I want to thank my Beta: Pookie who is doing a great job. I know shes been having teeth work so that is why it took awhile to get this on. But she is more important. I also want to thank Sid, Mari and Shauna for all their input. I also want to thank my fan club Jim, Chris, Matt and Alan. Congrats again Matt. I'm proud of you baby.I also want to say that I'm glad you all like this story. Love to you all. ROO: You rock.
Justin It’s been a week and every time Dee comes over she seems a little more agitated. “Brian, have you noticed a change in Dee’s behavior?” I sit down on the couch with Aidan in my lap. “Even if you are a complete angel, you would still see the difference in her behavior. I know I have tried talking to her.” Just then, there is a knock on the door. Opening it, we see Dee standing there. “Come on in.” I tell her, stepping aside. “Why thank you.” She snidely remarks making me look at Brian. “Okay Dee this is fucking enough. You have come over here with this attitude again and I’m not sure I want it near my children. Now either drop the fucking thing, and get off the rag or go home.” Brian tells her as he moves over to the kitchen table. “Attitude? What are you talking about? I’m not the one who is turning my kids against me. I’m not the one who needs an attitude adjustment. Justin and you both have been saying I did something when I know I didn’t. You have been against me for so long and I’m tired of being the butt of your joke. They are my kids and I want to take them to the park with Devlin and me. Brianna will be with me so you know I won’t do shit. You don’t trust me with my own kids.” She rants off. “Dee, it’s not that we think you will take off again or hurt them. But your actions lately have been louder then words. We have been nothing but understanding. But when you took our kids and left and almost got them killed in that accident, we left all understanding behind. We never said Devlin couldn’t see them either, but we have to be there. Hell, he won’t even take time out to come meet your family. To me that’s a tad off. What’s he hiding?” Brian yells back. “Look Dee, we know you seem to be in love, but it is a bit weird that he won’t meet the family and it’s not because he’s fucking shy.” I add in. “You don’t know him. He works a lot and he is still the prime and only relative to his sister. He spends a lot of time with her as well. Don’t go judging him.” She spats out as the twins look at Brian and me with scared eyes. “Go play in your room baby; take your sister with you.” He nods walking away holding his sister’s hand. “Look Dee, this is my home. You aren’t going to come in here accusing anyone of anything.” Brian once again is trying to be calm. “I’m not accusing, I’m just stating the obvious. Justin has never liked me and he has you brainwashed and now you both are turning the kids against me. I will not let you get away with that.” “Denise, now listen to me, are you listening?” She nods. “Good, you are not bringing this into this house. We haven’t done anything to turn them against you. They see you act like this and they want nothing to do with you. And Justin hasn’t brainwashed me. I am stronger then that and Justin isn’t like that. He has made me a better man and that is not brainwashing, that’s love.” Brian is losing his cool, I can tell. “Ever sense I got back here he has turned you against me. We were the best of friends Brian.” She rants out. “We once were, but times have changed. You left when you got pregnant with Brianna, then you show up ten years later and tell me about her. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but then you snuck in here and took Justin’s condom, which you thought was mine at the time. The look on your face when you learned he tops me was priceless. You lied, schemed and cheated us into this, so if anyone has turned me against you, it was you. Now until you learn to respect Justin and me in our home, you can leave.” Brian looked over at me and then turning back to her. “How dare you.” She starts but Brian stops her. “No Dee, I won’t hear this anymore and I refuse to let you be around the kids like this. Now why don’t you go home and we can try this again later.” He opens the door for her. “Fine but this isn’t over. I won’t let you keep them from me and Devlin.” “They aren’t his and until we met him, they won’t even know him. Now go home and relax.” She walks out as Brian shuts the door we hear her yell, “I will get them back.” Shutting the door he looks at me. “You okay Sunshine?” “Yea I’m fine. Just hate that the kids are missing out on spending time with her because she’s acting like this. Do you think she will try again to get the kids?” I say quietly. “If she does, she won’t win. Justin, she’s unstable and Brianna is witness to it. Now let’s forget about her for now.” Sitting down, he pulls me onto his lap, kissing my fears away. “I love you.” I whisper to him. “I love you too.” He whispers back before kissing me again making me forget about what took place only moments ago. Dee Walking into the apartment where Devlin is sitting on the chair. He looks at me, smiling fading. “What’s wrong love?” He looks concerned. “Brian and Justin are what’s wrong. They are turning my kids against me and saying things about you and how they haven’t met you and MY kids won’t be around you until they meet you. Well fuck them. I want my kids with me. Dev, it’s not fair that they are getting EVERYTHING they want and I am left in the cold. I changed and they can’t and won’t see it. It’s time to get my life in order.” I rant on not even noticing when he gets up to hug me. “It will be okay baby. We will look into getting your kids back with you.” He reassures me. “I hope so. Dev, I’m so tired of all this.” I reach for a drink. “What did they say?” He asks me. “Well Justin has been out to get me since day one and he has turned Brian and the kids against me. He uses ‘MY’ kids as pawns to punish me.” The more I talk about it, the madder I get. I think Devlin can tell. “Why don’t you go lay down and I’ll bring you your pills.” He rubs my back. I’m so pissed and he can see it. “Ok, I am going to go lay down. I’ll let you get my medicines.” He kisses me as I walk away. Sitting on the bed, I feel my anger inside me and I reach for my relaxation tape. It’s just what I need. “Here are your medicines.” Devlin comes in, handing them to me. “Get some rest sweetheart.” I nod as he walks out. He smiles back at me as I pick up my tape player. Lying back, I turn the tape on, close my eyes and let the sounds and words soothe me into sleep. Devlin I am smiling as I walk out of the room. I know that this is wrong, but it is working so well. My revenge will come soon enough and if Dee keeps on this rampage, it will happen sooner then I thought. Looking at a picture of the ‘happy couple’, I laugh knowing that once the secrets come out, it will all be worth it. I know Brianna and a few people that shouldn’t will get hurt, but she is young and will be okay. It will teach her the lesson not to trust someone so fast. She’s a good kid, and I would love to keep her from what will happen, but I can’t. She will also learn that Justin and Brian aren’t all they say they are. I can’t wait to get my revenge. First though, I have some unfinished business with Justin. Maybe I will let him see a blast from the past sooner then he thinks. He wants to meet me, see who I am. Well Mr. Taylor-Kinney, you are going to find out. Very soon indeed.