Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 18, 2019 03:32 AM · On: Epilogue

god one

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2017 11:07 AM · On: Chapter 10

Perfect end to this brilliant story, I'm glad he was left screaming after what he did. You go guys and keep on keeping it hot.

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2017 11:01 AM · On: Chapter 9

Wow wee, that was dramatic, who would have guessed it was him. Awe Justin and Brian getting hot whoop whoop x

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2017 10:33 AM · On: Chapter 8

Brian and Justin are so sweet together we need more of this plz. I'm so gripped and wanting to know who the heck did this and why.

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2017 10:25 AM · On: Chapter 7

Oooh naked we need pictures of them lol, and poor Em I really hope they catch whoever has done this to him. 

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2017 10:18 AM · On: Chapter 6

Eesh I wonder who it could be. It's so complicated isn't it. I hope Brian and Justin stay together and stay strong in their love for each other. 

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2017 10:13 AM · On: Chapter 5

Wow see what a mx they need to get to the bottom of. This is one heck of a gripping story. I am loving the new guys, you so need to use them again and again. 

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2017 11:09 PM · On: Chapter 4

Those so called friends of Brian's should be ashamed of themselves for sure and holy moly I did not see that coming from the judge eeeesh. 


Will read more more tomorrow as I'm off sleep, darn sleep getting in the way of reading. 


You have done a fantastic job here. 

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2017 10:48 PM · On: Chapter 3

Oh Brian, what's wrong with you. I so wanna cry for him right now. Lol I had to laugh at the lawyer asking are they always like that when they started making out and Teds reply, really made me chuckle. Seriously brilliant work.

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2017 10:38 PM · On: Chapter 2

I love a take charge charge Justin and you have done this perfecto. I hope Brian lets him look after him for a change. I'm loving this amazing story.

Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: January 17, 2017 10:04 PM · On: Chapter 1

Omg what a start to the story, I'm hooked already. I have read this a few times and each time I see something new. You seriouly have blown me away and it's the first chapter. I'm so worried for them all and what the heck has Michael done. 

Reviewer: Shell Scott (Anonymous) · Date: July 25, 2016 01:16 PM · On: Epilogue

brilliant d84;a039;

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2015 12:27 PM · On: Chapter 10

I'm glad the evildoer wasn't one of the gang. Howard Bellweather--too funny, esp. that Justin has to explain the wherefores to Brian.

Thanks for this fun story with just the right amount of suspense!

Author's Response:

Actually I had someone else in mind, but he seemed too easy.  Then I remembered Bellweather!  Thank you for all your lovely comments.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2015 12:18 PM · On: Chapter 9

So Mikey's a kind of well-meaning dim-bulb and all is okay? Yikes, Brian! Find a new best friend.

Is Ted going to be the guilty party?

Author's Response:

Ted would never physically hurt Emmett.  As for Mikey, he plays on Brian's insecurities IMO.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2015 12:05 PM · On: Chapter 6

What a varied and fascinating list of suspects. A collaboration?

Author's Response:

No, I just went through all the likely suspects and there you are.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2015 11:56 AM · On: Chapter 4

Wonderful! Take that, you homophobic judge!

Author's Response:

I always wanted to get even with that judge for his attitude.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2015 11:49 AM · On: Chapter 2

Digusting frenemies: Mel, Lindsay, and Michael. But Justin will win! :)

Author's Response:

I see you've noticed a theme to my stories. 

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 23, 2015 11:42 AM · On: Chapter 1

I adore take-charge Justin who, I hope, will save the day! Having to clean up after the moron, so-called best friend is a heckuva job.

Author's Response:

Yeah, I really wanted a take charge Justin.  One who was more than a pretty face.

Reviewer: kim136 (Anonymous) · Date: August 01, 2014 09:47 AM · On: Epilogue

i love reading this story i'v read  it 5 times  thanks kim

Author's Response:

Wow.  A better compliment I've never heard.  Thank you!!!!

Reviewer: BrianNJustin (Signed) · Date: November 08, 2013 02:23 PM · On: Epilogue


Reviewer: BrianNJustin (Signed) · Date: November 08, 2013 02:23 PM · On: Epilogue


Author's Response:

Thank you.

Reviewer: Armandyouidiot (Signed) · Date: September 17, 2013 08:02 AM · On: Epilogue

What a fun, fast paced mystery, full of surprises!  I did not think to suspect THAT guy to be the villain, very refreshing. Really enjoyed it! 

Author's Response:

Thank you, that is what I was going for. 

Reviewer: ME (Anonymous) · Date: August 23, 2013 08:23 AM · On: Epilogue

I'm sorry, but I really thought this story was going to be good. However, you were all over the place. It's almost like you didn't know what to write (your muse left you?), but you felt you needed to finish the story. I would have preferred if you would have waited and put more thought into to this. Having Bellwether be the bad guy and for such a stupid reason just didn't cut it for me. It felt like it jumped all over the place, along with a lot of missing information.

I read Dashed Hopes, so I KNOW you can do so much better. Better luck on future writing!

Author's Response:

My appologizes.  I do tend to veer from one path to another as the muse moves me.  Interesting comments also make my muse jump.  So I doubt that any other of my stories will suit you.  I guess a beta would have helped keep me on track, but I don't have one.  It normally nice to get comments.

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 22, 2013 07:25 PM · On: Epilogue

Jealous nut case got what he deserves.
Yay Em.
Great ending.

Author's Response:

He probably deserved worse.  But knowing that Emmett got an award that he probably felt he served probably pushed him over the edge.

