Note: No ownership of QaF in anyway. This is for fun. The next few days passed in a blur of medical jargon, statistical odds, and options that Justin could choose to take. While he felt that the original one offered by Dr. Finnegan was the correct step, Brian was adamant on second opinions and more options. To make it worse, Jennifer took Brian's side (although she claimed she wasn't taking sides, but rather doing what she thought was best for Justin.). So, Justin was subjected to two more doctors that he immediately didn't like; he wasn't sure if it was because he was just in a foul mood or because he really didn't think their opinions were needed. When Brian tried to bring in a third doctor, Justin had had enough. He wanted to go home, relax, and mentally prepare himself for the radiation treatments. So, to everyone’s surprise, he sat up and told them that enough was enough. He called his nurse and asked to see Dr. Finnegan as soon as possible. Dr, Finnegan stopped by during his evening rounds, and Justin let him know that they were taking his advice and going with the original plan. The entire time that Justin was talking to Dr. Finnegan, Brian was scowling and glaring at Justin and Jennifer. Justin was almost amused. The next morning, Justin was given his release papers and was ready to go home. He had called Daphne and asked her to meet him out in front of the hospital. As expected, Brian and his mother arrived first thing in the morning and began talking about where Justin would stay. Jennifer thought it best for him to come home with her, and Brian, of course, said he would be better off at the loft. Justin kept quiet. When the male nurse arrived with the wheelchair to take him down, Jennifer and Brian were still loudly discussing his plans. He smiled apologetically at the nurse and gave a shrug. Once downstairs, Brian said he would run get his car, but before he could get very far, Daphne pulled up and jumped out of her car. "Justin!" she yelled. "Hi, Daphne, everything ready to go?" Daphne laughed, "Yep! Are you ready to go?" Justin gave a grin, "You betcha!" "Justin," Jennifer asked, "What is this about? Brian and I thought you were coming home with one of us." "Well, I've decided that I'm going to stay with Daphne for the next few weeks." "The fuck?" Brian growled, "I don't think so, sunshine. I think you'll be staying with me or your mom." "Sadly, Brian, it really isn't your decision. It's mine. And I've decided to stay with Daphne. "She can be there most the time, except when she has class. And we've arranged with Emmett to be there when she isn't. Besides, you both have busy careers; I'd just be in the way." "Justin," Jennifer and Brian started at once. "I'm not asking. I'm telling you that I'll be at Daphne's. Now, Daphne, are we ready to go?" "Justin," Daphne asked, "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." Daphne nodded as she took one arm and the male nurse grabbed the other to help him to her car. Once in, he gave a wave and a smile to his mother and Brian. "So, are you looking for a fight with them? Brian do something to piss you off?" Daphne asked, concern in her voice, as she drove off. "Not everything, Daphne, is about Brian. Besides, I'm tired of the poor Justin routine. I’m tired of Brian being my rescuer and I'm tired of not being my own man. I want, no I need, to do this for myself- by myself." "Justin, everyone needs help sometimes. Maybe this isn't the best time to stand solely on your own. Maybe you need them and they need to help you." Justin snorted at this. "Yeah, I know. Poor Justin needs Brian to ride in on his white stallion and save his gentleman in distress. Brian has already done too much for me. I need this for me. I need to know that when the going gets tough Justin, not Brian, can take care of Justin." "Are you sure everything is ok? You seem awfully angry." "Maybe, I am, Daphne. Maybe I want everyone to realize that I'm not seventeen anymore." "Ok," Daphne said, "But sometimes being an adult means knowing when to ask for help." Justin glared at her, "You've been talking to Brian." Daphne shrugged. "Maybe. I think he knew you were being far too quiet during all the discussions last night. So, he called me and asked if I had talked to you. I didn't tell him anything, though." "Figures. Look- can you lay off? I just want to go home, relax, get some sleep, and get ready for the radiation next week. If you think I'll