Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Reviews For Timeless
Reviewer: argentine65 (Anonymous) · Date: August 05, 2010 08:33 PM · On: Chapter 39

I just loved Gus and the puppy and also liked Gus's grandfather being sweet with his grandchild. Wonderful interaction between Brian and Justin (finally) but I still feel for Chris. I liked even (bad of me) what happened to Ted and the conversation Brian has with Lindsay to tell her about the lost of the money and offering help and also Brian hearing his friends and not jumping in anger. Thank you so much for sharing. Martha

Reviewer: Dawna (Anonymous) · Date: August 03, 2010 09:31 AM · On: Chapter 39

I owe you an apology- I went on my friendly rant before I read chapter 38- It had some lovely B/J moments but McCheesy still has to much importance in my opinion - and yeah I know -  no one ask for my 2 cents - Brian has really only known him a few months- and yeah he helped him get his mojo back- which to me was an absolute horrible injustice to Justin. Brian's "sunshine" should have had that honor. So he (McFed) will always be disliked in my mind. Anyway just wanted to say that although ( to me) B/J aren't really getting much "love" as a couple this story is very compelling.

Author's Response:

No apology necessary - and I love friendly rants.  As for Brian's relationship with McClaren, it's more the kind of instant recognition that sometimes happens between new acquaintances than something based on old history.  And keep in mind that Brian's primary purpose - as always - is to protect the people he loves - with Justin at the top of that list.  What he needs to learn - and is learning - is that Justin is strong enough to be a part of the process.

And the love will continue to grow.  Of that you can be certain - even though there are still bumps in the road ahead.

Thanks so much for your lovely comment.


Reviewer: JTSecrets (Signed) · Date: August 03, 2010 09:16 AM · On: Chapter 39

Your plot has been totally believable up to maybe forgiving Ted. Old friend or not he held a professional fiduciary responsibility and he grossly failed to protect the assets of his employer/client. Depending on his involvement he could go to prison even if he lost his own money. Worse case he would be taken out and shot.

I don't know what country you're in but in the USA he would not only be fired, but he would lose his CPA license if he had one. His next job would be picking up cans for a garbage truck since he wouldn't get to be a cashier at McDonalds or hold any position involving money in any way for the rest of his life.

Other than that the chapter was magically delicious as usual.

Hauling Ted out of the office in handcuffs by the feds for questioning would have been the more likely result. And if Brian lets him still hold signatory rights to the company accounts I'm going blind rolling my eyes over here.

Ah, but this is fiction and I must allow artistic license to see where you take this to. I'm feeling we haven't heard the last of Brian Kinney on the Ted situation. Once he gets over his gloat he going to be all business and do the right thing.

Don't you hate it went another writer tries to tell you how to write your story?


That's what happens when you're good enough to get us emotionally involved.

And there is still the other shoe regarding the Club yet to fall.

Congrads on being the hottest story on MW.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Friend.  And you are absolutely correct.  Ted's part in this story is not done yet.  Not even for me.  Does it blow my cover completely to reveal that I never plan out the details of my stories in advance.  I am strictly a seat-of-the-pants writer.  I write it as it comes to me, so . . . suffice to say that Brian is not yet done with Mr. Schmidt.

And I love it that you're emotionally involved, and yes, there are still shoes - note the plural - waiting to drop.

Thanks so much to you, and to the lovely MW, for all your support.