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 22, 2013 07:14 PM · On: Epilogue

Great epilogue!

Really the story needed a final word against the arrogance of Howard.

Em happy, good company and getting credit for their work is an amazing end.

Great story! Waiting for next.

Hugs! Fatima.



Author's Response:

I'm loving your story.  For someone whose 1st language isn't English you have a remarkable way with words.  Thank you for all the lovely comments, they truly boosted my moral. (Mucho Hugs)

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 22, 2013 06:04 PM · On: Epilogue

Great epilogue!  Great comeuppance for Howard.  Wow, his bitterness eventually destroyed him.  Glad for the epilogue, it tied things up nicely and knowing the Em was fine and thriving was good to read.

I enjoyed this very much, well done!

All the best,


Author's Response:

I love Emmett, so I wanted something good for him.  Thank you for your wonderful comments.

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 22, 2013 05:55 PM · On: Epilogue

Great story, my friend!  Loved the twist with Bellweather; would have never guessed him as the perpetrator. And a take charge Justin is always very sexy to me! Thank you for this story.;)  *Hugs*  ~Kim

Author's Response:

That is so nice of you to say.  I'm afraid I've been influenced by mystery writers so I went for the least likely and tried to make it work.  I like a take charge Justin too.  Thanks for the lovely comments.

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 22, 2013 11:22 AM · On: Epilogue

Bellwether gets his just desserts....I love it

Author's Response:

Thank you.  I appreciate your  comment.

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 19, 2013 01:03 AM · On: Chapter 10

Howard Bellwether!  I had to brush off some cobwebs, but I remember the books signing in the show, and Justin knocking over stuff.

Snappy pace, unique storyline - making the victim Emmett, wow!  Good mystery and suspense.

Looking forward to your next story!

All the best,


Author's Response:

I couldn't ask for a better review.  Thank you ever so much.

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 19, 2013 12:47 AM · On: Chapter 9

Brian is very forgiving, of course, it's Michael, so...

Something is very wrong with Mel, too wrong.

Who placed the bat?

So many questions, so little time to read, but the heck with it, going on to the next chapter!

All the best,


Author's Response:

Hope you find your answers.  Thank you for reading and commenting.  It means a lot.

Reviewer: Tagsit (Anonymous) · Date: August 18, 2013 11:13 AM · On: Chapter 10

Fun story. Thanks for writing! TAG

Author's Response:

Thank you. 

Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 11:02 AM · On: Chapter 10

Hi YumYumPM.  I’m a little confused.  Howard Bellwether blamed Brian because he got sick even though BB was the possible cause; do I have that correct?  How did he get the bat into Emmett’s apartment?  I know he got it out because Emmett left the door unlocked, but who’s key did he use to then lock the door.  Sorry my brain just seems to have stopped working.  Please help.  LOL  This is a great fic and I always love guessing, even if I‘m wrong most of the time.  LOL 


Author's Response:

Darn, I knew I left something unanswered.  Well Howie got sick, probably from BBing, but it couldn't be his fault, right?  After Brian and Justin embarressed him at the book signing, his career started going downhilh is my thinking.  As for the key, he got them from Michael when he was flattering him, cause he had Brian's as well. Mikey would never notice I'm sure. 

Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 18, 2013 07:02 AM · On: Chapter 10

Howard Bellwether!! really! Howard Bellwether!! I am amazed...........you have left me amazed.

Author's Response:

That's a good thing, right?  I know my spelling of Bellwether looks strange, but I checked online and it came up Bellweather. 

Reviewer: Galesgal (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 02:42 AM · On: Chapter 5

i'm so confused.

Author's Response:

You're the first one to say that.  I guess you had to be there.  < sad that I made you confused >

Reviewer: Galesgal (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 02:39 AM · On: Chapter 4

wow child pornography.   never saw that one coming.   

Author's Response:

I wanted something really bad and unexpected.  Hopefully that was.

Reviewer: Galesgal (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 02:36 AM · On: Chapter 3

well jesus what has happened.   it's some kind of brain tumor isn't it.   God i hope i'm not in the dark up until the last chapter i will be very mad but that would make the so good.  Oh this is so good.

Author's Response:

I'm sorry, I was hoping to keep everyone in the dark until the end.  Shucks even I was in the dark most of the time.  Thank you for reading!

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 02:31 AM · On: Chapter 10

You were right, there were definitely a couple of WTF moments there lol. Wow but Bellwether blaming Brian for him getting sick was totally fucked. I'm just glad that everything turned out the way it should....nice work my friend

Author's Response:

Irrational of him, I know.  But when you look at everyone that could be suspected, he was the only one that didn't really have a reason.  <shrug>  What cha gonna do?

Reviewer: Galesgal (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 02:28 AM · On: Chapter 1

okay now i'm peeked what is going on.   Of all people to say brian attacked Emmett.   Come on that's just unbelievable but look at the family turning on Brian.  God i hate them.

Reviewer: Blanca (Signed) · Date: August 17, 2013 11:55 PM · On: Chapter 10

Well finally the questions I always had in mind are now answered. And I love the last part. "Who will keep you out of trouble if I leave?" I love a romantic Justin!

