Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Dashed Hopes
Reviewer: Bgriggs (Signed) · Date: July 25, 2022 06:17 AM · On: Chapter 7

So what's up with picture of Ashton Kutcher at the end? He and Gale look a bit alike, but really?!?

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: December 18, 2019 12:45 PM · On: Chapter 7

Michael should not received Britain

Reviewer: coleamber (Signed) · Date: May 18, 2019 05:56 AM · On: Chapter 7

Brian shouls sued that asshole Michael

Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: September 23, 2016 08:31 PM · On: Chapter 7

For a first story this was really interesting. I kept waiting for Brian to grab Michael by the throat and slap him senseless.  Maybe next time. 😁

Reviewer: Pam (Anonymous) · Date: May 10, 2016 02:55 AM · On: Chapter 7

Liked it but hated Michael and wanted to shake him into reality. Lol Brian kept on tricking when he was living with Michael. But for the record Brian never had sex with Michael ? And was he sleeping in the same bed and not doing anything with Brian in reality but in his mind who Knows? So I have 3 questions.

1 And was the reason that Brian wouldn't leave Michael for Justin at first was because of Debs guilt that she put on him?

2 Why did Brian just stand there when Michael hit Justin at the club?

3 Brian never had had sex with Michael but they slept in the same bed?


Author's Response:

1. yes

2.  He was in shock

3.  possibly.  I never really thought about it.

Thanks for commenting.  Writers live for them.

Reviewer: carol (Anonymous) · Date: April 11, 2016 07:39 AM · On: Chapter 7

Good  read. So Brian did not have sex with Michael at all for real? But Brian knew that Michael thought they were married . Brian was still tricking though as usual.

Author's Response:

Afraid so.  Deb guilted him into going along with Mikey's delusion.  Brian still had his needs.

Reviewer: nickknack (Signed) · Date: February 25, 2016 04:23 AM · On: Chapter 7

So sad that Debbie still lays the guilt on Brian to sort her son out.  As for Michael, I never understood how Ben could tolerate his obsession with Brian.  As always Emmett and Ted prove themselves to be loyal friends to Brian and with their help we finally have Brian and Justin together again, so all is right in the world. :-)


Author's Response:

Thank you.  I agree with Brian and Justin together again, all is right in the world.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2015 11:31 PM · On: Chapter 7

It seems ludicrous that Michael got Britin, but Brian was sometimes an overly-loyal friend. Apparently Michael finally got his act togeter after getting help and somehow remained Brian's friend, (although how he could be a best friend/best man is beyond me.)

At least Brian and Justin ended up together, as they always will.

Author's Response:

I don't think that he is a Best Friend any longer, but Brian for some unknown reason always looked out for him.  Don't ask me why.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2015 10:50 PM · On: Chapter 6

Emmett's so incredible with the way he stands up for Justin. Both Justin and Brian have been broken in a way and are just finding their way back to themselves and each other. I must admint, I find it hard to care about Michael.

Author's Response:

I know, there are so many instances in the show that made me want to slap Michael.  Guess it shows.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2015 10:33 PM · On: Chapter 4

I like Ted "paying it forward" and helping Justin. The Keystone Cop routine makes me laugh.

Author's Response:

I'm glad that I was able to make you laugh.  I think that towards the end of the series Teddy was closer to Brian.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2015 10:27 PM · On: Chapter 3

It's good to see Emmett (my fave after Justin and Brian) standing up for Justin, and Ted too. Also Brian who, of course, has guessed some of what Emmett is up to.

Author's Response:

I love Emmett and he seemed close to Justin in the show.  Brian may not know what Emmett is up to, but he's learned to trust him.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2015 10:20 PM · On: Chapter 2

Intriguing conclusion to this chapter: Ben and Vic unimpressed with Michael and Debbie.

Author's Response:

What can I say.  The characters talk and I write down what they say.

Reviewer: eureka1 (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2015 10:16 PM · On: Chapter 1

Interesting premise to this story which I just discoverd. That Michael would have needed support when Ben died makes sense. Unfortunately, it looks like it re-established/strengthened a codependence that should have ended before Justin met Brian.

Author's Response:

True it should have, but then you have Deb guilt tripping Brian and there you go.  Thanks for reading and commenting.  Sorry I don't check my reviews very often.

Reviewer: Breakdarkmountain (Signed) · Date: September 13, 2014 03:27 AM · On: Chapter 1

Hey, I just read this. It's so cool and I love to see Justin is sad and abused hehe. But happy ending thought after too many angst. It's hectic :D I wish Brian and Justin live in Britin :( You make me hate Michael so much in this story haha.

Love to see you write more dear :) xoxo

Author's Response:

How sweet of you to read one of my stories.  For some reason I enjoying making Michael the bad boy.  I have three stories in the works, but I like to complete them before posting and end up making changes depending on comments.  I'm surprised that more people don't leave comments, it only takes a moment.  I enjoy reading stories and yours is wonderful.  Thanks again for commenting.

Reviewer: 7wildwaysup (Signed) · Date: August 23, 2014 07:24 PM · On: Chapter 6

I know you said Michael and Brian are together, but are they really sleeping together??? It seems that Michael would be jealous if he was...

Author's Response:

I couldn't bring myself to have them actually sleep together, though it is a possibility.   Let's say that Michael is majorly delusional.

Reviewer: Saskya (Signed) · Date: October 14, 2013 02:47 AM · On: Chapter 7

I really don´t like Michael.

Nice story, thanks :)

Author's Response:

I'm not too fond of him either

Reviewer: Al (Anonymous) · Date: March 27, 2013 11:41 PM · On: Chapter 1

Wow! I am not sure how I like the ending. I am not a fan of Michael's. He should not have gotten anything. Especially Britin. Brian didn't have to keep living there he could have sold it, but giving it to Michael (who dosen't deserve anything) who dug his own grave. And as for Michael being Brian's best man, even after he got help, that to me just dosen't sound right. Good story! Lot of angst. Just don't like how it ended. I guess these fictional characters are better people than I would be.

