed this- like that they are secretly married
Author's Response: thank you for reading and reviewing.
I like that they got married and nobody else knows too :)
Reviewer: Acadian Proud (Anonymous) · Date: February 13, 2017 01:15 AM · On: Chapter 1
Do we get to read when Brian tells Michael that he and Justin are married???
Author's Response: thank you for reading and reviewing.
I had originally planned this to just be a one shot, but have been coerced into writing more for it now. (that's not a bad thing lol)
I need to work on what I want to happen, but people finding out about the marriage WILL be part of it.
I just don't know how quickly I will be able to get it done,but I will work on it :)
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 09:06 PM · On: Chapter 1
Wow that was brilliant, Michael is really caught in Mickyland and he can't see reality. You captured this really well. I LOVED the reactions of everyone. Seriously fantastic job xx
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and for reviewing.
I'm so glad you liked it.
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 08:34 PM · On: Chapter 1
I feel sorry for Ben, he really loves Michael and Michael seems to consider him just as a replacement for Brian :/
I hope Michael will come to his senses soon and realize that he's already found the love of his life.
I'm looking forward to the next chapter! :)
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and for reviewing.
I will be working on more, but I can't make any promises of how quickly I will be able to get that done.
I thought of this as a one shot and now people want more, so I will try :)
Reviewer: Oliviatheolive (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 06:51 PM · On: Chapter 1
This is so heartbreaking to read. I'm in the process of doing a qaf marathon starting with the second season first (idk why!)- the episode where Michael is trying to win Ben back. it was so brutal to read Michael tell Ben that they weren't forever and that his forever is Brian and Ben is just now. That was terrible. But this was nice to read alongside watching qaf. So good to hear that Justin and Brian's relationship wasn't affected by Michael.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and for the review.
I've never been a Mikey fan. I do admit to him having his good moments too, but this is more how I saw him lol
In my world Brian and Justin will always prevail LOL
Reviewer: Barbara Cummins (Anonymous) · Date: February 12, 2017 04:22 PM · On: Chapter 1
Really beautiful 💓💕 thank you
Author's Response: thank you for reading and commenting :)
glad you enjoyed it
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 03:00 PM · On: Chapter 1
I love this, Kathy. I have a weakness for B/J in a committed relationship stories, as long as they're not too fluffy...and you do a great job with that. I also like delusional Mikey fics. I loved what you did with Interruptions, so I knew I'd enjoy this one.
I think it would be fun to do a series of delusional Mikey shorts. Just different scenarios of bumbling Mikey.
Love you, girl!
*cross-posting to the other archives
Author's Response: Thank you Deborah for reading and commenting (on all platforms)
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 02:32 PM · On: Chapter 1
Michael, Michael, Michael...shakes head. I admit that while I don't on average write anti-Mikey stories, I do think most of the time on the show he came across as a puppy dog, tailing along after Brian and hoping for a bone. Or should I say boner - ha!
I do think he grew up somewhat toward the end of the show, but I also think some of the interaction between him and Brian was pretty creepy, even if they WERE best friends. That one kiss, for instance, on the way to NYC when they had the flat tire was NOT a friendly kiss. I think in a way Brian did those things to exert control over Michael. I don't know; just seemed weird to me!
And Ben must have had the patience of a saint at times!! And B and J married. Swoon. Always love that. :)
Thank you for this enjoyable read, Kathy! ~Kim
Author's Response: Thank you for reading this Kim and for leaving a review :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it... apparently due to peer pressure I might have to work on a follow up to it lol
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Anonymous) · Date: February 12, 2017 01:32 PM · On: Chapter 1
Great work...thank u.
Author's Response: thank you for reading and commenting.
I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Reviewer: Elly (Anonymous) · Date: February 12, 2017 11:58 AM · On: Chapter 1
Hi Kathy,
My preference is not one shot stories, but I had to read this and I love it!!! Xo
Author's Response: Thank you for reading it, and for taking the time to comment.
I've actually gotten quite a few suggestions to write more for this, the aftermath of Michael's stupidity, so give me a bit of time and I may have more so you don't have to keep it to a one shot LOL
thanks again :)
Reviewer: LegendaryBritinKinlor (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 10:23 AM · On: Chapter 1
I loved this! Every word. I adore a good Mikey bashing story and you hit all my buttons with this. I just loved it. I'll also admit I had a case of the giggles reading Mikey trying to seduce Brian. I guess he will just never learn and I'm forever grateful to writers like you who keep my dislike of him alive and well. Thank you for this so much.
Well done!
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment... much appreciated.
I've never been a Mikey fan, and even when I don't try to hate him in a story, it tends to go there, so I figured why not just run with it LOL