Well done!!! {{{Hugs}}}

Author's Response:

I tried to answer all questions that might come up.  Had to go back a few times to do it.  It was so nice of you to include what it was you liked, its always nice to have little things like that pointed out.  {hug back}

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 17, 2013 10:30 PM · On: Chapter 10

Great story! Wonderful work!
See a story in which the hero is Justin, for me, was a great novelty and loved every line of it. It's becoming exhausting just to see Justin as the damsel in distress. I know that I also do this with him, but I think it is time for us to give authors a chance to Sunshine. You were brilliant to shift the focus in this story.
Additionally, you let the suspense till the end and came out with a solution that no one expected: Bellwether, who could imagine?
In short, it was a great story with humor, action, suspense and mystery. How would Emmet: fabulous :)
Again thank you for the wonderful comments to my story. You really made me very happy. :)
A huge hug!
Fatima. * - *


Author's Response:

Fatima ~  Your sweet comments make me very happy too.  Best of luck on future stories, I'll be with you leaving comments.  <big grin>

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 17, 2013 09:13 PM · On: Chapter 10

Wonderful job!  And it kept me guessing until almost the last minute! Thanks for this entertaining story!  *Hugs*  ~Kim

Author's Response:

Kim ~ Thank you for the lovely compliment.  As long as it was entertaining my job is done.

Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 05:39 PM · On: Chapter 9

OMG who can it be?  Maybe its Hunter using Michael’s key.  LOL  He would have to be working for someone though.  Okay that’s just my weird sense of humour saying Hunter because everyone else has been suggested.  I love what you are doing with the suspense.  Please update soon. 


Author's Response:

There have been many good suggestions, and I was tempted to use them.  This was one I hadn't thought of.  : )

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 15, 2013 01:04 PM · On: Chapter 9

Ted and Cynthia in cahoots?
The plot thickens.

Author's Response:

So many suspects, who to choose.  You got to admit Ted and Cynthia would make good suspects.

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 10:24 AM · On: Chapter 9

Really wanted to thank you for your words so kind to me. Thank you!
I really loved your story. Unfortunately is ending.
Very curious to know what you have reserved for the end. I'm sure you will be surprised.
With the exception of Brian, Justin and Em, everyone is a suspect. Even those who have their alibis are not discarded. Alibis can be forged, I'm not sure?
I love a good mystery and intriguing story like yours.
Thanks for the fun and the exercise of deduction.
A big hug!

Author's Response:

I'm the one who should be thanking you for commenting so sweetly to every chapter.  The end is almost here, just a little tweeking to do.  You are correct, alibis can be forged, but I don't think I'm that devious.  If I didn't already have the ending I think I would change it since it never occurred to me to use the Brian, Justin, or Em.  Would have made for a great ending though.  Hope you enjoy the ending I finally came up with.

Thank you so much, Fatima.


Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 08:53 AM · On: Chapter 4

I really have to apologize to you.  I wrote the first couple of comments really early in the morning, before coffee.  I just re-read it and and what a mess.  In my chapter 4 comment, I said, "Very well written and you've got me wanting me."  I meant to say, "... you've got me wanting more,"  not "me."  I hope you were able to read between the lines on that.  LOL.

Okey-dokey, I'm going to quietly leave now...

PS: Really enjoying your story.

All the best,


Author's Response:

I knew exactly what you were saying.  My keys tend to stick too.  Not only that but while I was responding I kept missing some and having to go back and I am not terribly computer savy.

Reviewer: CFC (Anonymous) · Date: August 15, 2013 08:45 AM · On: Chapter 9

...Looking good!

Author's Response:

Thank you.  <happy dance>

Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 15, 2013 08:13 AM · On: Chapter 9

what a mystery!........who could it be?

Author's Response:

With luck you'll find out soon.

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 07:40 AM · On: Chapter 9

Hmmmm......and the plot thickens lol

Author's Response:

It gets even crazier.  You might even say WTF after reading the first part.  lol.

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 05:32 AM · On: Chapter 8

Cliffie, huh?  Grrrrrrr.... Oh geez, how awful.  Why would someone do this to Em?  I guess I'll have to wait for the next update, which is going to be real soon, right?

Loving the unique storyline.  Very imaginative and well written.

Update soon, please!

All the best,


Author's Response:

Wow!  <blush>  That is the nicest thing, especially coming from a great writer like you. that I've read. 

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 05:27 AM · On: Chapter 7

Ted as Em's attacker?  Wow, wouldn't that be something.  An evil Ted, now that's a plot bunny.

All the best,


Author's Response:

Anything is possible.  Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2013 05:24 AM · On: Chapter 6

You had me worrying that it was Michael for attacked Em.  Really enjoying this, love the mystery and watching B/J coming back to each other.  On to the next chapter.

All the best,


Author's Response:

He does make for a good villian doesn't he?  Hope you like were I take this.

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 14, 2013 07:24 PM · On: Chapter 4

What a chapter.  Bing, bang, boom - so much happening.  What the f*ck is wrong with Michael telling everyone that Brian glued the judget to the toilet seat?  What an idiot.  But the judge is a pediphile... re-trial!

I've so enjoying this.  I need to get to work, will have to catch later today. 

Very well written and you've got me wanting me.

All the best,


Author's Response:

My mind works in mysterious ways.  You'll find out about Michael in a future chapter.  As for the judge, I never liked him, so this was my way of fixing him for what he did about Chris Hobbs.  It seemed only fitting.  That should teach him!

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 14, 2013 07:18 PM · On: Chapter 3

Huh, so someone drugged Brian. Wow. Having the judge that let Hobbs off could go either way.  Very interesting idea, really enjoying the uniqueness of the story.  We don't get a lot of Emmett centric stories.  It's very refreshing.

Oh, my comment in the last chapter, about coming out swinging - not the best choice of words.

All the best,


Author's Response:

<giggle>  I don't know about that.  It kinda fits the story.  LOL.

