Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Author: Liberty Beta: Helen Proof: G.M. When Brian Kinney was 18 years old, he moved away from the beatings and abuse. He moved into what he thought was a safe place but little did he know the horror and mystery of the Tremont building. He was either naďve or didn’t believe that such things could exist. The first time he felt something odd in his loft on the top floor, he was laying on his bed; he could have sworn that he wasn’t alone, better yet what he was feeling, felt amazing. Then, the sudden pleasure he was feeling turned scary. At first he loved the nails digging into his skin, it proceeded to turn him on even more, but when he felt the warm trickle from his hips he opened his eyes and saw that blood was coming from a small wound on his hip bone, unsure where he got it, he just wiped it off like he scraped himself. What he didn’t know though was that he was being watched from the previous tenant that never left. * * * * * * * * * * * Justin he didn’t know why he was cursed but he was. He was to torture anyone that moved into the loft on top floor. His father cursed him the night he found out that he was a different type of boy, the kind that likes other boys. Craig Taylor would not have that. So, the night of Justin’s 18th birthday he prayed the lord below to take his boy’s soulless body and make him what he is today. Unlovable and full of hatred. Justin usually didn’t mind what he had to do but for some reason this man was different. He would have stirred things in him if he could actually feel; but sadly he couldn’t. * * * * * * * * * * The second time Brian felt like he wasn’t alone was one night when he and Mikey were getting ready to go to Babylon. While he was in his room getting dressed he heard a loud thud and saw Mikey lying on the floor next to the door. The strange thing was that he thought he saw a blonde boy. Unable to think, he ran over to Mikey. He was stopped half way though and pushed back. He never felt such hurt and rage in all his life. * * * * * * * * * * Justin didn’t want to hurt Brian - he learned his name tonight when the other man came over and kissed him. Justin didn’t know what this was, what he was experiencing but he didn’t like that other man on his Brian as he claimed him to be. When he saw he had a chance to hit Mikey in a way he could, he made himself solid enough to get the job done. He didn’t want him near Brian and he knew when Brian heard the loud thud that he saw him. But what pissed him off more, was when Brian ran to that person’s side. He had to stop Brian and so he showed him what he was feeling when he pushed him. He reached inside of him to give him a glimpse of all the pain he felt. * * * * * * * * * * After a few weeks Brian was getting kind of scared. He could have sworn he saw something so he needed to know. One night he left out a paper and pen; on the paper he wrote. Brian: “Hello, I’m Brian, what is your name?” Little did Brian know Justin was standing next to him watching him write. He knew his name, but Justin wanted to do something he’d never done before; make himself known! He decided to wait until Brian was asleep, which he didn’t have to wait too long. After Brian went to bed Justin found some way to write: “I’m Justin, I’m sorry I hurt you.” When Brian awoke and found the note he thought he would be scared but he wasn’t. He was somehow relieved. He went to get ready for work and left Justin another note. This went on for about a month. It would soon be Halloween and that was the one night when Justin got to be alive and this year, he was excited or what he thought excitement would feel like. He had yet to tell Brian that he would be real for 24 hours. He wanted to surprise the other man. Halloween Morning When Brian first heard the alarm go off, he could feel the difference into today. Still unsure why, he lay there and thought back to the last two months. He and Justin had gotten to know each other pretty well. He was surprised when he found a picture of the young man. He wrote to Justin and told him he was beautiful. That was the truth; the boy was beautiful. Actually, he was the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. He decided, because today was Halloween and he had already felt the difference into today he would take the day off. A part of him wished he could meet the Justin that haunted his thoughts and his nights. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt a connection. He rolled to the side facing away from the bathroom when he felt something there… no, someone. Not remembering bringing home someone, which he never did anymore because Justin got jealous, he slowly opened his eyes and he felt his breath caught when he saw a blonde angel lying next to him. He just lay there starring at him when slowly the blonde opened his eyes and he was looking at the most beautiful blue eyes. Brian: “Good Morning.” Justin: “Hello Brian.” Brian: “Ju… Justin.” Justin: “Yes.” Brian: “How?” Justin: “Every year on Halloween I’m allowed to be alive for 24 hours, then I have to go back.” Brian: “Why?” Justin: “It’s my curse.” *tries to smile* Brian reaches out and storks the pale cheek. Brian: “What do you want to do on your day?” Justin: “Really? You’ll spend the day with me?” Brian: “I would like nothing more. So, what will be Sunshine?” Justin: “Sunshine? Doubtful, the one thing I want is…” *blushes* Brian: “Tell me?” Justin: “I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.” Brian: “You died a virgin?” Justin: “I didn’t die, I was cursed.” Brian: “By whom?” Justin: “My father.” Brian: “Is there a way for you to stay for good?” Justin looks deep into the eyes of Brian. Justin: “True love’s kiss.” Brian didn’t think; he pulled the younger man into the center of the bed and lay on top of him. He looked into the blue eyes to connect so two could become one. Both unsure what tomorrow would bring, but not caring, Brian leaned down and gently brushed his lips against Justin’s. He let his tongue glide on the bottom of Justin’s lips as if he was slowly asking permission to gain entrance. When the kiss grew deeper, Justin felt as if he was floating and never wanted to stop. He felt Brian slowly kissing down his body and when he took all of Justin in his mouth, he never felt anything as pure as this. He knew if he would ever become alive again, that he would be fine as long as he could have this. As he came down Brian’s throat he thought how beautiful Brian was. Brian loved hearing the sounds coming out of Justin. He wished he could make him stay but not believing in love or hell, he never thought he would be someone’s true love, he wanted the boy to experience everything and he would let himself love Justin for one night. They continued and soon Brian found himself inside Justin; he never felt so at peace with anyone like he did with Justin and it killed him that he would never feel this way again. They found a slow pace neither was in a hurry for it to end. They made love all day in between naps and eating and Justin knew he found love for one day. Peace. Around 4 in the morning both completely sated and tried from the day’s events they decided to go to bed holding each other. Both sure they would never find this again. The next Morning Justin woke up expecting to not feel anything; instead he felt very sore and a pair of arms around him. His eyes popped open and he looked around and saw that he was lying under Brian. He couldn’t help but break out into a huge smile. He leaned forward and kissed Brian tenderly. Justin: “Good morning.” Brian: “Morning Justin (pulls him into another kiss but stops) Justin…I thought…” Justin: “So did I.” Brian: “But how?” Justin: “True loves kiss. Do you regret it?” Brian: “No, This was the best Halloween ever.” Justin: “Mine too. To think I used to hate Halloween.” Brian: “So did I.” Even Halloween can bring you true love. Happy Halloween!