Special needs Brian didn’t know how he should feel. Was he mad or relieved? Pissed or curious? He had no idea. The reason for his stupor was simple: Justin’s jacket and messenger bag were still sitting on the desk in the art department. What_the_ fuck? It didn’t make sense. Walking back to his office, he does the unthinkable. He calls Justin’s cell phone under the pretense of ‘I thought I fired you? Go pick up your shit.’ Brian stops suddenly when he hears the faint echo of Justin’s personalized ring tone for Brian’s cell phone. Frowning, he strains to listen as he back tracks towards the elevator. The ringing stops and the line goes to Justin’s voicemail. Brian quickly disconnects and calls back, listening carefully. He hears it again and follows it towards the door to the stairs. Why would Justin’s phone be in the stairwell? Opening the door, he slowly descends until he sees Justin’s phone on one of the steps. Frowning, he picks it up. I guess I pissed him off so much he needed to take the stairs and didn’t notice he dropped his phone. Walking back up the stairs, something doesn’t feel right. Justin had to have noticed his phone fell. It would have echoed in the stairwell. Returning to his office, he figures that Justin must be looking for it. That that’s the reason his stuff is still in the art department. Picking up his own phone, Brian calls Daphne, cursing himself to still remembering her number. “Hello?” She answers after the third ring. “Hey, it’s Brian. Justin left his cell phone here. If you see him, tell him I have it.” Brian states in an even fashion. “Um, okay. Is everything okay?” Damn that girl is perceptive. “Just busy. Bye, Daphne.” He quickly hangs up before she asks anything else. Looking back at the phone, he curiously scrolls down to see who’s been calling him. The last two were obviously his own cell phone, and then the one prior to that was titled “Mom.” He doesn’t think twice as he continues to look at the history before scolding himself for giving a damn. Setting the Justin’s phone on his desk, Brian returns to his work.