Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2021 08:03 PM · On: Epilogue
read it again.still do no tfee lsorry for Lindsey
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2021 08:03 PM · On: Epilogue
read it again.still do no tfee lsorry for Lindsey
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2021 08:03 PM · On: Epilogue
read it again.still do no tfee lsorry for Lindsey
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: January 18, 2021 08:03 PM · On: Epilogue
read it again.still do no tfee lsorry for Lindsey
Reviewer: keykoles77 (Signed) · Date: May 11, 2019 03:43 PM · On: Epilogue
Love, love, loved this!!d84;d84;d84;d84;
Reviewer: dzmom (Signed) · Date: December 31, 2018 03:26 PM · On: Epilogue
I’ve read this story so many times and it’s like an old friend that you rediscover but it’s also like a new friend that you are just getting to know. I have read the story by listening to the songs you have listed on repeat and I’ve just read the story with the song Turning Page on repeat and the song and story compliment each other perfectly. I love your writing and the depth of your characters and the emotions you are able to convey.
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 11, 2018 09:40 PM · On: Epilogue
Loved it
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 11, 2018 09:33 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Not surprised that Justin took of again, he famous for that. He is so selfish
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 11, 2018 07:51 PM · On: I'd Die Without You
Is about time Lindsey gets out, darn mucher
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 11, 2018 07:51 PM · On: I'd Die Without You
Is about time Lindsey gets out, darn mucher
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 11, 2018 04:16 PM · On: Nobody's Fault But My Own
I never liked Linsey and I do not feel sorry for her now. brian should get rid of her. The never should met and all would be better.
Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 10, 2018 06:59 PM · On: Black and Blue
I do not blame brian not trusting Justin, he took off a few times to many
Reviewer: Juditka (Signed) · Date: August 31, 2018 12:30 PM · On: Epilogue
This story also liked me very much. You are an excellent writer. I'm happy to have read these. Thank you very much for all your beautiful stories. <br />
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: June 14, 2018 08:09 PM · On: Epilogue
I just found and read the story - all in about 2 days. It was very emotional and I loved that Brian and Justin got their happily ever ever with each other, and Lindsay starting over with her life as well.
Reviewer: Galesgal (Signed) · Date: January 14, 2017 08:45 AM · On: Sanctuary
poor broken brian. i love it.
Reviewer: Suse (Anonymous) · Date: January 11, 2017 10:09 PM · On: Epilogue
just finished rereading this lovely story. A sequel would be awesome. Nice work. Loved the progression of Brian. Very well thought out.
Reviewer: xJustSayingx (Signed) · Date: January 06, 2017 11:16 PM · On: Epilogue
It took me about a week to read this story and it was such an emotional journey. It's really one of the best fanfictions I've ever read, it made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Furthermore, the story showed that even after the worst experiences and horrible moments life will get better again. The ending made me so happy. I wish they would make a film of this as a Queer as Folk Sequel. Thank you for writing this beautiful story! :)
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: January 04, 2017 05:22 PM · On: Prologue
Great story, happy to revisit your story!!! Bill
Reviewer: SunshineSally (Signed) · Date: December 06, 2015 01:20 AM · On: Black and Blue
Reviewer: SunshineSally (Signed) · Date: December 05, 2015 05:47 AM · On: Delicate Things
Reviewer: SunshineSally (Signed) · Date: December 05, 2015 05:32 AM · On: Prologue
Wow, how have I never read this before?
Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: September 15, 2015 05:51 AM · On: Epilogue
Lindsay's perspective and happiness for Brian and Justin makes a very satisfying epilogue. As you mention, it bookends your story perfectly.
I know I'll revisit this story in the future. It's definitely a favorite. Thank you!
Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: September 14, 2015 12:23 AM · On: Naked Love
Beautiful. (That's the only word that's needed to described this chapter.)
I almost cried myself over Brian getting so in touch with his own emotions and accepting his love for Justin. Brian's heart expanding made me think of the Grinch, although Brian was always very generous toward his friend. :)
Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: September 13, 2015 10:46 PM · On: Oh Happy Day
What a wonderful, feel-good ending to this chapter! And the meaningfulinsight into Lindsay's emotions--and continuing devastation without Melanie.
Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: September 13, 2015 08:44 PM · On: Nobody's Fault But My Own
I'm so impressed with how you relayed Lindsay's feelings/guilt about how she encouraged Justin to go to New Yok; how she wanted to live vicariously through Justin; how she contributed to Brian and Justin separating--and, especially, how she tried to make amends.
While I might like to see Brian's personal growth move more rapidly, ths story feels like a natural progression and self-understanding on Brian's part. Emotionaaly wrenching and satisfying for me as a reader.
Reviewer: gotb30 (Signed) · Date: August 15, 2015 02:06 AM · On: Prologue
Directed here from Getithere, I'm glad to discover this intriguing story.
Reviewer: Tagsit (Anonymous) · Date: October 08, 2014 10:01 PM · On: Epilogue
Truly a great story. I read it before, while you were writing, but re-reading it now as a whole helped me see it better and I was even more impressed. Great writing, wonderfully perceptive as to Brian's emotions and inner struggle and enjoyable all at the same time. Thanks for writing. TAG.
Author's Response: Aw!! Thanks for the reread, and the comment! I'm glad to hear the story holds up to a reread, and as a whole!
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: September 26, 2013 10:09 PM · On: Epilogue
I've been reading this story for the past week and I loved it. I enjoyed the journey of growth for all the characters and was sorry to see it end. Can't wait to see what you have in store next.
Author's Response: I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading and for letting me know, and I hope to have a new fic started soon - at least before the end of the year :D
Reviewer: MAFITA (Signed) · Date: September 22, 2013 12:32 PM · On: Epilogue
I really loved this! :D It took me a long time to finish it, but I finally did! ^-^ Anyway, the JR situation (aka the fight between Lindsay, Michael and Brian over JR) frustrated me for a while, but I'm very happy with the arrangement they had.... It was refreshing to read the story almost entirely from Brian's perspective. Anyway, congrats on an excellent story! Hope to read you soon in another one! ^-^ Kisses!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it :)
Reviewer: Curious George (Signed) · Date: September 04, 2013 10:07 PM · On: Prologue
This was a deliciously long read which reminded me of some of the 'classic' QAF fic from years past. What an unexpected treat! Very well done, indeed! :-)
Author's Response: Thank you for reading! And for the compliment! I've read some 'classic' QAF fic, and it's really, really great stuff - I'm honored to be compared to it :)
Reviewer: chandrika (Anonymous) · Date: September 04, 2013 03:54 AM · On: Prologue
thank you for sharing this wonderful story
Author's Response: thank you for reading!
