I Dream of Justin Chapter 4: From the floor and peering through the gloom, Brian had watched as the swirling mist approached and started to take form and the first thing that went through his mind when he grabbed the young man's slender ankle was, “Fuck ... he IS for real ...” for surely no ghost or apparition could turn into solid flesh and bone like this. And then he realized the kid had spoken so that confirmed it; he must be human after all, mustn't he? The shock of being grabbed, sent Justin into a blind panic and he tried to pull away, but with one foot going nowhere, he slipped and sat down heavily on the floor and self-preservation taking hold, he kicked out at Brian with his other foot. Terrified that having now been discovered that Brian would want to be rid of him, Justin cursed his stupidity. He'd let his longing to be close to the man overrule his head and put his own safety at risk, and Justin now realized how foolish he'd been in thinking he could continue to move around Brian's home or creep into his bed and remain undetected. “Ouch ... shit ...” exclaimed Brian as Justin's heel caught his wrist and the older man let go, giving Justin the chance to scramble to his feet; feet that were now slipping on the polished wooden floor and he almost missed his footing on the steps in his haste to get away. But where was he going to go? He couldn't just will himself back inside the bottle, only the bottle decided when he should be released or recaptured and there was nowhere he could run to and hide. In the shadows, Justin could just make out where he was going and headed for the door, but it was locked and unsure where Brian was now, he turned around and darted behind the arm of the sofa and hopefully out of sight, even if just for a moment to give him a chance to think, but Brian wasn't in any rush to pursue him. “Kid ... you got nowhere to go ...” stated the older man calmly in the darkness as he rubbed his wrist. Brian grabbed his robe, putting it on as he slowly crossed the floor and Justin could make out his figure in the gloom as he crawled along the front of the sofa and further away from Brian. Reaching the main light switch, Brian turned them all on and the loft was now illuminated brightly. Fastening his robe, Brian then stood stock still and listened and with Justin's heart thumping like it was, the young man thought he was bound to hear it. And now Brian looked around him; there was nowhere anyone could hide, other than behind the furniture and that would only provide minimal cover. There was only one place he could be hiding and slowly, Brian started to make his way around the front of the sofa. Crouching low, Justin kept as still as he could, but he was shaking and he could now hear the irritation in Brian's voice when the man spoke again. “For Chrissakes kid ... you got nowhere to run ... there is nowhere to hide ...” stated Brian and he frowned, changed direction and now darted behind the sofa. Seeing Brian approach at the last minute, Justin jumped to his feet and suddenly confronted with him, Brian stopped dead. He could see the panic on the young man's face and where he then glanced to; with the door locked, there was only one way out and in sheer desperation, Justin blindly made for the window. Now it was Brian's turn to panic. He could tell the young man knew he was trapped; he looked like a frightened animal and Brian was now terrified of the outcome, for if Justin tried to escape via the window, he'd quite likely fall and be gravely injured or even kill himself. Brian had gotten into college on a soccer scholarship, but in a move any linebacker would have been proud of, he took a few quick steps and then threw himself forward and he caught Justin around the legs and brought him down safely to the floor and onto the rug. “URGH ...” Brian heard the air expelled as the young man landed, but he still kicked out and squirmed as he tried to throw Brian off; the older man pushing himself upwards and forwards and now straddling him; putting more weight on the young man to stop him from getting away. Brian had had a much softer landing and fleetingly, it crossed his mind what a great bubble butt the kid had and that he was now sitting on, but then he realized just how scared the young man really was and being held down was probably freaking him out even further. “Please ... let ... let ... me ... go ...” The words were shaky and came out punctuated with sobs, but with his weight still on Justin's back for the moment, Brian stretched forward, placing his hands on the floor level with the young man's shoulders and so that his head was alongside the blond's, though the kid's face was obscured by his hair. “If I do ... you promise not to try and jump out the window?” Brian asked him, genuinely concerned for the young man's safety and for the briefest of moments before Justin responded, Brian almost reached out to touch the blond strands; they looked to be the softest and silkiest he'd ever seen, but then Brian blinked and brought himself quickly back to reality and he saw the young man nod; accepting just what a foolish move trying to escape that way would be. Slowly, Brian straightened up and pushed himself backwards, giving Justin the chance to pull away, and this time, instead of heading for the window, he scrambled across the floor until he reached the wall and couldn't get any further away. Drawing his knees into his chest and hugging them, Justin buried his face in his arms. What the hell was he going to do now? What would Brian do with him? And he knew he was at the older man's mercy. Brian rolled his lips into his mouth and slowly got to his feet. But instead of approaching the young man, he reached for his cigarettes and lighter from the coffee table and sat down on the sofa, giving both of them a little space. “What's your name, kid?” Brian asked him as he lit his cigarette and he hesitated momentarily as he reached out to replace the pack and lighter back on the table. A name had popped into his head clean out of the blue and before the young man had a chance to answer: “It's Justin ... isn't it?” stated Brian and then he frowned, unsure how the hell he should know that, but somehow just so certain he was right. Justin swallowed as he heard Brian say his name for the first time and knew he should answer Brian, as he'd always been taught to respond to those in a position of authority and Justin was only a servant boy after all. “Justin ... look at me,” instructed Brian quietly, and his heart practically leaped into his mouth as the young man raised his head as commanded; his shock of blond hair framing his face and falling over what were obviously startling blue eyes. But they were eyes that couldn't hide the uncertainty and fear he felt and for some uncountable reason, Brian hated that it was him who made this young man feel that way. “I'm right ... it is Justin ... isn't it?” repeated Brian, still waiting for confirmation and this time the young man nodded, wondering how it could be that Brian knew his name. “Cat got your tongue?” Brian asked him and he saw Justin frown, apparently not understanding his meaning. “Lost your voice?” asked Brian, hoping Justin would understand that better. “No,” stated Justin, this time answering Brian's direct question and hoping he wouldn't think him insubordinate. For Justin might have had the nerve to climb into Brian's bed when he thought the man wouldn't wake and discover him, but now he knew his place and should accord Brian the respect the man deserved. Justin finally found his voice and was also trying to rediscover some of his courage, but at least he was sure he hadn't detected any real threat in Brian's voice. For it appeared that instead of being angry with his intruder, Brian actually seemed concerned that he was okay. And feeling a little more comfortable, Justin raised his head further, brushed his hair off his forehead and looked directly at him as he'd been told to do. Brian studied him. Christ he was cute and hot at the same time, as he sat on the floor, bare-footed and blond-haired, though Christ only knew what he was wearing; whoever chose his clothes had a lot to learn. But Brian could see he looked pretty scared and vulnerable and the young man couldn't help jumping as Brian got to his feet. “Easy ... wanna smoke?” and picking up the pack of cigarettes, Brian stepped forward and offered them to him and hoping to make Justin feel more at ease. Justin blinked up at Brian and then looked at the packet held out to him. He wasn't used to the master of the household showing him such kindness, though in truth, he'd never been treated badly at the palace. But it just wasn't protocol to take something directly from his betters. But then Brian offered again. “Go on ...” He'd seen Brian use these before and though he didn't understand why, the man had always looked so alluring when