Chapter 5: Justin had spent the day with his Mother and Molly. Coming to the end of their stay at “Green Pastures”, Jennifer was determined to at least spend a little time with her son, with the thought at the back of her mind that this might indeed be the very last time that she had both her children together on a family vacation. Justin was growing up so fast; too fast for her liking. Where had that little boy gone: the one that had come away with her just two short weeks ago? And keeping him close to her was also a way of keeping him away from Brian. Justin himself had to admit that he’d spent very little time with his family and Molly had missed him. She loved her big brother dearly, despite the usual sibling arguments and his insistence on calling her “Mollusk” at every opportunity; something he did with a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye. The young man was missing Brian terribly and his thoughts kept returning to him constantly. But Justin knew he would be busy with the arrangements for the end of season dance and he didn’t want to be a distraction; that wasn’t fair. Brian so wanted to end the season properly, despite the fact that he still had no idea what he was going to be doing once this engagement had ended. But Justin hoped to catch a little time with him during the evening and was looking forward to them spending the night together. And subsequently, he was blissfully unaware of the circumstances that Brian now found himself in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having left Richard Tuckerman’s office, Brian had gone straight to his room and poured himself a large drink. He sat on the bed; what the fuck was he going to tell Lindsay? Because of him, she now wouldn’t get the bonus that he knew would have been so useful for helping to meet some of the baby’s expenses and they would have to pack up and leave immediately. No bonus; no dance; no last night with Justin. He should find the blond and tell him, but Brian’s dismay at having once again been judged guilty for something he didn’t do took him right back to square one; for all Justin’s insistence that nothing else mattered but how they felt about each other; that everyone else could go to hell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After lunch the Taylor’s, along with Todd and his children, were joined by Daphne, who had decided to dump Billy. She’d caught up with him unexpectedly behind the kitchens during his break and had found him sweet-talking a waitress and trying to kiss her. He’d tried to explain himself away, but Daphne didn’t stick around long enough to hear his feeble excuses and it was late by the time they returned to their lodges to get showered and dressed to go over for dinner and then on to the hall for the last dance of the season, there being an open invitation for the whole family, not just the kids, and with only the youngest staying behind in the care of the sitter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Where the hell did Brian go?” asked Debbie, looking around. She was tying off several balloons and she handed them to Carl who, perched on a ladder, attached them to the ceiling. It had been almost two hours since they’d last seen Brian and the hall was almost complete. “I was wondering that,” answered Lindsay. “I think I’ll go and see what’s happened to him”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not finding anyone over at the office, Lindsay decided to look for Brian up in his room and the door wasn’t quite closed when she arrived and she slowly pushed it open, only to find Brian packing his gear. “Hey, we don’t have to do that for another day or two. Why didn’t you come back to the hall? Brian …” and as Brian refused to turn around and acknowledge her, she sat on the bed beside the suitcase he was packing and looked up at him. Brian started to fold a shirt, but suddenly, he screwed it up into a ball and threw it in the case and he stood with his hands on his waist, looking at the floor and Lindsay could see how upset he was. “Did you have a fight with Justin?” she asked him. “No,” he answered. “It’s nothing to do with Justin. I should have come right back, Lindz … but I couldn’t face you and the guys” and Brian sat down on the bed beside her. “You remember Mrs. Kramer … Cindy?” he asked and Lindsay grinned. “The one who had her eye on you all summer?” “Yeah, that’s the one”, smiled Brian briefly. “Well … she came on to me last night when I was up here with Justin and when I knocked her back she went running to the boss … accused me of assaulting her ..” “What?” exclaimed Lindsay, horrified, but Brian continued. “…and the fucking management believed every word she said and I should be grateful … apparently … that she’s not going to the Police”. “Oh, Brian, that’s terrible … she had no right to do that to you. Just as well we’re out of here in a couple of days”, but Brian shook his head. “We … I have to leave now. We don’t get to do the dance and there’ll be no bonus. Sorry, Lindz … that means you won’t get it either and I know how much you could have used it …” and Lindsay