Reviewer: mary48 (Signed) · Date: March 13, 2022 02:08 AM · On: Happy Birthday
another good story! i'm glad i found you and your stories.
it seems there is amost "the hand of god" in this one... dave finding gus in two different places just when he needs help.
and triplets... this is gonna be fun. hope just gets some help with them... think he's gonna need a
i like how you stick to your stories and finish them . there are soo many who don't and just leave us hanging.
hope your research is going well and we see and we get a sequel going on a couple of the stories...
thanks for writing about the boys and keep up the good work!!
Author's Response: 😊 I'm blushing so hard right now and about to burst into happy tears. lol that family doesn't do things by halves do they. As I said in the other response I am working on the sequel. It's going slower than I like. When I do prepare for surprises. Thank you 😊. Hugs x
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: December 27, 2020 02:43 AM · On: Happy Birthday
This was a great story!! For as young as Gus is, he is very responsible and mature and definitely takes after Brian. He is also so loving and giving, as he is prone to look after and help others rather than himself. I can't believe that Brian and Justin are having triplets and I am very much looking forward to the continuation of this story!!
Author's Response: Thank you so much 😊. Gus is such an amazing child. I'm trying to get back to my writing and I'm sure I will soon. Thank you for this amazing review x
Reviewer: BritinForever (Signed) · Date: September 16, 2017 10:58 PM · On: Worse before it gets better.
I'm hooked. I love that Gus feels safe with Brian and Justin.
Author's Response: I'm so over the moon you like thid, I love Gus with them and feeling safe is very important for him right now.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review and I hope you enjoy the rest xxx 😍
Reviewer: Erbear4474 (Anonymous) · Date: May 11, 2017 03:35 AM · On: Happy Birthday
I loved this story....can't for the sequel.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, I need this happy review this morning as I'm feeling down. I am currently writing it, I have the first chapter written just have to type it in and get to my beta. I might write a few chapters before I start to post. Big hugs xxx
Reviewer: rulisteningbj (Anonymous) · Date: May 02, 2017 11:57 PM · On: Shattered Glass
I love the way you wrote Gus in this story. What a loving caring little boy. Brian and Justin are great parents. Can't wait for the sequel. Triplets wow, they have a busy life ahead of them. Great story and wonderful writing.
Dee Dee
Author's Response: Thank you so much, I love writing him and I agree they are great parents. I have lots planned for the sequel just doing my research at the moment before I start. And we still have to see what Brian has planned for Jennys birthday don't we.
massive hugs xxx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 27, 2017 10:11 AM · On: Happy Birthday
I'm so sorry this is the last chapter of this story. Gus is a beautiful, caring little boy. He is so full of love and compassion. He is truly sad if he sees people who can't afford a meal, or shelter and has no one to love them and help them. That is pretty much how you see Brian, and Justin often donates paintings for a good cause. He didn't learn these traits from the moms. His worries over the surrogate's health, he's so young to him and it is so simple if it takes more than he has he talks to daddy and Brian melts to see this beautiful boy wanting to make life better for others. Thank you for loving story3
Author's Response: You are more then welcome and thank you for the beautiful review. I promise that there will be a sequel to this, might take time to write but I promise you.
You are right, Gus has learned this from his dad's. He has a massive heart and sometimes that it takes a child's heart to see what needs to be done to make someone's life better.
Hugs xx
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: April 25, 2017 06:27 PM · On: Spooked
Poor Gus.
Author's Response: I know, poor little guy needs help doesn't he.
Thank you you for the review, means everything to me xx
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 25, 2017 02:51 PM · On: Happy Birthday
I like this story ! Brian and Justin real fathers for Gus ! I can't wait for the sequel seeing the boys with their new childs !
Author's Response: Oh I am so happy you enjoyed it so much and yup they sure are real parents to Gus. I'm excited to get started on the sequel for you all. Big hugs xx
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2017 12:55 AM · On: Happy Birthday
Congratulations on finishing another story, Vicki! It has been a pleasure and an honor to be your beta. I will be looking forward to your next story. XOXO ~Kim
Author's Response: Thank you so much, you are the best and I couldn't do these long stories without you. Your love and support means the world to me 💕💕💕
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2017 02:32 PM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
I don't know how I missed this chapter. It is so enjoyable. Gus making a snow family and suggesting something that Jenny could do too. That is so Gus. That he's in favor of the door between houses is also so Gus. Nobody but Michael seems in favor. Wonder if it ever gets built? The cupcakes are a great idea. Thinking of Brian dressed in flour is hysterical.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed this. Gus is great isn't he and thinking of ways to include all in the things that they are doing. I doubt Michael will get his way, it is a nutty idea lol and I bet Brian looks all cute covered in flour and all for Gus, he is a great dad.
massive hugs and thank you for your wonderful words xx
Reviewer: Clairelp (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2017 10:00 AM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
lovely story
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much,your words mean so much to me. I'm over the moon you enjoyed it, hugs xxxx
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2017 06:56 AM · On: Happy Birthday
Wow what a wonderful birthday I would like one like that lol
Author's Response: Lol me to, be so much fun wouldn't it, thank you so much your words have touched my heart xx
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2017 05:38 AM · On: Happy Birthday
Amazing,fantastic,marvelous...superb work...thanks alot for ur hardwork...d84;
Author's Response: Omg thank you so much, you have made my day with your kind words xx
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2017 05:30 AM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
Wonderful chapter...i liked it..d84;
Author's Response: Thank you so much that means the world to me xx
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: April 22, 2017 11:16 PM · On: Happy Birthday
great story- loved the party and the ending- super
Author's Response: Thank you ever so much, that means the world to me, I can't wait to start the sequel xxxx
Reviewer: Proud Acadian (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 11:06 PM · On: Happy Birthday
Sweet ending. I hope you have a sequel planned.
