Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Entwined
Reviewer: stella (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 10:16 PM · On: Author’s note


Si j'ai bien suivi tu es francophone, donc je fais mon mail en français.

J'aime beaucoup Entwined et ce serait dommage que tu lâches. Surtout que là, tu peux imaginer la finir bientôt… on a déjà bien avancé dans l'histoire, tu peux sans bâcler approcher du dénouement!!

Nous lecteurs, on est négligents sur les reviews, on ne prend pas assez le temps d'écrire aux auteurs pour les féliciter et les encourager… Donc normal que vous baissiez de motivation parfois.

Là ton histoire est vraiment chouette, intense, originale. Le jeu des 2 périodes fonctionne vraiment bien. Et oui j'adore ce suspense, cette tension entre Brian & Justin, ces non-dits, ces félûres veues des drames du passé. Tu retranscris ça vraiment très bien.

Donc pardon encore de faire partie des égoïstes qui adorent lire sans prendre le temps de faire des reviews.

Reçois tous mes encouragements pour la suite ! Aies confiance en toi, souffle un grand coup et reprends cette story, please !!! J'ai tant envie de connaître la suite.

Bon courage, amitiés midnightiennes

Author's Response:

Bonjour Stella,

Et oui, tu as raison, je suis française :) Et j'adore quand je peux utiliser ma langue maternelle pour répondre aux commentaires laissés par les lecteurs.

Merci beaucoup pour ton message. Il est vrai que parfois, et notamment dans ce monde de fanfiction où tous les lecteurs n'assument pas leur choix, ou ne souhaitent pas se faire connaitre, les auteurs se sentent parfois un peu seuls. Or, la magie de pouvoir publier sur des sites internets est notamment liée aux interactions que tu peux développer avec les lecteurs et notamment car tu rencontres des personnes de tous horizons, de tous les coins du monde, et parfois même, qui vivent une vie tellement différente de la tienne. C'est une vraie richesse, vraiment.

L'indifférence que les auteurs rencontrent parfois (c'est en tout cas comme cela que beaucoup d'entre nous le ressentons) peut être très difficile à gérer, surtout quand le nombre de messages tend à baisser. Je crois que le silence est le pire des signes que peut rencontrer ceux qui écrivent ici.

Et puis après, il y a les messages comme le tien, auxquels tu ne t'attends pas et qui sont un vrai bol d'air! Alors merci mille fois d'avoir pris le temps de me l'écrire, tu ma's donné un sourire pas possible.

Et surtout n'hésites pas à laisser un message, même court, même épisodique, pour les auteurs que tu aimes. Cela peut vraiment faire la différence, sachant que je connais beaucoup d'auteurs qui ont de nombreux doutes sur leurs motivations en ce moment.

Merci encore et amitiés de Bretagne :)

Reviewer: olga (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 10:13 PM · On: Author’s note

I love this story, please don't finish it. I love B/J's love story, uncertainty and desire, sparking between them. I love their uneasy love. Angst allows appreciate comfort. I like present part of the story, I'm look forward as to develop their relationship.  So, You make me great joy to each chapter and I look forward to each new. I hope this is not the end.

Author's Response:

Olga, i want to thank you sincerely for leaving a comment on this note.  I love the words you use to describe the story * smiling * and the fact that I can bring a little joy into your lifeless is priceless :) i will finish this, and update soon, I promise

Reviewer: XPO787 (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 09:44 PM · On: Author’s note

It is a great story and I'm enjoying it immensely. I would appreciate it, if you could finish it. Please! :)

Author's Response:

Aw, thank you my friend, and thank you for your support all along :) I'm happy to say that my next chapter is almost finished, thanks to you wonderful readers!

Reviewer: Acadian Proud (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 09:00 PM · On: Author’s note

I understand that interest change but I am one of those readers who really hate when an author doesn't finish writing the story.   I would recommend that you finish any story that you have then rethink where you want to take you write to next. 

You are a good writer and should continue in some form.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your encouragement! I just need to say that while I used to be disappointed as a reader when an author stopped publishing a story and left it unfinished,  now that I'm on the other side of the screen, so to speak, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't happen so often if the readers who wanted for them to finish a particular story would support the author more. Some readers have told me in the past that we authors shouldn't depend on feedback so much, considering published authors didn't have any. I disagree. Firstly, we're not published authors, and our motivation to publish on a public site is not the same. For me, it fits two goals. First, I love the thrill of writing, when you're on a 'wave' (sorry, not sure what the good expression in English is) it's such an exhalarating feeling. But my need to share with people and not necessarily because of the compliment I can receive, but truly for learning from the exchanges with  people around the world and talking about a commun interest is in great part why I decided to post my first story ever. It's a strange, sometimes wonderful, and sometimes not so much experience. Interest change of course, but you'd be surprised about the reasons why they change. It's not always as obvious as it seems.

Reviewer: andreja.balent (Anonymous) · Date: July 20, 2016 06:59 PM · On: Author’s note

Please, keep writing!


Author's Response:

Thank you so much for telling me you want me to keep writing, andreja! I will do my best and I promise I will finish this one :) * hugs from France *

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: July 20, 2016 06:42 PM · On: Author’s note

I love this story.  I would never have known you were struggling with the English language.  Your writing is phenomenal. I love all of the different struggles that the characters are dealing with.  What makes your story unique is all of the characters and the way their lives are entwined as your title reveals. You have done such a great job of slowly revealing the development of Brian's relationship with his father and what occurred between Brian and Jesse.  I love the relationship between Brian and Justin and the struggles they have dealt with to be together.  I am impressed with your technique of writing chapters from the past and the present.  It is an effective way of informing and keeping your readers engaged. Please don't give up the story or writing in the fandom.  You truly have a gift!

Author's Response:

Lorma, thank you so much for being such a great motivator for me. You can't imagine how good it feels to read your words. From time to time, I'm frustrated and unsatisfied, and I know the readers can reboost me, that's why I don't hesistate to post a message about it. I'm glad I did, considering my next chapter is almost written! I can't promise anything about my future after this story (well, not exactly true, as I'm currently working on a story with an another author and it's so great!) but I will finsih this. I might just need a boost from time to time and if I do, I will just reach out to the readers. But thank you sincerely for your compliement on my writing * blushing * and for your support to me and to many authors here. You're wonderful!