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 14, 2013 07:12 PM · On: Chapter 2

I've got very little time to read, but this story really struck my fancy.  Justin cleaning and "servicing" Brian was so... moving to read.  Way too moving for a my morning.  It woke me up, though!

I hope Brian comes up swinging and kicking butt.

Enjoying this!

All the best,


Author's Response:

Brian will no doubt return to being Brian.  Maybe a little more willing to let people knows he cares.

Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: August 14, 2013 03:11 PM · On: Chapter 8

I love Eric, Kevin and Emmett.  Emmett ogling Brian when he has two men of his own; that’s a bit greedy Em.  LOL  The way you write Emmett leaves me wanting more; I was hoping he would get together with Mysterious Marilyn in “It's Written in the Cards”.  Please don’t finish this to soon as I’m really enjoying this unique premise.


Author's Response:

Thanks, I don't think Emmett could stop ogling anyone if they were HOT enough.  Actually I've been working on a sequel to It's Written in the cards, but I got distracted by this storyline.  Thanks for the lovely comment.

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 14, 2013 10:41 AM · On: Chapter 8

I can not believe that Ted would do anything against Brian and Em.

Michael would be very obvious and does not have enough intelligence to do so.

People would be less likely to Ben (who, in fact, I doubt it) and Hunter (I do not see why). 'If Emmet returned to the old apartment she shared with Michael, Ben and Hunter have the key, so I am raising this possibility through absurd.

I was drooling with Emmet, just imagine Brian naked walking down the loft. This heals any trauma. Justin is living proof.

I hope the story unfolds. Curiosity is immense. Eager for more.

A big hug!Fatima.

Author's Response:

Thank you, it is all your intellegent questions that helped me when I was trying to figure out exactly who did it.  The reworking of the storyline has proved well worth it.  Thank you, ever so much, my dear Fatima.

Reviewer: sophie'mom (Anonymous) · Date: August 14, 2013 09:36 AM · On: Chapter 8

I don't remember Ted ever having a key to Em's, but Michael used to live there. I guess that makes it too easy, but why run to Brian and Justin and not back to Eric and Kevin? Be out like that he could have gotten hurt again.
I sure hope it isn't Ted. That would jury both Em and Brian.

Author's Response:

I plan to have the answer to that and more in the last chapter.  Hope you will be surprised.  Thanks for commenting, it makes my day.

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 14, 2013 09:26 AM · On: Chapter 7

I can't see Ted setting Brian up to take the blame. He nay be jealous of Brian's success, but he's benefitting from that. Then there's the fact of him hurting Em. Could he? Would he? They say it's always the quiet ones. But I don't think he would. Michael's a more likely suspect.

Author's Response:

All good reasoning.  But you've got to admit it adds to they mystery.  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 14, 2013 04:11 AM · On: Chapter 8

Lol the smirk Brian had on his face when he realised Em was admiring his male beauty

Author's Response:

Let's face it,  Brian knows perfectly well the affect his bod has on everybody.  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: CFC (Anonymous) · Date: August 13, 2013 10:40 PM · On: Chapter 8

I like it. I like to see a strong, competent Justin.

I would like to know why Brian appeared so out of it and what caused him to lose his memory of what happened to Emmet as you wrap it up.

Thanks for a good story, hope to see more soon!

Author's Response:

I'll do my best.  Having come this far I may have to read my own story to refresh my memory.  lol.

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 13, 2013 05:31 PM · On: Chapter 7

Oh dear end of chapter very annoying Lol ok who is at the door!

Author's Response:

Next chapter is up.  So you don't have to wait long.  You might find it equally annoying, I like to end chapters that way.  lol.  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 13, 2013 09:41 AM · On: Chapter 7

I really liked the chapter and the mystery of who is to blame?

No Stockwell and Gardner, there is still Craig and Ethan. I can not believe some of the close friends of Brian may have done this to him and Emmet.

Michael is childish and not very smart, so it's easy to be manipulated. And he would never hurt and harm Emmet Brian, even if it was to meet Justin.Lindsay? Mel? Does one of them would be capable of that?

Waiting for more.

A hug!Fatima.    

Author's Response:

I agree with what you say about Michael.  You'll have to wait and see.  I hope no one is disappointed.  Thank you for all the lovely reviews.  <Hug Back>

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 13, 2013 08:30 AM · On: Chapter 6

Very good! Loved it!

Gardner as a suspect is an output genius. Stockwell was one of my guesses, but I never thought in Gardner and better, he's in the closet. WOW!

One of the reasons Gardner would also want to take Kinnetik market and pick up customers to leave Brian.

After all, when Brian opened Kinnetik, he took several clients Gardner.

As Emmet who saw Gardner backstage, he became a target.

A big hug!Fatima.    

Author's Response:

I know, but it was tooo easy.  I had to make it just a little harder.  <big smooch>

Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 13, 2013 08:17 AM · On: Chapter 7

Least likely?mmmhhhhh..................it might as well been Jennifer or the sap, how about Ethan. am trying out of the box thinking but I think I went out of the story.

Its good fun. Love it!

Author's Response:

Gee, I didn't even consider those!!!  It would have been interesting.  Thanks for the ideas.

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 13, 2013 12:24 AM · On: Chapter 7

You awful tease lol.....I wonder who could be at the door.....maybe Claire or even mommy dearest perhaps?

