Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Just Kiss Me...
Reviewer: Draccone (Signed) · Date: January 22, 2022 01:27 AM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

No more?!!

Reviewer: Bgriggs (Signed) · Date: May 26, 2020 01:54 AM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Please, please finish the story...

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2018 04:24 AM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Please update

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2018 03:08 AM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

what a sick pup

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 02, 2018 10:02 PM · On: Chapter 8 ~ Kiss Off!

I do not like Debbie, hate Lindsey

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 02, 2018 10:00 PM · On: Chapter 7 ~ Leather Kisses

Love this outfit on Brian

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 02, 2018 09:54 PM · On: Chapter 3 ~ Champagne-Covered Kisses

fucking Linsey

Reviewer: momlitmonster (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2018 01:15 AM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

I want more!!! Please publish another chapter!!! THANK YOU!

Reviewer: momlitmonster (Signed) · Date: October 11, 2018 02:32 AM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

OMG! Michael's really crossed the line! HAHAHAH I couldn't stop laughing as he was riding out the torpedo!

Reviewer: loriblair (Signed) · Date: September 09, 2018 04:57 PM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

I have been trying where i have read this scene for a long while! truly one of my favorite eff you michael ever! glad i found it and glad its yours!

Reviewer: Clairelp (Signed) · Date: March 19, 2018 07:29 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

WOW  -this story is amazing - will there be more?

Reviewer: Happy Gamma (Signed) · Date: November 13, 2017 02:41 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Really loved this story.  What is the name of the continuing story since it says TBC?? Please let me know.  Thanks

Reviewer: tataniastorm (Signed) · Date: September 05, 2017 02:59 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

I miss this story and others you have been doing hope you continue them ty for sharing them with us.

Reviewer: smoxen (Anonymous) · Date: February 19, 2017 05:13 PM · On: Chapter 1 ~ Soot-Covered Kisses

I hope you finish this story.  I've really enjoyed reading it!

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Yes, I plan to continue this one... ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Debbie (Anonymous) · Date: January 08, 2017 10:32 PM · On: Chapter 3 ~ Champagne-Covered Kisses

Please keep on writing. This is a nice story about Brian and Justin. You are a gifted writer. 

Author's Response: Thank you so much, I'm working on updating my stories. So hopefully I'm be posting a new chapter in the next week or so... Thanks for reading and reviewing... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: November 06, 2016 01:53 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Hi, Kathleen! So happy to see an update to this story.  I'm glad that you decided to extend it beyond what I think was supposed to be initially a one-shot. 

I think this chapter was one of my favorites.  Loved the way you described (and showed) the landscaping details, and the duck and her family that Brian's son 'adopted.'  I could see Gus doing that in my mind's eye, and had to chuckle when he started signing "Old McDonald." 

Lindsay and Michael...what a team!  Ugh.  But I imagine it's only a matter of time before Michael gets caught, and putting Divina Devore in the story was very ingenious. 

So many things I am enjoying with this story! And as always, I appreciate the time you take to put photos into your chapters. I really need to get back to doing that, because it really DOES help ti envision the scene even more.

Thanks for the update, and for posting this on here! I will be eagerly waiting for your next chapter.  ~Kim

Author's Response: Somehow my one-shots seem to morph into longer fics, so happy you're enjoying it. It's good to see Gus so happy living with his daddies, and being away from his crazy mother. I love writing Divina Devore into this chapter, it seemed like a perfect detour for Michael. I agree the pics really do ad so much to the story, besides I love finding just the right ones. Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: November 06, 2016 08:25 AM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

What a lovely chapter both Michael and Lindsay i a time out to think about their lives lol

Author's Response: Yes, like little children they both need a time out. Lindsay's headed for a nice jail cell, Michael soon to have one of his own... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: November 05, 2016 11:45 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Michael...how low can you go? And Lindsay? She has well and trully lost all her marbles. this fic has way too much going on. Please update soon...please and thank-you...

Author's Response: It seems to be a bottomless pit as far as Michael and Lindsay are concerned, and they've both lost their minds... I'm so glad you're enjoying my fic! Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: November 05, 2016 09:35 PM · On: Chapter 25 ~ Blindsided Kisses

Micheal done lost his ever-loving mind! I say good riddance, but I really feel bad for Debbie. If Michael has done a runner, what happens to her home and Carl's that was put up for his bond? 

Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: November 05, 2016 08:41 PM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

Justin's granny was a hoot. Love the pics of the Taylor clan. And that lapis dinnerware is to die for. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: November 05, 2016 05:20 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Lord love the duck.  Gus is happy, then we have Lindsay trying to work her way back into his life and Mikey worming his way into his father under the misguided opinion that he owes Mikey for not being in his life.  Seesh, it's not like he knew.   Cops are after both of them.  They got Lindsay will they catch Mikey?

Author's Response: Gus and the ducks is so sweet and adorable. Lindsay and Michael blindly worming their way to nowhere, one caught, one to go... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: November 05, 2016 02:10 AM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

great update.  Michael is becoming a real skank-  he needs help.  Lindsay is beyond needing help.  Love the interactions between Brian and Justin

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Skanky Michael, his time is almost up. Lindsay will do anything to push her way into Brian's life. Brian and Justin's love makes me swoon... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: November 04, 2016 10:41 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Great chapter!  Love the duck family and Gus's song.  Always enjoy a crazy Mikey & Lindsay.  Can't wait for more.  Hugs,  Bill

Author's Response: Thanks! Gus and the ducks are so adorable, so glad you enjoyed it. Crazy Mikey and Lindz, some things never change. Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: ForeverLove50 (Signed) · Date: November 04, 2016 07:08 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Love this story! Please update soon!

Author's Response: So glad you're still liking my fic... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: November 04, 2016 02:49 PM · On: Chapter 28 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Kathleen, I enjoyed this update so much.You showed mikey to be about as dim as possible. He goes to see his father and is rude and demanding. He needs a free place to sleep and someone to feed his ugly face and making sure his dad buys what he wants to eat after inviting himself. I was glad his father called the police, he got away but it won't take long to find him, especially if he pawns the jewellry box or its contence.Now for Debbie I like her to show some boundries where Brian and Justin are concerned. She thought nothing of giving crazy Lindsay the address knowing she was going to cause trouble for B&J. I know Lindsay is selfish and has problems. I don't know if she is mentally ill or if she has dementia, regardless she shouldn't be around Gus. Leaving him in a grocery cart and then her sleeping with someone to get Justin back to New York, she needs to be in a nursing home.I was glad Gus had his duck and babies, I think Justin wanted them as much as Gus and Brian really didn't mind,when Gus broke out in song and little dance, he was just adoreable. Great update

Author's Response: Michael has always been a mama's boy, so I guess he thought he'd see if it worked on daddy. Pathetic! Don't worry he'll get what coming to him, it just might take a few more fuck-ups to achieve. Debbie has always sided with mother's rights, but that's no excuse for what she's done. Lindsay has always been a selfish manipulating bitch, but maybe now she'll finally get her due. Gus is so sweet, and happy living with his daddies. Just the way it should be... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: October 31, 2016 02:48 PM · On: Chapter 27 ~ Unfaithful Kisses…

Hi Katheen, I was once again re-reading your story.I hope we will  have more kisses soon. mikey is such a tool! Been checking, it's been awhile since an update on "The Offer Still Stands, and for Chirstman Presents. I read most of your stories and all of these three are really good and interesting plots that kind of leave you hanging.Please don't abandon these three. 

Author's Response: I've been out working for Hillary's campaign this last month or so... But I just finished up the next chapter of Positive, and Kisses. Next up Christmas and The Offer Still Stands... Thanks for being so patient... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: September 09, 2016 02:49 AM · On: Chapter 27 ~ Unfaithful Kisses…

Hi Kathleen, loved your up-date. I LMAO when Linz fainted. it was straight out of Gone with the Wind--when Scarlet had the vapors! I haven't made up my mind if she is a diva or a drama queen, but one thing is sure, she has lost her marbles.Glad Mel thru her out and Brian is aware she has no business parenting Gus. As for mikey, Karma's a bitch, he cost Deb and Carl their homes, his actions cost him Ben, and his jealousy cost him Brian and his freedom, glad to see him down and out, he has hurt so many people, it's time for him to suffer for his behavior. Can't wait for more updates on this and other stories you have going. 