Reviewer: 4depthoflove (Signed) · Date: September 02, 2013 09:08 PM · On: Epilogue
read this whole story this week - and I have got to say that I really loved the evolution of Brian - so many stories (including my own) don't allow for the natural pace you have here - our man going from the self centered terrified of love Brian we are familiar with - and through time and experience and life situation...becoming the Brian we all yearned for...the one who openly loves his man!
The use of other characters here was superb as well, including wheel chair bound/grief stricken Linds - each one opening Brian's eyes to what he was willing = or not willing as the case may be - to give up by holding on to his walls.
love this story - really really well done - thanks
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed Brian's slow growth. I grew impatient myself, as the writer, wanting him to get to where he needed to be faster, but I knew it wouldn't be realistic so I forced myself to take it slow. I do think it paid off in the end!
Thank you so much for reading! I truly appreciate it! :)
Reviewer: Valetta (Anonymous) · Date: September 02, 2013 04:13 PM · On: Prologue
The only negative comment I can't make about this is that it is finished :(
I really liked this story, but I like all you stories in general, you write beautifully and your plots are always interestinf and original!
I hope you'll post something new soon (I know, I'm demanding :P).
Thanks a lot for this story!
Author's Response: :)
Thank you for reading, and thank you for the lovely compliments.
I do have another fic I'm outlining and planning, just not sure when I'll get around to writing/posting. Hopefully in the next few months!
Thank you so much for reading!
Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 31, 2013 07:59 AM · On: Epilogue
A magnificent piece of work!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! :)
Reviewer: Hotesse (Signed) · Date: August 31, 2013 05:12 AM · On: Epilogue
I want to thank you for this wonderful story. It was such a joy to read... well hard at times... but amazing overall. I'll give it a few days to settle in my mind and then I'll read those of your other stories that I still haven't read. Looking forward to you your future work. xoxo
Author's Response: Thank you for the comment, it makes me very happy to know you enjoyed it!
I hope you enjoy the others as well :D
Reviewer: ME (Anonymous) · Date: August 31, 2013 02:33 AM · On: Prologue
This story reminded me of this song I just heard for the first time.
Peter Cetera's "Have you ever been in love?"
I know Randy is a singer in RL. I would love to see a story where Justin sings this to Brian in a story. Would be fun to read.
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 30, 2013 08:21 PM · On: Epilogue
First of all: THANK YOU so much for this amazing story !!! I enjoyed this journey from the very beginning to the end. Your writing is excellent, I loved those long, detailed chapters, the slow pace, descriping their emotions, struggles and development, always believable and totally in character. Certainly one of the best BJ-stories I've ever read! Very well done!!
For some weeks, this story was like some kind of good friend to me, always looking forward to the next part - I'm going to miss it!
So thanks again, and take care :)
... and I love this picture of Brian and Justin, it's one of my favorites, too!
Author's Response: thank you for all your comments, and thank you for the compliments! I tried really hard with this story, and I really feel like I succeeded in what I set out to do :)
Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 30, 2013 09:12 AM · On: Epilogue
This story was so beautiful and so moving. I'm sorry it's over.
A great story. Thank you for providing this journey so emotional and intense.
Your epilogue, showing Lindsay lying again and ready to start his life after everything went perfect for a perfect story.
Congratulations on the blue ribbon. It is very well-deserved!
A big hug!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for the comment and the compliments!
hugs to you!
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 30, 2013 04:20 AM · On: Epilogue
Just wonderful thank you
Author's Response: Thank you!!! :)
Reviewer: IcedCupcake (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2013 11:20 PM · On: Epilogue
Hmmm, it's always bitter sweet when such a good story comes to an end; and what a roller coster this one was! There were times when I just wanted to throw my computer at the wall, or hug it close and pray they would be alright. Heck, there were times when I legitimately thought Justin should just give up and leave Brian alone...But you did a marvelous job of reminding the boys of why they love and need each other, and brought them through some hard times together. Great job!!! <3
Author's Response: haha! I know there were some tough chapters! they were hard to write, believe me! But so worth it in the end. Thanks for sticking with it, and thanks for reading!!!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2013 08:38 PM · On: Epilogue
Thank you for allowing us to follow you on this trip. I enjoyed every moment.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm very glad to hear it! :D
Reviewer: britinified (Anonymous) · Date: August 29, 2013 08:08 PM · On: Epilogue
So sad it's over. but.... I did enjoy it. thanks!! -b
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading! Happy to hear you enjoyed it! :D
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2013 07:27 PM · On: Epilogue
First let me say congrats on the blue ribbon it is so well deserved :D
I like how you ended things here on a very happy note with the whole family spending time together. I can't wait for your next project.
Author's Response: thank you very much! I have another fic in development, not sure when I'll get to it but it should prove to be another angsty journey! :)
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2013 05:57 PM · On: Epilogue
This was a lovely, detailed, thoughtful story. I feel like I was on this journey with them, which I feel is the mark of an excellent writer. Thank you for sharing this story with us. *Hugs* ~Kim
Author's Response: Thank you for reading! It was definitely a journey!
I'm not sure who gifted me the blue ribbon but since I know you're an admin I'll thank you for it :)
Reviewer: mokuwahine (Anonymous) · Date: August 29, 2013 01:28 PM · On: Epilogue
I would like to thank you for the wonderful journey you took us on. This story was so moving and had a little bit of everything in it while still keeping the characters consistent with canon. I hope to read more of your stories in the future,
Author's Response: thank you very much for the comment, and for reading! I had a good time (mostly) writing this :)
Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 29, 2013 04:29 AM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Great chapter!
This is one of the stories more reflective and well written I've ever read. You were able to make very clear growth path of Brian.
It was very noticeable the ripening process by which s Brian spent making a better father, a great friend and loving partner and reliable so that Justin deserved.
Loved each chapter and each line of this journey.
A big hug!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 28, 2013 08:24 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Another wonderful and - thankfully - long chapter showing Brian's development and the depth of Brian's and Justin's love and relationship. Very satisfying conclusion, I'm curious what you have in mind for the epilogue!
.... and then have a wonderful vacation :)
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: August 28, 2013 04:10 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
OMG so good and I will miss this story I am looking forward to the epilogue
Reviewer: Bryton4ever71 (Signed) · Date: August 28, 2013 12:45 AM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Wow, thiswas a very amazing story, so very in depth. I really enjoyed it. I don t really have any critiques which is why I didn't comment on every chapter. Everything flowed very nicely. Good job!
