Chapter 2: Molly was having a wonderful time. She’d quickly made friends with a brother and sister from the lodge next door who were a couple of years younger than her and she loved taking on the role of older sister. Their Father, Todd, a widower of two years, owned his own computer software company. He and his wife had married a little late in life, but sadly, she had succumbed to breast cancer and her loss had been devastating. This was the first vacation he’d taken with his children since her death and he was so pleased to see them smiling once more as Molly led them off to do some face painting, leaving him and Jennifer bringing up the rear, discovering their shared experiences of losing a loved one. Justin, on the other hand, was hating practically every minute of his vacation. Since running into Brian at the dance class the day before he felt he was constantly looking over his shoulder watching out for him, desperate to avoid coming into contact with him once more. He was mortified at his actions each time he was in the company of the older man. Brian’s experience scared him; he knew he would only look like a stupid kid by comparison. Daphne had tried to cheer him up by dragging him off to sunbathe by the swimming pool for most of the day and, so far, she’d avoided making any pointed remarks about how hot Brian was and she’d resisted teasing him about how the man seemed to have been taken with him, even though she’d been sorely tempted. But as he was now bringing back the milk from the store for morning coffee, Justin heard someone calling his name. “JUSTIN!” and he looked back to see Brian trotting towards him. Justin turned away and quickened his step, but the man caught him up and took him by the shoulder to stop him and turned him round to face him. “Justin, why are you avoiding me?” “I’m not”, came the reply, but the young man couldn’t meet his gaze. Brian had wanted to talk to him after the dance class had finished, but Mrs. Kramer had insisted on keeping him occupied and the blond had slipped away before he had a chance to stop him. Brian sighed. “Look, I’m sorry about what happened at the club that night. I shouldn’t have tried to take you into the back room … if you weren’t ready for it”. “Who said I wasn’t ready?” he asked, quickly looking up and Brian smiled at him and Justin closed his eyes. “It’s okay to be scared,” Brian assured him and Justin desperately tried to stop himself from blushing; how much more obvious could it be that he was still a virgin? “Were you scared?” asked Justin at last and Brian nodded. “Shitless …. but it’s okay ... we all have to start somewhere.” “Look ... there’s the kid’s disco tonight … NOT that I’m saying you’re a kid ... but will you be there?” Justin only shrugged so Brian continued. “I’ll probably be pretty busy during it, but it normally ends around 10:00 … 10:30 and afterwards …” but before Brian could finish, a familiar voice called out to him. “Brian … Oh Brian”. Mrs. Kramer had come out of the store and spotted them. Brian closed his eyes and sighed: painting a wide smile on his face before he turned around. “Mrs Kramer ... what can I do for you?” “Oh, Brian ... please call me Cindy” and she removed her sunglasses as she came up to him. “I was wondering if we could organize those dance lessons we spoke of ... I’ll make it worth your while …”, and she placed a hand on his arm. “Can we do it later, Mrs. Kramer … Cindy?” asked Brian as he removed himself from her hold and he glanced back, hoping to indicate to Justin that he wanted to continue their conversation once she’d gone, but he’d disappeared; again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rather than cook in the little kitchen in the lodge, Jennifer had decided on day one that they should dine in the resort restaurant. “I’m on vacation too”, she’d told them and, once more, they all trooped over to the main house for dinner. Billy, one of the young waiters, seemed to be taking quite an interest in Daphne, even going so far as to slip her a note during the meal and when no-one was looking, she took a peak. He was asking her if she was going to the disco that night; their exchanged smiles confirming her answer. As long as they stayed on the dance floor and under supervision, the management didn’t object to the young staff attending the discos. “Keep the guests happy”, they’d been told: “Especially the daughters!” After dinner and the inevitable guilt-trip, Jennifer had decided to take advantage of the baby-sitting service offered by the resort, having thoroughly checked out the young woman’s qualifications before doing so. She’d been talking to their neighbor, Todd, just after breakfast and it was he who’d