Author's Response: Vapors! LMAO! Lindsay's definitely lost it, with no one to blame but herself. Ditto for Mikey, like you said, Karma is a bitch... They both have gone too far, causing so much damage to those they supposedly love ... More coming soon... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: September 07, 2016 01:02 AM · On: Chapter 27 ~ Unfaithful Kisses…

You've outdone yourself. Love how you showed Lindsay up for the cunt she is and had Ben tell Mikey that he's never taking him back. Gus gets to stay with Brian and Justin and seems all the happier for it.

Author's Response: Thanks so much Darling! Yes, Lindsay and Michael have both been smacked down hard this time, you'd think they'd go underground for a while. But with these two, I doubt they'll stay in the shadows for long. Even with all the craziness they're surrounded by Brian and Justin are going strong. All they ever needed was to get away from their prying family, and only listen to one another, instead of allowing everyone else to judge them... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: August 31, 2016 06:19 AM · On: Chapter 26 ~ Confounding Kisses…

I'm unsure how I feel about Debbie stupidly signing a document without reading it properly or at least getting Mel to check it out. I know she wanted to help her son but not a the detriment of her own well being - he's not a child but an adult, responsible for his own actions. No wonder Carl isn't speaking to her. Brian is being extremely generous - I hope Debbie appreciates it fully. I know Emmett does. Lindsay is just a selfish bitch and Michael - how dumb can he be..... Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: It was incredibly stupid of Deb to use the house as collateral for Michael bail, and Carl has ever right to be furious with her. It was practically a given that Mikey would jump bail... Rage saves the day once again, hopefully Deb will see that Brian has always been generous, he just hasn't taken credit for it in the past. Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: August 30, 2016 02:35 PM · On: Chapter 26 ~ Confounding Kisses…

By Debbie not reading the document she signed she not only lost her house but Carl's as well. She always thinks she knows best when really she is a dumb as her stupid son. I can't belive after all this Carl would want to marry her, it's just like joining a circus! As for Lindsay--she's greedy she wants what ever anybody else gets and truly belives she's entitled to it. Her treatment of Justin got her what she deserves, unemployed.Brian helped out Emmett and Debbie with a place to live, will see how long something goes wrong and she's back to being a bully again. mikey has burned all his bridges other than maybe Lindsay she will do anything to hurt Justin and have Brian do her bidding she will fail and mikey and her can cry together. I love your updates on this story and many others you've written, it's always a joy to read your work. 

Author's Response: Debbie was so worried about Michael having to spend a minute longer in jail, she didn't read the fine print. Like you said, like mother, like son... Carl may love her, but he's be wise to reconsider making a commitment knowing Debbie acts first without thinking... Lindsay - paybacks a bitch and she's about to learn the hard way. Everything that goes around, comes around. So glad to know you're enjoying my fics... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BlueButterfly (Signed) · Date: August 30, 2016 12:07 AM · On: Chapter 26 ~ Confounding Kisses…

Deb think Brian is an angel now, but sad to say, I can't help but wonder when she'll turn on him again.

As for Mikey, he has the nerve to snicker at Hunter?! What happned to Hunter in the past wasn't his fault. Unlike all the stupid stuff Mikey is doing to hurt himself and others all on his own.

Author's Response: One can only hope that Deb will finally see that Brian always puts his family first, I guess time will tell... You can't help but feel proud of Hunter, turning his life around and helping others. Michael can't see anything but his own needs, everyone else be damned... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2016 11:03 PM · On: Chapter 26 ~ Confounding Kisses…

Wow there was lot going onin this chapter.  Signing with the shyster to rescue Mikey sounds jut like something Deb would do.  Mikey remains clueles through it all.  Great update!!!!!!!!  Hugs,  Bill

Author's Response: It was a jammed packed chapter. Deb blind to Michael's manipulations, but she's wising up... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2016 07:56 PM · On: Chapter 26 ~ Confounding Kisses…

Love this.  Especially the dialogue, though there were a few times when I wasn't sure who was speaking.  As always the pics make the story.

Author's Response: Thanks Darling, sorry for the confusion... Later ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: July 30, 2016 08:32 PM · On: Chapter 25 ~ Blindsided Kisses

mikey is and will always be an ass. Debbie and Carl stand to lose everything because of mikey. The only thing he's worried about is his friends finding out what he did. Rest   easy mikey, you don't have any friends anymore, and they knew you're a sick fuck! Deb has worked hard all her life to give the ass a roof over his head and food on the table and he does nothing to help her, he buys toys--he doesn't help to even give money to his daughter, it's all about him. And who does that sound like? Lindsay ! I feel she makes her own misery she is jealous of Justin because he is married to Brian and because he has so much more talent than she does, and also Gus adores him. Maybe if she wasn't such a bitch her life would be better. As for Brian I don't blame him for selling the loft, it would ruin all the beautiful memories for B&J. Still can't see Justin in the female clothing doesn't sound like Justin or Brian . I still think Debbie is a bully, but I still feel for her in this instance. GREAT UPDA

Author's Response: Michael is a selfish bastard, never thinking about how his actions will affect others... You can't help feeling sorry for Deb, even if she should know better by now than to trust Michael. Lindsay, and Michael are on a downward spiral, look out below! Thanks for commenting Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2016 11:32 AM · On: Chapter 24 ~ Defiant Kisses

I can't belive Jen gave Debbie the boys address, she knows Debbie doesn't understand boundaries. Jen should have called them first, to let them make the decision. Justin sure went off on his mother but she did do what he said. I guess he could not keep it inside any longer. Brian wants to sell the loft and I don't blame him I think the memories would be so awful, maybe with the new loft he bought Deb and Carl could live there since both will lose their homes if mikey runs off. Debbie needs to know from Carl what happen and apology is due Brian. Lindsay is such a attention whore and she needs to be put in her place, like mikey they each think the world rotates around them.

Author's Response: This is where Michel learned his manipulative behavior, Deb snowed Jen into giving her their address playing the 'Woo Mikey' card... Justin may have gone too far, but he needed to get it all out, carrying all that around with him wasn't healthy. Yep, your crystal ball is working overtime, Brian may not want him and Justin to live at the loft, but it will be perfect for Em, and Carl and Debbie can live next door... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2016 05:57 AM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

I felt so sorry for Brian, I've always saw Debbie as a bully. She orders people around and expects them to do as she said she doesn't act like any of them are adults and are in charge of their lives. In many ways she treats Brian like his real family.As for Lindsay why would tell a small child about mikey being jail, she'll probably tell Gus it's Justins fault because he made Brian have mikey arrested. I think she just used that as a reason to keep Gus home so couldn't be with his daddy. Debbie and Carl are crazy for putting their homes up for bail mikey only cares about mikey. Your chapters are great!

Author's Response: I agree, and the worst part is, it's her first reaction, she's totally blind to her behavior. You hit Lindsay's reason right on the head. She's jealous of Justin and hates that Gus spends so much time with him and Brian, she hates losing her control of Brian's and his access to Gus. Mikey never fails to disappoint everyone... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: July 25, 2016 03:48 PM · On: Chapter 25 ~ Blindsided Kisses

Now I understand Brian's issue with the loft. I knew there was something on the surveilance videos that disturbed him more that he was letting on. That whold thing was ...........disturbing to say teh least! Holy cow! I must say, by brain never went there! Needless to say brain bleach was necessary after that visual!! lol.

Lindsey's hate on for Justin is more than likely going to get even more severe after Sidney let her go. It will of course be his fault. No amount of Prozac is going to stop her next tantrum is my guess. 

Very nervous for Deb and Carl. They've both put up their mortgages for Michael and he just takes off like that. good ridance as far as I'm concerned, but not to their detriment. Mind you, I would imagine Brian will assist as much as possible. Depends on the amount he has to invest in this new property. Oh the decisions!! :)

Great chapter! Glad to see an update. 



Author's Response: Yes, Needless to say Brian was totally freaked out by Michael's disturbing and delusional behavior. His instantly went into protective mode, hoping to avoid Justin from ever knowing how crazy and hateful Michael has become... Even since Brian and Justin got married, and then going to court over Gus's custody, Lindsay brain has slowly started becoming unglued. With her losing her hold over Brian, and then seeing Justin taking what she always considered her place. I feel for Deb and Carl, Michael has totally screwed them over, never even considering what his leaving will do to them financially... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Jennifer (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2016 05:37 AM · On: Chapter 25 ~ Blindsided Kisses

Great chapter. I hope Brian gets wind of Linds tantrum on Justin and lets her have it. Hope Brian finally lets Justin know what Michael actual did in the loft. Justin dressing up in heels and lady's intimates,  I can't see Brian getting excited because he's not attracted to women so why would he? I guess I just don't see him that way. Happy to see Linds loosing her job, couldn't happen to a nicer gal. Waiting for next chapter.

