8PM Friday October 31 2053 Living Room Taylor Residence Capehart Housing Area Offutt Air Force Base Bellevue Nebraska “I have to admit that I’m in a better mood now than I was 2 hours ago. Thanks everyone for helping me celebrate my birthday and I’m glad you understood why I didn’t want to have a party. I would’ve never thought of putting birthday candles on a Valentino’s dessert pizza though. Pop, Brian, and you too Gus, you’re all invited to my promotion party, whenever it happens.” “Don’t worry little brother we’ll be there. Dad did Justin wear you out more than normal last night?” “Gus!” “Augustus Brian Peterson!” “Did I tell you Jus or did I tell you? These two get easier every year. When I was your age they wouldn‘t have even noticed a comment like that. What‘s with that look on your face Daph?” “Nothing Uncle Gus, I guess it was just another boy thing that I’m too young and too female to understand.” “That you are Jenny girl, that you are. But Gus knows better; Justin never wears me out he just gets me going even more and more. That was a very good meal Donna, why haven’t we ever gone there before?” “I don’t know Brian we just never did I suppose. I probably never thought that you would be interested in Italian food, what with all those carbs. What’s the plan for tonight?” “Donna, Brian and I thought that in honor of the birthday boy we would tell stories about his past so as to embarrass him enough that he’ll tell some stories to shut us up.” “Pop, you know I can’t tell those stories.” “Then we’ll just have to tell even more stories about your childhood. Don’t get that look on your face Gus; we can fit some stories about you in as well just to prove that we don‘t favor Craig over you. How does that sound to you kids.” “It sounds great Grandpa. We always like hearing stories about the family. I really liked the story about how you and Brian met. Though Uncle Gus always told me to take it with a grain of salt. What did you mean Uncle Gus?” “Mike are you trying to get me into trouble? All I meant is that Dad was in advertising for 100 years and that any story he tells will be spun for the audience.” “What does that mean Uncle Gus?” “Let me answer that Gus.” “Sure Dad, its not like I can stop you.” “Well Jenny girl what Gus meant was that when I tell a story I tell it perfectly.” The other four adults in the room stare at Brian and burst into laughter. “See Jenny girl that’s the response I was going for and they fell into my trap.” “Brian does mean that you and Grandpa didn’t kiss all night long when you met?” “No Jenny girl it doesn’t, your Grandpa and I kissed all night long that night and many nights after that. Now that he’s gotten older we only kiss half the night away.” Mike and Jus start giggling which get the adults laughing again. “Well Jenny girl it looks we are the only two serious people in this room. I guess that means I get to tell the first story about your Dad. I think I tell the story about the most famous birthday present ever.” “NO BRIAN NOT THAT ONE. We all know that the most famous birthday present ever was Daddy. Don’t you have another story?” “Sure Jenny girl, I’ve got hundreds, your Dad was a very interesting child even if he’s kind of boring now that he’s an adult. I think I‘ll tell you the story of ‘The Shiners‘.” “Brian it’s my birthday you don’t have to insult me tonight.” “Yes Sunnyboy I do, if I don’t who will?” “Sunnyboy I haven’t heard that in a long time. I still don’t know how you make Sunnyboy and Sonnyboy sound different but you always have been able to do so.” “Dad what are you talking about you just said Sonnyboy and Sonnyboy.” “I know Mike, I can’t make them sound different, and hell Brian is the only one I know that can.” “Brian how do you say them different?” “I don’t know Mike, I just say Sonnyboy and Sunnyboy and everyone can hear the difference.” “Tell the story Brian, I don’t remember any story about shiners.” “Don’t get impatient Jenny girl, we have to wait for the rest of the family to calm down and gather their wits about them.’ “Well Brian we wouldn’t laugh so much if you weren’t so funny.” “Sunshine I’ll take that the way you intended it and not the way it sounded.” “Well kids do you understand why I love this big lug?” “Yes Grandpa we do but don’t you also love his looks and other physical attributes?” “Mike, I didn’t know you had it in you.” “Now that you people are calm I’m going to tell the story of ‘The Shiners’. Once upon a time, many years ago, in a universe far away there were two brothers who loved each other very much. Gus, the oldest looked like his father, the King of Liberty and Craig, the younger, looked like his father, the King of Babylon. In fact they looked so much like their respective fathers that everyone thought that at