Lois, thank you for the beta...you are the greatest!
Chapter 13 – A Long Awaited Meeting, Part 2 Early Thursday Evening…(Day 39) Once the plane reached cruising altitude, Gus immediately wanted to play UNO. Brian cautiously removed the special deck of cards from his brief case. Before they started playing, Brian insisted on reading the directions over Gus’ laughing protests. He also asked the flight attendant for water for both of them to drink. Brian and Gus tried to discuss the directions together. You can imagine how this went. But after getting through the exercise of reading them through everything, Brian was now ready to accept the competitive challenge of playing UNO with a six-year-old master. Fortunately, dinner arrived, which gave him a momentary reprieve as both Brian and Gus realized that they were hungry, but as usual, Brian and Gus only picked at their food. Once the trays were cleared, Gus made it absolutely clear that that it was time for the games to begin, and no excuses were acceptable. So Brian accepted the inevitable with a sigh and reached for the UNO cards. The cards were shuffled, and Brian and Gus started to play. The flight attendants would pass by occasionally and hear Brian groan and Gus laugh. They knew immediately what the outcome of a particular hand had been. It was odd for the attendant to see a man clad in Armani willingly, playing UNO with a child in first-class so Brian and Gus caught the attention of the flight attendants each time one would passed by. The other passengers in first class were also keeping an eye on the progress of the game, smiling to themselves from time to time. The time seemed to pass quickly. Finally there was just enough time for a quick trip to the bathroom before the captain announced their approach to the Cincinnati Airport. With that announcement, to Brian’s relief, UNO was immediately forgotten, and once again father and son looked out the window. This time they were focused on the approaching lights of Cincinnati. They both could hardly wait for the plane to land. Once the plane landed, Gus and Brian exited the plane and headed for the terminal. Brian had the advantage of height, and he immediately saw Paul as they entered the terminal. They smiled and nodded at each other. As the crowd dispersed Nicky caught sight of Brian, and once again he could not be contained. “UNCLE BRIAN! UNCLE BRIAN!” Nicky said on the run. Gus smiled as he saw this little person running in their direction. Gus wisely moved to stand behind his dad for protection. Gus too knew a lot about little people projectiles. Brian went down on one knee to sweep up the approaching Nicky. Brian picked up Nicky and tossed him into the air. Due to Brian’s height, Nicky really enjoyed being tossed. He was hoping that Brian would toss him again. He wasn’t disappointed. “Nicky, you got so big while I was away,” Brian said. “Let me get a look at you.” “I’m going to be four years old,” Nicky pointed out so that there would be no confusion. Gus stood back and smiled as he observed the mass of red curls and freckles up in the air. With all the movement, he was having some trouble sizing up the little dynamo. Finally Brian lowered Nicky to the floor. Then Gus was able to finally see. Nicky walked over to Gus. “Hi,” he said to Gus. “I have your picture.” “You do?” Gus asked with a smile. “Gus, this is Nicky,” Brian said as a way of introduction. “Hi, Nicky,” Gus whispered. Then the two of them just stared at each other. Gus extended his hand and gently touched Nicky’s cheek. “Freckles,” he said. “I know,” Nicky said with a smile. “I think they’re neat,” Gus said with a smile “Me too,” Nicky added. Paul and Brian just stood back smiling, but they didn’t say anything. They were just waiting to see what would happen. Then, Paul got down one knee, “Hi Gus, I’m your Uncle Paul. I’m Nicky’s daddy. The last time I saw you…you were just a little thing, but now you’re so big.” Gus smiled at this. “You’re my uncle,” he said, thinking he didn’t have very many uncles, and he could always use one more. “Yep. I sure am, and I’m glad you’re here.” Gus walked the few steps and gave Paul a hug. When Paul stood up again, he and Brian could finally hug each other. Paul finally said, “Well, let’s go get your luggage so we can get you guys to the house. Everyone is waiting for you there…just in case you’re wondering where Jason and Justin are…” “So you left the two of them…alone…together…unsupervised. Aren’t you afraid they’ll kill each other?” Brian teased. “They’re finishing a project together. They need each other for this one. So they have to keep each other alive at least until they’re done. I figured, we’d be home before the blood letting began,” Paul smirked. “You know, you and I run multi-million dollar companies with less drama than the two of them have caused in the last 2 days for a simple birthday party.” Brian couldn’t help laughing at the image. “I