*hugs from France*

Reviewer: cuivresdesaxe (Signed) · Date: July 20, 2016 04:23 PM · On: Author’s note

Boring?? Are you serious?? Your story is one of my favourites, I'm always happy when there's a new chapter. I had no idea you were french too, I can relate because I find writing in english really difficult and sometimes frustrating, but it never shows in your story. Your style is great. I really hope you finish your story. It's sad that you're losing interest in the qaf fandom, it happened to so many great writers (severina, vamphile before her death, ...). I suppose it's natural after a while to want to move to something new. So, bon courage, and wether or not you finish your story, thanks for it, because it's really been a pleasure to read. (and to answer your questions, yes, it's the b/j love story that enjoy the most in your story, but I like the side stories too)

Author's Response:

Hi Bea,

You're right, writing in English for us not English speakers can be frustrating at times! but I'm glad you're not finding the story boring. Not sure why I feel down about it from time to time, but it's so frustrating when the words just don't come or when I'm unsatisfied with it. I still don't know what the future held for me in this fandom, or as a writer in general. But I needed the readers to reboost me and they sure did. My next chapter is almost written! I am 99% sure that I will finish this story. I never really considered stopping it, especially now that we're nearing the end. But yes, a boost is always the best way for me to find my motivation back, so thank you dearly for your message!

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2016 01:53 AM · On: Chapter 25 - New beginnings

Such a good chapter with Brian revealing his true feelings to Justin.  So happy they are giving it another chance.  Now I hope Jesse talks to Brian.

Author's Response:

Thank you Lorma! It was time for Brian to admit his feelings. One step in the right direction! From now on, I hope you will like what's to come. Thank you as always for your support on this, it means a lot :)

Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: July 16, 2016 12:39 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

Oh man. That ending packed a punch. Poor Brian but, fuck, poor Jesse. I can feel his depression so much and I can tell that he isn't thinking straight because of it. And I can completely understand that. He will probably cope better in time, but it is so fresh right now and such a devastating change at the moment. But I wanted to tell you GREAT JOB for depicting that as well as Brian's guilt and Aaron's and Justin's support. 

Author's Response:

Glad you 'enjoyed' it :) This is going to be quite a journey for Jesse, but for now, you're perfectly right, he is completely depressed. Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 16, 2016 12:30 AM · On: Chapter 25 - New beginnings

I am officially begging.

Author's Response:

I'm very very VERY happy you're begging lol Thank you for them ;)

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 15, 2016 11:32 PM · On: Chapter 25 - New beginnings

I'm begging!!!!  It's nice that Brian was honest with Justin.  Now Jesse is back and Aaron is still with him!

Author's Response:

I love when readers are begging lol. it was time Brian let his guard down with Justin and to admit his faults, right? And yes! Jesse is back with Aaron, so, hopefully beautiful moments are to come ;) Thank you so much my friend

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: July 15, 2016 11:12 PM · On: Chapter 25 - New beginnings

begging   begging  begging   i'm sure that is not enough.  Great chapter-  lvoe that Jesse is coming home as well-   great reunion

Author's Response:

I think you're getting pretty close lol. Thank you Sandy again, for the amazing begging (haha) and truly for your amazing comments :)

Reviewer: LauraB725 (Signed) · Date: July 15, 2016 09:28 PM · On: Chapter 25 - New beginnings

I love love love this story and have been waiting patiently for and so looking forward to the much anticipated reunion off our boys. Now I suppose we can assume it happened but I really really wanted to read and experience it. I beg of you...PLEASE write a flashback to what we missed! Anxiously awaiting your next update...😊

Author's Response:

Hi Laura!

 *ahem, clearing my throat*

 I know I'm such a bad, bad author. But I can't let you bed without doing anything about it ;) So, I promise you there will be more.  Anyway, your support warms my heart, and I will try very hard not to take too long to write the next chapters. Thank you dearly my friend :)

Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: July 04, 2016 11:10 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

Oh no...I mean...I can't really blame Jesse for being so angry but it just seems so unlike him!  Is there something else going on that we don't know yet, or is he really just fed up with Brian?  I mean, my guess is he's fed up but...youch...Poor Brian.  Poor Jesse.  Poor everyone!

Gaw...This is so sad...I can't.  I don't want to read anymore but I HAVE to because it's so good! 

I don't want to watch Brian tear him and Justin apart, but I know he will.  I don't want to see Jesse suffer because has there ever been a more supportive person in the history of everything?  And Justin is going to be an innocent victim in the fallout.  His only crime is having a psychopath get obsessed with him. 

I'm out of words because my heart is so sad for what I know is about to happen.  So, good job.  As always you leave me feeling so much and needing more.  :)

Author's Response:

Hey Kristine! Well, Jesse is taking it bad, that much is pretty clear. I'm not sure he is fed up with Brian but he is angry and reacting strongly for sure. And unfortunately, he blames Brian for his condition...

So, yes, the past chapters are not going to be easy from now on, but I hope the present ones will make up for it! I also promise you it wil get better, eventually :)

As always, thank you so much for your support. Reading your reviews always bring a bright smile on my face :) I hope everything is good for you and that you had a wonderful vacation! And I just saw you posted your new chapter, so happy! I will read it very soon (like right now lol)

Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: July 04, 2016 10:57 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

Oooo Brian so got played!  He should have known better, honestly...But at least he's actually willing to do something to fight for Justin.  I like that of him. 

And theories?  I have none - You always end up surprising me (and I love it) so I'm not even going to bother trying to guess.  All I know is it'll hurt and suck...I just have to remind myself that they're finding each other again in the future. 

Thank you so much for this!

Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: July 04, 2016 10:54 PM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

Oh wow, the emotions are so intense.  Given their past I can understand, but holy shit!  Just when they were starting to find a groove again you had to go throw a wrench in the works.  :)

I'm with Brian here and hope that this little bump in the road doesn't ruin the relationship they're just barely starting to rebuild...

As always, I am thoroughly addicted to this story.

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 02, 2016 11:06 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

Wow! Intense chapter! Brian's vigil in the hospital is eerily similar to the wait for news of Justin's bashing in canon. And Aaron has taken the role of Justin's mother, (mis)placing the blame on Brian out of anger and fear. And Brian, as stoic as ever, accepts that blame. 

