Another HUGE thanks to my amazing beta, Lois! Thanks Sweetie. I also was just curious as to how many people are still out there reading now that the show has been off for two years…is that possible? I miss it so much. I still watch it on Logo but it’s not the same. Anyway, I hate to think that people are moving away from the QAF community. It was bound to happen, but as long as someone reads I hope to continue to write. Thanks for any and all who are still hanging in there with me on this story and the other I have going. Hugs Mouse Chapter 15 Magico “He’s out.” Justin whispered, kissing the top of Gus’ head then straining back to capture Brian’s lips. The kiss intensified until they were both struggling against one another, all the while trying not to disturb the little boy who was peacefully asleep on the floor near them. “I’ll put him to bed.” Brian whispered against Justin’s lips. The blond nodded but made no effort to stop kissing the older man. Brian growled and buried his hands in Justin’s hair, devouring him thoroughly. “I’ve missed you.” He offered when their need for oxygen overpowered their desire. “Put him to bed and I’ll meet you in ours.” Justin carefully stood then stepped over Gus, heading to the bedroom. Brian couldn’t help but smile as he took in the peaceful expression on his son’s face. He worked his arms under the sleep laden body, then easily lifted him up, cradling Gus in his arms. The small boy sighed then buried his head into his father’s chest. Brian held the boy tighter. He’d missed his son. As complicated as things were with Lindsay in the loft, it was more than worth it to be this close to Gus once more. Justin had been watching Brian from the doorway to their bedroom. He moved swiftly to the boy’s bed on the far wall, next to Lindsay’s. He pulled back the sheet and blanket and waited until Brian had the child situated. Pulling up the blanket, the boy tossed for a moment then settled back into his dreams. “He’s beautiful.” Justin observed, glancing at his partner. Brian’s eyes were trained on his child’s still small frame. He nodded then reached out, pulling Justin into his side. “Now, what are you doing back?” He asked as he pulled the blond back in the direction of their bedroom. “I missed you.” Justin offered. “I don’t want New York, not if it means I can’t be with you.” ”Stop trying to make it sound simple. This is your chance, Justin.” Brian started to argue but a finger laid upon his lips stopped him. “This is my chance.” Justin assured him, blue gaze piercing hazel. Brian rolled his lips into his mouth unsure of what he could say, what he should say? “Get naked and let me really show you how much I’ve missed you.” He laughed and Brian’s world, which had been terribly unbalanced, suddenly clicked back into place. He smiled as his fingers rushed to comply with Justin’s request. The subject wasn’t settled but he was more than willing to table it for the next couple of hours. …. It was late. Lindsay had decided to visit her parents for a little while before returning to the loft. She needed time to think. Things had felt so odd earlier when she’d spoken with Justin. He’d seemed hostile towards her, but why? Could he know? Surely not, he had probably just been tired from the trip. He wasn’t thinking clearly. Lindsay took a breath as she continued to reassure herself that even as insightful as Justin was, it was doubtful at best that he would suspect the feelings she was harboring for Brian. His arrival back in Pittsburgh certainly complicated matters, but it certainly didn’t destroy her chances for success. She and Brian were getting along well. He was once more connected to their son. Lindsay knew, as she’d always known, that Gus was the key to Brian. As she pulled back the door, Lindsay immediately heard the sound of low moans and realized that Brian and Justin were fucking. “Great.” She grimaced as she stepped in and silently slid the door closed. She noted Gus sleeping on his little mattress as she laid her purse down on the blow up mattress she had been using. “Brian.” She heard Justin warn, his voice low with emotion. “Good, finish already.” She began to peel off her coat as she opened her bag and pushed the sheer nightgown she’d worn the previous night aside, opting for something very platonic while Justin was in the loft. She felt a thrill run through her body as Brian’s climatic staccato moans filled the loft. Steeling her resolve, she rose from the edge of her mattress and moved to the kitchen for a glass of water. “How long has she been back?” Justin whispered as he tightened his hold on Brian’s arm as they both struggled to catch their breath. “Not sure. She may have caught the entire second act.” Brian teased. They listened as Lindsay finished her water and placed her glass in the sink. “Speaking of acts, don’t we have a finale to get to?” Justin kissed the man then rolled on top of him trailing soft kisses down the man’s chest. “I’ll see you in the shower.” He kissed Brian once more before moving into the bathroom. Brian remained on the bed for a moment recovering. “Brian?” Lindsay’s voice surprised him. He furrowed his brow as he rose to a sitting position. He glanced at the bathroom as he heard the shower start. “What?” Brian asked moving his hand down his stomach, feeling Justin’s cum wet against his skin. “This isn’t a good time.” He warned. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.” She offered. “What do you think Lindsay?” Brian deadpanned. ”It’s just that I saw my parents and they said Gus could stay with them if it would make things easier.” She lied. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow.” Brian suggested. “I’m going to take a shower.” He rose and moved into the bathroom. Something wasn’t right here. He could feel it. He needed to get Justin’s take on things, but that too could wait until tomorrow. He didn’t want to think about anything tonight, just feel. …. Michael sat in silence as he watched his partner sleep. Nurses came and went, checking vitals and the progress of the IV, but Ben slept on. Michael knew that the last thing he wanted to do in the middle of the night, in a hospital, was to consider what ifs. He leaned forward, grabbing the extra blanket folded at the foot of Ben’s bed. Opening it up, he covered his legs and leaned back; trying to drift away without any frightening scenarios invading his attempt to sleep. He found himself dwelling on Lindsay’s visit. She’d seemed supportive of the idea of Michael gaining custody of JR. Had things deteriorated between Lindsay and Melanie to the point where Lindsay would actually side with him against her partner? Would that help in his fight for custody? Michael shook his head trying to rid himself of the idea of a court fight for custody. It would be so much easier if Melanie would just choose to come back. Lindsay had ruled it as an impossibility but Michael wasn’t convinced. Surely Melanie missed Gus, surely she was overwhelmed. Michael couldn’t imagine being a single parent. He and Ben had a hard enough time dealing with Hunter, and Hunter had been practically grown when they’d adopted him. As the sounds of the hospital faded, Michael found his mind wandering further into Lindsay’s comments. She seemed upset that Justin was back. Brian would be thrilled. Michael felt certain that his best friend would hide that fact from Justin if he thought there was any chance that he might convince the blond to do what was best for his career. Michael of course, knew better. He had watched over the last months as Brian seemed more a spectator in life than participant. Michael smiled as he realized how happy Brian was at that moment on the other side of the city. He’d put up a fight but Justin had been around and was astute enough to realize it was all a bluff. Justin had always been able to see through Brian. Michael huffed a soft laugh considering how futile Brian’s attempts to distance himself from Justin had been from the very beginning. Justin had been like a beautiful blond hammer pounding away until all of Brian’s walls had crumbled. “Michael.” Michael sprang up at the sound of Ben’s voice. “Are you okay? Do you need something?” He urgently asked as he moved to the head of the bed. Ben smiled, reaching for Michael’s hand then squeezing it. “I’m lonely.” He playfully smirked. Michael smiled back, trying to hide the depth of his relief. ”Well, what can I do about that?” He played along. “I was hoping you would join me.” Ben suggested. “I’m not sure it’s okay.” Michael worriedly glanced at the door. ”Michael.” Ben furrowed his brow, smile still in place. Michael shook his head realizing how ridiculously young he’d just sounded. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m a little old to be getting in trouble.” He moved to the other side of the bed then eased into the bed, adjusting until his head rest on Ben’s chest. “Is this okay?” He asked, clearly concerned he was hurting his partner. “It’s great.” Ben sighed, tightening his arm around the other man. “What were you laughing at before I called to you?” Ben asked, wanting to hear Michael’s voice. Somehow just having Michael close managed to banish his own concerns and fears. “I was thinking about Brian and Justin.” Michael admitted. “Justin’s back in town. Lindsay thinks it’s a mistake.” ”Justin is back for good?” Ben asked, clearly surprised. “Yeah, back for good according to Lindsay. She said it will ruin his career and that eventually he’ll blame Brian.” Michael continued, clearly concerned. “Oh, I don’t see that happening. Brian’s been so lost without Justin. I’m sure Justin wasn’t any better off in New York without him. They belong together.” Ben smiled then kissed the top of Michael’s head. “What about what Lindsay said…” Michael began. “Lindsay hasn’t been around much since Justin left. She just doesn’t realize.” Ben offered around a yawn. “Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow morning.” Michael kissed the man then settled down, the sound of Ben’s heart lulling him to sleep as it had for so many nights. …. Brian woke with a start. Something wasn’t right. He reached for Justin but found cooling sheets instead. “Justin.” He softly called into the darkened loft. “I’m over here.” Brian’s eyes discerned the lines of Justin’s silhouette in the doorway. Slowly his eyes adjusted to his surroundings and he was surprised by the amount of light coming in from the window. It reminded him of those nights they’d spent together under the blue lights early on in their relationship. “What are you doing?” Brian asked, rubbing his eyes. “The moonlight was coming in the window.” Justin explained. Brian then made out the faint sound of a pencil flying over paper. It was comforting