“I thought I told you to get out!” he snarls, eyes narrowed as he turns to the trick. The man raises an eyebrow, “Your partner has been abused. I can help”. Brian scoffs bitterly, “And how does that work?” he queries, voice bordering on faint curiosity. The trick smirks and pulls out a small wallet-type object, opening it, “I’m a cop”, causing Brian’s eyes to widen. “Well fuck me…” Brian cast a glance back towards the bedroom before nodding, “I don’t want Mikey and Codfish to get away with this”, he mumbled, turning back towards the trick/cop called Bob. Bob nodded, “Very well, first I’ll need the victims name” Officer on Patrol - Detective Alexander Firth Crime - Unjust Assault on a young man Victims Name - Justin Craig Taylor Victims Age - 20 Victims Blood Type (“What the fuck do you need that for!?”) - AB Negative Relationship towards Michael Novotny - Victim and Mr Novotny’s relationship is strained. According to the Victims partner (Brian cringed at this), one Mr Brian Kinney, they are only on speaking terms regarding their comic book ‘Rage’. Relationship with Cody Bell - Victim and Mr Bell worked together in what they called ‘The Pink Posse’ a group of gay teenagers fighting for their rights against homophobes. Complaints concerning Mr Bell have been raised before and it is clear Mr Bell is not of a sane mindset. Victims Injuries (Bob inspected the ‘sleeping’ blonde) - Broken Wrist, Bruised Ribs, Concussion, Two broken fingers, several cuts of different shapes and depths and a black eye. Possible Weapons used - Fists, Feet, judging by one of the gashes across the victims back, an iron pipe perhaps. Past Hospitalisations - Hospitalized after his Prom in 2000 after a fellow student took a Baseball bat to his head. Mr Kinney was present for that. Attacker was let off with community service and a slap on the wrist. Victim was left in a comatose state and with limited use of his right hand due to the damage inflicted to his motor skills. Allergies (“Too many to count Officer“)- Almost nearly every drug, including Tylenol. A list of further allergies will be submitted at a later date once the victim wakes up. Possible Reasons for Assault - Jealousy, Hate, Anger, Revenge? It took two hours but, eventually, all the information Alexander needed was down and he was ready to find out what had provoked the seemingly unjust attack on the boy. Brian waved Alex off before locking the door and setting the alarm. He approached the bed to find Justin sitting there, watching him through the darkness, the only light being the glow from the orange light above the bed, “Did your friend have fun poking and jabbing my sore parts?” he asked, having been woken by a rather sore jab to the wrist which had hurt like a bitch. Brian just shook his head as he stripped and slid under the covers, lighting up a cigarette as he watched his blonde who was looking about like he didn’t know what to do with himself, “Relax Justin, no-ones gonna hurt you here”, he mumbled, running his fingers through the blonde hair soothingly. Justin laughed, “You don’t know that. In case you hadn’t noticed, Michael has your pass code and a key to your loft. If he gets in tomorrow and decides he wants to finish what he started while you’re at work, what am I gonna do? Glare him to death?” Brian had to admit, Justin had a point. He had one hand in use and Michael was, undoubtedly stronger than he was so it would be easy to overthrow any attempts the blonde would make to protect himself. And this got Brian thinking. And thinking… And think… “I’VE GOT IT!” His yell caused Justin to whimper and shuffle away slightly, so Brian slung an arm round his blonde gently, “I’ll drop you at Emmett’s first thing before work. I know for a fact Mikey wouldn’t try anything there and if he did, Emmett packed one hell of a punch, trust me, I know”, he explained, smiling fondly at the boy as he nodded, “Okay Bri, I’ll go to Emmett’s”. So with that…the two fell asleep, pretty certain Justin would be safe. ~~~~~~~~ “So you want me to baby-sit Sunshine?” On the other end of the phone, Brian nodded, “That’s correct Em, oh and whatever you do, do NOT leave him alone with Michael, you hear!?” A affirmative ‘Yep’ was his reply as they made plans to meet at the diner on Brian’s way to work so he could drop off his charge. The charge who was padding about the loft topless at present, his cargo pants hanging off his skinny hips as his trainers scuffed on the hardboard as he limped. “Brian, I have a problem!” came the loud announcement of a spoilt child, which caused Brian to roll his eyes, “Yes Justin?” “I can’t get my shirt on!” Ah, that might be a problem. Furrowing his brow, Brian rummaged through the wardrobe before pulling out an oversized zip up, “You can go topless at Emmett’s, I just don’t want the whole of Liberty, and the city from here to there, to see how fucked up your body is because, how much do you want to bet, they’ll find a way to put the blame on me?” he asked, helping Justin slip into it before fastening it, a hand on his chest belonging to the blonde. “It wasn’t your fault…I’m Having a sense of déjà vu here Brian…” he complained, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he pulled Brian’s head down and kissed him, softly mid you, he did have a pretty badly split lip. His brunette nodded, “Let’s go then, I have a meeting with the cops this morning”. In the car, Justin fidgeted. And whined. And kept moving about on his seat. And was, thus, slowly driving Brian mad. It wasn’t Justin’s fault his ribs were acting up. He was practically folded in two, Corvette’s were not good cars for injured Twinks. So he decided he’d announce that. “I don’t like this car Brian!” The driver raised an eyebrow and looked at him in horror, “But Jus, it’s vintage!” Justin nodded, “That’s all fine and well, but I’m folded in two. This is not a car fit for injured Twinks. My ribs hurt!” he humped, folding one arm over his chest. That seemed to cause Brian to wince, “I’m sorry Sunshine, but we’re here anyway”, he pointed out, stopping the car and getting out. He wandered round the car, ignoring the looks as he opened the passenger side for Justin to clamber out (with Brian’s help of course). The diner was empty, well almost, Debbie