Reviewer: Dawna (Anonymous) · Date: August 03, 2010 08:09 AM · On: Chapter 39

This is my first time replying  with any feedback to this story and I want to first say you are a very talented writer. This story could probably be a best seller- It's that frakking GOOD! However - I skipped over a HUGE part of the tale when it looked as if Fed agent Chris McCheesy (please forgive me but I really HATE that character- see that just adds to your incredible story-telling ability to so inspire your readers passions!) Well when it looked as if Chris  Cornball the "straight" guy was falling for our Hero all while Justin gets treated so heartbreakingly cruel was too much. My poor heart just hurts for him! I scanned thru the last couple of cptrs so I know Brian has McCheesy cock-whipped and allows him to kiss and grope him at will in front of Justin all the while taunting Justin about his place in Brian's heart. I don't think it would be totally out of character for Brian to be more outwardly loving toward Justin after the ordeal he's been through. I've always thought that Brian loved Justin and needed him more than Justin needed him. Justin does love Brian but he can choose to walk away if he thinks it's best for them and yes Brian never tried to put locks on the doors- but he is extremely needy for Justin in his heart and mind. I would never presume to tell you how to write your story it's just I would like to see some real emotional growth for Brian. Just once can he tell someone point blank that he loves/needs and wants Justin Taylor in his life as a partner? He really needs to call out the McCheese on his treatment of Justin. It's hard on us B/J fans to read lines like Brian knowing it's petty to enjoy Justin's insecurity about Cheesy and root for B/J togetherness. I've always known you to be very pro B/J and G/R ( I can only imagine what you could do with RPS starring G/R) sorry I went to lalalala land there for a moment- Anyway out of love for your loyal readers who support B/J can you give us a bit of b/j fluff even if it's a dream sequence where Brian declares his undying love for his "sunshine" minus any snark or sarcasm? Other then begging for B/J love moments I'l shut up and let you tell your story with your ideas and please, please don't take offense or be angry at my whiny rant- This story really is pure gold. LOVE IT!

Author's Response:

Please do NOT apologize.  Your comment is thoughtful AND thought-provoking, which is always a good thing, and I welcome your opinion.  I - like you - adore Brian/Justin and believe that they are truly meant to be together.  I just think that both of them are truly strong characters, and that their need for each other stems from love - not weakness.  I believe that either or both of them could survive living without each other if they had to - but neither would ever realize the full potential of their lives if that happened.  Justins' love for Brian was always lovely and wonderful, but it was the love of a very young, romantic heart, a love which had never had to endure any exterior threats, as it was always Brian who was willing to let him go, if he needed to go.  Not because he didn't love Justin - but because he did.  There is an old quote - almost a cliche be now, but true nonetheless - that the truest form of love is the kind that sets one free.  That's how Brian always loved Justin.  I don't want Justin to suffer from insecurity in Brian's love for him, but I did feel he needed to learn that there was someone out there who would understand Brian as much as he did.  All the tricks in the world would never be a threat to him, but he needed a wake-up call.  That;'s the purpose that McClaren performs.

I hope that by the time this story ends, both our lovely heroes will have grown and learned - together - so that they're able to face whatever life throws at them, but without having to change who they are.  As per Mr. Kinney in Season 1 - "that's not love.  That's hate."

Thanks again for your wonderful comment, and I hope you continue to enjoy.


Reviewer: DavidR (Anonymous) · Date: August 03, 2010 01:00 AM · On: Chapter 39

I did read a tinge of sympathy for Ted.  Frankly, I have

none.  As an  employee (and supposed friend) he had a

obligation to tell Brian and Cynthia of his planned

investment of Brian’s money.  It is NOT his money, but

Kinnetik’s money.


Ted has taken on and has a fiduciary responsibility to

Kennetik and of course Brian.



   “  A fiduciary is someone who has undertaken

       to act for and on behalf of another in a particular 

       matter in circumstance  which give rise to a  

       relationship of trust and confidence”.


      “ he must not put his personal interests before

         the duty, and must not profit from his position 

         as a fiduciary, unles  the principal consents. The  

         word itself comes originally from the Latin fides,  

         meaning faith, and fiducia, trust.”

                   (sorry I lost the link I am quoting from)

I say as I have said before “kick his ass to the curb”. 

Ted does not deserve any better.


Thanks for another great chapter there is so much to

write about but this thank you says it all.


Thank again,



PS:  I wouldn’t  mind if Melanie got a kick in the ass too.


