Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Beta: Rory Banner and Icon: Helen PB: Me, Helen and Rory Note: It will not be in complete cannon anymore. The morning hadn’t started off right for Justin. He woke up and ran to the bathroom to barf before he even realize he was awake. During his violent retching Deb heard him and knocked on the door. “Sunshine, Are you okay?” She called out to him. “Um… Yes.” He said in a struggling voice. Debbie rattled the lock on the door. “Justin? Why is the door locked?” Justin groaned to himself. “Because I’m going to the bathroom and need my privacy.” He answered getting up off the floor and composing himself before unlocking the door and opening it. “I’m fine Deb.” Debbie looked Justin over. “Are you sure sweetie?” Justin tried to give her a small smile. “Yeah. I just wasn’t feeling good that’s all. “You can stay home if you’re sick.” Debbie tells him concerned. Justin does smile now. It’s nice to know that Debbie cares so much about him. Even if she does seem too over protective at times. “No, I’m fine now. But if I start to feel sick again I’ll call you. I promise.” “Okay sweetie.” She says and kisses his cheek before going down stairs. Justin went back into the bathroom and let out a deep breath of relief before getting into the shower. It was going to be a long day. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Half-way through the school day, he’d wished that he had taken Deb up on her offer and stayed home sick. He wasn’t feeling sick though. He just couldn’t concentrate on any of the subjects in his classes. He was called on many times from his daydreaming. He tried to buckle down and focus on his school work. But all of his fears seemed to be running his mind throughout the rest of the day. He was scared. He didn’t want to do this on his own at 17. But he knew that there was a chance he was pregnant. More than just a chance. And his subconscious knew that and wouldn’t leave him alone. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Justin sat in the clinic office that day after school and of course Daphne was with him. He was very thankful for her support. But he still wished Brian was there for him too. But Justin had to be sure he was pregnant before he told Brian anything. Once again, all of the thoughts that plagued him at school went through his mind. And then, a new thought came to him. He wondered if he even would make a good father? ‘Oh god!’ He thought, feeling his heart start to race while his mind started to jump from scenario to scenario. “Justin. Earth to Justin” Daphne said tapping her finger on his shoulder. Justin snapped out of his worrisome thoughts and blushed. “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.” Daphne “Yeah. I could tell. Are you okay?” Justin looked at his best friend. “Yeah. I’m just scared that’s all.” Daphne took Justin’s hand in her own and squeezed it. “I bet you are. But no matter what I will be here for you.” She said reassuringly. Justin gave her a grateful smile. “You’re the best Daph.” “Justin Taylor.” A nurse called from behind the clinic’s front desk. Justin stood up. “Right here.” Daphne got up with him and they both walked over to the nurse. The ugly woman looked at Daphne with a crooked face. “She can’t go back there.” The nurse said in a bitchy voice. Justin screwed up his features and glared at her. “Why the fuck not?” He growled, feeling his emotions really start to boil. “Because she isn’t allowed.” The nurse said snidely. “I don’t care. She is coming. She is my support. You would let the other father so fuck your rules. My best friend is coming with me.” Justin told her, showing her he wasn’t going to budge. Daphne didn’t want to cause more trouble for Justin. Maybe she should just stay in the waiting room? “Justin..” Justin looked at her and shook his head firmly. “No. I need someone.” He looked back at the fat nurse. “This is bullshit.” An beautiful burnet woman walked over to them. “Nurse Block? Do we have a problem. Her deep hazel eyes glared at the bitchy nurse. “Yes Dr. Lee we do. Mr. Taylor wants his friend to come back but I was explaining…” Dr. Lee cut her off “If one of our patients want someone to come back there than it is their choice. If Mr. Taylor wants his friend, well, he is allowed one person. Now please hand me his file so that we can get the exam started.” Dr. Lee said watching as the reception nurse quickly went back to grab the file and handed it to her. “Thank you.” Justin and Daphne watched, wide-eyed as the doctor put the nurse in her place before she turned to look at Justin. Her eyes were now a warm hazel that comforted Justin. “Mr. Taylor I’m very sorry.” “Please, call me Justin. And I’m sorry. It’s just that I didn’t want to be alone when I find out everything. She’s my best friend.” Justin explained. Dr. Lee smiled. “I understand. Now, come on back. You too you best friend. They walked through the hall way and to the room number four. The room is small but workable; there is a bed, two chairs and a desk. “I will have a nurse come in to get some preliminary tests done and I will be back in about 20 minutes. Okay?” The doctor says. Justin nods his head. “Yes thank you.” A few minutes later there is a knock on room four’s slightly open door. A