put her arm through Brian’s; the money was the last thing that concerned her right now and she needed to reassure him of that. “I wasn’t too dependent on the money, Brian … Mel’s earning now … it’ll be a little tough, but we’ll be okay. But what about you? You were depending on that cash to move on …” “Yeah, well it looks like it’ll be on the assembly line for me after all” he said quietly and Lindsay slipped her hand into his and squeezed it. “No it doesn’t … you’ll find a way ..” but Brian wasn’t listening. “That’s what I get for expecting too much … every time I think I’m getting ahead … the rug just keeps getting pulled out from under me”. “At least you have Justin,” reminded Lindsay. “He cares about you”. “You think?” replied Brian. “A no-hoper like me? No … he can do so much better Lindsay. This is probably for the best. I’ll get my gear together and head off …” “What … without even saying goodbye? You can’t do that to him, Brian … it’ll break his heart”. “Well it might as well be now than any further down the road. The sooner he forgets about me the better” and Brian got up and moved to the closet and started to empty out the last of his clothes. Maybe Justin would forget him in time; but could he forget about he blond? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone had gone back to their lodges or on to dinner when Lindsay had returned to the hall to find Mel and explain to her what had happened. She hated leaving Brian on his own, but she decided she couldn’t let things rest without trying to speak up for him and she now headed for the restaurant; Mel with her for support. Seated at their dinner table, the extended Taylor party had just started their meal and Mr. Tuckerman was moving through the room. Every evening, he would appear in the restaurant and go from table to table, asking the guests if they found everything to their satisfaction and he’d now approached Jennifer and Todd. Suddenly, Justin saw Lindsay and Mel enter the restaurant and look around until they’d located the Manager and Lindsay made straight for him. “Mr. Tuckerman … can I speak to you … about Brian?” she asked and he turned around to face her. “I’m sorry Lindsay, the matter’s closed and I have no intention of discussing it further … especially not here. Brian has to leave tonight, but you can take a bit more time if you like. I’m sorry about the dance … I’ll just put on some music and we’ll make do the best we can. Now, if you’ll excuse me … I have guests to see to” and he moved away to another table. Seeing Mr. Tuckerman move away, Mel walked over to Lindsay. “No use huh?” she asked and Lindsay shook her head. “Lindsay,” called out Justin and he stood up and rushed around the table to her. “What was all that about Brian having to leave tonight?” “I’m sorry Justin … you shouldn’t have heard like that, but I couldn’t let things go without giving it a shot”, she answered him. “What … tell me … I don’t understand?” Lindsay sighed and spoke softly, hoping no one else would hear. “Mrs. Kramer accused Brian of assaulting her last night. Mr. Tuckerman has told him he has to leave without getting to do the dance and that he won’t get his end of season bonus. It doesn’t look like anything’s going to change his mind … so I think I’ll head back and start packing myself. I’m sorry Justin … I really am” and she kissed him on the cheek and smiled faintly as she and Mel left. Justin was heartbroken. Brian was being falsely accused and would have to leave before they’d had the chance to spend at least one more night together; before they could talk about the future and make some plans. “Justin … your meal’s getting cold,” said Jennifer, putting a hand on his arm. She’d heard his conversation with Lindsay and was inwardly relieved that Brian was leaving, but she was appalled to see the tears that now formed in her son’s eyes. “Mom, Brian didn’t do anything to Mrs. Kramer … I know … I was there when she came up to his room … I heard everything she said … she came on to him … she wouldn’t leave him alone …” “JUSTIN, stop. This isn’t the place for this … I think we better go back to the lodge” and Jennifer turned to Todd to excuse them and she asked Daphne to take care of Molly and they walked back in silence; only speaking once inside the living room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Now … what are you telling me Justin?” demanded his Mother and Justin sank down onto the sofa. “I was with Brian up in his room when Mrs. Kramer came to the door. She came on to him Mom … not the other way around and when Brian told her he didn’t want anything to do with her .. she just … fell over. She’d been drinking and was pretty pissed that he knocked her back”. “Brian wouldn’t try anything with her … he’s gay … like me” and Jennifer closed her eyes. Here was the admission she’d been waiting for, even though if she really thought about it she’d known all along; She knew he’d been with Brian at least one night and probably every night since they’d met. “Justin, this man is using you … why can’t you see that?” exclaimed Jennifer. “He’s got Lindsay pregnant and once the season is over he doesn’t care what happens to her and the baby. He was going off God knows where any how …” “MOM!