Things are definitely becoming clearer with regards to how Brian and Justin wound up where they did at the start of this Fic. Anxiously looking forward to the next installment.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your feedback :) You're right, things are becoming clearer now and the past chapters are going to relate exactly how all of this had affected them to the point where Justin finally left. I hope to make up for it in the present ;)

Thank you as always for your feedback on this story, it means a lot. More as soon as I can :)

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 02, 2016 05:23 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

If you wanted to get technical about it, you could claim it was Justin's fault since the guy was trying to elimenate the compition.  You could even say it was Jesse fault for getting in the way. But the truth is it was a sick man's fault.  Brian acted the way Brian does, if Justin had been there he would be the one paralyzed.  On the bright side Aaron has stepped up to the plate.  Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Exactly. Jesse is wrong to react the way he does. So wrong. It will be a long road for them now. And yes, at least Aaron acted on his feelings in the best way possible.

Thank you so much for your comment my friend :)

Reviewer: Gloria (Anonymous) · Date: July 01, 2016 04:48 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

So many feels!!! Tears...omg those poor boys! 

Beyond heart breaking...poor Jesse...my heart breaks for all of them.


Author's Response:

:( I promise it will get better! Well, eventually... lol

Thank you as always for your amazing support Gloria :)

Reviewer: peacock (Anonymous) · Date: July 01, 2016 04:10 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

Gut wrenching.

Author's Response:

:( they're going to live a hard time in their lifes... But I promise they will eventually learn and grown up more along the way, Jesse included.

Thank you for sharing your feelings on this with me :)


Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: July 01, 2016 03:18 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

oh the pain is tangible.   WRite more soon so we can understand Justin and Jesse's friendship and hopefully Brian and Jesse reunion

Author's Response:

I promise to write more very soon!! Thank you as always for your amazing support :)

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: July 01, 2016 12:48 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

Oh!  That chapter was painful!  Great job writing it!  You captured the emotions nicely.

Author's Response:

It was! And the angst is not over yet. I'm crazy, I know lol Thank you for your support and your comment :)

Reviewer: Magita (Anonymous) · Date: July 01, 2016 12:47 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Three

I love your writing every chapter is as long as a book  The only thing i dont get is Justins maner in witch he acted when he found out about Brian fucking Lindsey i dont get it he was soo forgiving out of character for a gay man in love ..

Author's Response:

Justin did not forgive when he found out. He forgave after many years, and truly for the sake of Brian and Gus. I mean, holding a grudge would have prevented him from moving on and there would have been no point for me to write about a reunification in the present then. But I can safely say that Justin was deeply hurt by Brian's actions and only overlooked them in the past so as to convince Brian not to force Lindsay into an abortion. In the end, it's the also the principal reason why he left Brian, but I haven't reach that part yet, so... In the present, he might have made peace with Lindsay,  but I doubt he will ever forget.

Thank you for commenting. I hope you can appreciate the other aspects of this story regardless :)

Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: June 30, 2016 05:55 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Two

Fantastic job as always, Alois! And a great build-up to Spencer's definitive actions. Sigh, poor Brian. Poor Justin. POOR JESSE. Damn, you are cold to end the chapter like this. I guess it is a good thing that I have been so busy that you got to post the next chapter right under my nose! ;) Looking forward to reading more. Thank you again for taking the time to write! 

Reviewer: Gloria (Anonymous) · Date: June 13, 2016 03:02 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Two

Loved the sex scene, Toppy Justin/Bottom Brian is always hot!

OMG what?! Spencer said 'thank you' to Brian then kissed him...for a second I thought he had Brian's hands on a knife or gun & was killing himself to set Brian up...Spencer is one fucked up individual.

Not Jesse!!! Sweet Jesus! 

Author's Response:

Hi Gloria! Aw, I'm so glad you like the sex scene, as I'm so uncomfortable with them, but since it was all going to turn to shit soon, I thought I would give the readers a little hapinness before the drama really begins ;p And yes, Spencer is really sick, right? I mean saying thank you and kissing Brian? But OMG, I love you first theory!! It didn't happen, but now that you say it, it could have happen!! Spencer is so completely insane, anything could have been possible. But yes, it's unfortunately Jesse who will pay the price for his insanity, at least directly, because everybody will be affected. Anyway, thank your so much for all the comments you have left on my stories lately, I cherish every one of them :) Hope you're okay... * hugs! *

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: June 13, 2016 10:47 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Two

Omg evil author just evil!

Author's Response:

Hi Chris! * sweet, innocent smile * What can I say except I"m so glad to read your comment!!! Thank you and I promise to post more as soon as I can :) * hugs! *

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: June 13, 2016 02:44 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Two

evil author-  so that is what happened to Jesse-  so sad that his friend tried to help and he pays for it-  can't wait to read the further aftermath-  great story

Author's Response:

Hi Sandy! Me? Evil? Okay, maybe a little ;) That night is going to be the turning point of their past story. Neither, Jesse, Brian or even Justin will ever be the same after that. I have a lot to explain from now on, and I hope it will make sense to understand how they had all gone their seperate ways, and have finally grown up to be the men they are in the present. I'm going back to the present now, but since I have a few months off work, I should be able to post a little quicker, probably every couple of weeks or so. Thank you deeply for bearing with me between updates! Your support is amazing * hugs! *

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: June 13, 2016 01:40 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Two

Wow, intense chapter! It was becoming obvious that Spencer would exact soem revenge, but every time I thought I had figured out his plan and his "victim" something changed. I wonder if he purposely went looking for Brian that night, or if it was just a tragic conicidence. The fallout from the night will be immense and life-altering.

Looking forward to next chapter.

Author's Response:

Hi my friend! It was intense to write to be honest. Writing sex scenes is always a challenge for me, but the additional drama was even more of a challenge, and I'm glad you didn't figure it out too quickly!!! I will answer your question about Spencer's motives soon, too ;) But you're absolutely right. This event is going to alter the lives of all involved and from now on, everything is going to change...

Thank you sincerely for your support. I always look forward to your comments, and I appreciate them more than you know. * hugs! *

Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: June 12, 2016 02:49 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part Two

...What?  What?!  WHAT?!  I did NOT see that coming!  Oh my god!  Spencer is evil...pure evil!  And Jesse...NO!  

What have you done?  You ARE evil!  So brilliantly evil...I can't even think straight.  Great chapter!!