Author's Response:

Yeah, I really would have like to stuck it to Michael, but Brian always seemed to have a soft spot where Mikey was concerned.  Look at how even when he pushed him away, he got him his favorite comic book hero first comic and helped him sell it to get the comic book store.  Unfortunately Brian has no sense when it comes to Michael.  He was much too forgiving.  But then this was my first QAF story if that's any excuse.

Reviewer: darkangel795 (Signed) · Date: March 11, 2012 01:23 AM · On: Chapter 7

Am I the only one who noticed the Ashton Kutcher picture in chapter 7? The very last picture of the story. Who is that supposed to represent? That's too old to be Gus.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: June 23, 2011 01:00 PM · On: Chapter 7

You did an amazing job on the redo of this story and the quality now deserves blue ribbon featured status for a new writer who improves significantly. I hope we encourage you to write more YumYumPM - you have the right stuff.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 03:07 AM · On: Chapter 7

A few more things I saw. Please forgive any typos in my comments since I'm way past my bedtime.

You have major typos in the short summary of the story notes at the beginning and need to fix it and place it under your banner on the story panel at least.

You said "and New York" when you meant to say "in New York".

And end with a ? since it's a question for that sentence.

If readers see typos in the summary they'll assume the story is riddled with them and might not read on.

A banner only catches their eye, but the summary wets their interest to read your story over other authors. Therefore; the summary is far more important to get readers interested to go to the first chapter.

First written impressions are very-VERY  important.

Finally; you can say more in the summary to dispel the thought of a Brian/Michael pairing and just enough plot details to grab their attention for the tale.

For example:

Justin and Gus are gone. Michael lost Ben tragically, and two lonely souls, Brian and Michael, console one another for years. Then what if Justin wasn't a success in New York and returns to Pittsburgh dirt poor and homeless? Can Brian and Justin overcome their lost years apart?

Note: This is not a Brian/Michael pairing

I give away just enough plot to show the intro storyline, and set the stage for the first chapters to fill in the details. I ended the summary with a major question to be solved in the story.

The purpose of a detailed summary is to get them to read your work over the hundreds of others they could choose to read.

Your summary is one of the most important paragraphs you can write.


If you get time, slowly read each chapter in the MCE text editor of each chapter and make corrections to the typos you did on the fly. We all do them and have to go back and fix our stuff if we don't have, or want to wait on a beta reader/editor to fix it. Doing it yourself will make you a better writer. You will learn your common mistakes and stop making them.

You can also copy and paste your chapters in WORD, repair them there, and copy and paste it back into the story adding the entire chapter at once. Of course don't be a WORD cripple and expect it fix everything since it often also makes grammar and spelling mistakes too.

Soon you may find yourself adding more adverbs, adjectives, and tweaking to maximize the effect of each sentence with fresh eyes. I sometimes find sentences that need a re-write and it only takes moments to improve a story again each time you find a boo-boo. Rewriting is part of becoming a good writer.

I hope this all helps and I look forward to seeing your very creative work again soon.

You have the imagination and talent to be great doing fan fiction.

And that's my two cents well spent.

Author's Response:

I love all your suggestions and plan to put them into affect tomorrow.  Your reviews have been most helpful and I really appreciate them more than I can say.  Thank you ever so much.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 02:43 AM · On: Chapter 7

Wow! You ended this story with one hell of a punch. Overlooking some beta mistakes I have to say your imagination was spot on with this story with a few minor almost nothing mistakes.

A corporate lawyer is a civil law specialist, and the groundless state of Michael's suit could be torn apart by a first year legal aid major with both hands tied behind his back.

If I wrote the story Michael would have ended up on skid row and putting a gun in his mouth .....

but that me :D

Timeline; Gus was 10 at Christmas and three years later at the wedding of Brian and Justin he was now 15. I make those kinds of typos all the time and go back and repair my chapters.

I'm very happy to have read this story. For a new writer you show great promise.

I hope my comments helped you to see another view into your work and never did I intend to be critical of you; I only hope to help you make your next story your very first home run.

By the way; getting over 70 reviews for so few chapters isn't too shabby YumYum.

Not too shabby at all!

Thank you for writing and sharing this lovely tale.

Author's Response:

Thank you!!!  I like your idea for Michael and I did consider it, but as Brian's 'bestest friend' even if only in his warped mind, it seemed a mental issue.  Besides Death was too good for the bastard.   Your comments have really helped me things I should written into the story.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 01:59 AM · On: Chapter 6

This chapter really brought together the missing elements of the plot and much of my thoughts were confirmed by your writing here.

The plot is excellent; the theme arresting to one's attention. The characters real to canon up to Brian who is way too much involved with Michael no matter what happened or what Debbie said. This part was a stretch and I still don't know if Brian and Michael ever did the nasty or not EWEE!!!

Ok that said; Brian is one who slowing calculates his options and he's already feeling trapped and unhappy. he knows what he has to do (If I was writing this) and 20 chapters would have been marvelous!

Ted and Emmett could have chewed Michael a new butt hole, and then hinted to Brian to smell his coffee before it was too late. Cynthia could have added her two cents; Etc, etc etc.

The hamster is spinning away at what could have transpired up to now to add to this wonderful story.

Author's Response:

I couldn't bring myself to actually have them do anything, it would have all been in Michael's mind anyway.  Wish I had your hamster's help.  One thing I would like to know is how you find the time for writing?  Hope your feeling much better.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 01:41 AM · On: Chapter 5

You created far better development in this chapter and ended on a perfect note as well. Nothing was vague or hard to understand and it was totally in sync with canon on all details.

Best of all you're leading up to something important; readers can feel something on the way and love to have that feeling.

This chapter gets a solid A for the new plot devlopment, character expansion, and story growth without missing gaps in the minor details.