Halloween they should go as the two kings. For some reason Gus thought this was a terrible idea so it never happened. Craig, on the other hand, thought it was a wonderful idea but he thought that he should dress like the King of Liberty and Gus as the King of Babylon.” “Interesting intro Brian but don’t lose your audience with too much bologna.” “Sunshine you wound me. One afternoon the King of Liberty got a call from Gus’ mother telling him to come to her house as quick as possible and to bring the King of Babylon since the royal offspring were giving her a headache. When the Kings got to the House of Carpet they were both amazed at what they saw. The two boys were sitting on the couch, dressed only in swimsuits and identical shiners. Gus was looking miserable but Craig look mischievously happy.” “Well I was happy.” “Gus’ mother was frustrated beyond belief since her son wouldn’t tell her how the two boys had gotten the shiners. Gus wouldn’t tell his fathers either but Craig was very happy to spill the beans.” “Well I was, I couldn’t understand why Gus wasn’t proud of what he’d done and since I was so proud for him I had to tell.” “The story eventually came out; while the boys and their sister were at the swimming pool a couple of bullies kept trying to cause trouble. Gus being a very responsible young man just ignored their comments but on the way home something was finally said that required action and he acted. He beat the crap out of the older bully but the bastard got in one lucky swing that caused Gus’ shiner. Craig felt that he had to protect his brother’s rear from the other bully and he did a fine job but he also got hit in the eye which explained his shiner.” “Well I couldn’t let the creep kick Gus in the back could I?” “Once the facts were out the Kings were very proud of their sons but were very surprised when Craig announced that Gus was now a King as well. Since he had defeated the two bullies he was now the King of Crawford. And they lived happily every after (well most of the time).” “You have to remember that I’m eight years older than Craig and I had to protect him, he wasn’t even six years old yet he felt he had to protect me too. Craig, why didn’t you say you wanted to Trick or Treat as Dad, I would’ve gone along with that idea. I just got so tired of being compared to Dad. Jus I imagine you know what I mean but you’ve got it even worse since you look so much like your Dad and Grandpa.” “Hasn’t bothered me yet Uncle Gus but then I’m just barely a teenager so I suppose I’ve got lots of time to get upset about something so minor. After all looking like Dad and Grandpa can’t hurt. Dad got Mom to fall in love with him at first sight. Plus we can’t forget that Grandpa got Brian to forget all of his rules and fall in love with him. So I think I’ll take my chances and see who falls in love with me.” “Son don’t get conceited, love takes more than just how you look.” “I know Dad but with you and Grandpa as role models I think I have a better chance than most kids my age.” “You’re much too young to worry about falling in love.” “Don’t worry Mom I won’t run off and get married, or unioned, any time in the near future.” The adults ignore the implication of Jus’ words; Mike just gives a Taylor smile to his brother and Daph just whispers to herself. “More boy stuff.” “I suppose I should tell a story about my little brother. As we all know Craig is 8 years younger than me but he always acted like he was the oldest.” “Well if you’d have acted your age more often then I wouldn’t have had to do so.” said with the famous Taylor smile. “A few months after the events of Dad’s story he did it again.” “Daddy did what?” “He felt the need to protect me from a bully Daph. I had just started for home from school one afternoon, after having a nice conversation with my friend Rickie, when I heard that Craig was going to be in a fight. That wasn’t surprising since your Dad never backed down from anyone though usually he managed to make his point without having to fight. I know it drove your Grandpa nuts and made Dad happy that their little Sunnyboy was such a feisty little brat. Before you ask Jus, I can’t say them differently either. Anyway the reason that Craig was going to be in a fight was to protect my honor. Here I was a sophomore in High School and he was in the lower elementary school and he felt the need to protect my honor. I was so afraid of what I was going to find at the park and even more what I was going to tell Dad and Justin. The whole time I was running to the park I was thinking Dad and Justin are going to be so proud of me, their little boy gets the crap beaten out of him because he has to protect the honor of the older son. That thought just kept going through my head over and over as I was running. Then I get to the park and instead of finding Craig beaten to a pulp, after all the kid he was going to fight was much larger and older, he was just sitting on the slide ruling over a mob of munchkins. I just walked up and picked him off of the slide and hugged him tight. As I remember our conversation went something like: ‘Gus put me down, you’re embarrassing me.’ ‘Craig tell me what happened. Jenny said you were going to be in a fight and I expected to find you beaten to a pulp. How was I going to explain that to Dad and Justin was my worst thought. I get here and find you ruling over your court of Lilliputians.’ ‘Guys it’s over I’ll see you tomorrow at school; I have to tell Gus all the details. I’ll find out what munchkins and Lilliputians are too.’ With that shouted comment the munchkins started laughing and moving away. ‘Was Jenny lying about this fight?’ ‘No there was a fight, I just won it.’ The little shit replied with a Sunshine smile to rival any smile Justin has ever given me. ‘What the fuck are you talking about? You beat a 4th grader; you don’t know how to fight. Hell I don’t know how to fight.’ ‘I know how to fight Gus, Granny Deb and Carl taught me how to fight. Well Carl showed me how to box but Deb told me how to win a fight in a hurry.’ ‘What did she tell you? You know you have to take what Deb says with a very large grain of salt.’ ‘Huh?’ ‘What did she tell you?’ ‘Kick the bastard in the balls.’ ‘You didn’t do that did you?’ ‘I didn’t have to kick him there since he ran away after I punched him in the eye and then got a roundhouse on his chin. He had a big mouth for such a coward, he thought that since he’s bigger than me he could just call you names and I wouldn’t do anything about it. You don’t have to worry about kids in this grade school calling you names anymore.’ ‘I didn’t worry about it before today so why did you worry about it. You know that we don’t have to worry about what people call us. Dad and Justin don’t let people calling them names bother them so why should you worry about it.’ ‘Gus I couldn’t let the bastard get away with calling you a cocksucker. It wasn’t so much what he said but how he said it. You’re my big brother and I’m not going to let some shit make fun of you.’ ‘Thanks Craig but promise me you’ll let me defend myself in the future.’ But do you know what was the most amazing thing about this whole incident kids?” “No Uncle Gus how could we know what’s amazing about this story? We’ve never heard this story before.” “It was a rhetorical question Mike“ “Oh.” “What’s a rhetorical question Uncle Gus?” “I’ll tell you the same thing I told your Dad when he asked the same thing all of those years ago; ask Justin.” “Well Uncle Gus you didn’t tell us what the amazing item was.” “Your Dad risked life and limb to protect my honor because this other kid made a nasty comment about me and he didn’t even know what the guy was saying meant.” “As I told you at the time Gus I couldn’t let him get away with saying nasty things about you at my school. Did anyone ever say nasty things about you at that school as long as I was going there or any of the other schools I ever attended?” “Not that I know of and I suppose that if they did you beat the crap out of them.” “Now kids I want you to know that I don’t condone fighting and remember I was only six when this happened. I learned other ways to make my points without using my fists.” “Yes little brother but the two of us know of another time when you did use your fists.” “What story is this Uncle Gus?” “Yes Gus what story is this? Brian do you remember another time when our baby boy felt the need to fight?” “No Sunshine I don’t remember it either.” “Gus don’t. Remember the audience.” “Now Craig your brother is a famous author, I’m sure he can tell a story that is appropriate for the ears of his nephews, and niece. Not to mention his elderly fathers; besides what can be worse than the story he just told since it certainly used a word or two he shouldn‘t have used.” the adults again burst into gales of laughter while the three children just grin at them. “You have to remember that Craig only told me this story one time and it was many years ago so I’m not going to claim that the details are perfect. Plus he was drunk when he told me the story so he might have gotten the details wrong too. You know that was one of the very few times I remember my baby brother being drunk.” “It’s pretty much the only time I was drunk Gus, I felt so miserable the next day I simply didn’t see any reason to do it again.” “When did this happen? I don’t remember either of you being drunk.” “I’ve been drunk a few times but like Craig I just didn’t think the pleasure was worth the hangover. Craig told me this story after his bachelor