Reviewer: galeharoldfan1 (Signed) · Date: May 31, 2024 10:07 PM · On: Prologue
In love with this story. It had depth and layers that I never planned on. It is absolutely fantastic and one of my favorites. Thank you for this. It's a wonderful story. Well done. ghf
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 10, 2020 01:12 PM · On: Epilogue
love it
Reviewer: Severus_divides_into_H (Signed) · Date: January 03, 2019 10:43 AM · On: Epilogue
Hi! So, I was looking forward to reading this story for ages, and when I finally did, it was just as amazing as I thought it would be. First, the premise — it’s so unusual and interesting. To be honest, at first I was worried a bit that the story would be too dark, considering Brian being an escort, but to my immense relief, you’ve addressed this issue so safely and nicely, with no unnecessary pain and heartache. His situation was depressing and I admire him for his strength and his decision to do anything to help his son. I also love how carefully and realistically you pushed Brian into this business. It probably wouldn’t be very believable if he suddenly decided to go and check this type of work, but being mistaken for an escort was an unusual and very interesting choice!
Justin’s story is also pretty heartbreaking, especially considering that blindness could very well be the result of such bashing. And for an artist, this must seem like the end of the world. However, being as strong and determined as Justin is, he still continued to draw! I admire him all the time he spend in that gallery, during the exhibition. His and Brian’s first meeting was just unforgettable, with them clashing yet liking each other anyway. I love that their relationship wasn’t based on their traumas, they were just immediately attracted to each other on all possible levels. Their first kiss, the wedding they had to visit, the jealousy, the first sex — everything was absolutely perfect, so intense that I couldn’t stop reading!
Thanks for making Jennifer such an ‘alive’ character! I loved her and how her attitude to Brian was undergoing to realistic and gradual changes. I was so sad when she learned the truth, even though I knew it was time. Oh, and when Justin gave Brian money, I just groaned out loud. That was such a mistake, but thank God they figured things out. Having Brian interact with other clients was unexpectedly delicious, I enjoyed each of these scenes, and the whole surgery bit — so intense yet so overwhelmingly relieving. I’m so thrilled at the beautiful ending you gave them.
Thank you all so much for writing this brilliant story, I enjoyed it tremendously! And Alois, I tried to find you on Facebook but for some reason I couldn’t :(
Author's Response: Hi Katrin! I was so happy to see your name on my screen :) I hope you're okay, as well as your family.
As always, it's such a pleasure to read your reviews. We had a great time writing this story, which was really different from everything I've written before (Alois) and I know the premise seems pretty dark, but is not that bad. It allowed us to write about a more open Brian and it was really fun. Jennifer, too, was a delight to write.
As for Facebook, my name is Alois Dfr, and I have a lighthouse as a profile picture. The group I started is not really active anymore since I don't write much at the moment, but feel free to friend me anytime :) And again, I hope you're okay!
Hugs from France <3
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: August 23, 2018 10:16 AM · On: Epilogue
Thank you. Great writing
Author's Response: You're welcome :) Thank you for the reviews <3
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: August 23, 2018 02:46 AM · On: Chapter 13
Poor Matthew
I hope that darn Ethan Gold does not get a hold of Justin
Author's Response: :)
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: August 23, 2018 02:21 AM · On: Chapter 11
Poor Gus
Brian would been better of if he never meet Lindsey, she never was good for him, neither in other stories and or in the TV show.
Author's Response: We will have to agree to disagree on this one. And without Lindsay, Gus woudln't exist, that would be a shame :)
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: August 23, 2018 12:17 AM · On: Chapter 3
love it so far
Author's Response: Thanks :)
Reviewer: Lori (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2018 07:48 PM · On: Epilogue
I really enjoyed this story. I can't wait to read more by you.
Author's Response: Thank you Lori! We're very glad you enjoyed this story :)
Reviewer: landlady_4rent (Signed) · Date: October 25, 2017 04:31 AM · On: Chapter 2
Had to add. So familiar with Peritoneal dialysis. I did it for my Mom at home. It's not easy. You have to be so careful for infections. Hugs! Enough for tonight. Lol. Seriously! Hugs!
Author's Response: I'm sorry you had to deal with this. This must be so tough to deal with on a daily basis. We tried to be accurate in this story, but since none of us have dealt with a loved one who was on a peritoneal dialisys at home, we hope we didn't write anything wrong (we read a lot about it).
Aw, we love your reviews! Thank you again and have a great day Annie <3
Reviewer: landlady_4rent (Signed) · Date: October 25, 2017 04:26 AM · On: Chapter 2
Love the playfulness between Brian & Justin. There is definately a difference between Justin & his regular trick Matthew. So looking forward to the weekend wedding. I have to stop for tonight. I need some sleep. Lol. So well written. Thank you! Hugs! Annie
Author's Response: There is something very unique between Brian and Justin in this story, and we're glad you feel it! Thank you again :)
Reviewer: landlady_4rent (Signed) · Date: October 25, 2017 04:13 AM · On: Chapter 1
Loving it. I love how Justin is a strong character, not weak or afraid. Blinded is a nice touch instead of bashed. Hoping he gets his sight back. Poor Gus! Poor Brian. This is beautifully written. Thank you. Looking forward to chapter 2. Hugs! Annie
Author's Response: Hi Annie!
Finally my internet is back, so I can respond to your reviews :) I'm glad you like a strong Justin, since he is very determined in this story. Brian and Gus have a lot to face, but we hope you will enjoy the ride! And so glad you feel like it's beautifully written.
Thank you again :)
Reviewer: Suse (Signed) · Date: August 09, 2017 09:16 PM · On: Epilogue
Just finished reading this wonderful story! The three of you did an awesome job presenting a really cohesive story. It's always nice to see the gentler side of Brian. Hope to see more of your efforts! Thank you for sharing your talents.
Author's Response: Aw, we're very happy you liked this story Susan! And grateful for you to leave us a comment. We have enjoyed immensely working on this story together and have plans for future individuals works, so, you will see more of us :D
Thank you again <3
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Lori (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2017 01:42 AM · On: Epilogue
This was a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it .
Author's Response: We're thrilled you enjoyed this ride Lorine! Thank you so much for reading and for the comment :)
~Alois, addict_writer and eureka1~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 06:11 PM · On: Epilogue
What a beautiful, poignant story, ladies. Full of emotion, passion, love, and compassion for a son from his father, who would do anything to save him; even lose a part of his dignity. This has been a wonderful ride! Thank you for persevering and finishing what at times must have been a challenge. You all did a great job! And congrats on the ribbon. If someone else hadn't done it, I sure would have. Hope you all continue to write. Thank you for posting this on here. ~Kim
Author's Response: Aw, thank you Kim. Coming from you, it's such a big compliment that you liked this story. We enjoyed the ride and are thrilled this tale has touched the readers :)
And of course, we're also humbled to be rewarded for it. We look forward to write more for this wonderful place and again, thank you for your devotion to MW as wall as your amazing support.
~Alois, addict_writer and eureka1~
Reviewer: dejana970 (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 04:15 PM · On: Epilogue
Great story, beautifully written. I enjoy your writing.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! We're so glad you liked it :D And thank you a lot for the compliment on our witing <3
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1~
Reviewer: Canario (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2017 03:53 AM · On: Epilogue
One of the best fics I have read, and with a happy ending, I prefer that, real life is difficult enough, so if I read fics for fun I like to see the characters happy.
Author's Response: Aw, thank you so much! We're so happy that you have enjoyed this fic as much as you did. Doing a happy dance right now :D
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 09:07 AM · On: Epilogue
I really enjoyed this story and you write hot sex scenes whew' I hope I get to read some more of your stories xx
Author's Response: Aw, thank you Chris! So glad you enjoyed this one. It had more sex than in our other stories, but it seemed to fit the tone of this story. Glad you approve :D
* a big hug! *
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 02:03 AM · On: Epilogue
what a wonderful ride this story has been- from sadness, to triumph and eveything in between- lots of angst- ( my favorite kind of story) but great and happy ending- I know this story has been difficult to write- writers block, lack of comments, personal RL etc, but I must say I am pleased with the story and hope that you guys consider writing together again.
Author's Response: You're right it hasn't been always easy, but we're happy with the result and with the responses we had on this fic. Actually, when we decided to collaborate together, we were supposed to write a one-shot or a short fic It seems we failed, LOL!
Again, thank you so much for your support and your amazing reviews. We will now probably work on our own works, but yes, collaborating on a story is a lot of fun :)
Thank you again <3 <3 <3
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2017 01:00 AM · On: Epilogue
What a sweet, lovely ending! I am SO happy that all of the gang was there to celebrate Gus's Birthday...
I have enjoyed this Fic so much, I'm a little sorry to see it end. Great job!
Author's Response: We're glad you enjoyed this fic Trish :) Thank you so much for letting us know.
* a big hug to you *
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: mcm (Signed) · Date: August 04, 2017 07:44 PM · On: Chapter 23
Wow this is Sad to see it end. Love how you had the boys stay together and their indvid. deams fulfilled.