Even a simple story can be very entertaining for our readers.

Author's Response:

You do know how to make a person feel good.  Thank you.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 01:33 AM · On: Chapter 4

Ok, Ted joins the ploting party of merry gay men in Pittsburgh. No doubt they have plans to deal with Michael if the need comes up and the battle lines are now drawn.

I know this is your first story to write and really it's very good; I can only suggest more detailed development, slowly makiing the wheels of fiction turn as you lead the reader further into the depths of action, or the minds of the characters, or both.

My interest in the story is still strong and reading on to see where this goes next.

My first feeling is that Michael is playing the pity party for as much as he can get and for as long as he can have it. Let's see what you do with this next. Since pity makes Brian's dick soft I have a hard time seeing him put up with that very long (if you stay true to canon).

Author's Response:

You have a strong point there.  I was trying to think how Brian would perhaps be after five years of no Justin and not a lot of Gus.  Plus he would have to put in a lot of time keeping Kinnetik successful is what I was thinking.  As you noted detailed developement is not my strong point. <rueful smile.>

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 01:21 AM · On: Chapter 3

No doubt I see Michael is perhaps no longer living with Brian at the loft at least and Brian would not hand over his credit card without knowing why. He's smart enough to put 2 and 2 together and realized Emmett was helping Justin out. ???

You have greatly accelerated the plot with this step and readers can only guess what is going on between the lines you write. Maybe I figured it out and maybe I'm off base to the new developments.

I like the direction you went but perhaps more plot development, and a longer in depth conversation between Brian and Emmett would have cleared up the air on the rapid changes in the storyline. Just a thought Yum (writer to writer).

For what it's worth this story is inspiring me to do something like it but much longer and with far more drama. The hamster's spinning and grinning again :)


Author's Response:

Happy dance.  You picked up on the fact that Brian was willing to help but his bad boy status kept him from doing a good deed openly.  These types of suggestions are going to be a great help.  Can a writer go back and rewrite?

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 01:09 AM · On: Chapter 2

Good plot development. You reminded us of enough canon to outline the importance to your story without over doing it; a common new writer mistake to just repeat canon I'm glad to say you didn't do here.

Adding Vic and Ben was a very nice touch too. As suspected you have a dark psychological thread to your theme and plot going on here.

I'm curious what Brian was thinking when he saw Michael knock Justin down in Babylon and why he did nothing about it. You have lead us to wonder why as you build the suspense of your story on several levels and with the characters.

Very Good work.

If I saw a major flaw in your writing I'd tell you but so far the structure's sound.

I'll try to read it all today before attempting to sleep again.

You have truly grabbed my interest to learn how this unfolds.

Author's Response:

Do get your rest.  I just read your latest work and am in awe.  As for what Brian was thinking...well he's shared Michael's life for years and felt any reaction he made would be the wrong one, I also imagine he was a little shocked and didn't have a chance to do anything.  The problem is why didn't I think to include that when I wrote the story??? < hits oneself in the head> 

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 03, 2010 12:58 AM · On: Chapter 1

Can't sleep afterall. Wow! Great start with the plot creating a sympathatic character in the first chapter. Thats a proven method for fiction writers (JK Rowling?). From a canon standpoint this could be real. If I remember to I can beta for you if Mom gives me the pass code again.

Emmett was perfect and to the rescue. I can see Brian living with Michael in a totally patonic relationship with Mikey feeling married like he finally got Brian for himself too.

After all he lost Ben and it twisted him to go through that.

You need to write a summary in the story panel saying this not a Brian/Michael tale if it isn't so readers aren't lost at chapter one.

You have fabulous ideas so far.

Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: December 02, 2010 11:21 PM · On: Chapter 2

I plan to read this story right after sleeping for two days straight, or better yet.....gayly forward for me :D

Overlook the ones who dish your first attempt writing. Anyone who is so critical of a beginner is a sick jerk. This is the place to start writing and learning how to improve. If you noticed, none of the signed members ran down your work, only the coward anon. reviewers. They don't count hon. Keep your chin up and keep writing as your heart moves you.

Looking back my first story was a crack stink bomb but the thing is I tried and tried again. Sometimes I hit a home run and sometimes I barely make it to second base.

If my first tale in space wasn't cracky enough next came bad!crack Embraced and to date it has over 107,000 reads with many happy readers.

Then Forever Yours was done earning over 1900 reviews and over 207,000 reads so far.

The point is a handful of people dished my first attempt to write and if I had let them get to me, the next two tales (very successful ones) would never have been created.

Trust me; you will improve if you give the effort.

I'll comment in depth on each chapter too love when I get to read this but I've been up all night writing the final chapter to my latest story and must get some rest soon.

I felt like saying this first after reading the reviews. And remember some of them could have been the same person wanting to get to you with several bad comments. I think most of them are on the same day too.

Some people just can't help being a bitch. Usually they flame on another popular fanfiction journal.

It's hard to be a good writer. So some people are only good at being bitchy :D



Author's Response:

Any review from you is worth its weight in gold.  Any suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated and thanks for the kind words

Reviewer: Rickeshay (Signed) · Date: November 26, 2010 07:27 AM · On: Chapter 7

That was an interesting take on the idea of Brian/Mikey.  It was also different to have a nice Mel and an idiot Lindsay as well.(vbg)



Author's Response:

Every once and a while it makes for a nice change.  Thanks for reading and commenting.

Reviewer: Rickeshay (Signed) · Date: November 26, 2010 06:57 AM · On: Chapter 6

For a Brian/Mikey fic there is a curious lack of Brian/Michael interaction.(vbg)  I'm reasonably sure I'm going to be happy with the ending.(g)

Reviewer: Rickeshay (Signed) · Date: November 26, 2010 06:47 AM · On: Chapter 5

You need to watch for the old bugaboo that has plagued many a QAF fan fic writer.  It's Brian not Brain.(vvbg)  Still liking what I'm reading.(of course it helps that there hasn't been any onscreen Brian/Michael interaction)

Author's Response:

Oh rats.  Spell check would never catch it and I didn't have someone read through this first.  Thanks for pointing it out.  <shakes head>  Off to correct and hope there are no more errors.