in its familiarity. “I was inspired.” The blond added. “Something that never happened in New York.” “Never.” Brian deadpanned. “Rarely.” Justin conceded with a shrug. ”So are you ready to talk yet?” Brian asked, rising from their bed and moving to the doorway. “There is nothing to talk about.” Justin assured him. “I’m here. I’m not leaving. But I do have one question.” He admitted as he set his sketch pad down and met the man in the middle. He ran his hand down Brian’s arm, his fingers seeking out the ring he’d noticed on his lover’s hand earlier. “What’s this?” He smiled. Brian wanted to answer but for a moment found himself speechless as he watched the moonlight play over Justin’s pale skin and blue gaze. “Brian?” The blond smiled, breaking the spell. Brian returned the smile then kissed the man. Laying his forehead against Justin’s, he relaxed into the younger man’s body. “I wanted to wear it.” He admitted. “I know you don’t expect it. I wanted it.” He whispered. He reached down then, his fingers further entwining with Justin’s. “I’m glad you’re here.” He felt Justin’s lips smile against his own as the blond relaxed. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” Justin sighed then kissed the older man once more. A sound from the kitchen interrupted the moment. Brian sighed and pulled away. Justin moved through the darkened bedroom, grabbing a pair of sweat pants as he moved to the bathroom. Brian tightened his silk robe around him then headed down to confront the noise. He found Lindsay pouring a glass of whiskey by the dim light coming from the windows. Brian flipped on the light. “You’ll wake Gus.” Lindsay warned. Brian took a seat at the bar, screwing the lid back on the bottle instead of pouring any for himself. Lindsay seemed surprised. She took a sip from her glass then grimaced as the amber liquid burned a path down her throat. “Drinking in the dark.” Brian observed softly. “Well, I would have asked if you wanted to join me but I thought you might be otherwise engaged.” Her gaze drifted up as she watched Justin moved up behind Brian. He slid his arms around the older man possessively. Brian basked in the warmth of the younger man’s body and leaned into the support he found there. “We’re loud.” Justin smiled, meeting her gaze and holding it. “You’ll know when we’re fucking.” Lindsay smiled but Brian observed that she seemed more irritated than amused. “So when are you going back.” Lindsay asked as she took another sip. “I’m not. We’ve covered this.” Justin sighed with frustration. Lindsay met Brian’s gaze. “You have to talk him into going back. He’s throwing away—“ “I’m right here Lindsay.” Justin spat. “Don’t talk about me like I’m a child. Brian is my partner not my father.” “Unless you are into that.” Brian quipped, earning him a soft slap from Justin on his arm. “I’m making a point.” The blond argued. Brian nodded, fully intending to let Justin handle this on his own. “I’m not trying to treat you like a child, but you are very young—“ “So?” Justin argued. “I think you both should wait until the morning to do this.” Brian offered with a yawn. “We aren’t doing anything. I’m not anyway.” Lindsay defended. “I’m just trying to save Justin’s career.” “Who asked you to?” Justin demanded. “Not me. Did you Brian?” Brian threw up his hands in innocence. “Why don’t you focus on your own life, Lindsay.” Justin suggested. “I mean look at you.” “Justin.” Brian warned but Justin ignored him. “What does that mean?” Lindsay spat, downing the rest of the whiskey. She reached for the bottle but Brian refused to release it. “It means you are here sleeping on Brian’s floor with his son.” Justin shook his head. “It means your daughter is in Canada with your partner.” “So?” Lindsay was trying to focus but finding it difficult given the relaxing effects of the alcohol. She was starting to wonder if downing the drink had been a good idea. “So, get your own life together then come give me advice.” Justin finished. Brian sighed, lowering his head. “You little shit.” Lindsay cried. “After all I’ve done for you.” ”What Lindsay? What did you do?” Justin demanded. “I put you in that fucking show that caused your work to get noticed. I’m the reason you were offered New York , I’m the reason you finally came to your senses and went to New York.” ”And why was that?” Justin sounded suspicious. “What are you implying?” Lindsay growled. “Mom.” Gus’ voice stopped them in their tracks. Lindsay threw a glare in Justin’s direction before she turned to pick up her son. “What’s the matter?” She asked as she kissed his cheek. “I heard the voices.” He rubbed his eyes sleepily. ”Sorry Gus.” Justin offered. “I forgot you were sleeping.” He admitted. “Let’s go back to bed Sweetie.” Lindsay kissed the boy again as she headed back to their beds. Brian watched her go. “Ready for round four?” Justin’s breath tickled Brian’s ear sending a shiver down his spine. “Let’s go somewhere and talk.” Brian resisted the urge to take the blond back to their bed and fuck his brains out. “We can talk, after.” Justin took Brian’s hand, his fingers wrapped around the band on Brian’s right hand. “No.” Brian remained seated. “Go get dressed.” ”Brian?” Justin began to protest but recognized the resolve in his partner’s gaze. Without another word he headed up to the bedroom and grabbed his jeans from the floor. Brian watched as Lindsay