Author's Response: Thank you so much and yup I sure do have a sequel planned, I am excited to write it. Hugs xxx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 11:00 PM · On: Happy Birthday
Really wonderful story. Gus had a great birthday party. Looking forward to reading part 2. Bill
Author's Response: Thank you so much, it was a great birthday party lol I'd love one like that. I'm excited to start the next one just have to look up some information to get things right xxxx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 10:46 PM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
Brian making cupcakes, he really loves Gus! Getting caught up on your story!!! Reakky enjying it. Bill
Author's Response: He really does doesn't he and it's great to see him let himself go. I truly love writing them. Thank you so much for your kind words they mean so much to me xx
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 06:37 PM · On: Happy Birthday
It's really amazing how generous and thoughtful Gus is, especially at his age. This chapter made me so happy. Thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Author's Response: You are very welcome, I'm over the moon that you enjoyed it so much. I promise I'll write a sequel and I hope I can bring more joy xxxx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 06:05 PM · On: Happy Birthday
This was the best birthday party ever. If only every child was as sweet as Gus. Wouldn't it be lovely if they did come up with an exercise place that was all playground! Thank you for a lovely story.
Author's Response: You are very welcome and thank you for your kind words they mean so much to me. Oh yes it would be brilliant and I'm sure it would make working out for some a lot more fun. I love how Gus is and it would be great if there were more kids like him. Xx
Reviewer: Jane (Anonymous) · Date: April 04, 2017 05:44 PM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
I just love this story and was surprised that there was a chapter 17. I hope additional chapters will be added. I've read the entire story so many times I can quote from it. Are there other stories you may be able to post here?
Author's Response: This has made my day, there will be one more chapter in this one but there will be a sequel. My beta broke her arm so it might take a tiny bit. Kim is my beta. I cannot thank you enough, I send do many hugs. I have other stories on here and I hope to write more and more 💕💕
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 02, 2017 05:09 AM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
Hi Vicki, couldn't review earlier because of a problem, but it's fixed now. Can't wait for the news at Gus's party. Don't know how it will be taken, news to mikey and Linz is always tricky. Just happy that Gus and Justin are making Brian so happy and his abilities as a father can't match anyones, he will do anything to please his two loves even if it means getting stuck on a slide. I like the way he joins in with the, the baking of the cup cakes, there was a time he would not have help but sees it is the little things that mean the most to Justin and Gus. Thank you for such a sweet story, one where he is not Brian Fucking Kinney the stud of liberty avenue.
Author's Response: That's no problem at all, you have just made the start of my day a fantastic one with this review. I am loving writing this story and showing this side of Brian. We did see glimpses of this in the show even if it was very very tiny but we did. I think the news will be interesting I am still trying to figure out how they will react to it. There will be a sequel of course that I will start after this one. My next chapter might take awhile because my beta is Kim and she broke her arm. This will give me time to make the last one of this story something good for you all.
Thank you you again a million times thank you, I send love and hugs 💕
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: March 21, 2017 07:13 PM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
This chapter was so sweet I want to cry. I'm glad everybody's doing okay no. I'm so looking forward to Gus's birthday party! :)
Author's Response: Awe thank you so much, everyone is having fun and will have even more fun soon at the party. I'm excited to write it. Xx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: March 21, 2017 04:16 PM · On: Preparations For Celebrations
Happy to see an update. I understand about RL interfereing with fun stuff. Great chapter, nice to see Gus & his mommies having fun together, Glad this is not the end of the story. I hope it continues for a while, I really enjoy it!!!! Bill
Author's Response: Thank you do much, I had so much fun writing Gus having fun with his mommies, And his dads. I'm loving writing this story. This one is nearly done but I'm getting straight into the sequel, so don't worry xxxx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2017 09:26 PM · On: Secret Project
Oh what a wonderful surprise. I knew the birthday party would make a nice chapter but this will make it very special. Then, of course you will have to have a chapter where we learn the sex and name of each baby.
Author's Response: I'm so happy that you enjoyed the surprise, the party will be next and I hope to make it really good. I have a sequel planned for next so don't worry you'll find out xx
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2017 06:57 PM · On: Secret Project
Omg, triplets, Gus is going to be such a great big brother....This chapter was so cute, I'm glad it wasn't the last one :)
Author's Response: I'm so happy you like it that means everything to me, this story didn't want to end yet lol. Gus is gonna be awesome he is a gentleman already. I hope to start writing the next chapter soon. Thank you so much xx
Reviewer: Taire (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2017 06:15 PM · On: Secret Project
Triplets!!! I love it. Gus is so funny. I am sure some will freak out in the family.
Author's Response: More joy to add to the family and Gus no Jenny will be great with them. I'm sure sone will freak out at first but babies are awesome right lol. Thank you so much for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2017 02:57 PM · On: Secret Project
Aww...that was adorable...marvelous fic...thank u for sharing.
Author's Response: Thank you so much that means the world to me, I can't wait to write the reactions for you guys to see xxx
Reviewer: mcm (Signed) · Date: February 27, 2017 12:47 PM · On: Secret Project
OMG that has to be the sweetiest thing I have ever read and invisioned in my head with young Gus doing that. I like that you decided not to end this. Joy joy the gangs/family reactions!!! Thank you for the great story
Author's Response: You are more then welcome, I am o over the moon that you liked it, I'm blushing at your words. I can't wait to write their reactions and the babies will arrive in the sequel I think. I am still trying to diced lol xxx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 27, 2017 11:40 AM · On: Secret Project
Excellent chapter Vicki, Gus is a sweet boy and so thoughtful! Can't wait for the news to the family
Author's Response: He is isn't he and I can't wait to write it, I promise to try and make it really good for you guys. Thank you so much for the amazing review, I'm so happy you like it xx
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 13, 2017 12:58 AM · On: Dream Trip
What an outstanding trip! So romantic. Can I say how happy I am that Brian and Justin have decided to marry and have kids!
Author's Response: Vegas is amazing and I'm glad the boys had the romantic trip there. Oh you so can say that and I'm delighted that you like that plan. You mIght see this play out in the sequel if I write it. Thank you so much for the wonderful review xxx
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 08:26 PM · On: Dream Trip
I nearly read all already existing chapters of your story at once, and it's one of the cutest I've ever read. I especially loved that the whole family worked together to solve their problems. And Gus is really an awesome little boy.