Author's Response:

Hi Kristine! *grin* so you didn't see it coming... good to know! Spencer is definitely sick and we will know soon exactly the circonstances of his act. I'm glad it wasn't too predictible and I want to thank you, as always, for your amazing support. It's always so great to hear from you :) *hugs!*

Reviewer: WhiteSnowFox (Signed) · Date: June 09, 2016 03:20 AM · On: Chapter 22 - Seeds of Doubt

So much pain there!  No wonder they end up imploding...;Seeds of Doubt' is the perfect title for this chapter because we can now see the cracks begin to form.  I just want to shake them and point them at their future selves to show them how they're supposed to behave!!  But I guess the both have some growing up to do...I just hope it isn't too painful while they do it.

As always, I am loving this!  Every chapter reveals a little bit more and more of not only what happened, but also why they are who they are.  It's so beautifully written!  

Author's Response:

Kristine! I'm so glad you're back :) I saw you posted your next chapter of Rear Window, yeah!!

Brian and Justin have so much to learn still. This is actually going to help them, but will it be enough in the end? Well, unfortunately, it seems unnlikely. 

* I just want to shake them and point them at their future selves * LOL! exactly!!

Anyway, it's always a great pleasure to read your thoughts on this :)

PS: I got your email, I will respond to you very soon!

Author's Response:

Kristine! I'm so glad you're back :) I saw you posted your next chapter of Rear Window, yeah!!

Brian and Justin have so much to learn still. This is actually going to help them, but will it be enough in the end? Well, unfortunately, it seems unnlikely. 

* I just want to shake them and point them at their future selves * LOL! exactly!!

Anyway, it's always a great pleasure to read your thoughts on this :)

PS: I got your email, I will respond to you very soon!

Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous) · Date: June 03, 2016 06:47 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

Of course Brian's right and Justin now knows it. My guess is Spencer will not be happy he's been busted and if the gut feeling I've had from the beginning is correct Aaron somehow gets caught in the crossfire. I'll leave the details up to you :)

Author's Response:

Carol, what an interesting theory you came up with! You will know soon if you're right or wrong ;) I hope everything is okay for you! Thank you as always for leaving your thoughts. More details as soon as I can :)

Reviewer: Gloria (Anonymous) · Date: June 03, 2016 04:11 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

I have theories! What if Spencer was a faceless fuck of Brian's years ago and he's getting back at him...Fatal Attraction style? I think there's something 'off' about Spencer too. I'm sure he has copies of their work too, that was too important to both of them...Spencer totally did it on purpose...asshole! 

Omg chapter 23-That Night...ahhhhhhhh I thought they were gonna make love! Please tell me next chapter they'll 'reunite'?? And when will that be exactly? How often do you update?

Loving this story, so fabulous!  




Author's Response:

I love your theory!! Something is definetly 'off' with Spencer, but what? You will find out soon :)

I'm so glad you're enjoying this story! And about Justin and Brian being reunited, well, it will happen, I promise, but when? * evil grin *

i don't update as much as I would like too, but hopefully, I will have more time to write in the coming weeks, so updates should be more frequent (even if I won't promise anything either, as I have a tendency for being blocked or lacking motivation). But I hope to finish this story quicker now that I won't work for a few months.

Anyway, so happy that you enjoy this! I always fear readers become bored with the slow pace of this story or get lost because of my own slow updates, so it's always good to know new readers enjoy this. Thank you!!!!!

Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: June 02, 2016 05:10 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

Getting to read this chapter now, Alois! Ugh, even though Brian was definitely in the wrong by destroying the work (or did he?) I am do think that Spencer is up to no good. I wasn't certain until his run-in with Brian. And wow, how condenscending and challenging is he? I am nervous about what this type of behavior will bring B/J as well as their friends. Glad to finally give this a read! Hope you get the next chapter up soon. :)

Author's Response:

Hey my friend! Yes, Brian has maybe acted impulsively, but Spencer is a shit, right? 

I will try to work on the next chapter soon. Thank you as always for your support on this, it means more than I can say :)

Reviewer: Gloria (Anonymous) · Date: June 01, 2016 09:06 PM · On: Chapter 12 - Alive

So hot! You have a gift my friend, well done.

When a woman, a gay woman no less can get hot & bothered just reading

well written gay erotica, well that's saying something...and this was just the 

appetizer. lol

Author's Response:

Hi Gloria! I think you're the first one to tell me I have a gift regarding gay erotica lol That's funny because I'm not always comfortable writing sex haha. But I AM glad I had you all hot and bothered * innocent smile * 

I hope you're still enjoying this! Thank you for your feedback, I love reviews :)

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: June 01, 2016 12:51 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

Lots of secrets revealed in this chapter... not sure what Spencer's motivation is in all of this. I can't imagine it's ONLY about Justin - no matter how cute and adorable he is! It might actually be more about Brian! 

Very evil place to end... just so you know! ;-)

Author's Response:

Spencer's behavior will be explained soon. and lol I know it was kind of bad of me to finish it here, sorry! I hope you're still enjoying this! More as soon as I can :)

Reviewer: Gloria (Anonymous) · Date: May 31, 2016 05:44 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Wow! I'm definitely continuing with this story...so good!

I did have to keep telling myself it was an AU. lol


Author's Response:

Aw, I hope you will enjoy it!!! Thank you so much for giving it a try 😊

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: May 31, 2016 01:31 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

Wow!  Spencer really is a jerk!  Can't wait to find out more!

Author's Response:

Right? Thank you so much Lorma for your support on this!

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: May 31, 2016 01:26 AM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

too much foreboding but I'm tired and can't figure out why this would hurt all parties.  Post soon

Author's Response:

Well, the drama is coming, I'm afraid... Thank you as always Sandy for your support on this, I hope you will like what's to come :)

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 30, 2016 10:04 PM · On: Chapter 24: Turning Point - Part One

Let me quess, Aaron is behind Spencer's plot.  But is Spencer willing to lose credit for a project by playing Brian?

Author's Response:

Interesting theory! Thank you for sharing it :) You will find out soon! Thank you for reading and reviewing my friend 😊

Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: May 25, 2016 06:21 AM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

Love this chapter, Alois! I especially loved the scene with Jack. God, that really got to me. He is a man who can't connect with who he used to be, a child almost, and he feels such guilt and so much love when it comes to Brian. I am glad to see Brian meet him part way a little here. Even though it is far from ideal, it is a beautiful relationship. 