Author's Response: Brian's not the only one she needs to worry about, she might need to double up on her Prozac... Yes, it's time Brian let Justin in on all that happened at the loft. I think Brian's willing to indulge Justin in whatever fantasy he has. Lord knows Justin's put up with all of Brian sexual needs and behaviors... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: July 24, 2016 06:02 PM · On: Chapter 25 ~ Blindsided Kisses

Justin in lingerie!  Wow you are really getting your kink on, I love it.  Michael needs profesional help and lots of it.  I wonder if PFLAG has a support group for people whose kids have lost touch with reality.  Deb will need that group.  Another great chapter!!!

Hugs,  Bill

Author's Response: I do seems to be going through my kink phase... Michael, and Deb both needs help at this point and probably someone more qualified then a PFLAG counselor... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 24, 2016 03:53 PM · On: Chapter 25 ~ Blindsided Kisses

I can't believe how nasty Lindsay is.  Even Sidney sees it and he didn't hear the comments she made to Justin.  I hope Ted saves the downloads because I think Brian will regret getting rid of it all.  Mikey knows he's in the wrong and now he's disappearing, the only one that will hurt is Debbie.

Author's Response: Lindsay's WASP filter seems to be clogged, and her vile temperament is bubbling over... Ted is about to get an eye full, as he spend hours and hours going through all the footage... Michael, just when you though he couldn't stoop any lower, and poor Deb this should open her eyes... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen and Happy Birthday! 🎂🎂🎂

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: July 18, 2016 03:25 PM · On: Chapter 24 ~ Defiant Kisses

Very emotional chapter. Very well done too. so much that Justin needed to say. While I felt bad for Jenn, I understand why Justin needed to say the things he did. Shame that he held it in for so long, that it came out with such anger. I get it was cathartic for him, and that Jenn needed to hear it all, I'm just glad it's been said now adn that they can finally move forward.

Extremely well done!!!

What is going to happen with Micheal now? Can't wait to hear what Deb has to say. Will she blast him or will he manipulate everything to be Brian or Justin's fault? Will she belive him? What about the mortgages? I suppose Micheal will just assume that it's his mother's job to do that and as usual, completely take it for granted. Grrrrrrrrr.

Will Deb get the real truth of what happened?

thanks for this!



Author's Response: With Justin and Brian opening up about their feelings and their past, Justin's emotions have been running the gambit. This conversation was long overdue, and once he started talking he couldn't hold back. Thankfully Brian was there to calm him down, and Jennifer loves and understands her son... Both Michael and Lindsay are headed over the cliff, but that's just the way we like them...he, he, he... "Will Deb get the real truth of what happened?" Oh yeah! Right between the eyes, with both barrels... But Brian will be there to pick up the pieces, because after all he is the good son... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: July 18, 2016 04:34 AM · On: Chapter 24 ~ Defiant Kisses

Wow, Justin sure let Jennifer have it with both barrels.  It was really interesting to see Brian the peacemaker.  Another great chapter in this saga!!  Always so happy to see an update.  Can't wait for more.  Bill

Author's Response: Justin may have gone too far, but he needed to express everything he's been feeling. I feel sorry for Jennifer, but as his mother, she can see all his pain and suffering and will always love him and help him get through this along with Brian... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 17, 2016 12:40 PM · On: Chapter 24 ~ Defiant Kisses

Such a nice juicy chapter.  Ted gets promoted, all part of Brian's plan to be able to retire.  Then Justin meets Sydney, things will be looking up.  The only oil in the ointment is Michael.  He's still in denial and making things worse.  Then Justin gets things off his chest.  See juicy.

Author's Response: Juicy is right! It was only right that Brian give Ted the praise and promotion he deserves, and a peek into his future plans. It's time Justin received the accolades his artwork deserves, even if it sends Lindsay into a tailspin... Michael, someone please squash that rodent... Hurricane Justin, take cover... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: nickknack (Signed) · Date: July 17, 2016 05:39 AM · On: Chapter 24 ~ Defiant Kisses

Despite the angst of this chapter I really enjoyed it.  Justin's unburdening of his hurt and frustrations was a very long time coming but I am sure it will be cathartic.  I just love this series - it is compulsory reading for me:)

Author's Response: Yes, Justin was at the breaking point, needing to vent his frustrations. He's held so much in for so long, it was bound to surface sooner or later... I'm so glad you're enjoying this fic... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: July 17, 2016 12:58 AM · On: Chapter 24 ~ Defiant Kisses

great update-  I love the way you keep expanding this universe-  at first the story was a few one shots but it has morphed into dealing with so many of the issues that the series brought out.  I'm throughly enjoying the ride.

Author's Response: Thanks, Yes this story seems to have a mind of it's own. I guess I felt that Cowlip never really dealt so many of the issues, they just glazed over them... I hope to do them justice... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: vinie65 (Signed) · Date: July 12, 2016 08:48 PM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

i never take time to tell you how much I like this story but I'm not relly at ease with my english so i'm afraid to be ridiculous. I try to improve myself so I will try to let more review for now

Kick Michael's ass once and for all he so deserves it lol



Author's Response: Don't worry about your English, I can't read or write in a foreign language at all. And I thank you for taking the time to comment, it always means so much to me... Michael's headed for even more trouble, if that's possible... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: July 12, 2016 03:37 PM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

There's something else isn't there? that we're not aware of that has Brian so disturbed. Something in the video you haven't told us about. (I just re-read this chapter again...)


Author's Response: Maybe... ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: July 11, 2016 03:46 PM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

Excellent update!! Was hoping it would come fairly soon. :) thanks for that. Except now we need another one!! lol.

while Deb seems to have understood where she went wrong in teh past, I'm wondering if that revelation will have her change, or will she resort back to old habits of blaiming Brian for Micheal's behavioral problems.

Lindsey is a whol other kettle of fish. I really thought she was turning things around...I guess not. Makes for good reading this way I must admit, :) I must admit, I didn't understand her thought process there, but I suppose any excuse for gus not to go with the boys is valid in her eyes, I'm sure Mel will have a few words as well, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's more supportive if B&J rather than Linds.

Micheal............*shaking my head* And after Carl and Deb put their housees up for his bail. My goodness he is in serious need of getting his ass kicked!! I wonder where he is and what he's up to. what devious plan is going through his head or is he simply embarassed and hiding?

Excellent update!! Was really looking forward to it and of course, now and waiting with baited breath for the next one. :)




Author's Response: Thanks so much, I just posted the next chapter... If Debbie hasn't come to realize that Michael's not her innocent little angel, she will soon enough... Lindsay, jealousy of Justin is coming back with a vengeance , everything just seems to piss her off these days... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: July 10, 2016 05:12 AM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

Michael, Michael, Michael - I wonder if there's any hope for you......Deb is wrong in a lot of things but she does love the little shit - she probably should have been at the arraignment - that would have opened her eyes. I hope that whatever he's up to now won't burn Deb and Carl out of the bond money. Justin was dead right - Michael being arrested has nothing to do with Gus - it seems that half the 'family' are totally nuts. Need more........

Author's Response: She does love Michael, but her coddling him has only feed his neurotic behavior. Deb and Carl are headed for a hard fall, but Deb will finally have her eyes opened... Maybe it's a case of mass-hysteria, they can all share the same padded cell... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: ForeverLove50 (Signed) · Date: July 10, 2016 03:24 AM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

my reviews are not showing up so I will try again

you can not leave me hanging like this!!!!!!!lol
OMG!!! this is right up there with Who Shot JR - from Dallas!!!😄 Good thing I don't have to wait for the new season to find out!!haha So on that note I'm gna need you to update STAT!!!

Author's Response: MW may be slow, but they both made it... Yes, I'm bad, I've left you in suspense... I just finished Ch 24, but my beta is proofing other stories first, so we'll both have to wait. Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: ForeverLove50 (Signed) · Date: July 10, 2016 03:14 AM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

You can't end it like this!!!!!!
OMG!!! I'm gonna need an update STAT!! this is right up there with the - Who SHot JR! from Dallas!!!! dnt make me pull out my voodoo doll lol

seriously though, I'm really enjoying this !!!