party but the actual event happened during his first year at Annapolis.” “Why didn’t you ever tell this story Craig?” “I think it’ll be apparent after Gus tells it Pop. It really wasn’t that big a deal. I’d never have told Gus except he played the big brother card while he was putting me to bed after that party.” “What the hell is that?” “I don’t remember exactly Brian, I was drunk but it was how he kept me occupied while he was removing my clothes and getting me into the bed. I started telling the story and he kept encouraging me to tell it all the time he was telling me to lift this part of my body so that he could remove that part of my clothes.” “Well Gus tell the story and remember your audience, which needs to be going to bed soon.” “Grandpa, it’s still early.” “No Jus it isn’t, your sister can barely keep her eyes open and I’ve seen you trying to hide your yawns. After Gus tells his story the three of you are off to bed.” “Grandpa that’s not fair, I’m the oldest and I’m not tired at all.” “That’s fine then Mike, after the story you and I’ll play a game of chess.” “Brian you know I can’t stand chess.” “It’s chess or bed Mike. What do you choose?” “It’s still not fair.” “Who ever told you life is fair?” “Tell the story Uncle Gus and then we’ll all go to bed. I’ll go to bed but that doesn’t mean I’ll go to sleep.” “Mikey remember to act your age.” “Grandpa, be nice.” “I don’t need your help Daph, I’m sorry for being rude Grandpa.” “It’s a very simple story. It happened during Craig’s freshman year at Annapolis. Basically it was the first time he could have visitors on campus or either the first time he could leave campus; I don‘t remember for sure. Craig was waiting for Dad and Justin to come to his room so that he could show them the campus sights. But instead of waiting in his room he was standing in front of one of the windows in the common area of the floor that overlooked the parking lot. A couple of older cadets were standing in front of the next window and they made the mistake of commenting on what they saw.” “What did they see Uncle Gus?” “Now let me tell the story in my own time Daph.” “Sorry Uncle Gus.” “They saw Dad and Justin arriving, parking and getting out of the car. You all can imagine what they saw.” Everyone in the room nods in the affirmative. “Right, Dad pulled up too fast in a very sporty rental car. He then rushed to open the door for Justin, pulled him out of the car into a kiss. ‘Look at those two old fags kissing right in public.’ ‘Jeez I think they’re going to make love right there in the parking lot.’ Craig gives his brother a wink and a grin of thanks. ‘If you two creeps are through making asses of yourselves let me tell you who those fine gentlemen are.’ Craig then punched the first one in the stomach and got the second one with a roundhouse to the chin. As the two cadets wheezed in pain they got a lecture. ‘Those two fine gentlemen are my fathers and you couldn’t know two finer men. First neither of them is old and they’re gay so don’t let me ever hear anything like that again.’ The two just apologized to Craig and went to their room. By this time Dad and Justin had gotten off the elevator and had walked over to where Craig was standing. ‘Craig, it’s nice to see you but what’s wrong with your hand?’ ‘What do you mean Brian? There’s nothing wrong with my hand.’ ‘Then why are you holding it like it’s hurting?’ ‘I didn’t realize that I was, I suppose I banged it while I was playing basketball this morning. How was your trip?’ ‘Fine but like always your Pop tried to keep me from renting the car I wanted to drive around in this weekend. He’s losing his negotiating skills as he ages.’ Justin just gave both of them a sunshine smile which Brian returned. ‘Well Sunnyboy let’s get on with the tour so that we can find the best restaurant in Annapolis. I’m sure that after all these weeks of cafeteria food you’re ready for some good food.’ I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much little brother?” “No Gus you didn’t. But kids I want to emphasize that my response to those two was wrong. I shouldn’t have slugged them, I should’ve let Pop and Brian have at their homophobic rears.” “Why didn’t you say anything at the time Craig?” “Isn’t it obvious Pop?” “I suppose so but it would’ve have been fun to see Justin skin a couple of Annapolis cadets alive.” “OK kids it’s time you go to bed. You all have a big day tomorrow with your grandfathers. I know that they’ll wear you out so you need to get as much rest as you can tonight.” “Oh Mom, none of us we’ll get worn out we’re Kinney-Taylors after all.” “Good answer Jus, good answer. Now all of you go to bed.” “Goodnight Grandpa, Goodnight Brian.” “Goodnight Daph, see you in the morning. Get a good night’s sleep so