Brian; having finally given into Mikey’s constant whining about his absence from Babylon, had been on his way out the door when he’d received the call from Alan. He didn’t phone anyone else to tell them Sunshine was awake. Debbie would announce to see him immediately, Emmett would as well and he wasn’t up for Mikey’s incessant whining about it, Was it selfish of him to want to see Justin by himself? He’d refused to see Justin the last time he’d woken up from a coma and he wasn’t that much of a bastard he’d do it again. To get to the hospital, he was sure he’d broken every speed law in Pennsylvania but hey, who’s counting. Pushing open the main doors, he’d been met by Alan who all but dragged him up to Justin’s room. Not that Brian needed dragging of course. Sunshine was dozing when Brian arrived, the older man lingering at the room window before stepping in. It pained him to see his Golden boy having to lie on his side, knowing that as soon as he saw his burns he‘d become self conscious; he’d be sure to tell him his scars were sexy. “Jus?” ~~~~~~ I heard his voice, or at least, I thought I did. It’ll be like last time. I’ll think he’s there but he won’t be. I try to roll onto my back but, of course, that annoying as hell doctor’s there to stop me. What good am I to anyone!? I spend most of my time on my fucking back! “Justin please, watch your back!” I turn my head, blond hair flopping over my narrowed eyes as I give him an evil look, “Well excuse me for TRYING to…Brian!?” my eyes go from slits to abnormally wide (like a bush baby) as I see him standing by the door, hands in his pockets and, surprisingly (not) dressed for Babylon. Doctor Annoying looks back and forth from him to me, it makes me think we’re playing tennis and not staring at each other. Shifting, I manage to roll onto my other side without irritating my back or taking my eyes off him. It’s almost as if I’m daring him to speak first. Which of course he does. “Hey…” Wow, talkative much. I offer him a lopsided smile and a nod, “Hi…” I remember what he told me before I went to sleep. I remember he told me he loved me. I’ll never mention it; the last thing I want is for him to get pissed at me. I motion for him to come closer, mentioning something about me not being a leper and I, personally, don’t think I’ve ever seen him move so fast before he’s got his arms wrapped round me. ~~~~~~ “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S AWAKE!?” Blinking, Justin peered over the shoulder his face was buried in at the door as his lover turned his head as best he could without disturbing his blond. The echoing of footsteps echoed the corridor before the door flew open to reveal a frantic looking young male, followed by an exhausted looking brunette and, to Brian’s surprise, his assistant. “Uh, Cynthia?” Said woman had barely pulled him away before the two strangers had Justin wrapped in their embrace, leaving Brian looking slightly lost. “Oh my God, Justin, you’re okay!” “When we heard about it we got the first plane out” “Fucking hell, what happened!?” “Who the FUCK are you people!?” Justin looked perplexed by Brian’s out burst before glancing at his friends, “Bri, these are my friends from Las Vegas. Sara Sidle and Greg Sanders. I worked with them and Greg is Cynthia’s little cousin”, he explained, offering his brunet a shrug. Thankfully, Alan kicked them all out before Justin lost his temper at jealous Brian. ~~~~~~ “Are you sure Justin?” The teen, who had his shirt half way over his head stopped to glare at his mother before pulling it the rest of the way down to cover the few scars on his back from where he’d been burnt. They weren’t visible unless you happened to have you’re nose pressed against his back but he knew they were there. Tugging his cargo’s over his hips, he toed on his tennis shoes and turned to Jennifer, a tired look on his face. Brian would have picked him up but Vance had threatened to fire Brian if he missed yet another day of work this week. Something about needing his best ad-man. He’d sent Justin flowers, which he found a tad odd but never said anything. “Mom, just…take me home” She never once commented that he thought of Debbie’s as home and not her house. Then again, his mom’s place hadn’t been home in a long time. She held open the door for him and he sluggishly made his way down the corridor towards the exit. It was cold outside and goose bumps appeared on his bare arms as he tugged his duffel bag closer to his body. He knew he was leaving his mother behind but he was sick of her treating him like an invalid. So he got blown up, who cares. It wasn’t going to stop him being a CSI, no matter what his mother asked. A screeching of tires alerted him and he glanced up in time to come nose to glass with the window of a jeep. “Get in the car!” The blond looked at Brian as if he’d sprung six heads. He was in his work suit and looked to-die-for, Daphne had been right. “What for?” He didn’t want to look back at his mom in case Brian vanished but the brunet sighed, “Just…get in the car Justin” Without looking back at his forgotten mother, Justin nodded and climbed in, slinging his bag in the back. “Where are we going?” Brian looked sideways at him, as if contemplating before reaching out and grabbing his hand. “Home” Justin had a feeling he didn’t mean Debbie’s.