Authors note: Sorry for the long wait. I had a massive case of writers block. I stand with my mouth hanging open for a minute. What the hell just happened? Ten minutes later the two of them come back in the house. "We both insist. Go upstairs, rest. I'll take you to the hospital to get checked out in a little while." Brian tells Kevin. Once he's out of the room, Brian turns his attention towards me. "I-" I hold me hand up. "No. You are not going to put this on me. You want to help out Kevin? Fine. But don't expect me to just go along with it." "So you want me to throw Kevin out in his state. Fuck! Justin you saw what he looked like when he came here. I cared about him." I smirk. "What if it were Ethan that showed up?" Brian stands there for a moment. "It's fucking different and you know that!" He pauses and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm going to go upstairs, talk to Kevin and take him to the hospital."
Brian ran a hand over his face as he took the stairs. Quietly he went over to the guest room door, but noticed that the other man wasn't there. Turning, he saw that his and Justin's door was open and spotted Kevin. "What are you doing?" The ad man asked, watching Kevin pick up a photo of him and Justin. Kevin quickly returned the picture to its spot. "Just looking. When was this?" "The day we got married." Brian replied taking a seat on the bed. The other man nodded. "You look happy." "We were." The brunette let his mind wander back to that day. "Hold it!" A loud voice could be heard echoing through the small back office. Justin turned towards the door, Brian towards the Reverand and then to Jennifer. A familiar red head and the entire entourage came into the door. "Stop!" Debbie yelled. "You assholes...oops sorry can't get married without your family here. Why didn't you tell us?" "Mom?" "Jennifer?" Jennifer Taylor shrugged. "Don't look at me." "Actually, I'm to blame." The Reverand held up his hand. "Brian, I know that your mother hasn't been...but I know that you would want someone here for you. Debbie has been a mother to you, Michael a brother." Debbie gathered Brian into her arms. "I'm glad you're" He whispered leaving Debbie in tears. "You too kiddo. Now marry this boy." As the two turned to the Reverand and he finalized their vows. Debbie pulled out a camera and captured their first kiss as a married couple. "Were you ever this happy with me?" Kevin asked, pulling Brian out of his thoughts. Brian sighed. "We're not going through this." "I just...I loved you so much." "Is that why you came here?" Brian asked softly. Kevin sat down next to the brunette. "How can you ask me that? You saw what I looked like last" "I know. It's just why here?" "I don't know..." Brian wrapped an arm around the younger man. "What happened?" "I...I was attacked. I was walking home from Babylon and I don't know what happened. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground. All I could think of was you." "Me?" "Yes you. You're sweet and kind and loving and..." Kevin took a breath and pressed his lips to Brian's. Coming out of his shock, the ad man pushed the younger man off him. "What are you doing?" "I thought...I mean...." "Look, I'm going to start the car and take you to the hospital. Then I'm dropping you off at Linds and Mels." Kevin nodded. "Okay." "Okay." Brian whispered turning and leaving the room.