Author's Response: Voodoo doll, hummm... I might have to use it myself on Michael... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: July 10, 2016 01:36 AM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

Big mistake putting up the houses for Michael's bail, he is psychotic.  Loved the fast update, can't wait for more.  Lindsay was so wrong to talk about Michael in front of Gus.  Poor Brian, I'm not sure Debbie can change how she treats him.  Bill

Author's Response: "Big Mistake" is right, Michael never seems to fail to disappointing everyone. Lindsay is so focused on her own needs she doesn't think about her children's needs. Deb's going to need a lot of retraining if she ever hopes to regain Brian's trust. Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 09, 2016 10:07 PM · On: Chapter 23 ~ Angry Kisses

What is wrong with everyone except Brian, Justin and Emmett.  I think Deb should have been at the arraignment and they should have shown what it was Mikey did.  Where is the little so and so anyways.  Love these chapters.

Author's Response: Yes, maybe Deb should have been at the arraignment and learned the truth... And where is that little asshole? Where ever he is he's hiding like the coward that he is... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: July 08, 2016 03:14 PM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

Michael has really gone off the deep end.  I bet Jennifer is in trouble for giving Debbie Britin's address.  She is almost as delusional as Michael.  I almost feel sorry for Mel having to deal with the two of them.  Happy to see an update!!!!  Bill

Author's Response: Michael's irrational and delusional, Debbie isn't far behind, and Mel just disgusted by the whole situation... Yep, one big crazy family... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: ForeverLove50 (Signed) · Date: July 06, 2016 03:36 PM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

Yes Finally!! Mikey will get what is coming to him!!!!

Author's Response: Yes, it's time for Evil Kathleen to strike again... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: July 05, 2016 04:58 AM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

Kathleen, I really loved this chapter, I LMAO, It couldn't have happened to a more deserving prick than mikey. Justin may have made 1500 on his SATS but mikey made 2000 on his SWIFS (stupid, whinny, insane,fuck-up). My guess is he sits on his brain, he might as well, can't believe anyone would want him in bed. Debbie's back to what Brian owes her and her idiot son, same oh,same oh. I was sorry Jenn gave Britin's address to Debbie now that she knows where they live she will intrude in their lives at will. Hope it goes to court and mikey has some jail time, he always goes scott free, I hope not this time. Thanks for a really great chapter.

Author's Response: SWIFS! I love it! Both Debbie and Michael need to do a little soul-searching, Brian isn't rage and he's not coming to their rescue anymore. Trust me Michael's headed for more trouble than he can imagine... It's a shame Jen caved to Debbie's demands, just another thing Justin will need to speak to her about... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 05, 2016 02:58 AM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

Mikey and Deb have gone too far.  Even Melanie can't approve.  It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.  Okay it was funny.  LOL.

Author's Response: The whole situation disgusts Mel's, I'm not sure she'll be sticking around for Michael's trial... It was funny and pathetic rolled into one... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: July 04, 2016 10:58 PM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

Michael needs help  but even so-  it is really gross to think that he did this

Author's Response: It really is, he's so perverted... He's taken his obsession to a whole new level... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 04, 2016 11:02 AM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

Argh omg Michael is such a whiner and Debbie is going to be annoyed but will try and pressure Brian to save her baby boy

Author's Response: Michael's about to throw himself off Mount Kinney, plunging to his death. For once all Deb's pestering, and guilt won't budge Brian. He's finally put his foot down... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: July 04, 2016 02:31 AM · On: Chapter 22 ~ Kiss of Death

I have to say that after a very frustrating weekend (setting up a new computer, voting and the sewing machine died...need I say more) that reading this was a lot of FUN........It's about time Michael was held accountable fully. Now if Deb could just gain some common sense - maybe Mel could be of some help..... Now off to deal with the sewing machine - for a serious sewer like me it's like cutting off a limb.

Author's Response: I understand the sewing debacle, both of my machines are in need of a visit to the hospital. I have my mom's and my grandma's and neither one is working right now, I think we might be the only ones left that sew anymore... he, he, he... Michael is a hopeless cause, it's all downhill from here... Poor Deb, the truth is about to hit home hard... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bkktush (Anonymous) · Date: June 21, 2016 01:57 AM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

This update made me totally happy. Ted and Em know how much Brian loves and protects Justin, but actually got to see his love with no filters, when his Sunshine had a difficult afternoon with panic attacks. I was also happy that sleaze Adam Lyons showed up, so Brian could put him in his place, flirting with Brian while he and Justin were at the bar and them wearing wedding bands was really low, it got even better when Paul Kennedy later at the awards came introduced him self as the owner of the company who had wanted to hire Brian all those years ago and was told he was sorry he didn't come and interview with them. Guess Adam just wanted another fuck with Brian but knew it didn't want the business competation, he just played Brian. Now there is Roxy, Justin has one wacky grandma but I can understand him loving her of course confusing Brian with Em made me LMAO, Brian would shudder for days if he knew, her smokeing pot, being at woodstock, and calling Craig an asshole would have thrilled Brian. I love Justin's picture (with a normal smile)and the picture of the fine china was beautiful. Thank you for a great update.

Author's Response: It was great that Brian was able to smack down Adam Lyon's in front of his boss, he never should have played Brian that way. I can image Brian shuddering at the though of Grandma Roxy thinking Emmett was him... LOL! She really is a character, Brian's going to love her. That pic of Randy in grade school is precious, he's so adorable... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: June 20, 2016 05:42 PM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was so excited to see an update. Sorry for taking so long to review this.

such an enjoyable read.

Gramma was a riot!! Love her to bits. wonder if Brian will actually get a chance to meet her. I'm sure there will be some confusion on her part if so. LOL.

So impressed with B&T. Accolades galore! Yippee. A fun time overall in the big city.

Poor emmett, bet that panic attackscared the shit out of him. Brian however, was the perfect partner. glad Emmett was able to seee that.

thank you so much for posting this. I've been trying to be patient. :)




Author's Response: Thanks Darling, sorry about the late response to your comment... I love Grandma Roxy too, she really is a hoot! She may be confused when she finally meets Brian, but she'll also appreciate what a beautiful and loving husband Justin has. The conference was a real ego boost for Ted and Brian, not that Brian needed it, Kinnetik has now made it make on the advertising world. It was a real eye opener for both Ted and Emmett seeing the great Kinney care and nurture Justin back to health. They may have known that he loved Justin, but they now know just how deep his love really is... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: June 16, 2016 12:12 AM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

Great chapter, loved it all. Justin's panic attack let us see prptective Brian which I love and there was no permanent harm. Loved Grandma Roxy, wish Brian had gone along for the visit. Was really happy to see an update. Can't wait for more. Bill

Author's Response: Thanks Bill! It was nice that Brian allowed himself to vulnerable in front of Ted and Emmett, showing the depth of his love for Justin. Grandma Roxy, you've got to love her... Off to Con ~ Hugs Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 15, 2016 02:33 PM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

Wow!  What a fantastic chapter.  Em and Justin get along so great, it was good Em was around when Justin had his panic attack.  Brian was beside himself with worry once he found out.  Love the Adam part, serves the guy right.  Best part was visiting with Grandma.  Brian so has to meet her. 

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter, I did try and lighten up on all the drama of the past chapters. Ted and Em have really become a strong support system for Brian and Justin, and so much better for them than Michael and Lindsay. I couldn't resist adding Adam into the mix, he needs to be put in his place and realize that Brian is capable of much greater things than Kennedy and Combs... Brian definitely needs to meet Grandma Roxy, they'll get along great... Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: June 15, 2016 12:21 PM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

I loved this chapter the love and the fun was fabulous and just the mention of my favourite Bruce Springsteen just capped it off 😀😀😀

Author's Response: I really enjoyed writing it too... I tried to squeeze the timeline of the 1960s in, realizing that Grandma Roxy might have been a teenage bride considering that it's 2005 in this fic... I love Bruce too, I thought it was perfect for her to live in Asbury Park... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: nickknack (Signed) · Date: June 15, 2016 07:39 AM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

So happy to see this update and I loved this chapter showing the close friendship and respect between Brian, Justin, Emmett and Ted.  Totally believable of their now "grown up" selves:)

Author's Response: Thanks! It's true the boys have all grown closer this past year. No longer caught in the stereotypes that they been bestowed on them. Now if the same could just be said about a few other family members... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: June 15, 2016 07:24 AM · On: Chapter 21 ~ Big Kisses, Bright Lights

Why the hell did I read: "Brian runs his fingers through my golden hair, as I float in my cum cloud until I return to Ethan." Instead of Earth? :D

However, it was great to read about the New York trip, and it's so sweet how Brian always takes care of Justin.