Wow the Hawt ending :)
thank you for all the time love and energy you both put in on this story.
Looking for more great stories
Author's Response: Thank YOU for being such a wonderful supporter, Teresa. We always loved to read you thoughts and encouragements, and you've helped us a lot when we were stuck or demotivated.
We hope to come up with new stories soon! :D
* A big hug to you <3 *
~Alois, addict_writer and eureka1~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: August 04, 2017 02:54 PM · On: Epilogue
Ah c'est très bien, finir sur l'anniversaire de Gus et l'année écoulée! Brian et Justin ont tout réussi depuis qu'ils se sont rencontrés! Merci beaucoup Alois and co pour cette histoire; j'espère que tu vas nous en concocter une autre histoire très bientôt ! j'adore tes histoires. Amitiés du Pays Basque
Author's Response: On est ravie que cela t'ait plu jusqu'au bout Marie-France! C'était chouette d'écrire cette histoire et on est vraiment contente de voir que les leceurs semblent avoir apprécié aussi :D
Je pense peut-être écrire une autre histoire, mais qui sera plus sombre. On verra bien :) Je sais aussi que Rody et Karynn ont d'autres projets pour QAF.
Encore un GRAND MERCI!
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: August 04, 2017 10:36 AM · On: Epilogue
Ong this was amazing, the party was brilliant, I wanted to be there and I hate parties lol. Brian really touched me here he is so sweet and loving to his son and Justin.
The SD comic was an amazing touch and I'm sure will be the pride of the little boys life forever.
We need more of this plz don't end it here I'm so in love with all of them in this story.
Thank you for writing this story, you guys have seriously out done yourself, you should be so very proud d84;a039;d84;a039;d84;a039;
Author's Response: We're so glad you enjoyed this story as much as you did Vicki! We loved to write about Brian/Justin. Gus.
And the SD comic was the perfect gift for Gus, right? LOL
Thank you so much for your amazing reviews and your enthusiasm. We don't plan to write a sequel for now; maybe one day, we will revisit this universe? But we're humbled you want more.
* A gigantic hug to you! *
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: August 03, 2017 12:26 AM · On: Chapter 23
Oh, wow! I realized when I first started reading this that I must have missed a chapter while I was away... so I had to backtrack to catch up. It was not a difficult task, LOL!
Love how this chapter ended... just the promise of more intimacy to come is exciting.
Looking forward to the next chapter, although I don't think I'm ready for it to end!
Author's Response: LOL!
And we're very glad you liked this unexpected twist in their relationship. We swear Brian decided to do that all on his own :D
The epilogue will be up very soon. Thank you as always Trish, for your wonderful reviews!
~ Alois, addict_writer and euraka1 ~
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 11:22 AM · On: Chapter 23
Wow beuatiful chapter .. Brian can start his own company .. Justin can go to PIFA .. in time they can do it raw .. and I know for sure that Gus will be okay too. Happy ending.
Sad to only see the epiloque coming. Love this story.
* hugs *
Author's Response: Aw, thank you Marian! Everything comes together for them and it's time they have their happy ending :)
The epilogue will be up either later today or tomorrow.
* hugs back! *
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 10:43 AM · On: Chapter 23
Wonderful chapter the boys getting their lives back together and then so hot hot love
Author's Response: We feel they're finally ready to move on with their lives, together, and yes, their love is hot! LOL
Thank you for commenting Chris! <3 <3
~ Alois, addict_writer and euraka1 ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 08:40 AM · On: Chapter 23
Ouais de très bonnes nouvelles pour eux et une partie de sexe hyper chaude! Vous êtes sures que c'est bientôt fini ? Merci c'est vraiment une super histoire et l'épilogue cerise sur le cadeau j'espère !!
Author's Response: Merci Marie-France! Comme toujours, ton commentaire est un vrai bonheur :) Et oui, c'est fini, plus que quelques corrections avant de publier l'épilogue, pour ce soir ou demain. Alors encore une fois, merci encore pour chacun de tes commentaires qui sont toujours un vrai plaisir à lire!!
Amitiés de Bretagne :)
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 05:52 AM · On: Chapter 23
Wonderful story
Author's Response: Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 05:19 AM · On: Chapter 23
Sigh....what can I say? Do I enjoy this story? YES! Am I sad to see this ending? HECK YEAH! Will I be waiting with bated breath til your next story? OF COURSE!
Util then, I have the upcoming epilogue left to savor...
Author's Response: Aw Carrie, you ARE so wonderful!!! Thank you so much for your kindness, it means the world :) <3 <3 <3
The epilogue will be up very soon, so stay tuned!
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Author's Response: Aw Carrie, you ARE so wonderful!!! Thank you so much for your kindness, it means the world :) <3 <3 <3
The epilogue will be up very soon, so stay tuned!
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 01:39 AM · On: Chapter 23
I must have missed the last chapter so got to read two today- woot- I loved that the counselor was also CEO of a big corporation and offered to fund Brian's new business. Wow- that was awesome. I could truly feel the love between the two men in the last scenes- very wonderful. Sad to see this story end and can't wait for you to write something new.
Author's Response: Aw, so glad you liked Richard's intervention in Brian's life :) And that last scene does show the depth of their feelings for each other. So glad you liked it!
The epilogue will be up very soon :) I (Alois) do hope I will write another story, I know eureka1 is working on hers and Rody is too! So, there will be more to come :)
Thank you, as always, for your wonderful support Sandy <3
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: LauraB725 (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2017 12:12 AM · On: Chapter 23
This was a beautiful ending to a wonderful story. I'm very excited that everything is coming together for our boys.
omg that love scene was very hot! I think I'm melting 😊
Looking forward to the epilogue!
Author's Response: Yay! We're glad you liked it! As you say, everything is coming together for our boys, and it's time :)
Also, glad you like their connection here :D
The epilogue will be up very soon!!!
~ Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Camlaw (Signed) · Date: July 30, 2017 02:57 PM · On: Chapter 22
You should know that I adore your work...I hate that its ending soon. I hope to get sequels or snippets like with the Entwined Universe...
Author's Response: Thank you so much for saying that Carrie :) Reviews like yours are truly the main reason why it's worth it to share our fanfic stories.
* A big hug *
~Alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2017 12:53 PM · On: Chapter 22
Hi, ladies - again, a most enjoyable chapter with some surprises. I thought reintroducing Adrienne into a story - and making her a PIFA professor - was inspired. Great idea! And so happy for Justin's opportunity to go to art school. A lot of things seem to be falling into place.
Now I'm assuming that this Aston guy is a big-shot CEO who will need some advertising services, and hopefully will rescue Brian from his necessity to be an escort in order to pay for Gus's surgery (?). And since Brian's opinion is that the guy is straight, I'm also assuming he won't be hitting on him. ;)
I always love stories where Brian displays his love for his son, and I can't think of a more open example than literally giving the boy a piece of him. And that sex scene was hot!
As always, still one of my current favorites. Thank you for the update. I'll hate to see this one end, but as always I look forward to the next chapter. ~Kim
Author's Response: Hey Kim!
We loved to write about Adrienne, since she was such an important part of Justin's decision to draw again. Justin is finally having the life he deserves.
We love your assumptions, LOL! You will know very soon what Richard's motives really are, since the next chapter is written (and will be the last before the epilogue). We will, of course, write more about Brian and Gus before this story is over.
We're glad you're still enjoying this, Kim! Thank you very much for your review, we deeply appreciate it :)
~ alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2017 10:24 AM · On: Chapter 22
Omg what now? I loved Brian sneaky chuckle in group and then looking chastened lol
Author's Response: LOL! Brian in a group session, we should totally write a plot about that!
Thank you so much for your feedback Chris :) FYI, the next chapter will be posted soon (and will be the last before the epilogue)
A big hug!
~ alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2017 09:42 AM · On: Chapter 22
C'est super de voir Adrienne dans cette histoire je l'adore! Est ce que Brian va retrouver sa place d'Adman grace à Richard je suis impatiente de la suite! Chapitre très agréable comme toujours Merci Mesdames!
Author's Response: On a vraiment aimé inclure Adrienne dans la fin de cette histoire, sachant qu'elle était si importante pour Justin au début. Et concernant Brian, tu auras la réponse très vite, c'est promis! Le prochain chapitre est déjà écrit (l'insipiration est vraiment quelque chose de bizarre haha), et sera le dernier avant l'épilogue. Encore un grand merci pour ton soutien et tes commentaires, que l'on savoure à chaque fois :D
~ alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: July 27, 2017 09:10 PM · On: Chapter 22
I'm so happy that Justin had such a great show and I can't wait to find out how his meeting goes. I bet he is very nervous.
Ooooh I don't have a good feeling about Richard, he better keep his mitts off and Brian better not cheat on Justin or he will lose more then a kidney, cos I'll cut something else off.
Brilliant work xx
Author's Response: Hey Vicki!
As always, such a pleasure to read your review :)
Justin is so nervous, you're right! We will know soon how the interview goes.
As for Richard, we will also know soon what are his motives ;) In fact, the next chapter will be the last before the epilogue, but we promise to explain everything before the end :D
We should be able to post very soon, it seems the end of this story is writing all by itself, which is a miracle LOL.