Author's Response:

You'll find out soon.  : )

Reviewer: Lyndsey (Anonymous) · Date: August 12, 2013 08:33 PM · On: Chapter 6

I don't mean to be a stickler, but I'm very confused by this "Assault with Intent" charge. First of all, assault is the threat of harm with the present ability to cause that harm. Battery is the actual bodily contact. If they think Brian put his hands on Emmett and harmed him, he'd be charged with Battery or Assault and Battery (one crime). Secondly, "with intent" to what? Cause great bodily harm? Kill? Some research on the law may help when writing such a story. Assault and Battery with the Intent to Kill (ABWIK) is the crime I think you're alluding to here.

Author's Response:

I'm sorry, I'm not up on legalese.  I get all my information from crime shows and it just sounded good to me.  Emmett was assaulted and it appeared the intent was to kill?  Does that make sense.  You know I think I'll go back and fix it with what you said.  ABWIK.  Expert advice is always helpful.  Thank you!!!

Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2013 07:47 PM · On: Chapter 6

Oomhh this is getting very interesting I am really enjoying it

Author's Response:

Thank you.  <happy dance>

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2013 06:46 PM · On: Chapter 6

*blinks blinks* Omg that is genius....Gardner Vance being the perpetrator makes perfect sense if he recognized Emmett and his trying to hide his sexuality.

Author's Response:

I thought so.  But then my muse decided to go elsewhere. <sigh>  and added at least two more chapters to this tale.

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 12, 2013 10:23 AM · On: Chapter 6

I can see Gardner and Stockwell together in trying to get Brian out of the way. If Stockwell were to run again for office, Vance may handle his PR. No way would they allow the Citizens for the Truth, meaning Brian to ruin their plans again.

Author's Response:

Good point.  And one I considered though I didn't word it quite so well.

Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 12, 2013 09:22 AM · On: Chapter 6

wow! Gardner, who would have thought to include him? Love how the characters are coming in the mix.

Love it!

Author's Response:

It's a mystery.  Everyone could have done it, but its always the least likely.  Darn have I given it away?

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2013 08:27 AM · On: Chapter 6

awesome story-  can't wait for more updates-  got me on the edge of my seat

Author's Response:

Really!!!  That's so nice.  It means my story is working.  Thank you.

Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2013 08:15 AM · On: Chapter 3

This is an awesome story-  so glad Justin took over and got things moving.  I wonder if Michael and Mel and Linds have anything to do with this-  I'm also hoping that Emmett isn't really hurt- maybe its a ruse.

Author's Response:

I wish Emmett's damages were a ruse, unfortunatly it wasn't.  However he comes out all the better for the experience with addition protection. 

Reviewer: kim136 (Anonymous) · Date: August 12, 2013 08:01 AM · On: Chapter 6

I love this good work kim

Author's Response:

Thanks, its responses like this that make me happy.

Reviewer: Blanca (Signed) · Date: August 11, 2013 07:22 PM · On: Chapter 5

Ohhh so now I understand, silly me...I thought I was the one who got mistake and I did not check also the previous chapter, I was really wondering coz I was reading all the four chapters in one sitting, then suddenly on same day another chapter was up so I went reading the chapter 5 and told myself "ohhhh I I already finished this one" and then I remembered I wasn't able to leave a review, so I went on writing the review right away without checking why I happened to read chapter 5 already...hahaha! At least now it's sorted out, well ...looking forward what will happen next. I am happy to know Emmett is fine, but I was just surprised seeing him in Babylon, I did not even read the part wherein he woke up from the comma, and was able to share to the group what really happened since Brian forgot everything, anyways, as what Doug referred Emmett as the person who has all the answers.

I was thinking that probably Michael has something to do with this dilemma? Just a guess. :) :) :) Waiting for your updates my dear....{{{Hugs}}}

Author's Response:

No, it was I who goofed.  Emmett's fine now but will he stay that way?  Any guess is a good guess.  Thanks for commenting and the hug.  {{{Hugs back}}}

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 11, 2013 12:13 PM · On: Chapter 5

Good chapter, but how long after the trial did they all meet up at Babylon?
Since the culprit hasn't been caught, this ain't over yet.

Author's Response:

Hopefully you've found the answer in chapter 6.  Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn't even thought to put a timeline to it.

Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: August 11, 2013 11:21 AM · On: Chapter 5

I feel really bad about you changing your fic so I haven’t reviewed again because of it; then I decided I can review and I just won’t say anything except I love the story line.  Day and Knight; Kevin Day & Eric Knight; hilarious.  Please; pretty, pretty please, if you don’t write it in this fic then please write another where Emmett is in a three person happy relationship as I would just adore that.  LOL  Thanks for updating regularly.


Author's Response:

I think I may have mislead you there.  When I started posting this story I thought it was finished.  Then I looked it over and didn't like how I had written what would be the last chapter.  So I'm hoping to make it a better story.  You seem to have read my mind about Emmett.  I felt he needed someone, so why not give him two someones.  Glad you like Day and Knight or Knight and Day.  I couldn't resist.  Please don't feel bad!!!

Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: August 11, 2013 08:13 AM · On: Chapter 4

"We're best friends, you don't fuck your friends,"

I like this Doug.

Author's Response:

Thanks!  You never know how a character is going to go over.  Glad you focused on that line - it just seemed like a Michael thing for him to say.

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 11, 2013 12:10 AM · On: Chapter 5

A good chapter.

You have entered Justin's friends in the story brilliantly.

Very good that Brian accepted the help of Justin whit no drama queeen.

I hope for more.

A hug!


Author's Response:

You are so sweet.  Always with something nice to say about every chapter.  Thank you ever so much.