By the way, I loved Justin's grandma too. :D (And how cute is this picture of Justin when he was little??)

Author's Response: Ethan? I'm sending you a cup of strong French roast... Finally Brian was open enough to allow Ted and Emmett to see his nurturing side, and how much he loves Justin... Grandma Roxy really is a hoot! I love that I found pics of young, Craig, Jen and Justin. You're right Justin's so fucking adorable... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: June 01, 2016 08:16 PM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

Will you updating this soon? Hopefully? Please??  :) 

Author's Response: Yes, hopefully... I've been busy working in my yard and my muse has been exhausted. But I just have to finish up this chapter and review it before I send it to my beta... Sorry for the long delay... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: May 10, 2016 01:20 PM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

Hi Kathleen, You were right "heart breaking kisses". I don't think Jen knew how keeping Brian away would effect Justin until she saw the spilled pills in his room that could be why she sought Brian out to save her son. That was sad put easy to understand, the horror was Brian was just a baby at six years old who jumped out a two-storried window. How sad at that age to try to end his life, the try at 16 was a teen age love affair with an adult who was just using him. We saw in the series with the scarf, leave it to mikey to make that about him (dip stick !) and his pain when he let Justin go to the fiddler, you could almost feel Brian's heart break. I think they need to talk more about their love of each other and Gus and celebrate the happiness they found in each other.

Author's Response: I can just imagine how horrible Jen must have felt finding Justin on the floor, and to feel that she may have caused him so much pain. Thankfully she asked for Brian's help, but maybe if she had been honest with both of them at that time. And told Justin that Brian was at the hospital every night, as well as telling Brian about finding Justin and the pills. Then our boys could have had each other's support and understanding moving forward, but they have it now and it's only bringing them closer. Even though he hides it very well, Brian's a very sensitive person, whose suffered a terrible childhood being used and abused by those who should have been looking out for him. Yes, no doubt there will be more open talks in their future... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: May 10, 2016 07:47 AM · On: Chapter 1 ~ Soot-Covered Kisses

Anything posted after May 5th 2016, is subject to be missing at the new site including any reviews you may have received. Save the chapters and reviews so you can put them back into your story once the transfer is over.

Everything you have on Whispers before May 5th 2016, is safe and going to be at the new site location.

We had to grab a total set of files of the entire website to make the move with and it was not possible to be up to the minute with such a large transfer of data and to move it to the new domain. Therefore, what is posted and reviewed after the date of us transferring the files, needs to be saved and later reposted - just the chapters and reviews after 5-5-16.


Author's Response: Thanks, now I understand... Good Luck with the move ~ Hugs Kathleen

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: May 10, 2016 04:28 AM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

My heart goes out to the two of them-  they are healing each other, but the pain each is reliving is difficult to read.  Excellent job

Author's Response: Sorry, I know it hard to read about their painful past, but it's helping them heal and move forward... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Bob (Signed) · Date: May 09, 2016 11:30 PM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

We are in the process of moving to our new .net domain site. Your postings now will probably not be included in the move since the files have already been pulled for this switch over.

Do not fear, just keep a copy of your chapter(s) and reviews on your computer, and then post them on the new website address once it's up and running.


Author's Response: Which postings? Just the last chapter or two? The whole story, all my stories? ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 09, 2016 03:07 AM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

I can see Brian checking his e-mail in his birthday suit.  This is a sad chapter to read, but it was beautifully written.

Author's Response: Yep, he's never had a problem strutting around naked, and with a body like his... Drools... Yes, it was very sad, but it helped give Justin the insight he's needed to understand his husband better... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2016 11:20 PM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

Very sweet and poignant. Glad that they got all their emotions and secrets out in the open. Thank you the update, Kathleen!  Can't wait to see what sort of kisses you give them next. :)  ~Kim

Author's Response: It was painful and emotional charged, but so necessary for Justin to understand Brian's past. More kisses coming soon, but this time they'll be away on vacation and having fun! Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: May 08, 2016 11:17 PM · On: Chapter 20 ~ Heartbreaking Kisses

Omg....these just keep getting better and better

Author's Response: Thanks! Squeals! I'm so glad I'm doing them justice... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: May 05, 2016 11:02 AM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

Loved your update ! I would love to trim Deb's nails down, then take that tackey flea infested sorry ass wig and smack her with it. On the series my least liked idiot was mikey, followed by snooty Lindz, then Debbie, all three think it's okay to interject them selves into other peoples lives, their own lives are a disaster. I always hated how Deb would call Brian names and say awful things about him in front of Gus,who loved his daddy, Lindz did the same as did mikey. Brian didn't care what they said about him, but they said it in front of Gus and Justin. Debbie has always felt Brian owed her and mikey and that Brian had plenty of money he should share it, like Jen I think twenty years is enough! As far as mikey goes, let him live in a shelter or on the street, he made his own bed and his future is up to him. I know ranting,ranting, ranting. I love your story and eagerly await your update.

Author's Response: Tacky flea infested wig! I love it! I always wondered why she wore a wig, Sharon's hair was so nice. They couldn't have thought that, that's what a 45-50 year old woman looked like, (I mean they weren't that young). Also she dressed like an idiot, and I would think an old hippy/earth mama would be more appropriate. Okay enough ranting... Yes, it really was despicable how Brian was treated, especially in front of his son. The man went out of his way to take care of others, he just never took credit for it, but they all knew. Brian gave so much, yet it was never enough for Deb, Mikey, Lindz and Mel... For being his best friend, and family they really didn't know him at all... I love your ranting, keep it up! There's no such thing as enough ranting! Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: cookiebun (Signed) · Date: May 05, 2016 01:50 AM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

of course I loved this... I just can't get enough... write quicker!!! lol

Author's Response: I'm writing, I promise... Faster! Harder! Faster! Harder! But Like I mentioned a few comments back, my beta travels a lot during the summer. So I never know how long it will be before I get my chapters back... I sending her another chapter tonight! Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 09:21 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

Loved, loved, LOVED this chapter!!! There was some much needed TRUTH delivered all the way around!

Although I love Debbie, the fact that she always held Brian to a higher-almost impossible- stqndard and yet put Michael on a pedestal, ALWAYS grated on my last working nerve. In Jen giving Deb a hard dose of reality and also outlining the differences between Justin and Michael due to Mothering Vs. Smothering was done brilliantly! 

Then there was Lindsay and Michael who BOTH suffer from the same syndrome called Justin Jealousy-itis, needed to be told that the loft is NOT theirs to come & go, enter & exit and most of all LIVE as they please. Lindsay's barging in and basically scolding Brian and Justin for having relations in THEIR living room was so completely inappropriate. If I was Brian and Justin (and if Gus wasn't with her), I would have REALLY given her nosey, over-bearing, manipulative ass a show.

And as for that tiny-brained twerp....How is it that he thought he could 'think' for two people when it's obvious he can't even think for himself? And then to basically invite himself to live into a home where he isn't nor has ever been wanted, is completely shameful. Personally I would like to see him living in a shelter to teach him a lesson of responsibility AND humilty. He's been 'entitled' for far too long! It's time he does three things: grow the hell up, get a real damn job since  he always treated Red Cape like a damn hobby, and GET HIS OWN DAMN LIFE!! Lol, I know I've ranted a bit. But I also know you love it when I do, LOL!  

Happy Writing and HUGS!!


