Justin’s POV The sound of Brian’s warning growl was enough to send a rippling chill down my spine. I’d been on the receiving end of a vampire’s fury before, but to imagine that Brian could place such fear inside me… it was unfathomable. But here I am, cowering in the corner of the room, the quilt from the bed pulled tightly around my body. He told me to stay and from the seriousness in his tone, I knew it would be in my best interest to obey. At least until his attention was focused elsewhere, and not on me. I suppose I was more concerned with eavesdropping than with my own safety. I was positive Brian would be furious when I snuck out of the room and off to the kitchen to find my discarded clothes, but as long as I stayed in the shadows, who was to know? ~*~ I could hear their voices in the hall and something immediately drew my attention to the voice of the man Brian was talking to. I moved a little closer, just around the corner when it dawned on me. I knew him. Knew him well, if you considered the five months of secret rendezvous and nights spent in his bed. But then, Brian had warned that this was a vampire. Which meant… I was too intent on making sense of something I would not let myself believe that I failed to notice the silence coming from the other room. And then I heard the snarl, which I was more than positive, came from Brian. Brian’s POV I could feel him long before he was at the door, so I was ready and waiting by the time I heard the knock. Justin was hidden, far out of sight, but I was not foolish enough to believe that another vampire would not immediately sense his presence. My only hope was that this person might be reasonable. If not, I would do what I must, for what other choice would I have? Opening the door casually, I took in his appearance, noticing every minute detail before he was able to offer a greeting. He was hardly attractive, dressed rather tactlessly if not for the gentleman’s coat that covered his rags. Dirty brown hair and filthy nails told me he was most likely a scavenger among our kind, feeding on the less fortunate, or maybe the homeless. From the dark rings around his pupils, I was sure it had been some time since he’d last had a meal. “I’m searching for someone.” No greeting, no pleasantries… I’d say he was short on manners as well. His chin rose and his nostrils flared, scenting the air around him. He narrowed his eyes and tried to look beyond me into the room. “There’s nothing here for you. I’d suggest you turn back and return from wherever it was you came.” He took a step forward, trying to edge his way around me, craning his neck even further. “But I can… he’s here. I know it. His scent…” he swallowed, closing his eyes momentarily. “You are wrapped in it.” He was almost shaking with excitement, his movements quick and deliberate, thinking he could make a path through my arm and the opened door. I gave a warning, not quite a growl, but something to let him know I was serious. He knew there was a human here and having not fed, the situation turned a little more dangerous than I cared to allow. I gripped his arms, shoving him away from the door and that’s when he yelled out, “Justin!” Justin’s POV “Ethan?” Before I stepped fully into the room, Brian was in front of me, a low steady rumble barely audible, but there just the same. I placed my hand on his arm, trying to peer around him and also hoping to calm him, though I’d already realized that wasn’t going to happen. Ethan’s eyes were dark, angry… unlike anything I’d ever seen before. His attention was focused directly on me, not wavering for even a moment and it seemed he was almost shaking as he took a step forward. “Justin? Can it be true? My need to find you has consumed my every waking moment. I’ve tracked you through Maryland and Virginia, and then through the Carolinas, almost having given up when I thought it hopeless!” I took in his appearance and could hardly believe what I was seeing. “My God, Ethan. What happened to you?” “Isn’t it magnificent? I was released from my pathetic existence. Now I am able to laugh at society and their preposterous rules.” “But, when? When did this happen?” “Half a year? A little more? It was the night your family’s manor was attacked. I was hidden in the shadows, waiting for your return… hoping you might have changed your mind about us.” My head was spinning, trying to block out those memories, but I needed to know, so I ventured further. “You were there?” He nodded. “In your room.” “And you did nothing?! Nothing to help them?!” “What was to be done? It was three to one and it wasn’t exactly a fair fight with their strength and speed. I was weak, Justin. I wanted to see you again so I begged them to let me live.” I pushed forward, trying to make my way around Brian, “Ethan, why!?” “Justin! Don’t. He’s barely in control.” Brian pulled me against his body, his