…” “Sweetheart … he’s no good … he’s not the man you think he is. He’s … he seduced you … got what he wanted … ” and Justin got off the sofa and went over to where his Mother was standing; he had to make her believe him. “That’s not true Mom. Brian didn’t seduce me … I wanted him. He knew it was my first time … “ “Justin … I don’t think I want to hear this” interrupted his Mother and she turned away from him. It was weird enough to think of her little boy having sex at all, let alone with another man; she certainly didn’t need to picture what they did together. But Justin continued. “He was gentle and loving and patient with me … even though I was scared to death and you are so wrong about Lindsay”. “Lindsay has a partner, Melanie … they’re gonna bring the baby up together and I know Brian cares about them and is really looking forward to being a Dad. You should have heard him when he told me that she’d lost a baby already … he was really upset”. “And now they’re making him leave for something he didn’t do and it’s just so unfair. He was counting on that money and now I might never see him again … and I love him Mom … so much ..” and Justin gave into the sobs that now overtook him and Jennifer’s heart was breaking for him; seeing her son like this and she hugged him tightly. But, after just a few moments, he pulled back from her and headed for door. “I’m gonna find him .. I need to talk to him” and he left before his Mother could say anything further. Jennifer knew that if she didn’t want to lose her son, she had to let him go and she went over in her mind everything Justin had told her during the last few minutes. Maybe she had misjudged Brian. If from the start the arrangement had been that Brian would father a child for Lindsay and Melanie to raise together, she could hardly accuse him of abandoning them and it did seem as if he was going to take some interest in the child after all. She needed to know the truth before she could act any further, which is why she now went to Lindsay’s cabin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Jennifer arrived, she found Lindsay packing up her belongings and being helped by Melanie. “Hello, Lindsay … I’m sorry to hear you have to leave like this … can I talk to you?” she asked and Jennifer glanced at Mel. “Yes, of course” answered Lindsay and she put down the bag she was holding. “I don’t think you’ve met Melanie …” and the two women nodded to each other and smiled. “What can I help you with?” asked Lindsay. She could see Jennifer was struggling with something and could take a good guess as to what that might be. “It’s Justin … isn’t it?” she asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed and Jennifer nodded. “I need to know the truth about Brian. Justin says I’ve got him all wrong … that there was an arrangement between all of you about the baby. Is there?” “Well … yes … there is,” answered Lindsay and she reached out her hand and Mel took it and sat down next to her. “Mel and I wanted a baby to bring up as ours and as I’ve known Brian for several years, I asked him if he would be the Father. Thankfully … he said yes”. “He’ll be a good Dad, I know he will,” she continued, “despite the doubts he has about himself. He’s just about the most honest and forthright person I know and has offered to help support us as much as he can”. “Oh dear”, exclaimed Jennifer and she sat down in a chair opposite the girls. “It does seem as if I have misjudged him terribly. I naturally thought that … that you and he were a couple and that after getting you pregnant he was just going to abandon you at the end of the summer season”. “And then I heard about the business between him and that Kramer woman and I thought good, he’ll be leaving without influencing Justin any further” and she sighed. “But then Justin told me he was with Brian when Mrs. Kramer said he assaulted her. That Brian was gay … like him”. “That must have been very difficult for him … to tell you that,” said Mel and Jennifer nodded in agreement. “Yes” she answered, “I think it was, but to be honest, I think I’d already guessed”. “But it does prove how much he cares about Brian …” stated Lindsay “.. if he was prepared to come out to you like that” and Jennifer nodded again and clasped her hands in her lap. “Yes,” she answered. “I guess it does”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin found Brian in the studio used to give the dance lessons. He’d gone to retrieve a few of his possessions that he’d left there and was putting them into a box when the young man entered the room. “Brian …” and he saw Brian turn away. “Go away Justin … this is probably for the best … before we get in any deeper …” and Brian picked up the box to leave, but Justin went to him and took his arm to stop him. “What do you mean … aren’t we in deep enough already? I care about you … and I thought you cared about me … but you were going to leave without saying goodbye … weren’t you?” said Justin, accusingly. Clutching the box to his