suggested they might enjoy some adult conversation for a change and Jennifer had agreed to have a drink with him in the resort bar; Molly spending the evening with his kids in the care of the sitter and after dinner, back at the lodge, Daphne was helping her decide what to wear. “Oh my goodness ... anybody would think I was going on a date,” exclaimed Jennifer, sitting on the bed; the contents of the wardrobe laid out before her. “I didn’t bring anything really pretty ... I didn’t think I’d need to,” but then she checked herself. “This is ridiculous ... we’re only going to have a drink, after all” and Daphne sat down beside her as Jennifer’s tone became far more serious. “This is the first time I’ve done anything like this since Craig died,” she sighed. “Am I being foolish, Daphne?” she asked her. “No, Mrs. Taylor … of course you’re not. He does seem a very nice man and the kids all get on fine together”. “Yes, they do ... don’t they?” she agreed. “I think it’s good you feel you can do this … you should enjoy it”. “Yes,” sighed Jennifer. “You’re right ... but that doesn’t solve the problem of what I’m going to wear!” Eventually deciding on a pale blue blouse and navy pants, Jennifer met Todd outside the lodge, making sure the children would be just fine before going over to the bar while Daphne was still trying to talk Justin into going to the disco. “Please ... pretty please” and she’d taken his hand and was trying to pull him up off his bed. “I promise I won’t spend all the time with Billy. Besides, you-know-who will be there …” Eventually, Justin gave in and went to take a shower and change before they headed over to the hall at the rear of the house: Daphne taking him by the arm as they walked over, unable to resist teasing him at last. “You know what … for someone who didn’t want to go ... you took an awful long time to get ready” but Justin just ignored her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The disco was under way when they arrived and Billy was waiting for them at the door; making a point of telling Daphne just how pretty she looked tonight. Daphne giggled and Justin rolled his eyes as Billy took her by the arm, escorting her to the dry bar to get some cokes, before moving to the far side of the hall. This was going to be so boring. Left standing on his own, Justin surveyed the room. It was full of gawky teenagers, but then he spotted Brian and Lindsay up on the makeshift stage, sorting out the music. Brian enjoyed putting the mixes together; he always knew what was popular, but DJ patter wasn’t for him and he was quite happy for Lindsay to take over that part. Justin saw him whisper something in Lindsay’s ear and she nodded and Brian made his way to the bar and ordered a couple of cokes and Justin took a deep breath and made his way to stand beside him. “Hi” said Justin, over the noise of the music and he ordered his drink. “Hi,” replied Brian, taking a swallow from his glass and he pulled a face. “This sucks. I’ll be glad when we finish tonight and I can have a real drink. I have to take Lindsay’s back to her ... you wanna walk with me?” “Sure,” answered Justin and together they pushed their way through the crowded dance floor. Having placed Lindsay’s drink on the table beside her, Brian then lent back against the wall; Justin standing beside him. “You having a good time?” Brian asked him. “Yeah ... okay I guess” answered Justin and Brian smiled. “You sound like you’d rather be getting your teeth pulled. I’m guessing this isn’t quite your idea of a vacation ... why’d you come?” Justin took a drink from his glass before answering. “My Mom wanted a family vacation. We .. we haven’t had too many since my Dad died and I guess she thought time was running out … that I probably wouldn’t want to go away with her much more. Still, Molly’s having a great time …. that’s my little sister …. my friend Daphne seems to have found herself a boyfriend and even my Mom’s gone on a date. Well, she says it’s not a date, but the guy in the lodge next door …. he’s got a couple of kids, just a little younger than Molly …. well he asked her if she’d like to meet him for a drink and she took like forever to get ready, so that’s where she’s gone … and …. what?” Brian was almost doubled up with laughter. “Boy, once you do start to talk you don’t know when to stop ... do you?” and Justin could feel the color creeping across his face and he stared down into his glass, but he couldn’t help but smile. During the evening, Brian and Lindsay’s job required them to circulate among the kids, making sure everything was all right and that no one was doing anything they shouldn’t be and that no liquor had been sneaked in. Justin had a couple of