And Brian's coping mechanisms at 18...fuck. That was a blow as well. To read of Brian that broken is hard but it is so believable, especially in these circumstances. 

Great chapter, as always! I am really glad that you are continuing to post this and are starting to find some inspiration again! Later!

Author's Response:

Hey Anne!

I'm so glad you love this scene between father and son, because as you know, it is one of my favorite storyline to write about :) Jack is not as simple as it seems and writing about him is actually inspiring.

Brian was completely fucked up at 18. If not for his friends and Debbie, he probably would have turned quite bad, or worse. 

Yeah!! Inspiration has come back, I'm so happy! Thank you as always for your never-ending support and most of all, for the friendship, it means a lot to me!

Reviewer: Fran (Anonymous) · Date: May 24, 2016 09:41 AM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

You definitely got me hooked up!

Alois, comment vas-tu, bien j'espère. j'ai juste lu ce chapitre, pas encore toute l'histoire depuis le début mais tu me vois déjà accrochée sérieusement là! Bravo et bonne continuation.


Author's Response:

Trop contente de voir ton message Francine! Je vais bien merci, j'espère que toi aussi? Tu vas être spoilée si tu commences maintenant ;)

Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire et à très vite!

Kenavo (Veloma dans ma langue régionale) :)

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: May 24, 2016 03:02 AM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

Intense chapter! So much going on - with Jack's memories, the revelation about what happened to Brian at the time of the accident, to the renewed spark between Brian & Justin... and then Jesse!

Can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Hi my friend! I feel like this is so slow lol. But the next chapter should be long and full of revelations ;) Things are going to spice up real soon!

Thank you so much for your support again :) I hope all is well for you!

Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: May 22, 2016 10:41 PM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

Do we know what the problem between Brian and Jesse is?  Was it because he left for that job?  I forget what the problem is between them, or will we be finding out?

Author's Response:

We don't know for now. All we know is they had a falling out of some sort, but it hadn't happened yet in the past. Jesse traveling for his job has nothing to do with their estrangement :)

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 22, 2016 04:24 PM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

Glad to see this again.  Hope that Jesse, Justin and Brian can work things out and that Brian's memories can be delt with and hopefully be changed.

Author's Response:

Thank you! it will be a long way for all of them till the end, but it will be worth it :)


Reviewer: britinmanor (Anonymous) · Date: May 22, 2016 07:45 AM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

yay for the update.  still reading and enjoying it.  thank-you.

Author's Response:

Aw, thank you my friend! I'm so glad to know you're still enjoying this :)

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Anonymous) · Date: May 22, 2016 02:11 AM · On: Chapter 23 - That night

I cannot complain about slow posting, but really enjoying the story.  I was afraid Brian would throw Justin out when he saw Jesse's name on the phone-  so glad he at least is still there to listen to an explaination.  The story is so intricate and layered - really enjoying all the unfolding story-  even if it is taking a long time

Author's Response:

Hi Sandy! Thank you so much for bearing with me between updates * happy smile *

Brian was about to throw Justin out -, but fortunately, he refrained, even if considering the day he has just lived, he could have snapped.

And thank you dearly for your kind words :) I will try to write the next one faster, I promise

Reviewer: reiselust161 (Signed) · Date: July 31, 2015 03:56 AM · On: Chapter 6 - Breathe

new chapter wooohooooo! Just give it to Brian. Yay! this promises to be interesting. As if we didn't know with you already ;)

Author's Response:

It is going to become even more interesting, I promise ;) Thank you Elke, you're too kind my friend!

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 31, 2015 02:19 AM · On: Chapter 6 - Breathe

Very nice update... 

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoy it :)

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: July 31, 2015 01:59 AM · On: Chapter 6 - Breathe

This slow build of their relationship is wonderful. I love it when Justin is a little feisty fucker lol...Brian better watch his back haha

Author's Response:

Brian doesn't know what he's in for LOL. I'm very happy you like the slow build of their relationship! The next 'past' chapter will be a turning point for them :)

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 30, 2015 08:35 PM · On: Chapter 6 - Breathe

Love, love, love finding out how Justin got to live in Emmett's apartment.    I'm gonna assume that Brian and Justin work things out eventually.

Author's Response:

I'm delighted that you like it! I worked hard on their back story ;) Now, let the fire sparks begin!

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: July 30, 2015 04:27 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

I have finally been able to catch up on all the stories I missed while I was fulfilling my military obligations, and this was so beautiful. I think Brian and Justin have so much to work out between them and I want a front seat to the show lol.

Now my french is a little rusty so I would love the translation of your ending quote ;)

Author's Response:

Hi Tamara! I'm always very impressed knowing you work as a military. Anyway, your seat is reserved in the front row ;) Thank you for your kind words my friend.

"Never hesitate to get out a word from the silence so as to bring it to life" 😊

Reviewer: sweetc (Anonymous) · Date: July 28, 2015 03:28 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

The last chrapter was lovely!!!! You make them  in canon yet writing a different story:))) i can't wait to know more!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like it! Glad also that you find them not too OOC considering their backstory are different and therefore, they're not like in Canon. More to come real soon ;)

Reviewer: nolane (Signed) · Date: July 26, 2015 11:59 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation


i really like your story! i began "entwined" 1 hour ago and i'm here waiting for more ...

thank you 

Author's Response:

Bonjour Céline :) Et merci mille fois pour ton retour! Je suis très heureuse que tu apprécies cette histoire et j'espère que tu aimeras la suite. Les choses vont commencer à devenir intéressantes entre Brian et Justin très bientôt, bien que j'ai du mal à avancer très vite... Je m'en excuse! En tout cas, merci encore d'avoir pris sur ton temps pour m'écrire ces quelques mots, je vais m'endormir avec le sourire ;) A très bientôt j'espère :)

Reviewer: reiselust161 (Signed) · Date: July 26, 2015 09:25 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

as always I am happy to see your update. Sparks are flying (again) let's see where you take us. My highlight this week? I met "Mother Taylor" ;)

Author's Response:

Elke, so glad you still enjoy this! There is a lot of revelations to come :) But that's not important... You WHAT?? LOL Let me guess...Rise 'n Shine? :D

Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: July 26, 2015 06:07 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

Finally a quiet moment in RL to catch up on some stories. I've spent an enjoyable Sunday morning reading this story from the beginning. You've got me intrigued - lots of unanswered 'stories bits' to have me waiting eagerly for the next chapter to find out what happen in the past and to find out what's going to happen in the future.

