Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Signed) · Date: September 28, 2016 04:19 PM · On: Chapter 7
Great chapter. Glad Justin has decided to work with Alex!
Author's Response: Sorry I missed your reviews! Thanks for them all and I'm glad you enjoyed the story!
Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Signed) · Date: September 28, 2016 11:49 AM · On: Chapter 4
I love how Brian is really trying!
Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Signed) · Date: September 28, 2016 04:02 AM · On: Chapter 3
Super chapter!
Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Signed) · Date: September 28, 2016 03:44 AM · On: Chapter 2
The pain they are both in! Heartbreaking!
Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Signed) · Date: September 28, 2016 03:30 AM · On: Chapter 1
Wow! Great start!! Thanks for sharing.
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2016 05:56 PM · On: Chapter 21
Sad to see this ending, but also glad because it means that it's getting better and better with Justin.
Wonderful ending of a wonderful story. Worth the blue ribbon * claps hands *.
* hugs *
Author's Response: Awww thank you so much! I appreciate it! Yes, Justin is on the up and up, and things are only going to get better from here for him. :)
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2016 07:31 AM · On: Chapter 21
This story has been on my 'need to read list' (RL can be so interfering sometimes) I've been reading this over the past couple of days and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. At times I was on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next especially when Justin was kidnapped. Normally I don't like Michael - but it was nice to see him thoughtful and caring and it stayed within his character - comic colouring books indeed....LOL - so Michael. The ending was perfect - amazing sex and hope for the future......
Author's Response: Oh I totally understand how that can be! I'm so glad you got a chance to read it, and even more so that you enjoyed it!! Especially the parts with Michael, I know how he can be received in this fandom so I was really worried about it. Thank you so much for letting me know what you think, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 09, 2016 05:51 AM · On: Chapter 1
Just finshed the first chapter, and I'm loving it so far! I can't wait to see what happens! Beautiful work!
Author's Response: Awww thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the whole thing! :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: August 09, 2016 12:25 AM · On: Chapter 21
Hi Kristine!
So, this is it and I'm sad! LOL I loved this last chapter. Brian's connection to Justin is just perfect and Michael is a great friend, which I love.
I really loved this story, all of it. Brian being so protective, Justin fighting to bring back his old self to life, the suspense, the atmosphere... You did an outstanding job with this one. I'm sorry to see it go but I'm downloading it right now and saving it for later :) Thank you for another wonderful work and I really hope to read another story from you in the (none so long) future!!!
Author's Response: Thank you Alois!!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! It was so fun to write and it means a lot that it was enjoyed. :) You've been so supportive and it means so much!! Thanks!!
Reviewer: Frances (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2016 08:48 PM · On: Chapter 21
This was a fantastic story. Thank you for sharing it with us. :-)
Author's Response: Awww thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoed it! :)
Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2016 04:55 PM · On: Chapter 1
Loved your story and while it is as nice to know that Justin got his groove back, I am sorry to see this tale end. Thank-you for posting it for your readersa86;
Author's Response: Aww all stories must come to an end, but I'm so glad that you enjoyed this one! Thanks for letting me know! :)
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2016 03:43 PM · On: Chapter 21
Wow, what an amazing ending- but I can't help myself, it's so sad to see the story finished. *sniff*
However, I'm looking forward to read more of your awesome stories. :)
Author's Response: Awww thank you so much! It's so great to know it's going to be missed. I really appreciate all the wonderful comments. Thanks!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2016 04:06 AM · On: Chapter 21
I'd have to say this ending was pretty much perfect. Enough hope for the future, but still in keeping with the intensity of the entire Fic, it wasn't a fairy tale ending. That wouldn't have "fit." Love the scenes with Michael. It's so nice to see him treated with respect. I like Justin's resolve with regard to school... it's OK to redirect your dream.
This part, in particular, really got me choked up:
He agreed and Justin beamed. “Oh fuck…” Brian suddenly whispered and Justin blinked a little. “What is it?” He asked curiously. “Your smile. I never thought I’d see it again.”
Even with more challenges ahead, from that point on, I knew it would all be OK.
I'm already missing this!
Author's Response: Awww yay! I was so torn up about how to end it, so I'm glad you liked the way I decided. As for Michael, I feel like he deserves a little love. :)
Thanks so much for all your reviews ans support! And you're right, everything will be okay for the boys. The future is bright.
Thanks again! :)
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2016 01:18 AM · On: Chapter 21
Thank you for this terrific story. You may not be a famous actress, and your singing may cause people to run to another room, but you are one very good story teller (writer).
Wonderful ending. Brian and Justin have each other, and Justin has a future. Nice!
Congratulation on your blue ribbon. It is well deserved.
Author's Response: Awww thanks! What a compliment!! I really appreciate all your reviews, it was so great to read them all! :)
I'm so glad you liked the story!!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2016 12:07 AM · On: Chapter 21
The last chapter? I'm gonna miss this. I want to know if he goes to Melon, it sounds like a sound idea. That's a whole other story. Ya did good.
Author's Response: I know, but it had to end eventually! I'm glad you like the idea of him going to Melon, I was worried about how that would be received. Thank you so much for all your kind reviews! I'm so glad you liked it!! :)
Reviewer: Admin (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2016 09:07 PM · On: Chapter 21
Excellent adaption from the classic Hitchcock tale. Definitely blue-ribbon worthy. Grateful you posted this on Whispers. Bob
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much! I really appreciate it. :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2016 08:20 PM · On: Chapter 21
I have thoroughly enjoyed this story, Kristine, from beginning to end. I hate to see it conclude, but I think you ended it in the right place. And that sex scene between them as they finally are physically together again was so well written! Loving but also hot! I could see every nuance of it in my head. :)
Loved everything about this one! Thank you for posting this on here, and I hope we can look forward to some new ones from you in the near future! ~Kim
Author's Response: Awww thanks so much Kim! I'm glad you enjoyed the ending. I debated for a long time on how to finish it, so I'm glad you thought it was perfect! Thanks for all your kind words and support with this. It's so great to hear from you! :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2016 05:36 PM · On: Chapter 20
Hey just checking in! I'm so sad that the story os coming to a close but I can't wait to read the final chapter! Are you planning on updating soon? I'm sure it will be just as incredible as all the others!
Author's Response: Awww thanks! It's up and ready to read!
Author's Response: Awww thanks! It's up and ready to read!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 06, 2016 06:03 AM · On: Chapter 1
Looks like things are finally starting to fall in place for Sunshine! I know you said that there's only one chapter left but I'm just gonna say that I hope you cintinue to write more stories about our favorite couple. I look forward to the final chapter.
Author's Response: Yup! Everything's looking up! And don't worry, more stories are to come. :) Thank you!
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: July 30, 2016 02:37 AM · On: Chapter 20
Thanks for the chapter.
I have been waiting to find out why Stockwell was killed. I still don’t know. So many things happened and it looks like so many things contributed to Rikert killing him. I didn’t accept Rikert’s assertion about the love relationship. I do come away with that Rikert was “nuts”, that the hit on head disoriented him, but most of all, that Stockwell intended on releasing Justin. Now knowing what is on the DVD, to be honest, I no longer care. Rikert is in jail forever, Stockwell is dead, that is what is most important.
Justin is on the way back emotionally. He even showed interest in sex by jerking off. And yes, maybe next time when Brian goes out, Justin will go out with him.
Once again, nice chapter. I don’t need to know every detail, I only need to know the results.
Author's Response: To be honest, I'm kind of glad you don't have one solid answer for why Rikert killed Stockwell, because there were a lot of reasons he did it. Though the DVD did play a part in that narrative which was why I had it played. If anything it was to show just how unstable he was. But you're right, at the end of the day what matters is that they're out of the picture and the boys are safe. :)
I'm glad you're enjoying Justin's progress - he's come a long way!