Justin had seen him toss back his head and exhale. And the fact that Brian was actually offering him one of these little white sticks he used himself, Justin just couldn't refuse even if he'd wanted to. Hoping he wouldn't give away the fact that he had no idea what he was supposed to do, Justin took one of the cigarettes from the pack and placed the end between his lips like he'd seen Brian do as the older man retrieved his lighter. “Try the other end,” stated Brian and slowly, Justin reversed the cigarette and put the tip end into his mouth. Brian flipped the top off the lighter and ignited the spark. Justin blinked but he remembered seeing what Brian did and tried to mimic him as he leaned forward to light the end and then he sat back. Now what? Brian couldn't help grinning as he sat back down on the sofa. “You're supposed to inhale ...” and he saw Justin color up as he now gave himself away for sure. Justin took just one, but very deep draw and then his face turning even redder and with eyes bulging, he suddenly felt he was going to vomit and he pulled the cigarette from between his lips and started the first of what would be several gut-wrenching coughs. Still grinning, Brian got up and took the cigarette from Justin's hand and stubbed it out in the ashtray. “Easy ...” and he patted Justin's back and then squeezed his shoulder as the coughing subsided. “Not exactly a Marlborough Man then?” grinned Brian, “Don't worry ... I had exactly the same reaction the first time I tried smoking ...” but the only reaction Brian was getting here was Justin wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his hands as he tried to get his breath back. Sitting back down again, Brian drew on his own cigarette and he waited until Justin appeared to have composed himself and then Brian stubbed out his cigarette and sighed. “Okay ... I gotta know ... what the hell is going on?” and he got up from the sofa and retrieved the bottle from the shelf and placed it down on the coffee table in front of him. Justin watched Brian anxiously and his heart missed a beat when he saw him collect the bottle, but he didn't yet offer any explanation. But then what on earth was he going to say? “Well?” asked Brian and he indicated the bottle. “What are you ... some kind of genie?” and he couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling at his own idiotic statement, but then he frowned. “So that would make me who? Aladdin? ...” continued Brian, not waiting for Justin to reply. “Then you'll have to give me time to think about what three wishes I want from you ...” “Mind you ... Armani's Spring collection every year comes to mind and ... and there's always a lifetime subscription to Gay Hunks Monthly and ...” and Brian stopped abruptly and looked at the blank expression on Justin's face. “You haven't got a damn clue what I'm talking about ... have you?” and he saw Justin blink and look away, despite the question from Brian; he just didn't have an answer for him that the man would believe. “Okay Kinney ... one step at a time ...” muttered Brian and he took a deep breath. “This is the dumbest thing I've ever had to ask anyone ... but ... you did come out of that bottle ... didn't you?” asked Brian and he pointed to the item on the coffee table. Looking back at him, Justin nodded. “Yes,” he answered him quietly. “But ... but how ... I mean that just isn't possible ...” and reaching out, Brian quickly picked up the bottle again to look at it more closely. “Careful ...” Justin's fear was all too evident and though not sure he should even address Brian without being spoken to first, he shifted position and was now almost kneeling in his anxiety and watched how Brian handled the bottle. He had no idea what would happen to him if it were damaged or broken; for all he knew, it might destroy him too. Brian caught Justin's fear, the bottle was obviously very important to him, but trying to understand how a real live person, because that's surely what Justin appeared to be, was able to get in and out of this green bottle was beyond comprehension and it was getting very late. “I'm damned if I can get my head around this right now,” stated Brian and he shook his head and sighed. “We'll talk about this in the morning,” and getting up he carefully stood the bottle back on the shelf and headed for the bedroom. Opening up the closet, Brian retrieved a blanket and pillow and returned to the living room and he tossed the bedding onto the sofa. “Get some sleep ... I've got work I can do from here tomorrow ... I'm not going anywhere until I've got an explanation about what's going on ...” and then Brian went to the lights and turned them all off, except for those in the kitchen, just leaving enough light in the loft to be able to move around without too much difficulty. Justin watched Brian as he retreated to the bedroom and then slowly, Justin got up from the floor and walked over to the sofa and picked up the blanket. At least Brian hadn't thrown him out there and then and the man didn't seem to feel too apprehensive at all about his safety with Justin being alone with him. But Justin sighed as he made up his bed and he picked up the pillow and threw it down at the end of the sofa. Justin stood in the half light and looked at the makeshift bed and then up to the bedroom area where Brian had settled himself down for the night. He'd seen how the older man glanced back at him as Justin straightened the blanket, and despite their different status, the overwhelming need to be near him meant Justin taking another chance and slowly, he made his way across the living room floor and up the steps. Brian felt the bed dip and without saying a word, rolled over to look at him and he saw the need to be with someone in Justin's eyes; pleading with him not to send him away. Brian hesitated. Justin looked so vulnerable, but he couldn't help admiring his nerve and with the barest nod of permission, Brian reached out and pulled the duvet up and around Justin's shoulders and then turned away from him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian woke just after 8:00 and coming to, remembered Justin. But rolling over, he discovered he was on his own in the bed. He listened out, but there was no sound and getting up and slipping on his robe, he went to investigate. Without a sign of Justin in the bathroom, Brian checked the sofa and then crossed the floor of the loft to the door and tried it, but it was still locked. “Christ ... no ...” muttered Brian to himself and he quickly moved to the windows, but thankfully, they were still locked also and he heaved a sigh of relief; it didn't look as if Justin had tried to escape while Brian was asleep, but where the hell had he gone and then Brian padded over to the shelf, picking up the magnifying glass from the desk as he went. “Brilliant ... little shit ...” and there inside the bottle was Justin, curled up in a ball and fast asleep. Brian sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose; he'd intended working from home today to get to the bottom of what was going on, but obviously, Justin had retreated back into the bottle to avoid him. But this time, Brian didn't bother to replace the stopper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After showering, shaving and dressing, though remaining barefooted as Brian preferred to be around the loft, he made coffee and helped himself to a bowl of cereal and tidied away the bedding Justin hadn't used. Then he called Cynthia to tell her he'd be working from home today if anyone wanted him, and then he settled down at his desk until the kid could be bothered to get up. But it wasn't long until he was immersed in his work; Brian always had something with him he could work on, plus he could log-on to his office emails or do some research for when chasing up possible future accounts. Shortly after Brian had sat down at the computer, Justin woke up and he pulled Brian's shirt around him more tightly. He always made sure he took it off before trying to get out of the bottle, but back inside, he loved to sleep in it, though now, there was only a very faint trace of Brian left on the garment. And peering out of the bottle, he could see Brian sitting at that box like he had so many times before. Something made Brian turn around and getting up, he peered closely through the glass and he could just make out the faint outline of Justin who had moved closer in order to watch him and Brian frowned. “Are you coming out so we can talk?” he asked him, feeling more than just a little idiotic at addressing a bottle; but then again, it wouldn't be the first time, though the only bottles Brian usually talked into held alcohol. Inside the bottle, Justin could only sigh: he so wanted to escape and be there with Brian, though he was a little anxious at the man's slightly more hostile sounding attitude at the moment, but in any case, the bottle stubbornly refused to oblige. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was late afternoon before the bottle decided to release Justin and Brian had long begun to lose patience with the situation, though he had taken a break from the ad campaigns and done a little homework instead. Reading up on genie's or jinn, Brian tried to understand how the hell was this all happening, but unless he'd lost it altogether and this was all in his imagination or he'd somehow passed into the twilight zone, he had no other explanation for it; the bottle he inherited by default from Captain Buchanan, however fanciful a notion it might be, appeared to contain a genie. Brian shook his head, still trying to accept it was possible, but just supposing it was, what on earth would a sea captain be doing with a genie in a bottle and where had he got it from? So Brian had gone back to the sea trunk to look again at the maps and logbooks. They were obviously very old and mostly sea charts, but there were some land maps, though one or two were a bit faded now. Some of the country names Brian didn't recognize; they'd probably changed over the years, but there were a few he did, like Persia. And reaching for the magnifying glass, Brian looked again at the faded writing and couldn't suppress a chuckle when he made out the name of Babylon as being one of the places where the good sea captain had conducted business. That was too perfect to be true. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since breakfast, Brian had only had coffee and cigarettes to sustain him; mostly because as usual, there was very little food in and he couldn't be bothered to shop. Also because his vanity wouldn't allow him to put on an ounce without heading straight for the gym, although Brian got more exercise between the sheets than most guys did with weights and press-ups. Late afternoon and deciding he would probably ring out for something to eat later, Brian was helping himself to yet another cup of coffee when he felt the air around him go strangely still. Brian blinked and put the coffee pot down and turned around; the loft had started to fill with the strange mist he'd witnessed before, both on the videocam and when he'd caught Justin and Brian stepped out from behind the kitchen counter so that he could watch what was happening. Even without the stopper, Justin hadn't been able to escape until finally he was permitted to and Brian watched open-mouthed as the mist released from the bottle swirled around the room. Unlike the night before in the darkness, now in the light and that much closer, he could make out Justin's form clearly starting to take shape. At first transparent, but gradually becoming more solid; something tangible, the young man seemed to be in a dreamlike state and appeared to glide across the floor before hovering and then being lowered gently to his feet and then Justin opened his eyes and blinked. Finding himself in the middle of the floor with Brian staring straight at him, Justin bowed his head. Brian was, after all, master here and now he was aware of his existence, Justin needed to show his respect if he wanted to remain. Brian blinked; despite his annoyance at the delay before being able to talk to Justin, what he'd just seen totally blew him away and for a moment, he forgot his anger. “How ... how did you do that?” Brian asked him when he eventually found his voice and wondering whether to exchange his coffee for something stronger, but now looking at him, Justin shook his head. “I didn't ... I don't actually know what happens ...” and he looked demurely down at his hands. “Go on,” prompted Brian and Justin sighed and looked back at him. “All I know ... is that when the bottle allows me to ... that's when I can escape ... but I never remember how I get out ...” “You can't decide for yourself at all?” asked Brian, but he could see by the shake of Justin's head and by his expression how the inability to free himself was weighing the young man down. “Then ... you're practically a prisoner?” “Not practically,” answered Justin softly and quietly pleased that Brian was showing interest in his plight. “That's exactly what I am ...” “I see,” answered Brian frowning and wondering what heinous crime this young man could have committed in order to be incarcerated so, and also thinking if now was a good time to ask what it was. But in the end, Brian decided not to, at least not directly, just for the moment. He didn't want the kid to become too defensive and clam up on him. “Do you want coffee?” asked Brian, but Justin shook his head. “No thank you.” Justin decided it was better to refuse something else he hadn't tried before; he didn't want to experience another episode like earlier. “I've got water ... one of the few things I actually do keep in the fridge,” smiled Brian and without waiting for an answer, he put down his coffee cup and returning to the kitchen, opened the fridge door. Holding out the bottle to Justin, he saw the young man bite his lip but not move to take it and so Brian unscrewed the top and broke the seal. “Here ...” and he held it out for him again and this time, Justin took the bottle and thanked him and Brian smiled and moved away. Collecting his cup, Brian sat down at the table, but Justin didn't move; Brian frowned at him. “You can sit down ... you don't have to wait to be asked ...” and he pulled out a chair. Justin hesitated but smiled at Brian's request and then sat down next to him. “It's gonna take something to get my head around all this ... but I wanna hear everything ...” Justin didn't quite understand the first part of Brian's statement, but he understood the last part alright and he sighed. But where to start and explain it in a fashion that Brian would understand; how they would both understand, because it still wasn't clear to Justin how this could all be possible. “Let's start with an easy one ... how old are you?” “Seventeen ... at least ...” and Justin bit his lip and frowned. “At least I was seventeen ... but I have no idea how long I've been a prisoner ... everything is so strange and confusing ... there's so much I don't understand ...” Brian chuckled. “You're not the only one ...” and he took a swallow of his coffee. “So ... then ... where do you come from?” “I was born in the Kingdom of Persia ... during the reign of King Khalid ... I was servant to Princess Fahliah ...” answered Justin and Brian nodded. So, Justin had been a servant, that would explain the young man's respectful attitude towards him; most kids Justin's age were snotty little shits who knew everything and were full of themselves. But the Kingdom of Persia? Christ, how long had it been since it was referred to as that? “Does that mean you lived in a palace?” asked Brian and Justin nodded. “It was beautiful ... it had marble floors and pillars ... huge rugs and gold furnishings ... the King was very rich ... there were many servants ...” “But you served this princess?” asked Brian and he saw Justin blush a little. “On her sixteenth birthday ... I was promoted to be her personal servant ...” “Personal huh?” answered Brian, unable to suppress his grin, but Justin looked horrified; he certainly understood exactly what Brian was alluding to. “No ... no ... it was nothing like that ... but ...” and Justin had turned cherry red and looked at his water bottle; still untouched. “But I think she liked me ...” “I bet she did ...” muttered Brian under his breath and he frowned at him. Justin was a very beautiful young man indeed and no doubt the girls would have been mad for him, but it was Brian's bed the blond had come to all those times; of that now Brian was in no doubt. But was it just for comfort because of his loneliness or was he hoping for something more? Because he could get rid of those ideas right now if he was. But there was still a lot Brian wanted to know about Justin before he would decide what to do with him. Of course faced with any other hot kid, Brian's normal reaction would have been pretty predictable. But then even kids of Justin's age seemed to know the score these days. It wasn't like Brian set out to deflower every virgin that crossed his path and a virgin is exactly what Brian knew Justin was; his reaction regarding the princess was all the proof he needed and whether Justin knew it or not, Brian was also convinced the young man was gay. But the most confusing thing to Brian right now, after finding he'd been playing host to a genie in a bottle that is, is why he hadn't acted as he would normally. Genie or no, why hadn't he pounced on Justin the minute he'd had the opportunity? He was here in the loft alone with him; what was he waiting for, for Chrissakes? What was it about this beautiful young man; a young man that he'd barely just met properly, that seemed to bring out a side of Brian rarely seen and so far only really experienced