guess you’ve forgotten that either Jason or Justin alone can be intriguing…but put them together and chaos ensues.” “Brian, you wouldn’t believe the chaos that has developed. They have been creating in the art department together all afternoon. Mom is betting that all of Dunbar and Smith will crash Nicky’s party on Saturday just because you and Justin are here. Katie and Gabrielle did the guest list and are expecting more adults than kids. The Moms are talking about crystal balls for their forecasts. You left me here all alone in this mess for a whole two days. But now that you’re here, we can get everything straightened out. You can rein in Justin…after all, he’s really the trouble maker.” “Hello, let me introduce myself,” Brian began. “I’m Brian Kinney. I’m the man that Justin Taylor stalked for five years, until I asked him to marry me. Oh yeah, me rein in Justin,” Brian said with a laugh. “That should work!” “But you didn’t get married. So what’s the big deal? You live in Pittsburgh…He lives in New York. Evidently you escaped…although I’m not sure that was to your advantage,” Paul couldn’t resist teasing. “Justin comes back to work on one tiny little project. He creates an international incident. An intermediary is brought in from Milan to apologize. Now, my art department is conspiring with him to keep things from me. I won’t even tell you about the rest,” Brian rambled on. “I so escaped…right…now he has us moving back in together.” “What?” “Me rein in Justin? What a laugh!” Brian said with a laugh, “I see that we definitely have a lot to catch up on.” “I can see that,” Paul said with a laugh, totally enjoying the joke. “So dare I ask, what project our two partners are working on, that managed to extend each of their life expectancies?” “Wait until you see.” Paul teased, casting an eye at Nicky and Gus and then, bursting out laughing again. They retrieved the luggage, and everyone settled into the car. Surprisingly, Gus and Nicky were happily carrying on a conversation between themselves in the back seat that neither Brian nor Paul could hear. Finally, Brian turned sideways so he could join in the their conversation in the back of the car. “I have a dad too,” Brian heard Nicky say, and he noticed that Gus was a little confused by the statement. “Nicky is trying to tell you that he has another dad,” Brian said, trying to help a little. “That would be your Uncle Jason.” “Oh, I have another uncle,” Gus said with glee, noting that his number of uncles is steadily increasing. “Ah huh,” Nicky said. “Dad.” “Oh,” Gus said in reply. “I only have one dad, but I have two mommies. And I have A Justin.” Paul burst out laughing. “Yep that about sums it up!” Then he said, “Wait until you meet all your other aunts and uncles. You have an entire family you haven’t met yet.” “I have?” Gus asked with his eyes as big as saucers. “Yep, there’s Gabby, she’s my mommie,” Nicky said, “Granny Fran and Granny Katie and Grandpa Lee and everybody.” “Let’s not scare him, Nicky. He just got here,” Paul teased. “He’ll be fine. Right, Sonny Boy?” Brian asked just to make sure. Gus eagerly nodded yes. The car made a stop at the Thai Garden Restaurant. “I know that you probably didn’t have time to eat so I took the liberty of ordering a few of your favorites. I’ll be right back.” Paul said before he exited the car. Paul quickly returned with several bags of food, and they were on their way again. They arrived at the house, and Nicky took Gus’ hand to lead him to the door, while Paul and Brian grabbed the food and luggage. Paul smiled watching Gus and Nicky together. By the time they reached the front door, Jason was waiting for them. “Brian,” he said softly, while embracing him, “I’m so glad to see you.” “Ok, enough of that,” Paul teased. Brian just shook his head as he released Jason…for some things never change. “I want you to say hello to Gus.” Jason went down on one knee. “Hello Gus, I’m you’re Uncle Jason.” Nicky said something to Gus, and Gus walked over, gave Jason a hug, and said “Hi.” Everybody walked inside where Justin was waiting. Gus took off running at him first, “Justin!” Then, of course, Nicky had to follow suit, “Justin!” So after they each got a big hug from Justin, they both had him pinned to the floor as they tried to tickle him and hug him at the same time. Everyone was laughing. Brian gave them a minute and then, decided that he had had enough of this. He walked over and picked up Gus under one arm and Nicky under the other. The two kids never stopped laughing. The two of them also never stopped wiggling. Of course, they both loved to be raised high, since Brian was by far the tallest and strongest. Brian allowed time for Justin to once again stand up. Justin leaned up and gently kissed Brian amid the wiggly kids, and they each finally said a quiet “Hey” to each other. Brian then gently dumped a laughing Gus on one end of the sofa in the living room and dumped