I just wanted to say that I enjoy your stories immensely and really like You as an author too, You seem to be such a sweet, caring person. Thank You for posting your stories here and always putting a smile on my face :)
Author's Response: Crying very happy tears right now at your beautiful words. I can't even begin to say how much this means to me I really can't thank from the bottom of my heart.
I li love that the family worked together as well and I'm glad that came across in the story. I love writing Gus, he is a sweet boy and I have many more stories with him planned. I'm going to try and write the last chapter of this story tom if I can.
Thsnk you again so much xxx
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: February 12, 2017 05:45 AM · On: Dream Trip
Good to see the girls getting their act together and that they've decided not to have any more children - never a good idea if you are having relationship problems. I want to visit Vegas.... I'm not sure Lindsay will be all that happy about the boys having kids without her. Looking forward to more.
Author's Response: The girls needed to to realise that and move in with their lives with the kids they have and love them. I'm sure she will realise she can't be the centre of Brian's world eventually. Omg Vegas is amazing you should go and if you don't gamble that is ok as well, I do t gamble when I'm there because there is so much more to do there, you are never ever bored. Thank you so much for the review and you never know this story might come back. One more chapter to go xx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 12, 2017 04:19 AM · On: Dream Trip
I'm so sorry this is almost the end of the story, it's been wonderful.I'm glad Brian took Justin away for trip to vegas, It's an amazing place and with so much to see and do Justin will have the time of his life! I'm relieved the girls have realized they can't handle two more children and settle to give the ones they have the love and attention they deserve. I know B&J want to have children on a full time basis, hope the girls aren't going to be the mothers, how do you explain why the new babies live full time with daddy and dad and they can't let Gus and Jennie do that, I think they would see that as a situation that the daddies love this new kids more (if L&M are involved) I'm thrilled Brian asked Justin to marry him--I think for the first time in his life,thanksto Justin, he is loved and he is an excellent father.
Author's Response: Vegas is a magical place, I love going there so I thought the guys would to and they did. The girls I think got the wake up call that two was enough thank god. Brian and Justin will explain it to the kids and make it work. They are a close family and are full of love and the girls will defo not be the mothers don't worry. Thank you so much for the review and you never know this story may come back xx
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 12, 2017 12:24 AM · On: Dream Trip
That was one of the most romantic trips ever and I loved it! I enjoyed seeing Vegas through the eyes of B&J. You did a great job capturing Justin's sense of wonder at seeing the city for the first time. Three cheers for Brian for giving Justin such a fantastic trip. it was good to see how much progress the girls have made. Loved what Debbie said to the girls, too. Hate to see your story end.
Author's Response: I thunk Brian enjoyed doing this for Justin and hot much more out of it seeing it through his eyes. I'm glad the girls have made it far, the kids need it. Yeah I'm sad to see it end, but you never know it may come back xxx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 11, 2017 08:04 PM · On: Dream Trip
Debbie took it easy on M&L. It could have been ugly! Vegas is amazing the first time you see it. No place else like it. Justin is getting a first class tour. Sending postiive thoughts for your doctor appointment. Still enjoying your great story. Bill
Author's Response: She did take it easy on them, and I think it Was The right away this time. Vegas is amazing been there over 10 times, and we something new every time and we don't ever play any Of The tables lol.
I Am so happy you are loving this, one more chapter to go, just have to write it now. I want to get it right for you guys. Your kind words mean everything to me xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 11, 2017 02:18 PM · On: Dream Trip
What a lovely look at what Vegas has to offer. And so far Lindsay and Melanie are doing well.
Author's Response: I love Vegas, been there about 10 times lol, it has so much and I don't gamble lol. I'm glad the boys are enjoying it and the girls thankfully are doing well, it's about time. Thank you so much xox
Reviewer: Acadian Proud (Anonymous) · Date: February 11, 2017 01:59 PM · On: Dream Trip
I like how you have written Brian here, willing to show his romantic side to his Sunshine.
Author's Response: Thank you I love showing this side to him. Thank you so much for your kind words x
Reviewer: Henri (Anonymous) · Date: February 11, 2017 01:54 PM · On: Dream Trip
What a delighful chapter. Really enjoying your story.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, this means the world to me x
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 10, 2017 05:42 AM · On: Fun and Surprises
Gus playing with Simon was really wonderful to read. Hope your visit with the specialisr goes well. I will be waiting anxioulsy for the next chapter!! Bill
Author's Response: I enjoyed writing them playing together, threy will be best friends for life that's for sure.
Thank you, I'm really nervous waiting so fingers crossed all will be ok. My next chapter is with the beta now so shouldn't be long now xxxx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 10, 2017 05:36 AM · On: Anything For Family
Hope M&L really have their act together. I don't blame Brian being nervous. Gus is very sweet and JR is adorable. Such a great story, sorry I have been too busy to read for a couple days. Bill
Author's Response: No worries hope all is ok x
Thank you so much for the kind words, Gus really is a good kid and I think he'll pass that on to Jenny as well she is adorable xxxx
Reviewer: Linda (Anonymous) · Date: February 08, 2017 08:58 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
What a sweet boy Gus is. Loving your story. Can't wait for more.
Author's Response: He is isn't he, I love writing him. I just finished writing chapter 15 just have to get to my beta now. I Am so happy you are enjoying it xxx
Reviewer: wellreadbunny (Signed) · Date: February 07, 2017 11:03 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
Gus is just a perfect kid
Author's Response: He is great isn't he, I'm so happy it's coming across. Thank you so much for the beautiful words x
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 07, 2017 09:30 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
Wonderful chapter. Nice that B&J get some alone time. And, super nice that Gus and JR got some fun time with their mothers. Seems like things are working out. Too bad everyone isn't like Gus when it comes to making friends. I'm glad that Simon and Gus has such a good time.
Author's Response: I'm glad they are, it's important for them all I think. I too wish there was more like Gus, the world needs it. Thank you so much xx
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 07, 2017 08:47 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
What a special boy, Gus is.