One chapter to go and I hope you aren't disappointed.
Thanks for all your reviews, I really do appreciate every single one! :)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 30, 2016 12:06 AM · On: Chapter 20
Great update! I really like the Carl and Justin together. It's great for Justin to have that father figure in his life. Not sure why he would bring the DVD for Justin and Brian to see... it only seems to have upset both of them. I love that Justin gets satisfaction from wanting to help Brian. It will only help to make him stronger. Hope he lets himself enjoy going out with the guys for a little bit of fun soon!
Author's Response: I thought the same thing about Carl. I didn't originally plan for them to get so close either, but it just sort of happened and I rolled with it. Because Justin DOES need that in his life, he deserves it.
And as for the DVD, it was to provide closure. No it wasn't perfect, but life rarely is, especially in these situations. And though it may have upset them in the moment, understanding your attacker can go a long way in helping to get over what they did to you in the long run - I used my own experience to draw from.
There is only one chapter left to go, but hopefully it'll be filled with enough fun ;) to satisfy you.
Thank you so much! :)
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2016 10:31 AM · On: Chapter 20
Love is chapter, thanks
Author's Response: Oh good! Thank you so much! :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2016 07:22 AM · On: Chapter 20
I have to say it again, I love Brian in here. Their relationship is so beautiful. And I'm so glad Rickert will pay for what he did. And Carl is awesome, too. Wonderful job. Wonderful story. Thank you Kristine :)
Author's Response: Thanks Alois! It's my favorite kind of Brian to write, so I'm glad that you enjoyed it! I didn't originally plan for Carl to become such a big part, but when it happened I just rolled with it. Thanks so much for all your reviews! I always love hearing from you. :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2016 07:05 AM · On: Chapter 19
Hi Kristine! As always, I'm so enjoying this. I can totally see Brian react like he does in such circonstances. I also love his friendship with Michael so much. And his protective side... Gah. Lol
I will be sorry to see this story ends :(
I hope everything is okay with you :)
Author's Response: Hello Alois! I'm glad you enjoyed Brian's reaction - it was actually the part in the entire story that I had the most fun writing! ;)
And thank you for everything...I really appreciate knowing you're enjoying this. :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2016 10:41 PM · On: Chapter 20
Always so thrilled to see an update to this, Kristine! I enjoyed the interaction between Justin and Carl. I'm glad that Rikert got what he deserved, and that Justin is slowly becoming more used to the idea of becoming intimate with Brian again. I can't wait to read the moment when that happens. :)
I love your version of this movie, Kristine! Thank you for posting this on here. :)
Author's Response: Thanks Kim! One chapter to go and so it'll be in there. ;) This turned into more than I anticipated when I first got the idea to adapt it, but it was pretty fulfilling. I appreciate all the feedback you've given throughout the story a lot! I hope you enjoy the final chapter. :)
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2016 09:45 PM · On: Chapter 1
Ok I have resisted reading this story because I thought another hurt Justin fic but I have read the first chapter this morning and I like it so I shall read on. Also I noticed you post often so that is important
Author's Response: Believe me, I had reservations about writing it for the same reasons. In a lot of ways, it is just another 'Hurt Justin' fic in a sea full of them already. But I hope there are at least some redeeming qualities that make it enjoyable to read. :) And you came in near the end, so lucky you!
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2016 09:45 PM · On: Chapter 1
Ok I have resisted reading this story because I thought another hurt Justin fic but I have read the first chapter this morning and I like it so I shall read on. Also I noticed you post often so that is important
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2016 12:50 PM · On: Chapter 20
Why did Carl want Justin to watch the interrogation. True we learn Reikarts state of mind, but knowing someone blames you for what he did won't make Justin feel any better.
Author's Response: Hmmm...Well I guess it's just how you look at things. I was attacked before and when I finally confronted my attacker he said he blamed me as well, that I had been flaunting myself (bear in mind, I was eight when it happened. What kind of eight year old could be responsible for that?). So, when I heard what he had to say about it, I realized that he was bat-shit crazy and it made me feel loads better. So that is what I was hoping to accomplish here. Carl wanted him to watch it to give him closure even if it wasn't necessarily going to be idyllic. I hope that makes sense. Thank you though! I guess I never realized that it would have come across another way. It's hard to predict those things, you know? I hope it wasn't too rough, though. :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 28, 2016 01:13 AM · On: Chapter 1
I am so in love with this story! I started reading your stuff a while back and I have to say you're probably one of the best writers on this site. I think that you captured all the characters perfectly. Can I ask when you're gonna be updating again? Also as far as Brian being OOC goes I think it actually makes sense that he would be a little. After all hr almost lost Justin twice. I anxiously wait for more!
Author's Response: Oh yay!! I love hearing that haha. And wow, what a compliment. I'm not to sure I am but I will thank you none-the-less. I should be updating soon (if not tonight). Thank you so much!!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2016 08:23 PM · On: Chapter 19
Hey I just wanted to let you know how much I love this story. I actually don't see Brian as all that OOC. After all in the show when he almost lost Justin for thw third time he definately changed a little bit. So it only makes sense for him to do so here. I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm checking to see if there have been any updates every day!
Author's Response: Oh great! That's always good to hear! There are only two chapters left to go so I hope you enjoy them! Thank you. :)
Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: July 20, 2016 07:41 PM · On: Chapter 19
Brian OOC, maybe but I like it more than canon. A kinder gentler Brian is nice to read for a change.
Author's Response: I'll take it! :) As long as its enjoyable to read. Thank you for letting me know, and I hope you enjoy the last few chapters!
Reviewer: Katie (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 05:25 AM · On: Chapter 19
I love this story and the way you are portraying Brian. He almost lost Justin twice just like in the show he could of lost him for a second time with the bombing and he then became more in touch with his feelings. This Brian you are writing is how he would of been if he almost lost him a second time. If he tells him that he loves him it's still not OOC for him. He could stay Brian and have a tender part when it comes to Justin. Waiting for next post. Will there a lot more chapters in the future?
Author's Response: We have two chapters to go before everything's all wrapped up. :) And I'm glad you agree with me about this Brian. I guess I was worried about nothing. Besides, I enjoy the softer side of Brian and so it's fun to write! Thank you for the wonderful review!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 01:49 AM · On: Chapter 19
I think this is the perfect Brian for this story. His talk with Michael was hearfelt, but it was still very much Brian talking.
Curious to see what Carl finds in that DVD!
Author's Response: Perfect! That's exactly what I hoped it would be. :) Thank you for letting me know. And with just two chapters to go, you'll find out soon.
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 19, 2016 01:32 PM · On: Chapter 19
I don't see Brian as being OOC. I think this is the Brian we would have seen if the writers had let us. It was nice to hear what Mikey's up to and that Carl is doing well. Wonder what the DVD has to say.
Author's Response: Oh good! That's good to hear because I like this slightly softer Brian. ;) and just two more chapters to go. The rest will be wrapped up by then. Thanks for all the reviews!!
Reviewer: Barbara (Anonymous) · Date: July 19, 2016 01:08 PM · On: Chapter 1
i am so Glad I decided to read Rear Window. I am thoroughly enjoying your fic. I love your Brian and Justin. I love your very readable writing style. So happy to find another author that I will keep an eye out for. May your QAF muse keep flowing.