by his son? A caring, sympathetic side that usually Brian was terrified to show in case it indicated the slightest of vulnerabilities; a chink in his armor. Brian swallowed, as he tried to concentrate on the problem in hand: find out how Justin hand ended up here and what was his next move to be. “So ... how come you ended up in that bottle ... and how the hell was it possible in the first place?” Justin shrugged. “I'd always heard about the legends ... genies in bottles ... but I never really believed it was true ... that someone could actually exist in that way ... but then it happened to me and the next thing I knew I was on board ship ... and it sailed away from my homeland and everything I knew ...” Brian blinked. Okay, maybe they were jumping ahead here a little, but he was interested in hearing about this part: it might link in to how he now had the sea-trunk. “What ship ... do you know who the captain was?” Justin nodded. “I think the ship was called the Gypsy ... Captain Buchanan was a frequent visitor to the palace ... he sold silks and beautiful fabrics ... my mistress loved them ... all the ladies of the household did ... ” Brian frowned. This would certainly tie in with what he found in the sea-trunk, but if that was so, then Justin had been held prisoner for an unimaginable, incomprehensible length of time; too long to actually make sense of: incarcerated in a bottle inside another container. How had he survived? How had he kept his sanity? And Brian wondered if the young man realized just how long it had been. Slowly, Brian got up from the table and moved to the desk, pulling out the trunk from underneath. Justin recognized it immediately and for a moment, his heart beat faster; wondering if Brian meant to return him there. Brian glanced up at Justin and caught the young man's look. “It's okay ... there's just some things I want to show you ...” Justin sighed with relief and moved closer, now looking over Brian's shoulder as he brought out the papers. “I don't know how I can explain this all to you ... I still don't understand half of it myself ...” “But in here are the last entries for Captain Buchanan ... seems like he died on the next voyage and his crew took him back to his home in Scotland ...” and he saw Justin frown. “That's a small country in Europe ... part of the United Kingdom ...” but Justin only looked more confused. “Never mind ...” and Brian took the documents back to the table and spread them out and then he stopped. “Will you be able to understand these ... I mean ... you can read?” asked Brian cautiously and Justin smiled at him. “Although I was a servant ... I was born free and I was taught to read and write ... so yes ... I should be able to understand them ...” and with Brian's guidance, Justin began to look through all the papers in Buchanan's trunk as he tried to comprehend what happened to him once the sea captain had acquired the bottle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin scrutinized everything the trunk held, from the cargo lists and weather reports, to the log books and maps. He studied everything meticulously, asking Brian questions as they went and quite impressing the older man with his thoroughness and intelligence. Justin might very well have been born a servant, but in a different time with greater opportunities, he could well have become successful in whatever he set his mind to; and then there was his artistic gift they hadn't even touched upon yet. And Brian somehow knew this young man had strengths and talents still yet untapped. The more they talked, the more at ease with him Justin felt, not at all being reminded of his lowly station by birth. At one point, Brian took Justin to the computer, the young man a little nervous and not understanding what it did, despite the number of times he'd seen Brian use it. Brian brought up several maps and pointed out to Justin where he'd been born and where he now was and they tried to plot the Gypsy's possible route back to Scotland. Despite Justin's ignorance of the technology concerned or even of today's world in general, he seemed to grasp a basic understanding of some of the things that were now possible, although Brian decided to leave out the more horrific details of recent history for another time. And then immediately caught himself; it sounded as if he expected Justin to be around for a while and he certainly hadn't planned on that. But despite himself, the young man's plight reached out to Brian and he knew there was one burning question that Justin was bound to ask and when the young man sat back in his chair and sighed, Brian knew it was coming. Justin had tried to make sense of everything and Brian had patiently explained some things he didn't understand; some things that would take a lot of understanding, but there was something he desperately needed to know. “How long ago did this happen ... how long was I trapped inside the bottle?” Justin asked him and Brian took a deep breath before looking up from one of the logs and meeting the young man's gaze and he put his hand on Justin's shoulder. He could see the apprehension on Justin's face; the contents of the trunk only serving to make his situation seem all the more hopeless and disconnected from his past. “Does it really matter?” Brian asked him quietly and Justin blinked. “You don't know?” he asked him and Brian rolled his lips into his mouth as he thought about his answer. “Not exactly,” he answered truthfully and he turned his attention back to the log. “But you have some idea?” asked Justin and he saw Brian's hesitation and reluctance to look at him. “How long?” demanded Justin. “Brian ... I need to know ...” Justin's familiarity with the older man now an indication of how comfortable in each other's presence they were. Brian sighed, but Justin deserved to know the truth, well as far as they could understand it any way and he turned to look at him; Justin's bravery somehow making Brian feel very proud. “It could be as much ... as two thousand years ...” stated Brian, meeting Justin's gaze and even he couldn't quite understand the enormity of that statement. “Two thousand ...” Justin couldn't complete his sentence and swallowed and in complete and utter bewilderment, he got up from the table and went over to the windows. Brian watched the young man walk away from him and saw how he was struggling to understand and slowly, Brian got up and moved towards him. “I can see how things would have changed ...” stated Justin, looking out the window and taking in the scene below. “But ... two thousand years?” and he turned to face Brian. “That means everyone I knew ... every thing I knew and understood ... has gone ... forever ...” “The world has moved on ... but I haven't ... and there's so much I'll never understand ...” and Justin struggled without success to hold back the tears. Brian hugged Michael out of friendship and he hugged his son out of love. But why Brian felt he had to hug Justin at this point, not even Brian fully understood. He just knew that this beautiful young man must feel so very alone and despite having the Novotny's to bolt to when he needed sanctuary, Brian knew just how that felt. Justin had never considered himself to be weak, but at this very moment, it was all he could do to stay upright and when Brian moved closer, the most natural thing in the world was to allow the older man to take him in his arms. With his arms around the larger man's torso and burying his head in Brian's shoulder, Justin was conscious of Brian's hand at the back of his neck and up into his hair; the older man's other hand rubbing Justin's back in a soothing manner; the same calming motion Brian had actually used on Gus when the youngster was being a little fractious, and Justin hugged Brian back. Though Justin had held Brian against him when he sought to comfort him after his Father's funeral, this was different. Until finding himself in Brian's home, Justin had had no human contact for a time too long to comprehend. Back at the palace, he'd hugged his friends and as a small child, his parents had always shown their love for him. After they had died, the servant women had readily showered him with hugs of comfort and affection, but Justin had never had anyone hug him like this and certainly not a grown man and especially one as beautiful as Brian and he could feel the heat from the man's body burn into his chest as he held Brian to him. Holding him and no longer rubbing the younger man's back, Brian could feel Justin's hair against his face and he'd heard him catch his breath as he'd tried to subdue the sob and they stood there. Several minutes later and it was becoming a little difficult for Brian to maintain his composure; much longer and he wouldn't be able to ignore the sensation that was beginning to make it's presence felt in his groin and Brian swallowed and fought to make it