Reviewer: Katja (Anonymous) · Date: August 27, 2013 11:49 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Wow, what a chapter! I loved it, I love how beautiful and realistical your writing is. Thanks!
Reviewer: reiselust161 (Signed) · Date: August 27, 2013 11:37 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Just to let you know, this is one of the bestest stories I have read so far here on this site. I love your total insightfulness of the BJ relationship and the depth of description of feelings and occasions. Keep on the good work and soooooo sorry to see this story end!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 27, 2013 09:02 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Boy this story has come a long way. Christmas this year was really grand. Actually it was more then that, but words fail me. The studio was a big hit. Going to Italy was a dream come true and Brian and Justin weathered it just fine. I will be sorry to see this story end.
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 27, 2013 08:09 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
Rushed or not my friend this was a great chapter. I was very pleasantly pleased that Justin was unwilling to give up on his and Brian's relationship even though his star is on the ascent
Reviewer: Sasha (Anonymous) · Date: August 27, 2013 01:51 PM · On: Save The Last Dance For Me, Part II
My God, this story is fantastic! I will miss it so much, I'm glad there is still epilogue! Thank you!
Reviewer: Anno53 (Anonymous) · Date: August 24, 2013 11:18 PM · On: Prologue
I'm sorry to see the last chapter. I'm glad Brian told Justin about the nightmares. I think he should have told Justin more but maybe that needs to be reserved for the shrink.
Reviewer: Jane (Anonymous) · Date: August 20, 2013 09:13 AM · On: I'd Die Without You
OMG - I'll have to join Brian in therapy once this over..this chapter was quite an emotional read! Great writing- I mean, great story-telling!!!!
Author's Response: Yes, it was quite the emotional roller coaster! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I'm very happy to know you've enjoyed this tale :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 19, 2013 05:38 PM · On: I'd Die Without You
"This is Brian's journey ..." - so true the more this story proceeds. Excellent description of Brian's long-termed struggle with his suppressed emotions. Now that he's stopped his usual pain-management, everything comes to the surface. Will he be able to accept help, will he be able to talk to Justin about his nightmares?
Of course Lindsay needs help too to deal with her grief and her situation. Bit it's a good sign she's making plans for her future!
Christmas in New York - well that sonds absolutely terrific! I'm eagerly waiting for your next part :) Did I ever mention that I enjoy this story very much ... :)
Author's Response: As someone who would rather bury emotions than feel them, I can relate to Brian a little bit, though I don't quite manage my pain as he has in the past! :)
Everyone needs to seek help and they all deserve some reprieve! Let's hope a trip to New York gives them all that!
Thank you for reading and commenting, I've appreciated it through this whole journey :D
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 19, 2013 10:15 AM · On: I'd Die Without You
excellent chapter- I hope Brian decides to go to therapy-
Author's Response: Thank you! you and me both! ;)
Thanks for reading!!!
Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 19, 2013 09:50 AM · On: I'd Die Without You
Great chapter! So many things happening. I really admire how you are able to go by opening multiple situations without losing the reference point. This story is magnificent and I am in love with her. A big hug! Fatima.
Author's Response: Thank you for the lovely compliment! I like trying to weave several different plots and stories into one larger story - it's a lot of fun!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I'm happy to know you are enjoying the story :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 08:15 AM · On: I'd Die Without You
Brian seems okay for now, but he really needs to let all his hang ups out. Perhaps if he discussed it with Justin and got help making the decision of which doctor to use? Lindsay moving out, wow. At least they'll have time to adjust. I'm asumming that the bad news that she's not improving will mean no more Jesse? The holidays in New York and Brian has rented a house. That is going to be so fun. So much has happened in this chapter and I look forward to reading more.
Author's Response: Yes, the big question is can Brian let go of all the built up guilt from the last 5 or so years? That would do wonders for making things easier! We shall see...! :)
Yep - no more Jesse. Yay!
Christmas in New York - so fun! I hope the final chapter lives up to it :D
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! :)
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 18, 2013 08:05 AM · On: I'd Die Without You
Wow.....where do I start? I think Brian should really heed marty's advice seek professional help to work through his underlying issues so that he can better care for himself as well as his loved ones. Justin, Justin, Justin.....he needs to understand that he can't keep establishing rules and breaking them. Trying to give Brian an out because he was feeling guilty was a little selfish, luckily things worked out. Poor Lindsay...I hope that she too will consider talking to someone to help her deal with Mel's death.
Author's Response: Brian is so stubborn! I hope he heeds Marty's advice too, but that remains to be seen! Justin seems to always be the one to "break the rules", doesn't he? At least Brian knows this time it was not on purpose!
Lindsay is certianly having a rough time! Poor thing!
Thank you for reading and commenting!! :)
Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 18, 2013 06:49 AM · On: I'd Die Without You
I hope Brian deals with his many issuses - its a lot and very traumatic experiences. Maybe he needs Justin there with him to deal with it.
Always loved this particular fic.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading! Brian does indeed need to get some help - the question is will he allow anyone to help him! :)
Reviewer: nicolle_midnight2013 (Signed) · Date: August 16, 2013 07:13 AM · On: Silent Lucidity
I started reading your story and could not stop. It's so beautiful the growth process of Brian before all the situations that you created and how has your relationship with Justin. What I like most about your story is that you can resolve the issues and put new situations keeping us stuck to the story and wanting more. I'm so glad I waited to read your story. When I first saw it, I knew it was wonderful and that I needed more time to better enjoy it. Now I have this time and I'm loving it. Eager for updates. A big hug! Fatima.
Author's Response: Oh thank you so much for your lovely compliments! I'm very happy to hear it reads well all at one time! :)
I should have an tomorrow at the latest!
thank you again for reading and commenting! I really appreciate it!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 13, 2013 09:52 PM · On: Silent Lucidity
Certainly there are a lot of unresolved issues in Brian's subconscious, he always was a master of suppression. Maybe they now come out in his nightmares, after he has changed so much and is able to show his emotions and talk about them. Will he be ready to talk to somebody, maybe Marty?
Jesse has to be fired - immediatly !!
Hopefully everything will be ok with Justin's manager and the show.
Only two more chapters ??? - too bad, sniff, sniff :(
Author's Response: Brian definitely has a lot of unresolved issues - which are all coming to a head...