a laughing Nicky on the other end. He immediately went back and swept Justin into his arms and gave him a proper hello, complete with a passionate kiss. When the need for air caused them to break apart, Brian left his arm around Justin’s waist. Brian looked over his shoulder at Gus and Nicky, and they both had their eyes covered with their hands. They were still giggling on the sofa. Everyone else laughed too. “Nicky, why don’t you and I show Gus to your room? He can unpack and freshen up before dinner.” Paul suggested. Nicky again took Gus by the hand again and led the way with Paul following. “Look, you know I love Armani. But can you give me a minute to take a quick shower and change clothes. It’s been a really long day,” Brian said, still gently holding onto Justin. “Let me show you to your room,” Jason said with a smile. He knew that Justin knew the way, but he wanted to see Brian’s first reaction to the renovation. “Here we are,” he said as he opened the door. “So you really did renovate. I’m impressed. Nice job,” Brian said. “I heard a rumor that soundproofing was added too.” “Yes. Now, you have no reason for not visiting more often.” Jason teased. “Notice the bigger bed too.” “Thank you,” Brian said, leaning down to kiss Jason’s cheek. “You have no idea how much this means to me.” “I think I do,” Jason whispered. “Now will you and Justin get a quick shower? Justin has managed to get glue and paste all over him so he really needs a shower too,” he commented. “But Brian, please make it quick. We’re all hungry,” he finally said with a knowing smile. “Got it,” Brian said with a laugh, leaning down to kiss Justin. Brian quickly grabbed what he needed from his suitcase, and then both he and Justin quickly stripped out of their clothes and entered the shower. Brian adjusted the water temperature and the height and angle of the shower spray. Brian placed himself under the shower spray as he wrapped his arms around Justin. He had waited all day for just this. “Hmmmmmm, you feel good,” Brian said, “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” “I glad you’re finally here too,” Justin whispered. “I’ve missed you,” he admitted. “I’ve missed you too.” Brian poured a bit of shampoo in his hand and started to shampoo Justin’s hair. Justin groaned softly and leaned into his touch. “I see your artistic technique hasn’t changed while you’ve been gone. But, tell me how did you manage to get glue everywhere?” Brian teased. “It’s unavoidable.” Then Justin poured a small amount of gel into his hand and started to wash Brian’s back. Brian leaned into Justin’s gentle touch. “You’re tense,” Justin said. “It must have been a hard day.” “You have no idea, but I can’t complain about the ending.” They both enjoyed the pleasure of on another’s touch as the shower continued, and they continued to wash one another. “Jason said we had to make this quick,” Brian reminded him, “And I know you’re hungry. So are you up for this?” he asked gently, nodding so Justin would get his meaning. Justin nodded yes. Brian reached for the condom and lube. It was a fast fuck in the shower, but it was precisely what that both needed, and they both came quickly. They both knew that there would be plenty of time for leisurely lovemaking later. They quickly dressed in sweatpants and sweatshirts and returned down to the kitchen to join Paul and Jason. Nicky and Gus had returned too. Although, Brian and Gus had nibbled on the plane, they found that they were both ready for dinner. Brian found a few temping morsels to give Gus and Nicky something to munch on while Jason was making something more suitable for he kids to eat. “Where’s your project?” Paul asked, looking around the kitchen, as they were about to eat dinner. “We put it in the garage to dry?” Jason explained with a smile “Good idea.” Paul said with a laugh, while shaking his head. “I still can’t believe that you two decided to do this.” “Blame Justin,” Jason said quickly. “You know that I would never even think of doing anything like this on my own,” he said innocently. “I’m just a tag-a-long here.” “Somehow, I sincerely doubt that,” Brian said with a laugh in Justin’s defense, without knowing any of the particulars, but figuring that Justin had probably had to defend himself against these two for long enough. Jason just glared at Brian, already sensing that he was going to stir up trouble. “Please, please. Behave yourselves. There are children present,” Paul added with a laugh. “Will you two behave? We have to be on out best behavior for Gus and Nicky.” Gus and Nicky started to giggle at the mention of their names. “Oh please, both of these kids have lived their entire lives watching Justin’s antics. So I’m sure there’s nothing new here,” Jason said. “Here I’ll prove it to you.” “What do you mean?” Justin asked innocently. Then he started to worry about what Jason was up to. “Oh Gus, dear” Jason began with a smile, “I heard that you