go away. Justin was hugging him just that little bit too tight for comfort. This was feeling just a little bit too good and Brian had no intention of going there, though the kid was hot and upset, and under any other circumstances ... and there was those feelings of confusion again. Brian suddenly realized he'd closed his eyes as he was holding Justin; enjoying having the young man so close he could feel his hot breath on his neck. But apart from Michael and Gus, he never hugged or cuddled anyone and suddenly, Brian opened his eyes and managed to put the brakes on what was increasingly creeping over him. He still hadn't really thought through what the hell he was going to do with him, though with Justin in his arms, Brian's heart and body was telling him one thing while his head was telling him something else. One thing Brian had never been good at listening to was the organ that was now beating just that little too fast in his chest. Usually around a hot looking guy, he thought with his dick, but this was different and with increasing nervousness that he was entering unknown territory, Brian suddenly found the need to put a little distance between them. With enormous self-control, Brian pulled himself together and coughed and Justin suddenly tipped his head back and looked up at him and Brian couldn't help it, he was drawn to Justin's gaze and saw the confusion in the young man's incredibly blue eyes; blue eyes he was in danger of drowning in despite himself. Justin blinked and saw how Brian now looked away; hazel eyes clearly as puzzled as his own, unable to hold Justin's stare. Justin inwardly sighed; he'd allowed himself to drift off to somewhere safe, for in Brian's arms he had an extraordinary feeling of security and attachment. This had to be so much more than just out of friendship or concern, but then he'd heard the man clear his throat and felt the tenseness in Brian's posture and scared he'd somehow overstepped some imaginary mark, Justin pulled back to look at him. “I ... I ...” and Justin struggled to find the words and in the end, couldn't finish off his sentence for fear of saying precisely the wrong thing. He knew he'd never felt anything as intense as this before for another person; Justin's feelings for Brian growing even stronger. This wasn't some teenage infatuation, Justin was in love. But he fought to disguise his disappointment when it was obvious that Brian couldn't return those feelings. “It's okay,” stated Brian, seeing how Justin was struggling, just as he was, and he gave a little, if awkward, smile. But the way the young man looked at him, Brian had an idea that the kid knew he'd reached him in a way neither of them fully understood at this moment, though it was Brian who chose to ignore his feelings more than Justin at this point. Justin had seen Brian turn so many men away; beautiful, desirable men. He'd never seen him hold or even hug any of them like Brian had just held and hugged him. Justin had closed his eyes at Brian's tender touch and for a few short moments felt that nothing else mattered, that whatever had happened to him in the past and what might happen to him in the future was of no consequence. All he cared about was that the man he'd fallen in love with from afar held him so lovingly in his arms. For that is what Justin felt and surely Brian must have felt it too; he had to care. But then Brian had signaled his discomfort at Justin's close proximity, though it had apparently taken him several minutes to realize it and Justin didn't miss the significance of the time it had taken for Brian to decided he needed to pull away and the way he so quickly tried to ignore it. “I'm starving,” announced Brian suddenly, deciding that being occupied with feeding themselves might give him a little more time to decide his next course of action and disentangling himself from Justin, he quickly headed for the kitchen where from the drawer, he pulled out the assortment of take-out menus he'd acquired. “Chinese ... Thai ... Italian?” he asked him and he saw Justin frown. “You do eat ... don't you?” inquired Brian, misunderstanding Justin's confusion and Justin sighed again. He wasn't that naïve that he hadn't realized that Brian had taken a step backwards and away from him, emotionally as well as physically. In all the time they'd been looking through the logs and Brian was helping him try to understand it all, he'd felt in Brian an empathy towards his confusion and a willingness to help him come to terms with it all. That somehow he cared and surely Brian must have felt something for him more than just concern, or he wouldn't have held him like that, would he? Justin blinked and it was a moment before he realized what Brian had asked about whether or not he ate. “I ... I don't know ...” “You don't know if you eat?” asked Brian in confusion and Justin shrugged. “Well ... if what you say is true ... I haven't eaten in two thousand years ...” “In that case ... you must be famished,” stated Brian, though the slight joke was a little wasted under the circumstances and then he frowned. “I never thought about you not eating or drinking ... or taking a pee come to that ...” “And I don't exactly keep much food in for you to have helped yourself to ...” Brian continued, almost apologetically and that was a first, for Brian rarely apologized for anything. He never felt the need to; he made decisions and lived by them. And what was the point of apologizing if you didn't mean it? But now he did, even if it was only for not being able to feed Justin. “I never thought about it ... in the bottle ... I never seemed to get hungry or thirsty ...” Justin answered him, knowing it was better to try and ignore what he was sure had passed between them. Because even if Brian wouldn't acknowledge it, Justin was sure Brian liked him more than the older man had maybe even realized himself, but that he was obviously a man who had difficult in dealing with his emotions. “What did you do ... all that time you were locked away in the trunk?” asked Brian now curious, because he hadn't really given it too much thought before. Justin sighed. “I slept mostly ... it was too dark to see anything very much ... there was hardly any movement at all to indicate that anything was happening ... so when I did wake ... all I could do was stare into the blackness ... but I hated not knowing where I was or what was going on around me ... so I suppose I ... hibernated ...” Brian nodded and momentarily closed his eyes. It must have seemed like being in suspended animation and he couldn't even begin to imagine what that would have been like; it would have driven him insane to know he was trapped and so powerless, but then Justin spoke again and brought Brian back from his daydream. “... and I've no idea how the trunk came to be here ...” “Ah ... well ... I think I can actually help out there ... but why don't we order in something to eat first and then talk about it?” stated Brian and Justin nodded. Brian looked through the menus and frowned. “Let's see ... what shall we start you off with? I could be really cruel and order Chinese ... make you use chopsticks,” chuckled Brian. “But I think we'll start you off with a pizza ... how does that sound?” “That sounds fine ... whatever you think ...” answered Justin, wondering what sort of unimaginable food he was going to be served with. “Okay ... pizza it'll be ...” and picking up his cell phone, Brian dialed the well used number. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forty-five minutes later, the delivery boy rang the bell and Brian buzzed him up. He'd decided to order two different sorts of pizza, one with pepperoni and mushrooms and one plain, but with extra cheese, just in case Justin's palate couldn't take anything too hot or spicy. And for the first time since he could remember, Brian ordered a bottle of soda to go with it. Justin eyed the food suspiciously, but had helped lay the table, under Brian's direction. He felt comfortable doing that, it was something he'd done at the palace countless times and it was nice to feel as if he was doing something for Brian, however small. After fetching a beer from the refrigerator and opening it, Brian cut up the pizzas and invited Justin to take his pick. Justin looked at him and chuckled before deciding to go for the pepperoni. “That's my boy ... good choice,” stated Brian and Justin actually felt himself glow; knowing he'd made a choice that Brian approved of, even if it was only his choice of dinner. Justin took a bite and let the flavors linger on his tongue, before chewing vigorously and he grinned. “It is good,” and once he'd started, it certainly was as if he hadn't eaten in years and he set about devouring the whole twelve inches and Brian couldn't help grinning further in admiration. While he was eating, Brian saw Justin watching him take a swallow from the beer bottle. “Why don't you get yourself one?” asked Brian, and without being told twice, Justin shot up from the table and headed for the refrigerator. He'd seen Brian drink beer many times of course and any invitation to emulate him couldn't be passed up. Brian chuckled as he watched Justin work out how to use the bottle opener; teenage boys certainly hadn't changed through the generations. If alcohol was available, it didn't take them long to sniff it out. And he repeated the same approving remark under his breath. “That's my boy ...” And he also wondered whether teenage boys' inquisitiveness concerning other subjects hadn't altered either. In theory, the laws of Justin's homeland prohibited the consumption of alcohol, but it never occurred to him; the fact that he'd seen Brian partake of the odd bottle, give or take a few, was all it needed for Justin to want to do exactly the same and was to be just the first of the new proficiencies Brian would pass on to him, and the bottle of soda remained totally ignored. