Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Thanks to muffin_donat2007 for the beautiful banner, and our beta's. Also, thanks to everyone who has reviewed. Justin's POV I hear Brian and the doctor arguing, and I know that he doesn't want to stay here. Hell, who the fuck would? So I continue to listen to them argue for a few minutes, before I step in. "I'll do it." Brian turns to me, and flashes me a grateful look. The doctor stares at me, and starts to say that he thinks it's a bad idea, since I'm injured as well. I flash the doctor a glare, and then say, "I'm not a fucking invalid. I can help someone take a piss if they need it. Just sign the fucking papers, so we can get out of here." Dr. Freeman looks like he wants to argue some more, but I just point to the door. He gets my meaning, and leaves to go sign Brian's papers. "Thanks." I turn back to Brian, when he speaks. "What for? I figure that if a person doesn't want to stay here, they shouldn't have to." Brian nods at my words, and then he says, "I need to get my wallet back from them, so that I can check into a hotel." I shake my head no at him. He stares at me with a confused expression on his face. "You can stay with me and my family in my apartment." Brian starts to shake his head no again, but I cut him off. "Do you want me to tell the doctor to make you stay here?" He glares at me, and just by his reaction, I know that I've won. Dr. Freeman comes back into the room, and checks us over one last time. Then he says we are free to go. As we walk out of the hospital, I flip open my cell phone and press speed dial 2. Daphne picks up a moment later. "Hello?" I smile and then say, "Daph, I need you and Jamie to come and pick up Brian and me." She agrees, and then says she's on her way. I hang up my cell phone, and then look at Brian. "Don't you need to call that Lindsay woman, or something? She'll probably want to know that you've been in an accident so that she can set everything up." Brian gets that confused look on his face again. I scoff. "Please, I saw the way that woman treats you. Like you're just the sperm donor. You need to remind Lindsay that if it wasn't for you, she wouldn't even fucking have Gus in the first place." I feel myself start to get angry on Brian's behalf, and I don't really know why. I haven't known this man very long, but something tells me that a lot of times in his life, he's been treated unfairly. I'm pulled out of my thoughts though, when Daphne and Jamie arrive. We slowly and carefully, with help from Daphne, get into the back seat. Brian sits in the middle, to the right of Jamie, and the left of me. I slowly get into the back seat as well, and then we put our seat belts on. Daphne makes sure we are okay, and then starts the car. As we start on our way to my apartment, I can tell Brian is fighting a smirk. So I say, "At least it's not my yellow van." Brian rolls his eyes and then says, "It's a yellow convertible." I smirk and then say, "You were expecting something else?" Brian shakes his head in amusement, and I turn to Jamie. I kiss the top of her head and then say, "How are you feeling?" Jamie lets out a small yawn, and then says, "I have some ouchies. They hurt, daddy. They're purple, too. Will they always hurt?" I shake my head no, and then say, "No, Jamie. Your ouchies are called bruises, and they won't always hurt. In a few days, or weeks, they will go away. Now try and get some rest." She smiles at me, and then looks at Brian. "Good night Mr. Brian." I look at Brian, who looks surprised. Then he replies softly, "Good night, Jamie." The car is silent a moment, before I repeat my earlier question to Brian. "Are you going to call your son's mother, or not?" Brian rolls his eyes at me, but I don't care. "You're a persistent little shit, aren't you?" I smile and say, "You have no idea." I hear a snort of laughter come from the front seat, and then Daphne says, "Persistent? Brian, that would be the least of your worries. He likes to talk nonstop, and never bring him to an art gallery." I rest my head on the seat, and then say to Daphne, "Bitch. You're supposed to be on my side." Daphne laughs, and then says, "Please, Taylor. I'm just warning Brian about what he's getting into, by knowing you." I roll my eyes again. Then laughing, I say, "Fuck you, Daph." Daphne laughs too, and then says, "That's fifty cents you owe Jamie. Two words you used, that you shouldn't have." I sigh, and then point out that it doesn't matter. "It doesn't count. Jamie is sleeping, so she didn't hear what I said." I look at Brian, and he's just watching the easy exchange between Daphne and me, with undisguised amusement. Shaking his head, he says, "You two must have been a handful growing up." I smile innocently, and then say, "Why Brian, we have no idea what you're talking about." Daphne pulls up at my apartment, right as Brian replies. "Yeah right, like I believe that." Daphne and I laugh, and we get out of the car as well. Daphne unbuckles Jamie from her seat, and then goes and unlocks the door to my apartment. A few minutes later, Brian and I walk inside, and I groan. My place is sparkling clean. I know that my mom, Molly, and Daphne, must have thrown all my art and supplies into a closet. Groaning softly, I remind myself, that they were just trying to make room. Sighing softly, I motion for Brian to take a seat on the sofa, while I take a seat on one of the chairs. Daphne returns a few moments later, and announces that Jamie is out like a light. For a few minutes, the apartment is silent, no one knowing what to say.