de ce moment (from this moment)

After a much needed shower, Justin pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before heading to Molly’s room with his cans of paint, brushes and a roller. Entering the bedroom, he stares at the pale brown walls that seemed to almost cry out in sadness in front of him. Yes, this room needed a make over. Setting down the paint, Justin immediately begins his job of turning the walls from dull brown to a soft yellow. Afterwards, he would paint small flowers along the middle of the wall and edge the corners off with a stark white. Within minutes, Justin was immersed in his task and didn’t hear his uncle come in. “Justin?” Startled, Justin turns around, “Shit, you scared me.” Smiling sheepishly, he asks, “Do you want me to help with dinner?” Richard shakes his head, “No, Al is making something. He loves cooking.” Justin nods, returning to his task. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Richard asks. “Of course,” he replies, focusing solely on the wall in front of him. “I know I haven’t been the most receptive,” Richard begins. “I understand,” Justin replies quickly. “Yes, well,” He clears his throat, “I know you and your sister are going through a difficult time…” He pauses, waiting for Justin to look at him. Finally, Justin turns around, his face void of emotion. “If you ever need to talk… I can listen.” Forcing a smile, Justin nods and turns back to the wall, “Thanks, but I’m fine.” Richard nods and is about to leave when he notices what Justin has been doing. “Um, Justin?” “Yes?” Justin asks, starting on the second wall. “You’re painting the walls.” Richard states, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief. Justin turns back to his uncle, “Is that a problem?” “No,” Richard begins, frowning, “I just… I hadn’t thought you’d be staying.” “Pardon?” Justin asks, not sure if he heard right. “It’s just, well, I thought this was temporary. I had assumed you and Molly would be returning to the states once things had settled down.” The two stare at one another with blank expressions for several moments until Richard turns away, commenting, “Dinner should be ready soon,” and leaves the room. Justin returns to the wall. He hadn’t thought about returning to Pittsburgh. The idea terrified him. How could Richard have thought this was temporary? Was this temporary? Had he really expected them to leave? He continues to roll the yellow paint on the wall, pushing all thoughts away. He would do whatever was best for Molly, and that was that. ****************** Pittsburgh: “Are you sure?” Carl asks for the third time. Brian ignores him as he packs his bag. He had a flight to Poitier, France scheduled in three hours. “I can call some people,” He tries again. Zipping up the bag, Brian finally looks up, “I said No, Carl.” He sighs, “And what do you plan to do, Brian?” He shrugs, “I don’t know.” “What if he isn’t there anymore? Then what will you do?” “I don’t know,” Lifting up the bag, he heads to the door. “So you’re just going to Poitiers and rely on what, luck?” “That and my good looks,” He replies, tongue firmly in cheek. Carl huffs, “It could be dangerous.” Brian shakes his head, “Justin wouldn’t have deliberately used my card if it was.” “So you think this was Justin’s way of telling you that he and Molly were safe?” “Absolutely.” “So what are you going to do?” Carl asks, already knowing the answer. “I’m bringing them home.” “Brian,” Carl begins, taking hold of Brian’s shoulder, “Have you thought about the fact that they might not want to come back?”