chest: almost using it as a shield, Brian turned to face him. “Just leaving was gonna be a whole lot easier than actually having to say goodbye”, said Brian, quietly, but that didn’t impress Justin. “That’s a cowards way out,” exclaimed the blond. “And I never took you for a coward, Brian” and with those beautiful blue eyes blazing with anger, Justin turned on his heel and left. If Brian wouldn’t do something to defend himself, then he would have to do it for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retreating to his room once more, Brian started to gather his possessions together to start taking them down to the car. He didn’t even know where he was going to sleep tonight. Even if he drove back to Pittsburgh, he’d given up his rooms when he’d taken on the job here at the resort; the rest of his gear stored at Lindz and Mel’s. He could stay with them, for a while at least, but there wouldn’t be room once the baby came and that wouldn’t be fair, in any case. The thought of going home again, with his tail between his legs and having to face his Father, appalled him. No, whatever happened he couldn’t do that. Maybe it was time to move on yet again; maybe somewhere like New York. Somewhere no one knew him; and start afresh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was while Brian was loading his car that Jennifer came to see him. Having conceded she’d been in the wrong, she wasn’t above apologising; an action which Brian was surprised at; he couldn’t ever remember a time when someone had apologised to him before. “Brian … please. Can we talk?” He’d tried to ignore her presence and had started to climb the steps back to his room, but stopped dead at her next words. “Justin has told me about the two of you” Jennifer called up to him “and I believe I owe you an apology.” Brian stopped and slowly, he turned around and walked back down the steps. “I care about him,” he stated, now facing her and Jennifer nodded in agreement. “Yes, I believe you do … but that doesn’t necessarily mean I think you’d be good for him”. “But I do believe you care about Lindsay and the baby and weren’t just going to abandon them like I thought,” she continued. “And I know you’re not capable of assaulting that woman like she accused you … that was very unfair and you shouldn’t lose your job because of it”. Brian shrugged and sat down on the hood of his car. “Yeah, I know … but they believed her over me … so there isn’t anything I can do”. “What are you going to do now?” she asked. “I’m not sure … I may head outta state …. New York maybe …” “Then good luck, Brian” said Jennifer and she genuinely meant it and she turned away, but then something crossed her mind and she turned back. “Out of curiosity” she asked, “Why didn’t you tell them you had someone with you … someone who could vouch for you?” Brian shrugged. “I just couldn’t use him like that … and besides it really wouldn’t matter. Being involved with any guest is a reason to fire me … so I guess I’m pretty much screwed either way”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having packed his car, Brian had gone along to Lindsay’s to say goodbye and Mel had given him her house keys, saying for him to go back there and they would be following on behind. He couldn’t face the gang; somehow he felt he’d let everyone down, but he promised he’d be in touch with them in a couple of days after he’d sorted out what he was going to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now the guests were starting to arrive at the hall for the end of season dance and the kids were surprised to find neither Lindsay or Brian were around and it wasn’t long before Mr. Tuckerman found he had a large group of teenagers and no idea what to do with them. He stared at the equipment; the new technology was way beyond him. Quickly and in desperation, he hurried along to Lindsay’s cabin, relieved to find she was still there and he asked her if she would come back to the hall and be the DJ for the evening. And, after much persuasion and pleading about how the kids would be so disappointed, Lindsay relented. But only after he also told her that he knew Brian wasn’t guilty of the assault; that a certain blond, blue-eyed young man had been to see him to tell him how he’d been with Brian at the time the assault was supposed to have taken place. But, he reminded her, Brian knew the rules; involvement with any guest just wasn’t allowed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the hall, standing in front of the refreshment table, Debbie shook her head. “My god, is this the best they can do?” and she and the gang surveyed the sandwiches and nibbles laid out before them and Debbie and Emmett looked at each other in disgust. They’d taken an early dinner sitting and it was at least two hours since Debbie had eaten. As Lindsay, Mel and Mr. Tuckerman hurried into the room, a cheer went up from the kids who thought Brian would be right behind them, but their disappointment returned having discovered that this wasn’t the case. Still, they were pleased to see Lindsay. “Are you sure this isn’t going to be too much for you?” asked Mel. “No”, answered Lindsay, “Brian did all the work”, and she retrieved the dance mixes from under the table that Brian had prepared in advance. “I wonder where Brian is” asked Michael, looking around. “Something probably came up,” answered Teddy, with a grin on his face. “And we all know what that usually means” said Emmett. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Justin, honey … do you want anything?” called out the woman standing beside Debbie at the table, who looked round at hearing the name to see a cute, blue-eyed blond shake his head and make his way to the stage to join Mel and Lindsay. He hadn’t wanted to come here this evening, but he’d promised his Mother and Jennifer watched him go and sighed and Debbie recognised that look: She knew. “Justin huh?” said Debbie and Jennifer turned to face her. “I’m sorry …?” “Cute kid” Debbie continued and she held out her hand. “My name’s Debbie … Debbie Novotny. I’m a friend of Brian’s … well, actually no .. the kid’s more like family … so I guess that would make me sorta like his Mom” and she smiled. Jennifer hesitated slightly before taking Debbie’s hand. “Jennifer Taylor … Justin’s Mom” and Debbie nodded and she pointed to the table where the Novotny party were sitting: the table next to Jennifer’s. “See that kid? That’s Michael … my real son. He’s gay too … he’s here with his boyfriend and a couple more friends” and she indicated some empty chairs against the wall. “Shall we?” and the two women went over to them and sat down. “I do know what you’re going through,” said Debbie. “Not easy … finding out your kid’s gay. But I always knew about my kid … in fact I told Michael, just to save him the pain from having to tell me himself”. “I guess I’ve known for some while too” admitted Jennifer. “But Brian’s several years older than Justin. He’s a man and Justin’s …” “Still a kid?” asked Debbie. “Hardly … but, if it’s any consolation, I do know how much he means to Brian. First time ever that I’ve seen that kid love struck and he’s been around the block a few times … if you know what I mean”. “He’s not had it easy,” continued Debbie. “But he’s a tough kid … honest and independent and working really hard to put himself through school … working all hours … “ “I didn’t realise”, sighed Jennifer. “Yeah … you thought he would never amount to anything didn’t you?” asked Debbie. “But I bet that kid could do anything he wanted to … if he believed it enough”. “And if he’s fallen in love with Justin like I think he has … well, you can bet your bottom dollar he’ll do his best by him. They’ll work it out … I’m sure they will”. “Well, it seems I got Brian wrong on all accounts, but I guess it’s immaterial now,” said Jennifer. “After what’s happened ... with Brian gone …” “What do you mean Brian’s gone?” asked Debbie. “Gone where?” It didn’t take too long before the rumours of Brian’s departure was circulating the hall and Debbie had taken some persuading not to go and front up to the Manager about what had happened. “Leave it Deb”, Carl had told her. “Make too much trouble and they might just end up involving the cops after all … and we don’t want that”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brian had almost reached the gates of the resort when he realised he must have at least some back pay owing and he returned to the office, just catching Mandy as she was clearing up; getting ready to close everything down over the next few days until it was time to prepare for next year’s season. “Hi Mandy … do I have any pay coming my way at all?” asked Brian. “Sure you do Brian … this month’s. I thought you’d gone … I was going to see if I could find an address and mail it to you” and she reached into the filing basket on her desk and pulled out an envelope. “Here it is, Brian … do you want Lindsay’s as well?” she asked and she handed him his envelope. “Thanks … no, that’s okay … I’m not sure when I’m gonna see Lindsay next so you better mail hers on”. Brian had just about made up his mind that he wouldn’t be hanging around in Pittsburgh longer than it took to pick up the rest of his gear. The sooner he got clear away the better; he didn’t know when he might run into the blond again. Brian looked at the envelope and then held it back out to Mandy. “Can you change this … put Lindsay’s name on it?” he asked and Mandy took the envelope from him. “Sure … we can do that, if that’s what you want” and Brian nodded and turned to leave. “I’m sorry how things worked out,” continued Mandy. “If you’d said you had a witness at the time, maybe things wouldn’t have gone this far … you never know …” and Brian hesitated and then turned back. “What do you mean … about a witness?” “Well, that young guy … Justin? He came over to see Mr. Tuckerman earlier. I heard him say he was with you when Mrs. Kramer said you assaulted her” and she grinned widely. “He’s pretty cute, Brian … you make a great couple, you know” and she picked up some files from her desk and put them in the box she was packing. Brian was stunned at the news that Justin had gone to Mr. Tuckerman to speak up for him, but suddenly he remembered the other envelope Mandy had handed him; the envelope that was still in his back pocket. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leaving the office, Brian heard the music coming from the hall and was drawn towards it. He stood watching from the shadows just outside the open doorway for a long time and the evening was now drawing to a close and Brian could see Justin by the stage with Melanie as Lindsay played the music. The kid had some guts, going to Mr. Tuckerman like that. He’d gone into battle for him; had stood in his corner. No-one had ever done that for him before and Brian knew now, without a shadow of a doubt, what it was like to be loved and he realised that Justin had given him the strength to love in return. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “This sucks … this is just so unfair” and Justin shook his head and Lindsay placed an arm around his shoulders. “I know sweetie … but as soon as we get back to Pittsburgh we’ll talk to him … get him to see you … see if we can’t get this worked out. I know he loves you … he’s just too bull-headed …” She’d come down off the stage whilst the music was playing and now she stopped speaking as she realised the kids were no longer dancing and a path had opened up through the crowd. Brian made his way up on to the stage and cut the music and the hall fell silent: everyone waiting to hear what he had to say. “You may have heard that they told me I couldn’t do the dance … you may even have heard the reason why. Well, it’s a lie and they know that now”. “ Justin … would you come up here please?” and Brian turned to the young man and held out his hand towards him. The hum of whispered voices went around the hall and Jennifer’s hand went to her mouth as she saw her son slowly climb the steps up on to the stage. She had been dancing with Todd; the adults mostly keeping to the back of the hall with the kids up near the stage and she took a pace forward; Debbie had been dancing with Carl and she reached out and put a hand on Jennifer’s arm. “Let them do this”, she whispered in Jennifer’s ear. When Justin reached him, Brian put his arm around the young man’s shoulders and turned him towards the room and continued speaking. “… and the reason they know it’s a lie … is because someone spoke up for me ... someone special … caring". "Someone who thinks how much money you have or where a person comes from isn’t important ... someone who’s shown me the sort of person I want to be ... and that’s someone who can believe in themselves and have the courage to do just about whatever it is they want to do”. “And the person who showed me that it’s okay to fall in love … is Justin”. Taking Justin’s hand, Brian faced him and spoke softly so that no one else could hear. “I don’t give a damn about me, but if you’re not ready to face people … let them know how you feel … then that’s okay”. “As for me … I don’t have the words … I can only show you how I feel”, but the smile on Justin’s face said he was ready for the whole world to know just how much he was in love. If they couldn’t accept it: then too bad. Lindsay somehow knew what was coming and had disappeared behind the stage and had sorted through some stuff that Brian had brought over earlier in the day; knowing as he did that he was going to have to clear out his room in any case once the season was over. She found what she was looking for. Brian looked back at the kids on the floor. “I couldn’t do the first dance … but I’m going to ask Justin to do the last dance with me” and he took Justin down off the stage and in to the middle of the floor. Several murmurings of disapproval echoed around the hall and a few people left. But the vast majority stayed as the kids moved apart to make space for them. Brian looked at Lindsay, who had returned to the stage and nodded, expecting her to turn on the track that the two of them had rehearsed before in preparation. Instead, she looked at Melanie who was now standing at the side of the stage and she nodded. The crackle of the old 45 was heard through the speaker system and the strains of The Drifters filled the room. Justin smiled and Brian briefly closed his eyes. It was the same track they’d made love to that first time up in Brian’s room. And though no-one else could possibly know the significance of the old song, not one person in the room could miss what these two people meant to each other and Jennifer sobbed as she watched her son dance with the man he so obviously loved with all his being; a man now publicly declaring his love in return. They turned and whirled around the floor and surely no-one could begrudge two people sharing this moment so special and, as the song came to an end, Brian brought them to a halt and in front of everyone, he kissed Justin; a kiss so tender and beguiling that no-one could doubt that these two men belonged together; Soul mates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There was absolute silence in the room as they ended the kiss and no-one knows who started it, though many will say it was probably Debbie, closely followed by the rest of the