Reviewer: Rickeshay (Signed) · Date: November 26, 2010 06:40 AM · On: Chapter 3

It's always amazing what Emmett can get away with. :)


Reviewer: Rickeshay (Signed) · Date: November 26, 2010 06:36 AM · On: Chapter 2

Now you never have to apologise for slighting Mikey.  In my QAF fics I go back and  forth with the character.  When he's in his Michael mode everyone likes him but when in Mikey mode the opposite is true.(g)  This fic is definately going in the right direction.  Ben dying and then Debby guilting him is probably one of the few situations getting Brian and Michael togther that I might be able to find beleivable.(vvbg)

Reviewer: Rickeshay (Signed) · Date: November 26, 2010 06:29 AM · On: Chapter 1

I think I like the idea that Justin's career in New York is a failure but It'll take some time to buy into the idea of Brian and Mikey having any kind of romantic relationship.  But so far so good.(vbg)



Reviewer: ColorLet23 (Signed) · Date: November 21, 2010 03:15 PM · On: Chapter 1

Okay... WOW!!! Yes, I can see this B/M realtionship taking place (considering the situation(s)), but WOW. Going to the next chapter to see where this is going. Me likey so far :o)

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Anonymous) · Date: November 21, 2010 09:41 AM · On: Chapter 7

Bravo, well done.  I'm glad they all lived happily everafter - it was hit or miss there for a moment, wasn't it.

Hope to see future fics from you.

All the best.

Author's Response:

Thank you.  For some reason pitfalls kept showing up and well one thing leads to another.  I really appreciate your comments

Reviewer: lyn (Anonymous) · Date: November 21, 2010 09:22 AM · On: Chapter 7

irregardless of what the mean people say.  i loved your story.  don't let them get you down.  write another story.  if the plot lines and characters don't assimilate with others 2 bad!!!.  you write what you feel.  they can read or not up to them.  let them write their stories the way they want.  not every one is on the same page or in the same book for that matter.  TAKE A BREATH AND WRITE ANOTHER STORY.  i, for one will be waiting.  thanx lol 2 u.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it.  I knew going in it wouldn't be to everyones taste, but it was still shocking to read.  I will say that I've gotten to know one of them and find I like her a lot.  She's very cool.  It's always nice to hear, though, that someone likes what was written.

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 10:13 PM · On: Chapter 7

WoW I did not know a grown up hitting a kid was your thing and to have brian the father and the other grown do nothing. I got it you realy in love with michael and want to be just like him. sick

Author's Response:

No that's not my thing...you've never been popped?  Do you like giving nasty reviews?

Reviewer: BluvsJ (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 09:11 PM · On: Chapter 7

WOW.... after reading the reviews I am soooo glad I didn't waste my time reading this....lol... next time maybe put some better warnings on your stories.... like "enter at your own risk"..... or pro Mikey...Anti Brian and Justin..... 

Author's Response:

Okay???  Since this was my first posting and I had trouble figuring out how to post it properly I can only say sorry.  I'm still wondering why everyone seems to think this story was in anyway pro Mikey or Anti Brian and Justin?  Thank you for not wasting your time reading, I'm sorry if I don't find your review amusing.

Reviewer: Armandyouidiot (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 08:54 PM · On: Chapter 7

Congratulations on pulling off crack fiction of epic proportions!  Your DoorMat!Brian will no doubt become legendary in qaf fanfic.  While I can’t believe I read this whole thing, I have to applaud how you maintained the ludicrousness to the very end.  

Author's Response:

Why waste your time reading if you have nothing good to say?

Reviewer: masterglory (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 03:34 PM · On: Chapter 1

Wow, see what I meant before? You're maybe the greatest fan of mikey of every time, and this is good if it suits you, just please don't call it "anti-mikey".

You're anti-mikey as CowLips was...and this speaks volumes about your ability to write, you have been able to bring me back to oh so many times I wanted to kick mikey in the ass in canon, only you or C/L could forgive him after all that mean things he has done.

And I know, I know, this is "personal", forgive me, but I'm not a critic or an author, I speak with my heart and soul, and they tell me that you're a good evocative author, but they doesn't like the things you write.

Sorry, ^^

Author's Response:

Gee wiz, I've written one story...f i c t i o n...that means it's not real.  How many times does Mikey have to get in trouble for you to not see that...why am I even bothering to explain.  I get the message, though I'm not sure what an evocative author is. 

Reviewer: Gina Marie (Signed) · Date: November 20, 2010 12:23 PM · On: Chapter 7

Thanks for the story! I'm so sorry for any grief you got over writing it.  You did a great job and I hope you write another story!  As for me,,,,arrgghhhh!!! RL is kicking my ass. I  am sooo behind on Broken Open.  I hope to get another chapter up soon. Thanks for asking.  *hugs*

Author's Response:

Thanks for saying that.  I'm sorry RL is getting to you, that just means I have to reread and enjoy your other stories again until you get a chance to do another chapter.  *hugs* back

Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 20, 2010 11:33 AM · On: Chapter 7

wonderful story and amazing ending of this great story i hope you write a new story of dashed hope part 2 or what ever you would like to call it if you want to continue with this story in a new way

i glad brian and justin got there happy ending

i hope you write a brian and justin honeymoon story and brian getting gus that if you want to write it

your a amazing writter i enjoy this story very much

i enjoy reaing your stories have a wonderful hoilday

i hope to read more of your wonderful stories soon 

Author's Response:

You always write such nice reviews.  Thank you for being so nice.

Reviewer: Deb Tanner (Signed) · Date: November 20, 2010 11:25 AM · On: Chapter 7

Just finished reading your story and I have to say I always enjoy anti-mikey fics. Couldn't stand the little sob from the first episode of the series. Hope you write more.