you can have a good time at the zoo.” “Night boys and if you behave at the zoo we’ll go to Cabella’s.” “Grandpa we always behave.” “I know Jus, I know but I have to try to pull your chain, it’s a family tradition.” “Mikey.” “Yes Dad?” “You can stay a while longer if you want. Jus, before you say anything, your brother is older and you know how cranky you get when you don’t get enough sleep.” “It’s OK Dad, come on Daph they’re just going to talk about the good old days anyway.” “OK I know the question but you all know that I can’t answer it totally. Granted it’s been three years and some parts have been declassified but I still can’t tell you everything. What I do tell you can’t go beyond this room, you understand Mikey?” “Yes Dad I understand.” “Before you tell your story Craig why don’t we build up to it for Mikey.” “What do you mean Pop?” “While we all want to know what you can tell us about your little adventure it would be interesting to all of us to know what we were doing at the time and what we thought about when we heard the news. After all neither Brian or I had any inkling that one of our children was on his way to Mars until we heard about it on the news.” “Pop you know I would’ve told you if I could’ve. I imagine that there were less than 20 people on the planet that knew I was on the way to Mars that day.” “Yes we know that but it still was a surprise to be celebrating the Fourth at Woody’s and be called over to the television when it was announced that a history making event was about to be televised live. You can imagine the questions we got after the announcement was finished. Of course we didn‘t have any answers for those questions.” “Why were the two of you at Woody’s?” “Craig, Woody’s is a gay bar, and has been since before you were born, we’re two out and proud gay men. Why do you think we were there?” “Well I know all of that Pop, but at your age you’re still going to bars.” “What does our age have to do with whether we want to go to a bar?” “Now Justin don’t be hard on the boy. The better question Craig is why were we at a gay bar at one in the afternoon.” “OK Brian why were you at a gay bar at one in the afternoon on the Fourth of July?” “Well Sunnyboy we were at Woody’s at one in the afternoon because some members of the family get tired and cranky if they stay up too late at night. Especially if they’ve been drinking.” Justin is staring daggers at his partner. Then when everyone else chuckles he turns beet red in embarrassment. “Brian Kinney you know that we were only at Woody’s at that time of day because they were having a Fourth of July picnic. You know I’m not so sure the real reason sounds any better than your reason. Go on with the story son.” “Wait Craig I have something to add to this discussion.” “Then by all means go ahead with your part of the story Donna.” “I didn’t know anything more about the Mars trip than you guys did. I just knew Craig was off of the base again. But being the dutiful Navy wife that I am I just gathered the children up and took them to Offutt’s Fourth of July Celebration at the Base Lake.” “I wanted to stay home and play ball with my friends but Mom insisted I had to go too. While I wasn’t happy about it, I know better than to argue with Mom too long. Though I have to admit that it turned out better than I expected when we got into the car. But it was kind of surprising how fast the fame of being the son of the first man to go to Mars disappeared.” “As I was saying; Mikey pouted until he figured out there was a ball game being played at the lake that he could join. Jus took part in the fishing contest and Daph went swimming. I think that girl is part fish sometimes. By the way Jus won his age group; in the smallest fish caught, he actually wanted to get that 2-inch bass stuffed and mounted on a board. Everyone chuckles at that addendum. Then just before noon a message came over the loudspeaker telling us that an important message was going to be played on the giant view screen that was being set up at the picnic grounds. Obviously someone at base headquarters knew what was going on.” “We didn’t hear the announcement but a couple of Air Policemen told us we had to stop our game and go be with our parents for the history making event that was about to happen. N matter how young they are the Air Policemen at the base have to be the most serious adults I‘ve ever met.” “Then I suppose we saw the same thing in Bellevue that you two saw in Pittsburgh.” “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Woody’s so quiet when the announcement came over the TV.” “As soon as that picture of Mars came on the screen the crowd at the Lake went silent too. Probably what surprised me was that there was no announcement of what was coming like the networks