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 10, 2013 10:57 PM · On: Chapter 5

ehm sorry but the chapter 4 is the same of chapter 5 ...

Author's Response:

Stupid mistake on my part.  I guess I should read it after I post. lol.  I've corrected my mistake.  Hope the correct posting makes up for it.

Reviewer: Blanca (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2013 10:44 PM · On: Chapter 5

I love your story, especially this chapter, hahaha!!! I was smiling so much that Judge Roy was under arrest for child pornography! Can't wait for more chapters to come, so curious what really happen to Brian and what made him forget. Update the soonest dear, thanks! {{{Hugs}}}

Author's Response:

<Hides head in hands>  due to an error on my part chapter 4 and 5 are the same.  I've fixed it.  Glad you liked it though.

Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2013 10:39 PM · On: Chapter 5

Sweetie, I think you just posted Ch. 4 again in error (?)  Just an FYI...

Author's Response:

Thanks for catching that.  I usually cut and paste but my browser won't allow that anymore.  Fixed it.  Chapter 5 is up.

Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 10, 2013 09:36 AM · On: Chapter 3

Did I mentioned that I love how in charge Justin is?

Love him!

Author's Response:

Thanks, I hope I can keep him that way, but Brian is still top stud.

Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 10, 2013 09:14 AM · On: Chapter 1

Talk about tenacious Justin! Love Mature Justin!

Author's Response:

He's not a little twink anymore.  Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 10, 2013 07:16 AM · On: Chapter 4

That was on point and beautifully done at the end

Author's Response:

Thank you! 

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2013 06:06 AM · On: Chapter 4

Could someone sew the mouth of Michael?

The lawyers generally prepare their witnesses and apparently the call family was not prepared to curb his tongue and only helped to undermine the status of Brian.

Eager for more.

A hug!Fatima.

Author's Response:

Could anyone ever curb Mikey's tongue?  It seems to run without his brain being in gear.  LOL.

Reviewer: Donna (Anonymous) · Date: August 10, 2013 05:48 AM · On: Chapter 4

This fic is like the best Swiss chocolate...sweet goodness. Please don't kill off Emmett! Michael is hiding something but what? Brian&Justin shower sex was hot hot hot. Please reunite our guys! More please....soon.

Author's Response:

Swiss chocolate!!  That is the highest of praise.  I would never kill off Emmett, as for the rest you'll have to wait and see.  Glad you like the shower scene.  Thanks for reading and giving such a lovely comment.

Reviewer: IcedCupcake (Signed) · Date: August 10, 2013 12:56 AM · On: Chapter 4

Yikes!  Well...At least the judge is out of there, but things are NOT looking good for Brian.  Apparently the who's who of gay Pittsburgh is also the who's who of Brian's enemies.  Even his own, loving, family can't seem to help him.  I think I'll have a lot to catch up on when I get back.  :)

Author's Response:

Have a happy and wonderful honeymoon!  Do stay safe, we want you back to write another brilliant story.

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 10, 2013 12:14 AM · On: Chapter 4

If you are going to write an anti-Michael story, then you should lable it as such.

Author's Response:

Ouch.  That hurts. 

Reviewer: Anno53 (Anonymous) · Date: August 09, 2013 10:24 PM · On: Chapter 1

This is a great story ... I'm loving take charge Justin!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  This makes my day.

Reviewer: Dioramanya (Anonymous) · Date: August 09, 2013 10:17 PM · On: Chapter 4

Does Doug is behind Judge Roy's arrest ? I mean, did he create false accusations or did he really find out after investigated the Judge ? It is strange that he allowed the FBI to interrupt the hearing when no improvement is made in Brian's favor.

Author's Response:

Doug wouldn't do anything like that.  He had the Judge investigated and lookee what they found. hehe.  That means a new judge and more time to mount a winning defense.

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 09, 2013 10:02 PM · On: Chapter 4

Oh now this is interesting, regular Roy being arrested for child porn...how did this come about?

Author's Response:

I thought it would be amusing to have Roy found doing something deviant for a change.  : )

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 09, 2013 05:30 AM · On: Chapter 3

Well, let's see how far I'm understanding ...

Emmet was attacked by someone with a bat baseboll. Brian witnessed the attack and went into shock, remembering the attack on Justin. Now, Brian has memory lapses and confusion. The family believes that Brian really attacked Emmet. Brian stuck beyond what is necessary, apparently deliberately. The case ended up in the hands of a judge notoriously homophobic. I'm able to keep up?

Now my assumptions: Who attacked Brian Emmet was aimed at recreating a traumatic event he had ever lived. Brian got stuck for so long that it can not defend itself properly. Brian is the victim of a vendetta. If the police and justice system are being handled, the one with the power to do so is Stockwell.

Brian was drugged while imprisoned?

Someone in the family is involved? At least apparently, Michael was used to injure Brian.

The best moments of chapter was the fall of the towel and Brian and Justin making out on the couch and almost having sex in front of Ted and Doug.

Eager for more.

A big hug!


Author's Response:

lol.  So many questions.  You've pretty much got it, though maybe the family doesn't so much believe that Brian did it as having a hard time getting past the facts.  Brian was not drug, he just couldn't believe all that was happening and went to a place were it wasn't.  Answers to everything else will come in later chapters.  Glad you liked the towel.  : O

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 09, 2013 04:55 AM · On: Chapter 3

okay so something is seriously wrong with Brian....he is displaying signs of dementia on some level. Why can't he remember the last three weeks or Emmett getting hurt for that matter. Furthermore why would the family think that he would hurt him in such a vicious way?....who the hell is trying to set our beautiful brunet up?