Author's Response: He is isn't he and I am so happy that it's coming across, this makes me so happy. Thank you so much for your kind words xx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 07, 2017 08:28 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
I can just see Brian getting stuck on the slide and getting hit with balls, if that didn't humilate him surely the time out did. I'm sure the laughter and delight of his son made it all worthwhile. I don't know if the girls had seen them that happy in a long time. As for Simon, I sure Mel knows now what Gus had done for Simon was ta ught to him by his daddy, the not to his calling attention to his blindness, even shaking hands an making a new friend. Linz always thinks it's her wasp personality that has taught Gus his social graces, it's not it's his daddy and dad thru their love that has benefitted from. Why I wonder didn't they find the time to take their kids to this place and the staff knew them by name. Hope Brian and Justin enjoy Vegas they deserve a little play time of their own. Hope rl treats you better and if it helps, I enjoy your work,it makes me smile when I think of Gus and Jenny
Author's Response: Thank you so much, that really touches my heart more then I can say truly.
you are right, Gus did learn all this from his dad's and he sees how is dad cares for Justin and the others even when they don't see it themselves. Kids see everything. Lol oh I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall thst day in the playdiome and you are right, they must have been there lots to know them by name and you just gave me an idea for my final chapter, thank you xxxx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 07, 2017 05:07 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
It's wonderful that Gus is able to enjoy his time with his moms. I'm not surprised by his friendship with Simon, his fathers have taught him well.
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 07, 2017 05:07 PM · On: Fun and Surprises
It's wonderful that Gus is able to enjoy his time with his moms. I'm not surprised by his friendship with Simon, his fathers have taught him well.
Author's Response: Me to and I think he will be a major factor in helping them heal. You are right his dad's have thought him extremely well and his love and passion for it hers is amazing. I think he will grow up to work in the caring profession. Thank you so much and I am sorry in advance for the delay with the last two chapters. I'll try be as fast as I can xx
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Anonymous) · Date: February 07, 2017 03:17 PM · On: Anything For Family
Aww....i loving this story...superb.
Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm over the moon to hear this xx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 07, 2017 05:20 AM · On: Anything For Family
That really was a Justin move when Gus took his daddy's hands and told Brian everything would be alright. I hope the girls realize that everything the boys did was done out of love and concern of the children. I think Mel sees the real Brian at last,Linz that's another matter she only sees what she wants to see and it's usually far from reality. Can't wait for more chapters
Author's Response: IT was a very Justin move you are so right. Ian's yeah i think Mels eyes are open now and seeing the real guy and Lindz is just that Lindz. There will be one more chapter before I have to pause to write more RL got in my way. Thank you so much for the brilliant review xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 04:30 PM · On: Anything For Family
Let's hope that eveything goes well.
Author's Response: Lots of nerves for sure here, they are stronger then they think. Thank you sooooo much xxx
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 12:18 PM · On: Anything For Family
awww. I'm looking forward to what you might add to this. I enjoyed it a lot.
Author's Response: I'm so happy you are and I'll try and be fast with what I add x
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 11:58 AM · On: Our Children's Sake
Gus is such a loving little boy. I've met a few kids like him. At his age he can only see black and white, right and wrong, and lots of love. He just wants everyone to be happy and all loving together. I hope he gets to see his new friends again.
Author's Response: I'm so happy that you have met kids like him, which proves they are out there and that has warmed my heart so much. I'm so happy that you are enjoying my story so much and I love his new fruends as well xox
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 11:51 AM · On: Emotions
woo. I had to keep reading to find out what would happen next so I didn't leave a comment on a few chapters, lol. please take that as a compliment.
Author's Response: Lol I will do and you have just made ne tear up with happiness so thank you xox d84;a039;
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 11:39 AM · On: Amber Alert
Aw. So sweet for such a scary situation.
Author's Response: I think we needed a bit of sweetness in that situation didn't we. Thank you so much xx
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 11:25 AM · On: Fear And Flight
guh. flash backs. what a horrid thing to happen when everything was going to sh1t at the moment already. Poor GusGus. He needs to trust his daddies more!
Author's Response: He does doesn't he, poor little guy xx
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 11:14 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
woah. I'm kinda like 'jealous much Mel?' and then I'm like, poor Mel! She can't trust her 'wife' at all. :(
Author's Response: It's so sad she can't, what will happen, wait and see. Thank you so much x
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 10:35 AM · On: No Matter What.
Love that you didn't go with high drama when Mike and Ben went to pick up JR. The tension was there, the anger and fear. I like that you made Mikey strong and determined to put his daughter first.
Author's Response: You are making me cry happy tears with these words and I went with a gut feeling and how I would of acted in that moment. I'm so happy it came across to you xx
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 10:04 AM · On: Worse before it gets better.
I've been reading another huge story that features Mikey and Lindsay as the biggest loosers ever, the auther called them Wankerboy and Twatzilla, lol. So reading your Mikey is a breath of fresh air! Concerned, connected and aware of all Brian does for him and the family - and grateful for it! I'm amazed that Mel gave up JR so easily, but it looks like your Mel loves her daughter and knows they are behaving poorly as parents. I like that.
Author's Response: I'm overjoyed you like these versions of them, I normally write them different but I wanted to show this side to them as well and I am happy you saw that. You are tight, Mel wants what's best for her little girl right now. Thank you so much xx
Reviewer: M_elle_22 (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 09:52 AM · On: Shattered Glass
Oooh. I like the beginning of this, so cute, and then the sadness with all Gus' pov. Such an amazing contrast. I can't wait to find out what the girls have to say for themselves.
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much, this means the wot,d to me. I love writing Gus, so I'm so happy you liked it. Thank you so much for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: February 06, 2017 03:52 AM · On: Mysterious Adventure
enjoying this story- glad they found Alexy and Byrnardyn. Great visit
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much, I am so happy happy that you are, those guys were great to Gus so I'm delighted they got to meet them in person xx
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 03:41 AM · On: Our Children's Sake
Okay... I guess I'm a little shocked, it seems like they don't even pay attention to Gus, and JR. Now they both want to have a new child? This should be interesting...
