“JUSTIN!” I cracked one eye open, momentarily confused to my surroundings as I sat up. I’d been working at Babylon until 3 I think and I really couldn’t be assed waking up for class. My hand would only give me grief. Groaning, I rolled off the bed, smacking my shin off the wooden siding, a stream of profanities escaping my lips as I crawled into the bathroom. Awkwardly I managed to turn on the shower, my eyes still not fully opened as I cleaned off my 18 year old body. I was desperately trying to rid myself of the night before dream, to remember that I lived in the Pitt’s and I was, in effect, now a normal teenager. Not a military person with a bounty on my head. With a crash, the shampoo fell from my fingers as my cousin’s mutilated body flashed in my mind. “Justin?! Are you okay?” Ever since the bashing, Brian’s been far too protective of me for his own good. I grunted, then realised he probably wouldn’t have heard it so I sighed, “Yes, mother!” I yelled back, massaging the suds through my blonde hair before rinsing it and appearing back into the bedroom to dress. There was banging on the loft door, I winced slightly as pain tore through my head but I ignored it and tugged my shirt over my head before toeing on my shoes. “Hey Mikey” I groaned to myself, shaking my head as I watched Michael Novotny hugging Brian out the corner of my eye. Ever since he cornered me to tell me Brian only took me in because he pitied me, he hasn’t exactly been my most favourite person in the world, but, as usual, he’s Brian’s. I don’t have the heart to tell Brian what his dearest Mikey said to me, as if he’d believe me anyway. I grunted my hello as I kissed Brian’s cheek, threw my messenger bag over my shoulder and stalked out the loft and down the stairs so fast I’m sure Brian hadn’t even noticed I’d passed. I looked at my feet as I walked, the scruffy faded black converse hitting off the tarmac. I’d started wearing them, they were comfy. Brian had a fit when he saw the state of them, but that was him for you. The day went faster than I thought, now I just had to survive work before I could go home, dope myself up on painkillers and curl in the bed and go to sleep. Running my fingers through my unruly hair, I pushed open the door to the diner and entered. “SUNSHINE!” Christ, I blinked furiously as I jump about a foot in the air. What the fuck was she doing? Hiding behind the damn door!? I finally slow my heart down, blinking away visions of being jumped in dark corridors as I grin widely, “Hey Deb, what’s new?” What a lame attempted at conversation but hell, it’s better than running away. Not that I’d want to you know…. Dumping my bag and slipping off my jacket, I pulled on my apron and name badge before I got to work. Mikey was there, and he was watching my back. It was unnerving to say the least but, thankfully, Brian walked in and he tore his gaze from my back as I went over to take their orders. “Whatcha want Mikey?” I asked, flashing him a sunshine smile so as Brian wouldn’t be suspicious of the tension between us. He mumbled his order, the same one he had every fucking day. I mean god, a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a coke for lunch everyday? That’s not healthy. I was ready to give him one of my lectures on fat and heart problems but one look from him and I shut my mouth. Did I tell you he could be slightly intimidating at times? I turned to Brian and smirked, “Lemme guess, turkey on dry whole wheat, no mayo and coffee?” Brian’s raised an eyebrow and gave me his trademark tongue-in-cheek grin. You know, the one that makes me want to swoon. Yes, I did just say swoon. “That’s very good”, he praised, slapping my ass as I turned around to hand over their orders before stopping to talk to Deb. The door pinged again and I looked over at the new arrival. She was female, not odd in these parts. But it was the way she was looking at him. It was…familiar. My azure eyes took her in, my teeth worrying my bottom lip as I ignored Brian and Michael watching me. She wore a black miniskirt, a blue top and boots. Then I met her eyes, and realisation hit me head on, flashes shooting across my memory of a young woman, with brown hair in a uniform. But this wasn’t right, this stranger had black hair. “Justin?” Her voice was the same, I licked my bottom lip which was bleeding slightly as I placed the tray on the table in front of Brian, as I wiped my hands. If she was here then something must be very wrong. How had she found me? Why was she here? Where was Chris? So many questions I wanted to ask but I couldn’t find the energy to say them as I blinked, my voice hoarse. “J-Jill!?”