Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Mission Are Go
Reviewer: Astor (Anonymous) · Date: November 04, 2015 04:11 AM · On: Chapter 5

I vote for ending A. Love this story! You make me laugh which is so great! 

Author's Response:

I'm so glad you like this fic and I must say you having me reading fics I haven't thought about for a while.  I remember after writing this the ISS had to do a spacewalk to repair damage after they were hit by debris.  Then I heard about a movie called Gravity.  Well, that is one hour and thirty one minutes of my life I will never get back.  Even so, I'm still a Sandra Bullock fan.

Hey, you voted A.  I'm happy you got the line about their free trip around the sun once a year.

Thanks for your great reviews and saying I make you laugh.

Cheers :)))

Reviewer: Brandon (Anonymous) · Date: December 23, 2014 06:25 AM · On: Chapter 5

i love that you brought in Mysterious Marilyn. I loved the humor of this fic. It was perfectly balanced with the rest of the story arch.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for reviewing each chapter; I greatly appreciate it when a person takes the time to do that.  I'm really pleased you like the humour as we don't all laugh at the same things, and sometimes I think I'm weird, so I can imagine what others think.  LOL  Thank you for all your very kind remarks.

Cheers :)

Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: December 17, 2013 11:41 AM · On: Chapter 5

I can tell you enjoyed writing this because I enjoyed reading it. I love angst, but some light hearted fare is so needed at times and I want ti thank you for providing it. I'm also happy you are doing better.

Merry Christmas!

Author's Response:

Wow, I love what you said about enjoying writing this, as I did, and I'm really delighted you enjoyed reading it.  Thank you for taking the time to review; you know I appreciate it greatly.  Thank you also for the season's greeting.


Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: December 17, 2013 12:24 AM · On: Chapter 5

I like ending B.  Thanks for bringing a bit of  silly fun to the fandom.

Author's Response:

I'm happy you think like I do.  This fandom needs a bit of silly fun every now and then.  Ending B; diapers included? LOL   Thank you so much for taking the time to review and letting me know your ending choice.


Reviewer: kim136 (Anonymous) · Date: December 16, 2013 05:40 AM · On: Chapter 5

ending A loved the story wishing u and urs merry xmass and a happy new year thanku kim

Author's Response:

Ending A; I wonder if it was the diapers that turned you off ending B. LOL  Thanks so very much for saying you loved the story Kim, I really do appreciate your kind words.  Thank you also for the season greetings.


Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: December 15, 2013 09:33 PM · On: Chapter 5

I vote for ending C.  It was nice to see Mysterious Marilyn was responsible for this whole story and she used you to tell it!!!!  Have a Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring you more ideas to share with us.

Author's Response:

Ending C with no stipulations on the diapers; I like that. LOL  Mysterious Marilyn, I don't think I've used her before or as you put it, she used me. LOL  Thanks for saying you would like more fics in the New Year; honestly I have written 29 fics in 18 months and I thought people would be saying, just stop and give someone else a turn. LOL  Thank you very much for the season greetings; I love this time of the year.


Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: December 15, 2013 08:37 PM · On: Chapter 5

Flossee my dear friend this was hilariously wonderful...I loved the knock knock jokes lol. As for the ending, I think I like a combined ending...without the absorption garment play ;)

Happy Holidays and be well my friend.

Author's Response:

Ohh, I'm a little disappointed, no more diapers for Brian.  LOL  I'm glad you liked the knock, knock jokes; thank you for taking the time to let me.  I'm really pleased to receive your review as I like to hear what you think of the fic my friend, but more importantly I know you're safe.  Stay safe and hopefully you'll get some free time to enjoy the holidays with your family.


I can't resist.  Where are my updates on An Unexpected Love,  Wildflower and The Accused?  Do you have writer's block or unlike some of us do you just have a very busy social life.  LOL

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