Chapter: 1/10 Beta: The wonderful Stephmck, whose words always sound so much better. ~*~ Preface Had I known at the time the fate I was subjecting him to, I would have sent him away the moment I first opened my door to him. Instead, I found myself helplessly lost in the lure of his scent and reveling in the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat. His eyes- eyes that held such youthful exuberance were mixed with intelligence that appealed to my overtly curious nature. Should I have turned him away that night? Who is to say. That is a question I cannot allow myself to dwell on. The outcome of my actions remains the same, regardless. As I watch over his motionless body, I listen for the quick rush of his pulse. I long for the rise and fall of his chest and a heartbeat so familiar to my ears I could pick him out of a crowd of strangers without so much as an effort. I am disturbed that the only sound to be heard is his silence. I have taken away everything that he was and replaced it with the very existence I am cursed to endure if only because I find myself too selfish to let him go. His future as it is now will take on a different path, one that may or may not collide with mine. The only thing I am completely sure of… This time, the choice will be his. South Carolina – 1865 Brian’s POV The nights are longer now, with autumn pushing the last of the summer heat away. I was relaxing on the steps of the porch, attuned to every sound around me. I listened to the constant snap of twigs in the forest before tuning into the flow of the stream through a hollow log I knew was at least a mile away. When I woke this evening, there was a feeling in the air. A feeling of anticipation… of something looming I could not explain. Call it instinct or premonition, though many others would claim such a thing doesn’t exist. I waited patiently, listening to the clip clop of hooves on the long dirt road until I saw the lone horse and rider come into view around the bend of trees. I knew he was there, of course, long before I saw or heard him. His presence made my skin resonate in a way it always does when there is prey within reach. A stranger no doubt… I could sense his caution as he rode closer to the house and porch where I sat. Closing my eyes, my nostrils flared and I was immediately on my feet, pushing down the urge to close the distance between us. His scent was invigorating. It put me on edge though I knew how carefully I had to tread. He slowed to a canter as he came upon me until finally, he was within distance to slide off the mare, holding the reigns tightly while keeping the horse next to his side. Her nervous shimmies had him confused and he rhythmically pet her long mane to comfort her, but she was right in her protest. Her natural animal instincts told her it wasn’t safe here. “Good evening,” he offered. His approach was warm and friendly, not at all what I was expecting. I nodded, shoving my hands inside my pockets, keeping the tightness of my fists concealed. It was worse than I anticipated. He reeked of sweat and the musky odor of the forest, but beneath that, there was something else. Something that had my control wavering in a way I hadn’t felt in years. “I’m sorry for the intrusion. I’ve been riding for hours and yours is the first property I’ve come to since starting out early this morning.” “And you won’t find another for at least five miles south.” The sigh I received was full of unhidden fatigue. It was then that I relaxed enough to really focus on his appearance. Skin, pale in the moonlight, definitely not a man used to the toils of outdoor labor. The clothes he wore were elegant enough for a gentleman, but not so outlandish that he stood out as a snob. I caught a hint of blue beneath his heavy lids and I was mesmerized by what I saw. Maybe his exhaustion was the cause for the uneasiness that I felt. The uneasiness in the knowledge that he was not at all afraid. He was tired, yet comfortable in my presence. Either the boy had no instinct of survival, or he was the most fascinating creature I’d encountered in a lifetime. I knew without doubt that I wanted him. By what definition of the word, I was uncertain. There were two prospects which appealed to me, and truth be told, neither would have made me unhappy. He held out a large canteen that was firmly planted around his neck. “Can you spare some water and maybe a heel of bread?” I had other thoughts. “Wouldn’t you have better need for a bed?” His eyes flickered, thinking. “As appealing as it sounds, I would never make it to the next Inn without thirst and hunger getting the best of me.” I found myself quirking a smile when I realized he’d either avoided, or possibly failed to understand my invitation. Something tells me he wasn’t that naïve. “You’ve come far?” “Just north of Pennsylvania.” Hmm. Impressive. “You have business in Charleston?” He shook his head as he answered me. “No. Just passing through.” “Well you look dead on your feet. There’s not an Inn for several miles and I have an extra room you might consider for the night.” His brow furrowed and he looked more than a bit befuddled. “You’d offer a bed to a stranger?” I shrugged, trying not to seem overzealous. “You look harmless enough.” “Looks can be deceiving. You know nothing of me. I could attempt to murder you in your sleep.” Under a rumbling chuckle, I retorted, “I assure you, you’d not