Author's Response:

Now that Brian's free he should get back to normal fairly fast.  I don't think that the family really believes that Brian did such a thing, but the evidence all points to it.  Any other questions will hopefully be answered in later chapters.  Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Dioramanya (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2013 09:41 PM · On: Chapter 3

I'm crying of frustration right now !! I thought they were making progress and, and... you make more problems. Don't be so hard on Brian. You saved this chapter with Brian dropping the towel :DA bientôt !

Author's Response:

I share in your frustration.  Just when I think I've figured out who done it, I get an idea that changes it.  As for the towel, it seemed like a Kinney thing to do.  ; 0

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2013 08:35 PM · On: Chapter 3

Seems like the boys are going to make sure another gay basher doesn't get off Scott free.
Em was attacked by someone with a baseball bat. Brian found him lying there, the bloody bat next to his body. Brian saw the blood, the bat, and the body and went catatonic. He saw Justin lying in the parking garage.
Someone is setting him up royally. I feel bad Em had to be the scapegoat.

Author's Response:

Funny you should use that phrase.  Scott free.  You've got all the major points perfectly, but was Em really a scapegoat?  Is Brian really being set up?

Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2013 08:27 PM · On: Chapter 3

Ahhhh. The plot thickens. What have they been giving Brian while he was in jail?

Author's Response:

Best guess, he was in shock and not thinking straight?  How does that sound.

Reviewer: XPO787 (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2013 01:32 PM · On: Chapter 2

That's a promising story. I'd love to read more. Thank you so far. :)

Author's Response:

You are very much welcomed so far.  : >

Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2013 11:46 AM · On: Chapter 2

I absolutely love, a take charge Justin.  OMG I am loving the way you are writing him.  A smart business savvy Justin who hasn't been pining over Brian; however, he is going to be Brian's rock when he needs him most.  Please keep it coming as quick as you can as I need more of this B/J world.  I'm also looking forward to Justin dealing with Michael once things settle down for Brian. 


Author's Response:

Thanks, I like a take charge Justin too.  I would really like Justin to light into Michael, but I'm trying to hold back.  I had this all written, then I reread the last chapter now I'm rapidly trying for unpredictable and mysterious.  <grin>

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2013 09:32 AM · On: Chapter 2

Great chapter. Brian was so glad he was there for him. So much for his bestest friend and his surrogate mother. I don't blame Justin for not calling them back or wanting them yo know Brian's out of jail.
Need the background story of how he got there and what exactly happened to Em.

Author's Response:

You'll get the backstory in future chapters.  Justin has a lot on his plate right now, but as you will see he has some new friends that will help watch his back.

Reviewer: Donna (Anonymous) · Date: August 08, 2013 06:59 AM · On: Chapter 2

Oh my words!!! This one started with a bang and just got better and better! Please update soon!

Author's Response:

Tomorrow, I promise.  Thanks for the lovely words, it makes my day.

Reviewer: IcedCupcake (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2013 04:01 AM · On: Chapter 2

I like this change of pace.  Most fics, mine included, usually have Brian rescuing Justin.  It's time for Justin to be the hero.  I look forward to more.  :)

Author's Response:

It's because Brian does such a good job of rescuing the little blond twink that stories are written.  Justin's no wimp though, he was bound to get his chance to be in charge. : P

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2013 02:45 AM · On: Chapter 2

Great update! Very good that it has come so fast.

I love to see Justin takingcare f Brian. Eager to know what happened to Brian of prision. What will be the reaction of Brian to learn that Justin took the reins and solved the problems in Kinnetik. Stockwell???? Another bet!

Emmet eager to wake up from a coma and clarify the situation.

A big hug!


Author's Response:

Answers to all your questions will be in future chapters.  Emmett plays a huge part.  Thanks for the hug <hugs back>

Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 08, 2013 01:00 AM · On: Chapter 2

Hmmmm......Very curious indeed, I can't wait to learn more about what landed Brian in jail and why they left him there for three weeks.

Author's Response:

I know it's hard to understand how they could do such a thing, but stranger things have happened. : )

Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2013 11:27 PM · On: Chapter 2

Another excellent fast paced chapter!

Author's Response:

Hopefully I can keep it up. Thanks for leaving a comment.

Reviewer: kim136 (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2013 09:10 PM · On: Chapter 2

thanks this is good update soon kim

Author's Response:

Thanks, I really appreciate your words.

Reviewer: Dioramanya (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2013 08:50 PM · On: Chapter 2

I was so happy to see a new chapter so fast. Thanks ! If it's always like that, I will be a good girl and wait for the story to go at your own pace and not go crazy by harassed you with a lot of questions. There are just two chapters but I really enjoy it. And I don't even know what really happened between Emmett and Brian yet. Is it an accident ? A set up ? Stockwell's revenge ? Whaaaaat ?

Author's Response:

I promise that all will be explained in future chapters. 

Reviewer: linda (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2013 03:21 PM · On: Chapter 1

Love this beginning. Justin will prevail after some work on his part. This is going to be a great one. Mikey, no doubt, is at the crux of the problem as usual.. Can't wait for updates.

Author's Response:

Mikey being Mikey is always in the middle  or is he?

Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2013 11:48 AM · On: Chapter 1

Great premise.  I love original ideas.  I hope Brian was trying to protect Emmett, however, even if Emmett wakes up soon he might not remember what happened either.  Do I smell Stockwell behind Brian's misfortune?   I’m so glad you are going to update daily.  I can’t wait as here it is the 7th already so I want my promised update.  LOL. 