Author's Response:

Monica, thank you so much to let me know you like this story. I can't emphasize enough how good it is for an author to see new readers joining the ride! As for the 'unanswered stories bits', I seem to have a problem with revealing things very slowly LOL. It's a clear road in my head, and I sometimes wonder if readers will not be too lost with my tendency to give answers very slowly. But I'm so glad you're intrigued! Thank you so much again :)

Reviewer: Annie-Eliza (Signed) · Date: July 26, 2015 04:29 AM · On: Chapter 3 - Aftermath

Finally reviewing after reading and typing this out on my phone Lolol. I am really interested in learning more about Brian and Justin's past but do you know what I am more interested in? Learning about Jack and Brian's relationship. It is so foreign to see Brian caring for his father and feeding him. I still feel like their relationship must have been strained at one point. Maybe it still is. I'm also anticipating learning about the second person Brian lost that he cared about due to his behavior. I'm assuming Michael but it could be Emmett. I am really enjoying this, Alois! 

Author's Response:

Your poor fingers lol I'm very happy you want to know more about Brian and Jack's relationship. It is one essential component of this story and one of the reason why Brian will act as he will, either in the past or in the present. About the second person he'd lost, I'm not revealing anything...You might be right...or not LOL. But you will know soon enough! So glad you enjoy this :)

Reviewer: winetou58 (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2015 05:56 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

Wonerfull story


Author's Response:

Hi Winetou! Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoy it! **smiling widely** More to come soon :)

Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2015 05:31 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

That's one of the things I like most about you as a writer, your ability to portray these characters we know so well in a realistic way and feeling emotions and being placed in situations we can relate to and find plausible.Their motives are not hard to understand bearing in mind their personalities and true identitties, it's not that they do something just because or to serve purposes that have to do with the plot.

Finally, I wanted to point out something related to Justin's seemingly perfect partner:Imho, we tend to get bored with 'perfect' and feel natually drawn to messy and risky bacause that keeps things interesting ( I think we've talked about this my friend). Having said that, can't wait for Justin to finally get bored and curiuos enough to contact Brian ;). Looking forward a new update as always! HUgs :)

Author's Response:

You're way too kind with me. I do like to portray 'realistic' situations and I try to be as accurate as possible in my own head lol But I'm not always sure people will like it, because for instance, I don't write a 'love at first sight' story about B/J. So, I'm reassured some readers are not bored already lol

And I agree, love is definitely not about perfect. If Justin had to choose the perfect and most simple partner, he would chose Tyler without an ounce of hesitation. But Love is not that simple. The connection B/J share here will be more intense, more magical even if they're not perfect. It's what will make them feel alive. I don't like to write about imperfect love at all, you know me :D

Thank you so much for your amazing support my friend ***smiling stupidly***

Reviewer: Vicky (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2015 05:19 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

Hello my dear friend!

Here I am, as promised, trying to post my review...

What a big surprise in this chapter!This chance encounter neither of them had imagined.I was so excited when I read Brian was at Emmett's place :). I think the best thinks happen when  least expected and I'm sure their visiting him at the same time wasn't a coincidence bu the fact that they're meant to be together, destined to have one more chance.

I must admit I feel more tempted to find out what happens in the present even I can see their past is fundamental to understanding why they behave how they do now.

Hats off to you and your characterization once more! I SO love your characters! They are so SOPT-ON!

Justin is a smart man and a sensitive soul, thats why it's easy to imagine him being so curious about this more madure Brian and very attracted to him in every possible way (not only physically)

Author's Response:

Hello Vicky! I'm so delighted you've finally succeeded in posting a review :P

So, a chance encounter. Yes, definitely! They have shared so much in the past, and it's going to get interesting real soon between them. The past is fondamental to understand how they can be at this point of their lives now, and the fact that this time around will be different somehow. Also, I'm very happy you like their characterization here!

"Justin is a smart man and a sensitive soul" I couldn't agree more. Thank you my dear friend for this review, it means so much to me :D

Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2015 04:20 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

RL is keeping me very busy these days, but I just wanted to stop by and put in my "2-cent" review... Great Update!

Author's Response:

This is gold for me. Thank you so much to take the time to leave me a review and I'm delighted that you like it :)

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2015 03:48 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

I liked this chapter a lot.  It is interesting the way you are revealing their past little by little.

Author's Response:

I'm very happy you like it! I might have a tendancy to reveal things very slowly lol. I'm afraid sometimes that it's not clear for the readers, so I'm relieved that you enjoy it. Thank you dearly for the feedback :)

Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous) · Date: July 24, 2015 11:15 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

There really aren't any versions of Brian that I don't like .. but it has to be said the 'Brian' you portray, who is not fundamentally changed (thank you) but who has learned from his mistakes and continues to grow and mature into the man we all know he is capable of being .. well who could resist him? Or compare .. Poor Tyler.

Author's Response:

This story portrays a Brian who have changed a lot in twelve years. I will hopefully make him grow because of the events he will face, the relationships he will share. Also, this story will focus a lot on his relationship with his father, which is completely AU. I'm delighted you like him there, even if he is different! As for Justin, he is happy in the present with Tyler but he is going to be troubled by Brian. Eight years is a long time. People change. Especially because in the story they were both really young when they met each other the first time. Past Brian will be...more like Brian season one, at least at first. We all know he will change a lot with Justin. Becoming a father will be a turning point, too. But I'm saying too much lol Sorry... Thank you so much for being right here with me Carol, it means more than I can say :)


Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 24, 2015 09:17 AM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Yes, I agree there are many excellent writers here on this website.

Author's Response:

Definitely :)

Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 24, 2015 08:54 AM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

I love all the characters in Q.A.F. They reflect all the positive and negative traits in all of us. And

when our favourite shows finish it's brilliant because people start writng these wonderful stories to carry it on. It's always good to have positive and negitive critcism together but when negativity is  used to try and destroy someone's confidence that's just awful behaviour.