was there with Ben, Michael and Emmett. Justin kept his hand in Brian’s as he followed the older man towards the booth, trying to keep out of the view of Michael, “Emmett”, came Brian’s voice sharply as he motioned to Mikey, in a way that only Em could see as he squeaked before jumping up, “I’ll see you all later”, he announced, taking Justin’s hand out Brian’s and leading him for the door. Almost free. “SUNSHINE!?” Justin winced, stopping as he stopped, turning his head as he flashed Debbie a pained half smile, “Hey Deb…” The woman dropped the salt sellar in her hand when she spotted Justin’s face, “What the fuck!?” she hollered, attracting the attention of everyone in the diner, including Michael (who had till the yell been being given an earful by Brian) “What happened? Did that asshole do this to you!?” she hissed, grabbing a rolling pin and approaching Brian. Squeaking, Justin let go of Em and limped/ran towards Brian, slipping in front of him, “No Deb, Brian didn’t touch me. He’d never hurt me!” Emmett and Ben couldn’t believe Debbie would think that. Evidentally neither could Justin. “How the fuck could you think such a thing!? Brian doesn’t hurt people without good reason. He’s not his father!” The last part was said quietly, but it got the message across as Justin threw her one last glare, “You wanna know what happened? Ask your fucking son!” he snapped before limping back to Em and out the door. And that’s just what Debbie did. “Michael? What the fuck happened to my Sunshine!?” ~~~~~~~~ Justin liked Emmett’s car. It was spacey. It was an injured Twink friendly car. Justin’s eyes were closed as they approached Emmett’s apartment when Em’s voice woke him, “Who’s that?” he queried, causing one of Justin’s eyes to open as he spotted Cody waiting by the apartment. “Fuck!” Sighing, he climbed out the car and started walking towards the main door when, as predicted, Cody stepped in front of him, “You’re meant to be dead, not walking about!” the blonde flashed his former friend a tired look, “Get out the fucking way Cody…now…” he hissed, moving to step round him, only to be blocked again, “Let him past!” Emmett was coming to the rescue. Psycho-Cody laughed harshly, “And what’s a queen like you going to do?” Then he hit Justin’s broken wrist. And all hell broke loose. It was like Em took a whole new personality change, he’d launched past Justin and was now bitch slapping Cody and Justin was sure he’d have started pulling his hair had Cody had any. Awkwardly, Justin fished out his cell and dialled for Brian. “Yes Sunshine? Emmett treating you well?” “I’m not sure Brian, but it’s fun to watch” “What is?” “Emmett beating the shit out of Cody”, came the amused yet somewhat pained voice. There was silence on the other end. “Bri?” “I’ll be right there!” Before Justin could say anything, Brian had hung up, causing Justin to sigh as Cody hit the gorund and it didn’t look like he’d be going anywhere anytime soon. “EMMETT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Automatically, said man was at Justin’s side, glaring at the approaching Michael and Ben. In the car, Justin had told Emmett everything. About the attack by Mikey and Cody. The screeching of tires announced Brian’s arrival. Out the corvette stepped Brian and another man. Emmett smiled wodely, “I’m beating up the guy who dared touch my Sunshine. But of course, you’d already know that wouldn’t you Mikey?” Alarm passed Michael’s face before it was relaced by a rather believable look of confusion, “I-I don’t get what you mean?” Justin rolled his eyes, “You paid Cody to attack me. You held me down while he beat the shit outta me. Then you left me to Cody. Fuck Michael, look at what he managed to do!” he hissed, pulling off his shirt to show the sling, his skin which was a lovely mixture of greens, yellows, purples and blues. A gasp emmited from Ben’s lips, “That’s where you got the bruise on your chest?” Justin laughed, “I managed to get one punch in before he got my arms behind my back, what did he tell you happened?” Anger was now on Michael’s face at the fact everyone seemed to be on the blondes side, “He was supposed to smack you about a bit. The hospitalisation wasn’t supposed to happen. You were still supposed to make it home before curfew so Brian wouldn’t suspect anything! You‘re just the twink who never went away. Brian was supposed to settle down with me, not you. You should have died on that garage floor. I was aiming to finish what Hobbs started!” It all happened so quickly. Brian managed to get passed everyone and bring his fist against Mikey’s face hard before he was pulled back by Ben and the man who’d arrived with Brian was pulling out a pair of cuffs, “Michael Novotny; I’m arresting you for the unjust and completely irrational assault of Justin Taylor. Anything you say may be used against you in court…” Justin tuned out what was being said as another police car arrived and his two attackers were bundled into the back, “It’s over…” ~~~~~~~~ Epilogue Justin POV Since Michael got arrested, life’s been somewhat enjoyable. Sure I still walk with a slight limp, but I can actually get up the stairs now without having to get Brian or anyone to help me. I’m back at work at the diner and everyone’s being so damned nice its scary. My hand (the one that got broken) always acts up but everyone’s so polite about it, they help me when that happens. Ben has left Michael and moved into an apartment nearby with Hunter. He’s seemingly adopted me as his surrogate son and even Hunter is being somewhat civil towards me. Emmett is still in shock that Michael could do something like that to anyone, let alone someone younger than him. At first Debbie took it the hardest. She was heartbroken her little boy could have been so vicious but she was glad her Sunshine was okay. But now, she keeps popping over to the loft to make sure I’m alright, to see how Brian’s coping. In all, she’s being amazing. Brian won’t let me out his sight. He drives me to school, to work; he picks me up. He keeps an eye on me at Babylon or at Woody’s and if he can’t do it I know for sure he’ll have Ted or Emmett on the case right away. And I know that when Cody and Michael get out of jail, I’ll be ready for any shit they throw my way.