Justin’s POV It started four days ago…god has it only been four days. I was being preposed to by the man of my dreams and I couldn’t have been happier. Now I don’t even know what day it is. We have been at the hospital for what seems like forever waiting…crying, more waiting, crying and much more waiting. I am so scared and worried about and for Brian. If he lost her I don’t know what he would do I honestly think he wouldn’t make it. I see him pacing back and fourth from Kira’s room and the waiting room…. Brian and I have not left and at anytime someone from our uncharacteristic family has been here to support us. Flashback 4 days ago… Brian raises his eyebrow and smirks. "Are you going to come in and close your mouth along with the door?" Justin is dumbstruck and strangely lost for words, much to Brian's amusement. "Um…yeah." Justin walks closer to Brian. "What’s going on?" Brian takes a breath. "I know we haven’t known each other very long but I can tell you honestly there is no one that has come close to where you are in my life. I love you Justin and I know I don’t say it enough but I do." Justin nods his head with tears falling down his cheeks. "Will you marry me and start a new life with my family?" All of a sudden the phone rings. "Ignore it Sunshine…well? Justin not only smiles but he seems to glow with excitement. "Y…" Jennifer’s voice on the answering machine: "Brian, Justin, are you there? Guys, I’m so sorry for calling, please pick up the phone." By now Jennifer’s voice is frantic, Brian reaches over to get the phone, as Brian and Justin both start thinking that maybe the kids were playing a game on Jennifer so they share a smile thinking about the trouble the terrors could get into but little did they know that this was nothing like that… "Hello Jennifer, what have those Brats done to you or your house? Justin watches as Brian’s body language starts to concern him. Justin gets worried about the situation what he thought was probably funny has now escalated into much more. Justin stands there only getting one side of a very nerve racking conversation trying desperately to decipher what's going on. "What happened? Okay, we’ll be there…Alleghany General." Brian quickly slams the phone down, closes his eyes. Justin walks over begins to rub his shoulders to which Brian then shrugs off and starts to walk away. "Come on there has been an accident we have to go." … Back to present Justin's POV Brian was so dazed, I tried to help pull him together, but he just disregarded me. I have never seen him so shut down before. I thought maybe it was Michael, Deb or someone else in the family. I wasn’t even thinking Kira. She never entered into the equation that she might be hurt and it wasn’t meant to be because I think we hold Kira in this aura of invincibility as she is so strong, yet so young. I remember driving us here because I couldn’t take the chance of Brian accidentally hurting himself on the way. I didn’t care about me I was worried about him. When we got there we parked the Jeep and ran into where my mom told Brian to meet her. I had no clue where we were off to I just followed Brian until I read the sign and saw the words… Children’s Intensive Care Unit When we saw my mom in the waiting room she had tears filling here eyes and dried tears on her face she saw us and ran over…it was horrible. Flashback "What happened?" "I’m so sorry Brian I was gone for 20 minutes a-a-and they were with Molly." "Mom, what happened?" "From what Shae told me Molly was going to let them go swimming until dinner and Molly went inside to get some towels and she told them to stay away from the pool until she came back…" All of a sudden Molly came with Shae from the bathroom, Shae see his fathers and run from Molly. "Daddy" Both Brian and Justin turn around; Justin leans down and picks him up. "Are you okay baby?" Shae nods his head yes, very unconvincingly. Brian hugs Shae and then Shae starts to cry and mutters that he is so sorry. "Why are you saying sorry?" "Kira hurt her arm because of me." Brian could not respond, so Justin asks; "Why do you say that?" "Cause we saw a puppy and I told her that I wanted to pet it but we had to stay and wait for Aunt Molly, then Kira went over to the puppy but then the puppy ran away so Kira started to follow it but I told her not to and then I heard a loud screech and a thud." Brian and Justin stood there listening to every thing Shae had to say completely in shock, scared and mad. Brian was blaming himself when it wasn’t his fault, or anybody else's. Finally after a few minutes Shae cried himself into a restless sleep. After a few minutes, Jennifer directed the boys to where they could sit down and wait for the Doctor with the rest of the family. Brian’s POV I’m going crazy…I'm fucking losing it. She ran after a damn dog...I'm worried of course but a part of me wants to strangle the girl. What got into her dam mind to go after a dog? I know it’s my fault. I became too unguarded, I let her get hurt. I shouldn’t have left her, I shouldn’t have started a relationship, I forgot her and this is my fault. I want and wish she should wake up. The doctor came and told us that she broke her arm well enough that she will have to have a cast put on for six weeks but not bad enough for surgery thank the gods. She also has a concussion because of the fall and the slam her body did when she tried and saved the dog. A Damn Dog! They put her on some medication to keep her knocked out till morning that will reduce the side effects of a headache or swelling of the Brain. Everyone is blaming them selves. Molly is the worst and Shae. We finally talked her into taking Shae home to sleep. Emmett went with her. She came over to Justin and me and told me she was so sorry but it isn’t her fault, Kira should have listened; actually I should have been there for her. It’s no one’s fault but my own. I’m sitting in Kira’s room, the doctor just left and said Kira should wake up soon. I called Cynthia and told her I wouldn’t be in for a week, she of course said that was fine. I see Justin come in and out of the room; to shower…to go see Shae…to go… A little while later Justin comes back to the room. "Brian, I brought Shae to come see you." Shae jumps out of Justin’s arms and climbs into Brian’s lap "Daddy Brian will Kira wake up?" Shae looks up into Brian’s tried face and rubs his five o’clock shadow. "You’re scruffy." Justin laughs quietly and Brian only barely breaks a smirk. "Yeah, she will wake up." "Can she still come over to Grandma Jenn’s to stay the night and swim?" Brian smiles at the blond in his lap and nods his head yes. Justin’s POV I leave Brian and Shae in the room talking to Kira and each other. It’s just so hard being near him after he ended everything. He called me the other night and told me he needed time to think, but he doesn’t want to tear the kids apart, like I would even do that. They think they are brother and sister I couldn’t handle that and neither could Kira and Shae. Michael came over to my apartment to check on me and to let me know that Brian is just doing this because he is scared. He told me not to give up. Like I told him, I couldn’t if I wanted to. I try to talk to him about what he is thinking or anything but he won't talk. He changes the subject and he's never alone in the room with me.