Author's Response:

LOL.  You have a wonderful way with words.  Thank you.

Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: November 20, 2010 11:05 AM · On: Chapter 7

I just want to thank everyone who has read and commented on this fic.  It's been an experience.  There is one thing I've learned though.  Once you've hit the submit button that's it.  I mean I've sometimes hit it and then said to myself...damn, that's not what I meant to say.  So if you didn't understand my response .... that's why. 


Take care.   Me, I'm off to enjoy some recently posted stories.


Reviewer: Bigdgogz09 (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 08:13 AM · On: Chapter 6

I read other reviews and saw that some people are enraged with the B/M dynamic.  That's a slap on the back to you, you've fueled feelings - what ever writer wants to do.  So, don't take their comments badly, it's actually quite a compliment.

I'm enjoying the story and look foreward to the bow and fine packaging that will hopefully set the world of B/J back to rights.

Update soon!

All the best.

Author's Response:

Looking back on it, I find I over reacted to some comments, but then I had advanced knowledge of how it was gonna end.  Already updated and hopefully you'll find something to like.

Reviewer: foreverb/j (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 08:04 AM · On: Chapter 6

Reading your responses back to reviewer's comments, I really hate when people misinterpret the ending of Season 5. Brian wanted Justin to go to New York and pushed Justin himself, it wasn't all Justin leaving "poor" Brian. Justin needed to go to complete his growing up, the bashing took away so much from some one so young. Brian knew that his life dominated the relationship in a lot of ways. It was time Justin concentrated on Justin, Randy Harrison said himself recently that B/J didn't break up. It's obvious it was best for the relationship and Justin deserved his chance to find himself and his place in the sun.
Believe me, Brian agrees with me, not you. And Brian would never would have let Michael live a lie like the one in your story.

Author's Response:

Er, I'm not sure how to answer this one. 

Reviewer: 087bue (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 06:28 AM · On: Chapter 6

want the old brian bk and kick winney  michael out on his ass

Author's Response:

Hopefully you'll see that in the final chapter.

Reviewer: lyn (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 06:22 AM · On: Chapter 6

don't cut this story short.  it's too good. people are mean.  let's see them write a story here. omg don't pay any attention to them--be yourself and write what you want--we will be here to read.  this story is wonderful--if it is writtten from your muse and heart then it is you.  please don't cut this short.  good writers are hard to come by and you are wonderful at it. lol

Author's Response:

Yeah, my muse is a little strange, but <happy dance>  you've just made my week!

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 06:18 AM · On: Chapter 6

If the next chapter is the last than end it with a big bang like maybe having a tall sexy guy come to town who has the same quality that brian use to have and he fall hard for justin, and Michael try for the thrid time to physicaly hurt justin and justin finally  kick his ass and tell him he can have brian because Brian is  not man enough for him anymore and that justin found someone better and brian hear's it. just my suggestion???

Author's Response:

Wow, wish I'd thought of that!  It's a great idea.

Reviewer: Julian (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 05:12 AM · On: Chapter 1

Hey, your vision is your vision. It takes a lot of serching for me to find stories that are interesting and written well enough for me to invest my time reading. My time reading your story has not been a waste, I have enjoyed reading it. If you feel this story has more to say, then please continue with it....



Author's Response:

I think I would best describe my vision as warped, but I had fun writing it.  Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: sophie's mom (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 01:00 AM · On: Chapter 6

with luck all around maybe michael will get killed on his way home from the convention.

Author's Response:

LOL!  That would certainly be one way to end this fic. 

Reviewer: masterglory (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 12:47 AM · On: Chapter 1

Oh my god, I never said to you to stop writing...it was not my purpose at all, and I'm nobody to say a thing like that to anyone. Gina marie is right, we couldn't like your Brian or your Justin but if you feel them that way it's only a choice of yours.

Let me explain it better (if I'm able, I'm italian and my english sucks).

I adore Qaf since a long time, and I've read so much ff that I've lost the count. I've never left (before) a bad review...if I didn't like them I simply stopped to read it.

But, you've led astray me with your warning...first no humour at all, and even if your mikey is petty and mean the simple fact that he came off soooo well in this story makes me think that you feel him as a "poor boy next door who deserve to be forgiven ever". And this is not "anti-mikey" at all, just like CowLips has teached us a lot of time (sadly) on Qaf:(

I hope you've understood me and my bad english...could I put a plea? 

Please please please please please do it for my sake:P try next time to put the right warning...because whichever way you look at it this is NOT completely an anti-mikey, it's even an anti-Brian. Sorry again.

Author's Response:

Wow!  Personally I think your english is great.  I am sorry, it's just that I wrote the whole thing before I started posting and thought parts of it were funny.  I guess it's all in which chapter your currently reading, but then again maybe I don't have a sense of homour.  My family would certainly agree with you. <chuckle>

Reviewer: Gina Marie (Signed) · Date: November 20, 2010 12:08 AM · On: Chapter 6

Why are you cutting this story short?  I know you've received some harsh comments, but that's what good writing does, provoke emotions.  I saw though some comments were personal, and for that I'm very sorry. Comments should NEVER get personal. NO one should tell you how you feel about the characters.  They can hate the characters, (as I do, I totally despise Brian in this story) but not you.  And I'm suppose to hate Brian!  you are writing him that way, and then I assume you'll have me come around. Or not. Maybe you'll keep Brian an asshole, and with Michael, it's YOUR choice. I'll read.  And maybe I wont' like the ending, but I appreciate the story!  You keep writing! No matter what anyone says .  YOu know what the say, bad reveiws are better than no reviews. When I first started writing I didnt' get any reviews!  Then when I started getting some reviews, some were VERY nasty.  But there were one or two who stuck with me, and kept encouraging me.  YOu have more than a few of us who want you to continue writing. Please do. Don't cut the story short to please your critics.  And please don't stop writing.