And don't worry, Jesse won't be lingering around much longer!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! It's greatly appreciated :D
Reviewer: Patya (Anonymous) · Date: August 12, 2013 07:01 PM · On: Silent Lucidity
Will there be a sequence? I like so much this story...
Author's Response: Do you mean a sequel? Probably not, sad to say! Unless I get struck by another story idea.
Thanks for reading, I'm so happy to know you are enjoying the story! :)
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2013 06:29 PM · On: Silent Lucidity
Why do I all of a sudden have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.....I hope Lindsay isn't about to do what I think she's about to do. As for Jesse, why doesn't the prick take a hint and back off, Brian does not want him and he has made it more than clear.
Author's Response: Lindsay is sad and lonely, but I think having Brian and Gus will help her a lot... :)
Jesse won't be an issue much longer, so that's good news!
Thank you for continuing to read and comment! I appreciate it!
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: August 12, 2013 04:38 AM · On: Silent Lucidity
Only two chapters- Brian needs to talk to Marty and figure out what is going on. I love that he is able to talk to Justin and tell him about Jesse but I hate that Jesse keeps trying. Ugh Can't wait for more.
Author's Response: :) You're getting ahead of me! haha! Yeah, Brian needs some help - and as for Jesse, well, he's not going to be a problem for much longer.
Thank you for reading and commenting, again! :)
Reviewer: Katja (Anonymous) · Date: August 12, 2013 12:08 AM · On: Silent Lucidity
I really really HATE Jesse! I hope Brian'll finally deal with him!
Love this story, can't believe it's almost finished. Would be glad to read it from the beginning again! Thanks!
Author's Response: Don't worry, Jesse won't be around much longer at all!
Thank you for reading and commenting - I can hardly believe it's almost over myself! :)
Reviewer: himawari29 (Signed) · Date: August 11, 2013 11:34 AM · On: Silent Lucidity
I'm begging you again. please.. please.. please let Brian terminate Jesse and hire new PT for Lindsay.. and cut Jesse out from their life for good!! I really hate him very, very, very much..
and I know for sure, the new villain in Rage will be based on Jesse character, right? and also I think the nightmares were caused of Justin's uncomfortable with Jesse around. so, please get rid of him, immediately!
I just wonder about the potrait of Brian? you didn't mention it in this chapter, whether Brian likes it or not, and what he /Justin's going to do with that potrait
Author's Response: Jesse won't be around much longer - I can tell you that much :)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: August 11, 2013 11:22 AM · On: Silent Lucidity
love it!
Author's Response: thanks for reading! I appreciate the comment! :)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: August 11, 2013 10:43 AM · On: Silent Lucidity
I'm really about those nightmares. What are they trying to tell Brian? Looks to me like Jesse's days are numbered. Now about the new Rage villian ... when will they tell Brian? It's not nice to keep it a secret from him. I can't believe that there is only two more chapters and an epilogue left. I don't want it to end.
Author's Response: Jesse won't be around for much longer, that's certainly true!
Thanks for commenting and reading! I hope, though you don't want it to end, that you are still left satisfied when it does. :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 06, 2013 04:40 PM · On: Wonderful Life
Oh come on, Brian, you old pessimist, you finally have to let go of your fears and insecurities! Justin's top priority is to be with you, you have to trust his decisions!
Lovely chapter, this "Wonderful Life", after all those angsty and difficult ones ... Hope you continue this course :)
Do you think Brian will ever have the opportunity to realize his dream about living in New York? Maybe you have something in your mind like: Five years later .......
Have a good week, too. ;)
Author's Response: I think Brian will always want to try and take care of Justin - including making his decisions! But the fact that he doesn't follow through on that impulse is huge for him. Our little guy is finally growing up!
I definitely think Brian will make it to New York - though not sure I'll explore that in this fic. We shall see what happens! :D
Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
Reviewer: NoChaser (Signed) · Date: August 06, 2013 11:11 AM · On: Wonderful Life
Whew. You had me sweating bullets for a moment - I thought Brian was going to pull another cliff dive for Justin. So glad he didn't. Boy, has he grown up! :)
Great chapter.
Author's Response: Yes, Brian is finally growing up! What a wonderful sight it is! :)
Thank you for reading and commenting! I appreciate it so much! :D
Reviewer: jodie (Anonymous) · Date: August 05, 2013 11:08 PM · On: Wonderful Life
I have loved this story so much, its one i could read over and over. cant wait to read what you write next.
Author's Response: That's so sweet of you to say, thank you! :D
And thank you for reading and commenting! I do have a few other fic ideas rattling around in my head so we'll see what comes next :)
Reviewer: Katja (Anonymous) · Date: August 05, 2013 10:01 PM · On: Wonderful Life
I loved this chapter, it was so great and soul-wrenching as usual. The story is fantastic! I hope that Brian finally LEARNS his lesson and will stop pushing Justin away. I honestly don't know if I could live with someone who I know can push me off the cliff any minute. This must be so difficult. Thank you!
Author's Response: I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapter. :) Brian is so stubborn, but he's still slowly learning that he can't dictate everyone else's lives!
Thank you for reading and commenting!! :)
Reviewer: Patya (Anonymous) · Date: August 05, 2013 07:55 PM · On: Wonderful Life
Please dont separate them again!
Author's Response: :)
thank you for reading and commenting!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: August 05, 2013 05:33 PM · On: Wonderful Life
Whew.....I thought for a moment there that Justin was about to make another big exit out of Brian's life. I'm glad that he stood his ground and didn't allow Brian to push him off the cliff once again.
Author's Response: Brian is so stubborn! Justin knows what he wants and I don't think he'll ever let Brian shove him off the cliff ever again...
Thank you for continuing to read and comment! :D
Reviewer: wellreadbunny (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2013 01:09 AM · On: Naked Love
Thanks for writing such long insightful chapters. I like the way this is headed.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and commenting! I hope you continue to like where the last few chapters take our boys! :)
Reviewer: wellreadbunny (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2013 12:03 AM · On: Oh Happy Day
Great chapter
Reviewer: himawari29 (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2013 11:27 PM · On: Naked Love
Please.. please ... please...No more roadblocks or unfortunate things thrown in their path. They both had suffered long enough.
Really hope you could throw more great and fortunate things to them..
Btw, I also like the way you made Brian so vulnerable when he felt Justin's doubting him, and he's thinking wisely the answer to give, to prevent both of them hurt themselves again. I really love it!
Author's Response: Well, there will be more great things coming; whether or not they are also unfortunate is up to you to decide! :) (sorry, I had to tease!)