dances with Daphne, when she remembered he was there, but otherwise, he hung around the stage with Brian and Lindsay as much as he could all evening. Between his circuits around the dance floor, Brian tried to keep a conversation going with Justin, keeping it light, asking what he was doing at school and what he’d hope to do once he graduated. The more time he was spending in the young blond’s company, the more Brian liked him. He was honest, open and trusting and still had an innocent air about him; a quality that somehow brought out an unfamiliar protective side to Brian’s nature and he hoped Justin would stay that way a lot longer than he had. Brian had lost his innocence a long time ago. Not just through having his first sexual encounter at 14, but also at the mercy of a Father who liked to use his fists. He’d learned about life’s harsh realities at a very young age, with little money and no tangible prospects to cling to. His experiences had taught him not to trust anyone and had left him wary of people getting too close, taking a long time to forge friendships, never really allowing them to see the person underneath the cool, confident façade he liked to portray. Somehow, Justin was different, regardless of his young age and despite his obvious country club set upbringing, and he was afraid that once the young man got to know him that he may not like what he found. But the fact that Brian found himself wondering why he should be so bothered about Justin’s opinion of him surprised him. He would have to be very cautious. Justin tried to draw Brian out, asking him where he was from and what sort of things he’d done as a kid. He couldn’t help but notice when Brian sidestepped any questions about his family or where he was born, hearing a slight edginess in his tone and came to the conclusion that he’d probably not had a terribly happy childhood and Justin was smart enough not to press things further. Instead, he’d answered Brian’s questions; happily chatting about how good everyone said he was at art and that he hoped to use it one day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jennifer was enjoying her evening with Todd. He was charming and very pleasant company and, once loosened up, they’d laughed together, talking about their childhoods, the movies and popular stars of their day and she was beginning to realize how much she was attracted to him. Not only that, but Todd seemed to feel the same way. Just after 10:00, Jennifer knew the evening would have to come to a close; she had a young daughter to care for. Todd had wanted to escort her back, but she wanted to take a look in at the disco to make sure the other kids were okay and so whilst Todd returned to his lodge, Jennifer made her way to where the disco was being held. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin was surprised at how quickly the evening passed by and, all too soon, the disco came to an end. Daphne and Billy had disappeared on their own some time before, so following the last dance, Justin offered to stay behind and help clear up and Brian was sorting through the mixes; putting them back in order, when Justin approached him. “I’m glad I came tonight,” he said and Brian looked at him and smiled. There was only Lindsay left in the room with them by now and Brian put his arm around the young man’s shoulders: drawing him closer to him. “I’m glad you came too,” he answered him quietly. Staring into Justin’s eyes, Brian had to stop himself from taking the blond in his arms and kissing him there and then; the closeness of him almost too much to bear and they both hesitated; their faces now so close together and Brian moved slightly even nearer towards him before Justin pulled away suddenly. “Mom … hi”. Coming into the hall, Jennifer was surprised to find the disco had already finished and the kids were gone. But then movement to one side had drawn her attention and she’d seen her son. He was standing up on the stage alongside a man in his mid-twenties who had his arm around Justin’s shoulders. They were looking at each other intently, they’re heads almost touching; and Jennifer couldn’t fail to see the look they shared. Moving away from Brian, Justin quickly jumped down from the stage as his Mother approached, hoping she hadn’t seen what had passed between him and Brian. “Hello dear … did you have a nice evening? Where’s Daphne?” she asked, looking around, but before Justin could answer, Daphne appeared at the door. She had been outside with Billy and had seen Jennifer approaching and had given him one last kiss before pulling away from him. He’d wanted her to go back to the staff quarters with him, but Daphne had refused. “I’m here, Mrs. Taylor. Did