Author's Response:

Technically I'm not cutting the story short, just combining chapters.    Hopefully Brian makes up for his bad behavior in this last chapter.  In the meantime I love your stories as I've said and eagerly await another chapter in Broken Open.  Please????  

Reviewer: masterglory (Anonymous) · Date: November 20, 2010 12:01 AM · On: Chapter 1


I'm sorry, but I don't think you love for real Brian and Justin...here we have a weak pathetic Brian (neither the ones who hate him has treated him this way), a somewhat stupid Justin (no pride at all) and a mean petty mikey who just because it(in your story) can violate Britin AND treat so bad Justin...with Brian who doesn't react at all.

Maybe it'd be better if you'll finish this story with Brian and Michael together, I just can't see how in only one chapter left you could save Brian and Justin relationship.

Sorry if I've been harsh, but it's the first time that I've read an anti-mikey such pro-mikey like this one.

Author's Response:

I can't get that last episode out of my head.  Justin seemed to think that Brian had changed from the man he fell in love with and I felt Justin was stupid to leave for New York.  Not to spoil the last chapter, but Michael doesn't get away with shit.

Unfortunately I find I couldn't totaly diss Mikey.

masterglory wrote:

Sincerely you've done a bad work with Brian, a bad work with Justin, and even if in the last chapter you'll going to make them together I don't think will ever erase the poor weak portrait you have done of them.

And about the reasons why Brian has done such an hateful cheating petty thing like living in Britin with whiney-mikey, well I expected something like a blackmail (a REAL ONE) or for Brian to be drugged or out of his mind, not "mikey has give me his puppy dog eyes", bleah I don't like YOUR Brian at all. No strenght  and what is worst no love and respect at all for Justin:(  

I think you love mikey much more than Brian and Justin. It's not an opinion, it simply shows on your story.

But it's alright, everyone has their own tastes, just please for respect of us, don't call this story "anti-mikey" because I'm feeling a little mocked.

Thank you. 

Author's Response:

Uhhh, okay.  I'm not sure why your feeling mocked, it certainly has not been my intention.  I really do appreciate your comments.

Reviewer: lyn (Anonymous) · Date: November 19, 2010 11:58 PM · On: Chapter 6

brian needs to find out where his heart is--hopefully he tells michael to get lost.  has to "get some balls" as he tells people.  waiting to see where this outcome lies.

Author's Response:

I agree whole heartedly. 

Reviewer: masterglory (Anonymous) · Date: November 19, 2010 10:42 PM · On: Chapter 1


I'm sorry, but I don't think you love for real Brian and Justin...here we have a weak pathetic Brian (neither the ones who hate him has treated him this way), a somewhat stupid Justin (no pride at all) and a mean petty mikey who just because it(in your story) can violate Britin AND treat so bad Justin...with Brian who doesn't react at all.

Maybe it'd be better if you'll finish this story with Brian and Michael together, I just can't see how in only one chapter left you could save Brian and Justin relationship.

Sorry if I've been harsh, but it's the first time that I've read an anti-mikey such pro-mikey like this one.

Author's Response:

I can't get that last episode out of my head.  Justin seemed to think that Brian had changed from the man he fell in love with and I felt Justin was stupid to leave for New York.  Not to spoil the last chapter, but Michael doesn't get away with shit.

Unfortunately I find I couldn't totaly diss Mikey.

Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2010 10:32 PM · On: Chapter 1

chapter 6
I hope after your write chapter 7
and keep on writting this amazing story to continue and write a new story as well
i want justin and brian to be more then friends i want them back together again imho
great job writting this story

Author's Response:

Chapter 7 is a done deal and I'll post tonight.  Reading your review makes me feel better.  Thanks for the lovely comments

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: November 19, 2010 10:28 PM · On: Chapter 6

I'm sorry to read you've shorten your story:(  I have been enjoying it so far, and I knew in the end all the pieces would come together. I love a bit of angst;)

I do hope you change your mind and decide to write again:)

Author's Response:

I might not write another story, but it doesn't stop me from dreaming.  I love happily ever after stories <laugh> but most of them have already been written much to my delight.

Reviewer: Sling (Anonymous) · Date: November 19, 2010 10:03 PM · On: Chapter 6

Can't wait for the final chap ;) 

Author's Response:
Guter Tag. Ich versuche, das letzte Kapitel heute Abend bekanntzugeben. I' VE planen, zurück zu gehen und alle Ihre Geschichten zu lesen, verursachen Sie das one' s I' VE, das bis jetzt gelesen wird, sind groß! Danke wieder.


Hope this came out right, I used babel fish :>)

Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2010 09:47 PM · On: Chapter 6

after this next chapter i hope you do a follow up story a part 2 to this story that your writting now

i hope brian and justin fall in love and get back together again in this last part of this story so you can write another new story of this one your wriiting now

Reviewer: LILI (Anonymous) · Date: November 19, 2010 09:14 PM · On: Chapter 6


Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2010 08:56 PM · On: Chapter 5

i can not wait to read the next chapter of this story

i can not believe michael and brian are living in brian and justin house poor justin when he finds out

i look forward to reading more of this atory and hopefully brian and justin get back together great writting this story

Author's Response:

You are so sweet.  I cannot wait to read your reviews and hope you won't be disappointed.

Reviewer: Gina Marie (Signed) · Date: November 19, 2010 10:08 AM · On: Chapter 5

Wow, wtf happened to Brian?  He let Mikey move into Britin?  I can't believe how weak and pathetic he is.   Since when does Brian listen to anyone? Now he's letting Mikey lead him around like a dog on a leash.   As the 'old' Brian would say, "Have some Balls!"   I think Brian lost his.

Author's Response:

You are such a great writer and I'm so sorry that you are disappointed.  I was hoping to lead up to a few suspenseful chapters but I fear it may be a little too late.

Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: November 19, 2010 09:42 AM · On: Chapter 5

Not to be rude this has the making of an o.k story BUT it loses something you start off some what strong in the frist two chapter but than it loses strenght,

 you really are a B/M story teller and not a lover of B/J

Author's Response:

Sigh.  Actually I don't really care for Michael that much, but I wanted to put him in the path of what might have been and still could be.

Reviewer: masterglory (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 06:38 PM · On: Chapter 1

Sigh...please don't make Brian and whiney-mikey living together at Britin...I don't think my trust and my respect for Brian could ever be estabishled again after this....PLEASE!!!!!!:(

Author's Response:

Oppps, I really hope you'll regain your trust and respect for Brian a little with the next chapter.   You might even feel a little sorry for him.

Reviewer: Mojo (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 11:21 AM · On: Chapter 1

I honestly hate seeing a helpless and pennyless Justin..... but couldn't wait to see how this story turns out.... Michael is delusional (in grief out not) !!  Brian is out of his f*cking mind to cross that line !!

Author's Response:

I honestly think that as long as Justin has friends he won't be helpless long, but sometimes you gotta go through bad times to find the good.  You'll find out a little more about Brian's real mindset in the next chapter.  Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: feet526@aol.com (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 10:55 AM · On: Chapter 4


Author's Response:

And thank you!

Reviewer: Bigdogz09 (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 09:15 AM · On: Chapter 4

Update! Quick like a bunny!  Love this.

Author's Response:

Chapter 5 just went up.  Hope that's quick enough.<big grin>

Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 18, 2010 08:35 AM · On: Chapter 4

i love this story i can not wait to read the next chapter i wonder where brian is living i hope we find out i hope it's justin home that brian bought him

i am so enjoying this story i can not wait see what is next

michael needs to find a new partner other then brian imho

Author's Response:

Hope you like the next chapter, it answers your question.  It's always nice to see a review from you!

Reviewer: meme (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 05:02 AM · On: Chapter 3

WHAT the FFFFF,,,, Michael is a carzy B and when did he think he had balls.. and when did brian become a pussy boy for michael. It's ready going to be hard to respect brian after this. and when is justin and only justin going to kick Michael ass (where's darphne she would kick both brian and of cause michael ass for sure. and if brian is that sorry of a asshole to have michael living at the house that he brought for him and justin I hope the place burn down. Want more this is ready good.

Author's Response:

That really sounds great, but then this fic would be too predictable. <giggle>  But you're right Michael is a little crazy.

Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 18, 2010 04:21 AM · On: Chapter 3

I love this story i hope brian did not sale justin house i don't want to think brian is living there with michael in it i hope brian and justin get back together

i am glad justin has friends in ted and emmett

i can not wait to read the next chapter of this wonderful story

Author's Response:

You've got 17 more chapters to find out.  Wish I could answer your question about the house but then I'd have to kill ya.  Opps, sorry!  I've been watching to many mysteries.  Thanks for reading. 8)


Reviewer: Tanya (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 01:11 AM · On: Chapter 3

Okay about the keys. If Brian and Michael are living together at the loft, wouldn't Michael have the new set of keys? Other than that, I am still undecided about this story.

Author's Response:

Okay...hint...where would an evil Michael insist upon living?  Three guesses and the first two don't count.  <hehe>  Sorry you're undecided, but I'm going for unexpected.

Reviewer: joe (Anonymous) · Date: November 18, 2010 12:05 AM · On: Chapter 3

well, can't wait for more!


Author's Response:

Does that mean you like it?  <bashful grin>

Reviewer: feet526@aol.com (Anonymous) · Date: November 17, 2010 11:44 PM · On: Chapter 3

THIS STORY REALLY IS "YUM".....Please more...soom!  Loving it!  Thanks!

Author's Response:

Thank you.<happy dance>

Reviewer: Sling (Signed) · Date: November 17, 2010 11:02 PM · On: Chapter 3

More please ;) So Justin's gonna live in the loft? I bet Brian has a spare key 

Author's Response:

Have you been peeking at future chapters?  Hmmm, I didn't think about a spare key...hope Michael doesn't have it. 

Reviewer: Gina Marie (Signed) · Date: November 17, 2010 10:46 PM · On: Chapter 3

ok, I hate Michael, but wtf is wrong with Justin!  That's the second time Michael attacked him! And he it his head? Justin should have punched him out. And I'm really shocked at Brian.  That he let Michael push Justin down to the floor at babylon! And did noting?  he was there when Justin got bashed! wtf???  He could have hurt his head again, but apparently Brian didn't care.  Sorry, but I'm not liking Brian or Michael.   Ted and Emmett I love!   At this point, I can't see Justin forgiving Brian for at least not stepping in to stop Michael from hurting him, or at the very least help him up, ask him if he was ok, then tell him to leave.  But he didn't do any of those things. He  stood there watching as Justin hit the floor.   Pathetic piece of shit...the both of them B and M.

ok, end of rant!  lol  Sorry, I DO love this story.  It's a compliment that you got me having such strong emotions about the characters!  It takes a lot for me to hate Brian, and I really do right now.  lol.  I'm sure I'll come around.  Great chapter.

Author's Response:

Aha, you noticed.  There is something wrong with Michael, Justin and Brian <evil laugh>  It's five years since Justin left, nine years since the bashing and we don't know yet how Brian feels.  Don't worry you'll see what motivates Brian in future chapters, but if I told you that would spoil it. <grin>

Reviewer: lili (Anonymous) · Date: November 17, 2010 09:35 PM · On: Chapter 3

oh em ilove em .. oh iam sure i can kill miky he is evil

Author's Response:

Mikey does not deal well with rivals.  At least not in this fic.


Reviewer: LovelessSouls (Signed) · Date: November 17, 2010 09:05 PM · On: Chapter 1

I don't know who I want to kill more Michael or Biran. I LOVE Emmett though, I'm so glad he is a big part of this story so far. Can't wait for more, love the idea of this story.