Kudos to Your fic
Author's Response: Oh I'm glad too!! And wow your review made me blush a little! I'm still rather new to writing - I've only been doing it for a year or so - so it's great to know that you're enjoying it. and don't worry, I have a lot of ideas that'll eventually get written out. THANK YOU!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 19, 2016 04:34 AM · On: Chapter 1
I love how you showed the shift in Brian's relationship with Michael as well as his relationship with Justin. I anxiously wait to fimd out what happens next!
Author's Response: Yeah the boys have been through enough, so now they have some good things coming their way - lots of forward motion. :) Thank you!!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 19, 2016 04:31 AM · On: Chapter 1
Wow so worth the wait! I like how you showed the shift in Brian's relationship woth Michael as well as his relationship with Justin. I anxiously wait to find oit what happens next!
Author's Response: Oh good!! Yeah, the whole group is growing up. Just a few more chapters to go and hopefully it will be more growing and happy times for the boys - they deserve it. Thank you!! :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 18, 2016 06:19 PM · On: Chapter 1
At last it feels like things are starting to come together again! Can you please update? Maybe it's just me but it feels like you haven't in a while. I really want to know what happens next.
Author's Response: It's been about a week, which is longer than I inteded. So I'm sorry! But a new one should be out tonight. Promise! :) thank you!!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 18, 2016 01:19 AM · On: Chapter 1
Please update! I have to find out what happens next! You haven't replied to any comments in a while either so I was wondering what's going on. Please update again!
Author's Response: Soon, friend. I promise it'll come soon. :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 17, 2016 01:42 AM · On: Chapter 1
Looks like things are finally starting to look up for Justin! Please please please update soon! It's drivng me crazy waiting to see what happens next!
Author's Response: Yeah, Justin is working his way back to his old self. An update will come soon, promise! thank you!
Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2016 08:44 PM · On: Chapter 18
My heart broke for Brian and what he must have felt when he saw the state of his loft and Justin gone. It was great to read how sweet Michael was to Justin. More...I want more! :)
Author's Response: Good! That's what I wanted you to feel. :) And I'm glad you enjoyed Michael's gift, I always viewed him as a giving person and I wanted that to come across here. And don't worry, more there will be! thank you!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 16, 2016 06:05 PM · On: Chapter 1
Hey just checking in. I love this story so far! Are ypu planning on updating soon? I'm only asking since I also noticed you haven't replied to any comments that have been left. I was just wondering of you're ok? Of coutse if you're just really busy with RL I totally understand! Again I love this story!
Author's Response: Awesome! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! And don't worry, an update is coming soon. I didn't realize how long it had been sinc emy last update, so my apologies! RL is rather busy, but it shouldn't be an excuse lol. But I'm fine! Promise. :) thank you so much!
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: July 15, 2016 05:57 PM · On: Chapter 18
Thanks for the chapter. With Rikert in the same hospital as Justin, no wonder Justin had that nightmare. It sure made sense.
It is good, real good that Brian is back. In a way, so is Justin though not quite but getting there. Things are looking good. As of now that is.
Those flowers. I sure wish QAF would have done that. Nice touch, that was more important to us QAF fans than may have been obvious to this story.
It is a good story, told well. Thanks again.
Author's Response: Yeah, you're right. Even though Justin is getting better, he can't help but be on edge with Rikert nearby.
As for the flowers, I agree. I feel like if Brian had just taken that plunge in the show so much could have been avoided...But oh well. It didn't work out that way. Mostly I wanted to showcase the difference in where they were compared to the show. Brian's a little different, and Justin's a little different - and maybe they're both a little better off for it. ;)
Thank you so much for all your reviews! I love them all.
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 12, 2016 12:35 AM · On: Chapter 18
Great update... love the scene with Justin and Michael. I always felt that they would have brotherly relationship. Brian must have been frantic walking into the loft and seeing the mess. I felt myself getting choked up at their reunion at the hospital. Happy to see Justin's continue his improvement.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm always so relieved when I get positive feedback about Michael because I know he isn't really popular on this site, but I really do like him haha. I always thought the same, especially towards the end of the series - Michael was so supportive of Justin and it was clear they were friends within their own rights, not just because of Brian. I'm so glad you enjoyed the reunion scene, I wanted it to be emotional but it's hard to tell if it come across that way when I write it. Thank you so much!! :)
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: July 11, 2016 08:38 PM · On: Chapter 18
Author's Response: Awww yay! Thank you!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: July 11, 2016 08:31 PM · On: Chapter 18
Aww, Love this chapter, as always. i'm glad to see that Michael is being the friend Justin needs right now and of course, the scene with Brian is perfect! so many emotions, I really love it :) Also, it's great that Justin is slowly going back to his old self. And Brian brought him flowers! Yeah!!! LOL. I'm not the biggest fan of romantic Brian usually, but it fits perfectly here, so thank you!! Eager for your next update, as always :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I really like Michael and I want to make sure I give him a good spot in every one of my stories. (Mostly to try and negate a lot of the anti-michael out there haha). And to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of a romantic Brian myself - I find it too OOC. BUT...I couldn't resist. And that is probably the peak of his 'sweetness' in this fic. He'll be more like himself for the rest of the fic. I'm glad it wasn't too much though! Thank you for everything! :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 11, 2016 01:16 PM · On: Chapter 18
What a beautiful chapter. Not the nightmare part, that was scary, but the part with the champagne and flowers. Brian showed that he cared. And Mikey with the coloring book, so sweet.
Author's Response: Aww thank you! Yeah Justin's beginning to see that he has support all around him, and that Brian really cares. things are on the up and up! :)
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: July 07, 2016 02:22 AM · On: Chapter 17
Thanks for the new chapter. So Rikert is still alive? You do tend to drop a huge piece of information and just let it drop – for now. I have to wonder if this is one of those times.
Time for Brian to come home. That should be very interesting. I have to wonder what part he will now play. There is lot of things to wonder about. Nice going!
Author's Response: I know, I'm bad that way. But all will be wrapped up. I'm trying something new with this story and instead of a quick and easy ending I'm making it a bit more satisfying and longer. I've been told that I can end stories to quickly, so don't fret! There's still more to go and plenty of answers to come. :) Thanks so much for all your wonderful reviews!! I love them. :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: July 06, 2016 09:57 AM · On: Chapter 17
Aww, I'm so glad both Justin and Carl are okay! And I love that scene at the hospital, especially the one between Debbie and Carl. Amazing job again, Kristine! Now, I can't wait for Brian to learn about what had happened. To say he won't be pleased shouldn't even start to cover it up. Thank you again, for this amazing, so well-written story! Love the emotions it provokes :) But I love everything you write so...
Author's Response: I couldn't do anything too terrible. And thanks! I didn't expect so much love for the Debbie and Carl scene but a lot of people have commented on it. :) It makes me happy haha. And you're so right - he'll not be pleased AT ALL. Thank you for all the lovely reviews!! I always look forward to hearing from you.
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: July 06, 2016 09:41 AM · On: Chapter 16
OMG!! So many things I LOVE in this chapter. Firstly, I love the description, the atmosphere you're able to create with your words. I can imagine everything is my head adn my heart is pounding along with Justin. And Justin's memory, aww, so well described, so well-done! And of course, there is the action itself. I need to know! I'm selfishly happy to have waited to read this one because now, I can go and read the next one immediately!
And so, I have my response regarding your vacation ;) I hope it was great! Off to the next now :)
Author's Response: Whoops! I missed answering this review for some reason, sorry! That you so much for your lovely compliments! I always like to hear that I'm able to get across the environment that I see in my head! Thank you so much for all your support! :)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 06, 2016 01:16 AM · On: Chapter 17
I was thinking the other day, that I had been missing this Fic!