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! :D
Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2013 08:30 PM · On: Naked Love
I was very busy yesterday, so it took me a few hours to finish reading/listening this chapter. I had to stop at one point because I thought I had heard wrong. I was as shocked and as bugged-eyed as Justin. I had no idea Brian was headed to raw sex and monogamy. This was not the Brian Kinney I had been reading in this story, previously. I had begun to wonder why Justin was wasting his time at times. Jesse was the final straw, but as Brian told Justin or thought, he was able to resist temptation.
I was amazed and thoroughly satisfied with this chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading! I think Brian was as surprised as Justin with the raw sex...I don't know if I was successful in how I presented it, but it was meant to be a spur of the moment "in the heat of passion" decision on his part. I do hope the rest of Brian's actions this chapter were in line with the slow progression he had been making in previous chapters. That was my ultimate design for this story.
Thank you for continuing to comment, and read! I appreciate all the comments! :)
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2013 03:23 PM · On: Naked Love
Wow - "Naked love", indeed this was to everyone's satisfaction, in several meanings ... And your Brian? Well, you took him through a really hard time, turning his life completly upside down at a moment's notice, and he took over responsibility without hesitation. He is a very complex character, with a one-sided self-perception, and in your story, through those circumstances, you forced him to change, and you gave him the opportunity to develop and show different aspects of his personality. So - very well done !!!
But, only 4 -5 chapters left :( Are you sure ? I will miss this sory very much when it ends, so maybe you can consider a little bit more ... ;)
Great chapter again, thanks !!!
BTW, I always wonder - will Brian ever learn what happened that night in Toronto with Sam?
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you could see the progression of Brian. It was my main focus and I really was hoping I accomplished a true change in him based on circumstance.
Sadly, yes, only a few more chapters left.
Thanks again for reading and commenting! I appreciate it so much! :)
And I can tell you that what happened that night in Toronto with Sam will forever be a mystery.
Reviewer: Pauline (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2013 12:48 PM · On: Naked Love
Nooo...I can't believe it's ending already ;(
Author's Response: yes, soon it will be over. But thank you for reading!
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2013 06:39 AM · On: Naked Love
I throughly enjoyd the chapter. Brian was emtional but he has finally realized what he wants from Justin and how his relationship should work. I kept holding my breath as I was scrolling down the page, hoping there wasn't soem monkey wrench ad thankful that there wasn't. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter :D
Brian is finally prioritizing his life! yay :)
Thank you again for reading!
Reviewer: Reader (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2013 06:04 AM · On: Naked Love
Its about time Brian showed his human side.....justing reading and I was in tears....
Loved it!
Author's Response: haha - Brian's been programmed to be unemotional and unattached! I'm glad he's breaking that mold, too :)
Thank you for reading and commenting!!
Reviewer: Tagsit (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2013 03:26 AM · On: Naked Love
So insightful. So sweet. Yea! TAG
Author's Response: thanks for reading! I'm glad you're still with me :D
Reviewer: Angela (Anonymous) · Date: July 29, 2013 01:46 AM · On: Naked Love
I really enjoyed this chapter and the entire series. Great job!
Author's Response: Thank you so very much for reading and commenting! I'm very happy to hear you're enjoying the story :)
Reviewer: NoChaser (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2013 01:32 AM · On: Prologue
Just a bit more afterthought.
I don't think Brian is out of character at all. To be out of character would mean that given the circumstances as you have related them, the canon character would have responded differently. I don't think that's the case.
Brian was always ethical about the interpersonal sexual dealings of others, if nothing else. (Arguably not always his OWN, however.) He wouldn't give in to Kip's blackmail, he advised Emmett to stand his ground against another friend, he advised Michael to go with his heart even though Ben was positive, he even understood Justin's need to go with Ethan (although he didn't like that).
Forced into listening to his own internal dialogue - which Cowlip showed us he needed but refused to let us have - he came to appropriate conclusions about his own behaviors and feelings.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for this. (sorry responding so late!)
I tried so hard to make Brian's change natural, and make sense, and while I think I did a decent job it's good to hear others think so too.
I appreciate all your lovely comments, and thank you so much for reading!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2013 01:26 AM · On: Naked Love
I think this was a wonderful chapter and a wonderful way to start winding things down....hopefully there is a wedding in the near future ;)
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
With a few more chapters to go, there'll be a few more developments to come... :)
Reviewer: NoChaser (Signed) · Date: July 29, 2013 01:22 AM · On: Naked Love
This tale has unravel amazingly, and I don't think you've overshot with Brian at all. I'll admit that I was at times chomping at the bit for the story to get on with it, already! LOL But retrospectively, to get where Brian is now, he needed every single introspective thought, every event, every vacillating or equivocal thought.
The character Kinney is a very, deeply introspective figure. Unfortunately, he tends to make decisions based upon only a portion of his self-musings and lets sex dull out the sound of the remainder. Putting him in a situation where he can't ethically have sex to shut up his internal dialogue, he is forced to contend with it - to listen to himself totally for once.
I've never seen Brian as the innately promiscuous man so many discern him to be. He is highly sexual, of course, but most of the promiscuity stems from the trap of his reputation - a trap he loaded and set himself. Once let out of the trap, he was able to uncover the real issue - his own self loathing - and begin to deal with it.
Good job - very good job - on setting up the reveal. Brian can love, can be monogamous (voluntarily and happily) and still be the highly sexual man (and eternal asshole) he is. Thank god he fell in love with someone as highly sexed as he is!!! LOL
Have loved this story every step of the way.
Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you for this comment. You have made my day. Not only because you get what I was doing with Brian, but because you stuck with it even when it was trying your patience (haha! Sorry!)! (it was trying my patience too, believe me!) There was a stretch of chapters that I just knew were going to be hard for people to make it through, but I had to give Brian the time to think, and feel, and grow and I'm so happy you can see that now! :) I just hope I didn't lose too many people because of the slow development in the middle...
I totally agree with you about Brian - he may be highly sexualized but that doesn't automatically translate to mean he's a man-slut. And his tendency to be promiscuous doesn't mean he can't be monogamous, either.
Thank goodness for Justin indeed :D
Thank you again and again for reading and commenting! I greatly appreciate hearing back from my readers!
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2013 08:10 PM · On: Naked Love
wow such a lot of ground covered in this chapter and omg hot! lol
Author's Response: Thank you for reading!