you have a nice evening?” “Why, yes, thank you Daphne I did. Are you kids ready to go now?” and, taking her son’s arm, she glanced quickly back at Brian. With Daphne beside her, Jennifer led them off back to the lodge where they would collect Molly from their neighbor’s and turn in for the night. Leaving the hall, Justin looked back at Brian and smiled. Brian smiled back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attending to Molly, Jennifer had said goodnight to Daphne and Justin, still trying to make some sense of what she’d seen earlier at the hall. She’d always known Justin was artistic and sensitive, but had hardly shown any interest in girls. Not that he didn’t have any female friends because he did, plenty of them, who obviously felt completely at ease in his presence and Jennifer had to admit that maybe she knew the reason why; that he was no threat to them in any way. But what was worrying her the most was seeing the other man being so overly familiar with him. Around 11:30, and after showering, they’d turned out the lights, but Justin couldn’t get to sleep and knew he was unlikely to get any that night. Back at the hall, he’d thought Brian was going to kiss him and his heart had been pounding fit to burst; in fact was still pounding. Hearing him tossing and turning, Daphne turned the light back on. “Justin ... what on earth’s the matter?” Justin got out of bed and grabbed his clothes and headed for the bathroom, where he quickly swapped the shorts and top he’d intended to sleep in for jeans and a clean white tee and, coming back into the bedroom, he grabbed his trainers, putting them on quickly. “Daphne ... will you cover for me? I have to go and see Brian ... please …” “Justin ... it’s getting late … what if your Mom finds out?” “She won’t ... please Daph?” “I guess so”, she answered. “Sure ... I might need you to cover for me. Billy’s asked me if I’d like to get together with him after his shift tomorrow. So if we say we’re together ... we’re both covered ... agreed?” Justin smiled and nodded. “Thanks Daphne” and quietly, he opened the window and climbed out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After clearing everything away after the disco, Brian and Lindsay had said their goodnights and returned to their separate quarters. Well away from the guest areas, Lindsay had a small but reasonably comfortable cabin, while Brian had just one large room, which included a bed, table and chairs and an old sofa and also had a small kitchen area and its own bathroom. He hadn’t been able to get Justin out of his head since the disco and had helped himself to a cold beer from the refrigerator when he’d returned to his room. Thinking about the blond, how close he’d come to kissing him, he realized he was unlikely to get too much sleep tonight and had put on some music, now laying on his bed, leaning back on the pillows and looking up at the ceiling; just the lamp on the nightstand illuminating the room. Taking a swallow from the bottle, it suddenly dawned on Brian that the passed few months had probably been the best of his life. Surprisingly, he found he was enjoying the post of keep-fit instructor and dance teacher, forgetting how horrified he’d been when he’d initially discovered the duel role and was fitter now than he’d ever been and at last able to put aside some money of his own. Money had always been in short supply, with never any left over for luxuries of any kind, in the hand-to-mouth existence he’d grown up in, and to be able to put aside funds he’d earned himself made him feel not just a little proud. A procession of young waiters had come and gone throughout the season, as was usual in the tourist industry; quite a few of whom had found their way to Brian’s quarters. And although he’d broken his fair share of hearts, there was no one special; there never had been. He’d made a rule of never fucking the same trick twice; never wanting to become familiar enough with someone who might just get close enough to see his vulnerabilities. And so far, Brian had liked it that way. But something was pulling him towards Justin; a little blond twink several years younger than he was and Brian couldn’t quite work out the reason why: his thoughts returning to him once more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guests weren’t allowed in the staff quarters; the notice said so. But it didn’t take Justin long to locate him. It was still very warm and Brian’s windows were open and Justin could hear music playing faintly on the night’s breeze. Climbing the steps to the first floor and crossing the veranda, he softly tapped on the door; waiting just a few moments before he saw the light come on