Liberty Avenue gang, but the clapping, cheering and whistling that echoed around the room grew to a deafening level and, after a few moments, Lindsay started the dance music off once more. The party wasn’t over yet. Brian and Justin could barely push their way through the crowd: with most people wishing them well and only a few who’d stayed to watch out of curiosity remaining silent. But they didn’t care; this time belonged to them and, as Brian pulled Justin outside into the shadows, the young man lent up against the wall and Brian lent in for an even longer, deeper kiss. Justin’s eyes were glistening with the tears behind them as he spoke. “Brian … these last two weeks … they’ve been wonderful … the best. I’ve had the time of my life …”and he looked away, unable to look Brian in the face. Gently, Brian put his hand under Justin’s chin and turned him round to face him. “Me too”, he whispered. “And it doesn’t have to end here” and he pulled out the envelope from his pocket. “This letter finally caught up with me … I’ve been accepted into Pitt. I’m gonna be doing sports medicine and hopefully … end up with a degree and maybe specialise in human performance. I’ve always been good at sport and fitness and could have been a pro soccer player if it hadn’t been for a knee injury.” “I wasn’t sure before, but now I really think I can do it … and it seems they think I can do it too. That’s where I’d been that day we first met ... I’d been checking out the courses available and making my application,” and the conviction in Brian’s voice: the belief in himself now so obvious as he continued. “It’s not going to be easy, I know that. But the Liberty Gym manager said I can have my old job back there …” “The bonus would have helped though, wouldn’t it?” asked Justin and Brian shrugged. “Brian”. Richard Tuckerman had stood on the sidelines and had heard everything Brian had said back in the hall, before he and Justin had danced and had followed them from the hall, intending to speak with Brian. Jennifer came to the door and whilst Brian was talking to Mr. Tuckerman, she hugged her son. “You looked wonderful dancing together … you and Brian” and she stroked his cheek. “You’re no longer my little boy, are you? You’re taking control of your own life and making your own decisions”. “I love him Mom,” said Justin; as if she were in any doubt. “I know you do” she answered him. “And if this is what you want, then I won’t object”. “Time is precious and we have so little of it,” she continued. “I found that out after having lost your Dad. So if Brian is the man you want, then you go for it … I won’t stand in your way. In fact … I may even have found a little love myself” and Jennifer turned and smiled back into the hall and waved at Todd, who waved back at her. Justin hugged his Mother tightly again before leaving her and returning to Brian. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I owe you an apology, Brian,” said Richard Tuckerman. “I’ve been asking around this evening and I’ve discovered that Cindy Kramer has annoyed a lot of wives on this resort … constantly flirting with their husbands and has it seems, worked her way through half the male staff here”. “The other half … as I understand it … you used to work your way through” and Brian smiled slightly and ran his fingers through his hair as the man continued. “Why didn’t you tell me you were gay? No, you don’t need to answer that. It’ll be … I’m not fucking you so it’s none of your goddamn business … am I right?” and Brian looked at him in surprise and the man was smiling. “I’ve heard that before … my kid brother’s said something along those lines a few times. I’m not exactly anti-gay, you know, Brian. Maybe you need to start trusting people a bit more” and Brian chuckled and looked at Justin who had now come back to his side and had put his arm through his and they turned to go back into the hall. “Here, you better have this,” said Mr. Tuckerman, holding out an envelope and Brian turned back. “What is it?” “It’s your end of season bonus … and a bit more besides by way of an apology … I’ve got Lindsay’s too. Go on … take it … you deserve it … you’ve earned it” and Brian took the envelope and smiled. “Thanks” and carefully, he put it in his pocket. “What are you doing next year?” called Mr. Tuckerman as Brian took Justin back into the hall. “Next year? … I’ve got plans,” said Brian and he took Justin’s hand and they went back to the dance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before they had a chance to object, Debbie grabbed Brian and Jennifer linked arms with her son and they were in the middle of everyone, with Todd, Daphne, Carl and the gang: kids and adults, gay and straight alike, on the dance floor and Lindsay put on another mix so that she and Mel could go down and join them. “You better save the last dance for me” called out Brian over the noise of the music and Justin grinned at him. The End Oct. 18th 2004 Note: I guess a little wishful thinking here at the end, that only more people could be so accepting. But I guess we have to live in hope that some day it will be so. Julia