Justin sighed as he closed his phone and placed it on the counter. Of course Brian didn’t answer, he was probably out clubbing. He began walking to the bathroom, taking off a piece of clothing as he went. What he failed to realize was that his phone was moving across the counter. By the time he reached the shower he was completely nude. He started the shower and stepped under the hot flow of water. Justin let out a sigh as the water relaxed his muscles. He thought about is life with Brian and wondered how the hell he ended up in L.A. He thought about the day he left, and how sad Brian had seemed. Justin knew Brian loved him, that wasn’t the question anymore. He needed this time away from Brian, truly away from him. The time he’d needed ever since he was 19. Even when he was with Ethan, Brian was never far. But now he was. No one knew where he was, just as he wanted it. Maybe one day he’d return to the Berg, but surely no time soon. The water began to run cold, and Justin stepped out from the shower and grabbed a towel. He wrapped the towel around his waist as he walked by the counter and opened the fridge. He saw his phone vibrating and looked at the screen. 27 Missed Calls Justin knew who the calls where from, he didn’t even have to look. He wanted to call Brian back. Tell him how sorry he was for causing him so much pain. But as much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn’t. But he knew what he could do. Justin walked over to his fridge and flipped through his calendar. In three weeks he had a show in New York; it would be the perfect time to make a surprise visit. Justin shook his head and lay down on the couch. No he couldn’t do that. It had been too long. What would everyone say when he just popped back into their lives? What would Michael think when he showed up? He would be angry no doubt. Because of him he hadn’t been able to do Rage, without a pictures a comic book isn’t much. Then of course there was Brian. He would probably just try and blow him off like nothing happened. He would say hello, then go on with his life. But what more could he do really? Start to bawl and throw his arms around him and tell him how miserable the time with him gone had been, hardily Brian. But still in the back of his mind he could hope. Justin rolled over and buried his head in the couch and began to sob. How could he have fucked up his life so much? Abandoned his friends, his family, and his love, all with one stupid decision. Justin cried himself to sleep as he pretended Brian’s arms where tightly around him.