-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to my wonderful beta Carolyn. Also thanks to Karen, And Sid and Cam.. Most of all thanks to MY GRACIE...for helping with this chapter. For listening to me for hours on the phone..i love you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WPS 22 Justin “Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to join these two men as they enter into a commitment that no one can tear apart.” I look at the minister and then back to Brian, smiling. He leans his head down onto mine and we just stare at each other as the minister continues. “Today, you are here to begin the weave of your life together with the golden threads of love, hope and commitment. You are promising to share the happy and the sad, the joys and the sorrows, the riches and the hardships. The commitment is to one another, to be partners in life helping the other be stronger, wiser and each other’s best friend. Now before the exchange of rings, Brian and Justin have written their own vows. I turn to you Justin to share your vows.” Brian grins as I smile for him alone. “Brian, as I look around here today, and see all the faces of the people we love and care about I can’t help but feel like the luckiest man alive. You have been there for me since I was 17. From my first kiss, to my first sexual experience and then you showed me just what love can be. But you also taught me how to be my own man, my own gay man. To be the best homosexual I can be. To be the best successful gay man I could possibly be. We have had our shares of ups and downs, but they always balance each other out, sorta like us.” I hear him chuckle as I continue. “But I couldn’t think of a better man then you.” He wipes my tears and I once again continue. “I thought I knew what love was, that it was about big grand gestures, and romance like in novels and fairy tales. You taught me that it was about every day stuff, honesty, working hard together, I thought what Ethan gave me was the real thing, words and songs. But it wasn’t about that at all. It’s about putting yourself in the others shoes and seeing you the way they see you. You taught me that words can be pretty, but the actions are real and beautiful. That it takes more then words to hold a relationship together, that it takes words and actions and sometimes at different times, and sometimes together. Its about being there, like you were for me after the bashing. The way you were when it came to my parents and most of all when I lost my head with Cody, it was your face I saw when I closed my eyes when I had the gun in Chris’ mouth. It was your words, your face that showed me I didn’t need revenge, I just needed the one I loved near by, supporting me and most of all, loving me. I love you Brian, from the first moment you approached me and from this moment on. I will love you. And I will always be here for you.” Never once taking my eyes off his I hear the minister continue. “Brian I now turn to you. Would you please speak the vows you have written?” Looking up into his eyes I see his smile. “Uh Brian, it’s your turn.” Brian I got so lost in Justin’s eyes I didn’t hear the minister tell me that it was my turn to speak. Then Justin leans up and nudges my cheek, “the minister is talking to you.” Looking up to the minister, “Would you like to say your vows now?” Nodding I pull out the paper I wrote it all on, but never open it, I know them by heart. Clearing my throat I begin my vows to the man I love. “Justin, I have my own vows but I want to say a few things. One, you are the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I knew from the moment I met you, my life would be different, some good some bad, but you always saw me for me, including the asshole part and you never once tried to change me. Even when I proposed you were having your doubts, and it wasn’t until uhmm my now best man, my ex husband told you about that night at the White party.” I look over at Heath and Ben and can’t help but laugh. My two white party men, standing up for me, looking back at Justin, I see his smile and mine must match his now. “You showed me how to open up, how to love and to be loved. Justin, you say I taught you how to be the best gay man you could be, well honestly, you taught me how to be the best man I could be. I thank you from my heart and I promise to always try to be there for you. You have shown me so much. I thought I was a man, but that was until you came along and showed me that even at 17 you were more of a man. So full of life and incredibly fearless. I mean hell you came out to your parents even before I did. You were brave, you even stood up to Chris, and yes after the bashing you got worried over him but you stood up to him, you stood up to your father, on many occasions. You said that you needed the words, and I took too long to share those special words. Even though your actions were similar to mine, I know now that words are just as important to help express the motivation behind the actions, because sometimes actions get misread, but your words were always loud, clear and brave. You said something about me showing you your first kiss and sexual experience, well the truth be told, I never knew what a real kiss was and it might have been your first sexual experience but it was the first time that I had sex with someone who made me feel alive, really alive, from head to toe. You made all of my being, all of my soul come to life. I admire you my prince and I love you Justin and I will continue to do so forever. And I’m the luckiest man alive.” Wiping the tears from my eyes, I do the same for Justin. I can hear the others sighs as the ceremony continues. “This is the part I ask if anyone objects to this commitment speak now, or forever hold your peace.“ Looking around everyone shakes their heads and Justin and I smile. “Throughout the world, rings are a sign of eternity, for as circles they have no beginning or ending. These rings are the symbol of your pure love and promises which you share together as partners in life, now please put the rings on each other’s finger and at the same time, saying the vows everyone has waited so long to hear you say to each other.” There are some giggles and I look over at Emmett, and he gives me a ‘what’ look. I simply shake my head and smile. “Do you Brian and Justin take the other to be your lawful partner in life?” We look each other in the eye and at the same time, smiling as we each respond, in unison, “I do.” Once again I see Emmett and Daphne as well as half of our guests wiping tears. The minister continues, “Will you love, respect and honor each other throughout your years together?” Once again Justin and I each respond, in unison, “I will.” The minister smiles as he looks at us, “You may both recite what you both would like to say together.” Looking once again into the eyes of my lover, my partner, we smile as we both say in unison, “I take you, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us. I promise to love you, to be your best friend, to respect and support you, to be patient with you, to work together with you to achieve our goals, to accept you unconditionally, and to share life with you throughout the years.” After we have said all that I wipe Justin’s tears as he wipes mine as the minister ends it with the normal, “you may kiss your spouse.” After the kiss he also announces, “It’s my great honor to introduce Mr. Brian Kinney-Taylor and Mr. Justin Taylor-Kinney.” Everyone applauds as we walk into the bedroom, hearing Emmett clapping louder and with his hand over his mouth. Once in the bedroom I pull Justin into me, kissing him again. “That wasn’t so bad, see you were worried over nothing.” Slapping my arm he laughs. “I hate to break it to you, but you were the one who was worried.” I just nod, smiling as we both laugh. “Well we should make out now.” I bat my eyes as he laughs again. “That comes.. Or uhmm cums later, lets go see our friends and family.” Taking my hand we walk out and we move over and I pull him into me, dancing with him as the gang watches and to my surprise Justin tells them all to join in. I guess he didn’t want to have the typical wedding dance, then again, nothing about us has been typical. We have some cake and a few other little games, I sit down, pulling Justin onto my lap, kissing him, never once hearing the clearing of throats until we hear, “What the fuck’s going on here?” Looking up, I find myself staring right into the eyes of my ex-best friend, Michael Charles Novotny.