succeed.” I don’t know what caught my attention more. The soft smile, or the way his forehead scrunched as he considered my offer. Finally, walking closer, his horse resisting his pull, he held out his hand. “I’m Justin. Justin Taylor.” “Brian Kinney.” His hand was warm, his grip strong and sure. It was an effort to pull away; to resist taking him right there where we stood, but my curiosity about this boy was stronger than my craving. Nodding toward the stable behind the main house, I offered his horse a comfortable home for the night and watched intently as he walked away from me. Suddenly, it became very clear what it was I wanted of him. At least for now. Justin’s POV I was beyond tired, almost to the point where I feared sleep would be inevitable. My body was exhausted as I had been running on adrenaline alone for the past two days. But I had a purpose here. Brian seemed a gracious host, offering whiskey as a welcome replacement for the water I’d asked for earlier. Though he didn’t drink a drop himself, he sat comfortably in the chair opposite mine, watching as the burn worked it’s way slowly down my throat. It unnerved me a bit, but I knew what I was up against. I had an advantage. Brian. I don’t think I had the words to describe the gracefulness yet the strength he exuded. He just may have been the most intriguing man I’d ever set eyes on. But then, wasn’t that the appeal? His alluring nature used to attract until you were completely powerless to fight? It was a dangerous game I was playing and I had to remember to keep my wits about me. Through the flickering of the candlelight that brightened the room, I noticed for the first time, his eyes. The many colors blending through to a light golden brown, soft and hypnotic and I would swear if it were possible that he was seeing straight into my thoughts. I’ve no doubt he realized the guilt of my attraction. Would he be appalled to know my thoughts? How I’d resisted staring at the hard curve of his lips, imagining their taste… their feel. I would have blushed at the way his body caused such a reaction in my own, but luckily, the whiskey was masking enough to act as the cause for the redness I knew was coloring my cheeks. “So where are you headed?” “Huh?” His smirk was open, giving way to a smile as he repeated the question I’d missed. “Oh,” I hesitated, “New Orleans. My cousin was recently widowed and there are obligations I need to attend to.” It sounded reasonable. “Most men would be afraid to take such a long journey alone.” I shook my head. “I’ve found recently, there’s not much out there that frightens me.” “Brave outlook, if not a little foolish.” The conversation was taking an ominous turn, so I decided to quickly move away from the subject of bravery and foolishness. I was most likely both, but there was no need to enlighten him to that fact. Glancing around, I asked, “Does no one live here with you?” I found it eerie, the sitting room without windows. In fact, as he led me inside, I was a little unnerved by the lack of windows in any of the common areas. Then again, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. “I live alone.” “No wife?” His expression was one of amusement. “A wife? No. I’d hardly imagine spending my nights trying to satisfy a woman would be of any interest to me.” Laughing, I took another sip from my glass. I was surprised how relaxed I felt, but I chose to blame it on the whiskey. It was dulling my senses, which probably wasn’t in my best interest. “So you live here alone, out in the middle of nowhere.” It was a statement, really. Anything, just to keep the conversation flowing. The sound of his voice was pleasant, almost melodic in the way the words rolled off his tongue. I began doubting my suspicions and myself. There was no way that Brian, this beautiful man could be the monster I’d been warned about. “I prefer solitude. It’s less troublesome.” His eyes darkened and I almost felt a sense of sadness. But that would be impossible. Wouldn’t it? If what I’d been told were true? “Surely you have need for companionship.” His eyebrow rose to his hairline. “I have no problem finding willing company when I desire it.” He was sure to be the death of me, for desire and companionship was surely something he knew often. His tongue swiped his bottom lip slowly as he moved forward, sliding just to the edge of his seat. His eyes stared me down, their color mysteriously darker than I’d previously thought. When his hand reached out, my skin prickled with excitement as I waited for his touch and found myself awkwardly disappointed when instead, he withdrew the glass from my hand. Confusion plagued me when he sat my unfinished whiskey on a side table and stood. “It’s late and I’m sure you’re anxious for sleep. I was rude to steal your time the way I have.” What? “Uhm, y… yes,” I stuttered. I was caught off guard by his sudden dismissal. “I’ll wake you at sunup. You still have quite a distance ahead of you and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to waste a drop of light.” I answered slowly, “No, of course you’re right. I should take advantage while I can.” As he led me to my room, I pondered why he held such an affect on me. Why he stirred things that no stranger should be able to. I had no answer for why I desired him so. Though some of his comments were confusingly deceiving, clearly I’d misread the intentions of his invitation. TBC