I love this chapter! Not only because both Justin and Carl are OK, but also because Justin is being so brave, dealing with the hospital, the MRI and the almost-panic attack! Even the reunion with Debbie and Jennifer... it's all so "normal." I'm so very happy for him!
I also love his fierce protection of Brian, and wanting to shield him from this situation. Curious about the "look" that passed between Jen and Deb... more than "Mother thing," perhaps?
Deb and Carl are too cute!
Author's Response: Yes lots of growth for Justin here - and much more to come! :) It's like a burst pipe, it's all going to come flooding out.
As for the look, they were just reacting to his protectiveness. Because they didn't expect it from him given how he'd been the past few months. So
Thank you so much for all the support! :)
Reviewer: Alana (Anonymous) · Date: July 05, 2016 10:18 AM · On: Chapter 17
I'm relieved that it turns out like this and i can't wait to see Brian's reaction when he discovers everithing!
Great story!!!
Author's Response: Hopefully it's good. I know it seems like it's building, so I don't want to disappoint anyone when he does get back. Thank you!! :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 05, 2016 03:41 AM · On: Chapter 17
It's good that Carl wasn't badly hurt and that Justin is remembering. But what will happen when Brian fnds out what happened?
Author's Response: You'll find out in two more chapters - hopefully it won't be disappointing. ;) And I have come to like Carl more and more, so I couldn't do anything too bad to him haha. Thanks!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 25, 2016 11:45 PM · On: Chapter 16
No! You can't leave us like this! I'm gonna hope that Carl isn't badly hurt and will be there to rescue Justin.
Author's Response: I'm sorry! I felt bad, but that just made the suspense that much more potent, right? ;)
Thank you so much!
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: June 25, 2016 03:13 AM · On: Chapter 16
Once again, thanks for the story. This chapter was very
exciting, and truly wonderful to read. However, I don’t
understand why Rikert killed Stockwell. Not that I am
complaining or sorry.
The action and drama, and intensity was amazing.
Thanks again.
Author's Response: And thank YOU for the reviews! It's always so great to hear what you think. :)
As for Rikert, his actions will be explained, I promise.
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: June 25, 2016 01:35 AM · On: Chapter 16
How did I miss a chapter????? I was a bit confused at first when I started reading this and realized I was missing something. On the other hand, I did get a nice ling read tonight!
There were several times I found it difficult breathe while reading these scenes... the intensity and desperation Justin was feeling was palpable! Also, the little things, like Justin being able to calm himself down and a genuine feeling of wanting to survive his ordeal is very encouraging.
Still can't help wondering what Brian's reaction will be to this frightening turn of events.
Enjoy your vacation! I'll be here waiting... and I'll be sure not to miss a chapter again!
Author's Response: Haha, I've done that before! But it's kind of like a bous when that happens, right? ;)
I'm so glad you could feel the intensity - I worry when I write those kinds of scenes that the feelings fall flat, so I'm relieved!
You'll find out about Brian's reaction soon, but not quite yet (he might not be entirely pleased with Sunshine).
Thanks for all your support! :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: June 25, 2016 12:02 AM · On: Chapter 16
Ack! What a place to leave this at, Kristine! But I know you won't let anything serious happen to our boys. ) I am still loving the suspesne of this story! Have a great vacation, and I'll be eagerly waiting for the next part when you return. ~Kim
Author's Response: I know! I felt terrible, but you're right - I'm not that mean! Thanks so much and I'm glad you've been enjoying it! :)
Reviewer: sweetc (Anonymous) · Date: June 24, 2016 12:14 AM · On: Chapter 1
I love it!!!And i hate it....i'm totally addicted but i hate when our boys are hurt . You write so beautifully and i can feel justin's pain. I can't wait to read more.
Author's Response: Ohhh thank you so much! I totally understand the feeling. Don't worry too much though - I'm not that mean. ;)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: June 22, 2016 11:19 AM · On: Chapter 15
Hi, Kristine! Sorry I couldn't review earlier, but I was out of town. I am still loving your story, however! Love the drama, intrigue, and the suspense! I will be looking forward to the next installment eagerly. Thank you for posting this!~Kim
Author's Response: Whoops! Bonus! :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: June 22, 2016 11:19 AM · On: Chapter 15
Hi, Kristine! Sorry but I couldn't review earlier, but I was out of town. I am still loving your story, however! Love the drama, intrigue, and the suspense! I will be looking forward to the next installment eagerly. Thank you for posting this!~Kim
Author's Response: Hi Kim! Don't pologize, it's fine. :) I'm glad you're enjoying this! It's always nice to hear that. I get so nervous, especially when I'm getting towards the climax of the story. Thanks for all your support! :)
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2016 03:49 PM · On: Chapter 15
Wow that was a quick update, but now I want an even quicker one. Will Justin escape? And where is Brian?
* hugs *
Author's Response: I try. I hate to leave readers waiting more then necessary. Thanks so much for the kind words and I guess you'll just have to read and find out. :)
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2016 02:19 AM · On: Chapter 15
Wow, another chapter? That was quick, I hadn’t had a chance to
write a review about the prior chapter. In that prior chapter, you
wrote action beautifully. Like another Reviewer, the action was
such, that I had to tell myself to breath, keep on breathing.
Now in this chapter, the intensity was amazing. I keep thinking
that since Carl put out on the police broadcast for the arrest of
Stockwell and Rikert, that if Justin was to found dead, it would
point to them. For a brief moment, I foolishly thought Justin was
safe. Then again, they already killed, so what is one more death?
I don’t know, I just don’t know.
Once again, thanks for the story. I really is terrific.
Author's Response: Oh wow! What an amazing compliment! Thank you so much!!
Thank you for all your kind words, I always look forward to hearing from you! I hope you continue to enjoy as we get closer to the end. :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2016 08:04 PM · On: Chapter 15
Wait until Brian gets home. He's gonna be pissed. I have complete faith in Carl and he better find Justin soon.
Author's Response: Well...maybe he won't be home soon enough to stop what's happening - but he will be pissed when he does get back! Thank you. :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2016 06:52 PM · On: Chapter 15
Hi Kristine! The suspense is killing me... I just want the next chapter right now lol Excellent job again! Thank you so much for this wonderful story :)
Author's Response: Hey Alois!
Good, that's what it's supposed to do. ;) Thank you so much for all your support!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2016 12:07 AM · On: Chapter 14
OMG! I wouldn't have imagined for one second that they would find Justin so fast. Oh, I can't wait to know how everything will play out! Still loving this Kristine, the next chapter can't come fast enough for me :)
Author's Response: Surprisingly that was basically how it happened in the movie. One glance out the window to see him look at them and then boom - caught. Thank you so much for letting me know! I love hearing from you and I hope you conitnue to enjoy it through the next few chapters.
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: June 15, 2016 10:51 AM · On: Chapter 14
Hi, Kristine! This one continues to fascinate me as well as scare me, but in a good way! Wow, soooo close, but now Jusin is in great danger. Love the suspense, though! Will be eagerly waiting to see what happens next! Thanks for posting this on here; I am really enjoying it. ~Kim
Author's Response: Hey Kim! Yeah Justin is in a rough spot here, but our Justin is a fighter - and he's beginning to discover that again. He was willing to fight for his life to be with Brian, now he may jut have to fight for it again. As always, I appreciate yout continued support! It means so much. :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 15, 2016 02:49 AM · On: Chapter 14
Oh no! Justin's in big trouble, but at least he called the police and Hovath, even though he was late is on the case.
Author's Response: Big trouble is right! And unfortunately no one may be able to help him...He may just have to get himself out of this mess. Thank you!
