To say Justin was shocked would be the understatement of the millennium. To say he was now suffering from shell shock would be more like it. His eyes were wide, his breathing having stopped for a moment as he lost any color he actually had in his face. He looked about ready to faint. That’s when Ethan caught his eye, a smug smile on his lips and Justin really did faint. Right onto Brian’s shoulder; handy that. Daphne looked on in wonder at Justin’s reaction as Brian brushed blond hair off his boyfriend’s forehead, whispering to him in an attempt to wake him up before any of the staff noticed. Teacher’s kept glancing over so Brian could have sung when blue eyes opened. “Can I kill him?” Four sets of eyes rested on him as he raised an eyebrow. “What?” It was Daphne who answered. “Kill who?” “Ethan, who else?” Everyone visibly relaxed. Justin’s POV He has a fucking nerve coming to this school. He fucking KNEW I was here. Why would anyone, who had a choice mind you, move from a music school in New York to this hellhole in bloody Pittsburgh. Assembly finishes, thankfully, and I all but run towards the door but, of course, Ethan intercepts me. “Hey Jus. Fancy seeing you here?” Oh yeah, play the innocent and clueless violinist. I plaster on a fake smile, my grip on Brian’s hand tightening and I nod. “Yes, it is truly a shock. Pray tell why the FUCK you’re here?” It’s slightly frightening I can say all that in what most would pass off for a pleasant tone. The hand that isn’t breaking Brian’s is clenched into a tight fist, you know, just in case I have to punch Ethan for some reason. Then again, do I really need a reason to punch this greasy fuck? And then, he has the cheek to smile! “I thought I’d come and, you know, catch up. It’ll be like old times, Jus”. Ha, old times my ass! Maybe so but the only person who’ll get near MY ass is Brian. I nod. “Really? So, Ethan, who’s going to marvel at your huge talent? You’re marvellous fingering? The way in which you stroke your bow?” I hear Brian try to stifle a laugh as I smirk. “I saw Molly…” Well that catches my attention as I look at him in anger. “What right do you have going anywhere near MY sister!?” I find myself hissing, stepping towards the boy, Brian being the only thing holding me back from killing him in a public place. “She’s the one who told me where you were…” Brian’s POV If looks could kill, the new kid would be dead. Dead, dead, dead. And maybe a little more. I think Molly’s gonna be dead too. Thought not as much as the chin rat. I sneak a glance sideways at my boyfriend, I’ll never get used to saying that, and notice a deep red flush is creeping up from under the collar of his shirt. A sure sign he’s about to loose it completely. It’s up to me to save him. “C’mon Jus, we have Biology”. I knew that would get his attention, after all, he’s an aspiring paramedic. I manage to throw a sneer at the chin rat before pulling my blond away from him and draping my arm round his shoulders as I steer him towards the west corridor, visibly relaxing when his arm slips round my waist. “I’m going to kill that little twerp…” Now I’m worried.