usually do. The only thing I heard the announcer say was that a native of Pittsburgh was going to be making an important announcement. I’ve always wondered why they phrased it that way though. One second the screen was blank and then the next there was a shot of Mars with the superimposed writing stating that the picture was of Mars from the vantage point of the USSS Constitution. Then I almost fainted when Craig’s face came onto the screen.” “The same thing happened at Woody’s only I think I did pass out for a few seconds.” “You didn’t pass out Brian, you’ve never passed out in your life, except for a time or two when I wore you out.” said with a devilish grin. “Then Craig started speaking and I just hugged all three of the kids to me.” “I thought she was going to squeeze the breath out me.” “Then Craig started to speak and I remembered to breathe and I let go of the kids.” ‘This is Captain Brian Taylor of the United States Space Ship Constitution reporting to the people of Earth from Mars Orbit.” “That’s when the crowd at Woody’s finally made a sound.” “Yes Brian I remember everyone letting out their breath and then asking me if that was my Brian Taylor though it surprised me that any of them knew Brian was Craig‘s first name.” “Whether they knew that or not didn’t matter Sunshine, anyone with eyes knows Craig is your son no matter what name he uses.” “Then Craig started talking again. But Craig why did you announce yourself as Brian Taylor?” “Because that’s my name, and I wanted the world to know who I am.” “But you’ve always gone by Craig.” “Who’s choice was that?” “What do you mean son?” “My name is Brian Craig Taylor but as far as I can remember everyone always called me Craig. So being called Craig instead of Brian wasn’t my idea. Gus told me the reason once I was old enough to wonder why everyone else went by their first name but I went by my middle name.” “What was the reason?” “Don’t you remember Dad, you queened out the first time someone called you Big Brian so I started calling him Craig from the day you brought him home from the hospital and everyone else just joined in with me.” “That does sound familiar now that you remind me. Justin why did you name him Brian Craig in the first place?” “Don’t you remember that either Brian? Craig has been the middle name of the first born son for generations in my branch of the Taylors and Brian was the only name I ever thought of using, though I did think about using an alternate spelling. Daphne talked me out of that idea but I don’t remember her reasons.” “Knowing Daphne it was something serious yet funny.” “I suppose we better finish our story since I think our youngest member is about ready to fall asleep. Don’t say anything Mikey I saw that yawn.” “Grandpa! I can stay awake as long as I have to.” “But why should you Michael, we’ll finish up the story and we’ll all go to bed. We’ve big plans for tomorrow and I don’t want to disappoint your sister by being too tired to properly enjoy the zoo. After telling us where he was Craig then told us why and how he got there.” ‘You heard correctly; I’m in Mars orbit and the pictures you’re seeing now are those I sent back to Earth in the last hour. I’m certainly no expert but the view from here is fantastic and much more clear than anything I’ve ever seen before back on Earth. The most important fact I have to tell you about my trip is that I left Earth this morning. The USSS Constitution is a new type of vessel that is able to travel at a significant percentage of the speed of light. While there are some details to figure out, interplanetary travel has become a real possibility for the average person. My superiors tell me that within a decade they think that we’ll have colonies on Mars and possibly elsewhere. Thank you for your time and for those of you in the United States; Happy Independence Day.’ “Then the screen went blank and then all of the talking heads started talking about what we’d just seen and heard. I just grabbed Brian’s hand and dragged him out of Woody’s and back to the house as soon as we were able to get away from the crowd. We called here but couldn’t get through since the phone lines were jammed with everyone on the planet trying to call someone. Craig it’s a good thing you had sense enough to call us and tell us you were back on the planet when you were able later that night.” “Why do you say that Pop?” “Because if you hadn’t called Brian would’ve had us on the next plane to Washington. I don’t know who he was planning to see but I’d run out of things to say to keep him in the house and my ravishing good looks didn‘t seem to be working either.” Michael blushes bright red as he realizes what his Grandpa’s last statement implied. The adults knew enough to say nothing about the