Hugs Kathleen
Author's Response: Those girls aren't thinking are they, wait and see. Thank you sooooo much xxxxx
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 02:14 AM · On: Fear And Flight
Poor Gus and Justin, I hope they're both safe and home soon...
Hugs Kathleen
Author's Response: It's a scary time for them all, they are a strong family they'll help each other I'm sure. Thank you so much xxx
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 01:46 AM · On: Worse before it gets better.
Brian, and his Sonny Boys... Sweet...
Hugs Kathleen
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 01:46 AM · On: Worse before it gets better.
Brian, and his Sonny Boys... Sweet...
Hugs Kathleen
Author's Response: He loves them doesn't he, I love how he is with them. Thank you so much xx
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: February 06, 2017 01:30 AM · On: Shattered Glass
I'm really loving this fic so far, and your writing is coming along nicely. Great job Darling!!!
Hugs Kathleen
Author's Response: Thank you ever so much that means the world to me, I'm so happy you are enjoying it xx
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2017 08:32 PM · On: Mysterious Adventure
So cute!
Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm over the moon you liked it xxx
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 08:18 PM · On: Mysterious Adventure
So much fun to read this happy chapter! Alesky expressed his gratitude beautifully. I'm so glad that he landed in a safe place. It is good to know that there are many caring people in the world.
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 08:18 PM · On: Mysterious Adventure
So much fun to read this happy chapter! Alesky expressed his gratitude beautifully. I'm so glad that he landed in a safe place. It is good to know that there are many caring people in the world.
Author's Response: He did didn't he and he will be forever grateful to his gaurdian Angel xxx
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 08:10 PM · On: Words and Rhymes
Pretty fantastic that JR's first word was her brother's name! He worked so hard to protect her! So glad the girls are getting the help they need and making progress. Funny about the fairy tales!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 08:10 PM · On: Words and Rhymes
Pretty fantastic that JR's first word was her brother's name! He worked so hard to protect her! So glad the girls are getting the help they need and making progress. Funny about the fairy tales!
Author's Response: I was so happy for Gus as sell and the fairy tails made me laugh as I wrote it lol. Thank you so much xx
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 08:03 PM · On: Our Children's Sake
I'm glad that Brian emphasized the need for counseling before having any more children. I would think that would take a considerable period of time, given how viciously Linds and Mel were fighting. And, what they were fighting over wasn't that stressful. They really do need help. Gus is quite a remarkable little boy, realizing that his mothers need help.
Author's Response: They do need a lot of help and I pray they get it. Thank you so much
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2017 07:33 PM · On: Mysterious Adventure
What a great chapter!!!!!! Gus was the hero of this chapter. It is nice to think of a swett little boy making a difference in the life of someone who was down on their luck. Thank you for providing this feel good look into Gus's life. Always happy to see the new chapter to your story!!!!!!! Bill
Author's Response: You are most welcome, I'm enjoying showing that kids can be nice and do things for others that matters. Thank you so much for these beautiful words x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 06:21 PM · On: Mysterious Adventure
So happy Gus got to see his friends and learned he helped Alesky find a home, a job and new friends. Can't help but tear up Gus made everyone feel such pride in him. Children are blessed with naivete and they listen to their hearts. Such a beautiful story
Author's Response: Children are amazing and you are right they do see things that way and not swayed by adult negative thoughts. I love his heart and that he helped so many. Thank you so much for your wonderful words xxx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 06:06 PM · On: Words and Rhymes
Vicki, I have loved your story from chapter one. I like Gus playing with JR was was delighted when the baby's first word was ''Gus .''It was hard to tell who was the most excited. When Brian was telling Justin how nursey rhymes were all so violent I truly LMAO--he can be such a nut a times, but that's why we love him so.
Author's Response: *blushing* this has made my day, I've been fed up today and your words have brightened my day thank you.
Lol I know he is a nut it's why I thought that this was what he would say about them, and aren't they very violent lol. Xxxx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2017 05:50 PM · On: Mysterious Adventure
The things I love about this story is that everyone one ends up happy just knowing Gus. He's much loved by everyone he meets.
Author's Response: Gus spreads good happy feelings everywhere he goes and with the people he meets. I think he sill grow up to be a career or something. Thank you so much for the amazing review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 01:42 PM · On: Our Children's Sake
Can't for the life of me understand Mel and Linz wanting to increase their family. Frankly as mothers go, they are pretty bad at it.Their marriage has never been stable, not a good idea, sounds like it is a stressor which would impact the children.
Author's Response: Ive no idea what they are thinking either, just wait and see. Thank you so much xxxx
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 01:21 PM · On: Emotions
Hopefully the mommies will realize what danger Gus could have been in. I Hope he gets to see his baker and the bus driver. Because of Gus's act of random kindness, Lorrie now knows what happen to the bakery and doing her own act of kindness gave the baker hope and his self esteem back--a lot of lives were changed that night all by a tiny little angel
Author's Response: It goes to show how one act of kindness can change someone's life. I hope the girls do realise this and change.
I'm working on chapter 15 now, it's gonna be a long one lol so there might be a delay soon with posting. Thank you so much for the review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 01:01 PM · On: Guardian Angel
Gus is an old soul in a tiny body. He thanked the everyone at the dinner,the bus driver and on the way home with Dave driving thanked him for helping him again and told Dave he was a kind person--at the age of 5 and a half.Such a sweet story
Author's Response: your words mean everything to me and i needed this today so thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is how I always thought Gus would be had we seen more of him.
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 12:41 PM · On: Amber Alert
Gus must of learned about kindness and generosity from Justin and Brian, these skills he couldno learn from the mommys. I think by watching his two daddies he saw the way they lived their life and he picked up on it. Being kind and gentle with the homeless man and offered to buy him food because he was so hungry he was going thru a garbage can for food even when the man said to Gus he didn't have to do that Sonnyboy insisted he wanted to, just in talking to the man,and the bus driver, and Dave his sweetness shown thru as much a Daddy Justin's smile.