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: June 14, 2016 06:12 PM · On: Chapter 14
Wow this chapter was so exciting! Poor Justin, I so hoped the police would arrive in time. :(
I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Author's Response: The next few will be in the same manner, so I'm glad!! And unfortunately, Justin still has a lot of growing to do, which wouldn't happen if Carl had saved him. So he may be on his own for a little bit. But that may be a good thing. ;) Thanks!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: June 14, 2016 03:12 AM · On: Chapter 14
Oh, no! Justin! How is going to deal with this? All of his newly found bravery and personal resolve to get well, only to be taken down in the loft. I was having difficulty breathing too, while reading that scene. I don't know how he'll handle this setback, but I'm glad he went down fighting. With Carl now on the case, I have hope it will be resolved soon!
And Brian... I can see the massive guilt trip forming now!
Author's Response: Justin's reaction will be...complex. :) But he HAS come a long way. He might be able to use that to get through what is to come. And I wanted the kidnapping to be emotional (especially because it was in the loft ;) ) so I'm glad that it was difficult for you.
As for Brian...Well, let's just say he won't make an appearance for a while.
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: June 11, 2016 04:24 AM · On: Chapter 13
Wonderful chapter, thanks.
I am somewhat confused about Brian telling Justin about
Hunter. At the beginning of the chapter, Brian felt that it was
better that he not tell Justin that he found Hunter. Finding
Hunter is a big deal, very important and certainly helps confirm
that what Justin saw was real. Then later as Brian was packing for
Chicago, he casually mentions to Justin about finding Hunter.
Justin’s reaction was minimum. I don’t get it.
Far more important is that email Justin sent. Both Stockwell
and Rikert as policemen have spent their lives figuring out things
like how to find people. It wouldn’t take much for them to go
back to the apartment and figure out which window(s) that
someone saw them kill the kid. Of course, behind the loft door,
Justin would be safe. Right? Nope. What was that part in which
Justin would open the loft door to leave money for the delivery
guy and to bring in the food the left for him? In short, sending
that email was bad, very very bad, very dangerous.
Just so you know, this is quickly becoming one of my current
favorite stories on MW. I sure hope you are enjoying writing this
fic. as much asI am reading it.
Author's Response: Thank you for letting me know!
And that's a really good thing to point out. I didn't get into it very much so I'm sorry about that. Basically, Brian was initially hesitant because he was afraid it would push Justin over the edge and that he'd lose him. But when he came back and realized Justin was doing much better, he decided to tell him because he didn't want to keep it from him, and Justin deserved to know that nothing else could be done since he was the one who witnessed the murder in the first place.
As for Justin, his reaction was a minimum because he didn't want to worry Brian right as he was about to leave. However, it was also him finding out about Hunter being found that spurred him to send the e-mail. He didn't want to accept that nothing else could be done. So he did react to it, just not by getting upset - he's just trying to get justice.
And you're definitely on the right track about the email. Sure, they have a big metal door...But it might not keep him as safe as he would like. It was a spur of the moment decision that may cost Justin more than he thought.
And wow! I'm so honored! Thank you. I hope that as we keep going that you continue to enjoy it. :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: June 10, 2016 04:22 PM · On: Chapter 13
This is so good!! I'm so happy that Justin decided that Brian was his reason to fight. I adore the connection and emotions you managed to create between them. And the suspense...
I can't wait for more!! Please come back! lol
Author's Response: I'm so glad you like it! It's always great to hear that, especially from you! :) The connection the two shared is something I always admired in the show - no matter what happened or who hurt who they were still there for each other. That's love. Thanks for all your support!!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: June 10, 2016 04:08 PM · On: Chapter 12
Hi Kristine! I was so glad to see an update of this and i'm not sure I already left a review for this chapter so I thought I would read it again just in case. Wow, you really shows Brian's protective side so well here! I LOVE how he reacts to anyone who speak poorly of Justin; and you have him so IC still, so well done!
I'm worried about Justin of course. I'm also happy with the way you write Michael, thank you for that!
Off to read the next chapter now. I've missed this story :)
Author's Response: Hi Alois! It's always good to hear from you! And what can I say? I'm a sucker for a protective Brian, it's a major weakness of mine. And to think I made it realistic too? That's always good to hear.
Sometimes I worry about my portrayal of Michael because I know he isn't a super popular character on here, but I legitimately like him and think he' a good friend. He's got some flaws, but everyone does.
Thanks for letting me know what you think! It means a lot. :)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: June 09, 2016 08:51 PM · On: Chapter 13
I didn't realize just how much I missed this story!
Quite a turn-around for Justin... I hope his newfound resolve is real and lasting.
Author's Response: Awwww, yay! Thank you so much!
A lot is going to be happening to Justin, and his resolve is very new...It might be hard for him to tough it out - or he might have found enough of his old self not to worry about. We'll just have to see. Thanks! :)
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2016 08:16 PM · On: Chapter 13
I was so scared for Justin, I'm glad he thought about all the good times he had with Brian and changed his attitude in such a positive way.
I really love this story, looking forward to the next chapter! :)
Author's Response: It was very difficult to write, so I'm glad that it was scary to read. Good thing Justin loves Brian so much, right? ;)
Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying it!
Reviewer: Sunsuso65 (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2016 04:55 AM · On: Chapter 13
Great story.
I hope Justin don't have a lot of problems with this message.
Rikert and Stockwell are very dangerous, They're going very angry with this message .
kiss and hugs 😘
Author's Response: Thanks!
And you're right, they're not going to be happy at all...and they were cops and are pretty good at figuring those things out. Let's hope they don't track Justin down. ;)
I hope you continue to enjoy it! :)
Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2016 12:26 AM · On: Chapter 13
Still enjoying your story! great to see Justin trying to get himself back together.
Author's Response: Oh that's always good to hear! Thanks for letting me know! :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2016 12:25 AM · On: Chapter 13
Hi, Kristine! You DID post one quickly! I was very happy to see your update. I'm glad that Justin didn't go through with his initial plan, and is in better spirits.
I worry, though, about Brian being way, and about the email he sent. I imagine cops might have a way of tracking his whereabouts, even with a fake email address.
Now I need some more to find out what happens! Really enjoyingt this story, Kristine. I will be looking forward to the next part. Thank you for posting your story on here. :) ~Kim
Author's Response: I told you I would lol. It was hard to write Justin in such a bad place, but now it's over and he can start moving in the right direction. And you're right about the cops - they do have ways of figurig those things out. TOo bad Justin didn't think of that before he sent it. ;)
As always I love your feedback! Thanks!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2016 12:21 AM · On: Chapter 13
It's good to see another chapter by you. It had to be hard to write with Justin almost killing himself. He's slowly returning, but sending that email could bring trouble.
Author's Response: It was so hard! I am firmly against self harm and I don't think that the Justin in the show would ever do that, but in here his head was just in a bad place. Luckily that's all over! :) Unfortunately, his sudden burst of confidence might be worse for him in the long run. Thank you! :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: May 31, 2016 10:55 PM · On: Chapter 12
Hi, Kristine! No pressure, but just wanted you to know I'm anxious to read the next update. :) This is currently one of my favorites! Hope to see a new chapter from you soon when you are able. Thanks for postiing this intriguing story on here! ~Kim
Author's Response: Thanks for the help in getting me back logged on!! :) I appreciate it. And thanks for all the support with this story too, it's so encouraging.
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: May 17, 2016 08:28 AM · On: Chapter 12
Brian hurry to go home to Justin. He needs you.
And Carl .. you you ... aggrrr .... arrest them!
* hugs *
Author's Response: Haha! I love the frustration! Let's hope he finally makes the right decision. He might be the only one around to help Justin... ;) Thanks!