Again, we can't say enough how much your support means to us. Thank you Vicki! Thinking of you <3
~ alois, addict_writer and eureka1 ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: July 22, 2017 12:30 PM · On: Chapter 21
Très beau chapitre, plein d'émotions ! Les lois "anti gay" sont vraiment inhumaines ! J'aime la relation Brian Gus c'est un sacré petit bonhomme malgré la maladie; Le dessin de Justin doit être époustouflant!
Author's Response: Merci Marie-France! Les lois médicales ont toujours fait polémique, surtout depuis l'affaire du sang contaminé (en France en tout cas). Mais à notre époque, et sachant tous les tests qui existent ainsi que le fait que cela peut sauver des vies, refuser le droit aux homos de donner leur sang ou un organe n'a pas de sens. Je suis contente que la France l'autorise! Les US ont encore du chemin à faire sur le sujet.
Un nouveau chapitre sera publié bientôt. Merci encore pour ton soutien, on adore!
~alois, addict_writer & eureka1 ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 22, 2017 11:35 AM · On: Chapter 21
What a wonderful chapter. Brian having to keep his mantra as a guide of 'it isn't lying if they make you lie' However he stays so true to himself by putting a loved one first. His love for Gus is so strong he played a game for Gus. He now understands what love is with Justin
Author's Response: Aw, thank you Chris! Brian is still heterophobe LOL but he would do anything for his son, and for Justin.
The next chapter will be up very soon. Thank you so much for reviewing and especially for your wonderful post on the FB page. We're so grateful to have you as a reader :)
~alois, addict_writer & eureka1 ~
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 22, 2017 01:09 AM · On: Chapter 21
It's scary how close Gus came to not getting a kidney. I agree that the rules for donating are stupid.
Author's Response: Right? The law can be so discriminating for gay men. It's not that simple of course with all that happened about contaminated blood in the past, but equal rights should prevail in our opinion, especially now.
Thank you for another great review!
~alois, addict_writer & eureka1 ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: July 21, 2017 08:42 PM · On: Chapter 21
Wow talk about emotional, thst was a beautiful chapter with Justin drawing like he is with his sight back and a playful Brian is just what I needed. I wasn't so lucky with my left eye.
I prsy thst all will go well with Gus and that we see more with him and the boys. I love seeing him interact with Justin as he can see right to the heart.
Fantastic workbas always, you guys should be proud x
Author's Response: So glad you're still enjoying this, Vicki! the boys are so good for each other, and we agree Gus is the sweetest :)
Thinking of you and sending TONS of love and hugs your way <3
~alois, addict_writer & eureka1 ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: June 30, 2017 08:19 PM · On: Chapter 20
Hi Ladies,
I knew you would come through!!! But of course you had to make me doubt a little in the beginning lol This was an Awesome chapter! It is thrilling that Justin finally gets his eye sight back and get to see what Brian beauty! Woohoo lol Also he can see how much Brian loves him. What a touching moment <3 was sweet to read about Daphne's display of emotions over Justin's sight returning. It was funny how Brian got indignant over Daphne using his 'precious' designer clothes as her tissue lol
What a Beautiful love scene between the boys. I felt bad that Justin did not get to top Brian, but I loved how you used this scene to show how much Brian cares for Justin's well being. It also showed how much Justin wanted to show him he loves him by getting to top Brian.
What an Awesome way to end this chapter by Brian admitting he loved justin! My heart's aflutter lol The build up was worth the weight! Thanks for all your work!
BIG HUGS~Lisa <3
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
Aw, thank you as always for another beautiful review! We tried to scare the readers a bit (haha) but not for long 😉 Writing about Justin's recovering his sight was great, although we had a lot of pressure to do it right. Glad you liked it!!!
And at first, Justin almost topped Brian here, but then, Brian was just too scared lol. Really, they have a mind of their own. Brian saying I love you? I swear he didn't told us until it was written and I was like, what the hell just happened? haha
As always, thank you for bearing with us during this journey. We're so grateful for you being one of our reader d84;a039;
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2017 08:48 AM · On: Chapter 20
Omg this was amazing, I cried happy tears reading this. Justin must have been so scared I could feel everyone's nerves waiting to see the result. I love how Brian is with him and I pray nothing goes wrong to undo all the good that was created by this operation.
This is has given me hope that my eye can be fixed.
Thank you you for writing this xx
Author's Response: Aw, we're so glad this chapter had touched you! We wanted it to be special, but actually writing it was a challenge, even though we're happy with the result. We hope, too, that your eye can be fixed and are thinking of you and sending tons of love <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
We're honored to have you as a reader of this story. A big hug to you!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2017 03:32 AM · On: Chapter 20
I love how Justin can get so excited just from sketching Brian, LOL! But I'm sure it's killing both of them having to leave the more "strenuous" activities until Justin is healed. ;p
Author's Response: He is like a kid in a candy store, LOL! And about them not having more 'strenuous activities', it killed us too haha, but realistically, they couldn't have sex so soon. We have a feeling they will make up for the lost time very soon :D
Thank you so much for your support Trish!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2017 02:08 AM · On: Chapter 20
Thank you. Thank you. great chapter and so glad that Brian is admitting that he loves Justin and didn't freak out at the proclamtion. I love this story and I know sometimes it is hard to write, but I jsut wanted to tell you it is such a great read. I can't wait to Justin fully heals and he can really have sex ( make love) with Brian. That will be a very hot read, for sure. ( even if it is fade to black) the emotions are so evident.
Author's Response: You're welcome Sandy :) It is sometimes hard to write, but hopefully the inspiration always comes back, and we have been very inspired for this chapter. Such a boost to have feedbacks like yours.
So, you want Justin to make love to Brian? Dully noted ;D
Thank you as always for your amazing support.
~Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 26, 2017 01:02 AM · On: Chapter 20
Yay, Justin has his sight back. Nay, no sex. But Brian has no problem telling Justin that he loves him, so back to yay.
Author's Response: LOL! Love your resume, Phyllis!
Thank you for reading :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: June 25, 2017 09:03 PM · On: Chapter 20
Oh my God it nearly made me cry when Justin saw Brian for the first time, it was so beautiful and touching...thank you!
Author's Response: Aw, thank YOU Sarah! We're so happy with your review as we wanted this chapter to be extra special :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: June 25, 2017 08:17 PM · On: Chapter 20
Justin voit ! Super nouvelle, j'espère que l'autre oeil sera aussi réussi! Beaucoup de sensualité dans ce retour au loft! Merci pour ce chapitre !
Author's Response: Merci à toi! Toujours un plaisir de savoir que tu aimes cette histoire :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: June 24, 2017 05:48 PM · On: Chapter 19
Hi again Ladies!
Justin feels like he has to be a referee for those two lol
I know Jennifer is being a protective mother, but she has contempt prior to investigation. I am thrilled that Brian chose (Because his love for Justin) to disclose to Jennifer why he went to his current profession. She needs to see that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to Brian, so she can let go and start accepting his relationship with Justin or she will lose out in the end, but they had a good conversation and you can see where Justin gets his intuitiveness from. Jennifer knew when to back off.
Justin was off his rocker. He was flying high lol That was funny!
I love how Brian fixes the situation with jennifer being a mother hen to Justin and demands, not asks, that she goes with him lol It was also good that Jennifer gets to see Linday's point of view about Brian.
This is my favorite part of this chapter - "Im not sure why you are complaining. At least, we didn't talk about 'little pumpkin' or 'soft baby banana'." Jennifer retorted, barely suppressing a grin. That just cracked me up!! Ha ha ha. Then later, Brian thinks he is getting her back by calling her grandma and she loves it lol
And yes you both earn your title as evil authors leaving us with that cliff hanger lol But I know you will regain your sweetness by making Justin's surgery come out right??? Right?? LOL Yeah I know I am being munipulative! He he he.
Great story!!! I can never get enough! thanks for all the hard work you both put in this story!!!
BIG HUGS from Lisa in the United States :) <3
Author's Response: It's always such a pleasure to discover your detailed reviews and to know what you think about every aspect of it. Again, we want to thank you for that, and for pointing at a part you particularly enjoyed. You rock!!!
Next chapter is coming right now!
* BIG HUGS from France and Romania <3 *
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: June 24, 2017 04:16 PM · On: Chapter 18
Hi Ladies!
The exchange between Brian and John was Great! I like how John has enough respect for himself to back out even though Brian was already planning on stopping after he have him one last treat! I love the way that Justin's positive influence is changing his life.
God I love protective Justin. What a little Pit Bull lol But I am thrilled that you have Brian protecting himself. I never seen him as a wimp and I am glad you portray as being able to hold his own.
It was fun seeing how Brian does not put up with Jennifer's shit. I love his bluntness lol
Then ending was sweet. Justin just gets Brian. He knows what he needs. They are so good together with their give and take. That's why I never get tired of reading about the boys. Great story! I am excited to read more!
Author's Response: Hey Lisa!
We're so glad you like John! The man is smart, fortunately and understand Brian's reasons to back off.