Author's Response: you are so right he did learn that from his dads and we saw that in the show when Brian sold everything to help and give stuff to the Vic Grassi house. They should be very proud. Thank you so much for the beautiful review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 11:16 AM · On: Spooked
Bless his lttle heart, Gus wants to be with his daddies so much. He was so happy he and Jr was away from his mommies until daddy could fix things but Linz always is only concerned about herself, it didn't matter Brian said she needed to stay away from Gus until things were sorted out bet Debbie will tear her a new one !
Author's Response: Gus is just like his daddies and helps others looking after people. Lindsey is just all about herself and I'm sure everyone will let her know this. Thank you so much for the review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 10:04 AM · On: Fear And Flight
Can Linz just once do what she is told, she is the reason Gus ran away the first time and did the one thing she was told not to do and caused Gus to be frighten and run away the second time and causing a Justin in a panic to fall! Ben called an ambulance and mikey got a towel for Justin bleeding head wound I guess she, stood there wringing her hands and crying, not for Justin ,.not for Mel, nor for Gus, but because she deceived people and was found out
Author's Response: You are so right, if she had listened this wouldn't have happened. What will be the outcome of her actions now. Thank you so much for the review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 09:34 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Again Lindz is thinking of herself,HER LIFE WAS CRUMBLING,HER LIFE WAS SPIRALLING OUT OF CONTROL! What about Mel's life, what about Gus, and Jr. It is all about her,Mel is heart broken that Lindsay has lied for years about Mel being Gus's mother and Brian has no idea he's on his son's birth certificate or he has legal rights concerning his son! How can you fix something when has treated them so badly.
Author's Response: She is forgetting there are others who matter isn't she, if she doesn't wise up she may loose out. Let's hope things can be fixed. Thank you for the brill review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 07:04 AM · On: No Matter What.
Gus is so cute there is no doubt tbe four daddies can fix everything, at least the two kids know without doubt their daddies love them and I think maybe the mommys now know the children will come first always or else.
Author's Response: Bus's faith in the four dads is what I love, he knows their hearts and feels the love for him and his sister. The girls I hope will get a kick in ass to push forward. Thank you sooooo much for the review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 06:35 AM · On: Worse before it gets better.
How they didn't even check on Gus speaks volumes--Brian is never an asshole when it comes to Gus's welfare. In my eyes Linz always put herself before Mel, JR, and especially Gus, Mel is smarter but living with Linz would drive anyone bonkers. They're very luck Brian wants to help his sons mommies and make it plain he won't have the children live in constant fear.
Author's Response: You are spot on, he is never that when it comes to Gus he knows what it's like to grow up in a house like that and doesn't want it for his son. He'll help them for sure. Thank you so much for the amazing review x
Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: February 05, 2017 05:41 AM · On: Shattered Glass
Hi Vicki, It surprises me how parents fight and assume small children aren't hearing and paying attention. There was no fighting in my home or never done when I was around. How scared Gus must have been to being under his desk and trying to be brave for his baby sister and how brave to try to get to his daddy--he acts more grown up than the mommys, worrying that he can't carry his sister and their only hope was their daddies. Your stories about Gus always tugs at my heart strings .
Author's Response: You are right thry didn't even think did they and mine never fought either. Kids hear and see everything. Gus has a massive heart and he is protective just like his dad. Your words mean so much to me I can't thank you enough xx
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: February 05, 2017 04:12 AM · On: Words and Rhymes
Love Brian's take on children's stories and nursery rhymes and of course he's right. I remember reading them to my own children and thinking nothing of it....Good to see the girls are getting their act together.
Author's Response: WI thought nothing of them when I was younger it's only now I'm older that I do lol. Yeah the girls are really trying, let's pray they stick with it. Thank you for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2017 08:41 PM · On: Words and Rhymes
Brian is right about those fairy tales & nursery rhymes. Gus playing with JR was extremely cute!!! Glad that M&L seem to be working on their relationship. Bill
Author's Response: He is isn't he they are scary lol. I love Gus with his sis and the girls I think are seeing what they may lose so are we trying. Thank you so much for the review xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2017 03:56 PM · On: Words and Rhymes
It's sweet that JR's first word is Gus. I never thought about nursery rhymes before but they are violent.
Author's Response: I wa so happy that was her first word and yup they are violent aren't they lol, I had my little cousin tell her teacher about Humoty Dumpty and she did lol. Thank you so much for the review x
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2017 05:16 AM · On: Our Children's Sake
Well that was a surpise!! Hopefully L&M get their act together. I'm not so sure about them. Hope you had fun with the baby. Anxious to read the next chapter. Bill
Author's Response: I hope that they do as well because their kids need their mothers and the guys needs their friends.
Oh we had great fun, he is a joy always laughing.
Thank you you so much for the review xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 04, 2017 01:38 AM · On: Our Children's Sake
While I'm glad the girls are getting help, is bringing more children in the equation the best thing?
Author's Response: Them getting help is a very good thing, wait and see what I have planne for that decision. Thank you for the review xxx
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: February 02, 2017 08:05 PM · On: Emotions
What a kind, sweet boy Gus is. So happy that Alesky now has a job and a place to live.
Author's Response: Gus is isn't he and I love Akesky and I hope he comes back in. Thank you so much for the wonderful review xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 02, 2017 05:06 PM · On: Emotions
Things are going well for everyone.
Author's Response: Thank god, it think we needed this x thank you so much for the beautiful review x
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 02, 2017 03:55 PM · On: Emotions
Nice chapter, everyone happy and safely in bed. Glad to have a break from all the angst. Gus is a very sweet boy. Bill
Author's Response:
I think we all needed a break from the angst s po I'm glad this worked. Gus has a beautiful heart. Thank you so much for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: February 02, 2017 03:05 AM · On: Guardian Angel
I missed a chapter so got to read the last 2. Gus is a very lucky boy. Very glad everything worked out well for everyone concerned. Still want to slap Lindsay - she always seems to have a air of entitlement - time for her to think of others first.
