Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Thanks to muffin_donat2007 for the beautiful banner. Author's Note: Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter. I haven't had my laptop in weeks, so I finally had to have the person who was fixing my laptop, e-mail the chapter to me. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, and I hope it was worth the wait. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justin's POV I watch as Brian walks out of my apartment, and probably even out of my life forever. A piece of my heart has gone with him, while the rest of it, feels like it's broken into a million pieces. Jamie crawls into my lap, and so I hug my daughter tightly, taking comfort from her. I'm not sure how much time I have left with my little girl, because I know that as soon as this problem with Shane is taken care of, I'll never see Jamie again. Daphne wants to get married, and make this new man her father. But where does that leave me and my family? My mother is the only grandmother Jamie has ever known, and Molly and Kevin are the only other people besides Daphne, me, and now Brian, that Jamie is close to. On another point, with Brian being pregnant, it makes me sad that Jamie will never get to know her little brother or sister. It also makes me sad that I'll never get to really meet Brian's son Gus. Gus brings so much happiness to Brian. You can see it in the way he talks about the little boy, that the way Lindsay and Melanie treat him, hurt him more than words could ever say. I feel tears spring to my eyes. So I just take Jamie into my arms, hugging her tightly. I never want to let her go, but I need to do what is best for my little girl. It's not a good idea for her to have two parents, that while they love each other, are not in love with each other. Now I sound like a hypocrite, don't I? Well, I don't care. All that matters, is that Jamie is loved and taken care of. Even if it's not by me. That last thought nearly causes me to have a stroke, and I can't believe I thought that. Even though it's completely true. I just want my daughter to be happy and healthy. So I hug my little girl, knowing that soon she will be leaving me too, and I don't know when I'll see her again. I kiss the top of Jamie's head, and she smiles at me. I can't resist my own smile, when she gives me her version of my Sunshine smile. My heart squeezes painfully in my chest. I don't want to let Jamie go. I don't know if I'll ever see her again. She'll grow up with Daphne, and another man being her father. The thought chokes me, and so I hold back the tears that threaten to fall. I'll have to wait until they leave, to let the tears go. I feel like I'm losing everyone all at once. Jamie and I sit in silence, for what seems like eternity, but in reality is only an hour. Daphne walks into the room, and gets ready to take Jamie from me. Right before Daphne takes our little girl, I kiss the top of her head again and whisper in her ear, "I love you, my angel." Then Daphne takes Jamie from me, and as she starts to leave the room, pauses. She turns back to me and smiles sadly. "It's for the best, Justin. It really is." That's the last I see of them together. I spend the rest of the day locked in my studio painting Brian and Jamie. The next thing I know, it's hours later, and I awake to the sound of pounding on my studio door. I bolt up, and quickly unlock and open the door. Molly is standing before me, and by the look on her face, I know that something has happened to someone I care about. "Daphne and Jamie were in a car accident. I'm sorry Justin. We just got a call from Allegheny General, in Pittsburgh." Molly falls silent, and for some reason, I know that there is more to the story than what she is telling me. Kevin puts an arm around my sister, and he continues for her. "It was Shane. He knew that Daphne would get sick and tired of staying here in New York, so he went back to Pittsburgh, and waited for her to return. The accident happened last night. Daphne's in shock, and... Jamie didn't make it." His words pierce through me, and I feel myself closing down. It's the only way that I can self protect, to close down. I school my features so that I look normal. "Thank you," I say to both Kevin and Molly, for telling me what has happened. Then I walk over to my computer and turn it on. As I wait for it to boot up, Kevin tells me they will all come with me back to Pittsburgh. I nod, and then when my computer comes on, I book six flights back to Pittsburgh. The next flight leaves in two hours. So all of us pack our things, and then we go to the airport and wait for our flight. The flight is long and boring, and filled with fear and worry. When we arrive, I wait impatiently to exit the plane. When we get off, Terri and Mitch lead us through security, and through the airport quickly. I tell Mitch to bring my family to my house, and ask Terri to come with me to see about Daphne. We split up into groups, and rent two cars. My family and Mitch go to my house, while Terri and I go to see about Daphne. I get to Allegheny General, and find out that the staff had to knock Daphne out, since she was so hysterical. The staff has called her boyfriend to come and take care of her, but they need me to set everything up for Jamie's funeral. I quickly take care of things, before leaving Allegheny. Before heading home Terri and I head to the diner. I need a coffee, and a smile from Deb. However, as we walk inside, the entire diner goes quiet. Then I look up, and Debbie comes running toward me. She pulls me into a hug, and starts telling me that she's sorry about Jamie. I stiffen in her arms, and ask how she knows. Debbie lets me go, and she grabs a newspaper from a nearby customer. She thrusts it into my hands, and I read the headline that is in bold capital letters: JAMIE TAYLOR, DAUGHTER OF FAMOUS ARTIST JUSTIN TAYLOR DIES IN CAR ACCIDENT. I can't breathe suddenly, and so I drop the newspaper onto the table, and push Debbie away from me. I need to get out of here. So I turn away from Debbie, and I quickly start from the diner. As I reach the door, and bolt through it, I run into someone, only I don't look up to see who it is. I just bolt for my car, with Terri trailing after me, and I start for my apartment. I can't believe someone printed that in their newspaper. Don't they have any respect? I guess not. Before I know it, I'm pulling up in front of my apartment, and I'm pissed off as hell. Molly and Kevin exchange a look as I pass them, leaving them and Terri behind, but they don't say anything.