Author's Response: Mothering vs. Smothering! I love it, that's a perfect description! The Jealous of Justin Syndrome, Brilliant! This is the core of their reality, if they could just get a life, and leave our newlyweds alone... More new locks on the loft door was just suggested, and I'm think fingerprint ID verification might be necessary... I have to admit my beta strongly suggested I can a few words, (which I did) considering that Gus was present. It's good someone is watching over my shoulder, but I'm sure they'll be a next time when Gus is around... Evil Kathleen, I mean Evil Kinney Strikes again... You know the homeless shelter was also suggested a few comments back, I'm liking this idea. I wonder how down and out I take Mikey without actually killing him... I know I've ranted a bit. But I also know you love it when I do! ~ Yes! Yes, rant away, it's good to know I'm not the only one who needs to scream sometimes! Thank you for all your supportive comments, as always ~ Hugs Kathleen

Reviewer: BlueButterfly (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 06:46 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

I forgot to add before, please have the boys change the locks to the loft. I doubt this will be the last time Lindsay barges in. And I wouldn't put it past Michael sneaking in while Justin is alone with Gus and sprewing his crap. Justin can take care of himself, but Michael is cowardly enough to do it while his "best friend" isn't there to witness it and won't care that a child gets caught in the crossfire. 

BTW, I didn't miss Lindsay using Gus to make that dig about "cougars." Ugh.  

Author's Response: Waves Hi Darling, welcome back! Yes, new locks are needed, again... I think you're right Michael probably would try and confront Justin when he knows Brian at work, but these days I'm pretty sure Justin can take Mikey down easily... Yep, Lindsay just couldn't resist putting it in Brian's face. Luckily Gus wasn't buying it, because he's right Brian's more like a black panther, long, black and sleek... Hugs My Dear ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 06:31 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

Yes, yes, yes!  This is a wonderful, great, truly well done chapter.  Love, love how Jennifer tells Deb some home truths.  Love how Brian handled both Lindsay and Michael.  Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Jennifer was the perfect person to let Debbie have it with both barrels. Lord knows someone had to put it in her face... Ding, ding, ding! Another smack-down by Mad-Dog Kinney... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 06:20 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

This was soooooooooo worth waiting for!! I absolutely loved this chapter!! All those things that, in my opinion, so desparately needed to be said, actions people needed to be held accountable to...Terrific!!

always fun to read how Micheal and Lindsey get themselved deeper and deeper in to hot water with their whiny and manipulative ways. REALLY happy that your Brian isn't putting up with it anymore.

Have I said how much I enjoyed this chapter?!?!  :)

thanks for this!



Author's Response: I'm so glad it was sooooo worth waiting for, so be warned my beta travels a lot in the summer... It was indeed high time so much of all these things are brought out in the open, and everyone is held accountable. And this is just the beginning, now that Brian and Justin have open up the lines of communication they'll finally discus so many of their issues over the years... Yep, it's turning into a long fic... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BlueButterfly (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 05:57 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

Jennifer is right. It's been twenty years. Does Brian "owe" Debbie the rest of his life for giving a bit of kindness to an abused child? I always thought Debbie was worst than Brian's parents. After all, what you see is what you get with Kinneys and Brian know what to expect, but it's much worse to give hope and jerk it back when you don't get your way like the Novotnys do. 

Awwwww. Gus is a cutie. Of course he knows Daddy dreams of Justy. Hee.

Author's Response: It's true Brian always knew where he stood with his parents, with Debbie he was made to always feel indebted. When in reality, he never should have felt he owed her or Michael anything. I mean shouldn't you always nurture and care for those you love with out any strings attached... Gus is just to adorable... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 05:23 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

Great update.  Loved Jennifer telling Debbie the truth about Michael.  Hope Justin will get over jsi anger with Jennifer.  She was wrong but thought she was dong the right thing.  Brian thought he was right not telling Justin he visited the hospital at night but he was wrong also.  Love this story was happy to see a new chapter posted.   Bill

Author's Response: Yes it was hard for Debbie to hear the truth, and maybe it will actually sink in coming from Jennifer. Jen and Brian were both wrong to keep things from Justin, but like you said, they thought they were going what was best at the time... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: May 04, 2016 04:21 PM · On: Chapter 19 ~ Soothing Kisses...

Long and slow....is there any other way to go about it LOL. Brian definitely has the right idea.

Author's Response: Yes, and he can now admit he makes love, instead of just fucking... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 28, 2016 11:24 AM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

 Once again, a terrific chapter, the pictures were wonderful especially from the prom. It was a disappointment when a year or so Showtime started showing QAF reruns, alot of music from Abba weren't used, and they replaced the ''dance'' from the Save the Last Dance for Me to a song with wrong beat and that ruined the most magical moment of the series and the love story. I didn't agree with the other reviewers about Jen, no one seemed to remember Jen was a broken woman much like her son. Craig struck Justin, saying he could not accept him, and finally throwing him out of his home--then disowned his only son breaking her heart. She was a victim too. She divorced her lame ass husband and had to raise her children alone--the bashing was the final straw, she was reduced to being over protected mother. Give her points when she ask Brian for his help to help her with Justin, that couldn't have been easy for her but she see the love in Justin's eyes when he looked at Brian. more kisses!

Author's Response: I heard that Netflix bought the rights to QAF, but some of the music royalties agreements had expired and may have been to expensive to renew, or something like that... That's why bought a backup set of all 5 season's of QAF, I can't imagine different music it's so integral to the story line. I know Jen, suffered during the time Justin was coming out and her marriage was falling apart. I'm sure she just wanted to protect Justin, but I also think it's necessary to acknowledge how much pain and suffering Brian went through at the time. I hope I do them all justice as I write about what happened, and how they dealt with it. Hopefully getting it all out in the open will give them all closure, and finally they'll all able to heal... More Kisses coming soon... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: April 18, 2016 08:14 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

another emotional chapter! It's as heartbreaking as it is therapeutic. It all needs to be said and purged, but the getting there is brutal! 

Oh my.....Jenn...While she's made HUGE strides in her relatioship with Justin and Brian, she really does need to be held accountable for what happened back then. I'm really looking forward to how you are going to do this. I'm sure all will be forgiven, but it's important to Justin to get this all off his chest. It may be in the past for the most part, but for him right now....it's still impacting him!

Brilliant hun!! Keep them coming! Enjoying thoroughly!!



Author's Response: You're so right, it really is heartbreaking, and emotional brutal... But they're spending all day working through it, and many more days to follow... I think having them alternate talking their experiences and their fears, allows for each of them to let go of the pain, while the other one is there for them to lean on. Jennifer, loves both of them, and yes they've come so far over the last five years. But she needs to own her behavior just like Brian and Justin are. I'm,so glad you're enjoying my emotional trip down memory lane... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Lorie (Signed) · Date: April 18, 2016 01:50 AM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

Great chapter. I love that they can admit their feeling so openly. 

So glad that Justin's memory is back.

Jennifer is being very manipulative here.


Author's Response: Thanks! You know me I'm all about the love. It's time that they finally started talking and understand where the other one is coming from. Hopefully now they'll avoid all the things that always went wrong in the past... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 08:37 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

Jennifer may be sorry she stoped by.  I do take exceotion with one line "she's in her sixties, and you don't know how many opportunities you have left."  In her sxities!!!!  You must be very young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOL.  Last year I had a great aunt die at 106.  I loved this chapter except for that line.  your 60 year old fan,  Bill 

Author's Response: No, trust me I'm not that young... That was my way of having Jen guilt Justin into visiting his grandmother. See the comment I left for Yum Yum... It was mostly a timeline thing, because of course I'm writing like it's still 2005... Although Cowlip never paid much attention to the timeline... You'll understand when you read about Justin's visit to Grandma house... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 07:59 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

Hi, Kathleen!  I'm glad you decided to make this into a series. Have enjoyed each one.  And as always, I love the trouble you take to include photos; I know from experience how time-consuming that can be, so thank you for doing that, and for posting this on here. I am really enjoying it! Looking forward to seeing you in June. Won't be long now! *Hugs* ~Kim

Author's Response: Thanks Kim, My muse is having fun exploring all those moments that Cowlip chose to skim over, or ignore... The pics really do add so much, besides our boys are HOT! I'm getting excited, I think it's 2 months from today! Squeals! Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 05:52 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

What a place to stop.  I hope he gives it to her with both barrels.  It's nice that Brian and Justin have everything out in the open.  Actually I think Mikey had a bit to do with Justin feeling inadequate.  New York, New York, here they come.  Woohoo.  PS the pics are perfect.  PSS- 60 is not that old.