Author's Response: I always wanna slap her lol never liked her or Mel. I'm so happy you got to read two at once and I hope that you enjoy more when I post one today. Plus I better get my ass in gear and write more. Gus sure is very lucky thank god. Thank you so much for the review they mean the world to me x
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 02, 2017 02:11 AM · On: Guardian Angel
So glad that Gus is now safe and sound at home. Thank goodness for Dave! I'm so glad, too, that Alesky now has a job and home. Gus really was his guardian angel. And, in a way, Alesky was his, too. Of course, Dave gets the big guardian angel wings. Glad he has the knack for being where he is most needed. I'm curious about what it is that has Linds and Mel fighting. It is good that Brian decided to suggest that they all sit down and talk. That should be an interesting discussion. Still enjoying your story!
Author's Response: You are fight he is a gaurdian Angel and it's good to see there is good people in the world. I'm sure the talk will be good and much needed. Thank you so much for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2017 08:27 PM · On: Amber Alert
Oh thank goodness Gus is safe again but this constant running away is much too risky
Author's Response: Gus needs to stop You are right, he was so lucky to meet nice people. Thank you so much for the brilliant review x
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2017 06:44 PM · On: Guardian Angel
Like the new name for Mikey, he does sometimes act like a Micky. lol. Good things did come out of this. A homeless man was given a second chance. And Gus is not only his guardian angel, he has his own in Dave.
Author's Response: Lol he is funny character isn't he. You are very right two guardian angels here. There will be more tomorrow and I pray you continue to enjoy it. Thank you so much for the review xx
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Anonymous) · Date: February 01, 2017 04:35 PM · On: Guardian Angel
Thank u for update ....loved this one too..😍😍👍👍👏👏
Author's Response: Thank you so much, this makes me so happy. Xxx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2017 03:39 PM · On: Guardian Angel
LOved your reply to my last review. It was great that Brian reached out to Lindsay & Mel. He realizes that Gus loves them but they need to work on their relationship. I am not a Mikey fan but it is nice to read a story where he is not a complete butthead. Still enjoying your story!!!!!!!! Bill
Author's Response: Oh I am so happy you did because I find it hard to reply sometimes in case I say something wrong. I am glad that Brian reached out he knows he needs to put Gus first and that he needs his mums as well. I hope I can do the rest of this story justice. Thank you so much for this wonderful review x
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: February 01, 2017 05:16 AM · On: Amber Alert
Dave is Gus's guardian angel. Why was he in Altoona? Happy that Gus is safe and on his way back to his Daddies. This is a great story always happy to see the daily update!! Bill
Author's Response: He is his gayrdian Angel isn't he and lord knows why he was there but it was a blessing. There will be more today and I better get cracking on writing more so I can post daily. Thank you so much for the amazing review x
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: February 01, 2017 01:35 AM · On: Amber Alert
Thank goodness Gus met up with some caring people. I don't think I could have stood much more of him being lost! So glad Dave happened to be there. Alesky is obviously a very good person! I hope good fortune comes his way. Will be looking forward to the next update!!
Author's Response: Gus was very lucky wasn't he and yeah thank god that Dave was there, god knows why he was there but it was a blessing. More today and thank you for the review xx
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 09:08 PM · On: Amber Alert
Oh thank goodness Gus is safe again but this constant running away is much too risky
Author's Response: Yeah thank god is right, he needs to stop running. His kiddie mind huh. Thanks so much for the wonder review xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 03:22 PM · On: Amber Alert
Dave to the rescue once again. It looks like Gus makes friends everywhere he goes. His mothers don't appreciate him enough. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.
Author's Response: I think Dave is his his gaurdian Angel and thank god for him. Gus is that kind of boy who would make friends like that isn't he, I pray this is a wake up call for the girls. Thank you so much for the brilliant review x
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Anonymous) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:28 PM · On: Amber Alert
Wow...superb chapter...i liked it...thanks again...😍😍
Author's Response: You are most welcome and thank you foe the brilliant review means so much to me x
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 05:08 AM · On: Spooked
OMG you left us hanging about Gus. That was kind of mean. Glad Justin's injury wasn't serious. Can't wait for more of this story!!!!!! Bill
Author's Response: Sorry I should have warned you, there will be more today I promise. Thank you for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 03:20 AM · On: Spooked
Poor Gus. I'm sure that both Brian and Justin would rather be out searching for him. Hope that Carl is able to come up with a direction and get Gus back home.
Author's Response: Agreed I bet they would rather be out doing that, it's such a hard time for any parent. Thank you for the review xx
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 02:24 AM · On: Spooked
Lindsay sure knows how to screw things up. Justin's tumble was an unexpected twist.
Author's Response: Lindsey is singled minded isn't she and the fall was a surprise to me as well, this story has a mind of its own lol. Thanks for the amazing review x
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: January 31, 2017 02:06 AM · On: Spooked
Worried about Gus alone on a bus heading who knows where? Hope that Carl is able to find him quickly. Can't imagine how worried Brian&Justin must be. Well, I guess everyone is worried. I'm glad the fall didn't exacerbate Justin's previous head injury. I'm sure he will not enjoy hobbling around on crutches. Enjoying your story!
Author's Response: Everyone is worried you are right, so much happening for them. I am so happy you are enjoying my story that had made my day xx
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:58 AM · On: Spooked
I'm glad Justin's going to be okay...SO lucky with what happened to him before. Now they just need to find Gus!!
Author's Response: They do don't they and yeah thank god he was ok, it was a nasty fall. Thanks for all the reviews I am blown away by them all, so happy x
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:56 AM · On: Fear And Flight
Oh no!!! So much is happening I don't know what to react to yet! Poor Gus! Poor Justin!
Author's Response: I know what you mean, I felt that as I was writing it. Thanks so much for the review x
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:52 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Ooooo Lindsay! Sneaky! I'm glad that Brian has his rights, but it is bad how Lindsay went about it. I can't wait to see how Brian reacts when he finds out!
Author's Response: Lindsey is horrid for doing it the way she did that's for sure. Thanks so much fir the review x
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:49 AM · On: No Matter What.