Justin is hilarious as a protective Pit Bull LOL But yes, Brian can take care of himself. And he does with Jennifer haha
Thank you so much, AGAIN, for your wonderful support, Lisa, We're thrilled you like it so much :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2017 11:46 AM · On: Chapter 19
Talk about a nerve filled chapter my heart was in my throat throughout his. Justin made me laugh with his babbling that was really really funny. Jennifer and Brian's conversations were really good and I think now she understands him a lot better and that may help big time.
I can't wait to find out how it all went after the bandage came off. I'm nervous be as I got my eye appointment today and I don't know if I'll need surgery or not.
incredible job xx
Author's Response: As always, it's a great pleasure to read your review, Vicky! The big reveal is coming soon :)
We hope your appointment will go well. Sending lots of love <3 <3 <3
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Author's Response: As always, it's a great pleasure to read your review, Vicky! The big reveal is coming soon :)
We hope your appointment will go well. Sending lots of love <3 <3 <3
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2017 12:40 AM · On: Chapter 19
OK, now I understand why you begged for forgiveness when you announced the new chapter on the Facebook page, LOL!
Great update!
Author's Response: LOL! We know we're evil but it seemed like the natural place to end it... * grin *
Thank you so much!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2017 10:26 AM · On: Chapter 19
I'm glad that Jennifer met Lindsey. Now she knows another site of Brian. Great chapter!!
Author's Response: Jennifer knows the truth behind Brian's job now. Hopefully, this will help her better understand her son's boyfriend :)
Thank you for the support!!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2017 08:31 AM · On: Chapter 19
Alors alors ?J'espère que tout sera pour le mieux. Jennifer qui commence à deviner les vrai Brian avec ce que lui a raconté Lyndsay. J'aime beaucoup ce chapitre, merci mais j'attends la suite avec impatience!
Author's Response: On sait qu'on a exagéré! Mais le chapitre devenait trop long et on a pas pu s'en empêcher :D la suite très bientôt!
Merci beaucoup Marie-France :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2017 02:15 AM · On: Chapter 19
I just loved the interaction between Brian/ Jennifer and Lindsay. I see that Jennifer is coming around and I like that . Enjoyed how you incorporated some cannon quotes in there too. But.... you are evil, leaving us hanging as to the outcome of the surgery.
Author's Response: So glad you liked it! Jennifer needed to know Brian's story. And we know it was a mean way to stop, but it seemed natural, too; okay, we have no valid excuse LOL
Thank you as always for your review, Sandy! Love to read them :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2017 01:15 AM · On: Chapter 19
Omg how could you stop it there!
Author's Response: * grin *
We promise not to make you wait for too long :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: June 17, 2017 07:29 PM · On: Chapter 19
I'm so excited to see the outcome of Justin's surgery...such an awesome chapter!
Author's Response: Aw, thank you so much Sarah!!
More to come very soon :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: June 17, 2017 06:57 PM · On: Chapter 19
Aggrrr I need more ... NOW!! ........ sorry.
* hugs *
Author's Response: We know! More soon it's a promise!!!
* hugs you tightly *
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Proud Acadian (Signed) · Date: June 17, 2017 04:46 PM · On: Chapter 19
Hopefully you will not keep us waiting too long...
Reviewer: Seawind (Signed) · Date: June 14, 2017 07:28 AM · On: Chapter 18
This story is just so great - I love the storyline! Thank you for posting :-)
Author's Response: Aww, so happy you like it!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know, we deeply appreciate that. Thank YOU for reading! :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 13, 2017 03:43 AM · On: Chapter 13
I am doing everything I can to take this slowly, but I can't. This story has captivated me and I dread catching up.
This is wonderful!
Author's Response: And that's one of the best compliment we can have, so thank you!!!! We really hope we won't disappoint you until the end :D
Thank you again for all the reviews!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: June 13, 2017 02:43 AM · On: Chapter 18
Awesome update- I really like the scene in Babylon and Brian with Dr. John was a great scene as well. I think Justin gets Brian's fears and I hope that they figure it out.
Author's Response: Aw, thank you! John is a great man, really, and in the end, the boys are very lucky to have met him. As for Brian's fears, they are completely legit in this situation, a proof that he cares, too.
As always, thank you so much for your support, my friend :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 12, 2017 08:42 PM · On: Chapter 10
Oh my goodness...this scene was absolutely beautiful! But poor Brian. :(
Author's Response: Hi Deborah! And thank you, again! So glad you're still enjoying this :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 12, 2017 02:24 AM · On: Chapter 9
This is my favorite chapter so far, Brian saying how much he wants him just made feel overjoyed.
Author's Response: :D
And you make us feel overjoyed with your reviews! Thank you so much Deborah :) We hope you will like the rest of this story!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 12, 2017 12:20 AM · On: Chapter 8
Lots of good stuff in this chapter!
I'm so happy that Brian is taking Justin out! YAY!
Author's Response: It's time, right?
Thank you for all the reviews!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 11, 2017 06:18 PM · On: Chapter 3
Loved this chapter. Brian's repartee was hilarious!
Author's Response: Aw, thank you! So glad you like it :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 11, 2017 01:34 PM · On: Chapter 2
Another wonderful chapter. I'm actually happy that Lindsay knows about Brian's occupation and that he isn't REALLY a prostitute, as far as prostitutes go.
I look forward to the wedding weekend.
Author's Response: Thank you :D <3
We wanted a plausible plot, so we figured Brian could become a high-class escort of some sort, but not really a prostitute. Although, lying to his friends about his life wasn't an option, either.
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: June 11, 2017 08:56 AM · On: Chapter 18
Super chapitre les filles ! j'adore les réactions de John et Jennifer Ils ont l"air si concernés par la relation Brian Justin! J'ai hâte de connaitre le résultat de l'opération et je ne suis pas la seule !
Author's Response: Yes! On danse de joie devant notre écran :D
Merci, merci, merci!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: June 10, 2017 11:26 PM · On: Chapter 18
I know I am absolutely horrible about leaving reviews... but I just stopped by to let you know how much I am enjoying reading this story. Anxious to see the results of Justin's surgery.
Author's Response: You're not horrible at all! You're fantastic with your reviews. I (Alois) have loved to read every single one of them!!! :D
Very glad to know you like this one, too. Thank you so much!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: kellankyle (Signed) · Date: June 10, 2017 10:30 PM · On: Chapter 1
I really enjoyed this chapter and was actually surprised to learn about Justin's blindness. Nice job!
Author's Response: We're glad we could surprise you! Thank you :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: June 10, 2017 09:21 PM · On: Chapter 18
Love this story so much. Thanks.
* hugs *
Author's Response: Thank you for sharing this. It means a lot :)
* hugs back *
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: June 10, 2017 08:10 PM · On: Chapter 18
You guys moved me to tears happy tears. I think if Brian had told John why he did the job he did he would really help him and Gus. I actually like him, is that bad?
lol how Brian handled the other client is perfect I laughed and I needed that, so thank you so much.
Jennifer was funny wasn't she and OMG Gus, he is just the cutest and sweetest with Justin, I need more of that please.
I was was so moved by the end of this chapter with Brian and Justin, I really can't wait to see what's next and if Brian will say it back to him. I think Justin knows already but to hear the words might help. Plus I think Brian has nothing to fear if everything goes ok. Justin loves him.
Thank you guys for this amazing chapter, fantastic work as always 💕💕
Author's Response: Aww, so glad you liked this chapter so much, Vicki! Your support on this story is truly amazing, and a real boost to keep going :)
John is a good man! You can like him as much as you like :D
Brian's work is not always easy, but fortunately, he knows how to handle it, right? Jennifer also, is quite a characer in here. As for Gus, he is, like all child are to a parent, the most adorable thing ever!
The boys are very close, now. No matter if Brian says the words out loud or not, Justin knows. But you're right, Brian has nothing to fear anymore.
Thank you Vicki for being such a wonderful supporter of this story. We can't emphasize enough how much it helps!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2017 12:41 PM · On: Chapter 17
Hi Ladies!
Awe my heart is really going out to Justin :( He is brave for carrying on, but the news was not inspiring to him. He might now regain anything. I am crossing my fingers that it all works out well for him. Thank god he has Brian by his side.
Sometimes I really want to kill Brian's friends lol They are so nosey, but Brian always gives away his power to them. I want to tell them off lol I wanted them to tell them all to f off lol But at least Brian remedied tghis by giving Justin a Great time in the bathroom lol I was laughing out loud while reading that. Justin really needed some comic release of tension as well as comic relief after the day he had!
Great job as always! I am looking forward to the next chapter. I finally have caught up on my reviews woo hooo!! lol I hope you both are having a wonderful day where ever you two are located :)
Author's Response: Hi again!