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During their meal, Brian got Justin to talk about his life in the palace and he was amazed at the fact that once he got started, the kid could talk the hind leg off a donkey. But Brian didn't mind, he liked listening to Justin's tales and he wanted to know as much about Justin's past as he could. They still hadn't really touched on the reason why he ended up in the bottle, but Brian decided that for the moment at least, that he wouldn't ask; he didn't want to know. He was actually enjoying the young man's company far too much and didn't want to hear about whatever crime or misdemeanor had been perpetrated for him to end up imprisoned. Brian didn't want to ruin this comfortable atmosphere that they both found themselves sharing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With his pizza almost eaten and several beers later, Brian picked up his final slice. Being the first food he'd eaten since breakfast, the alcohol was starting to kick in and Brian waved the pizza over the table and leaned towards Justin. “Did you know ... that in the United States of America ... that's where you are if you weren't sure by the way ...” Brian grinned at Justin, who grinned back. “That Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza every single day ... that's about 350 slices per second ...” “It's a $30 billion industry ...” and Brian saw Justin frown. “That's our money ... U.S. Dollars ...” and Justin nodded in understanding. “There are approximately 39,000 pizzarias in the United States ... that means there are 3 billion of these things sold here every year ...” and Brian took a bite off the end. “Which in turn means that every man ... woman and child in America eats an average of 46 slices ... 23 pounds of pizza ... every goddamn year ...” Brian continued, though a little muffled owing to the mouthful of pizza which he now swallowed as he saw Justin raise an eyebrow. Brian grinned again. “I know that kind of shit ... marketing ... advertising ... that's what I'm in ... advertising?” But he saw Justin only frown in confusion. “I try and persuade people to buy all kinds of stuff that they didn't realize they wanted in the first place,” Brian now stated by way of explanation. “Oh,” exclaimed Justin, but he didn't really understand that concept and in any case, the couple of beers that Justin had also consumed were now starting to make his head a little whoosy, which actually didn't make for easy understanding of anything at this moment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The conversation stayed lighthearted and humorous throughout the meal and although Brian had made a conscious decision not to ask Justin how he came to be imprisoned, in the end it had been the young man himself who had volunteered the information. “I never finished telling you how I ended up in the bottle ... that's if you still want to know,” stated Justin, as he finished off his pizza. Brian had already finished his meal and had followed up his beers with a large Jim Beam chaser and he looked over at him, unsure whether he actually wanted to know. But on the other hand, Justin had volunteered and he probably wouldn't have done that if he'd been guilty of anything too serious or was afraid of Brian's reaction. The warmth of the JB had reached Brian's stomach and he could feel it flow through him, making him even more relaxed, though he realized he had already got pretty chilled out in Justin's company and not too many people had the ability to make Brian relax like this without the help of something chemical. “Okay,” stated Brian slowly and he rolled his glass around in his hands as he waited for Justin's answer, but it wasn't anything like what he was expecting. “My mistress ... Princess Fahliah ... she was ... well ... she was flirting ... with a man she'd only just met,” stated Justin, looking a little embarrassed. “I think she was trying to impress me or make me jealous ...” Brian smiled, that hardly surprised him. “Go on,” he instructed as Justin hesitated and the younger man took a deep breath, his voice now much more serious. “His name was Hassan ... I saw him approach the princess outside the palace ... he walked right up to her and presented her with some flowers ... I saw her looking at me and the next thing they were off walking together ...” “I followed ... at a respectful distance,” insisted Justin and Brian smiled. “Of course,” and he took another sip from his glass. “It was a hot day,” continued Justin. “And as they came back to the palace, Hassan's Uncle was there and needed for assistance ... and so the Princess took them both inside for refreshments ...” “The Uncle went to pay his respects to the King while I served Hassan and my mistress ... she made me stay so that I would observe how much they flirted ... then when the Uncle joined them ... I was sent off to fetch some more tea ... but when I returned ... I saw Hassan put something in my mistress' cup ...” “Of course the Princess didn't believe me and then Hassan drank from the cup himself ... but I knew something was wrong and as my mistress went to take a drink from the same cup ... I knocked it from her hands ...” “She was furious with me ... I had been rude to her guests and I'd knocked the tea over her clothes ... though it had cooled enough not to burn her and she went to change ...” and Justin looked down. “What is it?” asked Brian and Justin sighed. “I am ashamed to say that I was very disrespectful to Hassan and his Uncle ... but I was convinced they'd poisoned the Princess' tea ... ” “Why would they do that?” asked Brian, but Justin could only shrug. “I really have no idea ... and I'm afraid we got into an argument ... first of all they threatened to call the guards and inform the King that I was paying his daughter too much attention ...” and Brian saw Justin's complexion pale a little. “What would have happened then?” asked Brian, but he guessed by Justin's expression just how serious that accusation would have been. “The King would have dealt with me harshly if he thought I had acted inappropriately ... I could have been imprisoned in the dungeons ... flogged ... or even executed ...” “But I knew something was wrong and I suppose I decided to call their bluff and summon the guards for myself ... and that's when it happened ...” and Justin's voice quivered as he recounted what had followed.   “It took me a while afterwards to understand what had happened ... but then I realized the Fakir had put a spell on me ...” Brian blinked and then frowning, leaned a little closer towards Justin. “The fucker did what ... who was this fucker again ... and what sort of spell did he put on you?” Justin looked at him blankly. “What's a fucker?” he asked him innocently and Brian shook his head. “You just said that some fucker put a spell on you ...”