Justin’s POV The first thing I noticed when the door opened in front of me was the color red. Flaming red hair piled high on top of a heavily made up woman. I may have been dismayed at the outrageousness of her attire had I not been so focused on what my body was trying to tell me. My stomach was tied in knots; though that was a normal gut reaction whenever I felt there was danger about. What wasn’t so normal was the way the hair on my arms stood on end, sending waves of chilling shivers down my spine. “Well what have we here?” It took me a moment to realize she’d spoken, having been so caught up in the sensations I was experiencing. I snapped to attention and nodded. “My name is Justin Taylor. If you’d be so kind, I was told you would have a place for me.” Her eyes gleamed, pulling back to take in my appearance. The extent to which she ogled me brought color to my cheeks along with an embarrassed nervousness. “How do you do? I’m Debbie, the owner of this fine establishment, but everyone calls me Deb.” Not becoming of a lady, she held out her hand suggesting a man’s handshake, catching me off guard. Reluctantly, I reached my hand out to reciprocate and that’s when it struck me. It was cool to the touch. Too cool. “You’re a vampire.” I stepped back quickly, my breath catching suddenly as I contemplated what I should do. My weapons were tied to my horse and if this was a trick, I was more than outmatched. “Quit it with the hysterics, would you? It’s not as if I’m going to eat you.” She smiled, and then laughed at my reaction. “So Brian sent you to me, did he? What the fuck’s that boy up to now?” Her colorful language astounded me and it showed. But then, there was the other reason for my surprise. “How did you know?” “You’re wearing his scent inside and out. It ain’t too hard to figure why.” I may just keep a permanent blush around this woman. Vampire. Whatever. “He said I would be safe here.” She cocked an eyebrow and chuckled. “Never thought I’d see the day I’d be protecting a human.” And then she motioned for me to follow her inside. “Well c’mon then.” The large open room was even more garish than its owner, if that was at all possible. The artworks adorning the walls were tasteless and crude, but then somehow, I wasn’t surprised by this revelation. “So what is it we’re supposed to be keeping you safe from?” “We?” Just then, I heard the sound of footfalls on the large set of stairs behind me and then a voice calling out, “Brian! It’s about time you…” The words were cut short when I turned around and he stopped midway down the staircase. His expression was confused, but also a little dark, as if I’d played a very bad joke on him. “I thought you were someone else.” “Michael, this is Justin. Brian sent him to stay with us.” He slowly descended while eyeing me suspiciously. “And how do you know that?” “He told me so.” Michael scoffed and turned to Deb. “And you’d trust the word of a human? You know Brian doesn’t associate with them.” Them, dripping with sarcasm and I immediately knew this Michael would not be on my side. Deb gave a stern glance Michael’s way and then said, “Go find Justin a clean room and get him settled and then I want you both down here in time for dinner.” I couldn’t hide the sudden apprehensive expression, but Deb only smiled. “If you know Brian, you know the way he chooses his meals.” I visibly relaxed as I nodded. “Alright then. You should know you have nothing to be worried about. I was the one who taught him the ways he’s grown accustomed to.” “You taught him to live on animals?” She stared at me pointedly and I was suddenly aware of the mark on my neck, not completely hidden by my collar. “In theory.” Blushing again, I tried not to show my embarrassment as easily this time. Unfortunately, my efforts failed when she added, “Now I’d suggest you go wash up. You reek of cock and day old sex.” She smiled knowingly and sent me on my way. ~*~ Michael barely spoke two words as he followed me out to get the two saddlebags I was carrying and then ushered me upstairs to the room I would occupy. The sideways glances gave him away though. He didn’t want me here. When I arrived downstairs an hour later, I was surprised to be joined by several others around the large dining table. Introductions were made and my best educated guess would be that I was the only human in attendance. It was affirmed when my meal of roast beef and rice was the only solid food on the table. I’d learned a few things as we sat sharing food and stories as if this was any normal supper. Though I suppose it was only myself that felt abnormal in this setting. The vampires who lived here, seven in all, did so with the illusion of being a family. Passing themselves off as cousins and long distance relatives, they were the picture perfect family to any outsider who might come calling. Deb was actually blood relation to Michael… her son, turned only six months after she was. I wouldn’t assume their ages and I’m not sure it would be polite to ask, so for now, I’m left to wonder. The Inn, however, wasn’t an illusion. It was open to the public, though rarely housed many guests. It seemed there were rumors amongst the townsfolk. It held a certain reputation as an establishment in bad taste and even worse company; that its owner would let men lay with men and likewise women with women. It was amazing she hadn’t been all but banished from society whether it could be proven or not. ~*~ It was late and I was tired, ready to retire to my room when I noticed the flurry of activity all around me. I had almost forgotten I was the odd man whose morning did not begin when the sun set in the sky. It also made me wonder about Brian and what he might be doing at this moment. Thinking about him made my heart ache in a way I’d never felt before. If this was love, I was consumed with it. I’d taken Deb’s advice and washed, though now, I regretted not having Brian’s scent to cling to. “Justin?” I focused my attention on Deb, who had taken a place beside me on the sofa in a quiet sitting room off the main area. “The others are going out and I thought we might sit down and have a talk.” I nodded. I was sure there were things she very much wanted to know, and, with any luck, I’d find a few