Author's Response:

Hey, David.  As always, I do so enjoy your thoughtful responses, and the points you raise - not to mention the knowledge your provide.  You are absolutely spot on in all your observations - although I do reserve the right to modify things according to the personalities involved.  Still, payback is - and should be - a bitch - and we're not done with it yet.  Not going to give too much away, but let me just point out one little thing.  He's Brian Kinney, for fuck's sake (a direct Michael quote here, hmm?) and he doesn't do things half way, and . . .  he generally does things face-to-face, not via the phone.  So this is far from over.  How will it end - for Ted?  Frankly, I myself am not yet sure.  Although I always know the general direction my story will take, the details always come to me as I go along.  Ted is a detail still dangling.  Melanie, on the other hand.  All I can say - for her - is stick around.  She's yet to confront her comeuppance.  LOL.

Thanks again for your wonderful input.


Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 02, 2010 04:27 PM · On: Chapter 39

I just want to say, I utterly love this. I've just finished reading the entire thing in one sitting and I can't wait for the next chapter.

Lovely :D 


Author's Response:

Holy cow, Friend!  A marathon read of this mega-story deserves a medal, and some serious down-time once you finish.  I hope you will continue to be pleased as we go along.


Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: August 01, 2010 08:57 PM · On: Chapter 39

awesome as always.  i can't figure out if the Hargrove scheme has anything to do with " THE CLUB".  i thought they were trying to ruin Brian finacially but now i'm not sure.  thanks for another great chapter.  more soon i hope!  DEB

Author's Response:

Thanks for taking the time to speak up, and for expressing your interest in the "background machinations: so to speak.  If I do my job correctly (always a big IF) all will become clear as we go along.  I hope.

More when I can.


Reviewer: YumYumPM (Anonymous) · Date: August 01, 2010 06:07 AM · On: Chapter 39

I love the fact the Gus mad it safely and that Lindsey's father is stepping up to the plate nicely.  I always thought he'd be more accepting of Lindsey and Melanie if it weren't for his wife.   Gus evidently inherited his father's ability to talk anyone into anything.  Getting Gus dog no less, a dog that seems to have fallen under Brian's spell.  Love the name Beau Soleil and Mr. Peterson's interpetation - Pretty Sunshine.  LOL. and the line  'Hey, Daddy, your tallywacker is showing' had me rolling on the floor.

Are Eugene and Howie still around, it would be nice if ther were more then just Chris around sporting a gun, though I imagine if anyone decided to make trouble Trina would go after them with a heavy skillet.

When will Ted learn that the one person responsible for the mess he is in is himself.  How will Melanie explain where she got $40,000 dollars from and will Lindsey wonder what else there is that Melanie has never informed her about?

No matter how great this chapter is, and it is really great, I can't help but wonder when the other shoe will drop and looking forward to finding out how you make it play out.



Author's Response:

Thanks so much for your lovely, in-depth comment - and I agree with your remarks about Lindsey's father.  I always got that vibe too.

So glad you picked up on the humor - something I thought we needed after all the heavy drama that's come before.  And yes, Eugene and Howie are still around.  We'll see a bit more of them later.  They'll all be needed before we're done.

And yes, you are right.  The other shoe is still hovering, but we're getting closer.  I hope you continue to approve as we go along.


Reviewer: ColorLet23 (Signed) · Date: August 01, 2010 04:59 AM · On: Chapter 39

I have said this before, but I feel like I should say it again. YOU ARE AMAZING! Your writing style and attantion to details is great. The way you have developed new characters and made me feel and care for them is just beuatiful. I just re-read all the chapters before reading this one and it made me realize how I truely appriciate you; and how you have managed to keep Brian and Justin alive for me is just ...well, thank you thank you. I have always loved your stories and this one is no different. Two Thumbs up!!!! :o)

Author's Response:

Thank you, my friend.  And if I have managed to keep Brian and Justin alive for you - and in character - that's just the best compliment I can imagine.  I hope it continues to please you.


Reviewer: templeton_ma (Anonymous) · Date: August 01, 2010 01:12 AM · On: Chapter 39

What a pleasant surprise. I totally did not expect such a cute chapter. Sunshine and the dog smiling at each other =D

What is the driving me crazy though is what is the other meaning of Beau Soleil?