. Now it was Justin's turn to blink and frown. “Fakir ... I said Fakir ...” “I realized that Hassan's Uncle must have been a Fakir ... a mystic man ...” stated Justin trying to understand Brian's confusion and the older man closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking he'd had too much to drink; he wasn't following this at all. “Fakir ... right ...” and Brian sighed in disbelief that people were actually capable of casting spells. “So ... what was this spell?” Justin swallowed and Brian couldn't help but hear the emotion in his voice. This obviously was no joking matter and as Justin spoke, Brian looked up at him. “He said ... he said I was nothing but a servant boy ... and that my attempts to get in their way would be punished ...” and probably having had just a little too much alcohol himself, Justin fought to keep back the tears as he continued. “He said ... he said that one day ... someone might set me free ... but that I would never know true freedom ... that my time each day would be limited ... and then I must return to my prison ...” Brian looked down into his glass and then finished his drink in one swallow; Fucker was definitely a more appropriate description of the man to issue such a cruel spell, but Justin hadn't finished and sniffing and pulling himself together, the younger man continued. “Then he said something in a language I didn't understand ... and there was this wind that swirled all around me ... it picked me up and I could feel myself spinning ... the noise was horrendous and then I lost all sense of what was happening to me ... and everything went black ...” “The next thing I knew it felt as if I was in some sort of prison cell ... but I was moving ... I realize now I was in the bottle and being taken on board Captain Buchanan's ship ...” “Later ... I heard him refer to the bottle as a perfume bottle ... I think he'd bought it as a present for his wife ...” “But soon ... the ship set sail and the bottle was wrapped up and ... and put in the trunk,” stated Justin, indicating the sea-trunk on the floor. “And I was a prisoner ... for what might as well have been eternity ... and I never really understood the spell until the first time the bottle was knocked over ... and the stopper rolled out and I escaped ... but then it took me back again ...” and Justin picked up the beer bottle and finished it off. Brian blinked. “The night of my Dad's funeral ... that was you?” he asked him quietly and Justin nodded. Brian rolled his lips into his mouth, a little embarrassed that Justin had seen him so vulnerable, but remembering how good it had felt to have someone there. They fell into a slightly awkward silence as both of them considered what had happened; Brian only guessing at how awful it must have been for Justin to realize he'd been imprisoned like that and then to be set free, only for the bottle to continually take him back; a taste of freedom that was snatched away from him. “You said you might know how I came to end up here?” asked Justin, breaking the silence and despite his dismay, actually remembering Brian's earlier statement and Brian nodded. “It was a Buchanan who previously owned this loft ... he would have been a direct descendant of Captain Buchanan ... the woman who sold me the place said she'd try and find him ...” Justin blinked and then a terrible realization came over him. Whoever owned the trunk owned the contents too and that, in theory at least, included him. Brian caught how Justin's face now showed his fear and he too realized the implications of what he'd just said. “There's no mention in any of Captain Buchanan's papers that he ever possessed that green bottle,” stated Brian, pointing over to the shelf. “No-one would have to know ...” “Do you mean that?” asked Justin and Brian nodded. “But ... what's going to happen to me ... what are you going to do with me? ... my fate is in hour hands,” stated Justin and he saw Brian roll his lips into his mouth; honest to God, he didn't know. Justin closed his eyes, but reaching out, Brian put his hand on top of Justin's. “It's getting late ... we'll talk about this more tomorrow ... although I will have to go to work ... but don't worry ...” Slowly, Justin opened his eyes and blinked back the tears and looked at him with an expression that spoke of nothing less than adoration. Shit. Suddenly realizing he might be suggesting more to him than he meant to, Brian quickly withdrew his hand from Justin's and getting up, began to clear the table. There it was again; Brian withdrawing and again, Justin felt it, even though he was sure the man cared about what happened to him. But then, even with the alcohol sloshing around in his system, he remembered what he'd overheard Debbie say to Brian: that he thought he hadn't been loved as a kid. Although Justin's own parents had died when he was young, the servant women in the palace had taken him into their own care and he'd never felt unloved or unwanted, or afraid to love back. And even with Justin's tender years, he was beginning to wonder if that's what Brian feared most. Loving someone and not being loved in return. Now full from the pizza and the drink he'd consumed, Justin suddenly felt drained. It had been an enormously eventful day; trying to come to terms with so much and he dare not even really think about the future yet and he closed his eyes again. Glancing up from wiping down the kitchen counter and observing Justin, Brian smiled to himself. Justin looked a lot like Gus after he'd been fed; sitting in his highchair and leaning to one side, which was exactly what Justin was doing and in imminent danger of falling off his chair as he seemed unable to fight off the sleep any longer. Walking over to him, Brian chuckled before putting his arm under Justin's and gently lifting him up. “Time for bed I think ...” “Hmm?” came the soft reply but there was no resistance from the younger man, who allowed Brian to lead him up to the bedroom; Brian not even considering a make-shift bed on the sofa this time. Brian sat Justin down on the bed and then hesitated. Last night, the young man had slept in his clothes and Brian hadn't even thought about getting him fresh ones and whoa! When did he start thinking about buying guys clothes for Chrissakes? But looking at Justin, who had his eyes closed and was nearly dozing off, Brian realized he couldn't continue wearing the same clothes day in day out and he made a calculated guess at Justin's chest and waist size. Brian frowned down at Justin's feet. They were a little harder to guess and he placed his own bare foot alongside Justin's to compare, figuring Justin to be an eight or an eight and a half maybe. Slowly, Brian lifted Justin's top up and over his head and the younger man laid back on the pillows and allowed Brian to tug at the drawstring of his pants and pull them off him. Justin was already barefoot and now completely naked, the young man's beauty made it difficult for Brian to have any kind of coherent thought. Justin's skin was totally blemish free and like porcelain and he had a surprisingly long and thick cock and just for a moment, Brian licked his lips and then groaned at his thoughts. Brian sighed, but the kid was obviously asleep anyhow so there was no point thinking about it and he picked up Justin's top and pants and neatly folded them up before placing them on top of the dresser. But tomorrow, Brian would suggest introducing Justin to things other than pizzas and TV; as long as the kid didn't get any weird ideas that it actually meant anything of course. Shrugging off his own clothes, Brian slipped under the duvet and reached over to pull the covers up and over Justin. But, as he did so, Justin opened his eyes and looked at him; it would appear the young man wasn't as tired as he'd seemed. Brian's bare chest was leaning against Justin's upper arm and shoulder; trapping his arm between them, but with his free hand, Justin reached up and stroked Brian's face. Justin's long fingers against Brian's five o'clock shadow were incredibly soft and Brian's gaze fell upon those rose-bud lips, which now parted and Justin raised his head, lightly brushing his mouth against Brian's. Brian blinked and for a moment pulled away and looked into those blue pools. Justin's innocence was so apparent and he looked so vulnerable, but the temptation and Justin's obvious wish to please him was becoming too strong and before he knew it, Brian had taken Justin in a deep kiss, the younger man's compliant lips moving even further apart to accommodate Brian's tongue. Managing to pull his arm out from between them, Justin brought Brian down to him even closer; Brian's body now lying directly on top of him and the blond's hands running through the older man's hair. Bruised lips and breathing through their noses, Justin allowed Brian's tongue to explore the inside of his mouth before he pushed back, determined to copy him and gain entry into Brian's own mouth and, when he succeeded, Brian couldn't help but smile when they both needed to come up for air. The kid was feisty and not as demure and submissive as he might seem, but he was now looking at him seriously. “I know I'm not very experienced ... I'm not like all the others ...” stated Justin, his voice hushed and shaking slightly and he saw Brian raise an eyebrow. “Alright ... I've never done anything like this before ... ” he confessed and Brian saw Justin swallow. “And I'm not sure I'm ready ... at least for .... you know ...” he whispered, almost apologetically. “But when I am ... will you be my first?” Justin asked him and Brian smiled and nodded. Any other guy in his bed who'd said that would be out the door in a wink, he wasn't about to start treating guys with kid gloves. But Justin wasn't just any other guy. For a start, in this day and age, most seventeen year olds, if they hadn't fucked already would at least have explored the