Yes, the news was not what Justin wanted to hear, but there's hope, although he can't know what the future holds for now. We know, we're evil lol
Brian's friends are kind of annoying, right? We might have had a tendency to accentuate some flaws here LOL! But of course, it gave Brian a reason to do a little TLC with Justin ;D
We're so glad you're still enjoying this story and thanks so much for your reviews, it makes us very, VERY happy! The next chapter will be updated in a couple of days :D
~ A huge hug from Romania (addict_writer) and France (Alois)! ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: June 01, 2017 02:15 PM · On: Chapter 16
Hi Ladies,
I love how Brian tries to be a gentleman (only with Justin) and Justin being the bossy bottom is having none of that lol He knows what he wants! I just love those two together and can never get enough lol
One of the qualities I love best about Justin is his tenacity. He goes for what he wants and holds on with hands and feet! Another quality I love is also his ability to read Brian, so well and pushes, but takes it easy at the sametime. Their love for each other is wonderful to witness.
I can understand Justin being testy and trying t push brian away from going with him, he has a lot hope riding on this, but Brian does not back down and supports him regardless. That is what makes them a wonderful couple because they know what each other needs.
Real life is moving. I hope all is well with both of you :) As always thanks for the Entertainment!
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
As always, it's a real pleasure to read your comment. We hope RL is treating you better these days. We've been quite overwhelmed ourselves, but we're okay :)
Brian and Justin are finally together for real! Brian is very protective of Justin in this story and Justin is very tenacious, as you say. This is also one of his quality we loved the most in the show. Of course, it's not always easy and Justin has to deal with his own emotions regarding his sight and his hopes, but in the end, he knows he can count on Brian. As you point out, they know what the other needs.
Thank you for another amazing review :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: May 28, 2017 08:31 AM · On: Chapter 17
I love the protective and caring side of Brian. You can feel his love for Justin. It feels like being in the same room with them.
Author's Response: We're so glad you love it as much as we do! Thank you sincerely for leaving your thoughts, we appreciate that very much :D
Unfortunately, there will be no update this week, since RL doesn't allow us anytime to write, but we promise to update next week. Thank you as always for your amazing support on this fic <3
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: May 27, 2017 08:42 PM · On: Chapter 17
I could feel Justins panic and fears because right now I am having issues with my left eye, I can only see White out through the middle if it. I fear I may loose the sight so I feel what he feels in a way.
Abd bed thank you guys for the added and much needed hotness, phew wee my poor iPad may never recover lol
Hope we see more Gus with Justin and Brian soon.
Fantastic work as always. Thank you all for writing this story.
Author's Response: We so hope you're going to be alright! Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way <3
We hope your IPad survives LOL You will see more of Brian, Justin and Gus, soon, we promise :)
No chapter this week, RL and work is not letting us a minute to write, so we're slowing down the updates, but we promise to finish this story as soon as we can. Next chapter in a week or so! Thank you as always for your amazing suppport.
* hugs *
~Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: May 27, 2017 08:18 PM · On: Chapter 17
Oh mon dieu mais c'est quoi ces amis ? Remuer le couteau là où ça fait mal quelle délicatesse ! heureusement Brian reprend les choses en main LOL Je suis impatiente de savoir que vont donner les opérations de Justin . J'aime Brian qui est si sûr de ses . Merci pour cette suite
Author's Response: Avec plaisir Marie-France! Le prochain chapitre ne sera pas publié cette semaine, mais la semaine prochaine. Nous sommes malheureusement submergées de travail, donc nous ralentissons les publications mais nous promettons de finir cette histoire! Merci encore pour ton soutien; encore une fois, quel plaisir de lire tes commentaires :)
A très bientôt!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: peacock (Anonymous) · Date: May 23, 2017 02:42 PM · On: Chapter 16
Fingers crossed!
Author's Response: :D
Glad that you're on team Justin!
Thank you :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: May 22, 2017 07:16 PM · On: Chapter 16
Great chapter!!
Author's Response: Aw, thank you so much! And thank you even more for letting us know you're enjoying it :D You're the best!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: May 22, 2017 05:44 AM · On: Chapter 16
Love it, thanks.
Author's Response: And we're so glad you do! More to come very soon :)
* hugs back *
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: May 21, 2017 07:06 PM · On: Chapter 16
Oh be still my beating heart this was epic. It's like their souls found each other and their love was strong. My god this was steaming hot so much so my iPad fogged up lol.
I loved their conversations, their connection you showed and, oh their is so much I loved about this chapter and then you leave me on a chilffhanger......tease 😝 Lol
Fantastic work, seriouly can't wait for more xxx
Author's Response: We hope your heart has slowed down and that your IPad is working again! :D
We're thrilled you like this story so much! Thank you sincerely for your support and enthusiasm on this, we love love love every single one of your review :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: May 21, 2017 06:36 AM · On: Chapter 16
Wow Brian has admitted his feelings and now they both face the uncertain future of Justin eyes and Brian's work
Author's Response: Exactly! They have a lot to face but we promise it will be a great ride :D
Thank you very much for your comment Chris!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: May 20, 2017 11:41 PM · On: Chapter 16
Was delighted to see you updating this, Ladies! I don't know how you could ever doubt yourselves. This was one of my favorite chapters. Your description of Brian's thought process as he admits to himself his true feelings for Justin was so excellently written, and I think this was one of the best sex scenes I have ever read; hot but still so tender and filled with emotion. You can almost feel their love for each other jump off the page here.
I can understand his hesitation, but I kept thinking, tell him, Brian! Tell him that you love him! But you know what? He didn't really HAVE to say it, b/c it was there in his every move, his every touch and caress.
But that cliffie! Aaarrggh! That will just give me something to look forward to in the future.
Loving this story from every angle, and I do hope you continue to be inspired and encouraged to continue, b/c you both deserve it. Thank you for posting this amazing love story on here. ~Kim
Author's Response: And we were beyond delighted to read your review! Such a beautiful one, which is a real boost to keep going :)
Brian is slowly realizing what Justin means to him and your analyze is spot on. Although he can't verbalize what he feels, he shows it in every one of his action. So glad you like it!
And now, there is Justin's sight to consider. If he can have the surgery, it will change the course of their relationship, but if he can't, things won't be the same either, not really. Either way, it's a challenge they need to face together.
We appreciate your support and encouragement more than we can say, and are so grateful for your devotion to MW, to us authors, and to the readers. We're honored to publish this story here!!! Thank you so much for everything :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: May 20, 2017 10:18 PM · On: Chapter 16
great chapter- so happy that Brian admitted to Justin how he feels. So many possibilities with the story- Gus- getting well/ not getting well- Justin and Brian easily becoming partners/ not easily becoming partners- Gus getting well and then Justin supporting Brian so he can open Kinnetik- Justin being a successful artist and things staying as they are- can't wait to see where you go with the story.
Author's Response: There are a lot of possibilities going forward. As you say, between Brian's job, Justin's sight and Gus, not everything is written for now. We hope we won't disappoint!
Thank you again for your never-ending support, Sandy; we deeply appreciate all your reviews and encouragement :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: May 20, 2017 04:59 PM · On: Chapter 16
Yesss c'est de l'amour ! Brian et Justin amoureux j'aime ça ! Voyons comment Justin va réussir à vraiment gérer le métier de Brian ? Peut-être c'est Brian qui aura le plus de mal finalement.!
J'ai vraiment hâte de connaître le résultat de l'ophtalmo !
Merci les filles pour ce chapitre aussi chaud que tendre !
Author's Response: On adore tellement tes commentaires! Et oui, ils sont amoureux même si cela ne va pas être simple avec le boulot de Brian, mais comme tu dis, on verra qui a le plus de mal à gérer la situation :)
Merci Marie-France, c'est toujours un réel plaisir de te lire :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: May 12, 2017 07:22 PM · On: Chapter 14
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for your support I really appreciate it. Life goes on... :)
A drunk Brian is a funny Brian lol "He briefly wondered if Justin would be okay with him cuddling his skin. Could skin be cuddled? Justin skin so deserved to be worshipped. Not just his skin, though maybe a shrine would do, then?" That just cracked me up! I could picture him saying this lol
Ahhhh Jennifer, I am happy that Justin was standing up for her, but I understand how she feels being a mother and wanting to protect him.
Even though Justin felt hurt, he still could not tell Brian to leave. Neither one of them can resist each other. lol How sweet of Justin to take care of Brian that was nice to read. He so loves him <3 Brian in time will realize he loves justin too.
I cannot wait to see them being friends and taking it slow ha ha ha. I can only imagine how this is all going to pan out. So many things going on in this story. Let the adventure begin lol
Thanks again for the entertainment. I excited for what is next!
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
As always, it's a real pleasure to read your thoughts. We're glad you're okay :)
Drunk Brian is so much fun to write about. The whole scene was humorous but Brian's obsession for Justin's skin cracked us up too LOL
Jennifer is a mother, and wants to protect her son. When you really think about it, she took the truth pretty well! As for Justin, he can't chase Brian away, although he wants to be careful. Now, how long will they resist each other? * grin * And how long since they both acknowledge and admit what they really feel about each other?
We're so happy you still want to read more! Thank you so much :D
Thinking of you!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2017 08:07 PM · On: Chapter 14
Oh Zbrian, not all answers lie in the bottom of a bottle Beam, and even though it loosened your tounge it sure made you sick. I did wanna hug him after he brushed his teeth of course. I hope this now brings them closer as I feel they are meant to be.