blush. “Don’t ask me who we were going to see since I’ve no idea who I was going to demand a meeting with but I knew that we had to do something. There had to have been some admiral in charge of sending my little boy to Mars that I could‘ve yelled at.” “Brian you wouldn’t have? What the hell am I asking of course you would’ve. I lost track of how many television shows I had to do in the next several weeks but since there was really nothing I was allowed to tell them they soon decided it wasn‘t worth the time to book me.” “It was interesting having to have Air Policemen guard the house to keep the loonies away from us. You would think that any adult would have enough sense to know that the wife and children wouldn’t know anything about how the head of the house got to Mars. But when Daph told one guy, who managed to sneak by the guards, that she figured that her Daddy just flapped his arms really fast, word got out and they left us alone. It‘s amazing how much Kinney she has in her since I was never able to figure out if she was just trying to fool the guy or really believed that her Daddy got to Mars by flapping his arms.” “You know my superiors thought that my going to Mars would be a bigger story than it turned out to be. Within a few weeks the news organizations had moved onto something else and there were no more requests to interview me, or anyone else involved in the project. That’s why none of my trips since then have been publicized.” “What trips?” “Think about it Brian, if they can go to Mars then they can go elsewhere. Did you really think that it was a one shot deal?” “Well Sunnyboy never said anything and I just didn’t think about it I suppose. Where else have you been Craig?” “While this is no longer classified I would appreciate it if none of you tell anyone else, at least until after they are officially announced.” “No problem Dad, no one is really interested anymore. Now I suppose if the Navy were to announce that they really are going to start a colony on Mars then that would make the news again.” “I don’t think that’s going to happen any time in the near future. I know that the brass thought that we would be able to start one by now but there’ve been some snags that they can’t figure out how to fix.” “Well that statement certainly caught my attention son. What does it mean?” “Pop it simply means that they haven’t figured out how to enlarge the field.” “Now that really tells me something I didn’t know. Do you know what the fuck he means Sunshine?” “No Brian I don’t but I’m sure that Craig will tell us what he meant if we quit interrupting him.” “It’s simple; the field that generates the, almost as fast as light, drive only goes to one size. No matter what they’ve tried they can’t get the field to go any bigger than a sphere with a 3-meter diameter. That size simply isn’t big enough for any major transport of materials. A certain amount of the volume has to be used for life support so the biggest item that can be carried is approximately 2 meters in length. “Just how does this starship work?” “To be truthful Pop, I don’t have a clue. I fly up to the orbital station where we dock the Constitution. I get my orders, I go into the ship and plug in the numbers I’ve been given, and then within seconds the ship starts moving. When an alarm sounds I turn off the field. I’m at my destination after only a short period of time has passed. When my mission time is over I punch in a different set of numbers and I come back to Earth. I’ve been to Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn as well as most of the major asteroids. The time I was supposed to go to Mercury was as an interesting trip though.” said with a mysterious grin.” “Craig that’s just evil.” “I know Brian but who do you think I learned it from. Any way the field collapsed on it’s own somewhere between Venus and Mercury. I had to contact the base and they gave me new numbers to get back home. I have to admit that I was somewhat concerned until I received the new numbers. Evidently the field won’t go too close to a star, when the radiation level gets too high the drive turns off. The same thing happened when I went to Jupiter though I got much closer to that planet than I did to the Sun.” “Why can’t they figure out how to enlarge the field if they developed it in the first place?” “I don’t know son, but many of us in the program don’t think that we developed the field but that someone found it somewhere. But remember that’s just speculation.” While Michael is trying to hide a yawn, Craig notices his fathers giving each other a knowing look. “While there hasn’t been an official explanation of where the drive came from the brass has let it be known that they expect that enlarging the drive is just a matter of time. I do