Yes, I had to move things a long a little bit - and of course give the guys their well deserved reunion. :)
Reviewer: zsadistwhore (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2013 05:05 PM · On: Naked Love
Based purely on his canon character, Brian is out of character, yes. But after everything he's been through in this story, I don't think he's too out of character. Becoming a full time dad, HIV scare etc, would change anyone and it's up to you as the author to decide how much. That's the beauty of writing.
Author's Response: yes, canonically, he's definitely out of character, but I'm glad to hear you think he's behaving in character for the situation I've presented.
thank you so much for reading and commenting! I appreciate it!
Reviewer: Hotesse (Signed) · Date: July 07, 2013 12:09 AM · On: Nobody's Fault But My Own
This chapter was great... and I'm very happy about the last paragraph. I'm not sure I could have dealt with the cliffhanger of it if you would have left it out!
Author's Response: thank you, I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed it!
Yes, while I am a fan of cliffhangers I would never end a chapter without at least a clue as to what was coming next. It would have been cruel to do that! :)
Thank you for reading and commenting!!
Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Anonymous) · Date: April 23, 2013 03:56 AM · On: Balance
Great chapter!! I wish Brian would get his head out of his butt and listen to Justin! I also wish Justin would stand up for himself and TELL Brian what he wants and needs.
Author's Response: haha! Brian doesn't like to think he's wrong about anything....
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! :)
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2013 08:16 AM · On: Balance
I'm loving this story even if it is terribly sad...
Please let Brian reconsider and let Justin come home; he's going to need him to help out with Gus and Lindsay... ~ Kathleen
Author's Response: I'm really glad you're enjoying the tale, sad though it is.
Thank you for reading and commenting!!! :)
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2013 07:22 AM · On: Balance
Why won't Brian just let Justin have his say? Doesn't he understand that Justin is miserable without him? Brian has to learn to let go of his need to control every situation and every person associated with it. He allowed himself to be loved on he and Justin's last night together why does he feel it's so wrong to continue to do so? In the meantime, Sam has definite designs on Brian and if he's not careful, he'll find himself in a situation that he can't get out of easily.
Still loving this story and wanting more~JP
Author's Response: Brian is struggling, even with himself. He's not an easy character, that's for sure :)
I appreciate your reading and commenting, thank you so much!!
Reviewer: JAZZEPOET (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2013 05:08 AM · On: Black and Blue
I'm playing catch up in my reviewing of this story and was going to wait until I read the next chapter before doing so, but I just couldn't wait.
I must admit that it was difficult to get through the last couple of chapters. I think the hardest part for me was Brian basically making up Justin's mind for him and telling him that he needed for him to go back to New York. Justin was practically begging Brian to let him be there for him and Gus. I understad completely how he may have felt that Justin would have been missing out on something but , isn't that for Justin to decide? He put it to Brian best I think when he made the statement that maybe he would regret not staying.
Then came the proverbial slap in the face when he got a call on his Birthday to inform him that he needed to get an HIV test, I mean how many times can a person be pushed off the same cliff? If Brian was worried before that this time was truly goodbye, he now has even more reason to believe so. Taking care of Gus and Lindsay is not going to be an easy road especially without the extra support. Brian needs to figure out how he is going to mend his fences so that he won't find himself overwhelmed (that is if he hasn't already)
I am absolutely addicted to this story and can't wait for more~JP
Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: April 22, 2013 02:22 AM · On: Balance
This chapter was far from boring. I was immediately engrossed in this chapter from the first part about the dreams to the end. Brian should listen to the dreams. I’m beginning to feel something foreboding is about to happen. I wonder if it’s Sam. That has me nervous.
And I’m so glad that Jennifer is not happy with Brian. I’ve read too many stories where Brian has pushed Justin off the proverbial cliff and Jennifer just smiles and continues to have brunch with Brian as if it’s good riddance. As if Tucker was not enough.
And while Brian is taking care of Lindsay and Gus, he has thrown Justin to the wolves. How could he tell Justin to get a HIV test on his birthday over the phone? Maybe Justin needs to think about things. Would Brian always kick him to the curb every time there’s an issue with Lindsay or Gus?
You’ve got me going here. Please update soon.
Author's Response: Thank you for the lovely comment! :)
Brian is a contradiction in every way - which is why he's so much fun to write. At least for me.
I love Jennifer - she would certainly speak her mind to Brian, as she has done in the past. :)
Working on the next chapter now so hopefully before the end of this week it'll be ready. Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: April 21, 2013 11:49 PM · On: Balance
Enjoy your wonderful story, so emotional. You write B&J really in character. Always waiting for the next part ;)
Author's Response: thank you so much!
Reviewer: Tagsit (Anonymous) · Date: April 21, 2013 11:32 PM · On: Balance
Still reading & enjoying here! More please. TAG
Author's Response: Glad to hear it, and thank you for reading along! :D
Reviewer: Bryton4ever71 (Signed) · Date: April 21, 2013 11:12 PM · On: Balance
This chapter was anything but boring. I enjoyed watching Brian get a local account . That was something that he would have done inthe show. You are incredibly gifted in writing them canon. I have huge trouble writing them in character, mostly because I hated Brian's in show character. But you can do it and that's great.
As for Justin, there was plenty of him, in Brian's thoughts, on the phone etc. If you mean in person and sex wise, yes that s true they re seperated but so what? That'll happen in time. Just keep going.
As for that, and making things up, well, do yur research and find out the real stuff...Goo-gle...or just make things up. That's what us writer's do. Add a small disclaimer if yu feel the need but stop apologising and/or berating yourself. That's our job.
Besides, it makes my dick soft. :P
Author's Response: haha! :) thank you for the comment and review!
You are right, of course. I do need to stop apologizing (I need to own my writing!). And I do research, but my writing time is so limited asit is that I tend to just scratch the surface when I'm looking up stuff - if I want to post updates in a timely manner I can't do as much research as I'd like, so it's an issue I have to deal with. :)
I really appreciate your words regarding my interpretation of B/J in character. It's the one thing I never want to get wrong, so I hope people will let me know if I have either of them do or say something that seems out of character. Really, keeping them true to themselves (show-canon selves anyway) is the most important thing to me, in all my fics.
And I hope I don't make your dick soft any longer :)
Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: April 21, 2013 12:08 PM · On: Balance
First, please excuse the screwed up comment at the bottom of my last review. I was trying to say that Maybe TPTB are angry at Brian and will be until he wises up and makes some changes in his life. Sam isn't one of them although he'd like to be. Friend maybe but nothing more. Justin is heartbroken, Brian is miserable. Can't wait for him to get the hell out of Dodge. Great news about Lindsay. I think being around family and friends will help alot. If Brian knows what's good for him he should tell Justin about Sam, especially since they'll be working closely together on the campaign
Author's Response: haha! No worries :)
Thank you for reading and commenting! Both the guys are dealing with emotional stuff right now - it's rough for them both!
Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: April 21, 2013 11:12 AM · On: Black and Blue
I don't even know where to begin. It started out living out Brian's fantasy of a loving happy family. Ending with the possibility of never having that at all. Beautifully written chapter
of never seeing Justin again. TP TB must have it out for him until he eises
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: April 21, 2013 06:42 AM · On: Balance
Well for someone who does not know a lot (lol) you sure write a good story lol
Author's Response: HAHAHAHA!!!!!! :D Thank you :)
And thank you for reading!
Reviewer: Bryton4ever71 (Signed) · Date: April 20, 2013 07:12 AM · On: Black and Blue
Wow this is some riviting stuff. I hope you will continue to post and soon. This is very well done. If you're muse took a va-ca, I certainly couldn't tell. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I am so happy your are enjoying the story :)
Reviewer: Bryton4ever71 (Signed) · Date: April 19, 2013 03:42 PM · On: I Would Walk 500 Miles
Well, it's 1 39 AM and I must away to sleep now but yur story has kept me up and entertained for an hr past when I should have gone to bed. Just wanted you to know that. Very good drama here and very well and straightforwardly written.
Reviewer: Bryton4ever71 (Signed) · Date: April 19, 2013 02:38 PM · On: Prologue
Wow, that was attention grabbing! Well done!
Reviewer: valell50 (Signed) · Date: April 17, 2013 12:51 PM · On: Black and Blue
Reading this has been a bit more painful than usual, being from the Boston MA area and a day out from the bombing. Thankfully all my family is ok and so are my friends who were running.
Loving the story and this chapter pulled me in all directions emotionally. Please let Brian and Justin be ok! Val
Author's Response: Oh man, I'm glad to hear all is well for those you know and love - such a tragic and terrible event.
Thank you for reading and commenting, even though it was painful. I promise it won't be completely angst-ridden and depressing every chapter!
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 15, 2013 09:01 PM · On: Black and Blue
This chapter was intense, what with Justin leaving when he wanted to stay and Gus missing him. Then you throw in a HIV scare ... hope it doesn't get to that. Good chapter. Need another soon.
Author's Response: Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
I'm working on the next chapter now so I hope to have it up before the weekend!
Reviewer: Valetta (Anonymous) · Date: April 15, 2013 06:43 PM · On: Black and Blue
Beautiful chapter, even if pretty angsty, as usual :D I really hope both the boys will be fine!
I have ti say, though, that I never agreed with what the authors made Justin say at the end of season5, that Brian was not really himself and Justin didn't want to change him. Sorry but Brian has been changing from season 1, from the istant he broke his "one fuck policy" he started changing and he changed through all the seasons, he was only too proud and too scared to admit it. I always thought the bomb gave Brian the courage to show his true self, and admit that the main reason why he wouldn't commit to one person was that he was too scared for it and also too proud to admit that he depended on another person, not becuse he's some sort of sex addict (yes Brian loves sex... just like any other person in this world!).
Author's Response: You know I definitely agree with you that Season 5 seemed to see Brian regress in his character growth. I think it was partially intentional, but I also didn't really buy into it, like you.
Thank you for reading and commenting! I hope to ease up on some of the angst soon...maybe ;)
Reviewer: no sleep (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2013 11:44 PM · On: Black and Blue
This was so painful to read. Brian seemed to always take care of everyone and unfortunately that includes a bit of controlling them. I was upset that he made Justin’s decision for him to return to New York as if he was a small child instructed to get up in the morning and go to school. I thought it was insulting and disrespectful. It is understood that Brian is under a great deal of pressure with Lindsay’s condition and injuries, but she made a valid point to him about her loss of her wife. Brian should have seen that his time together with Justin is important.
Justin’s anger with Brian was justified. Brian had slept with this other man while keeping Justin at length and then called him on his birthday, after having pushed him out the door, to tell him that he has to be testing for HIV. You can only be pushed off the cliff so many times before breaking into pieces. The sad thing was that Brian could even remember if he had worn a condom.
In the meantime, I love this melodrama and am anxiously awaiting an update.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing! I appreciate the comments and thoughts. Justin and Brian have an interesting dynamic which I hope to explore further as the story progresses.
I hope to have an update before the weekend...working on it now in fact! :)
Reviewer: JustBeAQueen (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2013 03:30 PM · On: Black and Blue
Hey, So, I've been crap at reviewing lately, so I'll start by saying you have me addicted to this story. Although I can honestly say that I seriously hope you don't turn this into a positive story. I know it happens in real life (I have a cousin who is positive) so I completely understand if you did, but considering this is fiction, then I chose happy endings without the crap of real life. Although I'll continue reading no matter what you do, because I really do like this story and it apparently has a long way to go before it ends.
Anyway, I have a couple of suggestions, or questions... comments, I guess. Now I'm trying to remember what they were. I know my first one was if you wanted to work this into the story somehow, if Lindsay needs a little encouragement to not give up and if she actually won't be able to walk, or even if she needs to relearn to walk, then maybe she needs to be reminded of a certain person that can help. I can't remember her name, but the quadrapalegic artist that Lindsay introduces to Justin in 205 to help him get over his own injury might be the right person to meet with Lindsay to remind her that yes life sucks, but you can't give up. I don't remember her name (but if you want to use her and want me to find the name, I'll be happy to, just let me know).
My other suggestion is probably to have Brian negative. Of course I totally get why Justin was pissed... it wasn't so much that Brian escaped responsibility in tricks and drugs, it was the fact that he chose that, over Justin when Justin already felt that Brian was avoiding him. If Brian could get over his own self-doubt over being a parent and thinking that Justin needs to prove himself to himself (and probably thinking that Justin will find someone better, even though it's an irrational fear) then he would have accepted that Justin was there for him that night and that Brian didn't need to run off and get drunk and trick. I can't see Brian being careless, at all, though.
I hope that everything works out in the end, and my main suggestion was that artist from 205... then the whole thing with HIV appeared, and I had to comment on that, too. Although knowing Justin and the situation it will probably take more than just one chapter to sort out. I will be following and anxiously waiting the next chapter, as I have been since I found this story.
Cheers, Laura :)
Author's Response: Thank you for reading, and thank you for the lovely comment! I actually just rewatched 2.05 myself - you make some good points about that artist...I wonder where she would be now, four years later...