settled Gus back into his bed then returned to her own. He headed back to the bedroom to dress as well. Turning, his gaze met Lindsay’s as she watched him from her bed. Brian had seen that look before. It had been in college when they’d both been in denial about their sexuality. Brian continued on into the bedroom where he found Justin tying his shoes. “She’s watching you.” He offered under his voice. “I know.” Brian admitted as he reached his closet, leaving the rest of what he knew unspoken between them. …. “She wants you.” Justin broke the silence as he stirred the coffee cup, his eyes fixed on the momentum of the spoon. “Either drink it or quit fucking with it.” Brian groused, resenting that Justin had figured out in less than a day what he’d just started putting together after over two weeks. Justin huffed a laugh as he raised the cup to his lips. “So, what are you pissed about? It isn’t my coffee’s fault that the lesbian you had a child with has now decided she wants to play house with you.” He took another sip before continuing. “So what are so pissed about? That she wants you, or that you just now figured that out, or maybe it’s that I figured it out first?” Justin fixed the older man with a stare. “None of the above.” Brian glanced away then back. He shook his head, “Okay, all of the above, but let’s not talk about Lindsay. She isn’t the problem.” “Oh really?” Justin leaned back in the booth, relaxing slightly. “Then who is the problem? Me?” Brian pushed his cup away then mimicked Justin’s posture. “You’re here aren’t you?” He raised a brow. “Fuck,” Justin spat, leaning forward and lowering his voice. “Please tell me we are NOT going back through all of that shit again. I’m here. I’m not leaving. End of story, or maybe it’s the beginning, whichever you prefer.” “What about art? What about your career? Lindsay—“ “You said we weren’t talking about Lindsay.” Justin argued. “Fine.” Brian put up both hands in surrender. “But even without her experience, we both know this is artistic suicide for you to come back –“ “I missed you Brian. I couldn’t do dick in New York without you. I was miserable. It wasn’t about not being able to make it there. I was about not wanting to make it there. I want to be with you.” He reached across the table and placed his hand on top of Brian’s. “Don’t you want me here?” “It isn’t about that—“ “Well then, let’s make it about that!” Justin demanded as Brian pulled his hand free. “I don’t want you blaming me one day when you realize that being with me is a mistake and your opportunity to make it in New York is long gone.” Brian confessed. “Okay, who are you and what did you do with Brian?” Justin furrowed his brow. “No regrets remember?” “There might be regrets.” Brian offered softly. “I love you, Brian. Leaving wasn’t a mistake. It helped me see how much I need you.” “You don’t need anyone but yourself.” Brian corrected. “No, you’re wrong. I need you.” Justin shrugged. “If that makes me a helpless little fairy then fine, I’m a helpless little fairy.” “I’d never call you helpless.” Brian offered with a small smile. Justin returned it. “So, can we put this to bed?” Justin asked reaching once more across the table. “I’m not leaving, no matter how hard you push.” Brian took a moment to consider the young man across from him. He’d never understand why Justin loved him, but it so obvious that he did. Maybe it was time to stop wondering and just accept it. “Okay, but don’t come crying to me when you find yourself designing greeting cards on the internet.” Brian quipped. “That’s a great idea.” Justin beamed. “Queer greetings. I’m going to look into that.” He took another sip from his cup. “So are we going to talk about your new stalker?” ”Jansen?” Brian furrowed his brow. Justin gave his lover the look Brian had expected. “Lindsay.” Justin made his meaning clear. “I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about Lindsay. I’m not sure what’s going on there.” Brian shrugged. “Well it can’t be good for Gus, all of this breaking up and getting back together. She and Melanie should decide once and for all if they are going to stick it out or not.” Justin declared. “Well, Melanie is convinced I’m the cause of this one. She thinks Lindsay is here trying to be with me.” Brian confessed. “And you were going to tell me this, when?” Justin asked. “I’m telling you now.” Brian offered. “Well, what are you going to do?” Justin offered; somehow hearing Lindsay’s intentions confirmed by Melanie caused his stomach to hurt. He’d never considered her a threat. After all she didn’t have anything that Brian would want, but Justin knew now that wasn’t correct. She had Gus and Brian definitely wanted his son back in Pittsburgh. “I’ll talk to her.” Brian rolled his lips into this mouth. “Surely the sounds of me fucking you has got to be cluing her in.” ”Well I’m happy to help if that is your mode of communication but I think words would have a more lasting effect.” Justin suggested. “Okay, so while I’m fucking you why don’t you shout out something like ‘Lindsay he’s into dick.” Brian quipped. Justin dissolved into laughter then leaned back, relaxing fully as he considered his partner. “I love you, Brian.” The words flowed so easily from his lips. “I love you too.” Brian threw a couple of bills on the table then reached for the blond. It was time to go home and face the music. ….