know that more than one drive has been built but until they can get past this size issue that really doesn’t make much difference in building a colony on Mars or anywhere else. Michael I hate to admit it but you’ve gotten too big for me or Dad to carry you to your room so its time for you to go to bed.” “Dad do you have to embarrass me in front of Grandpa and Brian. I’m not going to fall asleep. But I’ll go to bed just to not have the conversation. I’ll see everyone in the morning.” “I’m going to bed too, Jus and Daph will be up early. Don’t stay up too long guys we’ve a lot planned for tomorrow. “Good night Donna, don’t worry about us, I’ve seen Gus trying to hide a yawn.” “Dad!” “Craig how you managed to wind up in Mars orbit is more than just what you did as a Navy Captain.” “What do you mean Pop?” “Craig; you told us you wanted to go to space for almost as long as you’ve been able to talk. I’ve always wondered about that. Why did you always know that you would go into space? You had people at your 6th birthday party convinced that you would be the first human to leave the solar system. Very few six year olds even know what the solar system is.” “I don’t know Pop I just knew. Believe or not, and most of the time I don’t believe it, but I remember having conversations in my head about going into space.” Brian and Justin give each other another knowing look. “Craig have you ever had to sleep while on one of your missions? “No, why do you ask that Brian?” I don’t know really, it just occurred to me that if you were to go to sleep out in space you might dream a solution to your problem with the drive.” “Now Dad why would you think that Craig would be able to dream up a solution to a problem that he had nothing to do with in the first place.” “I don’t know Gus it was just a thought.” Justin and Brian give each other another knowing look and then get up from the couch and start to leave the room. “Oh boys if you hear anything tonight it will just be me and your father sleeping very loudly.” Gus and Craig give each other a knowing look since they’ve been hearing loud sleeping pretty much all of their lives. “Gus do you think those two will ever grow up?” “If you mean will they ever quit having sex with each other the answer is no. Hell Craig even after neither of them can get it up anymore they’ll be having mind sex with each other. But as crazy as it seems; the trying to dream a solution might not be such a bad idea.” “I can just see me trying to explain to Admiral Jenkins that my daddies think that if I dream in Mars orbit I’ll come up with the solution to our drive field problem.” “I would expect Justin Taylor’s son to be more devious than that. Just pretend you’re your Pop trying to get Dad to do something he really doesn’t want to do.” “Gus I think that if I were to bat my eyes and swish my rear at Admiral Jenkins he’d have me locked up in the psych ward ten seconds later.” “That’ not the only way Justin gets Dad to do what he wants him to do.” “I know Gus, I was just pulling your chain. Do you think we’ve given them enough time to get into their room?” “Craig even at their ages they ran up the stairs, don‘t be surprised if you have to pick up their clothes as you go up the stairs. I don’t even want to think of how many times I had to pick up their clothes when they got too horny to take the time to wait until they got to their room.” “They’ve usually been good about not strewing their clothes about when they’ve been around my kids. Of course that happened after a three-year-old Jus asked Pop why he found Brian’s briefs on the television. What was surprising to me was that Brian was the one that blushed instead of Pop. Good night Gus, see you in the morning.” “Night Craig don’t trip over any shoes on the stairs. Can you imagine the headlines? America’s Space Hero breaks leg tripping over horny fathers shoes left on the stairs. Meanwhile Brian and Justin are snuggled together on the bed in the spare room with all of their clothes in two neat piles at the foot of the bed. “Justin do you think it’s really possible?” “Yes Brian I do even if I really don’t want to think so.” “Do you think we’ll ever see them again, not that I ever really saw them.” “Anything is possible and you didn’t miss much by not seeing them.” “Sunshine I’m really tired do you think the boys would mind if we didn’t keep them up with our loud sleeping?” “Of course they won’t mind, it’s a wonder that they never complained about our loud sleeping over the years. I know that you love me even when we don’t sleep loudly.” “ I do, you know, though I have to admit that you do sleep loudly very well.” “Fishing for compliments again Mr. Kinney?” “At my age I’ll always take compliments Mr. Taylor.” “Good night Brian.” “Good night Sunshine.”