be in your way, I can always go to Emmett’s." "I didn't say you would be in the way. I just wanted to make sure that you are doing the right thing to help get you better." "I am." That being said, Justin leaned his head on the headrest and closed his eyes. He must have fallen asleep on the ride to Daphne's because he woke to her gently rubbing his right arm and calling his name. She was standing on his side of the car with the door open. He opened his eyes and gave her a brief glance. "Hey," she said, "You ready to go inside and get some sleep?" "Yeah," he replied with a sleep thickened voice. She gently helped him out of the car and up the flight of stairs to her apartment. Once inside, he headed straight for the futon and went back to sleep. Some time later, he woke to the phone ringing. He laughed as he heard Daphne cursing. She was obviously trying to get to the phone, but something had stopped her. "Hello," Justin heard Daphne say. "Yeah, he's asleep." There was a long pause and a positive answer, "Mmm-hmmm. Let me check." Daphne walked into the living area and looked at Justin. "Yeah," she said into the phone, “He's awake now." She then handed him the phone. "Hello?" "I just want you to know that I'm pissed." Brian's voice growled out. "Lovely. Is that all?" "No, I want you to come to the loft." "Why? Feeling horny?" "Don't be a twat. I want you to stay with me during the radiation treatments." "And then what, Brian? You kick me out? Or better yet, you prove to me that I’m important, but not that important? Thanks, but no thanks." "Jesus, Justin," Brian said, "Are we going there again?" "I wasn't aware, Brian, that we ever left. I'm good enough sometimes, but not all the time. So, I think it's best if I stay here." "Fine." There was a click in Justin's ear. Apparently, Brian had hung up. "Nice one, Justin," Daphne said as she sat beside him on the futon. "I'm not going over there." "Yeah, I got that, and I'm pretty sure Brian got it, too. Are you sure this is what you want?" "It may not be what I want, Daphne, but it's what I need." Daphne nodded as she hugged him to her side and turned on the small TV. Justin slept a lot over the next week. He only talked to Brian twice and each time it ended with one of them angrily hanging up. Before he knew it, it was the day before his first radiation treatment. Justin woke to Emmett’s voice. "And how is our gorgeous patient today, sweetie?" "He's still asleep, I think," she replied. "Nope, I'm awake." "Hi!" Emmett enthusiastically said, "How are you feeling?" "Not too bad. I guess I should enjoy it before tomorrow, eh?" "Yep," Emmett responded, "That's why I thought you might enjoy a trip to the diner for lunch." "Emmett," Justin began, "I doubt Brian wants to see me right now, and no one else knows about this." Emmett shrugged, "This isn't about them. This is about you. Now, go get your cute tushie ready. I want to be there before the lunch crowd settles in." "You do know that it's only 9am, right?" "Yep, which means we'll beat the rush." Justin was laughing when he closed the door to the bathroom. They arrived at the diner, as Emmett had planned, before the rush. Unfortunately for Justin, his mother had told Debbie about the cancer, which, in reality, meant that everyone knew or would know very, very soon. As soon as Debbie saw them, she had pushed Justin further into the booth and twisted his ear between her thumb and index finger. "Ouch!" Justin cried. "What's that for?" "Don't you play stupid with me, Sunshine. You know very well why I'm not happy with you. So, when were you going to tell me that you are sick?" "I don't know," Justin grimaced as she twisted a bit harder, "But I was going to tell you. I just wanted to wait until the right time." "Sadly, baby, there isn't a right time. Now," she said as she let go of his ear, "You need to keep up your strength, so I'm going to bring you a double cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke on the house. And I expect you to eat it all. Got it?" "Got it," he replied with a smile. After Deb walked away, Emmett whispered, "You know, I think you got off pretty lucky with an ear twist. I was expecting something a bit more...harsh." Justin nodded. He'd actually expected worse, too. "Anyway, I was hoping," Emmett said as he pulled some papers from his bag, "That you would help me with this party I'm working on. It's for a toddler and the mom is giving me fits about the