fists clenched tightly as he held me close. Ethan glared at me, his eyes glowing yellow as he spoke to Brian. “This doesn’t concern you.” A low growl rumbled from beside me. I shifted back, letting Brian take another step in front of me, his body locked in a protective stance. Every instinct was telling me to tread carefully before things went very badly. Ethan’s voice softened, for a moment, reminding me of the man I used to know. The man I thought I’d been in love with. “Don’t you see? We can be together now. There’s no one to stop us. No one to object.” He was still pleading and I wondered how he could be so oblivious to Brian’s anger. “I promise it won’t hurt and then it’ll be the two of us forever, Justin. You can’t imagine how it feels… the power, the strength…” Everything happened very quickly then. A menacing roar echoed through the room and Brian’s body stiffened for only a fraction of a second before I was being shoved backward into a corner and he was poised, ready for a fight. I glanced at Ethan and saw his vampire features for only an instant, before my attention was swiftly drawn to Brian. I was simply amazed by him. I couldn’t look away, my sight focused on the deep ridges of his forehead, his fangs and burning yellow eyes. He moved with such speed, such precision, I didn’t see him change positions until he had Ethan by the neck, ready to twist his head from his body. “No, Brian!” His head shot up to look at me in confusion, his lips pulled back to reveal razor sharp teeth, glistening with menace. I couldn’t let him do it. Staring at the panicked expression Ethan’s face held, I hoped it would be enough that he would retreat after being so utterly defeated. “Go! I don’t want to set eyes on you again, Ethan.” Brian’s grip visibly loosened. I don’t think he could have been any more astounded. “But Justin,” Ethan tried to argue. Brian turned to face him. “I would not be so quick to plead. My patience is short and it is only Justin’s request that is keeping you alive.” With another glance at me, Ethan gave up the fight, leaving with a slam of the porch door behind him. I could not reach Brian fast enough. I stood in front of him, watching as he turned his head away from me. “Why do you hide?” After a moment, he hesitantly let me look upon his vampire face. I could tell he was trying to calm himself, to shift back, but I took the opportunity given and reached up to touch him. He flinched and whispered “no.” “Shhh.” His eyes closed as my fingers pressed to his forehead, running softly over the raised skin there. Slowly, I let them travel down along his temple until my hand rested on his neck. “Why does this bother you?” He shook his head and placed his hand over mine, avoiding looking directly at me. “You shouldn’t have to see me this way.” “Brian.” “This should repulse you.” I pulled my hand out of his and moved it to his cheek, forcing him to turn to me. “You’re beautiful, no matter what face you wear.” I lifted onto my toes and closed the small space between us, pressing my lips to his. I felt him shiver, felt him pull back, but I would not allow him to. I followed, trying to cautiously avoid rubbing my tongue along his sharp teeth. This time, when he pulled away, I looked at him, wordlessly letting him know that I was not afraid of this. He sighed. “This is too difficult. You don’t understand.” “Tell me,” I whispered. His head rose and he closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. He remained motionless, almost as if he were memorizing the fragrance before lowering his head to me. “Things are… much more vibrant, more pronounced when the demon is in control. My craving… the need to taste you is almost unbearable.” Slowly, my lips pressed against his neck, licking the spot just below his ear. “I trust you.” I turned my head and stretched sideways, doing the unthinkable. I bared my neck to him. His eyes widened and he growled. If only he realized what effect that sound had on me. If it was meant to frighten, he was sorely mistaken. Shoving me backward as if I had burned him, his eyes blazed with anger. “Why would you be so foolish?!” I put on a face of resolve and stepped toward him again. This time, I pulled my shirt from my body and tossed it to the floor. I noticed he was not breathing and wondered if he was attempting to block out my scent. “Justin…” “Why deny yourself something that is offered freely?” “Stop. I cannot do this!” I pulled him into me, whispering into his ear. “Drink, Brian.” “Please don’t…” He was still resisting, but his lips were nuzzling my neck and I felt his tongue just barely grazing my skin. I moaned at the contact and stretched to give him better access. “I have faith in you. You’ll know when to stop.” A low growl rumbled, his hand moved to the back of my neck and he huffed out a breath against my skin as he whispered, “Forgive me.” TBC