through the window and the door was opened. Brian smiled; he wasn’t totally surprised to find Justin standing there. “I kinda thought you might show up,” he said as he turned around and walked back into the room and the young man stepped just inside. Brian looked back over his shoulder. “You wanna close the door?” and slowly, Justin turned around and did as he was asked, closing his eyes as he did so; knowing this time there was no going back. But, still unsure of himself: still confused as to why he was there, Justin ventured no further. Brian was wearing washed out jeans and was barefoot; a light sheen of sweat coating his chest and back and he moved towards the small refrigerator. “You wanna drink of anything” he asked him. “No … no thanks” answered Justin and Brian took another beer from the refrigerator and opened it. “I think it’s getting hotter,” and he rolled the ice-cold bottle first across his forehead and then over his chest, closing his eyes as he did so; enjoying the coolness. Justin watched Brian’s movements. The man was so beautiful and he knew it. But somehow that didn’t detract from his allure and Justin realized he too was now sweating. Brian opened his eyes and they stood looking at each other for several minutes: yards apart, before Brian finally spoke. “Well ... are you coming or going … or coming and going … or coming and staying?” Justin bit his bottom lip before crossing the floor between them. The CD had finished and in the silence, Brian watched him approach; with that same blond hair, fair skin and wonderful blue eyes that had attracted him so much back at Babylon all those months before. Now putting down his beer, Brian put his hand beneath Justin’s chin, tilting his head up to face him. “You’re not going to run out on me this time, are you?” he whispered. In one motion, Brian caught hold of the hem of Justin’s tee and pulled it up over the young man’s head, discarding it onto the floor. Justin was shaking: taken aback by Brian’s actions; his whole body tensing up as Brian ran his hand down the young man’s chest and popped the button on Justin’s jeans. Unused to such intimacy, Justin had wanted to pull away; to hide his embarrassment at the man’s touch and Brian drew back, sensing how acutely uncomfortable Justin was. “Tell you what ... why don’t I put on some more music?” and Brian moved away. “When I was looking to stow my gear I came across a turntable and some really great old vinyls in the cupboard,” and Brian went over to the table to pick up some old 45’s, which he put on the turntable and he turned off the overhead light. 1960’s R&B softly filled the room: Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding. “That’s really old stuff” smiled Justin as Brian returned to him. “True”, agreed Brian. “But I’m not sure anyone’s come up with anything better” and, with his arms circling the young man’s waist, Brian drew him in close as Justin put his arms around Brian’s neck and rested his head on his shoulder. Holding Justin, swaying gently to the music and feeling the heat from his body, Brian could smell the shampoo still lingering in Justin’s hair: the corn-colored strands glinting in the low light. Gradually, he could feel him start to relax and Brian brought his hand up to run his fingers through Justin’s hair; feeling its silkiness. With Brian’s strong arms around him, Justin gradually began to feel more at ease and totally safe, and they were contented for now to just allow the music to fill the silence between them; a silence they both seemed comfortable with. The music stopped and another record dropped onto the turntable; crackling as the needle found the groove. Justin tilted back his head and parted his lips: now ready for Brian’s kiss. Covering Justin’s pink plump lips with his mouth, Brian deepened the kiss, his tongue now entering Justin’s warm welcoming mouth, nipping the blond’s lower lip slightly when he eventually withdrew; both of them gasping for air. With The Drifters playing in the background, Brian led Justin over to the bed, where they removed their remaining clothing; Justin’s shyness still all too apparent as Brian reached for him. Justin took Brian’s hand, preventing him from touching his body. “I … I … “ and he shook his head, unable to look Brian in the eyes. The brunet smiled. “It’s okay … I understand. I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with … but I am going to teach you something. I’m going to teach you how to touch and be touched. Do you trust me?” he asked him and Justin nodded. “Touch me”, but Justin could only smile with embarrassment and look away. Gently, Brian put his hand beneath Justin’s chin and brought him round to look at him. “Touch