Reviewer: britinmanor (Anonymous) · Date: May 12, 2016 07:00 PM · On: Chapter 12
i pulled up your story to read and the page for chapter 12 is blank
Author's Response: It is good to go again. :)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: May 12, 2016 12:41 AM · On: Chapter 12
I am not seeing a chapter... might it have something to do with the move to .net?
Tech Support: Some authors' chapters recently posted did not make the transfer. The writer needs to repost the text. Reviews however, should not be affected.
Author's Response: As you saw with the tech support answer, my chapter was lost during the move. :) Everything should be good by now though.
Reviewer: DavidR (Signed) · Date: May 11, 2016 07:03 PM · On: Chapter 12
Yes, I am enjoying this story. Sorry, but I lack a computer time
and can’t give feedback often, but I did want you to know the I am
following this story. Nope, I did not see the movie, so I have no
idea what is going to happen.
One thing though, why hasn’t Brian called Justin to tell him that
he found Hunter. It would mean so much to Justin. Of course, I
have the advantage as a reader to know just about everything,
but Justin must be told, and n-o-w!
Once again, thanks for the story, it is good, very good.
Author's Response: Ohhhh exciting then! It's all a mystery to you! That makes me glad. :)
As for Brian's decision making, he was kind of caught up in the moment. He excited to find Hunter too.
Thanks for letting me know you've been enjoying it!
Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous) · Date: May 11, 2016 03:40 PM · On: Chapter 12
You are doing a fantastic job with this story .. and now that I'm up to speed those updates can't come fast enough.
Author's Response: Thank you for letting me know! It's always great to hear. :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 11, 2016 03:35 PM · On: Chapter 12
Wow! Emotion packed. Carl better not drop this. Afterall, why would Justin draw those two men if he'd never seen them?
Author's Response: The next few chapters are going to be much the same way - dominoes are falling. And you're so right! But he wanted to keep his nice pension plan...Hopefully he'll make the right call. Thank you! :)
Reviewer: orhida43 (Signed) · Date: May 11, 2016 11:46 AM · On: Chapter 12
I still enjoy reading your story.
Brian must hurry home before Justin do something yourself.
Thank you!
Author's Response: Thank you!! I'm so glad to hear it. :) And Justin might just be alone on this one. ;)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: May 09, 2016 02:54 PM · On: Chapter 11
It's a true testament to just how disturbed Justin is, to have his entire demeanor crushed by something so completely out of his control... but maybe that's part of the problem. He feels he has no control over anyhting in his life.
I'm guessing his mood will improve when Brian brings the news of having found Hunter, but it's still scary to have so much of your own well-being locked up in what happens in other people's lives.
“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s…Justin. Okay? Just…focus here.”
Ha! Yes, Brian... whatever makes you feel better.
Author's Response: You're so right! Justin's emotions are very much based off of other people and that is a HUGE problem. He'll have to rediscover some of his old self if he wants to move on.
And I'm glad you liked that little bit with 'the boyfriend'. Despite how OOC Brian is in this fic, he's still Brian. ;)
Thanks!! :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2016 01:01 PM · On: Chapter 11
I love this! It's a good thing that Hunter called Ben and I love how you use canon elements in here. Also, I love how Brian wants to protect Justin but also how he reacts to the 'boyfriend' notion. Haha... Okay, I'm definitely ready for more!
Author's Response: Aww yay! I wanted to connect the two so it flowed with what people were familiar with, so I'm glad it's working. :) And yeah, despite how I have him a bit more...affectionate, shall we say?, than the show, he's still Brian. ;) Thanks so much!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2016 12:27 PM · On: Chapter 10
Kristine!! I'm so late to read this, sorry for that. Blame RL :( But the good news is, I have two chapters instead of one! Yeah!!!
What can I say? I'm still enjoying this immensely. The connection between Brian and Justin is beautiful and I love the suspense and how smoothly you move the story along. I love the Hunter/Ben scene and how you connect all the characters. Off to read the next part immediately!
Author's Response: Oh no worries! I understand how life can get. And I'm glad you enjoyed them both! lol
I'm glad people have been enjoying Hunter's role in this; I'm not a huge fan of him and so I worried that I wouldn't pull it off. But it seems to be working.
Thanks so much for all of the feedback! :)
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: May 07, 2016 09:00 PM · On: Chapter 11
Thanks for this update. Poor Justin. But now Hunter is found, maybe the police will believe him.
Author's Response: We'll just have to hope and see. Justin is still going to have a rough time of things, but have faith. Thanks so much! :)
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: May 06, 2016 03:42 AM · On: Chapter 11
Now we get to the meat of things. Great update
Author's Response: You're so right! The next few chapters will be pretty exciting. I hope you enjoy! :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 06, 2016 01:44 AM · On: Chapter 11
Oh no. Brian's found Hunter which is good. But the police, unless it's Horvath, is a bad idea. Love the 315 Baker St., Sherlock!
Author's Response: Yes! A step in the right direction. :) And I'm glad someone got the reference. I didn't want to make it too obvious, but Brian has been a little detective in this story, so I figured it fit. Thanks! :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: May 05, 2016 01:36 PM · On: Chapter 10
Brian - ever the detective - ha! Definitely fits in with his character. Ingenious to involve Hunter in the story, and I remember well the movie where Grace Kelly's character is almost caught snooping around.;) Still loving this one! Looking forward to the rest. And also enjoying the hurt/comfort/angst angle of it as well. Thank you. ~Kim
Author's Response: Brian just screams PI, doesn't he? I don't know what it is. ;) And I have to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Hunter, buuuuut it was too perfect not to do it. Hopefully I get his character down right since I'm not too familiar with him. We'll see. Thanks so much! :)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: May 04, 2016 02:34 AM · On: Chapter 10
Well, I'm gld that Brian believes Justin, and wants to do something tangible to show it. But breaking into that apartment was pretty reckless! Hopefully now that he has a name, and Carl is still questiong his first instinct, and even with Debbie getting involved, Her natural pushiness penchant for gossip might just be a big help!
Author's Response: Right now Brian is operating under the belief that if he keeps pretending everything is okay, then it is. That might come to bite him in the ass soon...And you're right! Lots of people have a lot of little pieces. Maybe together they can get the whole picture. ;) Thanks so much!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: May 02, 2016 06:57 PM · On: Chapter 10
Hmmmm....things are taking a turn.
Author's Response: Well they're probably going to get worse before they get better. But our boys are tough. :) Thanks!
Reviewer: Aribritinxoxo (Signed) · Date: May 02, 2016 01:10 PM · On: Chapter 10
Justin scared and Brian was there to calmed him down. I could go on for this moment forever!! Thats why I really love hurt/comfort category. I love your story authorrr. I hope Brian will all be okay because I cant imagine if something bad happens to him.. Justin may really go crazy this time..
Keep writing! Looking forward to see nxt chaps!
Author's Response: What can I say? I'm a sucker for those tender moments. :) And you're right, Brian is the only thing keeping Justin together at the moment. We'll just have to see what happens. ;) Thanks!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 02, 2016 03:50 AM · On: Chapter 10
I am so glad that Brian is believing in Justin. So close yet so far. How will Brian get to know Hunter? Can't wait to find out more.
Author's Response: You'll find out how they run into each other soon. :) Slowly things will come together. Thanks!!