Author's Response:

I totally agree. I love the characters in QAF. In fact, I would like someday to write more about other characters, too (Time, where are you? lol) I discovered fanfiction with QAF. and I must say I was surprised by the quality provided by some authors in their work. I would have never thought so before starting reading fanfiction. And trolls, yes, they exist and believe me, readers don't know the half of it. And by trolls I'm not talking about reviewers who offer their critizism. They have every right to do so. I'm talking about those persons who bash an author just because they can't stand to read some plot about something (B/J for instance). You wouldn't believe how hurtful some feedback can be. I'm lucky, I've learned a lot with my first fic. Writing for a fandom is definitely an interesting experience ;)

Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 24, 2015 08:33 AM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

I must say, it was a complete surprise you thinking of giving up like that. This story is a triumph. Don't you dare think of giving up writing!  I/we love this story, your work.

Author's Response:

Caroline, thank you so much! I'm not confident in my writing in a fandom, never was, and probably never will. I think it's due to the 'English' part for one, as I'm not really bilingual, even if writing has been a great way to improve my English. I would have never hoped to write so much in English two years ago. But I enjoy it, even if I'm so frustrated sometimes, when I want to put an idea on paper and words that are in my head in French just don't come in English lol Still, yes, comments on a story are the best present readers can give an author to keep him/her going, especially when real life don't let you much time to write. Sometimes, authors just ask themselves if it's worth it, you know? But when I see reviews like yours, I have my answer ;)

Reviewer: Miki (Anonymous) · Date: July 24, 2015 05:18 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

so glad you are continuing - I love your stories they are very moving and even with other characters involved I feel you u defying connection between b /j that if course w

e all live for

Author's Response:

Oh Thank you Miki. Your comment makes me so happy, you have no idea :) I'm glad you can feel their connection, even in my last fic, especially in my last fic!lol Again, all my gratitude for you support my friend and hopefully, their connection is going to grow now, either in the past or in the present...

Reviewer: toniu (Signed) · Date: July 24, 2015 12:45 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

I was surprised and saddened when I started reading your story. I have been away from the fan fictions life for a time. Your story being one of the last I read. Business and life got in my way.

But I'm back and so happy to see you wrote another story. It is so good. Again I'm sitting at the edge of my seat.

Then I read that you were harassed and bullied for your story. It was such a sweet endearing story. I hope they learn that the QAF community will not support this type of behavior. All of the authors are people that give us many hours of enjoyment. Hang in there. I love your stories.

Your fan!

Author's Response:

Oh Toni, it's so good to hear from you my friend! I'm so happy *smiling*. I hope you're doing great and that life threats you well :) And yes, new story. So happy to know you enjoy this one. Thank you so much my friend. Unfortunately, trolls are there. This story will be undoubfully easier for me because it's a B/J story, but I know a couple of writers who are or have been harassed too. It's so sad to see such violence over fanfiction. But we will not let them win! Thank you so much for your invaluable support again

Reviewer: DANBRITIN (Anonymous) · Date: July 24, 2015 12:39 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

Merci de votre retour, je adore Votre histoire.Elle m'intrigue also with the flash back Mais Toujours with the same incertitude sur Ce Qui Se est passé réellement.Je suis impatiente de Connaître la suite, preuve de Votre talent.Ayez Toujours confiance en vous.

Author's Response:

Merci mille fois pour votre retour, cela me touche plus que je ne pourrais vous le dire. Je suis ravie que cela vous plaise et j'espère que vous aimerez la suite! Le prochain chapitre va être un tournant dans leur relation passée, les choses vont commencer à avancer pour eux. Encore merci, je suis si heureuse de vous compter parmi les lecteurs :)

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 24, 2015 12:07 AM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

Wow we are moving on from here both Brian and Justin feeling unsettled but are they brave enough to make changes towards each other. Although it looks Justin is even if he is doing it sort of unconsciously lol

Author's Response:

Justin making changes inconsciously? You think? 😉 You might be just right. Next chapters will have them getting closer again, even if the road will not be a quiet walk, so to speak. Thank you so much for your support, Chris :)

Reviewer: rainbow83 (Anonymous) · Date: July 23, 2015 10:22 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

please, go on with this story. I want to know how Brian and Justin fell in love in the past and how they're going to deal with what is still going on between the two in the present. Also I can't wait for Brian's reaction to that Tayler 

Author's Response:

You will know more about that, and it's not going to be a long and easy ride for the boys, either in the past, or in the present. Also, Brian's reaction when he will learn about Tyler will be...well, I think you can guess ;) not sure he will be very open lol Thank you again for your amazing support on this, it made me so happy that you enjoy this story.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: July 23, 2015 09:36 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

So we knew that Justin wasn't around for Gus' birth.  But we learned that Emmett, Brian and Justin were roommates?  That Justin left but not why.  I get the feeling that Justin wants to know the Brian that he is now.  And he wants the answer to something else as well.  But what?

Author's Response:

No, he wasn't around. And yes, Brian, Emmett and Justin were roommates, we will know more about that in the next chapter. Of course, a lot of questions will be answered...later ;) Thank you as always my friend for your support. * hugs! *

Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: July 23, 2015 08:17 PM · On: Chapter 5 - Hesitation

I don't know what he must do. Okay leave Tyler, but is it so simple!? BUT you do know ... thus write ASAP so we will know too.

* hugs *

Author's Response:

I think he will figure it out. And yes, there is Tyler. It could be a problem ;) Chapter six is written, so it shouldn't be too long before you know more about their past. Things are going to get interesting... Thank you Marian, again. *hugs back!*

Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 14, 2015 02:03 AM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

I think of Consequences and what a very moving and accurate portrayal it was of the impact Altzheimers has on the person who has it  and inevitably on thier loved ones.  

Author's Response:

I tried to portray a part of the life that caregivers has to deal with, even if obviously, it wasn't a deep portrayal becaus it wasn't the main storyline; but I'm glad that the story could touched you and especially the 'Alzheimer' aspect of it. Scratch that, I'm delighted! I just love your extra reviews :)

Reviewer: sabyya (Signed) · Date: July 13, 2015 09:03 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

You know .. I'm loving this story . I don't comment alot cz I'm lazy but if I do it means the awesomeness was too much.


BUT ... did u just write Emmet was 2 years younger than Brian ?

