Brian was sure he broke every speed law in the States and ran every red light in Pittsburgh in his rush to get to the manor. Emmett was panicking in the backseat with Ted due to the fact his baby was in trouble. On more than one occasion Brian wanted to point out Justin was his baby, not Emmett’s. Michael sat in the passenger seat, hands gripping his seatbelt so tight his knuckles were turning white. For someone who allegedly didn’t like Justin, he was probably the most panicked. Brian just hoped he wasn’t too late. “Look!” came Ted’s shaky voice as he pointed. There in the clump of trees where the manor was meant to be, was a ruin. The house had no roof, the door was bricked over to stop trespassers entering and the building’s right wing was collapsed. The wing where the party was meant to have been. “Shit!” Having called the police, Brian paced back and forth in front of the building, running his fingers through his hair so it was sticking straight up in places. Carl approached him, resting a hand on his shoulder, “Brian, I think I know why the…house…has targeted Justin”. Even to Brian, who had an idea what horrors his baby was facing, the fact a house was trying to kill him sounded odd but he nodded. “Turns out one, Craig Taylor, was involved in the murder of Albert and Helena Ross. Obviously, it knows Justin’s his son. David Ross is their grandson, his father was involved, he led them into the trap. Alison Garcia’s father provided the murder weapon. Emily Eriks’ father disposed of the body with Daphne Chanders’ father and as for Mr Taylor…his father pulled the trigger”. Brian wanted to throw up. “So what? They’re being punished for their fathers’ mistakes!?” How he wanted to kill Craig Taylor right now. “Detective!? Brian!” Jennifer had arrived with Molly. Both were in tears and, who should be trailing behind, but Craig fucking Taylor. “You…” was all Brian managed to growl before his cell rang. “Sunshine!?” he gasped as soon as he answered. His reply was nothing but sobs. And his heart broke.