It’s been a week since that incident at the diner and I can honestly say that my condition hasn’t gotten any better. My mood varies from happy to angry at the smallest things; for example, if someone puts something where it shouldn’t be I’ve been known to fly off the rails. I even managed to push Brian down the stairs leading to his bedroom because he was fucking a trick in the bed. He promised there would be no tricks in the loft for fucks sake. Thus, here I am, sat in the same room of Allegheny Hospital that I was in after the bashing, an IV stuck in my arm as I stare at the door. I’m dressed in black cargos and a black shirt to reflect my mood right now. Chris is sitting on one of the hideous orange chairs in the corner of the room as Jill watches out the window. The doctors told me that, though the anti-virus is available, it has to be shipped from Umbrella’s laboratory in Los Angeles. Yes, because their really going to help a group of rogue S.T.A.R.S, I can see it now ‘Special Delivery for Private Taylor and the delivery boys a Tyrant’. For some reason I find that funny and as I start laughing, my comrades look at me as if I’ve finally lost it. Hell, maybe I have. Maybe the virus has started to mess with my mind as well as my body. I’m sure I should have mutated by now. My laughing dies away as the door opens and Brian walks in, a bandage on his wrist where I managed to injure him. We haven’t spoken since the accident and he’s been avoiding me; not that I blame him of course. If he’d hurt me like that I’d have moved to the next state and changed my name. Well, maybe not but the way I’m going I’ll probably have to before I hurt someone else. “Can I talk to Justin…alone?” he asks my friends quietly who, in turn, look at me in concern before Jill nods, “We’ll wait outside in case something happens…” she says as she all but drags Chris towards the door, “By something I assume you mean me?” I ask as they leave, looking rather sheepish before I turn my gaze back to Brian. “Look Justin, I know you never meant to hurt me. It’s the virus that’s making you do things, it’s…changing you, I get that”, he pauses, “But Sunshine I’m scared. You’re changing and…I don’t want you to change. You need help…and until you do…stay away from me…” he whispers, looking at me before he walks out. To say I’m stunned would be the understatement of today. Brian left me. Brian’s never left me. The one person I thought could get me through this and he’s just left me. I feel my anger starting to build up again, fists clenching as I glare at the door. I slide off the hospital bed, standing straight as I stalk towards the door and after Brian when it opens, revealing Chris and Jill. I know my eyes have reverted to their now somewhat permanent Red/Blue titanium color because it causes Jill to draw her gun and aim it at me, “Calm the fuck down Justin. If you loose it I will have to shoot you!” she hisses, Chris standing behind her looking alarmed. I smirk at her, spinning round and raising my foot with inhuman speed and strength; kicking the gun out her hand as it slides across the floor to the opposite side of the room, “With what?” I ask, my voice bordering on sick amusement as I step round the stunned young woman. As I seemingly glide down the corridor, past stunned (probably by my eyes) onlookers I realise. I’m not going to mutate…not on the outside anyway. Both forms of the virus I have in me have merged, their cells bonding to create…well…me. I was warned one day this would happen, back in the lab all those years ago. Pushing open the main doors to the hospital, I pull a pair of shades out my pocket and slide them on, looking about me. I know what I have to do. I’m a danger to everyone I love, especially Brian. I’ve gotta leave Pittsburgh and, consequently, my old self behind. As from today. Justin Taylor is dead.