Fantastic work as always, you're very talented xx
Author's Response: Brian is not always as smart as he would like to be, right? But drunk Brian is so adorable, we couldn't resist ;)
Thank you for your amazing support, Vicki, as always. We deeply apppreciate that :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: May 05, 2017 10:18 PM · On: Chapter 14
Jeeh back together. Love Emmett for talking to a drunk Brian * giggles *.
Thanks for the update, love this story.
* hugs *
Author's Response: Thank YOU for the lovely comment, Marian!
* hugs *
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: May 05, 2017 02:46 PM · On: Chapter 14
Hi, Ladies! Had to come over here and read the latest chapter. Now I'm like a kid at Christmas, wanting the next 'toy,' even though you just posted this.
This continues to be one of my favorites. So glad the two are reconciled, at least to an extent. Grrr...stubborn men! I wish Justin had been more upfront about wanting to be more than friends, but at least he didn't push Brian away, and I can understand him wanting to be cautious.
BTW, I think you wrote Brian and Emmett exactly IC at Babylon. Sooo accurately portrayed!
Thoroughly enjoying all the emotion in this story, and the roller coaster ride here! TY for posting your very entertaining story on here. ~Kim
Author's Response: Hi Kim!
We're glad you're still enjoying this one :) To say they are both stubborn is an understatement, but hopefully, they both know what they want. And well, Justin might want to slow things down, but how long will they resist when Brian will be touching Justin all the time? Bets are open!! LOL
Thanks for your compliment regarding the scene at Babylon! We had a great time writing their conversation.
Alwyas a pleasure to post on MW!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: cuivresdesax (Signed) · Date: April 29, 2017 06:53 PM · On: Chapter 13
Ethan Fraud, ça m'a beaucoup fait rire! Pareil pour la scène au concert, enfin sauf à la fin quand Justin révèle la vérité à sa mère où ce n'est plus drôle du tout. En tout cas j'adore Jennifer, elle ne sait rien mais elle est vraiment trés perceptive. Pauvre Matthew, lui non plus n'a pas passé une bonne soirée.
Author's Response: Ethan Fraud, on a pas pu résister LOL! C'est vrai que la scène de la confrontation est intense entre les deux, mais au moins, la messe est dite! Ravie que tu aimes Jennifer, on l'adore aussi!
Merci Béa!!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: cuivresdesax (Signed) · Date: April 29, 2017 06:42 PM · On: Chapter 12
Brandon est minable, l'offre qu'il ose faire à Justin est répugnante et je suis ravie que Justin ait refusé. Par contre, Brian...c'est vraiment son côté le plus noble ici, comme dans la série, sa façon de rendre d'énormes services sans même qu'on les lui demanee et sans rien attendre en retour.
Author's Response: Brandon est un profiteur, on est d'accord. Justin n'a pas l'habitude d'être abordé comme ça et ce n'est vraiment pas ce qu'il recherche. Il veut Brian. Et bien sûr, même si Brian refuse de voir Justin, c'est plus fort que lui. Il voit une opportunité d'aider Justin et il la saisit. Même s'il peut être un connard, il ne fera jamais passer ses sentiments avant et saisira toujours une chance d'aider quelqu'un. C'est encore plus vrai quand ce quelqu'un est Justin.
Merci mille fois pour ton soutien!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: April 29, 2017 12:30 PM · On: Chapter 13
Hi Ladies,
Awe :( This is so heartbreaking all around. What an emotional chapter.
First off, I cannot believe I did not mention this in my last review, about Brian getting his client to take on Justin. Brian is such a sucker for Justin lol Even in his detachment he cannot stop being involved lol Still, I am mad at Brian for hurting Justin by saying their affair had been a mistake.
I am glad that Justin has gone to his first appointment. I have my fingers crossed that this will all work out for Justin. Daphne was cracking me up on how she was going on about Brian and her slip about his "attributes" lol ( I have to agree with her, haha! ) The whole situation with them all knowing Brian if funny, but to add to the mix both the doctors intimate connection to Brian makes it hilarious and so fun to read.
Hmmmm.... Eww Ethan lol I am cringing at the thought that maybe Justin will date Ethan to get over his feelings for Brian. If this is true please wake me up from this nightmare! Haha.
What a mess this situation is! So many things happening. I am thrilled that Justin finally came clean! Lying is never the answer, but with human beings being such complex creatures ,unfortunetly, these things happen.
Poor Jennifer she does not know which way is up at this point. What a revelation!! Now Jennifer will have to look at how her own behavior has contributed to Justin hiring an escort. That will take time to heal.
Brian Brian Brian enough said! lol Not really, a lot has to be said :) What a position to be put in, but it is partly of his own making. Yes, as an escort he has to hold back information, understandably, then add his feelings for Justin and top of that, him fighting those feelings because of a misunderstanding makes for a messy situation. Now he has to navigate through these murky waters and try to control his world lol (For someone that hates feelings, he has his work cut out for him ;)
My heart breaks for both of the boys. I feel this is the push Justin needed so he can get on with this life and learn to forget about Brian ( Not that I want that lol) and of course this is the push that will make Brian think about Justin more lol I know in time and through some more angst this will all work out. i also feel bad for the other casualty Matthew, but no matter what I want Brian and Justin together and I know you ladies will find away to make that happen. I am really looking forward more I can only imagine what is next! Thanks for keeping this exciting lol
I hope my review makes sense. I wanted to be more thorough, but my brain is not cooperating lol
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
For of all, we apologize for not responding sooner. RL is beyond ectic these days and we didn't even have time to post the new chapter! But it's coming :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for this detailed review! We agree with everything you mentioned here. We're so grateful for all your thoughts!!
Brian of course have to help, even though he is not in touch with Justin. We will know soon what the doctor says about Justin's condition. And we love Daphne so much! So happy you found the scene hilarious!
We had to include Ethan LOL! Justin doesn't like him much here, but we won't disclose what's going to happen after that :D
But yes, Brian and Justin's encounter was intense, also necessary. Justin coming clean to his mother is actually a good thing, but he is also hurt right now. And Brian can't avoid his feelings anymore. What a mess!
And Matthew is sad of course, but at least, now he knows Brian loves someone else.
As always, thank you so much for your support Lisa! You're amazing. We hope you're okay, too :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Katie (Anonymous) · Date: April 24, 2017 07:42 AM · On: Chapter 13
Hi - I an reposting my review , I went back to read the authors response and couldn't find it. Dont know what happened to it. Anyway I'm enjoying this story. I am happy you see that they finally might be on the same page. Love the relationship Brian has with his son. Poor Jennifer had to find out the truth.
I feel bad about how Brian was made to feel guilty about his feelings for Justin by Mathew. He was being so demanding and making Brian feel bad for hurting him. Why should Brian have to be thinking about what he was putting Mathew through, they weren't a Item? He cared as nothing more then a friend Right? Poor Brian to think that he was putting Mathew through this, through What? Mathew knew where he stood from day one . He was just a client to Brian. Should he feel guilty for someone having a crush on him. Well maybe Brian should of stopped it before it got worse? Brian saying that he never meant for it to happen with Justin and then hating himself for not knowing what to say or do to fix it ( think you mean with him and Mathew) sounds like he is having to explain himself to a lover scorned which is something which they never were. Is Mathew acting a bit possessive and demanding answers over some one that was never his? Someone that he hired and new the deal. I hated the way poor Brian was made to feel bad by Mathew. Brian never felt anything other then friendship with him and he knew it.
Is that right?
Author's Response: Brian doesn't feel necessarily guilty. But he is human and even though he has nothing to be ashamed of, it's hard for him to realize Matthew really cares about him and that he will never return the feeling in that way. But no, of course he is not sorry or guilty for not loving Matthew and Matthew doesn't blame him either. It's just life, and sometimes it's hard, even when nobody is at fault.
Thank you for your comment!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2017 01:59 AM · On: Chapter 12
Hi Ladies,
Alright, I still want to wring Brian's neck lol I hope that Brandon is the same from the show. If so then this could get very interesting ;) Because we know a jealous Brian is motivated Brian and it would be a blast to watch that play out.This might be just what he needs to get off his keister and see how his stubbornness has screwed him ha!
I am happy that Justin has Daphne to inspire him to get out og himself. Poor sweety is going through a rough time. Sunshines deserves a little sun in his life :) ( I know corny lol) As always I am looking forward to reading more! Thanks for keeping this soooooo interesting!
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
As always, it's a delight to read your thoughts :) We hope you're okay.
Brian is stubborn, right? And maybe jealousy could help him realize he missed Justin, or maybe it will be something else :P
We agree that Sunshine needs a little sun in his life!!! :D Daphne is the best friend in the world.
Thank you for your never-ending support on this fic, it means so much!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Purple (Signed) · Date: April 23, 2017 06:35 AM · On: Chapter 13
What will Bran do, now he admits the truth about his feelings. Hopefully Justin isn't to angry to accept Brian back.
