Brian could feel all of his hope vanish as he tried to shield the shivering, but still unconscious, Justin from the cold. After a few more minutes, however, Brian could feel his own body start to give up, as it realised how severe the situation was. Brian felt himself start to pass out, but was jerked awake when he heard a loud noise overhead and felt the wind start to pick up considerably. Brian looked warily upwards and was relieved to see a rescue helicopter preparing to land. “You see Justin,” he whispered, “I told you they’d find us.” Brian covered his face from the force of the wind that the helicopter blades were creating. The helicopter finally landed and two paramedics rushed towards the shivering men. “Please help him!” Brian shouted as the paramedics got closer, “You have to help him.” “It’s okay sir,” one of the paramedics said as he tried to loosen the tight grip that Brian had around Justin, “You have to let go so that we can help him.” Brian let them take Justin from him and they set about checking his injuries. Brian sat back in the snow, not really taking in what was happening. “Sir?” The other paramedic tried to attract his attention. Brian snapped out of his dreamlike state and tried to focus on what she was saying. “Sir? What’s his name?” She asked. Brian stared at her for a few seconds, unable to think. He eventually whispered, “Justin. His name is Justin.” The paramedic nodded and then turned back around to focus on her most critical patient. “Justin.” She said loudly, “Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand.” Justin didn’t respond. “Possible fracture to the left lower extremity, and he’s very hypothermic.” The other paramedic stated as he placed a splint on Justin’s leg and covered his shivering body with a blanket. “Oh God!” Brian exclaimed, “This is all my fault!” “Sir?” The female paramedic put her arm around him. “It’s not your fault. Justin’s injuries are very severe so there’s not much we can do for him here. We have to get him to hospital as soon as possible. Sir?” “Don’t call me sir,” Brian whispered, ”My name’s Brian.” “Brian,” the paramedic corrected herself, “Can you stand? You have to come with us.” Brian struggled to get to his feet but he felt so tired and cold that his legs gave in and he just fell back down. The paramedic placed a blanket around his shoulders and supported him as he got up. Brian trudged through the snow towards the helicopter, which Justin was already being loaded in to by the other paramedic. Brian sat without a sound in the helicopter as it began to take off. All he could do was look intently at Justin and think how small he looked. The two paramedics continued to fuss around Justin, placing another intra-venous line into his arm and attaching electrodes to his chest so that they could monitor his heart beat. Brian fought back the tears that stung his eyes as he listened to the beeping that signalled that Justin was still alive. Suddenly the monitors began to bleep wildly. Terror struck Brian as he could hear Justin slipping away from him. “What the fuck’s wrong with him?” Brian yelled, breaking his silence. “He’s in v-fib,” the male paramedic said, “It must be an arrhythmia from the hypothermia.” “We need to intubate, number 8 E.T tube.” The other paramedic called as she leant Justin’s head back and placed a laryngoscope in his mouth. The male paramedic handed her the breathing tube and she inserted it into Justin’s airway. Brian felt as though he was going to vomit. “Our E.T.A is two minutes,” the pilot reassured. Brian could no longer look at Justin; he knew that if he did he would probably black out. He decided to gaze out of the window as they landed on the roof of the hospital. Brian was vaguely aware that the paramedics were pounding on Justin’s chest trying to stabilize his heart rhythm as they touched down on the roof. He could see a team of doctors and nurses waiting for them. They rushed forward as soon as the door was open and Justin was lifted up and placed on the gurney. “He’s hypoxic.” The male paramedic shouted to them over the noise of the helicopter. Brian still remained seated; he couldn’t bring himself to move. “Brian?” The female paramedic said gently, “You have to come with us.” She took Brian by the arm and led him out of the helicopter and after the gurney that was being rushed away from the helicopter blades. The paramedic looked directly at Brian as his hazel eyes let out a tear, “Please don’t let him die.” He begged.