Author's Response:

Thank you 8)  I love Emmett too.  Guess you can tell.

Reviewer: lyn (Anonymous) · Date: November 17, 2010 08:50 PM · On: Chapter 3

omg!!  emmett is da bomb.  always liked him  like him more and more.  this story is rockin  has so many possibilities.  michael weill get his cumuppance i hope --waiting for that.  brian has a big surprise in store soon..  keep these great chapters coming soooooo!!! good. lol

Author's Response:

The possiblities are endless and with this story you never know.  Thank you.

Reviewer: lili (Anonymous) · Date: November 17, 2010 03:31 PM · On: Chapter 2

 justin please ..getes up .... you are not a twat you are not weak ...... oh yumyum i hope justin show to brian how much is his worth

Author's Response:

Hope this next chapter makes up for the earlier weekness. B)

Reviewer: Bigdogz08 (Anonymous) · Date: November 17, 2010 11:24 AM · On: Chapter 2

So glad to see your update. This is a hell of a story and looking forward to seeing where it goes...write on!

Author's Response:

Thank you.  What a lovely thing to say.

Reviewer: meme (Anonymous) · Date: November 17, 2010 05:25 AM · On: Chapter 1

Frist let me say I love justin  but Justin is what twenty-seven, to old to be crying he's a man now and to let michael push? he did push him down and brian just stood there and watch that's not right, even though neither brain or justin stay in touch now only justin.. it just don't seem like brian would be that way dose he hate justin that much but why.

Author's Response:

I agree, but I was going for something a little different from the norm.  Poor Brian, living with Michael has certainly, shall we say, affected him and not in a good way.  LOL

Reviewer: masterglory (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 10:29 PM · On: Chapter 1

I really don't know if you'll answer this comment of mine, but...it'll be a

 1) ABrian/mikey story,

2)An anti/mikey story

3)Or what?

Sorry, but I'm anti/mikey at heart *g* and I simply hate the idea of Brian in a relationship with whiny-mikey, I can't stand it:( so if you'll keep on this (very) good start. please could you let me know if it'll be #1 #2 or #3, thanks, Gloria^^ 

Author's Response:

Mostly 2 and a lot of 3.  Ya gotta admit that it's different. 

Reviewer: Sling (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 09:31 PM · On: Chapter 1

uiii this sounds really interesting! I hope you'll update soon again 

Author's Response:

Doing my best.  Thank you for reading.

Reviewer: BluvsJ (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 06:09 PM · On: Chapter 1

 You may not answer me...but... I need to know before I read this.... is this going to end up being a Brian and Mikey fic???...if it is you should put a warning on it.... because the two of them together is INCEST.... lol... they are BROTHERS not LOVERS...  Thanks,,,,,,

Author's Response:

Nope, it's not a Brian/Michael fic.  Brian tends to get into situations with good intentions.  This time he's gonna need a lotta help

Reviewer: lyn (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 11:12 AM · On: Chapter 1

love this story eager to see where it goes.  cute picture of peter.  brian and michael living together turns my stomach.  brian must really have missed justin.  omg  good start piqued my interest.

Author's Response:

Well, I've read most the stories out there, and I don't think I've ever seen one that goes in this direction.  I try to keep our glimses of Brian with Michael to a minamum.

Reviewer: Druscilla (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 06:14 AM · On: Chapter 1

Can't wait to see where this is going.  Can't imagine Brian and Justin not being drawn back together.  Update soon!

Author's Response:

I'll do my best.  Fortunately it's pretty much written.  Just need to go over each chapter and hope I catch any mistakes. 

Reviewer: Jessikaa (Signed) · Date: November 16, 2010 04:56 AM · On: Chapter 1

OH MY GAWD!!! I- can't believe it!! WTF?!! How did you get this crazy idea?? Well, quick quick, I want to know what's going to happen!! Does Justin gonna be with Brian again? Is Brian and Michael really together? Wh- Ok, sorry, I'm asking a lot of questions here but seriously, that's-...erh...I don't even have the words!! Tell your muse she's evil... And that mine already love her!! LOL

Author's Response:

Actually I've had this crazy idea for about a year now.  It's one of those things that just kinda, ummm festers.  lol. 

Reviewer: jm c (Signed) · Date: November 16, 2010 02:39 AM · On: Chapter 1

I like this story i can not wait to read the next chapter

i hope brian and justin get back together michael i hope finds another man in this story

i look forward to reading what will happen next


Author's Response:

Wish I could tell you but that would spoil the next chapters ; )

Reviewer: ballymay (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 01:57 AM · On: Chapter 1

Great start! Looking forward to your update:)

Author's Response:

Thank you.  Glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: joe (Anonymous) · Date: November 16, 2010 01:28 AM · On: Chapter 1

oh wow, what a start! b and m? this is going to be interesting! i like it that the guys don't look the same, that they look older. in many fics they look the same although years have gone by and yes brian with a beard is sexy!great that emmet is there for justin!can't wait for an update!

Author's Response:

Well you know that Micheal always wanted Brian anyway.  That was my first effort at making a banner, it took me forever to figure out how to post it even with the TecheMike's help!!!  Hope the rest lives up to your expectations.

Reviewer: Vic (Anonymous) · Date: November 15, 2010 11:48 PM · On: Chapter 1

waiting for the next chapter :D:D:D

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading %)

Reviewer: LILI (Anonymous) · Date: November 15, 2010 11:07 PM · On: Chapter 1


Author's Response:

Unfortunately even though I wanted to - killing Mikey didn't workout

Reviewer: Gina Marie (Signed) · Date: November 15, 2010 10:39 PM · On: Chapter 1

oh my, how sad. But I could see this happening. Especially if Justin didn't keep in touch with Brian.   Love this first chapter.  Can't wait to see where you take this story.

Author's Response:

Hope you continue to enjoy the next chapters.  Now if I can just figure out how...I might have another chapter soon  I love your stories, too.8)

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