Author's Response: That's a good question and you will have the answer soon!! Thank you very much for your review, we deeply appreciate it :D
~Alois and addict_writer~
Reviewer: Pat (Anonymous) · Date: April 23, 2017 05:44 AM · On: Chapter 13
Yeah!!! They finally are talking and Brian is coming to his senses. Is Brandon or Ethan going to make an appearance in the future? I hope mom gets over Brian bring an escort but at least she can call her don't out on being in love with Brian.
Author's Response: It was time, right? Brian is so stubborn, but eventually, he can't ignore that he wants Justin any longer. Regarding Brandon and Ethan, you will see :D We will know soon how Jennifer reacts to this new developpement, too.
Thank you sooo much!!!!
~Alois and addict_writer~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: April 22, 2017 10:57 PM · On: Chapter 13
ok- so now Brian has to figure out a way to get Justin to understand that he does love him- should be interesting- update soon
Author's Response: It will be interesting to see how Brian is going to handle the revelation that he is in love with Justin :) We're glad you're eager to find out what's going to happen!
Thank you so much for the review :D
~Alois and addict_writer~
Reviewer: rainbow (Anonymous) · Date: April 22, 2017 09:15 PM · On: Chapter 13
Wow, what an intense chapter but necessary at the same time. All that happened in this chapter was a turning point for both Brian and Justin, from now on everything changes between them.
Author's Response: Exactly! From now on, things are going to evolve between them. It's time :)
Thank you so much for the review! We deeply appreciate it :D
~Alois and addict_writer~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 08:55 PM · On: Chapter 13
Ah ah Jennifer qui met les pieds dans le plat ! Quelle situation délicate je n'aurais pas aimé être à leur place ! Bon enfin j'espère que Brian et Justin vont arriver se mettre sur les rails !
Author's Response: Jennifer est un vrai numéro dans cette histoire, n'est ce pas? Mais maintenant, ça va bouger :D
Merci beaucoup Marie-France pour ton soutien sur cette fic. On adore!
~ Alois and addict_ writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2017 06:23 PM · On: Chapter 13
My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour reading this. I could feel Justins nervousness and of Daphne wanting to strangle him as well lol, Gish I pray that the doc can do something for him.
Oh my Lordy, what must of flashed through Jennifer's head finding out what was really going in, but I think she has seen through the crap and knows that they both love each other just like Mathew saw as well.
I'm really enjoying this story and I never want it to end. I hope we see Justin interact with Gus at some point.
incredible work xx
Author's Response: As always, thanks for your wonderful review Vicki! We promise you you will see more interactions with Gus very soon :D The boys need to sort out the mess they're in, but now that Brian has acknowledged he can't move on, things are going to...well, you will see!
Thank you again for your amazing support!!! :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2017 10:03 AM · On: Chapter 12
Oh Brian, you are so good for doing that for Justin even though you feel how you feel. I hope you can let him explain what happened because you guys are meant to be.
awe Jazzy, so cute that dog needs to be with Justin and Brandon, hands off a cute brunette is meant for our boy.
Fantastic work, aaahhhh I can't wait for the next chapter xxx
Author's Response: We're delighted you like it! Hopefully, they will speak at one point, but when?
Thank you Vicki!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: April 16, 2017 08:01 PM · On: Chapter 12
oh so sad, Brian loves Justin and wouldn't have done this for him if he didn't- Hopefuly the doc can help him and they can get back on track
Author's Response: Brian is stubborn. He might need a little push in the right direction, but what will it be? Justin is persistent, but he might lose hope if Brian doesn't listen to him.
Thank you for your comment, Sandy, we deeply appreciate it :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 16, 2017 04:19 PM · On: Chapter 12
Ah ah du Brian pur jus je ne m'en lasse pas ! oui j'adore ! Merci
Author's Response: Nous aussi!! Merci Marie-france :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: April 16, 2017 04:06 PM · On: Chapter 12
Grr Brian stop being a twat and talk to Justin!
Author's Response: LOL! Listen to Chris, Brian!! :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: April 15, 2017 03:17 AM · On: Chapter 11
I hope Justin finds Brian- maybe Michael or Emmett might mention to Brian his visit- who knows even Debbie might be the bearer of the news
Author's Response: Justin will persevere no matter what. He might feel depressed over this whole fiasco, but he can't give up on Brian.
Thank you for your feedback, Sandy, we depply appreciate it!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: April 15, 2017 02:43 AM · On: Chapter 8
really enjoying the story- love the unrequited love/angst/ sex thing going on- glad that Brian is willing to sort of admit his feelings for Justin- can't wait to see what happens with this story
Author's Response: And we're delighted you are! We hope you will like the rest of this story :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: April 15, 2017 02:09 AM · On: Chapter 11
Hi Ladies,
Thank you so much for your condolences it means a lot to me!! Big hugs back <3 Reading delightful stories, such as yours, gives me a wonderful escape that helps me through the rough times.
I absolutely adore the scenes between Brian and Gus, it really warms my heart and makes me smile, But lol Brian is being such a stubborn, pigheaded fool lol ( not to sound redundant ;) i hope he gets his head out of his ..... soon. It always amazes the things that come out of miscommunication. So much heart ache for no good reason.
I have a love/hate relationship with angst :) With out angst the story is boring, but I hate it because I want it to be over with at the same time lol Ah well... I know , in time, you will fix this. Anyways, as always, I thank you for your hard work and entertainment. I look forward to the next chapter.
Lisa <3
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
You're too sweet with us, and we're happy you can escape from RL with stories. Again, sending big hugs to you!! <3 <3 <3
Brian and Gus are really previous in this story :) But Brian is so stubborn! It might take a a while for him to realize he needs Justin in his life. But he will get there...eventually, even though he IS be a pigheaded fool :D
We promise things will get better!
Thank you again for your amazing support and we can't say it enough, you hold a special place in our thoughts <3
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: April 11, 2017 09:27 PM · On: Chapter 10
Hi Ladies,
Sorry for reviewing so late, but my brother passed away.
Awe that was a very Beautiful sex scene, but heartbreaking the way it ended. Justin was doing what he thought was right. He read Brian wrong and misunderstood the situation thinking Brian was doing his job, even though Justin could tell Brian cared for him. Brian felt like it was a slap in his face, that Justin was just using his services. What a mess! My heart goes out for the boys. My stomach dropped when I read Brian's parting words. I know you will fix this. I have my fingers crossed. Now I am off to read the next chapter. Thanks for your Wonderful entertainment :)
Author's Response: Lisa,
We're so, so sorry for your loss. All our thoughts are with you during this difficult time <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Thank you for another amazing review, especially under such circonstances. The boys are so right for each other, but also very stubborn! Brian is hurt, and Justin is depressed by what he has done, but he will keep fighting.
Again, all our thoughts are with you!! Sending a big, big hug your way <3
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 09, 2017 03:24 PM · On: Chapter 11
Allez Justin accroches toi ! Brian va craquer
Author's Response: On aime ton analyse!!!!!! Merci beaucoup Marie-France :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: (Anonymous) · Date: April 08, 2017 11:14 PM · On: Chapter 11
Wonderful fic i am really enjoying it
Author's Response: Thank you Chris, it makes us very happy!!!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 08, 2017 10:21 PM · On: Chapter 11
Grrr....such a stubborn and proud man! But I can understand why Brian misunderstood. Talk to him, you idiot!! There, I feel better now - ha!
I loved the scene the two of you wrote with Gus and his father with the pencils. So sweet. Mel and Lindsay going at it...ewww....I always had to fast forward my DVDs whenever I got to that part. Yuck. I totally agree with Brian on that!
I continue to really enjoy this story. I love the idea of Brian doing this only out of his love for Gus. Such a proud man as Brian would only do something like this for someone he deeply loves.
Now you have to get these two men to talk! I hope that comes up in the next chapter. Thanks for another great update! ~Kim
Author's Response: Brian is the definition of stubborness, right? We tried to make him see he was wrong, but so far, he hasn't listened ;D
Writing about Brian and Gus is always a delight. We laughed so hard writing Brian's nightmare coming to life!
We're very happy you're still enjoying our story! Thank you tremendously for your support, Kim :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: April 08, 2017 09:27 PM · On: Chapter 11
Oh man, I wanna Hug Brian so badly and he is doing so good with his son, I love seeing that side of him.
lol I would be traumatised as well if I heard them lol
Brian, please listen to Justin, let him explain. Justin did screw up, but please listen.
Brilliant work x
Author's Response: Brian is very good with Gus. We love writing about that :) But yes, he will be traumatized for life now LOL
The boys are being stubborn, but we have a feeling they will speak eevntually. The question is, how long will Brian resist?
Thank you again for this review Vicky. We've been thinking of you and hope you're feeling better <3 <3 <3
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: April 03, 2017 09:39 PM · On: Chapter 10
Oh dear I thought that might happen let's hope they can get past it
Author's Response: For once, Justin is the one who fucked up. It's going to be a challenge for him to fix this ;)
Thank you as always Chris for your support :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: cuivresdesax (Signed) · Date: April 03, 2017 01:19 PM · On: Chapter 10
Comme gaffe c'est réussi! En tout cas c'est très original que ce soit Brian qui soit humilié (même involontairement) et non Justin. J'ai hâte de voir comment il va rattraper son erreur.
