My mother gasps as she spots us, gathering up her skirts and all but running the rest of the way down the stairs as she swoops us into her arms, planting a sloppy wet kiss on my now pink cheek. The stranger is looking on his mild amusement, Jacob just rolls his eyes. He’s used to this kind of behavior regarding my mother. She pulls away, raising a pale hand to pinch my cheek, hard. “Oww mom!” I find myself whining as I rub my sore patch, a pout on my lips as she smiles, running her fingers through Molly’s soft blonde hair, “My babies, you have returned. Jacob, ready their rooms!” My sister looks at me in alarm and I all but squeak, “Mother, we’re not…umm…staying…” Molly giggled at the fact her usually curt, ‘not afraid of anything’ big brother is a nervous wreck around our mother. Well if you could see the look she was giving me, you’d be terrified too. It’s the ‘I’m disappointed in you but you’re my son, I love you but get out’ look. The same one she had on her face the time I left. I lick my lips, blue eyed gaze dropping to the floor, the wall, the ceiling, anywhere but the steely gaze of the woman, standing cross armed in front of me, “Umm well you see…we have to…uh…” How the hell does one explain one is going on the tail of Captain Stockwell, the most notorious and bloodthirsty Pirate alive? My sister takes pity on me and sighs, “What Jester is trying to say, is that we’re going to travel a bit more. Working you know. You always told us to make our own way and we’re doing it. Away from father”. For an 11 year old, she’s more mature than me at times. She nods slightly, “Oh! I want you to meet someone, this is Lord Brian, son of Earl Kinney”. My eyes meet his and I raise an eyebrow, hands resting on my tan leather clad hips, “Bit young for you mother?” I ask, well aware of the countless number of men my mother sleeps with. I yelp as she slaps me, gently though, “I care not what you are insinuating, but I suggest you stop it at once!” Slinking back I nod, “Aye ma’am…” Get a grip Taylor. She nods, “Good, now Lord Brian is a royal ambassador. He is here to check up on the Island for our King…he‘s also a representative for the East India Trading Company”, there’s a sneer on her lips, a knowing look in her eyes. My face pales. Oh…fuck! That’s not good. The EITC have a bone to pick with pirates and want nothing more than to arrest them and see them hung. I better watch my back. And maybe get the hell out of here. I feel Molly slip her hand into mine, “Umm…okay mother, we’ll be…off now…” Backing to the door, I’ve slapped a fake grin on my boyish face before turning round and breaking into a run down the driveway, past the confused gardener, my sister hot on my heels, her skirts billowing behind her. I throw myself against the gate, pushing my sister through it before following. Shit. Shit. Shit. We run through the streets of town, cutting down a back alley ‘til we hit the main square. How the hell did my mother know we were Pirates? And now that Brian guy knows my name and that’s never a good thing. We need to get off this island as soon as possible. “Molly, go get Deb, Vic and Mikey, they’re at their house. I’ll go get Emmett and Ethan!” I bark, receiving a nod before she sprints off in the other direction. My feet lead me to the tavern and I take a deep breath before entering. It’s just as I remembered, The Liberty Tavern. Debbie used to work here before she came with me and the boys. There’s a man sitting with Emmett and Ethan, the latter of whom looks decidedly sloshed. I roll my eyes, bloody typical. The one time we are in a rush to get out of here is the one time he goes and gets himself rat-arsed! Men… My boots hit off the wood as I stride across the floor, a few hungry eyes watching me before I straddle the bench, “Hello Theodore”, I greet. He used to be my family’s accountant until they found out he helped fund my escape. Then they fired him. I’ve always considered getting someone akin to a treasurer to look after the booty, “Say, Theodore, fancy a job? Yes? Good, glad to hear it, now we have to go, now!” Theodore and Emmett blink, looking at each other as the door burts open, revelaing a few of the town guards, “Oh did I mention my mother knows?” “Justin Taylor!?” Nobody points at me. Nobody even acknowledges I’m here, “Haven’t seen him…” I hear someone say loudly, shaking her head. Murmurs of agreement soon follow as the guard looks about wildly. I feel their eyes burning a hole into the back of my head, my teeth worrying my bottom lip. Everything is silent. But I knew it was too good to last. “You’re look for Jushtin!?” Oh…no…Ethan shut up! “Jushin’s right here, ain’t sha Jushin!” He slaps my back and I snap, pushing him back, hard as I leap up, cutlass draw as I look about. They’re blocking the only exit. Emmett has his drawn too and Theodore has his pistol out. My head turns slightly as I hear whistling. The tavern owner is discreetly pointing to the door beside him, a smile breaking out onto my lips. “Em…on the count of three, you and Ted run for that door, over there…” I whisper, loud enough only for them to hear as I motion with my head. They nod slightly, “One…two…THREE!” I dart sideways, dodging tables as the owner pushes open the door, allowing us to run straight out and into the street. “MOLLY!” I yell, spotting them ahead, “GET TO THE BOAT!” Footsteps are echoing behind us as we run as fast as we can, I’m thankful I left Ethan behind. He’s a bloody traitor! We’re running thought the gate to the port, down the steps and across the pier, “Em, Ted, get on, now!” They nod, running up the gangway and readying a rope. If I can hold them off long enough so they can start going, I can grab said rope. There’s a gunshot and one of the guards falls, my eyes training on the same brunette from my mothers house, supporting a giggling Ethan, pistol drawn. Confusion is evident in my eyes but I’m brought back to reality by the saber piercing my arm, shaking my head, I reach for Ethan, “Can you follow on the rowing boat? I’d rather like it back”, I ask hurriedly, backing with Brian towards the edge of the wooden platform. “Sure thing kid”, he says, motioning for me to jump to the rope, “Hold on tight Ethan…” I hiss, though I’d like nothing more than to throw him in the water and let the sharks eat him. Turning, I throw myself at the rope, catching it with one hand, the older still clutching my first mate, “Ethan, hold onto my waist. Christ WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DRINK SO MUCH!?” I howl, shimming up the rope. I feel hands grabbing me, to pull me over the railing, my back hitting solid wood, hard, “Owch…” I hiss, as Debbie starts on my wounded arm, “There’s a guy following in my boat, he’s allowed on alright?” Nods of confirmation followed by the ‘oofing’ of the brunette being tugged aboard. It’s then I realise. I’m at war with the American’s now. Bloody great….