sorry for the short chapter. I'm fighting something, and I'm hoping it's just allergies because I don't have time to get sick!! I'll update again soon!

waiting game

Slamming the door shut behind him, Brian flops onto the bed. The meeting hadn’t gone has he had planned. But why would it? It’s not like he has ever tried to strike up a deal with mobsters before. Rolling over onto his back, he stares at the ceiling. He had to wait now. At least the men he met knew he was interested in making a deal. They were business men after all. If they didn’t like his alternatives, they could obviously change it. The door opens and Carl walks in, “You did good, Kinney.” Brian is silent. He wishes more than anything to return to London, but instead, he and Carl are stuck in this lousy motel room waiting for the hit men to contact them. Carl sits down by the window, saying again for the fourth time, “We should have let Steele in on this.” Brian closes his eyes, “If we need to, we will: if they ever say something that we can fuckin’ actually use on that tape, then we will…” he was tired of repeating himself. More than anything however, he was frustrated. He wishes he could call Justin, but what could he tell him? No, he just had to wait. Brian has always hated to wait. -------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------- BACK IN LONDON: “Justin? Are you awake?” Molly asks, sitting down by the bed. Justin nods, keeping his back to her. “Just thinking.” “About Brian?” “I think we should leave.” Molly sighs, lying down beside him, “I was thinking that too.” “It’s never going to work…” Justin mumbles softly. “Brian’s plan?” He nods, “They’re going to take him away from me… just like they’ve taken everyone else…” He closes his eyes. “If we don’t hear from him by dinner time, let’s pack.” Molly replies thoughtfully. Justin nods again, “Okay,” he says numbly. To him, Brian was already gone.