Author's Response: I know, it's difficult to know where to stop sometimes... I have more written but I'm thinking I need to go back and add more before I start on then next issue they need to explore. Yes, Mikey has a lot to do with Justin's emotional struggle, and don't worry I'll be covering that in detail... Yes New York is going to be fun, and well need break from all the emotional drama. I know 60 isn't that old, I just turned 59 in February. But the thing is I've already written his visit to Grandmas house and for her to experience the sixties as in Woodstock, she couldn't be too much older than mid-sixties (because the fic timeline is 2005)... That's why I'm being a little vague on her age, she must have been a teenage mom with Jennifer... ha, ha, ha... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 05:38 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

You can't stop there....it's going to be so hard to be patient for the next chapter lol

Author's Response: I know... I'm mentally making notes of where they need to explore next. But being the procrastinator that I am, I can't wait any longer to do my taxes... So my writing will have to wait, at least until later today or tomorrow... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: cookiebun (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 05:34 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

I love how the story is developing.  Sharing their feelings is so tough emotionally, but you are doing it so well... and working in a little heat never hurts!!!!


Watch out Jennifer, Pissed off Justin is about to let loose on you!


As always, can't wait for the next!


Author's Response: Thanks Darling! Sometimes I feel like I'm channeling Brain and Justin when I write, their emotions flows right through me and I often become emotional as I write... I'm so glad others can appreciate how I'm expressing them, it's good to know I'm doing them justice... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: The SNO (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2016 05:20 PM · On: Chapter 18 ~ Healing Kisses

Storm's coming right up with Mother Taylor; it would be interesting to see how you play it.

I'm not sure anybody tried this.

She sure is responsible for some troubles B&J had in the past even if she was trying to protect her son.

Author's Response: Just like Brian, Jen and Deb pretty much sweep this under the rug. But of course for different reasons... It's time they all have their eyes opened to the damage they've cause and are held responsible... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 06:17 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

I'm glad Brian told Justin about his late night visits when he was in the hospital, they talked about things Justin should have been told long ago. I have read this story maybe four or five times, I always read your stories and I realized I hadn't reviewed so I read again and reviewed each one. I always check your stuff along with PA boi, Tagsit, and Predic2. I pretty much stick with my favorites and will read most stories as long as it isn't a death fic, or pro mikey, I love this and hope we have a "few more kisses".

Author's Response: Yes, it was long overdue... There are so many things they need to talk about that are long overdue... So they're no need to worry, there's plenty of kisses in the future... I know exactly what you mean about never reading Pro Michael, or death fics, I'm the same way... That being said, you probably haven't read my fic "Dead Like Me", it's not exactly a death fic, and it's one of my favorite fic I've ever written, and definitely the funnest thing I've ever written... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 05:47 PM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

I can't believe mikey just strolls univited in the loft, then stares and questions their sexual positions,and to admit he needs Ben to support him, and final blow-he doesn't want Brian to loan him money he expects him to just give it to him. Like I said before there is a village somewhere missing an idiot and I think we know the location. This story just gets better and better.

Author's Response: Michael does seem to be developing a habit of voyeurism when it comes to Brian and Justin. You said it in one of your comments earlier, Michael's just plain greedy, he wants Ben and Brian to support him, no he expects it... I'm so happy you're enjoying the journey I'm taking you on... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 05:25 PM · On: Chapter 14 ~ Bittersweet Kisses

I've found the common thread between Lindz and mikey they fail to understand "shut up". We know mikey is an idiot, but how did Lindz ever graduate from college?  

Author's Response: This is so true... Open mouth, insert foot... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 04:59 PM · On: Chapter 13 ~ Jump-Run-Skip-Kiss

Laughing my head off thinking of Brian skipping thru the park! mikey once again acting like an ass, jumping out of bushes trying to guilt Brian for money. mikey and Lindz must think Brian can pull money out his ass at will. So greedy and self serving , no wonder no one knows where Britin is,Ted and Cynthia are really true friends. 

Author's Response: I couldn't help laughing when I was writing that part, the visual is just hysterical... Brian's luck to have Ted and Cynthia as college and friends... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 04:34 PM · On: Chapter 12 ~ Heated Kisses

So happy Brian was trying to get his rights for Gus. He needed Gus as much as Gus needed his daddy. I always felt Lindz had played Mel against Brian, because as long as they were at each others throat she could get more money and more time with Brian. Your pictures in each chapter have been wonderful.

Author's Response: Not only did Lindsay play Brian and Mel against one another, which was bad enough, but they treated Michael's custody situation totally different. Basically telling Gus that his daddy is worthless while JR's daddy loved her. Thanks, I'm so glad you like the pics. I have fun searching for one that match the chapters... Later Hon ` Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 03:38 PM · On: Chapter 11 ~ No Good Bye Kiss?

Boy talk about always having your hand out! I was happy to see Brian tell Lindz how things were going to change and to start taking charge of her life and not depend on him for every whim. She and mikey are like two peas in a pod. I love this story and it covers how Brian has grown.

Author's Response: Yes, Brian gave Lindsay a reality check that was long overdue, boo who... I see you've come to the point in my little story, that my muse put it's foot down and demanded that it stop being drabbles and becomes a full-fledged fic... Many emotional issue will be explored as this fic progresses... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 03:26 PM · On: Chapter 10 ~ Plum Sauce Kisses

Go Justin!! You might know mikey has his hand out again. The thing I read alot and remember from the series is that if Brain didn't pay for mikeys meals--Deb did, he never paid for his drinks, or anything Brian loaned him money but mikey never paid him back he felt Brian had plenty of money and didn't need him to repay the loan. Then Deb gets mad at Justin because he dares to tell the truth. Boy what a bunch of freeloaders.

Author's Response: So true... "Mikey never paid him back he felt Brian had plenty of money and didn't need him to repay the loan." Yet, Michael always make a point of accusing Justin of taking advantage of Brian, assuming he was only there because Brian was well off. Like Brian was Justin's Sugardaddy, but in reality Brian was Michael's Sugardaddy, but without any of the benefits... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 03:11 PM · On: Chapter 9 ~ Whiskey Kisses

Brian married a younger but very mature man, he's so much more than a bubble butt.

Author's Response: Yes, Justin is just what Brian needs... He's provides the strength and support that's always been missing in Brian life... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 03:04 PM · On: Chapter 8 ~ Kiss Off!

I fail to understand when Deb has been told countless times by many, she is an enabler. Her son acts like a toddler and even Gus thinks he acts like a baby. She keeps telling Brian and Justin they owe her, well they have repaid her ten-fold. Her son is a comic book nerd who can't even break even on his store, he buys toys he can ill afford and yet Brian is the asshole.Brian and Justin hurts his feelings makes me think she acts as childish as her loser son 

Author's Response: Deb has her blinder's on when it comes to Michael. Maybe continuing to see him as a child, not a grown man makes her feel needed. It's not healthy for either of them, and can only harm them in the long run. Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 02:39 PM · On: Chapter 7 ~ Leather Kisses

It sounded like a great night, dinner, dancing, sex, an pissing mikey off, a win win

Author's Response: Yes! Win! Win! Win! ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 02:34 PM · On: Chapter 6 ~ Neon Kisses

Someone please tell Ben and Deb that the village called and they don't want their idiot back! Their ears have finally stopped bleeding when the whine went away.    

Author's Response: Brian's finally had enough... Michael's gone to far, grow up or shut up... Oh God, I know that whining, would someone please slit his throat... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 02:26 PM · On: Chapter 5 ~ Raindrop Kisses

This seems to be the new and improved Brian, so glad they have Britin and don't have all the walk-in traffic (mikey, Lindz, and Debbie) good story

Author's Response: Ahhh... To wake up with you're new husband and be more in love than ever before... Yep, that's the honeymoon phase... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 02:21 PM · On: Chapter 4 ~ Not So-Sugar-Covered Kisses

I've never hit a person in my life, but I think Lindz could drive me to it. It would feel great to knock her on her snooty ass, then I aim for mikey. I think a knee to the balls so he could  whine as a soprano would really put a smirk on my face. I know, bad girl, but it would be great stress relieve. I felt really good that Ted, Emmett, and Ben were good enough friends to wish them well. Loving this story.   

Author's Response: I like that idea, although a firing squad might be fun too... Quick and Easy... It's time they put some space between them, and their dysfunctional family... Later Sweetheart! Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 01:53 PM · On: Chapter 3 ~ Champagne-Covered Kisses

So glad they ran off and married, it's not all the fluff, but the vows that matter. the more Lindz and mikey are pissed off the more I do my happy dance. It's not their life and their opinons were not asked for or appreciated. Loved this chapter.