I don't know if it was the case in QAF but  honestly THE REAL BRIAN KINNEY would have a hissy fit if he reads that. 2 years older than Emmet is life sentence for him probably .. I'm warning you if you get sued by Brian Kinney don't come crying to me .. i'll just say "Told ya so"

Author's Response:

Thank you very much Sabiha :) I'm really glad you like it! Don't forget how important it is to leave a comment once in a while on your favorites, authors would be forever grateful if you do ;)

LOL Yes!! 2 years younger, the world must be coming to an end. I'm pretty sure Brian Kinney in canon would not be happy about it, too ;) Not sure how old Emmett was in the show, though. I think he was younger than the rest of the gang. But fortunately for me, this is an alternative universe, so Brian will just have to deal with it ;) Thank you for your support!



Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 13, 2015 02:07 AM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

I really like the way you set your story as sort of timeshift. And that you have brought  Emmet

to the fore. He has such enpathy, wisdom, optimism and kindness. Just the sort friend Justin needs. He also doesn't take any snash (nonsense) from Brian.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like the timeshift!

And Emmett is a great character. I think he is the one character on QAF on who everybody agree. I mean, there are people who don't like Michael, Debbie, Ted, Lindsay, Mel, or even Brian or Justin...But Emmett? I'm not sure I've meet one person who don't like him :)

Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 13, 2015 01:45 AM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Yeah, I agree. Sometimes having to keep copying a new code is a pain when it isn't accepted. That did put me off for a while.Some of these numbers are a bit hard to make out.

Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 12, 2015 11:09 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Annie Eliza and her internet troll, I meant to say as an example.

Sorry, I am going on a bit!

Author's Response:

No problem, I got it! I love you you go on BTW ;)

Reviewer: The Lantern keeps shining (Anonymous) · Date: July 12, 2015 11:03 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Anyone can tell you love writing. There is so much passion for your subject and your knowledge

of Brian and Justin and Emmet, as well as the other Q.A. F characters is extremely insightful.

Threading their lives through new but relevent and believable storylines. No small feat by any means. Your description of the characters and thier surroundings are always so vivid.

When we take the risk of having our work critiqued by others it is such a shame when we are discouraged by  negative criticism, especially with someone as talented as you.

Annie - Eliza being stalked by that internet troll.   These are your stories:-. I love them, as I love hers.

 I love this one.  Please don't keep us waiting too long.   You are a wonderful writer.

                                                                            With best wishes, Caroline

Author's Response:

** smiling **

Thank you so much for all your support Caroline :) And your beautiful words.

Yes, Annie and I have definitely something in commun, as I know intimately the troll, too. As I said, one of the beauty of fanfiction is to share with readers, but also with other authors. Annie is a great person and she had her share of negative comments on her story. But that's pretty much due to Brian in love with another man. It seems some people are not ready to read about it, but can't help themselves nonetheless.

You're amazing to support your favorites as you do. Thank you so much for that. And thank you for your compliment on my writing. I'm still not sure I deserve it, as I think they're other authors here way more talented that I am, but it means a lot that some readers appreciate my words.

More later, it's a promise :)

Reviewer: reiselust161 (Signed) · Date: July 12, 2015 08:46 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Hi Elke! I was so happy to see your name on my screen :) Ans so happy to see that you want to give this one a try. I might disappoint you, though, because I'm not sure that I'm going to keep writing this one. My best guess is that I will, but I will stop posting. Unfortunately, I feel like a spoiled child who is discouraged way too easily by the lack of feedback. Feedback is wonderful to motivate me. Lack of feedbacks is clearly blocking me and I hate myself for feeling this way, but it seems I can't help it...Sorry for that! I do hope everything is okay with you, though. I've seen there is another convention coming? well, then, I want to wish you good luck with your own work my friend :) *hugs*


OF COURSE I WOULD GIVE IT A TRY! :) Don´t tell me you are going to abandon it :'( ..... I like your take of stories. And how you let the characters evolve. Brian though here seems totally OOC, but that doesn´t mean that it´s negative. It´s different. All has been written so it is nice to have someone try to have another angle. Don´t listen to the naysayers there are for sure. Keep on the good stuff! <3 

Author's Response:

Noooo!! I'm not going to abandon it, even if I entertained the idea for half a second a couple of days ago. But now, with all the support I have, I can't do that.

About Brian, this is an AU, so yes, he is different from Canon Brian, because his backstory is completely different and I think I love to make him grow up in my stories. Maybe one day, I will write a pure canon Brian story, but not this time ;) Thank you again my dear friend for the support

Reviewer: sweetc (Anonymous) · Date: July 12, 2015 06:51 PM · On: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Reunion

Do you really want comments????i'm kind of stalking user if i like a story or not i leave always comment and sometimes i write what i would like ( i don't pretend nothing don't worry).

I really like your story but i would seriously prefer you post longer chapter....less often maybe but longer i appreciate that more because  it help me to go into the story;someone prefers crumbs every day i don't.

i really think justin need a little dog or a cat for his problem with touching they help a lot and maybe brian could give one as 'sorry for being a dick'.

Author's Response:


About the length of the chapter, not sure I will write longer chapters in the future because writing one takes me way too much time.

And not sure either Brian will offer Justin a pet. I mean, he is NOT happy with Justin being here and I think he would hate a pet at his place ;) No, Justin and Brian will not be best friends right away, but of course, what will happen...will happen lol

Thank you sincerely for your comment :)

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: July 12, 2015 06:12 PM · On: Chapter 3 - Aftermath

Does Jack have dementia? Maybe cancer? Certainly not HIV...but I could be wrong lol. Will we learn Gus' story soon? It seems that there is a fantastic back story there.

More soon please;)

Author's Response:

I'm here to please ;) Chapter 4 is up. Also, Tamara, if you read my note at the end of it, just know that you ARE one of the wonderful readers I'm talking about. Take care my friend

Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous) · Date: July 12, 2015 04:23 PM · On: Chapter 3 - Aftermath

Hiatus !!! Noooooooooooooo ...... This story has so much potential and I just know you will do it justice, so please don't be discouraged. Sometimes I have to force myself to take a break from MW, I skip a week (can't usually resist for much longer) then check back in to see who's posted and it feels like Christmas when there's something new from one of my favourite writers. This story deserves to be told .. so tell it. I know you want to :)

Author's Response:

Carol, how many times will I have to tell you how much I love you? You have no idea how much this review means to me... I'm going to post chapter four today or tomorrow, with a note attached to it. Then, the ball will be in the readers's court, so to speak. But you sure help me here. I promise you I will write the story. I'm just not sure how or when... But yes, I want to ;) Take care my friend * hugs you tightly*

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