head poked through smiling before the rest of the body entered.. “Hi, My name is Nurse Amy. I am going to take your weight and height and take you to get some other things done okay?” Justin nods his head and got up to follow her. “Okay.” BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Fifteen minutes later Justin was sitting back in room four after the tests wearing a hospital gown. “I swear it felt like they’d taken a least two pints of blood. Jeez, why so much? I hate getting my blood taken.” He told Daphne. Daphne held his hand. She hated getting her blood taken too. “Your cell rang while you were gone.” She told him. “Who was it?” “It was Brian.” “Did you answer it?” “No, I didn’t know if I could lie and he usually knows when I do. Hell everyone does.” Justin laughed out. “You know, it could be a good thing that you are such a sucky ass lair.” Daphne laughed with him. “I suppose.” She conceded. A knock on the door interrupted their laughter. “Come in.” Justin called and Dr. Lee stepped through the doorway. “Hi Dr. Lee.” “Hello again Justin. And what did you say your best friend’s name was?” She asked. “Oh, I’m sorry. This is my best friend since kindergarten, Daphne Chanders.” Justin told her proudly. They two women shook hands “Nice to meet you Daphne.” “You too Dr. Lee.” Daphne smiled. Dr. Lee pulled up a stool and sat down in front of Justin and Daphne who were both sitting on the hospital bed. “Okay, Justin. Your chart said you took an at home pregnancy test and it came out positive?” . “Yes. But actually I took two. I wanted to make sure.” He blushed. Dr. Lee laughed. “I can understand. The blood test results should be done before you leave. But I want to do an ultrasound to be sure quicker But first, can you tell me why it is that you think you may be pregnant?” “Well, I have been getting sick everyone morning. Food is just nauseating. I have trouble sleeping but that is starting to go away thankfully. I also have been breaking out a lot but I thought that was the hormones. I am really emotional at times too, much more than I normally am.” Justin explained. “And Daphne noticed too. She’s the one that told me to take the tests in the first place.” Dr. Lee considered Justin’s words for a moment before she spoke. “Well, it seems like those are all the likely signs. But first I’m going to do an exam and then an ultra-sound test okay?” “Okay.” Justin said as Daphne hopped down from beside Justin as the doctor started to prepare the things she’d need for the exam. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Dr. Lee determined that Justin looked to be about six weeks into pregnancy but she still wanted to do the ultra-sound. She pulled out the machine. Daphne stood beside Justin’s head and held his hand, watching as the Doctor put Vaseline onto Justin’s puffy looking belly. Dr. Lee ran the scanning device over Justin’s stomach and then paused, looking at the screen’s image. Happy that she’d found what she had been looking for. Justin looked at the screen let out a long breath. He felt over sensitized looking at the picture of the tiny little blob of the baby and hearing the little bleep-bleep whir of a heartbeat. “Oh my god.” Justin said, feeling his world start to center itself. “Is that…that really is..” “Yes,” Dr. Lee smiled. “That’s your baby and your baby’s heart beat.” “Daphne do you see your little niece or nephew?” He asked, tears forming in his eyes as he looked over at his best friend. Daphne looked on smiling at the image and taking in the sound of the heart beat. “Oh my god Justin. This really is amazing!” Daphne giggled. “So can I assume you are keeping the baby Justin?” Dr. Lee smiled. “Yeah.” Justin breathed out. “I am. I mean, I was already going to. But this.. this just confirms it.” “Good.” The doctor said smiling. “I’m going to turn off the machine and print out a photo of the baby.” “Thank you.” Justin smiled. Dr. Lee handed him some paper towels to wipe off the Vaseline and then handed Justin the photo when it printed out. “Who is the other father Justin? Will he be involved?” Justin sighed. “His name is Brian Kinney.” Dr. Lee’s eyebrows went up. “Really?” “Yes.” Justin said worriedly. “Do you know Brian?” Dr. Lee laughs. “This clinic is on liberty avenue. Also, he comes in here every six months for his HIV test. But, he doesn’t know about you thinking you are pregnant does he?” Justin shakes his head. “Not yet. I wanted to be sure before I told him.” “Well I wish you good luck Justin. And I want you to make an appointment before you leave. I want to see you every month. Because of your age, you are still developing I want to make sure you and your child are safe. If you have got any questions, I don’t care how stupid they may seem to you. I want you to call me okay?” Justin smiles. “I promise.” “Alright. You can go get dressed and I’ll have Nurse Amy give you some pamphlets and explain to you the blood test results that are back today at the front desk.” She said told Justin. “If there is a problem with any others we will call you by next week okay?” “Okay. Thank you Dr. Lee.” Justin smiled as the doctor left the room. He would have to hold out on freaking out until they got to the car. He knew that once there he’d probably go into a full melt down. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Justin and Daphne were sitting in her car looking at the small grainy picture of his baby. For the last ten minutes Justin had been crying and all his best friend could do was hold him until his sobs had finally let up. Justin wiped his face with a Kleenex. “Okay, okay I’m better.” He said weakly. Daphne shook her head. “No you are not. Shit Justin. What are you going to do?” “I have to tell Brian. Now that I know for sure the baby really does exist. Hell, I even have its first picture.” Daphne nodded. “What do you think Brian is going to say or do?” Justin laughed. “Kick the shit out of me.” He said sarcastically. Daphne rolled her eyes. “He wouldn’t.” “I know, but he will be pissed. I can’t run away from this.” Justin told her. “So what are you going to do?” Daphne asked again. In answer Justin pulled out his cell phone and put the setting to speaker before dialing. “Brian Kinney.” “Brian, I need to talk to you. Are you busy?” “Not at the moment.” “Can I come over?” “Sure whatever.” “I’ll be there in ten minutes. Later.” “Later.” Justin closed the phone and looked at Daphne. Neither one of them speak on the short drive to the loft. Justin used that silence to try and get his head together. “Are you going to go in?” Daphne asked breaking the silence. They’d been parked outside on the corner for a few minutes. Justin took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes. Just give me a minute.” “I would if you haven’t already been spotted.” She said quietly and looked out the passenger window. Justin glanced over. There, standing at the front door was Brian. The man was holding some mail in one of his hands. He’d obviously just came down to get his mail and had spotted Daphne’s car. He looked at Justin, apparently waiting for Justin to go in with him. Justin turned back to Daphne. “Shit. Okay, I gotta do this now.” “Good luck.” Daphne whispers and leans in to hug Justin. Justin hugs her back tightly. “Thanks.” Justin reluctantly releases from the embrace and starts to open the door when Daphne stops him. “ If you need me call me Justin.” Justin manages to give her a small smile. “I will.” Justin got out of car and slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked toward Brian. Brian smiled at him and then gave Justin a deep kiss before leading him to the elevator. They are both standing there on the elevator, Justin who is unsure what or how to say what he came too is rehearsing things in his head. Brian is eyeing Justin up and down. Wondering why the blond actually called, usually he would just show up. The silence filled the small space until they arrived to the fourth floor. They walk into the loft slowly. Brian goes to the kitchen and grabs two bottles of water while Justin sits on the couch and opens up his back pack, retrieving the photo the doctor had given him. Brian sits down beside him. “Here.” He says, handing Justin one of the bottle’s of water. Justin turns the paper face down into his lap before taking the bottle. “Thanks.” Brian is actually feeling nervous in reaction of how quiet Justin is being. “So, What’s Up?” He asks raising an eyebrow at Justin. Justin opens the bottle of water and takes a large drink before speaking. Not because he is thirsty per say. Really he just wants to buy himself another minute to work out how he is going to tell Brian. “Well?” Brian asks impatiently. Justin turns toward Brian. “Umm.. You know how I have been feeling sick for a little while?” Brian looks at him worried. “Yeah, Why?” Justin gulps. “I went to the doctor today.” Brian shakes his head. “I thought you went weeks ago.” Justin shakes his own head. “I didn’t. I only called, and that was my old doctor. But, he said I probably had the flu and to not bother coming in. But then, Daphne came over yesterday after I finished throwing up. She got on to me and told me I had to go. And so I saw a new doctor.” Brian nodded. “What did this doctor say?” Justin didn’t say anything. He just handed Brian the picture of his, no, the picture of their child. Brian looks at the black and white picture, unsure of what he is seeing. “What is this?” “Um…I… um, shit, I am pregnant.” Justin gasps out. “And before you say anything it’s yours Brian. I am 6 weeks along.” Brian looks at him horrified. “What the fuck do you mean you are pregnant?” Brian yells. “Just what I said.” Justin starts to recoil from Brian’s loud voice. “You know, I am not exactly thrilled about this Brian. But..” “Well what are you going to do with it?” Brian barks. Justin feels himself start to get very, very angry at Brian. He knew Brian would be pissed but the hateful tone to of his voice is really getting to Justin. “It’s not an it, it’s our son or daughter Brian.” “No.” Brian says shaking his head at Justin. “No.” Justin stands up and leans down over Brian. “Well, you know what? Fuck you! I am keeping this baby wither you want to acknowledge it or be in his or her life so fuck you!” Justin grabbed his backpack and ran out of the loft. Brian didn’t say a thing. He just sat there with the picture of his baby in his hand feeling so many different emotions fire through his body. He stood up, clutching the photo in one hand and threw the bottle of water across the loft with the other. TBC