answers of my own. “The first thing I want to know is whether Brian is alright or not. You said he sent you here to keep you safe?” “Yeah, he is or… he was.” I paused for a moment, thinking about what I’d actually done. I’d left Brian there alone to take care of my problem. What if something happened to him? “I shouldn’t have left. I could have helped.” “Helped with what, Justin? Tell me what’s happening.” I turned to her and saw the worry etched on her face. “There was a vampire. Someone I’d known before he was…” I looked down, away from her gaze. “Turned. Brian was protecting me.” “It seems Brian was doing more than that.” She reached out, pulling my collar away, exposing the bruised, tender area on my neck. I pulled away from her grip. “He’s not… he wasn’t trying to hurt me if that’s what you’re thinking.” Her eyebrow rose before she answered, “I wouldn’t assume anything, but Brian hasn’t fed from a human in over thirty years. I find it a little troubling that you’d show up with his mark on you.” “I let him, Deb. It wasn’t…” “You shouldn’t have.” She glanced at me sternly. “I understand if you were entranced by him. Vampires, or more specifically Brian, have a certain… allure when they want something. A fuck is one thing, but this…” “I wasn’t tranced or lured or anything like that! You act like he tricked me! He didn’t trick me, I wanted it!” She sighed heavily and then leaned back, closing her eyes. It still fascinated me that vampires held onto such human habits. Breathing was but a small fraction. I couldn’t tell if she was angry, frustrated or just ready to throw me out, but I decided it would be in my best interest to remain silent for the moment. When she finally spoke again, her voice was soft, no doubt trying to calm me. “What do you know of vampires, Justin?” Shrugging, I answered honestly, “How to kill them mostly.” She seemed surprised for a few seconds, or even dismayed, but quickly hid her expression. “That’s a good thing to know. You can’t be too careful. Most would rip into you without a second thought.” Sadly, I nodded. “My family was killed that way. It’s the only reason I know about their existence at all.” She reached out to touch me, her cold fingers sliding over my cheek. “Well that was a hell of a way to learn about us.” She shook her head and then added, “There are a few vampires, not many, but a few that don’t condone feeding on humans. I try to convince as many as I can, but it’s hard. The scent… the taste for human blood is instinctual and most can’t, or won’t fight the urge. The trouble is, too many dead or missing bodies causes attention and that puts us in danger. I prefer being able to stay in one place for a while.” “Is that how you know Brian?” “Aah, Brian.” She smiled. “When I met Brian thirty three years ago, he was as wild as any vampire I’d ever met. But he was different, too. He’d been alone from the night he was turned and forced to figure it all out on his own. His sire, the one who bit him, must have been young or newly turned, fucked up and left him for dead I suppose. At least that’s how Brian tells it.” “So he just woke up and he was a vampire?” “That is usually how it works.” “No, I mean…” “It’s a frightening experience for anyone, but usually there’s someone waiting to teach you. To help you understand your new life, the things you’re feeling. Brian had to learn not only what he was, but also how to survive without anyone’s help. The trouble was, and this is my opinion, I don’t think he ever really wanted the life that was given to him. He didn’t embrace it and frankly, I don’t know that he’s ever really accepted it.” I shrugged. “He seems alright to me.” “It’s been a lot of years, Justin. And putting distance between himself and humans seems to have helped. You see, for a vampire, the desire to feed is something you can’t resist. It’s the nature of the beast. But for Brian? It took me a little while to figure out, but once I did, I realized while his hunger for blood was as strong as any other vampire’s, his guilt after feeding was something I’d not seen before.” I almost smiled, thinking back to his unwarranted apology after taking my blood. “I believe he enjoyed the challenge of the hunt. But the kill? Well, it always left him disheartened for a few days. Once I made him aware that he could survive without humans, he stayed away from them as much as possible and seemed all the better for it.” “I just thought he enjoyed being alone. Well, except for certain company.” I blushed crimson and I’m sure she understood. “He has always been quite the entertainer.” She shook her head, her meaning more than implied. “So you see why I might be a little concerned when you showed up on my doorstep, reeking of Brian? And then when I saw the bite mark…” “I told you, I…” “Wanted it. I know that’s what you said. But you don’t understand our ways. You don’t know what kind of trouble this could cause.” “Why should it cause any trouble? He didn’t hurt me. No harm done.” “Well, we’ll see about that. For now, tell me about this other vampire.” I spent another twenty minutes filling her in on Ethan and his unexpected visit. As she listened, she seemed distracted and I could only wonder if she was still worried about Brian drinking from me. Maybe she was afraid he’d start feeding on humans again. But that didn’t make any sense after what she’d confided to me. One thing was for certain. There was so much I didn’t understand and I wanted to know it all. ~*~ Three days passed slowly and I found myself overly frustrated. Even more so because Deb didn’t seem too concerned. She seemed to think Brian would have no problem facing a newly turned vampire, but I couldn’t help but be worried for him. When the fourth day passed with no word, I stayed in my room, pacing a path on the rug, avoiding everyone else in the house. Something was wrong. I could feel it. Brian was in trouble and it was making me crazy to think I wasn’t there to help him. My hand inadvertently caressed the mark on my neck. His mark, that always made me shiver with the slightest touch of my fingers. Where was he? I needed to go to him. I would wait until morning and leave while everyone else was asleep. I knew it was the only way that Deb would let me go. TBC