me”, he repeated and Brian took Justin’s hand, noticing for the first time his long slender fingers. He kissed them and then held Justin’s hand against his chest. Touching Brian, feeling every rib and muscle honed to perfection by months of exercise, Justin slowly ran his hand down the man’s torso and over his flat belly, quickly withdrawing his hand once south of his navel. Brian smiled. “Why did you stop there?” and even in the low light he could see Justin blush. Laying on their sides, facing each other, Brian took Justin’s hand once more, guiding him to his cock. Trembling, Justin’s fingers closed around him, feeling his girth and his hardness; Brian’s throbbing member pressing against his hand. Brian closed his eyes; his head spinning at Justin’s gentle yet firm touch. He’d never done this with any of his tricks: the need to fuck normally so overwhelming. But Justin brought out a far gentler side to Brian’s nature; something that even he hadn’t been aware of and he gasped. He couldn’t allow this to continue any longer; he didn’t want to risk coming too soon. At Brian’s sharp intake of breath, Justin removed his hand and they both smiled and Justin lay back on the pillows. “Turn over”, Brian whispered to him and he saw Justin hesitate. “Trust me” Brian repeated and Justin rolled over. Holding the pillow under his chest, he closed his eyes as Brian moved between his legs; his heart beating fast in dreaded anticipation. Slowly, Brian licked down the length of Justin’s spine, eliciting low soft moans from him as he did so and Justin bit his bottom lip as his buttocks were parted; waiting for the invasion, groaning loudly as Brian’s tongue worked around his tight hole before pushing inside. Brian withdrew and grinned. “Now you know what rimming is”, he informed him. For several minutes, Brian slowly stroked Justin from top to toe, marveling at his soft, smooth skin and with a tenderness that both surprised and pleased the young man. Now laying on his back, Justin looked up at Brian. “Wait … at school … we had this talk about safe sex …” and Brian reached for the condoms and lube from the nightstand drawer. “Sure”, he answered him. “And here’s a practical demonstration”. Tearing open the packet with his teeth, Brian extracted the condom. “Here, why don’t you put it on me?” and he passed it to Justin, who rolled it onto Brian's cock. Brian flipped the lid on the lube and squeezed some out onto his fingers, which he spread liberally over the latex encasing him. He then reached for Justin, working some around his hole before pushing a little inside. Justin gasped. “It’s cold”. “It’ll heat up in a minute,” answered Brian. Justin gasped as Brian started to enter him. “Wait … does it always hurt this much?” Brian looked deeply into his eyes. “A little … but that’s part of it ...” “I want this to be special”, he continued. “So that whoever you’re with ... you’ll always remember it ...” and gently, Brian pushed in a little further. Justin closed his eyes tightly. This was like nothing he’d expected; to have Brian filling him, the wonderful pain and pleasure coursing through his body; his heart pounding as Brian quickened his thrusts. Brian had studied him intently, watching Justin’s face, making sure the discomfort he was bound to feel never became too painful where it would outweigh the pleasure. But he needn’t have worried as he could see the look of complete acceptance and rapture in Justin’s features as he took possession of the young man’s body; ownership that Justin gave freely. Closing his eyes, Brian quickened his thrusts; the blood pounding in his ears and he could feel the heat radiating between them as he neared his orgasm. Brian opened his eyes, meeting Justin’s gaze and the young man reached for him and drew him further in, bringing Brian’s face towards his own and he kissed him; their orgasms only a heartbeat away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was so hot and Lindsay was someone else who couldn’t sleep. On nights like this, she often went up to the porch outside Brian’s room, where she could sleep on one of the loungers there; safe in the knowledge that Brian was close by. Climbing the steps, movement inside Brian’s room had caught her eye and she stood watching them through the window for just a moment. They had looked so beautiful together, Brian holding Justin tightly, their bodies moving together and lost in the music: neither of them speaking; Brian running his fingers through the young man’s hair and she saw them kiss. As Brian led Justin to the bed, Lindsay turned around and crept back down the steps, hoping they hadn’t heard her. She prayed to god that Brian knew what he was doing. To be continued.