decorations. Take a look at these and tell me if you can help me design something that meets her specs." Justin took the papers and immersed himself in the woman's requirements. Forty minutes later, after munching on his burger and fries, he and Emmett were discussing a possible design while Justin drew it on paper. They were so engrossed in the design that they missed Michael entering the diner until he sat down beside Emmett. "Why the fuck didn't you tell us?" Michael practically shouted. Justin barely looked up, "Because, to be honest, it's not any of your business, Michael." "Of course it is. This has completely upset Brian, and anything that upsets Brian makes it my business. You should have heard him last night at Woody's. I can't believe you are treating him this way!" "Fuck off, Michael," Justin said, staring him dead on, "This isn't about you. And it sure as hell isn't about Brian. This is about me. And, to be honest, had I wanted you to know, then I would have told you. Besides, I'm sure Brian was all torn up as he had his dick sucked in the bathroom at Woody's. So, why don't you save your childish antics for someone that wants to listen to your bullshit because God knows that I don't. Sorry, Emmett," Justin said as he grabbed his portfolio bag and walked out of the diner. Emmett caught up to him a few minutes later. "Are you ok, sweetie?" "Sorry, Emmett, Michael just makes me so angry sometimes. I know I shouldn't have told him off, but," Justin stopped talking and walking. "But?" Emmett tenderly prompted. "But," Justin continued a few moments later, "I just can't deal with him right now." Emmett pulled him into a hug, "It's ok, baby." Justin hugged him tighter, but was pulled from Emmett moments later with a firm pull and a growl. "What's going on here?" Brian said, snarling at Emmett. Emmett smirked and said, "Nothing you haven't seen or done before." Brian arched his eyebrow and looked pointedly at Justin, "Sunshine, I'm not asking you again." "Nothing, Brian, Emmett was just making me feel better." Justin could tell that Brian wasn’t buying it, but was going to let it go- for now. "Anyway, we've got to get back to the apartment and finish these party designs. Later." "Justin," Brian quietly said, "Are you coming over to the loft tonight?" Justin looked at Brian and gave him a slight nod. "I'll come after Daphne gets home from her last class. That way, she can drive me." Brian nodded, "Later." As he walked away, Emmett whispered, "I've never seen Brian Kinney ask that nicely about anything. Are you sure you don't want to go back inside and talk to him for awhile?" Justin shook his head and started walking back to the bus stop. "I can't, Emmett. I can’t keep letting Brian be my knight in shining armor. I need to be my own man." "Oh, honey," Emmett responded, "You are your own man. That's just how Brian takes care of the people he loves, by railroading them into what he thinks is best for them. He was just so initially angry because you didn't tell him. Now, he just wants to help." Justin turned and looked intensely at Emmett, "And tell me, Emmett, if it were Brian, not me, that had cancer, do you think he'd have told me? Or do you think he would have tried to hide it and handle it on his own?" Emmett tried to respond. His mouth opened and shut a few times, but nothing came out. "Exactly," Justin said, "He would have done exactly as I did. In fact, it probably would have been worse because he would have kicked me out on my ass, too. I've thought about this long and hard, Em, and I can't expect Brian to see me as an equal- as my own man- unless he can respect me. And that definitely includes being able to take care of myself." Emmett sighed. "I can see what you are saying, Justin; however, I think you're going about this all wrong. Can't you see that Brian needs to be the protector? And he just wants, out of all the men he's known, to protect you. I still think you are making a big mistake with him, but," Emmett said while putting up his hands in a surrendering fashion, "I'll say no more on this. You have to do what's right for you. Now, let's get back to the apartment and finish this plan. If it goes over as well as I hope, I might have more work for you!" Four hours later, Justin and Emmett were putting on the final touches to their proposal when Daphne walked in the door. "Hello!" she said as she put her books down on the small kitchen table. "How was the