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 28, 2016 01:34 PM · On: Chapter 9
Hi, Kristine! This remains one of my favorite stories currently. I am really enjoying the dynamics you are portraying here between B and J, and the slow buildup of the plot. Will definitely be eagerly waiting for more updates! Thank you for this very engrossing story. ~Kim
Author's Response: Awww, that's so sweet. Thanks so much! I'm glad you're liking the pace, as I was worried it might be a little too slow for some people. But once things start happening it'll be like dominos falling. ;) I really appreciate the feedback!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2016 09:46 PM · On: Chapter 9
I'm so glad Brian believes Justin and goes out of his way to help him. It really shows how much he cares. And Justin, seeing a hint of his old self is so good, even if the circonstances are awful. Eager to know how Hunter will fit in all this, too! Thank you again for an amazing chapter :)
Author's Response: Well thankfully he has the time since he already stopped working. But you're right, his actions are because he cares; and luckily his support is also helping Justin tap into his old self, even if it's only a little bit. Thanks so much for letting me know what you think of it! :)
Reviewer: addicted-to-romione-bedward (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2016 05:29 PM · On: Chapter 9
All caught up and ready for more.
I'm curious where you take this.
Author's Response: Oh thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)
Reviewer: addicted-to-romione-bedward (Signed) · Date: April 27, 2016 01:20 PM · On: Chapter 1
This is truly interesting...and heartbreaking. Though, I bet this is the way Justin acted, at least for a while.
Author's Response: Oh good! I was going for heartbreaking. :) Thanks so much for the kind words.
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: April 27, 2016 02:20 AM · On: Chapter 9
I'm very glad that Brian not only reassured Justin that he believed hi, but that he acted on it too... even without much success. Proud of Justin for being his old "persistant little shit" self, at least for a little while. Even doing those drawings gives him something to make himself feel useful. That's got to be counted as a victory... and even minor victories have got to be heplful for healing.
Author's Response: You're so right, it's the little things that are going to push him forward. As for Brian, he's still ignoring everyone else - something he's good at - and just trying to help Justin the only way he knows how. This time it worked out well, who knows what will happen next time. ;) Thanks!
Reviewer: anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: April 26, 2016 10:01 AM · On: Chapter 9
I really like your story. though I have a question and I hope you can answer it.
In the categories there is rape. Is it about Justin? I'm not sure I can handle it.
Author's Response: Oh I'm so glad!
And that is a good question - no. It was referencing Jason's death. Technically he gave consent beforehand, but as he realized he was dying he tried to get them to stop. I just wanted to be very upfront about it just in case some people didn't like that scene. So don't worry about Justin. :) Thank you!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 26, 2016 07:06 AM · On: Chapter 9
It's good that Justin is determined and not letting the disbelief get him down. It's a shame that nobody would id the pic. Hope Hunter doesn't disappear.
Author's Response: Underneath it all he is still Justin in there. :) He still has a lot to overcome, but ultimately he'd a fighter. As for Hunter, he has some more experience than Jason did. :) Thank you!
Reviewer: Bryton4ever71 (Signed) · Date: April 24, 2016 09:10 AM · On: Chapter 5
All right...NOOOOOWW you have my attention! Fantastic cliffy! Kinda glad I came in when I did because this would be REEEAAALLY hard to wait around for.
Author's Response: Haha I'm glad! Hopefully you'll continue to enjoy it. ;) Thanks so much for letting me know.
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: April 21, 2016 11:08 AM · On: Chapter 8
Wow... So many emotions in this chapter! I'm loving this more and more. Seriously, I can't wait to see what happens next. My heart goes out to Justin, and Brian. They are in such a difficult situation right now. I think deep down, Brian knows it can't be as simple as Justin being crazy. But anybody would question his sanity, especially when everybody (even a professional) tells Brian Justin IS crazy and needs help. It must be the worst for Brian, as he wants what is best for Justin. I hope he won't let his thoughts decide that he isn't what Justin needs in the end, because it would be disastrous for Justin. Ohh.. I can't wait!!
PS: I'm very glad you like the banner * big smile *
Author's Response: Every time I see a review from you I smile! I love hearing what you think. And you're right, Brian is going to have quite a delimna on his hands. He wants to do what's best for Justin, but he also doesn't want to admit that he's really sick and needs help. How long can he ignore what everyone else is saying and just rely on his hope? We'll have to see about that. :)
Of course I like it - it's amazing! Thank you so much!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: April 21, 2016 04:01 AM · On: Chapter 8
It was very hard to read through the scene with Justin's meltdown. He must be absolutely terrified. But I am glad that Brian believed Justin and made the call to the police... even though it didn't end well. Hopefully Carl will listen to his "gut" feelings and follow up.
Love the new banner!
Author's Response: It was hard to write! :( He's going to have to overcome a lot of his troubles in the next few chapters, but I'm going to warn you that things are going to get worse before they get better. However, he'll still have Brian there with him. :) Thank you!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 20, 2016 01:24 PM · On: Chapter 8
This chapter left me a little unsettled. It seems that no matter what Justin does, all anyone except Brian sees is a crazy person who has delusions. And on top of that Alex is even suggesting that Justin be committed...yeah not a big fan of that idea lol. Idk...I have a feeling that Justin might have heard their conversation and won't stick around to see if Brian will truly send him away.
As for Carl, he could have easily gone into the building to check things out without his partner if he felt that something rang true with what Justin said he saw.
Author's Response: Unfortunatly everyone, especially Alex, are detatched from the situation. Brian loves Justin, so he wants to overlook a lot of things. Of course, we all see more of Justin and what's in his head than everyone else. But they just see a sick boy who hasn't gotten any better. And for Carl, you're absolutely right, but he also falls into the last catagory. He may have some pity for Justin, but he still just sees a sick kid. Hopefully that will change though. Thank you!
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 20, 2016 12:50 PM · On: Chapter 8
Loving this story, Kristine! So engrossing, and I can see this playing out in my head. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter. :) ~Kim
Author's Response: Oh good! I'm so glad you think so. :) I hope you continue enjoying it. Thanks!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 20, 2016 06:46 AM · On: Chapter 8
I'm sure that Brian wants to believe Justin and he should. Now someone is dead and nobody believes him. Kinda like Jason Kemp.
Author's Response: Yeah he may want to, but more and more people are beginning to tell him how bad Justin is doing. It might be harder for him to ignore them. Or not. ;) We'll see. Thank you!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: April 18, 2016 10:12 PM · On: Chapter 7
The tiniest glimmer of hope for Justin...
Unfortunately, when Jason's death is discovered, I think that glimmer might fade quickly.
Author's Response: I think you are right. ;) But where would be the fun if there's no drama?
Thank you so much!
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 02:52 PM · On: Chapter 7
Hi, Kristine! I have so little precious time lately to read, unfortunately, but Rear Window has always been a favorite film of mine, so I couldn't help taking a peek at this one. Seven chapters later (all read in one go this morning), and I can only say, Wow! I am loving this story! I can't imagine why you don't have more review comments for this one. So well-written, and B and J so much in character here. You can clearly see the love in Brian's actions, and between the two of them.
I will be looking forward eagerly to the rest of your story! And BTW, if you would like a banner, I am not as talented as some others, but I would love to take a go at it, if you would like. You can contact me through here, or through my Twitter, FB, or LJ accounts.
Thanks again for the very engrossing read! ~Kim
Author's Response: Hey Kim!
Oh I can definitely understand that, life has a habit of getting in the way of a lot of things. :) And I'm so glad you're liking it! I was worried that with it being such a well known film that everyone would just compare it to the movie. As for the comments, I don't care about those very much. I just hope the people who read it are enjoying it lol I wrote it because it's fun! That's all that matters. That being said, it's always great to hear that I'm doing a good job haha!