Author's Response: Justin ne pouvait pas faire pire! Et c'est vrai que c'est intéressant que ce soit Justin qui, pour une fois, soit celui qui se plante en beauté. Cela ne vas pas être une mince affaire pour reconquérir Brian ;)
Merci pour ton retour Béa, c'est toujours un régal de lire tes retours :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: April 02, 2017 09:16 AM · On: Chapter 10
Omg OMG noooooo I want to cry now. Please let this get fixed I need them together and happy. I hope the misunderstanding gets sorted ASAP. Poor Brian, I'm heartbroken for him here 😫😫😫😫😫
fantastic work, and now I just realised I have to wait a few more days to find out nooooooooooooo
Author's Response: We promise they will sort it out, but we can't promise they won't be stubborn about this! It might * ahem * take a little time...
Thank you again for your support and your enthusiasm! We appreciate that so much :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: April 02, 2017 09:01 AM · On: Chapter 9
(Happy sigh) my god that was a brilliant chapter. Every moment every touch between Justin and Brian was perfect in this and I can see Brian being this protective over Justin. He was after all like that in the show when Justin needed it. I loved the meeting between Justin and Brian's friends I could feel Brian wanting to strangle them lol. And OMG was Brian sweet and hot with Justin. I hope they never separate I'd cry I swear.
Fantastic job job as always. Sorry I couldn't review earlier, I had no internet while away xxx
Author's Response: We agree they are really special together! And since you already read the next chapter, well, we're sorry!! We promise things will get better in the end :)
Now, Brian can strangle his friends for real LOL
Thank you again for all your fantastic reviews!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2017 09:55 PM · On: Chapter 10
OMG I need more, love this so much.
* hugs *
Author's Response: Hi Marian!
Thank you so much! More very soon, we promise :)
* hugs back *
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: rainbow (Anonymous) · Date: April 01, 2017 08:21 PM · On: Chapter 10
Oh, no Justin, Brian also has feelings.
Very good chapter
Author's Response: Thank you rainbow! Brian is hurt, for good reasons, although Justin genuinely hadn't realized what he was doing.
More to come soon :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2017 05:49 PM · On: Chapter 10
Another wonderful, angsty chapter, ladies! You wrote Justin's first time so well, and I felt very much IC for both of them. And their misunderstanding on both their parts was very plausible here, but also sad. I could see how both of them would have felt the way that they did, and misconstrued what was done.
I have confidence, though, that you will get them straightened out before it's all over. Thank you for this very enjoyable story. I look forward to each update. ~Kim
Author's Response: We're thrilled you like it Kim! Justin's first time was indeed, very special for both of them. The result is a huge misunderstanding, but Brian is a stubborn man, so, we will see how they find their way back to each other.
Thank you sincerely for the support, we appreciate it immensely :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2017 03:13 PM · On: Chapter 10
J'aime j'aime j'aime! J'attends la confrontation! Merci pour ce chapitre chaud et si "triste"
Author's Response: Et merci pour ton commentaire Marie-France, on adore!!!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: March 28, 2017 02:47 PM · On: Chapter 9
Hi Ladies,
A porn hanger??? You left us with a porn hanger? lol You both have earned the title - evil authors ;) I am really enjoying this story. The sexual tension between those boys could be cut with a knife!! HOT HOT HOT. (Fans self.)
I love Emmett for the most part, but I wanted to throttle him for how he acting towards Justin in this story lol I feel very protective of that sweet blonde boy because he is vulnerable right now, but not for longggg. I love how Justin is starting to come out of his shell. Brian has that effect on him and visa versa. I am thinking Michael's reaction is a little delayed. I know Brian will here it ls later!! Ha ha
I really hope that there is away that Justin can get his eye sight back. I want him to see how Beautiful Brian truly is. Because Brian already knows how Beautiful Justin is. I am sure of there is a certain snarky person (wink wink) will find away to make that happen for him. my wishful thinking lol Another Great chapter. Thanks so much for the entertainment ladies.
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
LOL! What can we say? We love the title of evil authors a little too much ;)
Emmett is a little out of line in here, we agree. He probably didn't realize who Justin was to Brian. And you're right that the artist is starting to come out of his shell. We have a certain brunet to thank for that. As for Michael, will he freak out or not? You will see :)
Justin's condition will be adressed later in the story, we promise!
Thank you as always for your amazing support :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: cuivresdesax (Signed) · Date: March 28, 2017 09:50 AM · On: Chapter 9
Sadiques, avec un A comme dans Alois et un D comme dans aDDict writer....Arrêter la scène juste aprés les préliminaires, je suis sûre que c'est interdit quelque part.
Author's Response: Sadiques, nous? On te jure qu'on a pas exprès, mais tu sais comment c'est, on commence à écrire une scène de la première fois qui finit par faire des pages et des pages, alors on se dit qu'on va être gentille et donner un avant goût aux lecteurs. C'était une preuve de profonde bonté, non?
Merci Béa :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Riaaaaa (Signed) · Date: March 27, 2017 03:53 PM · On: Chapter 9
Author's Response: ♥♥♥ Thank you!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: March 26, 2017 09:51 PM · On: Chapter 9
Another great chapter, ladies! Loved the sexual tension, Justin's flirtiness, and Brian 'staking his claim' at Babylon.
I hope one day that Justin's sight returns, and he gets to see Brian more clearly. But I like the idea of him being attracted by him, despite his handicap.
Great job! Looking forward to the next part. ~Kim
Author's Response: We're happy you're still enjoying this, Kim!
We will address Justin's sight later in the story, but you will have to wait and see to find out if his condition is permanent or not ;)
Thank you for your support on this, we appreciate it very much :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Author's Response: We're happy you're still enjoying this, Kim!
We will address Justin's sight later in the story, but you will have to wait and see to find out if his condition is permanent or not ;)
Thank you for your support on this, we appreciate it very much :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 26, 2017 09:34 PM · On: Chapter 9
C'est doux, sexe Mais tendre quand même
Vite vite la suite
Author's Response: Merci Marie-France! On est super contente que tu apprécies cette fic :D
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: March 26, 2017 08:22 PM · On: Chapter 9
I suspect as happy as our boys are now cyclone Michael will come in spreading whine and jealousy everywhere
Author's Response: Hmm...You could be surprised LOL
Thank you for your comment Chris! We love to hear your thoughts :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: March 22, 2017 09:18 PM · On: Chapter 8
J'adore cette histoire ! Brian escort il fallait oser La complicité est déjà là j'espère que Gus et Justin vont aller mieux ! je suis impatiente de la suite
Author's Response: Bonjour Marie-France!
Et merci beaucoup pour ton message, qui nous a fait super plaisir :) On est heureuse que tu aimes cette histoire et veuilles connaitre la suite!
Merci encore :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: cuivresdesax (Signed) · Date: March 20, 2017 09:18 AM · On: Chapter 8
Je fais la danse de la joie à chaque nouveau chapitre, j'adore vraiment cette histoire. Daphné était parfaite ici, loyale et réfléchie...même si elle a tort! (enfin j'espère qu'elle a tort, je vous fais confiance sur ce coup là).
Author's Response: Et nous aussi on fait la danse de la joie dès que l'on voit un nouveau commentaire de ta part! Merci vraiment pour ton enthousiasme, c'est super de voir que cette histoire est si bien accueillie par les lecteurs.
Et Daphne est une super amie pour Justin, qui veut le protéger. Je crois que l'on ferait pareil face à un homme comme Brian.
Un grand merci Béa!
~ Alois and addict_writer ~
Reviewer: Lisajean (Signed) · Date: March 19, 2017 07:37 PM · On: Chapter 8
Hi Ladies,
First off that was hot!! (Fanning self) I am happy Justin was able to get some release! I can imagine being around Brian, for a whole weekend, and not having sex with him would be pure torture! Ohh and poor Brian not being able to get relief. Damn Daphne lol I love that no matter what Brian does he cannot get Justin out of his head lol
Of course Brian being Brian - the KING of avoidance was trying to distance himself from Justin, and because of Justin being athe persistent twat he is Brian ended up calling him back ha ha! I am not sure to be excited or brace myself for angst (knowing Brian) about the upcoming chapter, but I know matter what I will be back reading the next chapter whether it will be through my fingers covering my eyes and/or smiling wide lol I am looking forward to more :)
Author's Response: Hi Lisa!
Aww, we're glad you sympathise with Justin's predicament! It was time he got some release, right? LOL Brian is so confused about the whole weekend, but in the end, he can't resist thinking about Justin.
So yes, he tries his best to forget about him, but of course, it's a lost cause. We're sure he is secretly very happy that Justin turns out to be a very persistent young man. Now, how will the date goes? Well, it will be...interesting! (No, not giving away anything ** evil authors**)
Thank you so much for your amazing support on this story, Lisa, we appreciate that so much :)
~ Alois and addict_writer ~