Author's Response:

Have you snuck a peek at my hard drive?  Looks like my last chapter needs revisioning.  LOL.

Reviewer: Mike M (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2013 08:23 AM · On: Chapter 1

I love it and can not wait to read more.

Author's Response:

Those are words every author loves to hear.  Thank you.

Reviewer: taurus 1958 (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2013 07:09 AM · On: Chapter 1

All I can say is  " Ya go boy ".  Love it

Author's Response:

Glad you like it. <big grin>

Reviewer: kim136 (Anonymous) · Date: August 07, 2013 06:59 AM · On: Chapter 1

do leave us hanging it's great update soon kim

Author's Response:

It's sooo hard to find a good part to stop. <sigh>  Thanks muchly for commenting.

Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2013 03:39 AM · On: Chapter 1

Great start! It's great to see a story where Justin takes over and does all it can to help Brian.

Like this Justin strong and taking care of the situation. It's vey hot!

I hope Justin and Brian reunite and return in their relationship.

I believe there is some intention behind this situation to commit Brian. Craig? Ethan? Brandon? Hobbs? His nephew John? Well, some are betting.

As for Michael... It's just him being himseff. Just gets a little difficult to excuse Mel. I like her, but I understand that their behavior serves to suit the situations of the story.

Great story! Eager for more!

Sorry for any error, use Google Translator to write.

A big hug!



Author's Response:

Yeah, the number of suspects mounts.  Your English is great!  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: NoChaser (Signed) · Date: August 07, 2013 01:09 AM · On: Chapter 1

Oh, what a mess! And I love these messes...

Great story beginning. Can't wait to see more.

(And god, Michael is just so... so... grrrrrrrrr)


Author's Response:

Yes, he is isn't he.  And he never seems to realize it.  lol.  Thanks a bunch for commenting.

Reviewer: Dioramanya (Anonymous) · Date: August 06, 2013 10:59 PM · On: Chapter 1

I just love how Justin handles all this mess BUT I have to say I'm frustrate how he keeps his mouth shut after all the shit Michael did. I know it won't help Brian out of jail but it would put Mickey in his place, make him and everyone else know how stupid and useless he is. Dealing with getting Brian out of jail, keeping Kinnetik out of the water and his job/life in NY. Justin doesn't have time to fix Michael's screwed up. I really hope Justin, Ted, Cynthia and the lawer won't reveal anything to Michael, Deb or Ben since they doesn't want to help Brian. I say want and not can because Michael still has his parental right on JR, so Mel can't really threats him. She can't use being associate to Brian because Brian is her other child's father.I'm curious, how come Ted had wait so long to call Justin ? I would think he became Brian's best friend instead of Michael. Melanie may have been his friend but it was Brian who was there for him when needed.I'm glad you didn't put Justin in a relationship. I'm not brave enough to see them with anyone else. Ethan was the biggest mistake of the entire show. Well, there is also Michael being Michael ;P

Author's Response:

Justin's always kind of kept his mouth shut about Michael and I didn't want to antaginize Mikey too quickly.  Actually Ben and Deb would probably help if they could, but Michael while may have parental rights it wouldn't stop Mel from making threats or Michael from beleiving her.  Teddy, on the other hand, may have assumed Michael had called Justin much earlier then he did, was in shock over Em's being in a coma, and had to deal with the effects of the arrest on Kinnetik.  So I'm thinking he had fairly good reasons.  Good questions all around.  Thank you.

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2013 10:45 PM · On: Chapter 1

Poor Emmett... I don't believe Brian did it!  Justin to the rescue, indeed!  And Mel - gurl, don't get me started.

This is a great start, looking forward to more!

All the best,


Author's Response:

Of course he didn't.  But who did?  I'm sorry about Mel but I needed a reason why Brian wasn't able to post bail and she drew the short straw.  lol.

Reviewer: nena (Anonymous) · Date: August 06, 2013 10:13 PM · On: Chapter 1

Really intresting first chapter.....waiting for more!!!


oh, btw, how hot is J in business mode?????

Author's Response:

I wish I could have found a recent pic of Justin all decked out.  That would have been way cool.  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: August 06, 2013 09:51 PM · On: Chapter 1

So, right now it seems that Brian's extended stay in jail is 1) due to Michael's big mouth and 2) fear of Melanie. What a crock.
Ted, standing beside Brian especially when Em's in a coma.
Justin getting straight to work clearing up this mess. Good friend that Michael. The "nearest"

Author's Response:

I debated  putting anti-Michael on this, but really, unless I'm totally off base, it always seemed to me that Michael never really thought about what he did or said.  Ted I think understands Brian better and I felt he wouldn't believe for a moment that Brian assualted Em.  Believe me, trying to come up with a good reason why Brian was still in jail was difficult.  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2013 09:48 PM · On: Chapter 1

"This story is complete and will be posted daily."


Author's Response:

It was kinda in the small print.  LOL

Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2013 09:45 PM · On: Chapter 1

This story hits the floor running from the very beginning.

Please update soon.

Author's Response:

I'm glad to here that.  I hope to keep that going throughout the story.  Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: tif. (Anonymous) · Date: August 06, 2013 09:39 PM · On: Chapter 1

oh no EM! poor Brian. nice to see a diffrent reason for justin returning from NY, interesting storie so far. update soon:)

Author's Response:

I came up with the title and then had to come up with a reasonable reason for Justin to come back.  The story behind what happened to Em is really tragic and a mystery.  Thanks for reviewing.

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