As for the banner, Alois has been kind enough to offer and so I'm working with her on making one. But thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I hope you continue enjoying!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 02:44 PM · On: Chapter 7
Author's Response: Heh, yeah, i know. Thanks!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 10:55 AM · On: Chapter 7
Ohhhh... I can't wait!! I really loved Justin's conversation with Alex. Hopefully Justin will realize that Brian cares about him as much as he cares about Brian. Well, really loving this... But oh, this is so sad about Jason. And you're so evil to let us here!! I want more! Thank you for this wonderful story :)
Author's Response: Oh yay! Yeah Alex is going to start showing up more and will definitely play a role in the next few chapters. Whether its a good one or a bad one...You'll have to decide that. I'm so glad you're enjoying this! Thank you!!
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 10:40 AM · On: Chapter 6
It's too bad Brian didn't see anything. I love that Brian is so concerned and call Alex so late. It shows how much he cares. Now, Jason doesn't realize how dangerous a game he is playing. I hope he will be okay, but... Great update! Now off to the hext one :) thank you!
Author's Response: Yeah. It's actually going to play a large part in what is to come. Can Brian trust what Justin sees? Should he? He'll have to make some tough calls. As for Jason...I wouldn't count on him making wise decisions. But you'll have found that out by now haha. Thanks so much! As always, it's great to hear from you! :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 07:34 AM · On: Chapter 7
Noooo! You said it would get worse and you were write. On the bright side Alex looks to be doing wonders for Justin. I guess I'll have to wait for another chapter to find out if Justin was watching.
Author's Response: Yeah...Sorry about that haha...And yeah, I figured Justin needed someone else in his corner besides Brian so Alex is going to be popping up pretty often. Thank you!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: April 15, 2016 08:32 PM · On: Chapter 6
Very worried for both our boys... I certainly hope that Brian can get Justin to agree to to talk to Alex on the phone. And maybe, just maybe... Justin might be able to help the huslter (Jason Kemp?) before it's too late. It might give him a sense of purpose in his life.
I am totally hooked here... I'm anxiously awaiting the next installment!
Author's Response: If nothing else, Brian and Justin still have each other. That's more than Jason can say. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Hearing that always makes me more motivated. Thank you!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2016 06:17 PM · On: Chapter 6 one of my guesses were right lol...but this is a tough road they are all on...the sun shines through the rain though.
Author's Response: You sure were! :) Yeah, unfortunately things aren't looking up for anybody, but we still have a long way to go. Thank you!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2016 08:17 AM · On: Chapter 6
Well at least Justin didn't witness a murder. It's good that Brian is concerned. Gotta feel for the hustler. Can't wait to find out what you have planned.
Author's Response: Yet. ;) Yeah, the hustler has got it kind of bad, and unfortunately it isn't going to get much better for him. Thank you!
Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: April 12, 2016 02:03 AM · On: Chapter 4
Now he can breath easier. Alex did him good. He'll get to talk to Justin soon enough. Brian needs for Justin to relax in his own home. Justin needs to stop thinking he's on his way out. They need to talk.
Author's Response: Oh communication is definitely low between the two. Brian has no idea how bad off Justin really is and Justin has no idea how dedicated Brian is. It's not boding well for either of them.
Thanks!! :)
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: April 11, 2016 04:53 AM · On: Chapter 5
Until he was really alone and nothing was real. He’d decided that was when he would do it. Even if an institute wasn’t so bad, he didn’t want to live alone – truly alone. So, he’d live until Brian decided he’d had enough.
How utterly, incredibly sad.
I am glad though that Brian still has the ability to make Justin laugh. Nice scene with Brian & Mikey in the comic book store.
Once again, Justin's reliance on routine is telling... Being upset when new people moved in to the apartment across the street, especially when he doesn't feel that those people are "real" to him. But the action is about to pick up over there!
The backstory is also getting extremely disturbing. Intriguing that the second flashback takes place at Tremont.
Author's Response: I really wanted to make it clear that Justin's depression is VERY strong. He isn't just sad, or feeling down. He's very mentally unstable. It deviates from the show, of course, but for the sake of the story he is suffering...
That all being said, Justin still loves Brian no matter what, so yes; he can make him laugh. :)
As for the backstory - we're just getting started on that front.
Thanks so much!! :)
Reviewer: Alois (Signed) · Date: April 10, 2016 10:58 PM · On: Chapter 5
You evil woman... LOL. How can you leave us here? I want more!!
I loved this chapter. I love how you write Brian and Michael's relationship and how descriptive your writing is. The part when Brian discover the comic book store is so well-done. In Character. I love it. And yes, Ben's here!
I also love Brian and Justin sharing Justin's hobby. I feel like the story is shifting and I can't wait to know what comes next!
Thank you so much :)
Author's Response: I know. What can I say? I love cliffhangers! ;)
And I'm so glad you approve of Brian and Michael's relationship! I worry so much about writing Michael in a positive light...It isn't always well received I feel like...But they ARE close friends and I feel like that deserves just as much recognition as Brian's and Justin's relationship. Michael will also play a role in the story, so of course I have to keep him around. :)
And yes, there is definitely a shift in the story coming. We're going to be moving from Justin's condition to the murder and all of the issues that brings with it - and there'll be plenty!
Reviewer: orhida43 (Signed) · Date: April 10, 2016 08:08 PM · On: Chapter 4
This story is more interesting, with each subsequent chapter.Thank you for writing.
Reviewer: Patty (Anonymous) · Date: April 10, 2016 12:46 PM · On: Chapter 5
Nice cliffhanger. Hope the kids isn't killed but if you're following the show then? I liked that Michael seems sincere about Justin's well being and Brian said he's proud of him. I think Brian is taking time off work to dedicate time to help Justin shows how much he cares for him plus the interest he shows in the window which makes Justin feel special. Need another update please hurray. Lol
Author's Response: I am following the movie, for the most part, but there will be some delineations from the movie. So whether or not he's actually dead yet - I won't say. As for Michael, I don't write anti-Michael stuff. I think he has flaws, like all the characters, but is generally a good person. And Brian will continue to try his best to get Justin better - but if it's enough or not remains to be seen. Update will come soon, promise! Thanks!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 10, 2016 08:47 AM · On: Chapter 5
*shudders* I hope that whoever it is (Jason Kemp, Hunter, anonymous ) will get help before it's too late.
Btw...those are just guesses...I can wait to find out who it is ;)
Author's Response: Hahaha well I like hearing guesses! You'll find out who it is next chapter. As for whether or not he gets help...We'll see.
Thanks so much!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 10, 2016 03:03 AM · On: Chapter 5
Wow. What an ending. You have to feel sorry for the victim and I feel like I know him already. It's nice that Mikey got the comic book store himself without any help. Now he's gonna have somebody if Ben showing up means anything.
Author's Response: I really wanted to give him a point of view so you would feel something when it happened. And yeah, I am actually a fan of Michael, so I like to see him being successful. As for Ben, he will. ;) Thanks!
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: April 07, 2016 03:57 AM · On: Chapter 4
Good to see that Brian realizes he needs some professional help if he truly wants to help Justin. But leave it to him to consult Alex, the psychologist trick!
It's very sad to see how insecure Justin is, that the simple act of moving some furniture sends him into a panic. And how he is constantly thinking that Brian will eventually put him out. I hope Brian can reassure him.
Ah, so the iconic binoculars have made their appearance! Anxious to see what Justin sees!
Author's Response: Hahaha 'the psychologist trick'! That is the best way to desribe him! But yes, Brian realized he needed a bit more help - too bad he doesn't even know how bad things really are yet.
Unfortunately Justin's depression will continue on for quite some time - it isn't fixed overnight. There will be ups coming though to try and lighten the story a little, hopefully it won't be TOO depressing.
Thank you so much!