I'm glad Michael and Ben made sure that JR had to come with them first before anything happened. The girls clearly need to work through some things. The reunion between siblings was so cute! It was clear how worried Gus was for her. Even after all that he's still worried about his mothers...such a sweet boy!
Author's Response: Those guys can turn on the protective mode when needs be and Gus has a heart bigger then the universe. Thanks you for the beautiful review x
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:46 AM · On: Worse before it gets better.
Sometimes I wonder what Brian would do without Justin. He's so supportive and loving! Not that Brian isn't...but you know what I mean. :) The girls really have a lot to answer for. Nothing can excuse this.
Author's Response: I know what you mean and you are so right, he js lucky to have him, they are lucky to have each other. The girls need to wise up that's for sure. Thanks so much for the review x
Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: January 31, 2017 01:43 AM · On: Shattered Glass
Poor little Gus...Having to do all that on his own just to protect his little sister. I can't imagine what Brian and Justin must have been feeling when he showed up! Anything could have happened to him...Good thing they're there for him. :)
Author's Response: Gus is just like his dad isn't he, a strong little boy, Brian and Justin love him so much and want to be there for him. JR is lucky to have him as a brother. Thank you for the wonderful review x
Reviewer: Sarah (Anonymous) · Date: January 30, 2017 05:04 PM · On: Spooked
Intense Chapter, still loving this story. I feel bad for Gus who can't feel safe. That's a lousy way to feel all the time. I still like this protective and loving Brian. One request please longer chapters. Thanks
Author's Response: IT was vey intense wasn't it, I love a protective Brian and we see this with Gus which I love the most. I'll make them as long as possible I promise, I'm. Working on chapter 15 now so I'll make that long if I can. I'm enjoying writing this even though it's hard at times. Thanks for the brilliant review means everything to me xx
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Anonymous) · Date: January 30, 2017 01:31 PM · On: Spooked
Well...that was intense..i like it...i am scared for gus....thank u for update....waiting for more...😙😘😙
Author's Response: You are very welcome, yeah very intense alright and more to come tomorrow xx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 08:44 PM · On: Fear And Flight
You really know how to keep the angst coming. Now we have Gus & Justin to worry about. Someone needs to tell Gus to stop running away. Hope thing start getting a little happier. Still love your story. Bill
Author's Response: Lol I do huh, Gus does need to stop and it was his mothers voice that did it again. A tad more agnst tom, so have tissues. Thanks again for the review, means a lot x
Reviewer: nkaur550 (Anonymous) · Date: January 29, 2017 04:25 PM · On: Shattered Glass
Wow...that was great ...i love this fic...waiting for more...superb work.
Author's Response: I am so happy that you love this story, words can't express what it means to me. There will be more tomorrow I promise x
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 02:20 PM · On: Fear And Flight
Okay I admit to being confused. Mel found out she'd change the records. Was that recent because last I heard Brian and Justin only just found out that the paper he signed wasn't filed. Poor Gus, how old is he now? To bike that far for someone so young is amazing.
Author's Response: I think Lindsey has them all confused about the papers she was found out big time. Gus will do anything he feels he needs to weather it's tight or wrong, he is a fixer just like his dad. Thank you for the wonderful review, more tomorrow xx
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 06:37 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Just caught up. Happy to see Brian and Justin strong in their relationship. I don't have much hope for Lindsay and Mel as it looks like Lindsay has been lying for a long time - definitely a 'relationship deal breaker'. And Lindsay turning up at Brian's and without being buzzed in???? - I hope Brian sorts her out quick smart....
Author's Response: I love the guys in a strong relationship and I am glad it shows. God knows how she got in but Brian will not be happy that's for sure. There is a lot more to come so get tissues out. Thank you so much for the awesome review means everything to me xx
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 06:19 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Michael being reasonable is nice. I can't believe Lindsay had the nerve to go to Brian& Justin's house. I hope Brian doesn't let her upset Gus & JR. Anxious for more!!! Bill
Author's Response: Michael is been great in this story and I'm glad because he needs to show this side. Lindsey isn't thinking is she. There is a ton of more drama to come. Thanks so much for the brill review xx
Reviewer: April_Danielle (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 02:12 AM · On: Shattered Glass
What is Lindsay up to,why she change the papers or why did she files a new one without telling Mel?That must be a punch to Mel's gut,knowing that your partner is going behind your back and betrayed you?And what could be Brian's reaction to all of this when he learns about the papers??Maybe it will push Brian more to get Gus to stay with him and Justin.
I loved to see Gus and her sister together like everything is fine now...
Thank for updating and sharing..
Reviewer: Sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: January 29, 2017 01:25 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Wait, wasn't it Mel who drew up the papers for Brian to sign? Wasn't it up to her to file them so she'd legally be Gus' mother? Wasn't it her that left the door open for Lindsay to do what she did? Wasn't it herself she should be upset with?
Boy oh boy are the guys in for a surprise. She better not try to take Gus away from Brian right now. Let her tell the truth and leave.
Author's Response: It's such a mess right now and I'm sure Mel is very confused as will Brian, Tons more drama ahead for them all. Thanks so much for the brilliant review xx
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 01:06 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
I don't blame Mel for being mad. What is Lindsay doing? Will it involve more lies?
Author's Response: I don't blame her either, it was wrong of her to do that behind her back. There is so much drama to come. Thank you so much for the review xx
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: January 29, 2017 12:32 AM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Oh boy. Something tells me that Brian won't be happy about this!
Author's Response: You'd be right, he is gonna be mad, lots more to come. Thanks so much for reviewing my story xx
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: January 28, 2017 10:18 PM · On: The Sound Of Silence
Very interesting chapter. I cannot believe that Lindsay and Mel are fighting with no reason! That makes their behavior so much worse! No excuse for their hurting their children by exposing them to such turmoil. Not sure what to think about Lindsay. I hope she decides to tell Brian the truth. I almost feel sorry for one likes being lied to and manipulated. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Author's Response: You are soot on, it is do much worse and Lindsey does need to tell Brian. Prepare for more drama and have tissues on hand. Thanks so much for the review xox