Thanks for the idea - I'm not sure if it'll fit in anywhere but I appreciate the suggestion.
Reviewer: himawari29 (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2013 03:07 PM · On: Black and Blue
my heart goes for Justin...
if ever Brian was not so stubborn & tried to 'rule' Justin's life, his own life would be much nicer and happier..
Author's Response: haha! You make a good point - Brian does seem intent to prohibit his own happiness.
thank you for reading and commenting! :)
Reviewer: wellreadbunny (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2013 10:13 AM · On: Black and Blue
I am enjoying the story , hoping for alittle joy soon. I would think that Brian and Justin would want to stay together after seeing how easily your loved ones can be taken from . Live every day like it is your last, no regrets.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and commenting! I hope to have offer some reprieve from the angst soon. :)
Reviewer: Avampiregirl (Anonymous) · Date: April 14, 2013 09:37 AM · On: Prologue
Another great chapter to your wonderful story!!!
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2013 05:46 AM · On: Black and Blue
I like that you have ramped up the angst a little bit because I always find it difficult to believe Justin would stay away from Brian just because Brian says so. Brian is a egmatic character he takes what he wants but he denies himself others things. Great story thanks xxChris P
Author's Response: Thanks for reading! I tend to agree with you about Justin staying away only because Brian said's a fine line, writing enough angst to make it believable.
I am happy you are enjoying the story. :)
Reviewer: TheWickedStepmother (Signed) · Date: April 13, 2013 08:30 PM · On: Prologue
I wonder what Justin had said to Gus and if he really went back to New York. I mean, after the phone call I hope he is in New York. Far away from Brian. Damn, this man... arghh
Great update!
Author's Response: Thanks! Yeah...what did Justin say to Gus...
I appreciate your reading and commenting!
Reviewer: Predec2 (Signed) · Date: April 13, 2013 08:18 PM · On: Black and Blue
Wow, this was an emotional roller coaster of a chapter to say the least. Not sure if I like the HIV angle it took at the end; I guess I was hoping for more of a hopeful type slant (however naive that might be). I wondered before that just what it would take for Brian to decide WHEN was the right time for Justin to come home. Who would determine that? Him or Justin? And just how would his 'success' be measured? And now he's really screwed things up royally because of his typical mechanism for avoiding emotional attachment. Plus he now has the added responsibility of taking care of his son who needs him so badly right now. Ugh. It certainly held my interest throughout, though, and I can see this will take a while to get resolved one way or the other. Very well written, too. Thanks for the update. ~Kim
Author's Response: Thanks for the comment! It was definitely an emotional week for the guys.
I understand your hesitation with the HIV angle...I seriously questioned including it - but - with as many guys as Brian has been with it seems highly likely, to me, that this sort of thing was inevitable. :(
But don't fret...I mean, things must get worse before they can get better, right? ;)
I appreciate the support!
Reviewer: lauren49ers (Anonymous) · Date: April 13, 2013 05:16 PM · On: Black and Blue
Awesome as always. I hope it's just a false alarm. Itwould be too much with everything else. Brian feels so alone and yet he's always trying to keep Justin away, it's a shame.
Can't wait for the next chapter. Your muse may have taken a vacation but sh's not far away.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and commenting!
yeah, the muse took several days off, then came back full force! :) Let's hope I can keep it around this time!
Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: April 13, 2013 03:50 PM · On: Black and Blue
Wow, that was an enormous chapter. I enjoyed the way you ended it as that was the last thing I thought would happen; the men having to get tested for HIV. I like the way you used a real life situation to feed off but I’m really glad everything turned out alright for your friend; it would be impossible to imagine what that would be like if you were in that situation. I love your writing and I can’t wait to see what happens.
Author's Response: yes...imagine my surprise when I surpassed 5000 words and still had almost half my outline to fill in! I have a feeling my chapters will continue to be giant! :)
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I appreciate it :)
and yes, it was a great relief to know my friend was okay.
Reviewer: Tagsit (Anonymous) · Date: April 11, 2013 08:22 AM · On: Laid
Very sweet ending to this chapter. I like how you show Brian's vulnerability while maintaining the gruff exterior. TAG
Author's Response: Thanks for reading! I like to let Brian's vulnerability peek through his gruff exterior from time to time. :)
Reviewer: valell50 (Signed) · Date: April 01, 2013 02:19 PM · On: Laid
Thank goodness Justin used "please". If only Justin makes a stand for staying regardless of Brian's need to be so stubborn and alone. Enjoying this! Val
Author's Response: Thank you so much for the comment! I'm happy to hear you are enjoying the tale :)
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: March 30, 2013 12:14 AM · On: Laid
Finally that stubborn, dysfunctional man is allowing himself to feel all the love he needs; please don't let him push away again the only man he can possibly love... ~ Kathleen
Author's Response: Brian is never one to do things easy...
Thank you for reading and commenting, I really appreciate it so much!
Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: March 29, 2013 10:31 PM · On: I Would Walk 500 Miles
I'm so glad Justin is here to support Brian and give him the love he's been missing... ~ Kathleen
Reviewer: Flossee (Signed) · Date: March 29, 2013 12:38 PM · On: Laid
I loved your answer to my last review. “Oh Brian. He's being such a dork and a dumbass. Believe me it's rough for me, too”. LOL Sometimes we forget how hard it is for the author to write just enough angst, as we (the reader) can’t wait for the good stuff. I agree with Brian, Justin does need to leave for now. I can’t wait to see where you are taking this and how long you will keep them apart, but I have faith in you, as it is a B/J fic. Great update; enjoy your Easter Break.
Author's Response: haha!! Yes, the author is not always in control of the characters!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting/reviewing! I greatly appreciate knowing you are enjoying the tale, and I certainly hope I do not disappoint!
Also - My heart will forever be B/J. :)
Reviewer: sophie'smom (Anonymous) · Date: March 28, 2013 09:04 PM · On: Laid
Can't Brian see Justin really doesn't want to go back? Why is he putting them both through all the pain of separation? I'm sure if he'd ask Lindsay now if Justin should go back she'd probably tell him no and to enjoy his time with him because you'd never know when it could end.
Author's Response: Oh I'm certain Brian knows Justin wants to stay - but he'd never let him give up his big opportunity. :)
Thank you for reading and commenting! I appreciate it!
Reviewer: galenut (Anonymous) · Date: March 28, 2013 09:01 PM · On: Prologue
Great chapter.