magazines and many and various porn websites available; gay or straight. But Brian realized that Justin's knowledge before his imprisonment would more than likely have been virtually nil and that all Justin knew was what he'd probably picked up since he'd been in the loft and observing him. And surprisingly, it made Brian think about what Justin had actually witnessed. “I'm not like all the others,” is what Justin had said to him and it suddenly made Brian think about the procession of men; almost one every single night, that had paraded through the loft and his life, for more years than he cared to think about. What would that say about him? For the first time in his life, Brian realized he cared what someone thought and feared that Justin might actually have seen the loneliness he'd begun to feel when he'd let the tricks out the door at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning before collapsing back on the bed and falling asleep. Recently, the increasing feeling of emptiness was gnawing at him. Even more so since it seemed the world and his husband had now partnered off. They weren't supposed to be like that; they were gay. They fucked and sucked, rimmed and rammed and tricked; they weren't supposed to fall in love, were they? Brian didn't need anyone; the only person he could rely on was himself. That's what he'd always said at any rate. He didn't believe in love or do boyfriends. He was the Stud of Liberty Avenue; doing as many guys as he could. It's what was expected of him; the image he'd created and now found himself perpetuating out of habit as much as necessity. He understood Justin's reluctance; he didn't yet realize or have experience of the euphoria sex could provide, but Brian had needs also and to have Justin naked and this close was now driving him insane. But there's more than one way to skin a cat and maybe a gentle introduction to the pleasures available would put Justin more at ease. “We don't have to ... you know ... yet,” smiled Brian and Justin allowed himself a slight smile also. “But there are other things we could do ...” “There are?” asked Justin and Brian now grinned broadly. “You have no idea ... but you'll learn ...” and he reached down to kiss him again and then pulled back and looked at him and Justin realized Brian was asking for permission to continue and he nodded. Throwing back the duvet, Brian surveyed Justin's naked body once more, but the younger man was determined not to be embarrassed at Brian's attentions. But Brian was touching him in a way that Justin would never have thought possible as he first nibbled on the younger man's ear lobe and worked his way over Justin's throat and down to his collar bone, before moving first to one nipple, where he sucked and licked and which had the effect of making Justin hard, which Brian could feel against his stomach. Ignoring Justin's growing erection, Brian moved onto the younger man's other nipple and Justin arched his back and now groaned loudly. A few minutes concentration on Justin's other now hardened neb and he was fully erect. Not wanting him to come too soon through inexperience, Brian moved down and over Justin's belly and could feel the coarse, damp hair against his face. Justin threw his head back and groaned as Brian unexpectedly tongued the end of his cock; seeking the slit before licking the length of Justin's shaft and back and then along the underside and the sensitive glands there. Justin balled his hands into fists and dug them into the mattress before he reached out and then grabbed Brian's hair; wanting to feel the man who was creating in him pleasure and more awarenesses than he'd never even guessed existed. Feeling pressure on his scalp turned Brian on even more, knowing exactly what he was doing. But he also knew that Justin wouldn't be able to hold on for very long and with one hand around the base of Justin's shaft, Brian now reached down to tug at his own cock. He wouldn't ask Justin; the kid would probably do him an injury in his exuberance. That would come later, when he would teach Justin how to give pleasure as well as receive it. Bringing himself to climax, Brian swallowed over Justin's cock and he heard the young man expel the air he'd been holding in. Justin experienced his first orgasm as he came in spurts of creamy cum which hit the back of Brian's throat and which the older man swallowed readily as he, himself, came over the bedding. Brian crawled back up Justin's body and looked at him. The younger man's face still registering the shock, surprise and pleasure the last few minutes had provided him with and gently, Brian leaned down to kiss him and Justin licked his own cum from Brian's lips. “I never ... I never knew ...” stuttered Justin and Brian smoothed the blond hair back from his forehead; Justin's face bathed in perspiration. “About blowjobs?” asked Brian. “Well ... that's just for starters ... the next lesson begins tomorrow ...” he grinned down at him and Justin grinned back. If what he had to look forward to was anything like this, then he was going to be more than a willing student. Leaning back against the pillows as his breathing started to level out, Brian smiled to himself at Justin's reaction. The kid should think himself lucky, Brian concluded, after all, he never gave guys blowjobs, the last time was probably ten years ago if not more, though Brian was on the receiving end frequently. Brian realized that Justin had gone quiet, but then he heard a little snore and, looking over at him, Brian couldn't stop himself from chuckling. Justin was sound asleep and snoring gently and carefully, so not to disturb him, Brian brought the duvet up around Justin's shoulders, before leaning back on the pillows himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian groaned as the alarm sounded and he reached over to switch it off and fell forward on the bed, bemoaning how quickly morning had come around and how he would now have to get up and get ready for work. Suddenly, Brian jolted upright. Where was Justin? Surely last night couldn't have been another dream and then he saw the clothing folded neatly on the dresser. Brian grinned at the memory of how Justin had enjoyed the blowjob and wished he didn't have to go into work today so that they could continue with the young man's education. Brian listened, but there was no sound in the loft save for the traffic noise from the street below and he got out of bed and wrapped his robe around him as he went looking for Justin, but unable to find him, Brian realized there was only one place Justin could be. Peering into the bottle, Brian could make out Justin's form and he saw how Justin shivered as he lay there, naked except for Brian's shirt and curled in a ball. Brian swallowed; the kid looked so pitiful and sensing the older man's presence, Justin opened his eyes. Though so tiny, he could see Justin's eyes shining with tears and Brian placed his hand against the bottle. From inside, Justin had been disturbed by the movement and then he saw Brian's hand against the glass and reaching out, he placed his own hand against his prison wall; a hand so minute by comparison. Brian couldn't hear it, but he saw the sob that emitted from the blond and then how Justin withdrew and curled back into himself and shut himself off. Finally, Brian understood how it must have been for Justin to be imprisoned so. But oh, such cruelty in allowing the young man periods of freedom only to have it snatched away like this. For the first time in his life, Brian felt another person's despair; so real it made his chest hurt with the pain, but that must be small compared to how Justin would have felt. His anger increasing, Brian moved away from the glass, unable to watch Justin's helplessness and desperation any longer and wondered how long the bottle would keep him prisoner this time. Brian would try and convince himself that he was pissed merely because he and Justin had been parted before they had a chance to make love and not knowing when the kid would be set free again, though Brian, of course, didn't make love, he fucked. But somehow, that description didn't seem appropriate for what he wanted to do with Justin. Fucking sounded cold and clinical and making love sounded sentimental and romantic. If only there was something in between. But regardless of how you label it, and however much in the past Brian had denied his feelings for anyone, he hated the thought of Justin having to live his life like this; for both of them to live this way. Brian wouldn't or couldn't admit it yet, but Justin was becoming increasingly important to him. Brian didn't know exactly the relationship he wanted with him, only that he wanted Justin in his life somehow, and not when some stupid fucking bottle decided it. To be continued. Many thanks to Lois for all her help and to Lois and Judy for their continued friendship.