Author's Response: This is how it should have been on the show, Michael and Lindsay's influence was way over the top. It was after this, that my reflection back on Lindsay changed my opinion of her. I actually realized that she was worst than Michael, because at least Michael was up front about his feelings, while Lindsay manipulated them to get her own way. I know... Ranting... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 01:42 PM · On: Chapter 2 ~ Cum-Covered Kisses

Nice chapter, finally Brian couldn't just use sex to get what he wanted he really had to work for it, must have been a real awakening to the man who always got his way.

Author's Response: Justin has learned over the years to finally stand up for himself and what he wants, and in the end he got just that... And if Brian is honest with himself, it's what he's wanted for a long time too... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: bktush (Anonymous) · Date: April 16, 2016 01:35 PM · On: Chapter 1 ~ Soot-Covered Kisses

I really liked this chapter, as with the show we wanted Justin to hear the words even though Brian's actions so clearly showed his love, and I think Justin understood that Brian had been given so little love in his life he was afraid of rejection.

Author's Response: I might have taken a tragedy for him to say them them, but he's felt them all along... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Lorie (Signed) · Date: April 13, 2016 10:44 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

Loving this story. It's so sweet and emotional.


Author's Response: Thanks Lorie, so glad you're enjoying it... Hugs ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 13, 2016 02:08 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

My poor boys...I hope Justin has a conversation with Jennifer.

Author's Response: I know it's such an emotional day for them, but Justin has every right to confront her for her deceptions... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: The SNO (Signed) · Date: April 12, 2016 09:23 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

Deep in the emotions... But they are strong and will be stronger after this.

Some should have to apologize for how they treated Brian at that time. I hope you will get them to do it, one way or another.

Author's Response: Yes, this will only make them stronger, and closer as the truth comes out. I'm sure our feisty blond will have a few choice words for those who dared to sham Brian, making him believe he was responsible... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: emac66 (Signed) · Date: April 12, 2016 07:12 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

Gah......Another gut wrenching chapter. You've created such an amazing full story from what was going to be a simple 1 shot. I couldn't be more thrilled! You've really touched on such an importatn issue here! Really happy that they are at this point that they can be so open and honest with each other. that brian is able to take these steps. So much healing for them both can happen now.

Have so much anger inside for some of the characters adn theor reactions towards Brian. I get that one always wants to point fingers of blame in those kinds of situations, but it seems like these issues of blame were never dealt with. Perhaps now they  will. I don't see Justin just letting it go, since he knows how much it still effects Brian. He definitely won't put up with anyone's crap going forward that's for sure no matter who it is. He will no linger pull any punches is my guess. (just thinking out loud. :)

what a terrific and emotionally charged chapter! A great purging! (perhaps for you as well. :) )So well done!!

Many thanks!!


Author's Response: Thanks! It is important, they've never really come clean about what happen. Thankfully Brian feels secure enough in their relationship that he can open up about all his suppressed emotions. Hopefully talking about what happen will help them both release some of the pain and anger they've carried around for so long... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 12, 2016 05:57 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

Sad chapter.  It is a good thing they cleared the air and got everything out in the open.  I wonder if Jennifer ever felt guilty about excluding Brian.

Author's Response: It is sad, but so necessary for them to grow and understand why things developed the they did... Jen feeling guilty? I guess will find out when Justin confronts her... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: cookiebun (Signed) · Date: April 12, 2016 05:19 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

Such an emotional, powerful chapter.  Even knowing they are happy and married, my heart was breaking reading this.  so good!

Author's Response: Thanks, it really is emotional for me to write as well... I appreciate all your wonderful comments... Hugs Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 12, 2016 03:56 PM · On: Chapter 17 ~ Shattered Kisses

You've put into words everything I've felt about this story arc on the show.  Then you back it up with the best pics.  And to think this started out as a one shot.

Author's Response: It is hard to believe a little drabble, just kept growing, and growing... Now I'm exploring things that Cowlip should have, but they just skimmed over on the show... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: nickknack (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2016 09:28 AM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

I just adore this series, each new chapter is as good as the last. This is an amazing way to tell the continuing story of Brian and Justin's life together - and in so few words. Wonderful!  I look forward to the next chapter:-)

Author's Response: Thanks so much! It's a long and twisted journey, no thanks to their dysfunctional family... More soon, very soon... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: April 05, 2016 05:10 AM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

Uh oh-   Hope Michael doesn't do anything really stupid.   I'm worried. REally enjoying the story and quick updates

Author's Response: Hope Michael doesn't do anything really stupid... Is that possible? Stupid is as stupid does... So happy to know you're enjoying this one... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2016 04:14 AM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

LMAO!! Can I tell you how much I laughed when Michael's stalkerish ass got an eyeful!! I know Lindsay still isn't happy but at least she's trying to talk sense but this MOFO right here.... and then had the absolute nerve to try and guilt Brian into bailing his sorry ass out....again?? I'm so HAPPY that Ben left him; it's about time! And I agree with you about CowLip's ill-judgement in putting a MAN like Ben with a BOY like Michael. I always work to correct that 'wrong' too, LOL!


Looking forward to the next chapter! Happy Writing and HUGS,


Author's Response: Poor little Mikey, getting an up close and personal view of what he'll never have... Even though Ben's bailing on their marriage, and Michael seems less interested in Ben and more on his salary, he's not going to be an adult about it. How could he? He's hasn't grown out of puberty yet... The next chapter will be posted later today... Hugs Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: BlueButterfly (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2016 12:09 AM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

I forgot to add in my previous review is that one thing I like about your stories is that Ben actually leaves Michael. In so many anti-Michael fics, Ben continue to stay with him which is frustrating because Michael gets his cake and eat it too. It usually ends with him continuing to put down Justin, try to ruin B/J's relationship, and gets to go home to his husband. And nobody does anything except roll their eyes(if even that much) Bah!

Author's Response: I have so many issues with Michael, and I've never understood why Ben was ever even interested in him, let alone married to him. Cowlip's writers were clearly on drugs... So, yes I have to problem having Ben dumping his ass.... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 11:11 PM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

Oh my.  Nobody wants Mikey anymore.  Can't blame them.  Perhaps if he has a near death experience and St. Peter points out the error of his ways he'll see the light?  Then again nah!

Author's Response: Ha! Have you read Pouty and Shouty? It kind of has a similar theme, but it's not a near death experience, just a visit from his guardian angel. Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen http://www.midnightwhispers.ca/viewstory.php?sid=1387

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 11:01 PM · On: Chapter 14 ~ Bittersweet Kisses

Mel seems to be coming out in Brian's corner.  I'm glad she's seeing reason.  Love the pics, they go so well with the story.

Author's Response: I think Mel's finally seeing the reality of the situation, she knows when she's been beaten. So glad you like all the pics, I have fun searching for them... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 10:48 PM · On: Chapter 13 ~ Jump-Run-Skip-Kiss

Nicely done.  Hope the meeting with Mel and Lindsay goes well.  What is it with Mikey, thinking Brian owes him?

Reviewer: BlueButterfly (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 07:54 PM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

Well, Lindsay is acting reasonable. I hope it lasts, but knowing you.....hehehe.

But Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. He doesn't (won't) even try.

Author's Response: Lindsay the reasonable one, now that really is a shocker... But Michael, he's pretty much off his meds at this point... Later Darling ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 07:39 PM · On: Chapter 14 ~ Bittersweet Kisses

Great chapter.  I like a sensible Mel.  So silly that Melanie & Lindsay underestimated Brian.  Hugs,  Bill

Author's Response: Melanie really is smart, but sometimes she's blinded by her misplaced hate towards Brian. If she really took a good look at herself, she'd see that her and Brian are very similar in a lot of ways... Later Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 07:30 PM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

A longer than normal chapter that is as always wonderful and even more wonderful for being a longer.  Mikey really doesn't get it.  Looking forward to more.  Hugs,  Bill

Author's Response: Yes, each chapter seems to be getting longer and longer, and that is a good thing... I'm not sure Michael will ever get it... Hugs Hon ~ Kathleen

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 04, 2016 07:30 PM · On: Chapter 15 ~ Loving Kisses…

Moooooooorrrrrreeeee!!!! I can't wait to see what BS Michael tries to pull next.

Author's Response: Your wait will be short this time, my beta's back from vacation... Just a day or so until the next chapter... Later Sweetheart ~ Kathleen

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