diner?" "Well, Debbie's hands are strong as ever!" Justin quipped. Daphne gave him a 'what the hell' look. "She about twisted my ear off for not telling her about the cancer." "Good one! Wish I had thought of it!" Justin stuck his tongue out at her. "Well, boys and girls," Emmett said while standing up and grabbing his belongings, "I need to get back and send this woman a copy of our plan. I'll let you know how it goes." Emmett gave them each a peck on the cheek as he headed out the door. "Got any plans tonight?" Daphne asked. "Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't mind driving me over to the loft." "Sure. Let me grab a Diet Coke and we'll head out." Justin went to his room and grabbed his portfolio bag. Daphne was waiting on him. She was very quiet in the car until she pulled up in front of Brian's building. "Try not to be too hard on him, Justin. He really does care about you." Justin snorted, opened the car door, said his farewell with a wave, and walked into the building. He knocked on the metal door and was surprised when it immediately opened. Brian, of course, looked completely erotic. He wore no shirt, and his pants were unbuttoned at the top. Justin wanted to lick him from head to toe, but knew it probably wasn't a good time considering the look on Brian's face. Brian ushered him in with a wave and shut the door behind him. "You and Emmett have a nice day together?" "Pretty good," Justin responded, "I helped him design a party theme. He thinks it'll go over well with the client and that he might be able to offer me more work." Brian nodded. "So, have you had dinner?" "Nope." "Are you hungry?" "Sure." "Thai?" "Sure." Brian went to the phone on his desk and ordered from his favorite Thai restaurant. "They said it would be about an hour." Justin nodded. "So, when's your radiation tomorrow?" "Nine." "Who's taking you?" "Emmett." "I want to-" "No, Brian, I don't want you there." Brian exhaled loudly. "Why the fuck not? If the situation were reversed, I'd let you be there for me!" Justin couldn't help it, he barked a laugh. "Brian, you can't expect me to believe that. You wouldn’t even take money from me to help you with your bills after the Stockwell fiasco. No, if this was happening to you, you would pull a classic Kinney: Do it yourself and push everyone away in the meantime." "Is that what this is about? You think I'll think less of you, if you don't do this yourself?" "I think, Brian, that it's time that you see me as a man- A man that can take care of himself. How else can I expect you to respect me? If I keep using you as a crutch, you'll eventually come to resent me. And I know that I don't want that." "I do respect you, Justin." "You do? Did you respect me when you chose that trick over me when I needed a ride home to my mom's house? Did you respect me when you pissed all over my work? Or did you respect me when you barged into my hospital room knowing full well that if I had wanted you to know, then I would have told you?" "Christ! We're back to the tricking again? I've told you a million times it's not the same. It's about me, not you." Justin nodded, "No, I told you that I understand what I can expect from you. Now, I need you to understand what you can expect from me. I need to be able to stand on my own two feet without you as a crutch. I need to feel like my own man that is worthy of whatever I want or need." "I do understand." "No, Brian, I don't think you do. I think you see that poor, little Justin needs to be protected again. I don't want your protection. I want your respect and love. But, for some reason, you can't- Sorry, you won't give me the latter, and haven't given me the former. I've thought about this long and hard, Brian. I just don't know what to do. I know you love me, but you refuse to tell me. Hell, I have cancer. I could die, Brian, and you still won't tell me." Brian looked like he had been slapped in the face. "Well, Sunshine, I'd say you've learned a few of my tricks, and not the good ones." "I'm not trying to hurt you, Brian. I'm not trying to force you into saying anything. I'm just telling you that I'm not ok with this." "This being us." Justin nodded, "Mmm-hmm." "Well, then, there really isn't much more to say, is there?" Justin shook his head, "No, I guess not." Justin pulled his cell phone from his pocket and called Daphne to come pick him up. "Later," he said as he walked out the door. Brian didn't respond.