Author's Response:

So glad you enjoyed the change of pace.  Sometimes, we all need a bit of an opportunity to smile, as a relief against all the darkness.  As for the other meaning - it's actually more of a French patois kind of thing, than true Parisian French, in that "Beau" really does mean "pretty" or "beautiful" and "soleil" obviously means "sunshine", but "beau" can also mean "boyfriend", and the order of noun/adjectives in French is often reversed to that of English, so that "Beau Soleil" could be interpreted to mean "Sunshine Boyfriend" - a pretty fair description of a certain gorgeous young blond, n'est pas?  LOL

Thanks for your lovely comment.


Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: July 31, 2010 01:34 PM · On: Chapter 39

OMG what a wonderful chapter I lol several times with the humour of it. LOL with Justin's jealousy at least he has the prize and he wisely intends to keep a firm hold.

Gus what can I say it is just so beautiful the love; your words are so wonderful we can see the picture of them so clearly.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic please keep it going:)


Author's Response:

I am so blessed by the enthusiasm of readers like you, and I am so glad that the portrait I'm trying to paint of Brian and Gus is coming through for you.  Some of my favorites still photos from the series involve Brian holding Gus, and I want this story to reflect the love that seems so obvious to me in those shots - and yes, I do know that's really silly, since they were simply actors playing a scene, but hey! I can see it as I choose, right?  Isn't that the genius of our Mr. Harold? LOL.


Reviewer: galenut (Anonymous) · Date: July 31, 2010 07:26 AM · On: Chapter 39

so happy to see a new chapter,keep up the good work

Author's Response:

Thanks, Hon.  Doing my best, and will try to get more done soon.


Reviewer: Anno53 (Anonymous) · Date: July 31, 2010 07:21 AM · On: Chapter 39

Part of me feels like Ted got what he deserved, but the other part feels so badly for him. :(

I love the puppy and Gus!

Great update as usual, cyn!

Author's Response:

Thanks, my friend, and I know exactly what you mean about Ted.  Unfortunately, choices have consequences, and he's still facing his. Not completely there yet, of course, but in process.


Reviewer: Chloris01 (Signed) · Date: July 31, 2010 04:20 AM · On: Chapter 39

I can't believe YOU made me laugh ! What a delightful chapter !

Does it make me a bad person if I really don't give a damn about our poor Ted, this time ??? Because, actually, Brian deserves a "little" comfort ! I think he had earned the right to be a bit cruel to those forget his sufferings ! 

Oh ! And I love what you've done with the "conversation" between Gus and Brian. It's so realistic and so funny!
Now, Brian must find a way to offer a dolphin to his son ! Another "hero thing"... or "father thing", but it's the same , I guess !

The puppy's name...It's so cute ! and french...Yippee !

And how Debbie is aware of her injustice to Brian ...
And how Brian called her "Ma"
Lindsay and her father ...
These are all little things that makes the characters and the whole story "vibrate". All these details which make them intensely alive. So alive that we can only like(or love !) them.

Sorry, my comments are very "disconnected" ! But I'm still in full euphoria mode...I will do better the next time !  

Author's Response:

LOL.  I love disconnected, because it means you're touching on all the bases that I manage to insinuate into a chapter - and we all know that's a lot to keep up with.  And I am delighted if you laughed.  That is frequently the hardest thing to achieve in a story, especially a story in which the primary thrust is not funny at all.

Thanks so much for your lovely comment.


Reviewer: debv3 (Signed) · Date: July 31, 2010 03:39 AM · On: Chapter 39

I hope Lindsey comes to her senses! Mel is a beast and deserves to be cut out of their lives...I know she can't go entirely because of JR but she needs t crawl back under her rock and stay there!!  Can't wait for the next chapter I pounce on your updates as soon as I see them.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for your comment, Friend, and . . . yes, the justice is still being dispensed.  For some, it's only just begun.  I hope you will be pleased when all's said and done.


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