and your dad went camping with Justin…why don’t you tell Nicky and your Uncle Paul and me, ALL about it?” he said with a laugh, turning back to the stove so that he didn’t have to witness the death-glare he bet that he just received from Justin. “Jason!” Justin protested. Gus looked at Brian. Brian simply smiled and nodded at Gus. Gus proceeded to relay the entire camping in the living room experience at Bri-tin. Starting with arriving in the dark. The flashlights. Calling out to Justin. The rocks. The trees. The sounds. The lantern. The campfire. “The fireplace,” Brian had to correct. Gus resumed talking about the camping details after the interruption. The miniburgers. The salad. The Torch. The toasted marshmallows. The campfire stories. The problems with the little tent. The sleeping bags. Sleeping with Brian and Justin in the big tent. Gus held everyone spellbound with his re-telling of his camping experience. “I had fun,” he said at the end. “The end!” he said, needing a hug from Brian when it was all over. Brian realized his kid was a natural ham. Everybody laughed and clapped. Justin couldn’t believe that Gus still remembered all that, for the camping adventure had been almost a month ago. Justin covered his eyes with his hands to hide his blush. Nicky enjoyed the story and was clapping too. Jason and Paul couldn’t believe they were finally hearing ALL the details of the infamous camping night…for they had only heard bits and piece before when Brian was trying to elicit sympathy. They had no idea it had been such a full-scale production. They always knew they had to watch Justin very carefully. Now they had proof from the ‘mouths of babe’. Now that they knew how over the top Justin could be for one six year old…they now understood that it was no wonder he had gone so far overboard for an entire party for a soon-to-be-four-year-old and his friends. “And I rest my case,” Jason simply said a laugh, placing the grilled cheese sandwiches in front of the kids. “Are you done?” Justin glared, finally removing his hands from his eyes. “It was easy. It was the day before all the furniture was delivered,” he tried to explain in his own defense. However, neither Jason nor Paul paid any attention to his explanation. “Oh yeah. That explains it,” Paul added. “See why I want to hire him…he’d be perfect at the firm,” he couldn’t resist teasing Brian. “And can’t you see Justin and I together in the art department? Imagine the graphics we could produce?” Jason wanted to add his contribution to helping his partner tease Brian. “Not going to happen Paul. Give it up! We’re moving back in together.” “But, you live in Pittsburgh. He lives in New York. I will admit your mansion in West Virginia is neutral territory. But…” “My partner and I have decided to live together. That’s all you need to know for the moment.” “Ok. I won’t press.” Paul said. “I will admit that it’s the smartest decision you’ve ever made, Brian.” “Yeah…well…” Brian stuttered. “I’m happy about it,” Justin added. “Me too…actually.” Brian agreed softly. Then he wanted to change the subject. “So How’s Gabrielle?” “She’s ok,” Paul announced. “She was here among the chaos last night. She’ll probably be back tomorrow, especially when she finds out that you’re here.” There was easy banter back and forth during the remainder of the meal. Eventually, Nicky crawled into Brian’s lap, and Gus crawled into Justin’s lap. Both kids curled up and made themselves comfortable while the adults continued to eat and talk. Occasionally they would beg for a morsel from one of the adult-plates, but basically they were content to just be in the midst of all the activity. “I played UNO on the plane,” Brian reluctantly admitted. Then he looked over at Gus for his reaction. Gus just grinned victoriously. “You did?” Justin asked with some surprise. “My son is a card shark. It was embarrassing. He beat me,” Brian finally admitted with mock sadness and defeat. Gus was now laughing into Justin’s chest. Brian just shook his head. “Well, I guess we should call Linds and Mel so Gus can say good night.” “But I don’t want to go to bed yet,” Gus started to protest, afraid that he would miss something important. “I know, but your mommies may want to go to sleep. So we should call them now, ok?” Brian strongly suggested. “Ok,” Gus finally agreed. “Then, you and Nicky can watch a video until you fall asleep. How’s that?” Paul suggested, knowing that they would probably last maybe ten minutes top. Nicky and Gus reluctantly agreed. So Gus called Lindsay and talked to both his mommies. He told them about meeting Nicky and about Nicky having two dads. He told them about meeting his Uncle Paul and Uncle Jason. He took great pleasure in telling them about the plane ride and about beating Brian in UNO. Both Melanie and Lindsay were in hysterics by the end of the phone call. They were glad that Gus was having a good time. He told his mommies that he loved them, and then he said good night. Gus and Nicky went in to watch a video. Brian talked for a few minutes to Lindsay to reassure her that Gus was really ok. Lindsay also talked to Justin and congratulated him on his Bronze Quill nomination. Lindsay and Melanie talked to Paul and Jason. Then they all said goodnight. Ten minutes had passed and Paul and Justin went to tuck the little ones in while Jason decided to handle kitchen cleanup, and Brian kept his company. “I’m so glad you’re finally here, Brian,” Jason said again. “Me too,” Brian agreed. “Gus and Nicky are cute together. Did you see the way he kept taking Gus’ hand?” “Your son is a pushy little devil at only three. I can just imagine what going to happen when he reaches four,” Brian teased with a laugh. “The cuteness and freckles are only going to carry him so far.” “Oh, I don’t know, look how far Jus has gotten on those innocent blue eyes and blond hairs? There’s still hope for Nicky.” They both shared at laugh. They all reassembled in the living room where Paul had turned on soft lights, and Jason returned with nightcaps of Beam for everyone. Jason and Paul spooned together on the sofa, and Brian and Justin spooned together in Jason’s favorite oversized chair. “I do love your hospitality,” Brian teased, taking a sip of his drink. “Just as long as you take advantage of it more often. I knew I should have convinced you to join me in that partnership years ago,” Paul started, “Then, I wouldn’t have to miss you so much. The four of us would have worked well together all the time.” “You’ve got to admit we would be a force to be reckoned with. The four of us could have taken New York by storm,” Jason added. “Maybe, but this way we get to play together,” Brian suggested with a smile. “And I wouldn’t miss that for the world,” Jason added, lifting his drink in a mock salute. “Tell me about the Milan account. I’ve been dying to hear the details on that one,” Paul said. “I’ll have to tell you when we’re alone. Justin is still a little sensitive on that one, even though we got the account.” Brian teased, leaning over to give Justin a kiss, “and then some.” “That’s right. You’ve already had your laughs at my expense for the evening,” Justin pointed out. “Well, we’re going to Milan this summer,” Jason suggested. “I’m really excited.” “Only if I get accepted for the show,” Justin protested. “No! I think we should plan on going to Milan anyway…maybe add a few other cities if we can. Somehow I think that Paul and I can find a few places to shop in Milan, and there should be enough museums and galleries in the other cities to keep you and Jason amused. This will make up for the vacation that was interrupted four years ago. And, I want you to prepare your application for Pinacoteca Ambrosiana without any unnecessary pressure,” Brian insisted, making a point to Justin. “That sounds like a perfect idea,” Paul agreed. “The packet I received said that I have less than a month before the committee meets. So I think that I’ll just lock myself in my studio until I get the painting done. As I’ve said before, whether I’m accepted or not it’s an honor to have been asked to apply,” Justin pointed out. “That sounds nice, Jus, but as competitive as you are…I know that you don’t mean it,” Jason said with a laugh. “But it’s a nice thought. So do you have any idea what you want to paint?” “All of my body parts are still available for your consideration, just remember,” Brian couldn’t help adding. “Let me know when you want me to pose?” “Brian, assuming I was planning on using your body parts, do you really think I still need you to pose?” Justin asked with raised eyebrow for emphasis. “But if it’s any consolation, I sort of know what I want to paint. So you can all relax. Now can we move on?” Justin suggested with a laugh. “Well if that’s all settled, I think it’s time to take you to bed, and it’s time to test out the soundproofing in the new guest room,” Brian suggested. “You know that Paul and Jason have been waiting for us to test things out,” he smirked. “This is true,” Paul attested. “We told them the contractors that we wouldn’t pay for it until you two tested it out to prove their warranty,” he added. Then Paul and Jason started laughing. “So we’ll see you in the morning,” Brian said, pulling Justin up to standing position. “Be sure to lock your door. For some reason, which I can’t figure out yet, Nicky loves to wake up Justin. Oh, he knows that he’s suppose to knock, but he doesn’t understand about the part that he’s suppose to wait to be admitted. So he just walks in.” Jason explained with a laugh. “We have to work on the ‘wait to be admitted part’. So just to be on the safe side, be sure to lock the door.” “Ok.” Brian said, engulfing Justin in his arms and heading out of the living room. “Good night,” they both said quietly. Brian slid his arm around Justin’s waist as they walked the short distance to the guest room.